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- CMP0052
- -------
- Reject source and build dirs in installed INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.
- CMake 3.0 and lower allowed subdirectories of the source directory or build
- directory to be in the :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` of
- installed and exported targets, if the directory was also a subdirectory of
- the installation prefix. This makes the installation depend on the
- existence of the source dir or binary dir, and the installation will be
- broken if either are removed after installation.
- See :ref:`Include Directories and Usage Requirements` for more on
- specifying include directories for targets.
- The OLD behavior for this policy is to export the content of the
- :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` with the source or binary
- directory. The NEW behavior for this
- policy is to issue an error if such a directory is used.
- This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.1.
- CMake version |release| warns when the policy is not set and uses
- ``OLD`` behavior. Use the :command:`cmake_policy` command to set it
- to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly.
- .. include:: DEPRECATED.txt