CTestCustom.cmake.in 6.1 KB

  2. "ERROR:")
  4. "xtree.[0-9]+. : warning C4702: unreachable code"
  5. "warning LNK4221"
  6. "warning LNK4204" # Occurs by race condition with objects in small libs
  7. "variable .var_args[2]*. is used before its value is set"
  8. "jobserver unavailable"
  9. "warning: \\(Long double usage is reported only once for each file"
  10. "warning: To disable this warning use"
  11. "could not be inlined"
  12. "libcmcurl.*has no symbols"
  13. "not sorted slower link editing will result"
  14. "stl_deque.h:479"
  15. "Utilities.cmzlib."
  16. "Utilities.cmbzip2."
  17. "Source.CTest.Curl"
  18. "Source.CursesDialog.form"
  19. "Utilities.cmcurl"
  20. "Utilities.cmexpat."
  21. "Utilities.cmlibarchive"
  22. "warning: declaration of .single. shadows a global declaration"
  23. "/usr/include.*(warning|note).*shadowed declaration is here"
  24. "/usr/bin/ld.*warning.*-..*directory.name.*bin.*does not exist"
  25. "Redeclaration of .send..... with a different storage class specifier"
  26. "is not used for resolving any symbol"
  27. "Clock skew detected"
  28. "remark\\(1209"
  29. "remark: .*LOOP WAS VECTORIZED"
  30. "warning .980: wrong number of actual arguments to intrinsic function .std::basic_"
  31. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*ADVAPI32.dll.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  32. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*CRYPT32.dll.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  33. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*PSAPI.DLL.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  34. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*RPCRT4.dll.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  35. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*SHELL32.dll.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  36. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*USER32.dll.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  37. "LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to.*ole32.dll.*discarded by /OPT:REF"
  38. "Warning.*: .*/Utilities/KWIML/test/test_int_format.h.* # Redundant preprocessing concatenation"
  39. "Warning: library was too large for page size.*"
  40. "Warning: public.*_archive_.*in module.*archive_*clashes with prior module.*archive_.*"
  41. "Warning: public.*BZ2_bz.*in module.*bzlib.*clashes with prior module.*bzlib.*"
  42. "Warning: public.*_archive.*clashes with prior module.*"
  43. "Warning: LINN32: Last line.*is less.*"
  44. "Warning: Olimit was exceeded on function.*"
  45. "Warning: To override Olimit for all functions in file.*"
  46. "Warning: Function .* can throw only the exceptions thrown by the function .* it overrides\\."
  47. "WarningMessagesDialog\\.cxx"
  48. "warning.*directory name.*CMake-Xcode.*/bin/.*does not exist.*"
  49. "stl_deque.h:1051"
  50. "(Lexer|Parser).*warning.*conversion.*may (alter its value|change the sign)"
  51. "(Lexer|Parser).*warning.*(statement is unreachable|will never be executed)"
  52. "(Lexer|Parser).*warning.*variable.*was set but never used"
  53. "PGC-W-0095-Type cast required for this conversion.*ProcessUNIX.c"
  54. "[Qq]t([Cc]ore|[Gg]ui|[Ww]idgets).*warning.*conversion.*may alter its value"
  55. "warning:.*is.*very unsafe.*consider using.*"
  56. "warning:.*is.*misused, please use.*"
  57. "cmake.version.manifest.*manifest authoring warning.*Unrecognized Element"
  58. "cc-3968 CC: WARNING File.*" # "implicit" truncation by static_cast
  59. "ld: warning: directory not found for option .-(F|L)"
  60. "ld: warning .*/libgcc.a archive's cputype"
  61. "ld: warning: ignoring file .*/libgcc.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked"
  62. "ld: warning: in .*/libgcc.a, file is not of required architecture"
  63. "warning.*This version of Mac OS X is unsupported"
  64. "clang.*: warning: argument unused during compilation: .-g"
  65. "note: in expansion of macro" # diagnostic context note
  66. "note: expanded from macro" # diagnostic context note
  67. "cm(StringCommand|CTestTestHandler)\\.cxx.*warning.*rand.*may return deterministic values"
  68. "cm(StringCommand|CTestTestHandler)\\.cxx.*warning.*rand.*isn.*t random" # we do not do crypto
  69. "cm(StringCommand|CTestTestHandler)\\.cxx.*warning.*srand.*seed choices are.*poor" # we do not do crypto
  70. "IPA warning: function.*multiply defined in"
  71. # Ignore compiler summary warning, assuming prior text has matched some
  72. # other warning expression:
  73. "[0-9,]+ warnings? generated." # Clang
  74. "compilation completed with warnings" # PGI
  75. "[0-9]+ Warning\\(s\\) detected" # SunPro
  76. # scanbuild exceptions
  77. "char_traits.h:.*: warning: Null pointer argument in call to string length function"
  78. "stl_construct.h:.*: warning: Forming reference to null pointer"
  79. ".*stl_uninitialized.h:75:19: warning: Forming reference to null pointer.*"
  80. ".*stl_vector.h:.*: warning: Returning null reference.*"
  81. "warning: Value stored to 'yymsg' is never read"
  82. "warning: Value stored to 'yytoken' is never read"
  83. "index_encoder.c.241.2. warning: Value stored to .out_start. is never read"
  84. "index.c.*warning: Access to field.*results in a dereference of a null pointer.*loaded from variable.*"
  85. "cmCommandArgumentLexer.cxx:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: Call to 'realloc' has an allocation size of 0 bytes"
  86. "cmDependsJavaLexer.cxx:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: Call to 'realloc' has an allocation size of 0 bytes"
  87. "cmExprLexer.cxx:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: Call to 'realloc' has an allocation size of 0 bytes"
  88. "cmListFileLexer.c:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: Call to 'realloc' has an allocation size of 0 bytes"
  89. "cmFortranLexer.cxx:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: Call to 'realloc' has an allocation size of 0 bytes"
  90. "testProcess.*warning: Dereference of null pointer .loaded from variable .invalidAddress.."
  91. "liblzma/simple/x86.c:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: The result of the '<<' expression is undefined"
  92. "libuv/src/.*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: Dereference of null pointer"
  93. "libuv/src/.*:[0-9]+:[0-9]+: warning: The left operand of '==' is a garbage value"
  94. )
  97. "XCode"
  98. )
  99. endif ()
  101. # Exclude kwsys files from coverage results. They are reported
  102. # (with better coverage results) on kwsys dashboards...
  103. "/Source/(cm|kw)sys/"
  104. # Exclude try_compile sources from coverage results:
  105. "/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/"
  106. # Exclude Qt source files from coverage results:
  107. "[A-Za-z]./[Qq]t/qt-.+-opensource-src"
  108. )
  110. kwsys.testProcess-10 # See Source/kwsys/CTestCustom.cmake.in
  111. )