123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299 |
- .. cmake-manual-description: CMake Generator Expressions
- cmake-generator-expressions(7)
- ******************************
- .. only:: html
- .. contents::
- Introduction
- ============
- Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to produce
- information specific to each build configuration.
- Generator expressions are allowed in the context of many target properties,
- such as :prop_tgt:`LINK_LIBRARIES`, :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`,
- :prop_tgt:`COMPILE_DEFINITIONS` and others. They may also be used when using
- commands to populate those properties, such as :command:`target_link_libraries`,
- :command:`target_include_directories`, :command:`target_compile_definitions`
- and others.
- This means that they enable conditional linking, conditional
- definitions used when compiling, and conditional include directories and
- more. The conditions may be based on the build configuration, target
- properties, platform information or any other queryable information.
- Logical Expressions
- ===================
- Logical expressions are used to create conditional output. The basic
- expressions are the ``0`` and ``1`` expressions. Because other logical
- expressions evaluate to either ``0`` or ``1``, they can be composed to
- create conditional output::
- expands to ``DEBUG_MODE`` when the ``Debug`` configuration is used, and
- otherwise expands to nothing.
- Available logical expressions are:
- ``$<BOOL:...>``
- ``1`` if the ``...`` is true, else ``0``
- ``$<AND:?[,?]...>``
- ``1`` if all ``?`` are ``1``, else ``0``
- The ``?`` must always be either ``0`` or ``1`` in boolean expressions.
- ``$<OR:?[,?]...>``
- ``0`` if all ``?`` are ``0``, else ``1``
- ``$<NOT:?>``
- ``0`` if ``?`` is ``1``, else ``1``
- ``$<IF:?,true-value...,false-value...>```
- ``true-value...`` if ``?`` is ``1``, ``false-value...`` if ``?`` is ``0``
- ``$<STREQUAL:a,b>``
- ``1`` if ``a`` is STREQUAL ``b``, else ``0``
- ``$<EQUAL:a,b>``
- ``1`` if ``a`` is EQUAL ``b`` in a numeric comparison, else ``0``
- ``$<CONFIG:cfg>``
- ``1`` if config is ``cfg``, else ``0``. This is a case-insensitive comparison.
- The mapping in :prop_tgt:`MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>` is also considered by
- this expression when it is evaluated on a property on an :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED`
- target.
- ``$<PLATFORM_ID:comp>``
- ``1`` if the CMake-id of the platform matches ``comp``, otherwise ``0``.
- ``$<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>``
- ``1`` if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches ``comp``, otherwise ``0``.
- ``$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>``
- ``1`` if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches ``comp``, otherwise ``0``.
- ``$<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>``
- ``1`` if ``v1`` is a version less than ``v2``, else ``0``.
- ``$<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>``
- ``1`` if ``v1`` is a version greater than ``v2``, else ``0``.
- ``$<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>``
- ``1`` if ``v1`` is the same version as ``v2``, else ``0``.
- ``$<VERSION_LESS_EQUAL:v1,v2>``
- ``1`` if ``v1`` is a version less than or equal to ``v2``, else ``0``.
- ``1`` if ``v1`` is a version greater than or equal to ``v2``, else ``0``.
- ``1`` if the version of the C compiler matches ``ver``, otherwise ``0``.
- ``1`` if the version of the CXX compiler matches ``ver``, otherwise ``0``.
- ``$<TARGET_POLICY:pol>``
- ``1`` if the policy ``pol`` was NEW when the 'head' target was created,
- else ``0``. If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy
- will be emitted. This generator expression only works for a subset of
- policies.
- ``$<COMPILE_FEATURES:feature[,feature]...>``
- ``1`` if all of the ``feature`` features are available for the 'head'
- target, and ``0`` otherwise. If this expression is used while evaluating
- the link implementation of a target and if any dependency transitively
- increases the required :prop_tgt:`C_STANDARD` or :prop_tgt:`CXX_STANDARD`
- for the 'head' target, an error is reported. See the
- :manual:`cmake-compile-features(7)` manual for information on
- compile features and a list of supported compilers.
- ``$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:lang>``
- ``1`` when the language used for compilation unit matches ``lang``,
- otherwise ``0``. This expression may be used to specify compile options,
- compile definitions, and include directories for source files of a
- particular language in a target. For example:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- add_executable(myapp main.cpp foo.c bar.cpp zot.cu)
- target_compile_options(myapp
- PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:-fno-exceptions>
- )
- target_compile_definitions(myapp
- )
- target_include_directories(myapp
- PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:/opt/foo/cxx_headers>
- )
- This specifies the use of the ``-fno-exceptions`` compile option,
- ``COMPILING_CXX`` compile definition, and ``cxx_headers`` include
- directory for C++ only (compiler id checks elided). It also specifies
- a ``COMPILING_CUDA`` compile definition for CUDA.
- Note that with :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` and :generator:`Xcode` there
- is no way to represent target-wide compile definitions or include directories
- separately for ``C`` and ``CXX`` languages.
- Also, with :ref:`Visual Studio Generators` there is no way to represent
- target-wide flags separately for ``C`` and ``CXX`` languages. Under these
- generators, expressions for both C and C++ sources will be evaluated
- using ``CXX`` if there are any C++ sources and otherwise using ``C``.
- A workaround is to create separate libraries for each source file language
- instead:
- .. code-block:: cmake
- add_library(myapp_c foo.c)
- add_library(myapp_cxx bar.cpp)
- target_compile_options(myapp_cxx PUBLIC -fno-exceptions)
- add_executable(myapp main.cpp)
- target_link_libraries(myapp myapp_c myapp_cxx)
- Informational Expressions
- =========================
- These expressions expand to some information. The information may be used
- directly, eg::
- include_directories(/usr/include/$<CXX_COMPILER_ID>/)
- expands to ``/usr/include/GNU/`` or ``/usr/include/Clang/`` etc, depending on
- the Id of the compiler.
- These expressions may also may be combined with logical expressions::
- expands to ``OLD_COMPILER`` if the
- than 4.2.0.
- Available informational expressions are:
- Configuration name. Deprecated. Use ``CONFIG`` instead.
- ``$<CONFIG>``
- Configuration name
- ``$<PLATFORM_ID>``
- The CMake-id of the platform.
- See also the :variable:`CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME` variable.
- ``$<C_COMPILER_ID>``
- The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
- See also the :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID` variable.
- The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
- See also the :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID` variable.
- The version of the C compiler used.
- See also the :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_VERSION` variable.
- The version of the CXX compiler used.
- See also the :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_VERSION` variable.
- ``$<TARGET_FILE:tgt>``
- Full path to main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a) where ``tgt`` is the name of a target.
- ``$<TARGET_FILE_NAME:tgt>``
- Name of main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a).
- ``$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt>``
- Directory of main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a).
- File used to link (.a, .lib, .so) where ``tgt`` is the name of a target.
- Name of file used to link (.a, .lib, .so).
- Directory of file used to link (.a, .lib, .so).
- File with soname (.so.3) where ``tgt`` is the name of a target.
- Name of file with soname (.so.3).
- Directory of with soname (.so.3).
- ``$<TARGET_PDB_FILE:tgt>``
- Full path to the linker generated program database file (.pdb)
- where ``tgt`` is the name of a target.
- See also the :prop_tgt:`PDB_NAME` and :prop_tgt:`PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`
- target properties and their configuration specific variants
- :prop_tgt:`PDB_NAME_<CONFIG>` and :prop_tgt:`PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG>`.
- Name of the linker generated program database file (.pdb).
- ``$<TARGET_PDB_FILE_DIR:tgt>``
- Directory of the linker generated program database file (.pdb).
- ``$<TARGET_BUNDLE_DIR:tgt>``
- Full path to the bundle directory (``my.app``, ``my.framework``, or
- ``my.bundle``) where ``tgt`` is the name of a target.
- Full path to the bundle content directory where ``tgt`` is the name of a
- target. For the macOS SDK it leads to ``my.app/Contents``, ``my.framework``,
- or ``my.bundle/Contents``. For all other SDKs (e.g. iOS) it leads to
- ``my.app``, ``my.framework``, or ``my.bundle`` due to the flat bundle
- structure.
- ``$<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>``
- Value of the property ``prop`` on the target ``tgt``.
- Note that ``tgt`` is not added as a dependency of the target this
- expression is evaluated on.
- ``$<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>``
- Value of the property ``prop`` on the target on which the generator
- expression is evaluated.
- Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via
- :command:`install(EXPORT)` and empty otherwise.
- The compile language of source files when evaluating compile options. See
- the unary version for notes about portability of this generator
- expression.
- Output Expressions
- ==================
- These expressions generate output, in some cases depending on an input. These
- expressions may be combined with other expressions for information or logical
- comparison::
- generates a string of the entries in the :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES` target
- property with each entry preceded by ``-I``. Note that a more-complete use
- in this situation would require first checking if the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES
- property is non-empty::
- $<$<BOOL:${prop}>:-I$<JOIN:${prop}, -I>>
- where ``${prop}`` refers to a helper variable::
- Available output expressions are:
- ``$<0:...>``
- Empty string (ignores ``...``)
- ``$<1:...>``
- Content of ``...``
- ``$<JOIN:list,...>``
- Joins the list with the content of ``...``
- ``$<ANGLE-R>``
- A literal ``>``. Used to compare strings which contain a ``>`` for example.
- ``$<COMMA>``
- A literal ``,``. Used to compare strings which contain a ``,`` for example.
- ``$<SEMICOLON>``
- A literal ``;``. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ``;``.
- ``$<TARGET_NAME:...>``
- Marks ``...`` as being the name of a target. This is required if exporting
- targets to multiple dependent export sets. The ``...`` must be a literal
- name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
- ``$<LINK_ONLY:...>``
- Content of ``...`` except when evaluated in a link interface while
- propagating :ref:`Target Usage Requirements`, in which case it is the
- empty string.
- Intended for use only in an :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES` target
- property, perhaps via the :command:`target_link_libraries` command,
- to specify private link dependencies without other usage requirements.
- Content of ``...`` when the property is exported using :command:`install(EXPORT)`,
- and empty otherwise.
- ``$<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>``
- Content of ``...`` when the property is exported using :command:`export`, or
- when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to
- the empty string otherwise.
- ``$<LOWER_CASE:...>``
- Content of ``...`` converted to lower case.
- ``$<UPPER_CASE:...>``
- Content of ``...`` converted to upper case.
- ``$<MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER:...>``
- Content of ``...`` converted to a C identifier.
- ``$<TARGET_OBJECTS:objLib>``
- List of objects resulting from build of ``objLib``. ``objLib`` must be an
- object of type ``OBJECT_LIBRARY``.
- ``$<SHELL_PATH:...>``
- Content of ``...`` converted to shell path style. For example, slashes are
- converted to backslashes in Windows shells and drive letters are converted
- to posix paths in MSYS shells. The ``...`` must be an absolute path.