123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637 |
- # Copyright (c) 2015 Stephen Warren
- # Copyright (c) 2015-2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
- # Generate an HTML-formatted log file containing multiple streams of data,
- # each represented in a well-delineated/-structured fashion.
- import cgi
- import os.path
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- mod_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- class LogfileStream(object):
- """A file-like object used to write a single logical stream of data into
- a multiplexed log file. Objects of this type should be created by factory
- functions in the Logfile class rather than directly."""
- def __init__(self, logfile, name, chained_file):
- """Initialize a new object.
- Args:
- logfile: The Logfile object to log to.
- name: The name of this log stream.
- chained_file: The file-like object to which all stream data should be
- logged to in addition to logfile. Can be None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.logfile = logfile
- self.name = name
- self.chained_file = chained_file
- def close(self):
- """Dummy function so that this class is "file-like".
- Args:
- None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- pass
- def write(self, data, implicit=False):
- """Write data to the log stream.
- Args:
- data: The data to write tot he file.
- implicit: Boolean indicating whether data actually appeared in the
- stream, or was implicitly generated. A valid use-case is to
- repeat a shell prompt at the start of each separate log
- section, which makes the log sections more readable in
- isolation.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.logfile.write(self, data, implicit)
- if self.chained_file:
- self.chained_file.write(data)
- def flush(self):
- """Flush the log stream, to ensure correct log interleaving.
- Args:
- None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.logfile.flush()
- if self.chained_file:
- self.chained_file.flush()
- class RunAndLog(object):
- """A utility object used to execute sub-processes and log their output to
- a multiplexed log file. Objects of this type should be created by factory
- functions in the Logfile class rather than directly."""
- def __init__(self, logfile, name, chained_file):
- """Initialize a new object.
- Args:
- logfile: The Logfile object to log to.
- name: The name of this log stream or sub-process.
- chained_file: The file-like object to which all stream data should
- be logged to in addition to logfile. Can be None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.logfile = logfile
- self.name = name
- self.chained_file = chained_file
- self.output = None
- self.exit_status = None
- def close(self):
- """Clean up any resources managed by this object."""
- pass
- def run(self, cmd, cwd=None, ignore_errors=False):
- """Run a command as a sub-process, and log the results.
- The output is available at self.output which can be useful if there is
- an exception.
- Args:
- cmd: The command to execute.
- cwd: The directory to run the command in. Can be None to use the
- current directory.
- ignore_errors: Indicate whether to ignore errors. If True, the
- function will simply return if the command cannot be executed
- or exits with an error code, otherwise an exception will be
- raised if such problems occur.
- Returns:
- The output as a string.
- """
- msg = '+' + ' '.join(cmd) + '\n'
- if self.chained_file:
- self.chained_file.write(msg)
- self.logfile.write(self, msg)
- try:
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd,
- stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
- output = ''
- if stdout:
- if stderr:
- output += 'stdout:\n'
- output += stdout
- if stderr:
- if stdout:
- output += 'stderr:\n'
- output += stderr
- exit_status = p.returncode
- exception = None
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe:
- output = cpe.output
- exit_status = cpe.returncode
- exception = cpe
- except Exception as e:
- output = ''
- exit_status = 0
- exception = e
- if output and not output.endswith('\n'):
- output += '\n'
- if exit_status and not exception and not ignore_errors:
- exception = Exception('Exit code: ' + str(exit_status))
- if exception:
- output += str(exception) + '\n'
- self.logfile.write(self, output)
- if self.chained_file:
- self.chained_file.write(output)
- # Store the output so it can be accessed if we raise an exception.
- self.output = output
- self.exit_status = exit_status
- if exception:
- raise exception
- return output
- class SectionCtxMgr(object):
- """A context manager for Python's "with" statement, which allows a certain
- portion of test code to be logged to a separate section of the log file.
- Objects of this type should be created by factory functions in the Logfile
- class rather than directly."""
- def __init__(self, log, marker, anchor):
- """Initialize a new object.
- Args:
- log: The Logfile object to log to.
- marker: The name of the nested log section.
- anchor: The anchor value to pass to start_section().
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.log = log
- self.marker = marker
- self.anchor = anchor
- def __enter__(self):
- self.anchor = self.log.start_section(self.marker, self.anchor)
- def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback):
- self.log.end_section(self.marker)
- class Logfile(object):
- """Generates an HTML-formatted log file containing multiple streams of
- data, each represented in a well-delineated/-structured fashion."""
- def __init__(self, fn):
- """Initialize a new object.
- Args:
- fn: The filename to write to.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.f = open(fn, 'wt')
- self.last_stream = None
- self.blocks = []
- self.cur_evt = 1
- self.anchor = 0
- shutil.copy(mod_dir + '/multiplexed_log.css', os.path.dirname(fn))
- self.f.write('''\
- <html>
- <head>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="multiplexed_log.css">
- <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function () {
- // Copy status report HTML to start of log for easy access
- sts = $(".block#status_report")[0].outerHTML;
- $("tt").prepend(sts);
- // Add expand/contract buttons to all block headers
- btns = "<span class=\\\"block-expand hidden\\\">[+] </span>" +
- "<span class=\\\"block-contract\\\">[-] </span>";
- $(".block-header").prepend(btns);
- // Pre-contract all blocks which passed, leaving only problem cases
- // expanded, to highlight issues the user should look at.
- // Only top-level blocks (sections) should have any status
- passed_bcs = $(".block-content:has(.status-pass)");
- // Some blocks might have multiple status entries (e.g. the status
- // report), so take care not to hide blocks with partial success.
- passed_bcs = passed_bcs.not(":has(.status-fail)");
- passed_bcs = passed_bcs.not(":has(.status-xfail)");
- passed_bcs = passed_bcs.not(":has(.status-xpass)");
- passed_bcs = passed_bcs.not(":has(.status-skipped)");
- // Hide the passed blocks
- passed_bcs.addClass("hidden");
- // Flip the expand/contract button hiding for those blocks.
- bhs = passed_bcs.parent().children(".block-header")
- bhs.children(".block-expand").removeClass("hidden");
- bhs.children(".block-contract").addClass("hidden");
- // Add click handler to block headers.
- // The handler expands/contracts the block.
- $(".block-header").on("click", function (e) {
- var header = $(this);
- var content = header.next(".block-content");
- var expanded = !content.hasClass("hidden");
- if (expanded) {
- content.addClass("hidden");
- header.children(".block-expand").first().removeClass("hidden");
- header.children(".block-contract").first().addClass("hidden");
- } else {
- header.children(".block-contract").first().removeClass("hidden");
- header.children(".block-expand").first().addClass("hidden");
- content.removeClass("hidden");
- }
- });
- // When clicking on a link, expand the target block
- $("a").on("click", function (e) {
- var block = $($(this).attr("href"));
- var header = block.children(".block-header");
- var content = block.children(".block-content").first();
- header.children(".block-contract").first().removeClass("hidden");
- header.children(".block-expand").first().addClass("hidden");
- content.removeClass("hidden");
- });
- });
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <tt>
- ''')
- def close(self):
- """Close the log file.
- After calling this function, no more data may be written to the log.
- Args:
- None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.f.write('''\
- </tt>
- </body>
- </html>
- ''')
- self.f.close()
- # The set of characters that should be represented as hexadecimal codes in
- # the log file.
- _nonprint = ('%' + ''.join(chr(c) for c in range(0, 32) if c not in (9, 10)) +
- ''.join(chr(c) for c in range(127, 256)))
- def _escape(self, data):
- """Render data format suitable for inclusion in an HTML document.
- This includes HTML-escaping certain characters, and translating
- control characters to a hexadecimal representation.
- Args:
- data: The raw string data to be escaped.
- Returns:
- An escaped version of the data.
- """
- data = data.replace(chr(13), '')
- data = ''.join((c in self._nonprint) and ('%%%02x' % ord(c)) or
- c for c in data)
- data = cgi.escape(data)
- return data
- def _terminate_stream(self):
- """Write HTML to the log file to terminate the current stream's data.
- Args:
- None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.cur_evt += 1
- if not self.last_stream:
- return
- self.f.write('</pre>\n')
- self.f.write('<div class="stream-trailer block-trailer">End stream: ' +
- self.last_stream.name + '</div>\n')
- self.f.write('</div>\n')
- self.f.write('</div>\n')
- self.last_stream = None
- def _note(self, note_type, msg, anchor=None):
- """Write a note or one-off message to the log file.
- Args:
- note_type: The type of note. This must be a value supported by the
- accompanying multiplexed_log.css.
- msg: The note/message to log.
- anchor: Optional internal link target.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._terminate_stream()
- self.f.write('<div class="' + note_type + '">\n')
- if anchor:
- self.f.write('<a href="#%s">\n' % anchor)
- self.f.write('<pre>')
- self.f.write(self._escape(msg))
- self.f.write('\n</pre>\n')
- if anchor:
- self.f.write('</a>\n')
- self.f.write('</div>\n')
- def start_section(self, marker, anchor=None):
- """Begin a new nested section in the log file.
- Args:
- marker: The name of the section that is starting.
- anchor: The value to use for the anchor. If None, a unique value
- will be calculated and used
- Returns:
- Name of the HTML anchor emitted before section.
- """
- self._terminate_stream()
- self.blocks.append(marker)
- if not anchor:
- self.anchor += 1
- anchor = str(self.anchor)
- blk_path = '/'.join(self.blocks)
- self.f.write('<div class="section block" id="' + anchor + '">\n')
- self.f.write('<div class="section-header block-header">Section: ' +
- blk_path + '</div>\n')
- self.f.write('<div class="section-content block-content">\n')
- return anchor
- def end_section(self, marker):
- """Terminate the current nested section in the log file.
- This function validates proper nesting of start_section() and
- end_section() calls. If a mismatch is found, an exception is raised.
- Args:
- marker: The name of the section that is ending.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- if (not self.blocks) or (marker != self.blocks[-1]):
- raise Exception('Block nesting mismatch: "%s" "%s"' %
- (marker, '/'.join(self.blocks)))
- self._terminate_stream()
- blk_path = '/'.join(self.blocks)
- self.f.write('<div class="section-trailer block-trailer">' +
- 'End section: ' + blk_path + '</div>\n')
- self.f.write('</div>\n')
- self.f.write('</div>\n')
- self.blocks.pop()
- def section(self, marker, anchor=None):
- """Create a temporary section in the log file.
- This function creates a context manager for Python's "with" statement,
- which allows a certain portion of test code to be logged to a separate
- section of the log file.
- Usage:
- with log.section("somename"):
- some test code
- Args:
- marker: The name of the nested section.
- anchor: The anchor value to pass to start_section().
- Returns:
- A context manager object.
- """
- return SectionCtxMgr(self, marker, anchor)
- def error(self, msg):
- """Write an error note to the log file.
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the error.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("error", msg)
- def warning(self, msg):
- """Write an warning note to the log file.
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the warning.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("warning", msg)
- def info(self, msg):
- """Write an informational note to the log file.
- Args:
- msg: An informational message.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("info", msg)
- def action(self, msg):
- """Write an action note to the log file.
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the action that is being logged.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("action", msg)
- def status_pass(self, msg, anchor=None):
- """Write a note to the log file describing test(s) which passed.
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the passed test(s).
- anchor: Optional internal link target.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("status-pass", msg, anchor)
- def status_skipped(self, msg, anchor=None):
- """Write a note to the log file describing skipped test(s).
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the skipped test(s).
- anchor: Optional internal link target.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("status-skipped", msg, anchor)
- def status_xfail(self, msg, anchor=None):
- """Write a note to the log file describing xfailed test(s).
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the xfailed test(s).
- anchor: Optional internal link target.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("status-xfail", msg, anchor)
- def status_xpass(self, msg, anchor=None):
- """Write a note to the log file describing xpassed test(s).
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the xpassed test(s).
- anchor: Optional internal link target.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("status-xpass", msg, anchor)
- def status_fail(self, msg, anchor=None):
- """Write a note to the log file describing failed test(s).
- Args:
- msg: A message describing the failed test(s).
- anchor: Optional internal link target.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self._note("status-fail", msg, anchor)
- def get_stream(self, name, chained_file=None):
- """Create an object to log a single stream's data into the log file.
- This creates a "file-like" object that can be written to in order to
- write a single stream's data to the log file. The implementation will
- handle any required interleaving of data (from multiple streams) in
- the log, in a way that makes it obvious which stream each bit of data
- came from.
- Args:
- name: The name of the stream.
- chained_file: The file-like object to which all stream data should
- be logged to in addition to this log. Can be None.
- Returns:
- A file-like object.
- """
- return LogfileStream(self, name, chained_file)
- def get_runner(self, name, chained_file=None):
- """Create an object that executes processes and logs their output.
- Args:
- name: The name of this sub-process.
- chained_file: The file-like object to which all stream data should
- be logged to in addition to logfile. Can be None.
- Returns:
- A RunAndLog object.
- """
- return RunAndLog(self, name, chained_file)
- def write(self, stream, data, implicit=False):
- """Write stream data into the log file.
- This function should only be used by instances of LogfileStream or
- RunAndLog.
- Args:
- stream: The stream whose data is being logged.
- data: The data to log.
- implicit: Boolean indicating whether data actually appeared in the
- stream, or was implicitly generated. A valid use-case is to
- repeat a shell prompt at the start of each separate log
- section, which makes the log sections more readable in
- isolation.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- if stream != self.last_stream:
- self._terminate_stream()
- self.f.write('<div class="stream block">\n')
- self.f.write('<div class="stream-header block-header">Stream: ' +
- stream.name + '</div>\n')
- self.f.write('<div class="stream-content block-content">\n')
- self.f.write('<pre>')
- if implicit:
- self.f.write('<span class="implicit">')
- self.f.write(self._escape(data))
- if implicit:
- self.f.write('</span>')
- self.last_stream = stream
- def flush(self):
- """Flush the log stream, to ensure correct log interleaving.
- Args:
- None.
- Returns:
- Nothing.
- """
- self.f.flush()