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- --TEST--
- func_get_arg() invalid usage
- --FILE--
- <?php
- var_dump(func_get_arg(1,2,3));
- var_dump(func_get_arg(1));
- var_dump(func_get_arg());
- function bar() {
- var_dump(func_get_arg(1));
- }
- function foo() {
- bar(func_get_arg(1));
- }
- foo(1,2);
- echo "Done\n";
- ?>
- Warning: func_get_arg() expects exactly 1 parameter, 3 given in %s on line %d
- Warning: func_get_arg(): Called from the global scope - no function context in %s on line %d
- bool(false)
- Warning: func_get_arg() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %s on line %d
- Warning: func_get_arg(): Argument 1 not passed to function in %s on line %d
- bool(false)
- Done