define.h 168 KB

  1. #ifndef DEFINE_H_
  2. #define DEFINE_H_
  3. /**************************************************************************************/
  4. /*********************************NAND Flash mapping *****************************/
  5. /**************************************************************************************/
  6. /*
  7. sector size 512 KiB
  8. Page size 4096 b
  9. OOB size 224 b
  10. Erase size 524288 b
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Segment Physical address Size
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. MLO 0x00000000-0x0007FFFF 512 KB
  15. Primary u-boot 0x00080000-0x0017FFFF 1 MB
  16. Environment 0x00180000-0x001FFFFF 512 KB
  17. Secondary u-boot 0x00200000-0x002FFFFF 1 MB
  18. Primary dtb 0x00300000-0x0037FFFF 512 KB
  19. Secondary dtb 0x00380000-0x003FFFFF 512 KB
  20. Primary kernel 0x00400000-0x00DFFFFF 10 MB
  21. Secondary Kernel 0x00E00000-0x017FFFFF 10 MB
  22. Primary root file system 0x03000000-0x05FFFFFF 48 MB
  23. Secondary root file system 0x06000000-0x08FFFFFF 48 MB
  24. Primary user configuration 0x09000000-0x095FFFFF 6 MB
  25. Secondary user configuration 0x09600000-0x09BFFFFF 6 MB
  26. Factory default configuration 0x09C00000-0x0A1FFFFF 6 MB
  27. Storage 0x0A200000-0x7FFFFFFF 1886 MB
  28. */
  29. /**************************************************************************************/
  30. /*********************************System Limitation**********************************/
  31. /**************************************************************************************/
  32. /*Rating outout power and current*/
  33. #define RATED_POWER 25 //kW
  34. #define RATED_CURRENT 350 //Amp, it depend on the capacity of charging connector
  35. /*relevant to Quantity */
  36. #ifdef AWRegular
  37. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  38. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
  39. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  40. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  41. #define AC_QUANTITY 1
  42. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  43. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  44. #elif BYTONGB
  45. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  46. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
  47. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  48. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  49. #define AC_QUANTITY 1
  50. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  51. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  52. #elif DW30
  53. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  54. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 0
  55. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  56. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  57. #define AC_QUANTITY 0
  58. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  59. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  60. #elif DM30
  61. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  62. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 0
  63. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  64. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  65. #define AC_QUANTITY 0
  66. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  67. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  68. #elif DS60120
  69. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  70. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
  71. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  72. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  73. #define AC_QUANTITY 0
  74. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  75. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  76. #elif DS60210
  77. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  78. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
  79. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  80. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  81. #define AC_QUANTITY 0
  82. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  83. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  84. #elif PlugIt360
  85. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  86. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 0
  87. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  88. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  89. #define AC_QUANTITY 0
  90. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  91. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  92. #else
  93. #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
  94. #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
  95. #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
  96. #define GB_QUANTITY 0
  97. #define AC_QUANTITY 1
  98. #define PSU_QUANTITY 2
  99. #define ONE_CONNECTOR_USE 0
  100. #endif
  101. /*SystemLog message*/
  102. #define SystemLogMessage //for debug info save to log file
  103. #define ConsloePrintLog //for debug info print to console
  104. /**************************************************************************************/
  105. /*****************************share memory key information*****************************/
  106. /**************************************************************************************/
  107. #define ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey 1001
  108. #define ShmPsuKey 1002
  109. #define ShmCHAdeMOCommKey 1003
  110. #define ShmCcsCommKey 1004
  111. #define ShmStatusCodeKey 1005
  112. #define ShmPrimaryMcuKey 1006
  113. #define ShmFanBdKey 1007
  114. #define ShmRelayBdKey 1008
  115. #define ShmOcppModuleKey 1009
  116. #define ShmGBTCommKey 1010
  117. #define ShmLedBdKey 1011
  118. /**************************************************************************************/
  119. /****************** Share memory configuration value constant define ******************/
  120. /**************************************************************************************/
  121. enum SYSTEM_STATUS
  122. {
  123. SYS_MODE_BOOTING = 0,
  124. SYS_MODE_IDLE = 1,
  133. SYS_MODE_COMPLETE = 10,
  134. SYS_MODE_ALARM = 11,
  135. SYS_MODE_FAULT = 12,
  137. SYS_MODE_BOOKING = 14,
  138. SYS_MODE_MAINTAIN = 15,
  139. SYS_MODE_DEBUG = 16,
  142. SYS_MODE_UPDATE = 19
  143. };
  145. {
  146. AUTH_MODE_ENABLE = 0,
  148. };
  149. enum LCD_LANGUAGE
  150. {
  151. LCD_LANG_ENGLISH = 0,
  152. LCD_LANG_CHT = 1,
  153. LCD_LANG_CHS = 2,
  155. LCD_LANG_FRENCH = 4,
  156. LCD_LANG_ITALIAN = 5,
  157. LCD_LANG_SPANISH = 6,
  158. LCD_LANG_GERMAN = 7,
  159. LCD_LANG_DUTCH = 8,
  161. LCD_LANG_FINNISH = 10,
  162. LCD_LANG_SWEDISH = 11,
  164. LCD_LANG_THAI = 13,
  165. };
  166. enum RFID_ENDIAN
  167. {
  169. RFID_ENDIAN_BIG = 1
  170. };
  172. {
  175. };
  177. {
  178. CCS_AUTH_MODE_EIM = 0,
  180. };
  181. enum OFF_LINE_POLICY
  182. {
  184. OFF_POLICY_PH_RFID = 1,
  185. OFF_POLICY_FREE = 2,
  187. };
  188. /*Configuration enum*/
  189. enum CoreProfile {
  190. AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId=0,
  191. AuthorizationCacheEnabled,
  192. AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests,
  193. BlinkRepeat,
  194. ClockAlignedDataInterval,
  195. ConnectionTimeOut,
  196. GetConfigurationMaxKeys,
  197. HeartbeatInterval,
  198. LightIntensity,
  199. LocalAuthorizeOffline,
  200. LocalPreAuthorize,
  201. MaxEnergyOnInvalidId,
  202. MeterValuesAlignedData,
  203. MeterValuesAlignedDataMaxLength,
  204. MeterValuesSampledData,
  205. MeterValuesSampledDataMaxLength,
  206. MeterValueSampleInterval,
  207. MinimumStatusDuration,
  208. NumberOfConnectors,
  209. ResetRetries,
  210. ConnectorPhaseRotation,
  211. ConnectorPhaseRotationMaxLength,
  212. StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect,
  213. StopTransactionOnInvalidId,
  214. StopTxnAlignedData,
  215. StopTxnAlignedDataMaxLength,
  216. StopTxnSampledData,
  217. StopTxnSampledDataMaxLength,
  218. SupportedFeatureProfiles,
  219. SupportedFeatureProfilesMaxLength,
  220. TransactionMessageAttempts,
  221. TransactionMessageRetryInterval,
  222. UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect,
  223. WebSocketPingInterval,
  224. _CoreProfile_CNT
  225. };
  226. /**************************************************************************************/
  227. /****structure SysConfigData => shall store the data to NAND flash****************/
  228. /****structure SysInfoData => shall NOT store the data to NAND flash***************/
  229. /****according to System Configuration and Information Table.xlsx Rev.0.2 *******/
  230. /**************************************************************************************/
  231. struct NoneUse
  232. {
  233. unsigned char unknown; // None use struct
  234. };
  235. struct EthConfigData
  236. {
  237. unsigned char EthDhcpClient; //0: enable,1: disable
  238. unsigned char EthMacAddress[18]; //default: Null
  239. unsigned char EthIpAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
  240. unsigned char EthSubmaskAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
  241. unsigned char EthGatewayAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
  242. };
  243. struct WifiConfigData
  244. {
  245. unsigned char WifiMode; //0: disable, 1: Infrastructure client, 2: Infrastructure server, 3: Ad-Hoc
  246. unsigned char WifiSsid[256]; //default: Null
  247. unsigned char WifiPassword[256]; //default: Null
  248. int WifiRssi; //dbm
  249. unsigned char WifiDhcpServer; //0: enable, 1: disable
  250. unsigned char WifiDhcpClient; //0: enable, 1: disable
  251. unsigned char WifiMacAddress[18]; //default: Null
  252. unsigned char WifiIpAddress[16]; //default:
  253. unsigned char WifiSubmaskAddress[16]; //default:
  254. unsigned char WifiGatewayAddress[16]; //default:
  255. unsigned char WifiNetworkConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
  256. };
  257. struct TeleConfigData
  258. {
  259. unsigned char TelcomModelName[64]; //default: Null
  260. unsigned char TelcomSoftwareVer[64]; //default: Null
  261. unsigned char TelcomApn[256]; //default: Null
  262. int TelcomRssi; //dbm
  263. unsigned char TelcomChapPapId[256]; //default: Null
  264. unsigned char TelcomChapPapPwd[256]; //default: Null
  265. unsigned char TelcomModemImei[16]; //default: Null
  266. unsigned char TelcomSimImsi[16]; //default: Null
  267. unsigned char TelcomSimIccid[22]; //default: Null
  268. unsigned char TelcomSimStatus; //0: no SIM card is found, 1: valid SIM card, 2: invalid SIM card
  269. unsigned char TelcomModemMode; //0: No services, 1: CDMA, 2: GSM/GPRS, 3: WCDMA, 4: GSM/WCDMA, 5: TD_SCDMA mode, 6: Unknow
  270. unsigned char TelcomIpAddress[16]; //default: Null
  271. unsigned char TelcomNetworkConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
  272. };
  273. struct BtConfigData
  274. {
  275. unsigned char LoginCentralID[64]; //default: Null
  276. unsigned char isLogin; //0: Central device non-login 1: Central device login
  277. unsigned char isRequestStart; //0: no action 1: request start charging
  278. unsigned char isRequestStop; //0: no action 1: request stop charging
  279. };
  280. struct BillingConfigData
  281. {
  282. unsigned char isBilling; //0:not for business 1:for business
  283. unsigned char Currency; //
  284. float Fee[24]; //fee for 24 hours
  285. float Cur_fee; // display current fee
  286. };
  287. struct SysConfigData
  288. {
  289. /**************System***************/
  290. unsigned char CsuBootLoadFwRev[32]; //CSU board bootloader firmware version
  291. unsigned char ModelName[64]; //charger model name
  292. unsigned char AcModelName[64]; //for third gun (DC + AC)
  293. unsigned char SerialNumber[64]; //charger system serial number
  294. unsigned char SystemId[128]; //charger system ID
  295. unsigned char SystemDateTime[32]; //charger system date and time
  296. unsigned char AcPhaseCount; //AC EVSE power phase quantity, 1: One phase 3: Three phase
  297. unsigned char AuthorisationMode; //0: enable, 1: disable
  298. unsigned char DefaultLanguage; //
  299. unsigned char RfidCardNumEndian; //0: little endian, 1: big endian
  300. unsigned short AcPlugInTimes; //0~65535
  301. unsigned short GbPlugInTimes; //0~65535
  302. unsigned short Ccs1PlugInTime; //0~65535
  303. unsigned short Ccs2PlugInTimes; //0~65535
  304. unsigned short ChademoPlugInTimes; //0~65535
  305. unsigned char PsuAcInputType; //0: 220, 1: 277
  306. unsigned short RatingCurrent; //0: Depend on Model name, 1 ~ rating value amp
  307. unsigned short AcRatingCurrent; //for third gun; 0: Depend on Model name, 1 ~ rating value amp
  308. unsigned char isAPP; //for AuthorisationMode=0; 0:false, 1:true
  309. unsigned char isQRCode; //for AuthorisationMode=0; 0:false, 1:true
  310. unsigned char isRFID; //for AuthorisationMode=0; 0:false, 1:true
  311. unsigned char QRCodeMadeMode; //for isQRCode=1 ; 0: default 1:customized
  312. unsigned char QRCodeContent[128]; //for QRCodeMadeMode=1
  313. unsigned char TotalConnectorCount; //Connector count
  314. unsigned char AcConnectorCount; // For DC type
  315. unsigned char SwitchDebugFlag; // Console Debug
  316. unsigned char AlwaysGfdFlag;
  317. /**************Charging***************/
  318. unsigned short MaxChargingEnergy; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
  319. unsigned short MaxChargingPower; //0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_POWER kW
  320. unsigned short MaxChargingCurrent; //0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_CURRENT amp
  321. unsigned short AcMaxChargingCurrent; //for third gun; 0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_CURRENT amp
  322. unsigned short MaxChargingDuration; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
  323. unsigned char PhaseLossPolicy; //0: charging, 1: stop charging
  324. unsigned char LocalWhiteCard[10][32]; //Max. card quantity is 10
  325. unsigned char UserId[32]; //the user use this ID to trigger charging event, it can be RFID card number, OCPP IdTag, etc.
  326. struct BillingConfigData BillingData;
  327. /**************Network***************/
  328. unsigned char FtpServer[256]; //the ftp server for Phihong server to do data transimission
  329. struct EthConfigData Eth0Interface;
  330. struct EthConfigData Eth1Interface;
  331. struct WifiConfigData AthInterface;
  332. struct TeleConfigData TelecomInterface;
  333. struct BtConfigData Bluetooth;
  334. /**************Backend***************/
  335. unsigned int BackendConnTimeout; //default : 300s
  336. unsigned char OfflinePolicy; //0: local list, 1: Phihong RFID tag, 2: free charging, 3: no charging
  337. unsigned short OfflineMaxChargeEnergy; //0: same as MaxChargingEnergy, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
  338. unsigned short OfflineMaxChargeDuration; //0: same as MaxChargeDuration, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
  339. unsigned char OcppServerURL[512]; //http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
  340. unsigned char ChargeBoxId[128];
  341. unsigned char chargePointVendor[20]; //the Vendor of the ChargePoint
  342. unsigned int Checksum; //4 bytes checksum
  343. };
  344. struct ChargingInfoData
  345. {
  346. unsigned char Index;
  347. unsigned char slotsIndex;
  348. unsigned char Type; // 0 : Chademo, 1 : CCS, 2: GB
  349. unsigned char type_index;
  350. unsigned char Evboard_id; // for EV board
  351. unsigned char StopChargeFlag; // for EV board
  352. unsigned char SystemStatus; //0: Booting, 1: idle, 2: authorizing, 3: preparing, 4: charging, 5: terminating, 6: alarm, 7: fault
  353. unsigned char PreviousSystemStatus; // 0: Booting, 1: idle, 2: authorizing, 3: preparing, 4: charging, 5: terminating, 6: alarm, 7: fault
  354. int ReservationId;
  355. unsigned char IsAvailable;
  356. float MaximumChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
  357. float AvailableChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
  358. float AvailableChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
  359. float DividChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
  360. float DeratingChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
  361. float DeratingChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
  362. float FuseChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
  363. float FireChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
  364. float PresentChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
  365. float PresentChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
  366. float PresentChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
  367. float PresentChargedEnergy; //0~6553.5 kWh
  368. int PresentChargedDuration; // second
  369. int RemainChargingDuration; // second
  370. float EvBatteryMaxVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
  371. float EvBatterytargetVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
  372. float EvBatterytargetCurrent; //102.3 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
  373. int EvBatterySoc; // 0~100%
  374. unsigned char ConnectorPlugIn; //0: unplug, 1: Plug-in
  375. unsigned char GunLocked; //0: unlocked 1: locked
  376. float PilotVoltage;
  377. unsigned char PilotState;//1:state A, 2:State B1, 3:State B2, 4:State C, 5:State D, 6:State E, 7:State F, 8: Pilot error
  378. unsigned char PilotDuty; // 0~100%
  379. unsigned char StartUserId[32]; // This ID is trigger start charging event user by RFID、back-end、BLE.
  380. unsigned char StartDateTime[32]; // Charging cycle start date time
  381. unsigned char StopDateTime[32]; // Charging cycle stop date time
  382. unsigned char StartMethod;
  383. float ChargingFee;
  384. // Connector Temp
  385. unsigned char ConnectorTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194
  386. // Charging Status
  387. unsigned char GroundFaultStatus; // for GFD result => 0x00 : None, 0x01 : Can Start Charging, 0x02 : Stop Charging
  388. unsigned short RealRatingPower;
  389. unsigned char RelayWeldingCheck; // 0 : No Comp., 1 : Comp.
  390. unsigned char PrechargeStatus; // for ccs precharge => 0x00 : None defined, 0x01 : Accepted
  391. float PowerConsumption; // This contains the meter value (Power Consumption) kWh
  392. unsigned char RelayK1K2Status; // 0x00 : open, 0x01 : close
  393. unsigned char RelayKPK2Status; // 0x00 : open, 0x01 : close
  394. unsigned char TimeoutFlag; // 0 : none,
  395. struct timeval TimeoutTimer;
  396. unsigned char MaxChargeEnable;
  397. unsigned char IsReadyToCharging;
  398. unsigned char CcsAuthentication; // 0:EIM, 1:EIM & PnC mixed
  399. unsigned char AcCcsChargingMode; // 0:BC (PWM) only, 1:BC & PLC mixed
  400. unsigned short SampleChargingCur[2];
  401. /**************Alston for AC***************/
  402. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  403. unsigned char version[16];
  404. unsigned char IsModeChagned;
  405. unsigned char IsCharging;
  406. unsigned char IsErrorOccur;
  407. float RealMaxVoltage;
  408. float RealMaxCurrent;
  409. float RealMaxPower;
  410. unsigned char ConnectorWarningCode[7];
  411. unsigned char ConnectorAlarmCode[7];
  412. unsigned char EvConnAlarmCode[7];
  413. float ChargingProfileCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
  414. float ChargingProfilePower; //0~6553.5 kW
  415. float PresentChargingVoltageL2; //0~6553.5 volt
  416. float PresentChargingVoltageL3; //0~6553.5 volt
  417. float PresentChargingCurrentL2; //0~6553.5 amp
  418. float PresentChargingCurrentL3; //0~6553.5 amp
  419. };
  420. struct SysInfoData
  421. {
  422. /**************System***************/
  423. unsigned char BootingStatus; // 0 : booting, 1 : Initializing Complete.
  424. unsigned char AuthorizeFlag; // 0 : None, 1 : Authorizing
  425. unsigned char FactoryConfiguration; //0: normal, 1: trigger, charger will return the configuration to factory default if trigger
  426. float InputVoltageR; //0~655.35 volt
  427. float InputVoltageS; //0~655.35 volt
  428. float InputVoltageT; //0~655.35 volt
  429. unsigned int SystemFanRotaSpeed; //0 ~ 65535 RPM
  430. unsigned int PsuFanRotaSpeed; //0 ~ 65535 RPM
  431. unsigned char AuxPower5V; //0 ~ 255 volt
  432. unsigned char AuxPower12V; //0 ~ 255 volt
  433. unsigned char AuxPower24V; //0 ~ 255 volt
  434. unsigned char AuxPower48V; //0 ~ 255 volt
  435. unsigned char CsuHwRev[32]; //CSU board hardware version
  436. unsigned char CsuBootLoadFwRev[32]; //CSU board bootloader firmware version
  437. unsigned char CsuKernelFwRev[32];//CSU board OS kernel firmware version
  438. unsigned char CsuRootFsFwRev[32];//CSU board root file system firmware version
  439. unsigned char CsuPrimFwRev[32]; //CSU board root file system firmware version
  440. unsigned char LcmHwRev[32]; //LCM module hardware version
  441. unsigned char LcmFwRev[32]; //LCM module firmware version
  442. unsigned char PsuHwRev[32]; //PSU hardware version
  443. unsigned char PsuPrimFwRev[32]; //PSU primary firmware version
  444. unsigned char PsuSecFwRev[32]; //PSU secondary firmware version
  445. unsigned char AuxPwrHwRev[32]; //Aux. power module hardware version
  446. unsigned char AuxPwrFwRev[32]; //Aux. power module firmware version
  447. unsigned char FanModuleHwRev[32]; //Fan module hardware version
  448. unsigned char FanModuleFwRev[32]; //Fan module firmware version
  449. unsigned char RelayModuleHwRev[32]; //Relay control module hardware version
  450. unsigned char RelayModuleFwRev[32]; //Relay control module firmware version
  451. unsigned char TelcomModemFwRev[32]; //the 3G/4G modem firmware version
  452. unsigned char LedModuleFwRev[32]; //LED control module firmware version
  453. unsigned char Connector1FwRev[32]; //Connector1 module firmware version
  454. unsigned char Connector2FwRev[32]; //Connector2 module firmware version
  455. int SystemAmbientTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
  456. int SystemCriticalTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
  457. int CcsConnectorTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
  458. int PsuAmbientTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
  459. /**************Charging***************/
  460. struct ChargingInfoData ChademoChargingData[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY];
  461. struct ChargingInfoData CcsChargingData[CCS_QUANTITY];
  462. struct ChargingInfoData GbChargingData[GB_QUANTITY];
  463. struct ChargingInfoData AcChargingData[AC_QUANTITY];
  464. unsigned char CurGunSelected;
  465. unsigned char CurGunSelectedByAc;
  466. /**************Network***************/
  467. unsigned char InternetConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
  468. /**************Backend***************/
  469. unsigned char OcppConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
  470. char OrderCharging;
  471. /**************Alston***************/
  472. unsigned char WaitForPlugit; //0: none scan, 1: scanning
  473. unsigned char PageIndex; //0 : Initialize
  474. //1 : idle
  475. //4 : Authorizing
  476. //5 : Authorizing complete
  477. //6 : Authorizing fail
  478. //7 : Wait for Plug
  479. //8 : Pre-charge
  480. //9 : Charging
  481. unsigned char SelfTestSeq; //
  482. unsigned char ReAssignedFlag; //
  483. unsigned char CanAverageCharging;
  484. unsigned char MainChargingMode; // 0 : Max, 1 : Average
  485. unsigned char BridgeRelayStatus;
  486. unsigned char FirmwareUpdate; // 0 : none, 1 : update.
  487. unsigned char AcContactorStatus; // 0: disconnected, 1: connected
  488. unsigned char SystemTimeoutFlag; // 0 : none, 1 : self test
  489. struct timeval SystemTimeoutTimer;
  490. unsigned char SystemPage;
  491. unsigned char ConnectorPage;
  492. unsigned char IsAlternatvieConf; // 0 : normal, 1 : alternative
  493. unsigned char StartToChargingFlag; // 0 : Stop, 1 : Start for modbus
  494. unsigned char ChargerType; // 0 : IEC, 1 : UL
  495. };
  496. struct WARNING_CODE_INFO
  497. {
  498. unsigned char WarningCount;
  499. unsigned char PageIndex;
  500. unsigned char WarningCode[10][7];
  501. unsigned char Level;
  502. unsigned char ExtraErrProcess; // 0 : none, 1 : input uvp..
  503. };
  504. struct SysConfigAndInfo
  505. {
  506. struct SysConfigData SysConfig;
  507. struct SysInfoData SysInfo;
  508. struct WARNING_CODE_INFO SysWarningInfo;
  509. };
  510. char Currency[54][3]=
  511. {
  512. "AED", // - Emirati Dirham
  513. "ARS", // - Argentine Peso
  514. "AUD", // - Australian Dollar
  515. "BGN", // - Bulgarian Lev
  516. "BHD", // - Bahraini Dinar
  517. "BND", // - Bruneian Dollar
  518. "BRL", // - Brazilian Real
  519. "BWP", // - Botswana Pula
  520. "CAD", // - Canadian Dollar
  521. "CHF", // - Swiss Franc
  522. "CLP", // - Chilean Peso
  523. "CNY", // - Chinese Yuan Renminbi
  524. "COP", // - Colombian Peso
  525. "CZK", // - Czech Koruna
  526. "DKK", // - Danish Krone
  527. "EUR", // - Euro
  528. "GBP", // - British Pound
  529. "HKD", // - Hong Kong Dollar
  530. "HRK", // - Croatian Kuna
  531. "HUF", // - Hungarian Forint
  532. "IDR", // - Indonesian Rupiah
  533. "ILS", // - Israeli Shekel
  534. "INR", // - Indian Rupee
  535. "IRR", // - Iranian Rial
  536. "ISK", // - Icelandic Krona
  537. "JPY", // - Japanese Yen
  538. "KRW", // - South Korean Won
  539. "KWD", // - Kuwaiti Dinar
  540. "KZT", // - Kazakhstani Tenge
  541. "LKR", // - Sri Lankan Rupee
  542. "LYD", // - Libyan Dinar
  543. "MUR", // - Mauritian Rupee
  544. "MXN", // - Mexican Peso
  545. "MYR", // - Malaysian Ringgit
  546. "NOK", // - Norwegian Krone
  547. "NPR", // - Nepalese Rupee
  548. "NZD", // - New Zealand Dollar
  549. "OMR", // - Omani Rial
  550. "PHP", // - Philippine Peso
  551. "PKR", // - Pakistani Rupee
  552. "PLN", // - Polish Zloty
  553. "QAR", // - Qatari Riyal
  554. "RON", // - Romanian New Leu
  555. "RUB", // - Russian Ruble
  556. "SAR", // - Saudi Arabian Riyal
  557. "SEK", // - Swedish Krona
  558. "SGD", // - Singapore Dollar
  559. "THB", // - Thai Baht
  560. "TRY", // - Turkish Lira
  561. "TTD", // - Trinidadian Dollar
  562. "TWD", // - Taiwan New Dollar
  563. "USD", // - US Dollar
  564. "VEF", // - Venezuelan Bolivar
  565. "ZAR" // - South African Rand
  566. };
  567. /**************************************************************************************/
  568. /**************************Alarm Share memory**************************************/
  569. /***************************************************************************************
  570. Status Code A B C D E F
  571. 0: Issue 1: From EVSE 1: Fault (unrecoverable) 001 ~ 999 serial number
  572. e.g., hardware broken, system latch
  573. 1: Recovered 2: From EV 2: Alarm (recoverable)
  574. e.g., OTP, OVP
  575. 3: From Backend 3: Information
  576. e.g., swipe card to stop charging
  577. according to XXX.Revxx
  578. ***************************************************************************************/
  579. /**************************************************************************************/
  580. char FaultStatusCode[40][6]=
  581. {
  582. "011001", //CHAdeMO output fuse blew
  583. "011002", //CCS output fuse blew
  584. "011003", //GB output fuse blew
  585. "011004", //RCD/CCID self-test fail
  586. "011005", //AC input contactor 1 welding
  587. "011006", //AC input contactor 1 driving fault
  588. "011007", //AC input contactor 2 welding
  589. "011008", //AC input contactor 2 driving fault
  590. "011009", //AC output relay welding
  591. "011010", //AC output relay driving fault
  592. "011011", //CHAdeMO output relay welding
  593. "011012", //CHAdeMO output relay driving fault
  594. "011013", //CCS output relay welding
  595. "011014", //CCS output relay driving fault
  596. "011015", //GB output relay welding
  597. "011016", //GB output relay driving fault
  598. "011017", //AC connector temperature sensor broken
  599. "011018", //CHAdeMO connector temperature sensor broken
  600. "011019", //CCS connector temperature sensor broken
  601. "011020", //GB connector temperature sensor broken
  602. "011021", //WiFi module broken
  603. "011022", //3G/4G module broken
  604. "011023", //Aux. power module broken
  605. "011024", //Relay control module /smart box broken
  606. "011025", //CHAdeMO connector lock fail
  607. "011026", //GB connector lock fail
  608. "011027", //AC connector lock fail
  609. "011028", //CHAdeMO module broken
  610. "011029", //CCS module broken
  611. "011030", //GBT module broken
  612. "011031", //PSU module broken
  613. "011032", //RCD/CCID module broken
  614. "011033", //Maximum Output Current setup error
  615. "011034", //Shutter fault
  616. "011035", //Ble module broken
  617. "011036", //Rotary switch fault
  618. "011037", //Reserved
  619. "011038", //Reserved
  620. "011039", //Reserved
  621. "011040" //Reserved
  622. };
  623. struct FaultCodeData
  624. {
  625. unsigned char PreviousFaultVal[5];
  626. union
  627. {
  628. unsigned char FaultVal[5];
  629. struct
  630. {
  631. //FaultVal[0]
  632. unsigned char ChademoOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 0
  633. unsigned char CcsOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 1
  634. unsigned char GbOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 2
  635. unsigned char RcdSelfTestFail:1; //bit 3
  636. unsigned char AcInputContactor1Welding:1; //bit 4
  637. unsigned char AcInputContactor1DrivingFault:1; //bit 5
  638. unsigned char AcInputContactor2Welding:1; //bit 6
  639. unsigned char AcInputContactor2DrivingFault:1; //bit 7
  640. //FaultVal[1]
  641. unsigned char AcOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 0
  642. unsigned char AcOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 1
  643. unsigned char ChademoOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 2
  644. unsigned char ChademoOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 3
  645. unsigned char CcsOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 4
  646. unsigned char CcsOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 5
  647. unsigned char GbOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 6
  648. unsigned char GbOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 7
  649. //FaultVal[2]
  650. unsigned char AcConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 0
  651. unsigned char ChademoConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 1
  652. unsigned char CcsConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 2
  653. unsigned char GbConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 3
  654. unsigned char WiFiModuleBroken:1; //bit 4
  655. unsigned char Telecom4GModuleBroken:1; //bit 5
  656. unsigned char AuxPowerModuleBroken:1; //bit 6
  657. unsigned char RelayControlModuleBroken :1; //bit 7
  658. //FaultVal[3]
  659. unsigned char ChademoConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 0
  660. unsigned char GbConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 1
  661. unsigned char AcConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 2
  662. unsigned char ChademoModuleBroken:1; //bit 3
  663. unsigned char CcsModuleBroken:1; //bit 4
  664. unsigned char GbModuleBroken:1; //bit 5
  665. unsigned char PsuModuleBroken:1; //bit 6
  666. unsigned char RcdCcidModuleBroken:1; //bit 7
  667. //FaultVal[4]
  668. unsigned char MaximumOutputCurrentSetupError:1; //bit 0
  669. unsigned char ShutterFault:1; //bit 1
  670. unsigned char BleModuleBroken:1; //bit 2
  671. unsigned char RotarySwitchFault:1; //bit 3
  672. unsigned char :4; //bit 4 ~ 7 reserved
  673. }bits;
  674. }FaultEvents;
  675. };
  676. char AlarmStatusCode[128][6]=
  677. {
  678. "012200", //System L1 input OVP
  679. "012201", //System L2 input OVP
  680. "012202", //System L3 input OVP
  681. "012203", //System L1 input UVP
  682. "012204", //System L2 input UVP
  683. "012205", //System L3 input UVP
  684. "012206", //PSU L1 input OVP
  685. "012207", //PSU L2 input OVP
  686. "012208", //PSU L3 input OVP
  687. "012209", //PSU L1 input UVP
  688. "012210", //PSU L2 input UVP
  689. "012211", //PSU L3 input UVP
  690. "012212", //System L1 input drop
  691. "012213", //System L2 input drop
  692. "012214", //System L3 input drop
  693. "012215", //System AC output OVP
  694. "012216", //System AC output OCP L1
  695. "012217", //System CHAdeMO output OVP
  696. "012218", //System CHAdeMO output OCP
  697. "012219", //System CCS output OVP
  698. "012220", //System CCS output OCP
  699. "012221", //System GB output OVP
  700. "012222", //System GB output OCP
  701. "012223", //System ambient/inlet OTP
  702. "012224", //System critical point OTP
  703. "012225", //PSU ambient/inlet OTP
  704. "012226", //PSU critical point OTP
  705. "012227", //Aux. power module OTP
  706. "012228", //Relay board/smart box OTP
  707. "012229", //CHAdeMO connector OTP
  708. "012230", //CCS connector OTP
  709. "012231", //GB connector OTP
  710. "012232", //AC connector OTP
  711. "012233", //RCD/CCID trip
  712. "012234", //CHAdeMO GFD trip
  713. "012235", //CCS GFD trip
  714. "012236", //GB GFD trip
  715. "012237", //SPD trip
  716. "012238", //Main power breaker trip
  717. "012239", //Aux. power breaker trip
  718. "012240", //PSU communication fail
  719. "012241", //WiFi module communication fail
  720. "012242", //3G/4G module communication fail
  721. "012243", //RFID module communication fail
  722. "012244", //Bluetooth module communication fail
  723. "012245", //LCM module communication fail
  724. "012246", //Aux. power module communication fail
  725. "012247", //Relay control boaed/smart box communication fail
  726. "012248", //CCS module communication fail
  727. "012249", //CHAdeMO module communication fail
  728. "012250", //GBT module communication fail
  729. "012251", //Emergency stop
  730. "012252", //Door open
  731. "012253", //System fan decay
  732. "012254", //Fail to create share memory
  733. "012255", //CSU initialization failed
  734. "012256", //AC Ground Fault
  735. "012257", //MCU self-test Fault
  736. "012258", //Relay self-test Fault
  737. "012259", //CHAdeMO groundfault detection timeout (GFD)
  738. "012260", //CCS groundfault detection timeout (GFD)
  739. "012261", //GB groundfault detection timeout (GFD)
  740. "012262", //Circuit Short L1
  741. "012263", // PSU Duplicate ID
  742. "012264", // PSU Output Short Circuit
  743. "012265", // PSU Discharge Abnormal
  744. "012266", // PSU Dc Side ShutDown
  745. "012267", // PSU Failure Alarm
  746. "012268", // PSU Protection Alarm
  747. "012269", // PSU FanFailure Alarm
  748. "012270", // PSU Input UVP
  749. "012271", // PSU Input OVP
  750. "012272", // PSU WalkIn State
  751. "012273", // PSU Power Limited State
  752. "012274", // PSU Id Repeat
  753. "012275", // PSU Severe Uneven Current
  754. "012276", // PSU Three Phase Input Inadequate
  755. "012277", // PSU Three Phase Onput Imbalance
  756. "012278", // PSU Ffc Side ShutDown
  757. "012279", // NO PSU Resource
  758. "012280", // Self test Failed due to communication of Relayboard failure
  759. "012281", // Self test Failed due to communication of Fanboard failure
  760. "012282", // Self test Failed due to communication of Primary failure
  761. "012283", // Self test Failed due to communication of Chademoboard failure
  762. "012284", // Self test Failed due to communication of CCSboard failure
  763. "012285", // Self test Failed due to AC Contact failure
  764. "012286", // Self test Failed due to communication of PSU failure
  765. "012287", // Self test Failed due to Model name is none match
  766. "012288", // CCS output UVP
  767. "012289", // Chademo output UVP
  768. "012290", // GBT output UVP
  769. "012291", // Self test Failed due to communication of GBTboard failure
  770. "012292", // Self test Failed due to communication of AC failure
  771. "012293", // Reserved
  772. "012294", // Ac input OVP
  773. "012295", // Ac input UVP
  774. "012296", // CHAdeMO groundfault detection - warning
  775. "012297", // CCS groundfault detection - warning
  776. "012298", // GB groundfault detection - warning
  777. "012299", //System AC output OCP L2
  778. "012300", //System AC output OCP L3
  779. "012301", //Circuit Short L2
  780. "012302", //Circuit Short L3
  781. };
  782. struct AlarmCodeData
  783. {
  784. unsigned char PreviousAlarmVal[13];
  785. union
  786. {
  787. unsigned char AlarmVal[13];
  788. struct
  789. {
  790. //AlarmVal[0]
  791. unsigned char SystemL1InputOVP:1; //bit 0
  792. unsigned char SystemL2InputOVP:1; //bit 1
  793. unsigned char SystemL3InputOVP:1; //bit 2
  794. unsigned char SystemL1InputUVP:1; //bit 3
  795. unsigned char SystemL2InputUVP:1; //bit 4
  796. unsigned char SystemL3InputUVP:1; //bit 5
  797. unsigned char PsuL1InputOVP:1; //bit 6
  798. unsigned char PsuL2InputOVP:1; //bit 7
  799. //AlarmVal[1]
  800. unsigned char PsuL3InputOVP:1; //bit 0
  801. unsigned char PsuL1InputUVP:1; //bit 1
  802. unsigned char PsuL2InputUVP:1; //bit 2
  803. unsigned char PsuL3InputUVP :1; //bit 3
  804. unsigned char SystemL1InputDrop:1; //bit 4
  805. unsigned char SystemL2InputDrop:1; //bit 5
  806. unsigned char SystemL3InputDrop:1; //bit 6
  807. unsigned char SystemAcOutputOVP:1; //bit 7
  808. //AlarmVal[2]
  809. unsigned char SystemAcOutputOCP:1; //bit 0
  810. unsigned char SystemChademoOutputOVP:1; //bit 1
  811. unsigned char SystemChademoOutputOCP:1; //bit 2
  812. unsigned char SystemCcsOutputOVP:1; //bit 3
  813. unsigned char SystemCcsOutputOCP:1; //bit 4
  814. unsigned char SystemGbOutputOVP:1; //bit 5
  815. unsigned char SystemGbOutputOCP:1; //bit 6
  816. unsigned char SystemAmbientOTP :1; //bit 7
  817. //AlarmVal[3]
  818. unsigned char SystemCriticalPointOTP:1; //bit 0
  819. unsigned char PsuAmbientOTP:1; //bit 1
  820. unsigned char PsuCriticalPointOTP:1; //bit 2
  821. unsigned char AuxPowerModuleOTP:1; //bit 3
  822. unsigned char RelayBoardOTP:1; //bit 4
  823. unsigned char ChademoConnectorOTP:1; //bit 5
  824. unsigned char CcsConnectorOTP:1; //bit 6
  825. unsigned char GbConnectorOTP:1; //bit 7
  826. //AlarmVal[4]
  827. unsigned char AcConnectorOTP:1; //bit 0
  828. unsigned char RcdTrip:1; //bit 1
  829. unsigned char ChademoGfdTrip:1; //bit 2
  830. unsigned char CcsGfdTrip:1; //bit 3
  831. unsigned char GbGfdTrip:1; //bit 4
  832. unsigned char SpdTrip:1; //bit 5
  833. unsigned char MainPowerBreakerTrip:1; //bit 6
  834. unsigned char AuxPowerBreakerTrip:1; //bit 7
  835. //AlarmVal[5]
  836. unsigned char PsuCommunicationFail:1; //bit 0
  837. unsigned char WiFiModuleCommFail:1; //bit 1
  838. unsigned char Telecom4GModuleCommFail:1; //bit 2
  839. unsigned char RfidModuleCommFail:1; //bit 3
  840. unsigned char BluetoothModuleCommFail:1; //bit 4
  841. unsigned char LcmModuleCommFail:1; //bit 5
  842. unsigned char AuxPowerModuleCommFail:1; //bit 6
  843. unsigned char RelayBoardCommFail:1; //bit 7
  844. //AlarmVal[6]
  845. unsigned char CcsModuleCommFail:1; //bit 0
  846. unsigned char ChademoModuleCommFail:1; //bit 1
  847. unsigned char GbModuleCommFail:1; //bit 2
  848. unsigned char EmergencyStopTrip:1; //bit 3
  849. unsigned char DoorOpen:1; //bit 4
  850. unsigned char SystemFanDecay:1; //bit 5
  851. unsigned char FailToCreateShareMemory:1; //bit 6
  852. unsigned char CsuInitFailed:1; //bit 7
  853. //AlarmVal[7]
  854. unsigned char AcGroundfaultFail:1; //bit 0
  855. unsigned char McuSelftestFail:1; //bit 1
  856. unsigned char RelaySelftestFail:1; //bit 2
  857. unsigned char ChademoGroundfaultTimeout:1; //bit 3
  858. unsigned char CcsGroundfaultTimeout:1; //bit 4
  859. unsigned char GbGroundfaultTimeout:1; //bit 5
  860. unsigned char CircuitShort:1; //bit 6
  861. unsigned char PsuDuplicateID:1; //bit 7
  862. //AlarmVal[8]
  863. unsigned char PsuOutputShortCircuit :1; //bit 0
  864. unsigned char PsuDischargeAbnormal :1; //bit 1
  865. unsigned char PsuDcSideShutDown :1; //bit 2
  866. unsigned char PsuFailureAlarm :1; //bit 3
  867. unsigned char PsuProtectionAlarm :1; //bit 4
  868. unsigned char PsuFanFailureAlarm :1; //bit 5
  869. unsigned char PsuInputUVP:1; //bit 6
  870. unsigned char PsuInputOVP:1; //bit 7
  871. //AlarmVal[9]
  872. unsigned char PsuWalkInState :1; //bit 0
  873. unsigned char PsuPowerLimitedState :1; //bit 1
  874. unsigned char PsuIdRepeat :1; //bit 2
  875. unsigned char PsuSevereUnevenCurrent :1; //bit 3
  876. unsigned char PsuThreePhaseInputInadequate :1; //bit 4
  877. unsigned char PsuThreePhaseOnputImbalance :1; //bit 5
  878. unsigned char PsuFfcSideShutDown :1; //bit 6
  879. unsigned char PsuNoResource:1; //bit 7
  880. //AlarmVal[10]
  881. unsigned char RelayboardStestFail :1; //bit 0
  882. unsigned char FanboardStestFail :1; //bit 1
  883. unsigned char PrimaryStestFail :1; //bit 2
  884. unsigned char ChademoboardStestFail :1; //bit 3
  885. unsigned char CCSboardStestFail :1; //bit 4
  886. unsigned char AcContactStestFail :1; //bit 5
  887. unsigned char PsuModuleStestFail :1; //bit 6
  888. unsigned char ModelNameNoneMatchStestFail:1; //bit 7
  889. //AlarmVal[11]
  890. unsigned char CcsOutputUVPFail :1; //bit 0
  891. unsigned char ChademoOutputUVPFail :1; //bit 1
  892. unsigned char GbtOutputUVPFail :1; //bit 2
  893. unsigned char GbtboardStestFail :1; //bit 3
  894. unsigned char AcConnectorStestFail:1; //bit 4
  895. unsigned char :1; //bit 5
  896. unsigned char AcSystemInputOVP:1; //bit 6
  897. unsigned char AcSystemInputUVP:1; //bit 7
  898. //AlarmVal[12]
  899. unsigned char ChademoGroundWarning :1; //bit 0
  900. unsigned char CcsGroundfaultWarning :1; //bit 1
  901. unsigned char GbGroundfaultWarning :1; //bit 2
  902. unsigned char SystemAcOutputOCPL2:1; //bit 3
  903. unsigned char SystemAcOutputOCPL3:1; //bit 4
  904. unsigned char CircuitShortL2:1; //bit 5
  905. unsigned char CircuitShortL3:1; //bit 6
  906. unsigned char :1; //bit 7
  907. }bits;
  908. }AlarmEvents;
  909. };
  910. char InfoStatusCode[384][6]=
  911. {
  912. //Information comes from EVSE
  913. "013600", //Normal stop charging by user
  914. "013601", //Charging Time's up
  915. "013602", //Replace system air filter
  916. "013603", //Reach to CHAdeMO max. plugging times.
  917. "013604", //Reach to CCS max. plugging times.
  918. "013605", //Reach to GB max. plugging times.
  919. "013606", //Reach to AC max. plugging times.
  920. "013607", //CSU fimrware update fail
  921. "013608", //CHAdeMO Module fimrware update fail
  922. "013609", //CCS Module fimrware update fail
  923. "013610", //GB Module fimrware update fail
  924. "013611", //Aux. power module fimrware update fail
  925. "013612", //Relay control module fimrware update fail
  926. "013613", //LCM module fimrware update fail
  927. "013614", //Bluetooth module fimrware update fail
  928. "013615", //WiFi module fimrware update fail
  929. "013616", //3G/4G module fimrware update fail
  930. "013617", //SMR fimrware update fail
  931. "013618", //RFID module fimrware update fail
  932. "013619", //configured by USB flash drive
  933. "013620", //configured by backend
  934. "013621", //configured by webpage
  935. "013622", //disconnected from Internet through Ethernet
  936. "013623", //disconnected from Internet through WiFi
  937. "013624", //disconnected from Internet through 3G/4G
  938. "013625", //disconnected from AP through WiFi
  939. "013626", //disconnected from APN through 3G/4G
  940. "013627", //Reserved
  941. "013628", //Reserved
  942. "013629", //Reserved
  943. "013630", //Reserved
  944. "013631", //Reserved
  945. //Information comes from EV
  946. "023700", //CHAdeMO EV communication Fail
  947. "023701", //CCS EV communication Fail
  948. "023702", //GB EV communication Fail
  949. "023703", //AC: pilot fault
  950. "023704", //CHAdeMO: battery malfunction
  951. "023705", //CHAdeMO: no charging permission
  952. "023706", //CHAdeMO: battery incompatibility
  953. "023707", //CHAdeMO: battery OVP
  954. "023708", //CHAdeMO: battery UVP
  955. "023709", //CHAdeMO: battery OTP
  956. "023710", //CHAdeMO: battery current difference
  957. "023711", //CHAdeMO: battery voltage difference
  958. "023712", //CHAdeMO: shift position
  959. "023713", //CHAdeMO: battery other fault
  960. "023714", //CHAdeMO: charging system error
  961. "023715", //CHAdeMO: EV normal stop
  962. "023716", //CHAdeMO: connector temperature sensor broken
  963. "023717", //CHAdeMO: connector lock fail
  964. "023718", //CHAdeMO: D1 ON No Receive
  965. "023719", //CHAdeMO: BMS K to J Timeout
  966. "023720", //CHAdeMO: BMS Charge Allow Timeout
  967. "023721", //CHAdeMO: Wait GroundFault Timeout
  968. "023722", //CHAdeMO: BMS EV Relay Timeout
  969. "023723", //CHAdeMO: BMS Request Current Timeout
  970. "023724", //CHAdeMO: BMS K to J OFF Timeout
  971. "023725", //CHAdeMO: BMS EV Relay OFF Timeout
  972. "023726", //CHAdeMO: ADC More Than 10V
  973. "023727", //CHAdeMO: ADC More Than 20V
  974. "023728", //CHAdeMO: BMS Charge Before Stop
  975. "023729", //CHAdeMO: Charger Get Normal Stop
  976. "023730", //CHAdeMO: Charger Get Emergency Stop
  977. "023731", //CHAdeMO: Isolation Result Fail
  978. "023732", //CHAdeMO: Miss Link With MotherBoard
  979. "023733", //CHAdeMO: Output Voltage More Than Limit
  980. "023734", //CHAdeMO: Request Current More Than Limit
  981. "023735", //CHAdeMO: Re Cap BMS Eqr Current Exceed
  982. "023736", //CHAdeMO: Charge Remain Count Down
  983. "023737", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_RESSTemperatureInhibit
  984. "023738", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_EVShiftPosition
  985. "023739", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargerConnectorLockFault
  986. "023740", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_EVRESSMalfunction
  987. "023741", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargingCurrentdifferential
  988. "023742", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange
  989. "023743", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargingSystemIncompatibility
  990. "023744", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_EmergencyEvent
  991. "023745", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_Breaker
  992. "023746", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_NoData
  993. "023747", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_DIN_A
  994. "023748", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_DIN_B
  995. "023749", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_DIN_C
  996. "023750", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_ISO_1
  997. "023751", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_ISO_2
  998. "023752", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_ISO_3
  999. "023753", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_1
  1000. "023754", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_2
  1001. "023755", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_3
  1002. "023756", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_4
  1003. "023757", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_5
  1004. "023758", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_SequenceError
  1005. "023759", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_SignatureError
  1006. "023760", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_UnknownSession
  1007. "023761", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid
  1008. "023762", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_Payment SelectionInvalid
  1009. "023763", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_IdentificationSelectionInvalid
  1010. "023764", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid
  1011. "023765", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateExpired
  1012. "023766", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateNotYetValid
  1013. "023767", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateRevoked
  1014. "023768", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable
  1015. "023769", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertChainError
  1016. "023770", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertValidationError
  1017. "023771", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertVerificationError
  1018. "023772", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ContractCanceled
  1019. "023773", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ChallengeInvalid
  1020. "023774", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferMode
  1021. "023775", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_WrongChargeParameter
  1022. "023776", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid
  1023. "023777", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid
  1024. "023778", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_EVSEPresentVoltageToLow
  1025. "023779", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied
  1026. "023780", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid
  1027. "023781", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected
  1028. "023782", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ContactorError
  1029. "023783", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateNotAllowedAtThisEVSE
  1030. "023784", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_GAChargeStop
  1031. "023785", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_AlignmentError
  1032. "023786", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ACDError
  1033. "023787", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_AssociationError
  1034. "023788", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_EVSEChargeAbort
  1035. "023789", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_NoSupportedApp-Protocol-Protocol
  1036. "023790", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ContractNotAccepted
  1037. "023791", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MOUnknown
  1038. "023792", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_Prov_CertificateRevoke
  1039. "023793", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked
  1040. "023794", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked
  1041. "023795", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_RootCA_CertificateRevoked
  1042. "023796", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_Prov_CertificateRevoked
  1043. "023797", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked
  1044. "023798", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked
  1045. "023799", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_RootCA_CertificateRevoked
  1046. "023800", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_Prov_CertificateRevoked
  1047. "023801", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked
  1048. "023802", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked
  1049. "023803", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_RootCA_CertificateRevoked
  1050. "023804", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_1
  1051. "023805", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_2
  1052. "023806", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_3
  1053. "023807", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_4
  1054. "023808", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_5
  1055. "023809", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_SLAC_init
  1056. "023810", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TP_match_response
  1057. "023811", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_match_sequence
  1058. "023812", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_match_MNBC
  1059. "023813", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TP_EVSE_avg_atten_calc
  1060. "023814", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_match_response
  1061. "023815", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TP_EVSE_match_session
  1062. "023816", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_assoc_session
  1063. "023817", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_vald_toggle
  1064. "023818", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_1
  1065. "023819", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_2
  1066. "023820", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_3
  1067. "023821", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_4
  1068. "023822", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_5
  1069. "023823", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_UDP_TT_match_join
  1070. "023824", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TCP_TT_match_join
  1071. "023825", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TP_amp_map_exchange
  1072. "023826", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TP_link_ready_notification
  1073. "023827", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_1
  1074. "023828", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_2
  1075. "023829", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_3
  1076. "023830", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_4
  1077. "023831", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_5
  1078. "023832", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_SupportedAppProtocolRes
  1079. "023833", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_SessionSetupRes
  1080. "023834", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ServiceDiscoveryRes
  1081. "023835", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ServicePaymentSelectionRes
  1082. "023836", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ContractAuthenticationRes
  1083. "023837", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes
  1084. "023838", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_PowerDeliveryRes
  1085. "023839", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_CableCheckRes
  1086. "023840", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_PreChargeRes
  1087. "023841", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_CurrentDemandRes
  1088. "023842", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_WeldingDetectionRes
  1089. "023843", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_SessionStopRes
  1090. "023844", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Sequence_Time
  1091. "023845", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_ReadyToCharge_Performance_Time
  1092. "023846", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CommunicationSetup_Performance_Time
  1093. "023847", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CableCheck_Performance_Time
  1094. "023848", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CPState_Detection_Time
  1095. "023849", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CPOscillator_Retain_Time
  1096. "023850", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_PreCharge_Performace_Time
  1097. "023851", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_2
  1098. "023852", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_3
  1099. "023853", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_4
  1100. "023854", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_5
  1123. "023877", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_RTC_INFO
  1124. "023878", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_RTC_INFO
  1127. "023881", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_MSG_Sequence
  1128. "023882", //CCS:CCS_CAN_MSG_Unrecognized_CMD_ID
  1129. "023883", //CCS:CCS_SECC_DIN_Msg_Decode_Error
  1130. "023884", //CCS:CCS_SECC_DIN_Msg_Encode_Error
  1131. "023885", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO1_Msg_Decode_Error
  1132. "023886", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO1_Msg_Encode_Error
  1133. "023887", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO2_Msg_Decode_Error
  1134. "023888", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO2_Msg_Encode_Error
  1135. "023889", //CCS:CCS_SECC_CP_STATUS_Error
  1136. "023890", //CCS:CCS_SECC_Unexpected_60V_Before_Charing_Error
  1137. "023891", //CCS:CCS_SECC_Not_Ready_For_Charging
  1138. "023892", //CCS:CCS_SECCC_TIMEOUT_QCA7000_COMM (The firmware code of QCA7000 may not be installed, yet)
  1139. "023893", //Reserved
  1140. "023894", //Reserved
  1141. "023895", //Reserved
  1142. "023896", //Reserved
  1143. "023897", //Reserved
  1144. "023898", //Reserved
  1145. "023899", //Reserved
  1146. "023900", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_LOS_CC1
  1155. "023909", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_ADC_MORE_THAN_10V
  1156. "023910", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_ADC_MORE_THAN_60V
  1165. "023919", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_STOP_ADC_MORE_THAN_10V
  1166. "023920", // Reserved
  1167. "023921", // Reserved
  1168. "023922", // Reserved
  1169. "023923", // Reserved
  1170. "023924", // Reserved
  1171. "023925", // Reserved
  1172. "023926", // Reserved
  1173. "023927", // Reserved
  1174. "023928", // Reserved
  1175. "023929", // Reserved
  1176. "023930", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BHM_TIMEOUT
  1177. "023931", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BRM_TIMEOUT
  1178. "023932", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCP_TIMEOUT
  1179. "023933", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BRO_TIMEOUT
  1180. "023934", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCL_TIMEOUT
  1181. "023935", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCS_TIMEOUT
  1182. "023936", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BSM_TIMEOUT
  1183. "023937", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BST_TIMEOUT
  1184. "023938", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BSD_TIMEOUT
  1186. "023940", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRM_TIMEOUT
  1189. "023943", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRO_TIMEOUT
  1190. "023944", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CCS_TIMEOUT
  1191. "023945", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CST_TIMEOUT
  1192. "023946", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CSD_TIMEOUT
  1194. "023948", // Reserved
  1195. "023949", // Reserved
  1196. "023950", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_SOC_GOAL
  1199. "023953", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_GET_CST
  1200. "023954", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_ISOLATION
  1202. "023956", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_COMPONENT
  1204. "023958", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_OTP
  1205. "023959", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_OTHER
  1206. "023960", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_HIGH_V
  1207. "023961", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_CC2
  1208. "023962", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_CURRENT
  1209. "023963", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_VOLTAGE
  1210. "023964", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GET_BST_NO_REASON
  1211. "023965", // Reserved
  1212. "023966", // Reserved
  1213. "023967", // Reserved
  1214. "023968", // Reserved
  1215. "023969", // Reserved
  1218. "023972", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_OVER_SOC
  1219. "023973", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_UNDER_SOC
  1220. "023974", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_CURRENT
  1222. "023976", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_ISOLATE
  1224. "023978", // Reserved
  1225. "023979", // Reserved
  1226. "033900", //disconnected from backend through Ethernet
  1227. "033901", //disconnected from backend through WiFi
  1228. "033902", //disconnected from backend through 3G/4G
  1229. "033903", //Remote start charging by backend
  1230. "033904", //Remote stop charging by backend
  1231. "033905", //Remote reset by backend
  1232. "033906", //Reserved
  1233. "033907", //Reserved
  1234. };
  1235. struct InfoCodeData
  1236. {
  1237. unsigned char PreviousInfoVal[40];
  1238. union
  1239. {
  1240. unsigned char InfoVal[40];
  1241. struct
  1242. {
  1243. //InfoVal[0]
  1244. unsigned char NormalStopChargingByUser:1; //bit 0
  1245. unsigned char ChargingTimesUp:1; //bit 1
  1246. unsigned char ReplaceSystemAirFilter:1; //bit 2
  1247. unsigned char ReachChademoMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 3
  1248. unsigned char ReachCcsMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 4
  1249. unsigned char ReachGbMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 5
  1250. unsigned char ReachAcMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 6
  1251. unsigned char CsuFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 7
  1252. //InfoVal[1]
  1253. unsigned char ChademoModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 0
  1254. unsigned char CcsModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 1
  1255. unsigned char GbModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 2
  1256. unsigned char AuxPowerModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 3
  1257. unsigned char RelayBoardFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 4
  1258. unsigned char LcmModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 5
  1259. unsigned char BluetoothModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 6
  1260. unsigned char WiFiModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 7
  1261. //InfoVal[2]
  1262. unsigned char Telocom4GModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 0
  1263. unsigned char PsuFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 1
  1264. unsigned char RfidModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 2
  1265. unsigned char ConfiguredByUsbFlashDrive:1; //bit 3
  1266. unsigned char ConfiguredByBackend:1; //bit 4
  1267. unsigned char ConfiguredByWebpage:1; //bit 5
  1268. unsigned char InternetDisconnectViaEthernet:1; //bit 6
  1269. unsigned char InternetDisconnectViaWiFi :1; //bit 7
  1270. //InfoVal[3]
  1271. unsigned char InternetDisconnectVia4Gi:1; //bit 0
  1272. unsigned char ApDisconnectViaWiFi:1; //bit 1
  1273. unsigned char ApnDisconnectVia4Gi:1; //bit 2
  1274. unsigned char :5; //bit 3~7 reserved
  1275. //InfoVal[4]
  1276. unsigned char ChademoEvCommFail:1; //bit 0
  1277. unsigned char CcsEvCommFail:1; //bit 1
  1278. unsigned char GbEvCommFail:1; //bit 2
  1279. unsigned char PilotFault:1; //bit 3
  1280. unsigned char ChademoBatteryMalfun:1; //bit 4
  1281. unsigned char ChademoNoPermission:1; //bit 5
  1282. unsigned char ChademoBatteryIncompatibility:1; //bit 6
  1283. unsigned char ChademoBatteryOVP:1; //bit 7
  1284. //InfoVal[5]
  1285. unsigned char ChademoBatteryUVP:1; //bit 0
  1286. unsigned char ChademoBatteryOTP:1; //bit 1
  1287. unsigned char ChademoBatteryCurrentDiff:1; //bit 2
  1288. unsigned char ChademoBatteryVoltageDiff:1; //bit 3
  1289. unsigned char ChademoShiftPosition:1; //bit 4
  1290. unsigned char ChademoBatteryOtherFault:1; //bit 5
  1291. unsigned char ChademoChargingSystemError:1; //bit 6
  1292. unsigned char ChademoEvNormalStop:1; //bit 7
  1293. //InfoVal[6]
  1294. unsigned char ChademoTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 0
  1295. unsigned char ChademoConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 1
  1296. unsigned char ChademoD1OnNoReceive:1; //bit 2
  1297. unsigned char ChademoBmsKtoJTimeout:1; //bit 3
  1298. unsigned char ChademoBmsChargeAllowTimeout:1; //bit 4
  1299. unsigned char ChademoWaitGfdTimeout:1; //bit 5
  1300. unsigned char ChademoBmsEvRelayTimeout:1; //bit 6
  1301. unsigned char ChademoBmsReqCurrentTimeout:1; //bit 7
  1302. //InfoVal[7]
  1303. unsigned char ChademoBmsKtoJOffTimeout :1; //bit 0
  1304. unsigned char ChademoBmsEvRelayOffTimeout :1; //bit 1
  1305. unsigned char ChademoAdcMoreThan10V :1; //bit 2
  1306. unsigned char ChademoAdcMoreThan20V :1; //bit 3
  1307. unsigned char ChademoBmsChargeBeforeStop :1; //bit 4
  1308. unsigned char ChademoChargerGetNormalStop :1; //bit 5
  1309. unsigned char ChademoChargerGetEmergencyStop :1; //bit 6
  1310. unsigned char ChademoIsolationResultFail :1; //bit 7
  1311. //InfoVal[8]
  1312. unsigned char ChademoMissLinkWithMotherBoard :1; //bit 0
  1313. unsigned char ChademoOutputVolMoreThanLimit :1; //bit 1
  1314. unsigned char ChademoReqCurrentMoreThanLimit :1; //bit 2
  1315. unsigned char ChademoReCapBmsEqrCurrentExceed :1; //bit 3
  1316. unsigned char ChademoChargeRemainCountDown :1; //bit 4
  1317. unsigned char CcsRESTemperatureInhibit:1; //bit 5
  1318. unsigned char CcsEVShiftPosition:1; //bit 6
  1319. unsigned char CcsChargerConnectorLockFault:1; //bit 7
  1320. //InfoVal[9]
  1321. unsigned char CcsEVRESSMalfunction:1; //bit 0
  1322. unsigned char CcsChargingCurrentdifferential:1; //bit 1
  1323. unsigned char CcsChargingVoltageOutOfRange:1; //bit 2
  1324. unsigned char CcsChargingSystemIncompatibility:1; //bit 3
  1325. unsigned char CcsEmergencyEvent:1; //bit 4
  1326. unsigned char CcsBreaker:1; //bit 5
  1327. unsigned char CcsNoData:1; //bit 6
  1328. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_DIN_A:1; //bit 7
  1329. //InfoVal[10]
  1330. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_DIN_B:1; //bit 0
  1331. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_DIN_C:1; //bit 1
  1332. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_ISO_1:1; //bit 2
  1333. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_ISO_2:1; //bit 3
  1334. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_ISO_3:1; //bit 4
  1335. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_OEM_1:1; //bit 5
  1336. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_OEM_2:1; //bit 6
  1337. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_OEM_3:1; //bit 7
  1338. //InfoVal[11]
  1339. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_OEM_4:1; //bit 0
  1340. unsigned char Ccsreserved_by_OEM_5:1; //bit 1
  1341. unsigned char CcsSequenceError:1; //bit 2
  1342. unsigned char CcsSignatureError:1; //bit 3
  1343. unsigned char CcsUnknownSession:1; //bit 4
  1344. unsigned char CcsServiceIDInvalid:1; //bit 5
  1345. unsigned char CcsPaymentSelectionInvalid:1; //bit 6
  1346. unsigned char CcsIdentificationSelectionInvalid:1; //bit 7
  1347. //InfoVal[12]
  1348. unsigned char CcsServiceSelectionInvalid:1; //bit 0
  1349. unsigned char CcsCertificateExpired:1; //bit 1
  1350. unsigned char CcsCertificateNotYetValid:1; //bit 2
  1351. unsigned char CcsCertificateRevoked:1; //bit 3
  1352. unsigned char CcsNoCertificateAvailable:1; //bit 4
  1353. unsigned char CcsCertChainError:1; //bit 5
  1354. unsigned char CcsCertValidationError:1; //bit 6
  1355. unsigned char CcsCertVerificationError:1; //bit 7
  1356. //InfoVal[13]
  1357. unsigned char CcsContractCanceled:1; //bit 0
  1358. unsigned char CcsChallengeInvalid:1; //bit 1
  1359. unsigned char CcsWrongEnergyTransferMode:1; //bit 2
  1360. unsigned char CcsWrongChargeParameter:1; //bit 3
  1361. unsigned char CcsChargingProfileInvalid:1; //bit 4
  1362. unsigned char CcsTariffSelectionInvalid:1; //bit 5
  1363. unsigned char CcsEVSEPresentVoltageToLow:1; //bit 6
  1364. unsigned char CcsPowerDeliveryNotApplied:1; //bit 7
  1365. //InfoVal[14]
  1366. unsigned char CcsMeteringSignatureNotValid:1; //bit 0
  1367. unsigned char CcsNoChargeServiceSelected:1; //bit 1
  1368. unsigned char CcsContactorError:1; //bit 2
  1369. unsigned char CcsCertificateNotAllowedAtThisEVSE:1; //bit 3
  1370. unsigned char CcsGAChargeStop:1; //bit 4
  1371. unsigned char CcsAlignmentError:1; //bit 5
  1372. unsigned char CcsACDError:1; //bit 6
  1373. unsigned char CcsAssociationError:1; //bit 7
  1374. //InfoVal[15]
  1375. unsigned char CcsEVSEChargeAbort:1; //bit 0
  1376. unsigned char CcsNoSupportedAppProtocol:1; //bit 1
  1377. unsigned char CcsContractNotAccepted:1; //bit 2
  1378. unsigned char CcsMOUnknown:1; //bit 3
  1379. unsigned char CcsOEM_Prov_CertificateRevoke:1; //bit 4
  1380. unsigned char CcsOEM_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 5
  1381. unsigned char CcsOEM_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 6
  1382. unsigned char CcsOEM_RootCA_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 7
  1383. //InfoVal[16]
  1384. unsigned char CcsMO_Prov_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 0
  1385. unsigned char CcsMO_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 1
  1386. unsigned char CcsMO_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 2
  1387. unsigned char CcsMO_RootCA_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 3
  1388. unsigned char CcsCPS_Prov_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 4
  1389. unsigned char CcsCPS_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 5
  1390. unsigned char CcsCPS_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 6
  1391. unsigned char CcsCPS_RootCA_CertificateRevoked:1; //bit 7
  1392. //InfoVal[17]
  1393. unsigned char :5; //bit 0~4 reserved
  1394. unsigned char CcsTT_EVSE_SLAC_init:1; //bit 5
  1395. unsigned char CcsTP_match_response:1; //bit 6
  1396. unsigned char CcsTT_match_sequence:1; //bit 7
  1397. //InfoVal[18]
  1398. unsigned char CcsTT_EVSE_match_MNBC:1; //bit 0
  1399. unsigned char CcsTP_EVSE_avg_atten_calc:1; //bit 1
  1400. unsigned char CcsTT_match_response:1; //bit 2
  1401. unsigned char CcsTP_EVSE_match_session:1; //bit 3
  1402. unsigned char CcsTT_EVSE_assoc_session:1; //bit 4
  1403. unsigned char CcsTT_EVSE_vald_toggle:1; //bit 5
  1404. unsigned char :2; //bit 6~7 reserved
  1405. //InfoVal[19]
  1406. unsigned char :3; //bit 0~2 reserved
  1407. unsigned char CcsUDP_TT_match_join:1; //bit 3
  1408. unsigned char CcsTCP_TT_match_join:1; //bit 4
  1409. unsigned char CcsTP_amp_map_exchange:1; //bit 5
  1410. unsigned char CcsTP_link_ready_notification:1; //bit 6
  1411. unsigned char :1; //bit 7 resetved
  1412. //InfoVal[20]
  1413. unsigned char :4; //bit 0~3 reserved
  1414. unsigned char CcsSupportedAppProtocolRes:1; //bit 4
  1415. unsigned char CcsSessionSetupRes:1; //bit 5
  1416. unsigned char CcsServiceDiscoveryRes:1; //bit 6
  1417. unsigned char CcsServicePaymentSelectionRes:1; //bit 7
  1418. //InfoVal[21]
  1419. unsigned char CcsContractAuthenticationRes:1; //bit 0
  1420. unsigned char CcsChargeParameterDiscoveryRes:1; //bit 1
  1421. unsigned char CcsPowerDeliveryRes:1; //bit 2
  1422. unsigned char CcsCableCheckRes:1; //bit 3
  1423. unsigned char CcsPreChargeRes:1; //bit 4
  1424. unsigned char CcsCurrentDemandRes:1; //bit 5
  1425. unsigned char CcsWeldingDetectionRes:1; //bit 6
  1426. unsigned char CcsSessionStopRes:1; //bit 7
  1427. //InfoVal[22]
  1428. unsigned char CcsSequence_Time:1; //bit 0
  1429. unsigned char CcsReadyToCharge_Performance_Time:1; //bit 1
  1430. unsigned char CcsCommunicationSetup_Performance_Time:1; //bit 2
  1431. unsigned char CcsCableCheck_Performance_Time:1; //bit 3
  1432. unsigned char CcsCPState_Detection_Time:1; //bit 4
  1433. unsigned char CcsCPOscillator_Retain_Time:1; //bit 5
  1434. unsigned char CcsSeccTimeoutV2GPreChargePerformaceTime:1; //bit 6
  1435. unsigned char :1; //bit 7 reserved
  1436. //InfoVal[23]
  1437. unsigned char :3; //bit 0~2 reserved
  1438. unsigned char CcsTP_GET_EV_TARGET_INFO:1; //bit 3
  1439. unsigned char CcsTT_GET_EV_TARGET_INFO:1; //bit 4
  1440. unsigned char CcsTP_GET_EV_BATTERY_INFO:1; //bit 5
  1441. unsigned char CcsTT_GET_EV_BATTERY_INFO:1; //bit 6
  1442. unsigned char CcsTP_EV_STOP_EVENT:1; //bit 7
  1443. //InfoVal[24]
  1444. unsigned char CcsTT_EV_STOP_EVENT:1; //bit 0
  1445. unsigned char CcsTP_EVSE_STOP_EVENT:1; //bit 1
  1446. unsigned char CcsTT_EVSE_STOP_EVENT:1; //bit 2
  1447. unsigned char CcsTP_GET_MISC_INFO:1; //bit 3
  1448. unsigned char CcsTT_GET_MISC_INFO:1; //bit 4
  1449. unsigned char CcsTP_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST:1; //bit 5
  1450. unsigned char CcsTT_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST:1; //bit 6
  1451. unsigned char CcsTP_START_BLOCK_TRANSFER:1; //bit 7
  1452. //InfoVal[25]
  1453. unsigned char CcsTT_START_BLOCK_TRANSFER:1; //bit 0
  1454. unsigned char CcsTP_DATA_TRANSFER:1; //bit 1
  1455. unsigned char CcsTT_DATA_TRANSFER:1; //bit 2
  1456. unsigned char CcsTP_DOWNLOAD_FINISH:1; //bit 3
  1457. unsigned char CcsTT_DOWNLOAD_FINISH:1; //bit 4
  1458. unsigned char CcsTP_ISOLATION_STATUS:1; //bit 5
  1459. unsigned char CcsTT_ISOLATION_STATUS:1; //bit 6
  1460. unsigned char CcsTP_CONNECTOR_INFO:1; //bit 7
  1461. //InfoVal[26]
  1462. unsigned char CcsTT_CONNECTOR_INFO:1; //bit 0
  1463. unsigned char CcsTT_RTC_INFO:1; //bit 1
  1464. unsigned char CcsTP_RTC_INFO:1; //bit 2
  1465. unsigned char CcsTP_EVSE_PRECHARGE_INFO:1; //bit 3
  1466. unsigned char CcsTT_EVSE_PRECHARGE_INFO:1; //bit 4
  1467. unsigned char CcsMSG_Sequence:1; //bit 5
  1468. unsigned char CcsCAN_MSG_Unrecognized_CMD_ID:1; //bit 6
  1469. unsigned char CcsDIN_Msg_Decode_Error:1; //bit 7
  1470. //InfoVal[27]
  1471. unsigned char CcsDIN_Msg_Encode_Error:1; //bit 0
  1472. unsigned char CcsISO1_Msg_Decode_Error:1; //bit 1
  1473. unsigned char CcsISO1_Msg_Encode_Error:1; //bit 2
  1474. unsigned char CcsISO2_Msg_Decode_Error:1; //bit 3
  1475. unsigned char CcsISO2_Msg_Encode_Error:1; //bit 4
  1476. unsigned char CcsCpStatus_Error:1; //bit 5
  1477. unsigned char CcsUnexpectVolBeforeCharing_Error:1; //bit 6
  1478. unsigned char CcsSeccNotReadyForCharging:1; //bit 7 reserved
  1479. //InfoVal[28]
  1480. unsigned char CcsSeccTimeoutQCA7000Comm:1; //bit 0
  1481. unsigned char :7; //bit 1~7 reserved
  1482. //InfoVal[29]
  1483. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_LOS_CC1 :1; //bit 0
  1484. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_CONNECTOR_LOCK_FAIL :1; //bit 1
  1485. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_BATTERY_INCOMPATIBLE :1; //bit 2
  1486. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_BMS_BROAA_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 3
  1487. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_CSU_PRECHARGE_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 4
  1488. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_BMS_PRESENT_VOLTAGE_FAULT :1; //bit 5
  1489. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_BMS_VOLTAGE_OVER_RANGE :1; //bit 6
  1490. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_BSM_CHARGE_ALLOW_00_10MIN_COUUNTDONE :1; //bit 7
  1491. //InfoVal[30]
  1492. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_WAIT_GROUNDFAULT_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 0
  1493. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_ADC_MORE_THAN_10V :1; //bit 1
  1494. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_ADC_MORE_THAN_60V :1; //bit 2
  1495. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_CHARGER_GET_NORMAL_STOP_CMD :1; //bit 3
  1496. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_CHARGER_GET_EMERGENCY_STOP_CMD :1; //bit 4
  1497. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_ISOLATION_RESULT_FAIL :1; //bit 5
  1498. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_MOTHER_BOARD_MISS_LINK :1; //bit 6
  1499. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_MORE_THAN_LIMIT :1; //bit 7
  1500. //InfoVal[31]
  1501. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_REQ_CURRENT_MORE_THAN_LIMIT :1; //bit 0
  1502. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_MORE_THAN_10_PERCENT :1; //bit 1
  1503. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_DIFF_BCS_5_PERCENT :1; //bit 2
  1504. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GBT_STOP_ADC_MORE_THAN_10V :1; //bit 3
  1505. unsigned char :4; //bit 4 ~ 7 reserved
  1506. //InfoVal[32]
  1507. unsigned char :6; //bit 0 ~ 5 reserved
  1508. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BHM_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 6
  1509. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BRM_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 7
  1510. //InfoVal[33]
  1511. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCP_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 0
  1512. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BRO_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 1
  1513. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCL_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 2
  1514. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCS_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 3
  1515. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BSM_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 4
  1516. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BST_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 5
  1517. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BSD_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 6
  1518. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_CEM_BEM_OTHER_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 7
  1519. //InfoVal[34]
  1520. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRM_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 0
  1521. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRMAA_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 1
  1522. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CTS_CML_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 2
  1523. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRO_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 3
  1524. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CCS_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 4
  1525. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CST_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 5
  1526. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_CSD_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 6
  1527. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BEM_BEM_OTHER_TIMEOUT :1; //bit 7
  1528. //InfoVal[35]
  1529. unsigned char :2; //bit 0 ~ 1
  1530. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_SOC_GOAL :1; //bit 2
  1531. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_TOTAL_VOLTAGE_GOAL :1; //bit 3
  1532. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_CELL_VOLTAGE_GOAL :1; //bit 4
  1533. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_GET_CST :1; //bit 5
  1534. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_ISOLATION :1; //bit 6
  1535. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_OUTPUT_CONNECTOR_OTP :1; //bit 7
  1536. //InfoVal[36]
  1537. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_COMPONENT :1; //bit 0
  1538. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_CHARGE_CONNECTOR :1; //bit 1
  1539. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_OTP :1; //bit 2
  1540. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_OTHER :1; //bit 3
  1541. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_HIGH_V :1; //bit 4
  1542. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_CC2 :1; //bit 5
  1543. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_CURRENT :1; //bit 6
  1544. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BST_VOLTAGE :1; //bit 7
  1545. //InfoVal[37]
  1546. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_GET_BST_NO_REASON :1; //bit 0
  1547. unsigned char :5; //bit 1 ~ 5 reserved
  1548. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_CELL_OVER_VOLTAGE :1; //bit 6
  1549. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_CELL_UNDER_VOLTAGE :1; //bit 7
  1550. //InfoVal[38]
  1551. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_OVER_SOC :1; //bit 0
  1552. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_UNDER_SOC :1; //bit 1
  1553. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_CURRENT :1; //bit 2
  1554. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_TEMPERATURE :1; //bit 3
  1555. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_ISOLATE :1; //bit 4
  1556. unsigned char ERROR_CODE_BSM_OUTPUT_CONNECTOR :1; //bit 5
  1557. unsigned char :2; //bit 6 ~ 7 reserved
  1558. //InfoVal[39]
  1559. unsigned char BackendDisconnectedViaEthernet:1; //bit 0
  1560. unsigned char BackendDisconnectViaWiFi:1; //bit 1
  1561. unsigned char BackendDisconnectVia4G:1; //bit 2
  1562. unsigned char BackendRemoteStart:1; //bit 3
  1563. unsigned char BackendRemoteStop:1; //bit 4
  1564. unsigned char BackendRemoteReset:1; //bit 5
  1565. unsigned char :2; //bit 6 ~ 7 reserved
  1566. }bits;
  1567. }InfoEvents;
  1568. };
  1569. struct StatusCodeData
  1570. {
  1571. struct FaultCodeData FaultCode;
  1572. struct AlarmCodeData AlarmCode;
  1573. struct InfoCodeData InfoCode;
  1574. };
  1575. /**************************************************************************************/
  1576. /**************************PSU Share memory***************************************/
  1577. /**************************************************************************************/
  1578. struct PsuModuleVer
  1579. {
  1580. unsigned char FwPrimaryVersion[16];
  1581. unsigned char FwSecondVersion[16];
  1582. };
  1583. /*Following are the information for each PSU module*/
  1584. struct PsuModuleData
  1585. {
  1586. unsigned char AssignID;
  1587. unsigned char PhysicalID;
  1588. unsigned char GroupID;
  1589. unsigned char Address;
  1590. unsigned char FireWireIndex;
  1591. unsigned char FwVersion[16];
  1592. unsigned char SerialNumber[32];
  1593. unsigned char StateMachine; //0: Identification, 1:Operation, 2: Alarm, 3: Failure, s4:Upgrade
  1594. unsigned char OutputPowerSwitch; //0: D.D normal OFF, 1: D.D emergency OFF, 2: D.D ON
  1595. unsigned short FanSpeed_1; //RPM
  1596. unsigned short FanSpeed_2; //RPM
  1597. unsigned short FanSpeed_3; //RPM
  1598. unsigned short FanSpeed_4; //RPM
  1599. unsigned short InputVoltage_Type; //0x00 = Line to Line Vol, 0x01 = Line to Neutral Vol
  1600. unsigned short InputVoltageL1; //abcd=abc.d volt
  1601. unsigned short InputVoltageL2; //abcd=abc.d volt
  1602. unsigned short InputVoltageL3; //abcd=abc.d volt
  1603. unsigned short InputCurrentL1; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1604. unsigned short InputCurrentL2; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1605. unsigned short InputCurrentL3; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1606. unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
  1607. unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1608. unsigned short AvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1609. unsigned int AvailablePower; //Watt
  1610. char CriticalTemp1; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1611. char CriticalTemp2; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1612. char CriticalTemp3; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1613. char ExletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1614. char InletTemp_1; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1615. char InletTemp_2; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1616. char InletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1617. char OutletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
  1618. unsigned int AlarmCode;
  1619. unsigned int FaultCode; //
  1620. unsigned int IAvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1621. };
  1622. /*Following are the information for each PSU Group*/
  1623. struct PsuGroupData
  1624. {
  1625. unsigned char GroupPresentPsuQuantity;
  1626. unsigned char GroupOutputPowerSwitch; //0: D.D normal OFF, 1: D.D emergency OFF, 2: D.D ON
  1627. unsigned short GroupTargetOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
  1628. unsigned short GroupTargetOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1629. unsigned short GroupAvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1630. unsigned int GroupAvailablePower; //Watt
  1631. unsigned short GroupPresentOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
  1632. unsigned short GroupPresentOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d Amps
  1633. struct PsuModuleData PsuModule[MAX_PSU_QUANTITY];
  1634. };
  1635. /*Following is the information for system all PSU*/
  1636. struct PsuData
  1637. {
  1638. unsigned char SystemPresentPsuQuantity;
  1639. unsigned short SystemAvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
  1640. unsigned int SystemAvailablePower; //Watt
  1641. struct PsuGroupData PsuGroup[4];
  1642. unsigned char GroupCount;
  1643. unsigned char Work_Step;
  1644. struct PsuModuleVer PsuVersion[MAX_PSU_QUANTITY];
  1645. };
  1646. /************************************************************************************/
  1647. /**************************CHAdeMO protocol Share memory*********************/
  1648. /**************************************************************************************/
  1649. struct CHAdeMOEvData
  1650. {
  1651. unsigned char SupportDynamicControl; //110.0
  1652. // bit0=1:supported
  1653. unsigned char SupportHighCurrent; //110.0
  1654. // bit1=1:supported
  1655. unsigned char MiniChargeCurrent; //100.0 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
  1656. // 0x00: request for current equivalent to 1.5kW
  1657. // 0x01: no request
  1658. // 0x02: request of 1A and following are the same rule
  1659. unsigned short MaxiBatteryVoltage; //100.5,100.4 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1660. unsigned short MaxiChargingTime; //101.2,101.1 10(sec.)~255(min.) (Unit:sec)
  1661. // Set 0xFF to 101.1 (Unit: 10sec) in case 101.2 (Unit: 1min) is used
  1662. unsigned char EstimatChargingTime; //101.3 0~254(min.) (Unit:sec)
  1663. // Display Only
  1664. unsigned short TotalBatteryCapacity; //101.6,101.5 0.1~6553.5(kWh) (unit:0.1 kWh)
  1665. unsigned char ProtocolVersion; //102.0 0~255
  1666. // 0x02: CHAdeMO specification ver.1.2
  1667. unsigned short TargetBatteryVoltage; //102.2,102.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1668. unsigned short ChargingCurrentRequest; //102.3 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
  1669. //110.2,110.1 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
  1670. unsigned char BatteryAlarm; //102.4 >0:alarm
  1671. // bit0=1:Battery overvoltage
  1672. // bit1=1:Battery undervoltage
  1673. // bit2=1:Battery current deviation error
  1674. // bit3=1:High battery temperature
  1675. // bit4=1:Battery voltage deviation error
  1676. unsigned char EvDetection; //102.5
  1677. // bit0=0:Vehicle charging disabled, (stop charging)
  1678. // bit0=1:Vehicle charging enabled,
  1679. // bit1=0:¡§Parking¡¨ position
  1680. // bit1=1:other position (stop charging)
  1681. // bit2=0:Charging system normal
  1682. // bit2=1:Charging system error (stop charging)
  1683. // bit3=0:EV contactor close or during welding detection
  1684. // bit3=1:EV contactor open or termination of welding detection (stop charging)
  1685. // bit4=0:No stop request before charging
  1686. // bit4=1:Normal stop request before charging (stop charging)
  1687. unsigned char SOC; //102.6 0~100(%) (unit:%)
  1688. // Display Only
  1689. unsigned char Communicating; // it is true if receive EV CAN message within every 1500ms
  1690. unsigned char PresentMsgFlowStatus; //
  1691. };
  1692. struct CHAdeMOEvseData
  1693. {
  1694. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  1695. unsigned char version[16]; //Chademo firmware version
  1696. unsigned char SupportDynamicControl; //118.0
  1697. // bit0=1:supported
  1698. unsigned char SupportHighCurrent; //118.0
  1699. // bit1=1:supported
  1700. unsigned short AvailableOutputVoltage; //108.2,108.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1701. unsigned short AvailableOutputCurrent; //108.3 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
  1702. //118.2,118.1 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
  1703. unsigned short ThresholdVoltage; //108.5,108.4 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1704. unsigned char ConnectorTemperatureP; //108.6 -40~215(degC) (unit:degC) //value 0=-40 [NISSAN customized]
  1705. unsigned char ConnectorTemperatureN; //108.7 -40~215(degC) (unit:degC) //value 0=-40 [NISSAN customized]
  1706. unsigned char ProtocolVersion; //109.0 0~255
  1707. // 0x00: CHAdeMO specification 0.9 and earlier
  1708. // 0x01: CHAdeMO specification 0.9 and 0.9.1
  1709. // 0x02: CHAdeMO specification 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1 and 1.2
  1710. unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; //109.2,109.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1711. unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; //109.3 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
  1712. //118.4,118.3 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
  1713. unsigned char EvseDetection; //109.5
  1714. // bit0=0:not charging state now
  1715. // bit0=1:charging state now
  1716. // bit1=0:EVSE normal
  1717. // bit1=1:EVSE error
  1718. // bit2=0:Not Energizing state
  1719. // bit2=1:Energizing state
  1720. // bit3=0:No Battery incompatibility
  1721. // bit3=1:Battery incompatibility
  1722. // bit4=0:No Charging system error
  1723. // bit4=1:Charging system error
  1724. // bit5=0:No Charging stop control
  1725. // bit5=1:Charging stop control
  1726. unsigned short RemainChargingTime; //109.7,109.6 10(sec.)~255(min.) (Unit:sec)
  1727. // Set 0xFF to 109.6 (Unit: 10sec) in case 109.7 (Unit: 1min) is used
  1728. unsigned char HighPowerCondition; //118.5
  1729. // bit0=0:Present charging current H¡¦118.3,H¡¦118.4¡¨ is less than or equal to rated current of a charging cable
  1730. // bit0=1:Present charging current H¡¦118.3,H¡¦118.4¡¨ is exceeds to rated current of a charging cable
  1731. // bit1=1:charging cable Cooling function Operating Installed
  1732. // bit2=1:charging cable Current limiting function
  1733. // bit3=1:charging connector Cooling function Operating
  1734. // bit4=1:charging connector Current limiting function Installed
  1735. // bit5=1:charging connector Over-temperature protection Installed
  1736. // bit6=1:Functional safety Applied
  1737. unsigned int MaxiGroupPower; // XXXXXXXX (Unit:Watt)depend on which group to be used
  1738. unsigned int MaxiGroupCurrent; // XXXXXXXX (unit:1A)depend on which group to be used
  1739. unsigned short ApplyOutputVoltage; // 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1740. unsigned short ElapseChargingTime; // (Unit:sec)
  1741. unsigned short ElapseEnergy; // (Unit:10xkWh)
  1742. unsigned char EvboardStatus; // 0 : init
  1743. };
  1744. struct CHAdeMOData
  1745. {
  1746. struct CHAdeMOEvData ev[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY];
  1747. struct CHAdeMOEvseData evse[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY];
  1748. };
  1749. /************************************************************************************/
  1750. /**************************GBT protocol Share memory*********************/
  1751. /**************************************************************************************/
  1752. struct GBTEvData
  1753. {
  1754. unsigned short MaxiBatteryVoltage; // 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1755. unsigned short MaxiChargingTime; // 10(sec.)~255(min.) (Unit:sec)
  1756. unsigned char EstimatChargingTime; // 0~254(min.) (Unit:sec)
  1757. unsigned short TotalBatteryCapacity; // 0.1~6553.5(kWh) (unit:0.1 kWh)
  1758. unsigned char ProtocolVersion; // 0~255
  1759. unsigned short TargetBatteryVoltage; // 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1760. unsigned short ChargingCurrentRequest; // 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
  1761. // 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
  1762. unsigned char EvDetection; //102.5
  1763. // bit0=0:Vehicle charging disabled, (stop charging)
  1764. // bit0=1:Vehicle charging enabled,
  1765. // bit1=0:¡§Parking¡¨ position
  1766. // bit1=1:other position (stop charging)
  1767. // bit2=0:Charging system normal
  1768. // bit2=1:Charging system error (stop charging)
  1769. // bit3=0:EV contactor close or during welding detection
  1770. // bit3=1:EV contactor open or termination of welding detection (stop charging)
  1771. // bit4=0:No stop request before charging
  1772. // bit4=1:Normal stop request before charging (stop charging)
  1773. unsigned char SOC; //102.6 0~100(%) (unit:%)
  1774. // Display Only
  1775. unsigned char PresentMsgFlowStatus; //
  1776. };
  1777. struct GBTEvseData
  1778. {
  1779. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  1780. unsigned char version[16]; // GBT firmware version
  1781. unsigned short AvailableOutputVoltage; // 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1782. unsigned short AvailableOutputCurrent; // 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
  1783. unsigned char ConnectorTemperatureP; // -40~215(degC) (unit:degC) //value 0=-40 [NISSAN customized]
  1784. unsigned char ConnectorTemperatureN; // -40~215(degC) (unit:degC) //value 0=-40 [NISSAN customized]
  1785. unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; // 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
  1786. unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; // 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
  1787. unsigned short RemainChargingTime; //109.7,109.6 10(sec.)~255(min.) (Unit:sec)
  1788. unsigned char EvboardStatus; // 0 : init
  1789. };
  1790. struct GBTData
  1791. {
  1792. struct GBTEvData ev[GB_QUANTITY];
  1793. struct GBTEvseData evse[GB_QUANTITY];
  1794. };
  1795. /************************************************************************************/
  1796. /**************************CCS protocol Share memory***************************/
  1797. /**************************DIN70121: 201412***************************************/
  1798. /**************************ISO15118_2014: 2014************************************/
  1799. /**************************ISO15118_2018: 2018************************************/
  1800. /************************************************************************************/
  1801. typedef enum boolean { FALSE, TRUE } BOOL;
  1802. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 { OK_DIN70121 = 0, OK_NewSessionEstablished_DIN70121 = 1, OK_OldSessionJoined_DIN70121 = 2, OK_CertificateExpiresSoon_DIN70121 = 3,
  1803. FAILED_DIN70121 = 4, FAILED_SequenceError_DIN70121 = 5, FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid_DIN70121 = 6, FAILED_UnknownSession_DIN70121 = 7,
  1804. FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid_DIN70121 = 8, FAILED_PaymentSelectionInvalid_DIN70121 = 9, FAILED_CertificateExpired_DIN70121 = 10,
  1805. FAILED_SignatureError_DIN70121 = 11, FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable_DIN70121 = 12, FAILED_CertChainError_DIN70121 = 13, FAILED_ChallengeInvalid_DIN70121 = 14,
  1806. FAILED_ContractCanceled_DIN70121 = 15, FAILED_WrongChargeParameter_DIN70121 = 16, FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied_DIN70121 = 17,
  1807. FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid_DIN70121 = 18, FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid_DIN70121 = 19, FAILED_EVSEPresentVoltageToLow_DIN70121 = 20,
  1808. FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid_DIN70121 = 21, FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferType_DIN70121 = 22};
  1809. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 { OK_ISO15118_2014 = 0, OK_NewSessionEstablished_ISO15118_2014 = 1, OK_OldSessionJoined_ISO15118_2014 = 2, OK_CertificateExpiresSoon_ISO15118_2014 = 3,
  1810. FAILED_ISO15118_2014 = 4, FAILED_SequenceError_ISO15118_2014 = 5, FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid_ISO15118_2014 = 6, FAILED_UnknownSession_ISO15118_2014 = 7,
  1811. FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid_ISO15118_2014 = 8, FAILED_PaymentSelectionInvalid_ISO15118_2014 = 9, FAILED_CertificateExpired_ISO15118_2014 = 10,
  1812. FAILED_SignatureError_ISO15118_2014 = 11, FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable_ISO15118_2014 = 12, FAILED_CertChainError_ISO15118_2014 = 13, FAILED_ChallengeInvalid_ISO15118_2014 = 14,
  1813. FAILED_ContractCanceled_ISO15118_2014 = 15, FAILED_WrongChargeParameter_ISO15118_2014 = 16, FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied_ISO15118_2014 = 17,
  1814. FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid_ISO15118_2014 = 18, FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid_ISO15118_2014 = 19, FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid_ISO15118_2014 = 20,
  1815. FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected_ISO15118_2014 = 21, FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferMode_ISO15118_2014 = 22, FAILED_ContactorError_ISO15118_2014 = 23,
  1816. FAILED_CertificateNotAllowedAtThisEVSE_ISO15118_2014 = 24, FAILED_CertificateRevoked_ISO15118_2014 = 25 };
  1817. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 { OK_ISO15118_2018 = 0, OK_NewSessionEstablished_ISO15118_2018 = 1, OK_OldSessionJoined_ISO15118_2018 = 2, OK_CertificateExpiresSoon_ISO15118_2018 = 3,
  1818. OK_IsolationValid_ISO15118_2018 = 4, OK_IsolationWarning_ISO15118_2018 = 5, WARNING_CertificateExpired_ISO15118_2018 = 6, WARNING_NoCertificateAvailable_ISO15118_2018 = 7,
  1819. WARNING_CertValidationError_ISO15118_2018 = 8, WARNING_CertVerificationError_ISO15118_2018 = 9, WARNING_ContractCanceled_ISO15118_2018 = 10,
  1820. FAILED_ISO15118_2018 = 11, FAILED_SequenceError_ISO15118_2018 = 12, FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid_ISO15118_2018 = 13, FAILED_UnknownSession_ISO15118_2018 = 14,
  1821. FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid_ISO15118_2018 = 15, FAILED_SignatureError_ISO15118_2018 = 16, FAILED_IdentificationSelectionInvalid_ISO15118_2018 = 17,
  1822. FAILED_ChallengeInvalid_ISO15118_2018 = 18, FAILED_WrongChargeParameter_ISO15118_2018 = 19, FAILED_IsolationFault_ISO15118_2018 = 20,
  1823. FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied_ISO15118_2018 = 21, FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid_ISO15118_2018 = 22, FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid_ISO15118_2018 = 23,
  1824. FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid_ISO15118_2018 = 24, FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected_ISO15118_2018 = 25, FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferMode_ISO15118_2018 = 26,
  1825. FAILED_ContactorError_ISO15118_2018 = 27, FAILED_CertificateRevoked_ISO15118_2018 = 28, FAILED_CertificateNotYetValid_ISO15118_2018 = 29 };
  1826. enum EVSENotificationType { None = 0, StopCharging = 1, ReNegotiation = 2};
  1827. enum ServiceCategoryType { EVCharging = 0, Internet = 1, ContractCertificate = 2, OtherCustom = 3};
  1828. enum PaymentOptionType { Contract = 0, ExternalPayment = 1};
  1829. /*enum EVSESupportedEnergyTransferType { AC_single_phase_core = 0, AC_three_phase_core = 1, DC_core = 2, DC_extended = 3,
  1830. DC_combo_core = 4, DC_dual = 5, AC_core1p_DC_extended = 6, AC_single_DC_core = 7,
  1831. AC_single_phase_three_phase_core_DC_extended = 8, AC_core3p_DC_extended = 9};*/
  1832. enum EnergyTransferModeType { AC_single_phase_core = 0, AC_three_phase_core = 1, DC_core = 2, DC_extended = 3,
  1833. DC_combo_core = 4, DC_unique = 5};
  1834. //enum identificationOptionType { Contract = 0, ExternalIdentification = 1};
  1835. enum unitSymbolType_DIN70121 { h_DIN70121 = 0, m_DIN70121 = 1, s_DIN70121 = 2, A_DIN70121 = 3, Ah_DIN70121 = 4, V_DIN70121 = 5, VA_DIN70121 = 6, W_DIN70121 = 7, Ws_DIN70121 = 8, Wh_DIN70121 = 9};
  1836. enum unitSymbolType_ISO15118_2014 { h_ISO15118_2014 = 0, m_ISO15118_2014 = 1, s_ISO15118_2014 = 2, A_ISO15118_2014 = 3, V_ISO15118_2014 = 4, W_ISO15118_2014 = 5, Wh_ISO15118_2014 = 6};
  1837. enum ProcessingType { Finished = 0, Ongoing = 1, Ongoing_WaitingForCustomerInteraction = 2};
  1838. enum EVSEProcessingType_DIN70121 { Finished_DIN70121 = 0, Ongoing_DIN70121 = 1};
  1839. enum EVSEProcessingType_ISO15118_2014 { Finished_ISO15118_2014 = 0, Ongoing_ISO15118_2014 = 1, Ongoing_WaitingForCustomerInteraction_ISO15118_2014=2 };
  1840. enum DC_EVErrorCodeType { NO_ERROR = 0, FAILED_RESSTemperatureInhibit = 1, FAILED_EVShiftPosition = 2, FAILED_ChargerConnectorLockFault = 3,
  1841. FAILED_EVRESSMalfunction = 4, FAILED_ChargingCurrentdifferential = 5, FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange = 6,
  1842. Reserved_A = 7, Reserved_B = 8, Reserved_C = 9, FAILED_ChargingSystemIncompatibility = 10, NoData = 11};
  1843. enum IsolationLevelType_DIN70121 { Invalid_DIN70121 = 0, Valid_DIN70121 = 1, Warning_DIN70121 = 2, Fault_DIN70121 = 3};
  1844. enum IsolationLevelType_ISO15118_2014 { Invalid_ISO15118_2014 = 0, Valid_ISO15118_2014 = 1, Warning_ISO15118_2014 = 2, Fault_ISO15118_2014 = 3, No_IMD_ISO15118_2014 = 4};
  1845. enum DC_EVSEStatusCodeType { EVSE_NotReady = 0, EVSE_Ready = 1, EVSE_Shutdown = 2, EVSE_UtilityInterruptEvent = 3,
  1846. EVSE_IsolationMonitoringActive = 4, EVSE_EmergencyShutdown = 5, EVSE_Malfunction = 6,
  1847. Reserved_8 = 7, Reserved_9 = 8};
  1848. enum ScheduleOriginType { EV = 0, SA = 1};
  1849. enum ChargeProgressType_ISO15118_2014 {start_ISO15118_2014 = 0, Stop_ISO15118_2014 = 1, Renegotiate_ISO15118_2014 = 2};
  1850. enum ChargeProgressType_ISO15118_2018 {start_ISO15118_2018 = 0, Renegotiate_ISO15118_2018 = 1, Standby_ISO15118_2018 = 2, Stop_ISO15118_2018 = 3};
  1851. enum evOperationType {Charge = 0, Discharge = 1, Standby = 2};
  1852. enum mechanicalChargingDeviceStatusType {Home = 0, Moving = 1, EndPosition = 2};
  1853. enum EV_CP_StatusType {A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, D = 3, E = 4, F = 5};
  1854. enum EV_Error_Status_CodeType { No_EV_Error = 0, EV_FAILED_EmergencyEvent = 1, EV_FAILED_Breaker = 2, EV_FAILED_RESSTemperatureInhibit = 3,
  1855. EV_FAILED_RESS = 4, EV_FAILED_ChargingCurrentDifferential = 5, EV_FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange = 6,
  1856. Reserved_by_ISO_1 = 7, Reserved_by_ISO_2 = 8, Reserved_by_ISO_3 = 9, OEM1 = 10,
  1857. OEM2 = 11, OEM3 = 12, OEM4 = 13};
  1858. enum IsolationStatusType { Invalid = 0, Safe = 1, Warning = 2, Fault = 3};
  1859. enum ChargingSessionType { Terminate = 0, Pause = 1};
  1860. enum CostKindType { relativePricePercentage = 0, RenewableGenerationPercentage = 1, CarbonDioxideEmission = 2};
  1861. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 //The final physical value is determined by: Value * 10 ^ Multiplier [Unit]
  1862. {
  1863. int Multiplier; //range: -3..+3
  1864. enum unitSymbolType_DIN70121 Unit;
  1865. short Value;
  1866. };
  1867. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 //The final physical value is determined by: Value * 10 ^ Multiplier [Unit]
  1868. {
  1869. int Multiplier; //range: -3..+3
  1870. enum unitSymbolType_ISO15118_2014 Unit;
  1871. short Value;
  1872. };
  1873. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 //The final physical value is determined by: Value * 10 ^ Exponent [Unit]
  1874. {
  1875. int Exponent; //range: -3..+3
  1876. short Value;
  1877. };
  1878. struct AppProtocolType
  1879. {
  1880. unsigned char ProtocolNamespace[100];
  1881. unsigned int VersionNumberMajor;
  1882. unsigned int VersionNumberMinor;
  1883. unsigned char SchemaID;
  1884. unsigned char Priority; //range 1..20
  1885. };
  1886. struct ACD_SSEnergyTransferModeType
  1887. {
  1888. unsigned char EVID[20];
  1889. };
  1890. struct EVSEStatusType
  1891. {
  1892. unsigned short NotificationMaxDelay; //in seconds
  1893. enum EVSENotificationType EVSENotification;
  1894. };
  1895. struct ServiceIDListType
  1896. {
  1897. unsigned short ServiceID[10]; //refer to chapter Table 192
  1898. };
  1899. struct PaymentOptionListType
  1900. {
  1901. enum PaymentOptionType PaymentOption[2];
  1902. };
  1903. struct ServiceTagType
  1904. {
  1905. unsigned short ServiceID;
  1906. unsigned char ServiceName[32];//Optional Element
  1907. enum ServiceCategoryType ServiceCategory;
  1908. unsigned char ServiceScope[32];//Optional Element
  1909. };
  1910. struct ServiceType_DIN70121
  1911. {
  1912. struct ServiceTagType ServiceTag;
  1913. BOOL FreeService;
  1914. };
  1915. struct ServiceType_ISO15118_2014
  1916. {
  1917. unsigned short ServiceID;
  1918. unsigned char ServiceName[32]; //Optional
  1919. enum ServiceCategoryType ServiceCategory;
  1920. unsigned char ServiceScope[64]; //Optional
  1921. BOOL FreeService;
  1922. };
  1923. /*struct ServiceType_ISO15118_2018
  1924. {
  1925. unsigned short ServiceID;
  1926. BOOL FreeService;
  1927. }; */
  1928. struct SupportedEnergyTransferModeType
  1929. {
  1930. enum EnergyTransferModeType EnergyTransferMode[6];
  1931. };
  1932. struct ServiceChargeType
  1933. {
  1934. struct ServiceType_DIN70121 Services;
  1935. //enum EVSESupportedEnergyTransferType EnergyTransferType;
  1936. enum EnergyTransferModeType EnergyTransferType;
  1937. };
  1938. struct ChargeServiceType
  1939. {
  1940. struct ServiceType_ISO15118_2014 Services;
  1941. struct SupportedEnergyTransferModeType SupportedEnergyTransferMode;
  1942. };
  1943. struct ServiceListType
  1944. {
  1945. struct ServiceType_ISO15118_2014 Service[8];
  1946. };
  1947. struct IdentificationOptionListType
  1948. {
  1949. enum PaymentOptionType IdentificationOption[2];
  1950. };
  1951. struct ParameterType
  1952. {
  1953. unsigned char Name[32];
  1954. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 PhysicalValue_ISO15118_2014;
  1955. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 PhysicalValue_ISO15118_2018;
  1956. };
  1957. struct ParameterSetType
  1958. {
  1959. short ParameterSetID;
  1960. struct ParameterType Parameter[16];
  1961. };
  1962. struct ServiceParameterListType
  1963. {
  1964. struct ParameterSetType ParameterSet[255];
  1965. };
  1966. struct WPT_SDlEnergyTransferModeType
  1967. {
  1968. struct ServiceParameterListType ServiceParameterList;
  1969. };
  1970. struct SelectedServiceType
  1971. {
  1972. unsigned short ServiceID;
  1973. short ParameterSetID;
  1974. };
  1975. struct SelectedServiceListType
  1976. {
  1977. struct SelectedServiceType SelectedService[16];
  1978. };
  1979. struct CertificateChainType
  1980. {
  1981. unsigned char Id[32]; //Optional
  1982. unsigned char Certificate[800]; //check size again
  1983. unsigned char SubCertificates[4][800]; //Optional, check size again
  1984. };
  1985. struct PNC_AReqIdentificationModeType
  1986. {
  1987. unsigned char GenChallenge[16]; //DIN70121=> None, ISO15118_2014=>None, ISO15118_2018=>Optional
  1988. unsigned char Id[32]; //DIN70121=> None, ISO15118_2014=>None, ISO15118_2018=>Optional
  1989. };
  1990. struct AC_EVChargeParameterType
  1991. {
  1992. unsigned int DepartureTime; //Optional
  1993. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EAmount;
  1994. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaxVoltage;
  1995. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaxCurrent;
  1996. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMinCurrent;
  1997. };
  1998. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121
  1999. {
  2000. BOOL EVReady;
  2001. BOOL EVCabinConditioning;
  2002. BOOL EVRESSConiditioning;
  2003. enum DC_EVErrorCodeType EVErrorCode;
  2004. unsigned char EVRESSSOC; /*0-100 percentage*/
  2005. };
  2006. struct DC_EVChargeParameterType_DIN70121
  2007. {
  2008. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
  2009. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumCurrentLimit;
  2010. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  2011. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumVoltageLimit;
  2012. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVEnergyCapacity; //Optional
  2013. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2014. unsigned char FullSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
  2015. unsigned char BulkSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
  2016. };
  2017. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014
  2018. {
  2019. BOOL EVReady;
  2020. enum DC_EVErrorCodeType EVErrorCode;
  2021. unsigned char EVRESSSOC; /*0-100 percentage*/
  2022. };
  2023. struct DC_EVChargeParameterType_ISO15118_2014
  2024. {
  2025. unsigned int DepartureTime; //Optional
  2026. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVStatus;
  2027. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaximumCurrentLimit;
  2028. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  2029. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaximumVoltageLimit;
  2030. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVEnergyCapacity; //Optional
  2031. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2032. unsigned char FullSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
  2033. unsigned char BulkSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
  2034. };
  2035. struct Dynamic_CPDReqControlModeType
  2036. {
  2037. unsigned int DepartureTime;
  2038. };
  2039. struct RelativeTimeIntervalType
  2040. {
  2041. unsigned int duration; //Optional
  2042. unsigned int start;
  2043. };
  2044. struct PMaxScheduleEntryType
  2045. {
  2046. struct RelativeTimeIntervalType RelativeTimeInterval;
  2047. unsigned short PMax;
  2048. };
  2049. struct PMaxScheduleType
  2050. {
  2051. unsigned short PMaxScheduleID; //no this itme in ISO15118_2014
  2052. struct PMaxScheduleEntryType PMaxScheduleEntry[1024];
  2053. };
  2054. struct CostType
  2055. {
  2056. unsigned int amount;
  2057. enum CostKindType costKind;
  2058. int amountMultiplier; //Optional , range: -3..+3
  2059. };
  2060. struct ConsumptionCostType
  2061. {
  2062. struct CostType Cost[3];
  2063. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 startValue;
  2064. };
  2065. struct SalesTariffEntryType
  2066. {
  2067. struct RelativeTimeIntervalType RelativeTimeInterval;
  2068. unsigned char EPriceLevel; //Optional
  2069. struct ConsumptionCostType ConsumptionCost[3]; //Optional
  2070. };
  2071. struct SalesTariffType
  2072. {
  2073. unsigned char Id[32]; //Optional
  2074. short SalesTariffID;
  2075. unsigned char SalesTariffDescription[32]; //Optional
  2076. unsigned char NumEPriceLevels; //Optional
  2077. struct SalesTariffEntryType SalesTariffEntry[1024];
  2078. };
  2079. struct SAScheduleTupleType
  2080. {
  2081. short SAScheduleTupleID;
  2082. struct PMaxScheduleType PMaxSchedule;
  2083. struct SalesTariffType SalesTariff; //Optional
  2084. };
  2085. struct ScheduleListType
  2086. {
  2087. enum ScheduleOriginType ScheduleOrigin;
  2088. struct SAScheduleTupleType ScheduleTuple[3];
  2089. };
  2090. struct Scheduled_CPDReqControlModeType
  2091. {
  2092. enum ProcessingType EVProcessing;
  2093. unsigned int DepartureTime; //Optional
  2094. unsigned short MaxSupportingPoints;
  2095. struct ScheduleListType ScheduleList; //Optional
  2096. };
  2097. struct AC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType
  2098. {
  2099. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2100. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2101. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2102. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargePower;
  2103. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2104. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2105. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumVoltage;
  2106. };
  2107. struct DC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType
  2108. {
  2109. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargePower; //Optional
  2110. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargePower; //Optional
  2111. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2112. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2113. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumVoltage;
  2114. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2115. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2116. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2117. unsigned char TargetSOC; //Optional
  2118. unsigned char BulkSOC; //Optional
  2119. };
  2120. struct BPT_AC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType
  2121. {
  2122. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargePower;
  2123. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumDischargePower;
  2124. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumDischargePower;
  2125. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2126. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumDischargeCurrent;
  2127. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2128. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumDischargeCurrent;
  2129. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2130. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2131. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2132. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumVoltage;
  2133. };
  2134. struct BPT_DC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType
  2135. {
  2136. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargePower;
  2137. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargePower;
  2138. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumDischargePower;
  2139. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumDischargePower;
  2140. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2141. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2142. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumDischargeCurrent;
  2143. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumDischargeCurrent;
  2144. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumVoltage;
  2145. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumVoltage;
  2146. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest;
  2147. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest;
  2148. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest;
  2149. unsigned char TargetSOC; //Optional
  2150. unsigned char BulkSOC; //Optional
  2151. };
  2152. struct WPT_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType
  2153. {
  2154. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumPower; //Optional
  2155. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumPower; //Optional
  2156. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2157. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2158. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2159. };
  2160. struct ACD_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType
  2161. {
  2162. //cannot be found in standard
  2163. };
  2164. struct SAScheduleListType
  2165. {
  2166. struct SAScheduleTupleType SAScheduleTuple[3];
  2167. };
  2168. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121
  2169. {
  2170. enum IsolationLevelType_DIN70121 EVSEIsolationStatus; //Optional
  2171. enum DC_EVSEStatusCodeType EVSEStatusCode;
  2172. unsigned int NotificationMaxDelay;
  2173. enum EVSENotificationType EVSENotification;
  2174. };
  2175. struct DC_EVSEChargeParameterType_DIN70121
  2176. {
  2177. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2178. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit;
  2179. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  2180. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit;
  2181. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMinimumCurrentLimit;
  2182. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMinimumVoltageLimit;
  2183. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSECurrentRegulationTolerance; //Optional
  2184. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEPeakCurrentRipple;
  2185. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEEnergyToBeDelivered; //Optional
  2186. };
  2187. struct AC_EVSEStatusType
  2188. {
  2189. BOOL RCD;
  2190. unsigned short NotificationMaxDelay;
  2191. enum EVSENotificationType EVSENotification; //need to be confirmed
  2192. };
  2193. struct AC_EVSEChargeParameterType
  2194. {
  2195. struct AC_EVSEStatusType AC_EVSEStatus;
  2196. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSENominalVoltage;
  2197. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaxCurrent;
  2198. };
  2199. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014
  2200. {
  2201. unsigned short NotificationMaxDelay;
  2202. enum EVSENotificationType EVSENotification;
  2203. enum IsolationLevelType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEIsolationStatus; //Optional
  2204. enum DC_EVSEStatusCodeType DC_EVSEStatusCode;
  2205. };
  2206. struct DC_EVSEChargeParameterType_ISO15118_2014
  2207. {
  2208. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2209. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit;
  2210. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaximumPowerLimit;
  2211. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit;
  2212. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMinimumCurrentLimit;
  2213. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMinimumVoltageLimit;
  2214. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSECurrentRegulationTolerance; //Optional
  2215. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEPeakCurrentRipple;
  2216. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEEnergyToBeDelivered; //Optional
  2217. };
  2218. struct Scheduled_CPDResControlModeType
  2219. {
  2220. struct ScheduleListType ScheduleList;
  2221. };
  2222. struct AC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType
  2223. {
  2224. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeCurrent[3];
  2225. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSENominalVoltage;
  2226. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSENominalFrequency;
  2227. };
  2228. struct DC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType
  2229. {
  2230. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargePower;
  2231. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2232. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2233. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumVoltage;
  2234. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMinimumVoltage;
  2235. };
  2236. struct BPT_AC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType
  2237. {
  2238. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeCurrent[3];
  2239. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumDischargeCurrent[3];
  2240. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSENominalVoltage;
  2241. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSENominalFrequency;
  2242. };
  2243. struct BPT_DC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType
  2244. {
  2245. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargePower;
  2246. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumDischargePower;
  2247. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2248. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumDischargeCurrent;
  2249. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2250. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMinimumDischargeCurrent;
  2251. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumVoltage;
  2252. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMinimumVoltage;
  2253. };
  2254. struct WPT_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType
  2255. {
  2256. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumPower;
  2257. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMinimumPower;
  2258. };
  2259. struct ACD_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType
  2260. {
  2261. //not found in ISO15118_2018
  2262. };
  2263. struct ProfileEntryType_DIN70121
  2264. {
  2265. unsigned int ChargingProfileEntryStart;
  2266. short ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower;
  2267. };
  2268. struct ChargingProfileType_DIN70121
  2269. {
  2270. short SAScheduleTupleID;
  2271. struct ProfileEntryType_DIN70121 ProfileEntry[24];
  2272. };
  2273. struct DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType_DIN70121
  2274. {
  2275. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
  2276. BOOL BulkChargingComplete; //Optional
  2277. BOOL ChargingComplete;
  2278. };
  2279. struct ProfileEntryType_ISO15118_2014
  2280. {
  2281. unsigned int ChargingProfileEntryStart;
  2282. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower;
  2283. unsigned char ChargingProfileEntryMaxNumberOfPhasesInUse; //Optional
  2284. };
  2285. struct ChargingProfileType_ISO15118_2014
  2286. {
  2287. struct ProfileEntryType_ISO15118_2014 ProfileEntry[24];
  2288. };
  2289. struct DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType_ISO15118_2014
  2290. {
  2291. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVStatus;
  2292. BOOL BulkChargingComplete; //Optional
  2293. BOOL ChargingComplete;
  2294. };
  2295. struct TimeInterval
  2296. {
  2297. unsigned int start;
  2298. unsigned int duration; //Optional
  2299. };
  2300. struct PowerScheduleEntryType
  2301. {
  2302. struct TimeInterval TimeInterval;
  2303. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 Power[3];
  2304. };
  2305. struct EVPowerProfileType
  2306. {
  2307. struct PowerScheduleEntryType EVPowerProfileEntry[2048];
  2308. };
  2309. struct Scheduled_PDReqControlModeType
  2310. {
  2311. unsigned char ScheduleTupleID;
  2312. struct EVPowerProfileType EVPowerProfile;
  2313. };
  2314. struct BPT_Scheduled_PDReqControlModeType
  2315. {
  2316. unsigned char ScheduleTupleID;
  2317. struct EVPowerProfileType EVPowerProfile; //Optional
  2318. enum evOperationType EVOperation;
  2319. };
  2320. struct ListOfRootCertificateIDsType
  2321. {
  2322. unsigned char RootCertificateID[20][40];
  2323. };
  2324. struct ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType
  2325. {
  2326. unsigned char Id[32];
  2327. };
  2328. struct DiffieHellmanPublickeyType
  2329. {
  2330. unsigned char Id[32];
  2331. };
  2332. struct ContractCertificateEncryptedPrivateKeyType
  2333. {
  2334. unsigned char Id[32];
  2335. };
  2336. struct EVTechnicalStatusType
  2337. {
  2338. BOOL EV_Status_ReadyToCharge;
  2339. BOOL EV_Status_ImmobilizationRequest; //Optional
  2340. BOOL EV_Status_Immobilized;
  2341. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EV_Status_WLAN_Strength;
  2342. enum EV_CP_StatusType EV_CP_Status;
  2343. unsigned char EV_Status_RESSSOC; //0~100%
  2344. enum EV_Error_Status_CodeType EV_Error_Status_Code;
  2345. BOOL EVSE_Timeout;
  2346. };
  2347. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2014
  2348. {
  2349. unsigned char MeterID[32];
  2350. unsigned long MeterReading; //Optional
  2351. unsigned char SigMeterReading[64]; //Optional
  2352. short MeterStatus; //Optional
  2353. short TMeter; //Optional
  2354. };
  2355. struct Scheduled_MRReqControlModeType
  2356. {
  2357. unsigned char ScheduleTupleID;
  2358. };
  2359. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2018
  2360. {
  2361. unsigned char MeterID[32];
  2362. unsigned long MeterReadingWhCharged; //Optional
  2363. unsigned long MeterReadingWhDischarged; //Optional
  2364. unsigned long MeterReadingVARhLeading; //Optional
  2365. unsigned long MeterReadingVARhLagging; //Optional
  2366. unsigned char SignatureMeterReading[64]; //Optional
  2367. short MeterStatus; //Optional
  2368. short TimeStampMeter; //Optional
  2369. BOOL ReceiptRequired; //Optional
  2370. };
  2371. struct PnC_CLReqIdentificationModeType
  2372. {
  2373. BOOL MeteringReceiptRequested;
  2374. };
  2375. struct Dynamic_CSReqControlModeType
  2376. {
  2377. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest;
  2378. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest;
  2379. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest;
  2380. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargePower;
  2381. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargeCurrent;
  2382. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargeCurrent;
  2383. };
  2384. struct Scheduled_CSReqControlModeType
  2385. {
  2386. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2387. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2388. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumEnergyRequest; //Optional
  2389. BOOL Standby;
  2390. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargePower; //Optional
  2391. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMaximumChargeCurrent; //Optional
  2392. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVMinimumChargeCurrent; //Optional
  2393. };
  2394. struct DisplayParametersType
  2395. {
  2396. unsigned short CurrentRange;
  2397. unsigned char CurrentSOC; //0~100%
  2398. unsigned char MinimumSOC; //0~100%
  2399. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 RemainingTimeToMaximumSOC;
  2400. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 RemainingTimeToTargetSOC;
  2401. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 RemainingTimeToBulkSOC;
  2402. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 RemainingTimeToMinimumSOC;
  2403. BOOL ChargingComplete;
  2404. BOOL BulkChargingComplete;
  2405. BOOL InletHot;
  2406. };
  2407. struct PnC_CLResIdentificationModeType
  2408. {
  2409. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2018 MeterInfo;
  2410. };
  2411. struct Dynamic_CSResControlModeType
  2412. {
  2413. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSETargetActivePower;
  2414. };
  2415. struct Scheduled_CDResControlModeType
  2416. {
  2417. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargePower; //Optional
  2418. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeCurrent; //Optional
  2419. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumVoltage; //Optional
  2420. };
  2421. struct LFA_EVFinePositioningSetupParametersType
  2422. {
  2423. unsigned char NumberOfSensors;
  2424. //NOT complete yet, to be continue.....
  2425. };
  2426. /****SupportedAppProtocolRequest****/
  2427. struct SupportedAppProtocolRequest_DIN70121
  2428. {
  2429. struct AppProtocolType AppProtocol[20];
  2430. };
  2431. struct SupportedAppProtocolRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2432. {
  2433. struct AppProtocolType AppProtocol[20];
  2434. };
  2435. struct SupportedAppProtocolRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2436. {
  2437. struct AppProtocolType AppProtocol[20];
  2438. };
  2439. /****SupportedAppProtocolResponse****/
  2440. struct SupportedAppProtocolResponse_DIN70121
  2441. {
  2442. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2443. unsigned char SchemaID; //Optional
  2444. };
  2445. struct SupportedAppProtocolResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2446. {
  2447. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2448. unsigned char SchemaID; //Optional
  2449. };
  2450. struct SupportedAppProtocolResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2451. {
  2452. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2453. unsigned char SchemaID; //Optional
  2454. };
  2455. /****SessionSetupRequest****/
  2456. struct SessionSetupRequest_DIN70121
  2457. {
  2458. unsigned char EVCCID[8]; //the MAC address of the EVCC in Hex
  2459. };
  2460. struct SessionSetupRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2461. {
  2462. unsigned char EVCCID[8]; //the MAC address of the EVCC in Hex
  2463. };
  2464. struct SessionSetupRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2465. {
  2466. unsigned char EVCCID[8]; //the MAC address of the EVCC in Hex
  2467. struct ACD_SSEnergyTransferModeType ACD_SSEnergyTransferMode; //For ACD mandatory, optional for rest
  2468. };
  2469. /****SessionSetupResponse****/
  2470. struct SessionSetupResponse_DIN70121
  2471. {
  2472. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2473. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  2474. unsigned int EVSETimeStamp; //EPOCH format, Optional
  2475. };
  2476. struct SessionSetupResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2477. {
  2478. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2479. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  2480. unsigned int EVSETimeStamp; //EPOCH format, Optional
  2481. };
  2482. struct SessionSetupResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2483. {
  2484. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2485. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  2486. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2487. };
  2488. /****ServiceDiscoveryRequest****/
  2489. struct ServiceDiscoveryRequest_DIN70121
  2490. {
  2491. unsigned char ServiceScope[32]; //Optional
  2492. enum ServiceCategoryType ServiceCategory; //Optional
  2493. };
  2494. struct ServiceDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2495. {
  2496. unsigned char ServiceScope[32]; //Optional
  2497. enum ServiceCategoryType ServiceCategory; //Optional
  2498. };
  2499. struct ServiceDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2500. {
  2501. struct ServiceIDListType SupportedServiceIDs; //Optional
  2502. };
  2503. /****ServiceDiscoveryResponse****/
  2504. struct ServiceDiscoveryResponse_DIN70121
  2505. {
  2506. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2507. struct PaymentOptionListType PaymentOptions;
  2508. struct ServiceChargeType ChargeService_DIN70121;
  2509. };
  2510. struct ServiceDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2511. {
  2512. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2513. struct PaymentOptionListType PaymentOptions;
  2514. struct ChargeServiceType ChargeService;
  2515. struct ServiceListType ServiceList; //Optional
  2516. };
  2517. struct ServiceDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2518. {
  2519. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2520. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2521. struct IdentificationOptionListType IdentificationOptionList;
  2522. struct ServiceListType EnergyTransferServiceList;
  2523. struct ServiceListType VASList; //Optional
  2524. };
  2525. /****ServiceDetailRequest****/
  2526. //Only in ISO15118_2014 and ISO15118_2018
  2527. struct ServiceDetailRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2528. {
  2529. unsigned short ServiceID;
  2530. };
  2531. struct ServiceDetailRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2532. {
  2533. unsigned short ServiceID;
  2534. struct WPT_SDlEnergyTransferModeType WPT_SDlEnergyTransferMode;
  2535. };
  2536. /****ServiceDetailResponse****/
  2537. struct ServiceDetailResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2538. {
  2539. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2540. unsigned short ServiceID;
  2541. struct ServiceParameterListType ServiceParameterList;
  2542. };
  2543. struct ServiceDetailResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2544. {
  2545. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2546. unsigned short ServiceID;
  2547. struct ServiceParameterListType ServiceParameterList;
  2548. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2549. };
  2550. /****ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest / ServiceSelectionRequest****/
  2551. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest_DIN70121
  2552. {
  2553. enum PaymentOptionType SelectedPaymentOption;
  2554. struct SelectedServiceListType SelectedServiceList;
  2555. };
  2556. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2557. {
  2558. enum PaymentOptionType SelectedPaymentOption;
  2559. struct SelectedServiceListType SelectedServiceList;
  2560. };
  2561. struct ServiceSelectionRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2562. {
  2563. enum PaymentOptionType SelectedPaymentOption;
  2564. struct SelectedServiceType SelectedEnergyTransferService;
  2565. struct SelectedServiceListType SelectedVASList;
  2566. enum ProcessingType EVProcessing;
  2567. };
  2568. /****ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse / ServiceSelectionResponse****/
  2569. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse_DIN70121
  2570. {
  2571. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2572. };
  2573. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2574. {
  2575. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2576. };
  2577. struct ServiceSelectionResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2578. {
  2579. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2580. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2581. };
  2582. /****PaymentDetailsRequest / IdentificationDetailsRequest****/
  2583. struct PaymentDetailsRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2584. {
  2585. unsigned char eMAID[16];
  2586. struct CertificateChainType ContractSignatureCertChain;
  2587. };
  2588. struct IdentificationDetailsRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2589. {
  2590. struct CertificateChainType ContractSignatureCertChain;
  2591. };
  2592. /****PaymentDetailsResponse / IdentificationDetailsResponse ****/
  2593. struct PaymentDetailsResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2594. {
  2595. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2596. unsigned char GenChallenge[16];
  2597. long EVSETimeStamp;
  2598. };
  2599. struct IdentificationDetailsResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2600. {
  2601. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2602. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2603. unsigned char GenChallenge[16];
  2604. enum ProcessingType EVSEProcessing;
  2605. };
  2606. /****ContractAuthenticationRequest / AuthorizationRequest****/
  2607. struct ContractAuthenticationRequest_DIN70121
  2608. {
  2609. //None
  2610. };
  2611. struct AuthorizationRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2612. {
  2613. unsigned char GenChallenge[16]; //Optional
  2614. unsigned char Id[32]; //Optional
  2615. };
  2616. struct AuthorizationRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2617. {
  2618. struct PNC_AReqIdentificationModeType PNC_AReqIdentificationMode; //Optional
  2619. };
  2620. /****ContractAuthenticationResponse / AuthorizationResponse****/
  2621. struct ContractAuthenticationResponse_DIN70121
  2622. {
  2623. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2624. enum EVSEProcessingType_DIN70121 EVSEProcessing;
  2625. };
  2626. struct AuthorizationResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2627. {
  2628. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2629. enum EVSEProcessingType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEProcessing;
  2630. };
  2631. struct AuthorizationResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2632. {
  2633. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2634. enum ProcessingType EVSEProcessing;
  2635. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2636. };
  2637. /****ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest****/
  2638. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest_DIN70121
  2639. {
  2640. enum EnergyTransferModeType EVRequestedEnergyTransferType;
  2641. struct DC_EVChargeParameterType_DIN70121 DC_EVChargeParameter;
  2642. };
  2643. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2644. {
  2645. unsigned short MaxEntriesSAScheduleTuple; //Optional
  2646. enum EnergyTransferModeType RequestedEnergyTransferMode;
  2647. struct AC_EVChargeParameterType AC_EVChargeParameter;
  2648. struct DC_EVChargeParameterType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVChargeParameter;
  2649. };
  2650. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2651. {
  2652. struct Dynamic_CPDReqControlModeType Dynamic_CPDReqControlMode;
  2653. struct Scheduled_CPDReqControlModeType Scheduled_CPDReqControlMode;
  2654. struct AC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType AC_CPDReqEnergyTransferMode;
  2655. struct DC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType DC_CPDReqEnergyTransferMode;
  2656. struct BPT_AC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType BPT_AC_CPDReqEnergyTransferMode;
  2657. struct BPT_DC_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType BPT_DC_CPDReqEnergyTransferMode;
  2658. struct WPT_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType WPT_CPDReqEnergyTransferMode;
  2659. struct ACD_CPDReqEnergyTransferModeType ACD_CPDReqEnergyTransferMode;
  2660. };
  2661. /****ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse****/
  2662. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse_DIN70121
  2663. {
  2664. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2665. enum EVSEProcessingType_DIN70121 EVSEProcessing;
  2666. struct SAScheduleListType SAScheduleList;
  2667. struct DC_EVSEChargeParameterType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEChargeParameter;
  2668. };
  2669. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2670. {
  2671. enum EVSEProcessingType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEProcessing;
  2672. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2673. struct SAScheduleListType SAScheduleList;
  2674. struct AC_EVSEChargeParameterType AC_EVSEChargeParameter;
  2675. struct DC_EVSEChargeParameterType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEChargeParameter;
  2676. };
  2677. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2678. {
  2679. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2680. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2681. enum ProcessingType EVSEProcessing;
  2682. struct Scheduled_CPDResControlModeType Scheduled_CPDResControlMode; //Optional
  2683. struct AC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType AC_CPDResEnergyTransferMode;
  2684. struct DC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType DC_CPDResEnergyTransferMode;
  2685. struct BPT_AC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType BPT_AC_CPDResEnergyTransferMode;
  2686. struct BPT_DC_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType BPT_DC_CPDResEnergyTransferMode;
  2687. struct WPT_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType WPT_CPDResEnergyTransferMode;
  2688. struct ACD_CPDResEnergyTransferModeType ACD_CPDResEnergyTransferMode;
  2689. };
  2690. /****PowerDeliveryRequest****/
  2691. struct PowerDeliveryRequest_DIN70121
  2692. {
  2693. BOOL ReadyToChargeState;
  2694. struct ChargingProfileType_DIN70121 ChargingProfile;
  2695. struct DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType_DIN70121 DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameter;
  2696. };
  2697. struct PowerDeliveryRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2698. {
  2699. enum ChargeProgressType_ISO15118_2014 ChargeProgress;
  2700. short SAScheduleTupleID;
  2701. struct ChargingProfileType_ISO15118_2014 ChargingProfile;
  2702. struct DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameter;
  2703. };
  2704. struct PowerDeliveryRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2705. {
  2706. enum ChargeProgressType_ISO15118_2018 ChargeProgress;
  2707. struct Scheduled_PDReqControlModeType Scheduled_PDReqControlMode;
  2708. struct BPT_Scheduled_PDReqControlModeType BPT_Scheduled_PDReqControlMode;
  2709. };
  2710. /****PowerDeliveryResponse****/
  2711. struct PowerDeliveryResponse_DIN70121
  2712. {
  2713. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2714. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2715. };
  2716. struct PowerDeliveryResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2717. {
  2718. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2719. struct AC_EVSEStatusType AC_EVSEStatus;
  2720. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2721. };
  2722. struct PowerDeliveryResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2723. {
  2724. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2725. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2726. };
  2727. /****CertificateUpdateRequest****/
  2728. struct CertificateUpdateRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2729. {
  2730. unsigned char Id[32];
  2731. struct CertificateChainType ContractSignatureCertChain;
  2732. unsigned char eMAID[16];
  2733. struct ListOfRootCertificateIDsType ListOfRootCertificateIDs;
  2734. };
  2735. /****CertificateUpdateResponse****/
  2736. struct CertificateUpdateResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2737. {
  2738. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2739. struct CertificateChainType SAProvisioningCertificateChain;
  2740. struct CertificateChainType ContractSignatureCertChain;
  2741. struct ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey;
  2742. struct DiffieHellmanPublickeyType DHpublickey;
  2743. unsigned char eMAID[16];
  2744. short RetryCounter; //Optional
  2745. };
  2746. /****CertificateInstallationRequest****/
  2747. struct CertificateInstallationRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2748. {
  2749. unsigned char Id[32];
  2750. unsigned char OEMProvisioningCert[800];
  2751. struct ListOfRootCertificateIDsType ListOfRootCertificateIDs;
  2752. };
  2753. struct CertificateInstallationRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2754. {
  2755. unsigned char Id[32];
  2756. struct CertificateChainType OEMProvisioningCertChain;
  2757. struct ListOfRootCertificateIDsType ListOfRootCertificateIDs;
  2758. unsigned short MaxSupportedCerts;
  2759. };
  2760. /****CertificateInstallationResponse****/
  2761. struct CertificateInstallationResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2762. {
  2763. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2764. struct CertificateChainType SAProvisioningCertificateChain;
  2765. struct CertificateChainType ContractSignatureCertChain;
  2766. struct ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey;
  2767. struct DiffieHellmanPublickeyType DHpublickey;
  2768. unsigned char eMAID[16];
  2769. };
  2770. struct CertificateInstallationResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2771. {
  2772. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2773. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2774. struct CertificateChainType SAProvisioningCertificateChain;
  2775. struct CertificateChainType ContractCertificateChain;
  2776. struct ContractCertificateEncryptedPrivateKeyType ContractEncryptedPrivateKey;
  2777. struct DiffieHellmanPublickeyType DHpublickey;
  2778. enum ProcessingType EVSEProcessing;
  2779. unsigned short RemainingContractCertificateChains;
  2780. };
  2781. /****SystemStatusRequest****/
  2782. struct SystemStatusRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2783. {
  2784. enum mechanicalChargingDeviceStatusType EVMechanicalChargingDeviceStatus;
  2785. struct EVTechnicalStatusType EVTechnicalStatus;
  2786. unsigned char EV_OEMStatus[800]; //Optional
  2787. };
  2788. /****SystemStatusResponse****/
  2789. struct SystemStatusResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2790. {
  2791. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2792. enum mechanicalChargingDeviceStatusType EVSEMechanicalChargingDeviceStatus;
  2793. BOOL EVSE_ReadyToCharge;
  2794. enum IsolationStatusType EVSE_IsolationStatus;
  2795. BOOL EVSE_Disabled;
  2796. BOOL EVSE_UtilityInterruptEvent;
  2797. BOOL EVSE_EmergencyShutdown;
  2798. BOOL EVSE_Malfunction;
  2799. BOOL EV_InChargePosition;
  2800. BOOL EV_AssociationStatus;
  2801. };
  2802. /****SessionStopRequest****/
  2803. struct SessionStopRequest_DIN70121
  2804. {
  2805. //No member in standard
  2806. };
  2807. struct SessionStopRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2808. {
  2809. enum ChargingSessionType ChargingSession;
  2810. };
  2811. struct SessionStopRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2812. {
  2813. enum ChargingSessionType ChargingSession;
  2814. };
  2815. /****SessionStopResponse****/
  2816. struct SessionStopResponse_DIN70121
  2817. {
  2818. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2819. };
  2820. struct SessionStopResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2821. {
  2822. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2823. };
  2824. struct SessionStopResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2825. {
  2826. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2827. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2828. };
  2829. /****MeteringReceiptRequest****/
  2830. struct MeteringReceiptRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2831. {
  2832. unsigned char Id[32]; //Optional
  2833. unsigned char SessionID[8];
  2834. short SAScheduleTupleID; //Optional
  2835. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2014 MeterInfo;
  2836. };
  2837. struct MeteringReceiptRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2838. {
  2839. unsigned char Id[32]; //Optional
  2840. unsigned char SessionID[8];
  2841. struct Scheduled_MRReqControlModeType Schedule_MRReqControlMode;
  2842. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2018 MeterInfo;
  2843. };
  2844. /****MeteringReceiptResponse****/
  2845. struct MeteringReceiptResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2846. {
  2847. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2848. struct AC_EVSEStatusType AC_EVSEStatus;
  2849. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2850. };
  2851. struct MeteringReceiptResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2852. {
  2853. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2854. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2855. };
  2856. /****ChargingStatusRequest (AC Only)****/
  2857. struct ChargingStatusRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2858. {
  2859. //No member in standard
  2860. };
  2861. struct ChargingStatusRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2862. {
  2863. struct PnC_CLReqIdentificationModeType PnC_CLReqIdentificationMode;
  2864. struct Dynamic_CSReqControlModeType Dynamic_CSReqControlMode;
  2865. struct Scheduled_CSReqControlModeType Scheduled_CSReqControlMode;
  2866. struct DisplayParametersType DisplayParameters;
  2867. };
  2868. /****ChargingStatusResponse (AC Only)****/
  2869. struct ChargingStatusResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2870. {
  2871. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2872. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  2873. short SAScheduleTupleID;
  2874. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaxCurrent; //Optional
  2875. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2014 MeterInfo; //Optional
  2876. BOOL ReceiptRequired; //Optional
  2877. struct AC_EVSEStatusType AC_EVSEStatus;
  2878. };
  2879. struct ChargingStatusResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2880. {
  2881. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2882. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2883. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  2884. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSETargetFrequency; //Optional
  2885. struct PnC_CLResIdentificationModeType PnC_CLResIdentificationMode;
  2886. struct Dynamic_CSResControlModeType Dynamic_CSResControlMode;
  2887. struct Scheduled_CSReqControlModeType Scheduled_CSReqControlMode;
  2888. };
  2889. /****CableCheckRequest (DC Only)****/
  2890. struct CableCheckRequest_DIN70121
  2891. {
  2892. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
  2893. };
  2894. struct CableCheckRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2895. {
  2896. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVStatus;
  2897. };
  2898. struct CableCheckRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2899. {
  2900. //No member in standard
  2901. };
  2902. /****CableCheckResponse (DC Only)****/
  2903. struct CableCheckResponse_DIN70121
  2904. {
  2905. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2906. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2907. enum EVSEProcessingType_DIN70121 EVSEProcessing;
  2908. };
  2909. struct CableCheckResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2910. {
  2911. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2912. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2913. enum EVSEProcessingType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEProcessing;
  2914. };
  2915. struct CableCheckResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2916. {
  2917. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2918. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2919. enum ProcessingType EVSEProcessing;
  2920. };
  2921. /****PreChargeRequest (DC Only)****/
  2922. struct PreChargeRequest_DIN70121
  2923. {
  2924. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
  2925. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVTargetVoltage;
  2926. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVTargetCurrent;
  2927. };
  2928. struct PreChargeRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2929. {
  2930. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVStatus;
  2931. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVTargetVoltage;
  2932. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVTargetCurrent;
  2933. };
  2934. struct PreChargeRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2935. {
  2936. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetVoltage;
  2937. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVTargetCurrent;
  2938. };
  2939. /****PreChargeResponse (DC Only)****/
  2940. struct PreChargeResponse_DIN70121
  2941. {
  2942. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2943. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2944. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  2945. };
  2946. struct PreChargeResponse_ISO15118_2014
  2947. {
  2948. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  2949. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2950. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  2951. };
  2952. struct PreChargeResponse_ISO15118_2018
  2953. {
  2954. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  2955. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  2956. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  2957. };
  2958. /****CurrentDemandRequest (DC Only)****/
  2959. struct CurrentDemandRequest_DIN70121
  2960. {
  2961. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
  2962. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVTargetCurrent;
  2963. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumVoltageLimit; //Optional
  2964. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumCurrentLimit; //Optional
  2965. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  2966. BOOL BulkChargingComplete; //Optional
  2967. BOOL ChargingComplete;
  2968. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 RemainingTimeToFullSoC; //Optional
  2969. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 RemainingTimeToBulkSoC; //Optional
  2970. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVTargetVoltage;
  2971. };
  2972. struct CurrentDemandRequest_ISO15118_2014
  2973. {
  2974. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVStatus;
  2975. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVTargetCurrent;
  2976. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaximumVoltageLimit; //Optional
  2977. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaximumCurrentLimit; //Optional
  2978. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  2979. BOOL BulkChargingComplete; //Optional
  2980. BOOL ChargingComplete;
  2981. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 RemainingTimeToFullSoC; //Optional
  2982. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 RemainingTimeToBulkSoC; //Optional
  2983. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVTargetVoltage;
  2984. };
  2985. struct CurrentDemandRequest_ISO15118_2018
  2986. {
  2987. struct DisplayParametersType DisplayParameters; //Optional
  2988. struct PnC_CLReqIdentificationModeType PnC_CLReqIdentificationMode;
  2989. struct Dynamic_CSReqControlModeType Dynamic_CDReqControlMode;
  2990. struct Scheduled_CSReqControlModeType Scheduled_CDReqControlMode;
  2991. };
  2992. /****CurrentDemandResponse (DC Only)****/
  2993. struct CurrentDemandResponse_DIN70121
  2994. {
  2995. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  2996. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEStatus;
  2997. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  2998. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEPresentCurrent;
  2999. BOOL EVSECurrentLimitAchieved;
  3000. BOOL EVSEVoltageLimitAchieved;
  3001. BOOL EVSEPowerLimitAchieved;
  3002. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit; //Optional
  3003. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit; //Optional
  3004. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  3005. };
  3006. struct CurrentDemandResponse_ISO15118_2014
  3007. {
  3008. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  3009. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  3010. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  3011. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEPresentCurrent;
  3012. BOOL EVSECurrentLimitAchieved;
  3013. BOOL EVSEVoltageLimitAchieved;
  3014. BOOL EVSEPowerLimitAchieved;
  3015. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit; //Optional
  3016. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit; //Optional
  3017. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
  3018. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  3019. short SAScheduleTupleID;
  3020. struct MeterInfoType_ISO15118_2014 MeterInfo; //Optional
  3021. BOOL ReceiptRequired; //Optional
  3022. };
  3023. struct CurrentDemandResponse_ISO15118_2018
  3024. {
  3025. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  3026. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  3027. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  3028. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEPresentCurrent;
  3029. BOOL EVSECurrentLimitAchieved;
  3030. BOOL EVSEVoltageLimitAchieved;
  3031. BOOL EVSEPowerLimitAchieved;
  3032. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeVoltage; //Optional
  3033. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargeCurrent; //Optional
  3034. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEMaximumChargePower; //Optional
  3035. unsigned char EVSEID[40]; //DIN70121=>Max length:32, ISO15118=>min length:7, max length:37
  3036. struct PnC_CLResIdentificationModeType PnC_CLResIdentificationMode;
  3037. struct Scheduled_CDResControlModeType Scheduled_CDResControlMode;
  3038. };
  3039. /****WeldingDetectionRequest (DC Only)*****/
  3040. struct WeldingDetectionRequest_DIN70121
  3041. {
  3042. struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
  3043. };
  3044. struct WeldingDetectionRequest_ISO15118_2014
  3045. {
  3046. struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVStatus;
  3047. };
  3048. struct WeldingDetectionRequest_ISO15118_2018
  3049. {
  3050. //No member in Standard
  3051. };
  3052. /****WeldingDetectionResponse (DC Only)****/
  3053. struct WeldingDetectionResponse_DIN70121
  3054. {
  3055. enum ResponseCodeType_DIN70121 ResponseCode;
  3056. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVSEStatus;
  3057. struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  3058. };
  3059. struct WeldingDetectionResponse_ISO15118_2014
  3060. {
  3061. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2014 ResponseCode;
  3062. struct DC_EVSEStatusType_ISO15118_2014 DC_EVSEStatus;
  3063. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2014 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  3064. };
  3065. struct WeldingDetectionResponse_ISO15118_2018
  3066. {
  3067. enum ResponseCodeType_ISO15118_2018 ResponseCode;
  3068. struct EVSEStatusType EVSEStatus; //Optional
  3069. struct PhysicalValueType_ISO15118_2018 EVSEPresentVoltage;
  3070. };
  3071. /****FinePositioningSetupRequest (WPT Only)****/
  3072. struct FinePositioningSetupRequest_ISO15118_2018
  3073. {
  3074. struct LFA_EVFinePositioningSetupParametersType LFA_EVFinePositioningSetupParameters; //Optional
  3075. };
  3076. /****FinePositioningSetupResponse (WPT Only)****/
  3077. struct FinePositioningSetupResponse_ISO15118_2018
  3078. {
  3079. //NOT complete yet, to be continue.....
  3080. };
  3081. struct V2GMessageType_DIN70121
  3082. {
  3083. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  3084. unsigned char version[16];
  3085. unsigned char PresentMsgFlowStatus;
  3086. /* 0: Idle(wait B2 state), 1: CM_SLAC_PARM.REQ, 2: CM_SLAC_PARM.CNF, 3: CM_START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND
  3089. 12: CM_AMP_MAP.CNF, 13: SLACC/SDP/TCP connection,
  3090. 16: SupportedAppProtocolRequest, 17: SupportedAppProtocolResponse, 18: SessionSetupRequest
  3091. 19: SessionSetupResponse, 20: ServiceDiscoveryRequest, 21: ServiceDiscoveryResponse
  3092. 22: ServiceDetailRequest, 23: ServiceDetailResponse
  3093. 24: ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest/ServiceSelectionRequest, 25: ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse/ServiceSelectionResponse
  3094. 26: PaymentDetailsRequest/IdentificationDetailsRequest;, 27: PaymentDetailsResponse/IdentificationDetailsResponse,
  3095. 28: AuthorizationRequest, 29: AuthorizationResponse,
  3096. 30: CertificateUpdateRequest, 31: CertificateUpdateResponse, 32:CertificateInstallationRequest, 33: CertificateInstallationResponse
  3097. 34: ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest, 35: ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse
  3098. 36: CableCheckRequest, 37: CableCheckResponse, 38: PreChargeRequest, 39: PreChargeResponse
  3099. 40: PowerDeliveryRequest start, 41: PowerDeliveryResponse start, 42: ChargingStatusRequest, 43: ChargingStatusResponse
  3100. 44: CurrentDemandRequest, 45: CurrentDemandResponse, 46: MeteringReceiptRequest, 47: MeteringReceiptResponse
  3101. 48: PowerDeliveryRequest end, 49: PowerDeliveryRequest end, 50: WeldingDetectionRequest, 51: WeldingDetectionResponse,
  3102. 52: SessionStopRequest, 53: SessionStopResponse
  3103. 253: Performance Timeout, 254: Sequence Timeout, 255: Fault
  3104. */
  3105. struct SupportedAppProtocolRequest_DIN70121 SupportedAppProtocolRequest;
  3106. struct SupportedAppProtocolResponse_DIN70121 SupportedAppProtocolResponse;
  3107. struct SessionSetupRequest_DIN70121 SessionSetupRequest;
  3108. struct SessionSetupResponse_DIN70121 SessionSetupResponse;
  3109. struct ServiceDiscoveryRequest_DIN70121 ServiceDiscoveryRequest;
  3110. struct ServiceDiscoveryResponse_DIN70121 ServiceDiscoveryResponse;
  3111. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest_DIN70121 ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest;
  3112. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse_DIN70121 ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse;
  3113. struct ContractAuthenticationRequest_DIN70121 ContractAuthenticationRequest;
  3114. struct ContractAuthenticationResponse_DIN70121 ContractAuthenticationResponse;
  3115. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest_DIN70121 ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest;
  3116. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse_DIN70121 ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse;
  3117. struct CableCheckRequest_DIN70121 CableCheckRequest;
  3118. struct CableCheckResponse_DIN70121 CableCheckResponse;
  3119. struct PreChargeRequest_DIN70121 PreChargeRequest;
  3120. struct PreChargeResponse_DIN70121 PreChargeResponse;
  3121. struct PowerDeliveryRequest_DIN70121 PowerDeliveryRequest;
  3122. struct PowerDeliveryResponse_DIN70121 PowerDeliveryResponse;
  3123. struct CurrentDemandRequest_DIN70121 CurrentDemandRequest;
  3124. struct CurrentDemandResponse_DIN70121 CurrentDemandResponse;
  3125. struct WeldingDetectionRequest_DIN70121 WeldingDetectionRequest;
  3126. struct WeldingDetectionResponse_DIN70121 WeldingDetectionResponse;
  3127. struct SessionStopRequest_DIN70121 SessionStopRequest;
  3128. struct SessionStopResponse_DIN70121 SessionStopResponse;
  3129. };
  3130. struct V2GMessageType_ISO15118_2014
  3131. {
  3132. unsigned char PresentMsgFlowStatus;
  3133. /* 0: Idle(wait B2 state), 1: CM_SLAC_PARM.REQ, 2: CM_SLAC_PARM.CNF, 3: CM_START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND
  3136. 12: CM_AMP_MAP.CNF, 13: SLACC/SDP/TCP connection,
  3137. 16: SupportedAppProtocolRequest, 17: SupportedAppProtocolResponse, 18: SessionSetupRequest
  3138. 19: SessionSetupResponse, 20: ServiceDiscoveryRequest, 21: ServiceDiscoveryResponse
  3139. 22: ServiceDetailRequest, 23: ServiceDetailResponse
  3140. 24: ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest/ServiceSelectionRequest, 25: ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse/ServiceSelectionResponse
  3141. 26: PaymentDetailsRequest/IdentificationDetailsRequest;, 27: PaymentDetailsResponse/IdentificationDetailsResponse,
  3142. 28: AuthorizationRequest, 29: AuthorizationResponse,
  3143. 30: CertificateUpdateRequest, 31: CertificateUpdateResponse, 32:CertificateInstallationRequest, 33: CertificateInstallationResponse
  3144. 34: ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest, 35: ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse
  3145. 36: CableCheckRequest, 37: CableCheckResponse, 38: PreChargeRequest, 39: PreChargeResponse
  3146. 40: PowerDeliveryRequest start, 41: PowerDeliveryResponse start, 42: ChargingStatusRequest, 43: ChargingStatusResponse
  3147. 44: CurrentDemandRequest, 45: CurrentDemandResponse, 46: MeteringReceiptRequest, 47: MeteringReceiptResponse
  3148. 48: PowerDeliveryRequest end, 49: PowerDeliveryRequest end, 50: WeldingDetectionRequest, 51: WeldingDetectionResponse,
  3149. 52: SessionStopRequest, 53: SessionStopResponse
  3150. 253: Performance Timeout, 254: Sequence Timeout, 255: Fault
  3151. */
  3152. struct SupportedAppProtocolRequest_ISO15118_2014 SupportedAppProtocolRequest;
  3153. struct SupportedAppProtocolResponse_ISO15118_2014 SupportedAppProtocolResponse;
  3154. struct SessionSetupRequest_ISO15118_2014 SessionSetupRequest;
  3155. struct SessionSetupResponse_ISO15118_2014 SessionSetupResponse;
  3156. struct ServiceDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2014 ServiceDiscoveryRequest;
  3157. struct ServiceDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2014 ServiceDiscoveryResponse;
  3158. struct ServiceDetailRequest_ISO15118_2014 ServiceDetailRequest;
  3159. struct ServiceDetailResponse_ISO15118_2014 ServiceDetailResponse;
  3160. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest_ISO15118_2014 ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest;
  3161. struct ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse_ISO15118_2014 ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse;
  3162. struct PaymentDetailsRequest_ISO15118_2014 PaymentDetailsRequest;
  3163. struct PaymentDetailsResponse_ISO15118_2014 PaymentDetailsResponse;
  3164. struct AuthorizationRequest_ISO15118_2014 AuthorizationRequest;
  3165. struct AuthorizationResponse_ISO15118_2014 AuthorizationResponse;
  3166. struct CertificateUpdateRequest_ISO15118_2014 CertificateUpdateRequest;
  3167. struct CertificateUpdateResponse_ISO15118_2014 CertificateUpdateResponse;
  3168. struct CertificateInstallationRequest_ISO15118_2014 CertificateInstallationRequest;
  3169. struct CertificateInstallationResponse_ISO15118_2014 CertificateInstallationResponse;
  3170. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2014 ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest;
  3171. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2014 ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse;
  3172. struct CableCheckRequest_ISO15118_2014 CableCheckRequest;
  3173. struct CableCheckResponse_ISO15118_2014 CableCheckResponse;
  3174. struct PreChargeRequest_ISO15118_2014 PreChargeRequest;
  3175. struct PreChargeResponse_ISO15118_2014 PreChargeResponse;
  3176. struct PowerDeliveryRequest_ISO15118_2014 PowerDeliveryRequest;
  3177. struct PowerDeliveryResponse_ISO15118_2014 PowerDeliveryResponse;
  3178. struct ChargingStatusRequest_ISO15118_2014 ChargingStatusRequest;
  3179. struct ChargingStatusResponse_ISO15118_2014 ChargingStatusResponse;
  3180. struct CurrentDemandRequest_ISO15118_2014 CurrentDemandRequest;
  3181. struct CurrentDemandResponse_ISO15118_2014 CurrentDemandResponse;
  3182. struct MeteringReceiptRequest_ISO15118_2014 MeteringReceiptRequest;
  3183. struct MeteringReceiptResponse_ISO15118_2014 MeteringReceiptResponse;
  3184. struct WeldingDetectionRequest_ISO15118_2014 WeldingDetectionRequest;
  3185. struct WeldingDetectionResponse_ISO15118_2014 WeldingDetectionResponse;
  3186. struct SessionStopRequest_ISO15118_2014 SessionStopRequest;
  3187. struct SessionStopResponse_ISO15118_2014 SessionStopResponse;
  3188. };
  3189. struct V2GMessageType_ISO15118_2018
  3190. {
  3191. unsigned char PresentMsgFlowStatus;
  3192. /* 0: Idle(wait B2 state), 1: CM_SLAC_PARM.REQ, 2: CM_SLAC_PARM.CNF, 3: CM_START_ATTEN_CHAR.IND
  3195. 12: CM_AMP_MAP.CNF, 13: SLACC/SDP/TCP connection,
  3196. 16: SupportedAppProtocolRequest, 17: SupportedAppProtocolResponse, 18: SessionSetupRequest
  3197. 19: SessionSetupResponse, 20: ServiceDiscoveryRequest, 21: ServiceDiscoveryResponse
  3198. 22: ServiceDetailRequest, 23: ServiceDetailResponse
  3199. 24: ServiceAndPaymentSelectionRequest/ServiceSelectionRequest, 25: ServiceAndPaymentSelectionResponse/ServiceSelectionResponse
  3200. 26: PaymentDetailsRequest/IdentificationDetailsRequest;, 27: PaymentDetailsResponse/IdentificationDetailsResponse,
  3201. 28: AuthorizationRequest, 29: AuthorizationResponse,
  3202. 30: CertificateUpdateRequest, 31: CertificateUpdateResponse, 32:CertificateInstallationRequest, 33: CertificateInstallationResponse
  3203. 34: ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest, 35: ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse
  3204. 36: CableCheckRequest, 37: CableCheckResponse, 38: PreChargeRequest, 39: PreChargeResponse
  3205. 40: PowerDeliveryRequest start, 41: PowerDeliveryResponse start, 42: ChargingStatusRequest, 43: ChargingStatusResponse
  3206. 44: CurrentDemandRequest, 45: CurrentDemandResponse, 46: MeteringReceiptRequest, 47: MeteringReceiptResponse
  3207. 48: PowerDeliveryRequest end, 49: PowerDeliveryRequest end, 50: WeldingDetectionRequest, 51: WeldingDetectionResponse,
  3208. 52: SessionStopRequest, 53: SessionStopResponse
  3209. 253: Performance Timeout, 254: Sequence Timeout, 255: Fault
  3210. */
  3211. struct SupportedAppProtocolRequest_ISO15118_2018 SupportedAppProtocolRequest;
  3212. struct SupportedAppProtocolResponse_ISO15118_2018 SupportedAppProtocolResponse;
  3213. struct SessionSetupRequest_ISO15118_2018 SessionSetupRequest;
  3214. struct SessionSetupResponse_ISO15118_2018 SessionSetupResponse;
  3215. struct ServiceDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2018 ServiceDiscoveryRequest;
  3216. struct ServiceDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2018 ServiceDiscoveryResponse;
  3217. struct ServiceDetailRequest_ISO15118_2018 ServiceDetailRequest;
  3218. struct ServiceDetailResponse_ISO15118_2018 ServiceDetailResponse;
  3219. struct ServiceSelectionRequest_ISO15118_2018 ServiceSelectionRequest;
  3220. struct ServiceSelectionResponse_ISO15118_2018 ServiceSelectionResponse;
  3221. struct IdentificationDetailsRequest_ISO15118_2018 IdentificationDetailsRequest;
  3222. struct IdentificationDetailsResponse_ISO15118_2018 IdentificationDetailsResponse;
  3223. struct AuthorizationRequest_ISO15118_2018 AuthorizationRequest;
  3224. struct AuthorizationResponse_ISO15118_2018 AuthorizationResponse;
  3225. struct CertificateInstallationRequest_ISO15118_2018 CertificateInstallationRequest;
  3226. struct CertificateInstallationResponse_ISO15118_2018 CertificateInstallationResponse;
  3227. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest_ISO15118_2018 ChargeParameterDiscoveryRequest;
  3228. struct ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse_ISO15118_2018 ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse;
  3229. struct CableCheckRequest_ISO15118_2018 CableCheckRequest;
  3230. struct CableCheckResponse_ISO15118_2018 CableCheckResponse;
  3231. struct PreChargeRequest_ISO15118_2018 PreChargeRequest;
  3232. struct PreChargeResponse_ISO15118_2018 PreChargeResponse;
  3233. struct PowerDeliveryRequest_ISO15118_2018 PowerDeliveryRequest;
  3234. struct PowerDeliveryResponse_ISO15118_2018 PowerDeliveryResponse;
  3235. struct ChargingStatusRequest_ISO15118_2018 ChargingStatusRequest;
  3236. struct ChargingStatusResponse_ISO15118_2018 ChargingStatusResponse;
  3237. struct CurrentDemandRequest_ISO15118_2018 CurrentDemandRequest;
  3238. struct CurrentDemandResponse_ISO15118_2018 CurrentDemandResponse;
  3239. struct MeteringReceiptRequest_ISO15118_2018 MeteringReceiptRequest;
  3240. struct MeteringReceiptResponse_ISO15118_2018 MeteringReceiptResponse;
  3241. struct WeldingDetectionRequest_ISO15118_2018 WeldingDetectionRequest;
  3242. struct WeldingDetectionResponse_ISO15118_2018 WeldingDetectionResponse;
  3243. struct SessionStopRequest_ISO15118_2018 SessionStopRequest;
  3244. struct SessionStopResponse_ISO15118_2018 SessionStopResponse;
  3245. };
  3246. struct CcsData
  3247. {
  3248. unsigned char CommProtocol; // 1: V2GMessage_DIN70121, 2:V2GMessage_ISO15118_2014, 3:V2GMessage_ISO15118_2018
  3249. struct V2GMessageType_DIN70121 V2GMessage_DIN70121[CCS_QUANTITY];
  3250. struct V2GMessageType_ISO15118_2014 V2GMessage_ISO15118_2014[CCS_QUANTITY];
  3251. struct V2GMessageType_ISO15118_2018 V2GMessage_ISO15118_2018[CCS_QUANTITY];
  3252. };
  3253. /**************************************************************************************/
  3254. /***************STM32F407 Communication Share memory**************************/
  3255. /**************************************************************************************/
  3256. struct PrimaryMcuData
  3257. {
  3258. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  3259. unsigned char version[16]; //STM32F407 firmware version
  3260. unsigned int InputVoltage; //value comes from external meter
  3261. unsigned int InputCurrent; //value comes from external meter
  3262. union
  3263. {
  3264. unsigned char OutputDrvValue[1];
  3265. struct
  3266. {
  3267. //OutputDrvValue[0]
  3268. unsigned char AcContactorDrv:1; //bit 0, H: ON, L:OFF
  3269. unsigned char Button1LedDrv:1; //bit 1, H: ON, L:OFF
  3270. unsigned char Button2LedDrv:1; //bit 2, H: ON, L:OFF
  3271. unsigned char SystemLed1Drv:1; //bit 3, H: ON, L:OFF
  3272. unsigned char SystemLed2Drv:1; //bit 4, H: ON, L:OFF
  3273. unsigned char SystemLed3Drv:1; //bit 5, H: ON, L:OFF
  3274. unsigned char SystemLed4Drv:1; //bit 6, H: ON, L:OFF
  3275. unsigned char:1; //bit 7 reserved
  3276. }bits;
  3277. }OutputDrv;
  3278. union
  3279. {
  3280. unsigned char InputDetValue[2];
  3281. struct
  3282. {
  3283. //InputDetValue[0]
  3284. unsigned char AcContactorDetec:1; //bit 0, H: ON, L:OFF
  3285. unsigned char AcMainBreakerDetec:1; //bit 1, H: ON, L:OFF
  3286. unsigned char SpdDetec:1; //bit 2, H: ON, L:OFF
  3287. unsigned char DoorOpen:1; //bit 3, H: Open, L:Close
  3288. unsigned char Gfd1:1; //bit 4, H: Trigger, L:Normal
  3289. unsigned char Gfd2:1; //bit 5, H: Trigger, L:Normal
  3290. unsigned char Button1:1; //bit 6 , H: Push, L:Release
  3291. unsigned char Button2:1; //bit 7, H: Push, L:Release
  3292. //InputDetValue[1]
  3293. unsigned char EmergencyButton:1; //bit 0, H: Push, L:Release
  3294. unsigned char :7; //bit 1~7, Reserved
  3295. }bits;
  3296. }InputDet;
  3297. };
  3298. /**************************************************************************************/
  3299. /*************Fan power module Communication Share memory******************/
  3300. /**************************************************************************************/
  3301. struct FanModuleData
  3302. {
  3303. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  3304. unsigned char version[16]; //fan power module firmware version
  3305. unsigned short PresentFan1Speed; //RPM
  3306. unsigned short PresentFan2Speed; //RPM
  3307. unsigned short PresentFan3Speed; //RPM
  3308. unsigned short PresentFan4Speed; //RPM
  3309. unsigned short SetFan1Speed; //RPM
  3310. unsigned short SetFan2Speed; //RPM
  3311. unsigned short SetFan3Speed; //RPM
  3312. unsigned short SetFan4Speed; //RPM
  3313. unsigned short TestFanSpeed; //RPM
  3314. unsigned char DiffOfAirPressure; //pa
  3315. unsigned char UpdateFW; //1:do update
  3316. };
  3317. /**************************************************************************************/
  3318. /***********Relay control module Communication Share memory******************/
  3319. /**************************************************************************************/
  3320. struct RelayModuleData
  3321. {
  3322. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  3323. unsigned char version[16]; //relay module firmware version
  3324. unsigned short InputL1Volt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3325. unsigned short InputL2Volt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3326. unsigned short InputL3Volt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3327. unsigned short Gun1FuseOutputVolt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3328. unsigned short Gun2FuseOutputVolt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3329. unsigned short Gun1RelayOutputVolt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3330. unsigned short Gun2RelayOutputVolt; //XXXXX.x volt
  3331. unsigned short Gun1OutputCurrent; //XXXXX.x amp
  3332. unsigned short Gun2OutputCurrent; //XXXXX.x amp
  3333. unsigned char UpdateFW; //1:do update
  3334. };
  3335. /**************************************************************************************/
  3336. /***********Led control module Communication Share memory******************/
  3337. /**************************************************************************************/
  3338. struct LedModuleData
  3339. {
  3340. unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
  3341. unsigned char version[16]; //led module firmware version
  3342. unsigned short Connect_1_Status; // Idle : 0, Charging : 1, Alarm : 2
  3343. unsigned short Connect_2_Status; // Idle : 0, Charging : 1, Alarm : 2
  3344. unsigned short EnableFunc; // reserved
  3345. };
  3346. /**************************************************************************************/
  3347. /************************OCPP Share memory***************************************/
  3348. /**************************************************************************************/
  3349. struct StructIdTagInfo
  3350. {
  3351. unsigned char ExpiryDate[28];
  3352. unsigned char ParentIdTag[20];
  3353. unsigned char Status[16]; //Accepted, Blocked, Expired, Invalid, ConcurrentTx
  3354. };
  3355. struct StructLocalAuthorizationList
  3356. {
  3357. unsigned char IdTag[20];
  3358. struct StructIdTagInfo IdTagInfo;
  3359. };
  3360. struct StructSampledValue
  3361. {
  3362. unsigned char Value[128];
  3363. unsigned char Context[30];//Interruption.Begin, Interruption.End, Sample.Clock, Sample.Periodic, Transaction.Begin, Transaction.End, Trigger, Other
  3364. unsigned char Format[16];//Raw,SignedData
  3365. unsigned char Measurand[40];/* "Energy.Active.Export.Register",
  3366. "Energy.Active.Import.Register",
  3367. "Energy.Reactive.Export.Register",
  3368. "Energy.Reactive.Import.Register",
  3369. "Energy.Active.Export.Interval",
  3370. "Energy.Active.Import.Interval",
  3371. "Energy.Reactive.Export.Interval",
  3372. "Energy.Reactive.Import.Interval",
  3373. "Power.Active.Export",
  3374. "Power.Active.Import",
  3375. "Power.Offered",
  3376. "Power.Reactive.Export",
  3377. "Power.Reactive.Import",
  3378. "Power.Factor",
  3379. "Current.Import",
  3380. "Current.Export",
  3381. "Current.Offered",
  3382. "Voltage",
  3383. "Frequency",
  3384. "Temperature",
  3385. "SoC",
  3386. "RPM"
  3387. */
  3388. unsigned char Phase[10]; /* "L1",
  3389. "L2",
  3390. "L3",
  3391. "N",
  3392. "L1-N",
  3393. "L2-N",
  3394. "L3-N",
  3395. "L1-L2",
  3396. "L2-L3",
  3397. "L3-L1"
  3398. */
  3399. unsigned char Location[10]; //Cable,EV,Inlet,Outlet,Body
  3400. unsigned char Unit[20]; /* "Wh",
  3401. "kWh",
  3402. "varh",
  3403. "kvarh",
  3404. "W",
  3405. "kW",
  3406. "VA",
  3407. "kVA",
  3408. "var",
  3409. "kvar",
  3410. "A",
  3411. "V",
  3412. "K",
  3413. "Celcius",
  3414. "Fahrenheit",
  3415. "Percent"
  3416. */
  3417. };
  3418. struct StructMeterValue
  3419. {
  3420. unsigned char TimeStamp[28];
  3421. struct StructSampledValue SampledValue[10];
  3422. };
  3423. struct StructConfigurationKeyItems
  3424. {
  3425. unsigned char Item[50];
  3426. };
  3427. struct StructConfigurationKey
  3428. {
  3429. unsigned char Key[50];
  3430. unsigned char ReadOnly[8]; //boolean
  3431. unsigned char Value[500];
  3432. };
  3433. struct StructChargingSchedulePeriod
  3434. {
  3435. int StartPeriod;
  3436. float Limit;//0.1;
  3437. int NumberPhases;
  3438. };
  3439. struct StructChargingSchedule
  3440. {
  3441. int Duration;
  3442. unsigned char StartSchedule[28];
  3443. unsigned char ChargingRateUnit[4]; //A, W
  3444. struct StructChargingSchedulePeriod ChargingSchedulePeriod[10];
  3445. float MinChargingRate; //0.1;
  3446. };
  3447. struct StructChargingProfile
  3448. {
  3449. int ChargingProfileId;
  3450. int TransactionId;
  3451. int StackLevel;
  3452. unsigned char ChargingProfilePurpose[24]; //ChargePointMaxProfile, TxDefaultProfile, TxProfile
  3453. unsigned char ChargingProfileKind[12]; //Absolute, Recurring, Relative
  3454. unsigned char RecurrencyKind[8]; //Daily, Weekly
  3455. unsigned char ValidFrom[28];
  3456. unsigned char ValidTo[28];
  3457. struct StructChargingSchedule ChargingSchedule;
  3458. };
  3459. struct StructBootNotification
  3460. {
  3461. unsigned char CpVendor[20]; //chargePointVendor //mandatory
  3462. unsigned char CpModel[20]; //chargePointModel //mandatory
  3463. unsigned char CpSN[25]; //chargePointSerialNumber
  3464. unsigned char CbSN[25]; //chargeBoxSerialNumber
  3465. unsigned char CpFwVersion[50]; //firmwareVersion
  3466. unsigned char CpIccid[22]; //iccid
  3467. unsigned char CpImsi[20]; //imsi
  3468. unsigned char CpMeterType[25]; //meterType
  3469. unsigned char CpMeterSerialNumber[25]; //meterSerialNumber
  3470. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Pending, Rejected
  3471. unsigned char ResponseCurrentTime[28]; //currentTime //mandatory
  3472. int ResponseHeartbeatInterval; //interval //mandatory
  3473. };
  3474. struct StructHeartbeat
  3475. {
  3476. unsigned char ResponseCurrentTime[28];
  3477. };
  3478. struct StructAuthorize
  3479. {
  3480. unsigned char IdTag[20];
  3481. struct StructIdTagInfo ResponseIdTagInfo;
  3482. };
  3483. struct StructStartTransaction
  3484. {
  3485. int ConnectorId;
  3486. unsigned char IdTag[20];
  3487. int MeterStart;
  3488. int ReservationId;
  3489. unsigned char Timestamp[28];
  3490. struct StructIdTagInfo ResponseIdTagInfo;
  3491. int ResponseTransactionId;
  3492. };
  3493. struct StructStopTransaction
  3494. {
  3495. unsigned char IdTag[20];
  3496. int MeterStop;
  3497. unsigned char Timestamp[28];
  3498. int TransactionId;
  3499. unsigned char StopReason[20]; /* "EmergencyStop",
  3500. "EVDisconnected",
  3501. "HardReset",
  3502. "Local",
  3503. "Other",
  3504. "PowerLoss",
  3505. "Reboot",
  3506. "Remote",
  3507. "SoftReset",
  3508. "UnlockCommand",
  3509. "DeAuthorized"
  3510. */
  3511. struct StructMeterValue TransactionData[1];
  3512. struct StructIdTagInfo ResponseIdTagInfo;
  3513. };
  3514. struct StructStatusNotification
  3515. {
  3516. int ConnectorId;
  3517. unsigned char ErrorCode[25]; /* "ConnectorLockFailure",
  3518. "EVCommunicationError",
  3519. "GroundFailure",
  3520. "HighTemperature",
  3521. "InternalError",
  3522. "LocalListConflict",
  3523. "NoError",
  3524. "OtherError",
  3525. "OverCurrentFailure",
  3526. "PowerMeterFailure",
  3527. "PowerSwitchFailure",
  3528. "ReaderFailure",
  3529. "ResetFailure",
  3530. "UnderVoltage",
  3531. "OverVoltage",
  3532. "WeakSignal"
  3533. */
  3534. unsigned char Info[50];
  3535. unsigned char Status[20]; /* "Available",
  3536. "Preparing",
  3537. "Charging",
  3538. "SuspendedEVSE",
  3539. "SuspendedEV",
  3540. "Finishing",
  3541. "Reserved",
  3542. "Unavailable",
  3543. "Faulted"
  3544. */
  3545. unsigned char Timestamp[28];
  3546. unsigned char VendorId[256];
  3547. unsigned char VendorErrorCode[50];
  3548. };
  3549. struct StructCancelReservation
  3550. {
  3551. int ReservationId;
  3552. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Rejected
  3553. unsigned char guid[37];
  3554. };
  3555. struct StructChangeAvailability
  3556. {
  3557. int ConnectorId;
  3558. unsigned char Type[16]; //Inoperative, Operative
  3559. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Rejected, Scheduled
  3560. unsigned char guid[37];
  3561. };
  3562. struct StructChangeConfiguration
  3563. {
  3564. unsigned char Key[50];
  3565. unsigned char Value[500];
  3566. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Rejected, RebootRequired, NotSupported
  3567. };
  3568. struct StructClearCache
  3569. {
  3570. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Rejected
  3571. };
  3572. struct StructClearChargingProfile
  3573. {
  3574. int Id;
  3575. int ConnectorId;
  3576. unsigned char ChargingProfilePurpose[24]; //ChargePointMaxProfile, TxDefaultProfile, TxProfile
  3577. int StackLevel;
  3578. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Unknown
  3579. };
  3580. struct StructDataTransfer
  3581. {
  3582. unsigned char VendorId[256];
  3583. unsigned char MessageId[52];
  3584. unsigned char Data[512];
  3585. unsigned char ResponseStatus[18]; //Accepted, Rejected,UnknownMessageId,UnknownVendorId
  3586. unsigned char ResponseData[256];
  3587. };
  3588. struct StructDiagnosticsStatusNotification
  3589. {
  3590. unsigned char Status[16]; //Idle,Uploaded,UploadFailed,Uploading
  3591. };
  3592. struct StructFirmwareStatusNotification
  3593. {
  3594. unsigned char Status[20]; //Downloaded,DownloadFailed,Downloading,Idle,InstallationFailed,Installing,Installed
  3595. };
  3596. struct StructGetCompositeSchedule
  3597. {
  3598. int ConnectorId;
  3599. int Duration;
  3600. unsigned char ChargingRateUnit[4]; //A,W
  3601. unsigned char ResponseStatus[12]; //Accepted,Rejected
  3602. int ResponseConnectorId;
  3603. unsigned char ResponseScheduleStart[28];
  3604. struct StructChargingSchedule ResponseChargingSchedule;
  3605. };
  3606. struct StructGetConfiguration
  3607. {
  3608. struct StructConfigurationKeyItems *Key;
  3609. struct StructConfigurationKey *ResponseConfigurationKey;
  3610. struct StructConfigurationKeyItems *ResponseUnknownKey;
  3611. };
  3612. struct StructGetDiagnostics
  3613. {
  3614. unsigned char Location[256];
  3615. int Retries;
  3616. int RetryInterval;
  3617. unsigned char StartTime[28];
  3618. unsigned char StopTime[28];
  3619. unsigned char ResponseFileName[256];
  3620. };
  3621. struct StructGetLocalListVersion
  3622. {
  3623. int ResponseListVersion;
  3624. };
  3625. struct StructMeterValues
  3626. {
  3627. int ConnectorId;
  3628. int TransactionId;
  3629. struct StructMeterValue MeterValue[0];
  3630. };
  3631. struct StructRemoteStartTransaction
  3632. {
  3633. int ConnectorId;
  3634. unsigned char IdTag[20];
  3635. struct StructChargingProfile ChargingProfile;
  3636. unsigned char ResponseStatus[10]; //Accepted, Rejected
  3637. unsigned char guid[37];
  3638. };
  3639. struct StructRemoteStopTransaction
  3640. {
  3641. int TransactionId;
  3642. unsigned char ResponseStatus[10]; //Accepted, Rejected
  3643. };
  3644. struct StructReserveNow
  3645. {
  3646. int ConnectorId;
  3647. unsigned char ExpiryDate[28];
  3648. unsigned char IdTag[20];
  3649. unsigned char ParentIdTag[20];
  3650. int ReservationId;
  3651. unsigned char ResponseStatus[12]; //Accepted, Faulted, Occupied, Rejected, Unavailable
  3652. unsigned char guid[37]; //OCPP Server request message uuid
  3653. };
  3654. struct StructReset
  3655. {
  3656. unsigned char Type[8]; //Hard, Soft
  3657. unsigned char ResponseStatus[10]; //Accepted, Rejected
  3658. unsigned char guid[37]; //OCPP Server request message uuid
  3659. };
  3660. struct StructSendLocalList
  3661. {
  3662. int ListVersion;
  3663. unsigned char UpdateType[16]; //Differential, Full
  3664. struct StructLocalAuthorizationList *LocalAuthorizationList;
  3665. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Failed, NotSupported, VersionMismatch
  3666. };
  3667. struct StructSetChargingProfile
  3668. {
  3669. int ConnectorId;
  3670. struct StructChargingProfile ChargingProfile;
  3671. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Rejected, NotSupported
  3672. };
  3673. struct StructTriggerMessage
  3674. {
  3675. unsigned char RequestedMessage[32]; /*
  3676. "BootNotification",
  3677. "DiagnosticsStatusNotification",
  3678. "FirmwareStatusNotification",
  3679. "Heartbeat",
  3680. "MeterValues",
  3681. "StatusNotification"
  3682. */
  3683. int ConnectorId;
  3684. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Accepted, Rejected, NotImplemented
  3685. };
  3686. struct StructUnlockConnector
  3687. {
  3688. int ConnectorId;
  3689. unsigned char ResponseStatus[16]; //Unlocked, UnlockFailed, NotSupported
  3690. unsigned char guid[37]; //OCPP Server request message uuid
  3691. };
  3692. struct StructUpdateFirmware
  3693. {
  3694. unsigned char Location[256];
  3695. int Retries;
  3696. unsigned char RetrieveDate[28];
  3697. int RetryInterval;
  3698. };
  3699. struct OCPP16ConfigurationItem
  3700. {
  3701. unsigned char ItemName[64];
  3702. unsigned char ItemAccessibility;//0:RO, 1:RW
  3703. unsigned char ItemData[128];
  3704. };
  3705. struct OCPP16ConfigurationTable
  3706. {
  3707. //please refer to OCPP 1.6 chapter 9
  3708. struct OCPP16ConfigurationItem CoreProfile[34];
  3709. struct OCPP16ConfigurationItem LocalAuthListManagementProfile[3];
  3710. struct OCPP16ConfigurationItem ReservationProfile[1];
  3711. struct OCPP16ConfigurationItem SmartChargingProfile[5];
  3712. };
  3713. struct OCPP16Data
  3714. {
  3715. unsigned char OcppServerURL[512]; //http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
  3716. unsigned char ChargeBoxId[128];
  3717. unsigned char OcppConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
  3718. unsigned int Timeout_Secs;
  3719. unsigned short Ping_Pong_Interval;
  3720. union
  3721. {
  3722. //Operations Initiated by Charge Point
  3723. unsigned char CpMsgValue[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY + CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3724. struct
  3725. {
  3726. //CpMsgValue[0]
  3727. unsigned char DataTransferReq:1; //bit 0,
  3728. unsigned char DataTransferConf:1; //bit 1,
  3729. unsigned char StartTransactionReq:1; //bit 2,
  3730. unsigned char StartTransactionConf:1; //bit 3,
  3731. unsigned char StopTransactionReq:1; //bit 4,
  3732. unsigned char StopTransactionConf:1; //bit 5,
  3733. unsigned char :2; //bit 6,7 , reserved
  3735. }CpMsg;
  3736. union
  3737. {
  3738. //Operations Initiated by Sequence Point
  3739. unsigned char SpMsgValue[1];
  3740. struct
  3741. {
  3742. //SpMsgValue[0]
  3743. unsigned char BootNotificationReq :1; //bit 0,
  3744. unsigned char BootNotificationConf :1; //bit 1,
  3745. unsigned char AuthorizeReq :1; //bit 2,
  3746. unsigned char AuthorizeConf :1; //bit 3,
  3747. unsigned char DiagnosticsStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 4,
  3748. unsigned char DiagnosticsStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 5,
  3749. unsigned char FirmwareStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 6,
  3750. unsigned char FirmwareStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 7,
  3751. } bits;
  3752. } SpMsg;
  3753. union
  3754. {
  3755. //Operations Initiated by Central System
  3756. unsigned char CsMsgValue[3 * (CHAdeMO_QUANTITY + CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY)];
  3757. struct
  3758. {
  3759. //CsMsgValue[0]
  3760. unsigned char CancelReservationReq :1; //bit 0,
  3761. unsigned char CancelReservationConf :1; //bit 1,
  3762. unsigned char ChangeAvailabilityReq :1; //bit 2,
  3763. unsigned char ChangeAvailabilityConf :1; //bit 3,
  3764. unsigned char ReserveNowReq :1; //bit 4,
  3765. unsigned char ReserveNowConf :1; //bit 5,
  3766. unsigned char SetChargingProfileReq :1; //bit 6,
  3767. unsigned char SetChargingProfileConf :1; //bit 7,
  3768. //CsMsgValue[1]
  3769. unsigned char TriggerMessageReq :1; //bit 0,
  3770. unsigned char TriggerMessageConf :1; //bit 1,
  3771. unsigned char UnlockConnectorReq :1; //bit 2,
  3772. unsigned char UnlockConnectorConf :1; //bit 3,
  3773. unsigned char RemoteStartTransactionReq :1; //bit 4,
  3774. unsigned char RemoteStartTransactionConf :1; //bit 5,
  3775. unsigned char RemoteStopTransactionReq :1; //bit 6,
  3776. unsigned char RemoteStopTransactionConf :1; //bit 7,
  3777. //CsMsgValue[2]
  3778. unsigned char ClearChargingProfileReq :1; //bit 0,
  3779. unsigned char ClearChargingProfileConf :1; //bit 1,
  3780. unsigned char DataTransferReq :1; //bit 2,
  3781. unsigned char DataTransferConf :1; //bit 3,
  3782. unsigned char GetCompositeScheduleReq :1; //bit 4,
  3783. unsigned char GetCompositeScheduleConf :1; //bit 5,
  3784. unsigned char :2; //bit 6,7
  3786. }CsMsg;
  3787. union
  3788. {
  3789. //Operations Initiated by Main System
  3790. unsigned char MsMsgValue[2];
  3791. struct
  3792. {
  3793. //CsMsgValue[0]
  3794. unsigned char ChangeConfigurationReq :1; //bit 0,
  3795. unsigned char ChangeConfigurationConf :1; //bit 1,
  3796. unsigned char ClearCacheReq :1; //bit 2,
  3797. unsigned char ClearCacheConf :1; //bit 3,
  3798. unsigned char GetConfigurationReq :1; //bit 4,
  3799. unsigned char GetConfigurationConf :1; //bit 5,
  3800. unsigned char UpdateFirmwareReq :1; //bit 6,
  3801. unsigned char UpdateFirmwareConf :1; //bit 7,
  3802. //CsMsgValue[1]
  3803. unsigned char GetDiagnosticsReq :1; //bit 0,
  3804. unsigned char GetDiagnosticsConf :1; //bit 1,
  3805. unsigned char GetLocalListVersionReq :1; //bit 2,
  3806. unsigned char GetLocalListVersionConf :1; //bit 3,
  3807. unsigned char ResetReq :1; //bit 4,
  3808. unsigned char ResetConf :1; //bit 5,
  3809. unsigned char SendLocalListReq :1; //bit 6,
  3810. unsigned char SendLocalListConf :1; //bit 7,
  3811. } bits;
  3812. } MsMsg;
  3813. union
  3814. {
  3815. //Operations triggered by CSU
  3817. struct
  3818. {
  3819. //CSUMsgValue[0]
  3820. unsigned char ChargingProfileReq:1; //bit 0,
  3821. unsigned char ChargingProfileConf:1; //bit 0,
  3822. unsigned char :6; //bit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 , reserved
  3824. }CSUMsg;
  3825. struct StructBootNotification BootNotification;
  3826. struct StructHeartbeat Heartbeat;
  3827. struct StructAuthorize Authorize;
  3828. struct StructStartTransaction StartTransaction[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3829. struct StructStopTransaction StopTransaction[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3830. struct StructStatusNotification StatusNotification[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3831. struct StructCancelReservation CancelReservation[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3832. struct StructChangeAvailability ChangeAvailability[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3833. struct StructChangeConfiguration ChangeConfiguration;
  3834. struct StructClearCache ClearCache;
  3835. struct StructClearChargingProfile ClearChargingProfile[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3836. struct StructDataTransfer DataTransfer[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3837. struct StructDiagnosticsStatusNotification DiagnosticsStatusNotification;
  3838. struct StructFirmwareStatusNotification FirmwareStatusNotification;
  3839. struct StructGetCompositeSchedule GetCompositeSchedule[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3840. struct StructGetConfiguration GetConfiguration;
  3841. struct StructGetDiagnostics GetDiagnostics;
  3842. struct StructGetLocalListVersion GetLocalListVersion;
  3843. struct StructMeterValues MeterValues[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3844. struct StructRemoteStartTransaction RemoteStartTransaction[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3845. struct StructRemoteStopTransaction RemoteStopTransaction[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3846. struct StructReserveNow ReserveNow[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3847. struct StructReset Reset;
  3848. struct StructSendLocalList SendLocalList;
  3849. struct StructSetChargingProfile SetChargingProfile[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3850. struct StructTriggerMessage TriggerMessage[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3851. struct StructUnlockConnector UnlockConnector[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3852. struct StructUpdateFirmware UpdateFirmware;
  3853. struct OCPP16ConfigurationTable ConfigurationTable;
  3854. struct StructChargingProfile SmartChargingProfile[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY+ CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + AC_QUANTITY];
  3855. };
  3856. #endif // DEFINE_H_