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- -------------------
- Preprocessor definitions for compiling a source file.
- The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-separated
- list of preprocessor definitions using the syntax VAR or VAR=value.
- Function-style definitions are not supported. CMake will
- automatically escape the value correctly for the native build system
- (note that CMake language syntax may require escapes to specify some
- values). This property may be set on a per-configuration basis using
- the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CONFIG> where <CONFIG> is an upper-case
- CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not supported
- by the native build tool. Xcode does not support per-configuration
- definitions on source files.
- .. include:: /include/COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DISCLAIMER.txt
- Contents of ``COMPILE_DEFINITIONS`` may use "generator expressions"
- with the syntax ``$<...>``. See the :manual:`cmake-generator-expressions(7)`
- manual for available expressions. However, :generator:`Xcode`
- does not support per-config per-source settings, so expressions
- that depend on the build configuration are not allowed with that
- generator.
- Generator expressions should be preferred instead of setting the alternative per-configuration
- property.