uaputl.conf 7.1 KB

  1. # File : uaputl.conf
  2. ap_config={
  3. SSID="EVSE_AP" # SSID of Micro AP, use '\' as an escape character before '"' character in SSID
  4. # BeaconPeriod=100 # Beacon period in TU
  5. Channel=6 # Radio Channel 6
  6. # Channel=0,1 # auto channel select (MCS mode)
  7. # Channel=6,2 # primary channel 6, secondary channel above.
  8. # Channel=6,4 # primary channel 6, secondary channel below
  9. ChanList=1,6,11 # Scan channel list
  10. # AP_MAC=00:34:22:77:46:41 # MAC address of AP
  11. RxAntenna=0 # 0 for Antenna A
  12. # 1 for Antenna B
  13. TxAntenna=0 # 0 for Antenna A
  14. # 1 for Antenna B
  15. Rate=0x82,0x84,0x8b,0x96,0x0C,0x12,0x18,0x24,0x30,0x48,0x60,0x6c
  16. # Set of data rate that a station
  17. # in the BSS may use
  18. # (in unit of 500 kilobit/s)
  19. TxPowerLevel=13 # Transmit power level in dBm
  20. BroadcastSSID=1 # Broadcast SSID feature
  21. # 1: Enable 0:Disable
  22. RTSThreshold=2347 # RTS threshold value
  23. FragThreshold=2346 # Fragmentation threshold value
  24. DTIMPeriod=1 # DTIM period in beacon periods
  25. MCBCdataRate=0 # MCBC rate to use for packet transmission
  26. # 0:auto
  27. # >0 fix rate (in unit of 500 kilobit/s)
  28. # TxBeaconRate=0 # Beacon rate to use for Beacon transmission
  29. # 0:auto
  30. # >0 fix rate (in unit of 500 kilobit/s)
  31. PktFwdCtl=1 # Packet forwarding control
  32. # 0: forward all packets to the host
  33. # 1: firmware handles intr-BSS packets
  34. StaAgeoutTimer=1800 # Inactive client station age out timer value
  35. # in units of 100ms
  36. PSStaAgeoutTimer=400 # Inactive client PS station age out timer value
  37. # in units of 100ms
  38. MaxStaNum=8 # Max number of stations allowed to connect
  39. Retrylimit=7 # Retry limit to use for packet transmissions
  40. AuthMode=0 # 0:Open authentication
  41. # 1:shared key authentication
  42. # 3: WPA3 SAE
  43. Protocol=1 # protocol to use
  44. # 1: No security 2: Static WEP
  45. # 8: WPA 32: WPA2 40:WPA2 Mixed Mode
  46. # 64: WPA3 SAE
  47. RSNReplayProtection=0 # RSN replay protection 0: disabled, 1: enabled
  48. PairwiseUpdateTimeout=100 #Pairwise Handshake update timeout: 100ms
  49. PairwiseHandshakeRetries=3 #Pairwise Handshake retries: 3
  50. GroupwiseUpdateTimeout=100 #Groupwise Handshake update timeout: 100ms
  51. GroupwiseHandshakeRetries=3 #Groupwise Handshake retries: 3
  52. # **** WEP security setting******
  53. # KeyIndex=0 # Index of WEP key to use (0 to 3)
  54. # Sample Key configurations are
  55. # Key_0="55555"
  56. # Key_1=1234567890
  57. # Key_2="1234567890123"
  58. # Key_3=12345678901234567890123456
  59. # **** Pairwise Cipher setting******
  60. # Configure both of the following for Protocol=40
  61. # PwkCipherWPA=4 # Pairwise cipher type
  62. # 4: TKIP 8: AES CCMP
  63. # 12: AES CCMP + TKIP
  64. # PwkCipherWPA2=8 # Pairwise cipher type
  65. # 4: TKIP 8: AES CCMP
  66. # 12: AES CCMP + TKIP
  67. # **** Group Cipher setting******
  68. # GwkCipher=4 # group cipher type
  69. # 4: TKIP 8: AES CCMP
  71. # PSK="1234567890" # WPA/WPA2 passphrase
  72. GroupRekeyTime= 86400 # Group key re-key interval, in second.
  73. # 0 mean never re-key
  74. #endif
  75. Enable11n=1 # 1 to enable, 0 to disable
  76. HTCapInfo=0x111c # HTCapInfo
  77. # Bit 15-13: Reserved set to 0
  78. # Bit 12: DSS/CCK mode in 40MHz enable/disable
  79. # Bit 11-10: Reserved set to 0
  80. # Bit 9-8: Reserved set to 0x01
  81. # Bit 7: Reserved set to 0
  82. # Bit 6: Short GI in 40 Mhz enable/disable
  83. # Bit 5: Short GI in 20 Mhz enable/disable
  84. # Bit 4: Green field enable/disble
  85. # Bit 3-2: Reserved set to 1
  86. # Bit 1: 20/40 Mhz enable disable.
  87. # Bit 0: Reserved set to 0
  88. AMPDU=0x03 # AMPDU
  89. # Bit 7-5: Reserved set to 0
  90. # Bit 4-2: Minimum MPDU Start spacing
  91. # Set to 0 for no restriction
  92. # Set to 1 for 1/4 us
  93. # Set to 2 for 1/2 us
  94. # Set to 3 for 1 us
  95. # Set to 4 for 2 us
  96. # Set to 5 for 4 us
  97. # Set to 6 for 8 us
  98. # Set to 7 for 16 us
  99. # Bit 1-0: Max A-MPDU length
  100. HT_MCS_MAP=0x000000ff # Bit 7-0: MCS_SET_0
  101. # Bit 15-8:MCS_SET_1
  102. # Enable2040Coex=1 #Enable 20/40 coex feature
  103. #802.11D specific configuration
  104. 11d_enable=1 # 0-disable 1-enable
  105. country=TW # country information
  106. }
  107. ap_mac_filter={
  108. FilterMode=0 # Mode of filter table
  109. # 0: filter table is disabled
  110. # 1: allow MAC address in the filter table to associate
  111. # 2: block MAC address in the filter table
  112. Count=0 # Number of entries in filter table,up to 16
  113. #Sample mac settings are
  114. # mac_1=00:50:23:45:76:22 # mac address
  115. # mac_2=00:34:22:77:46:34 # mac address
  116. }
  117. # Wmm param setting
  118. Wmm_parameters={
  119. Qos_info=0x80
  120. AC_BE
  121. Aifsn=1
  122. Ecw_max=1
  123. Ecw_min=1
  124. Tx_op=1
  125. AC_BK
  126. Aifsn=2
  127. Ecw_max=2
  128. Ecw_min=2
  129. Tx_op=2
  130. AC_VI
  131. Aifsn=3
  132. Ecw_max=3
  133. Ecw_min=3
  134. Tx_op=3
  135. AC_VO
  136. Aifsn=4
  137. Ecw_max=4
  138. Ecw_min=4
  139. Tx_op=4
  140. }