version.h 24 KB

  1. /*===========================================================================
  2. Combined Charging System (CCS): SECC
  3. version.h
  4. initiated by Joseph D. Anderson
  5. (since 2019/12/03)
  6. =============================================================================*/
  7. #define FIRMWARE_VERSION "V0.28.S0" //8-Byte(ASCII Code), “”
  8. #define HARDWARE_VERSION "CCS_8.0x" //8-Byte(ASCII Code): CSU-03-RW, CCS_Board, REV:5.0
  9. #define LINUX_IMAGE_VERSION "dd2da761d59f2cdd4064c9d95f8c302a442d33f3 (2019-01-04)"
  10. #define RTC_DEFAULT_TIME 1595486300 //Epoch time (decimal)
  11. //
  12. #define FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH 8 //unit: byte, max = 8, due to CAN bus payload.
  13. #define HARDWARE_VERSION_LENGTH 8 //unit: byte, max = 8, due to CAN bus payload.
  14. /*
  15. ================================================================================
  16. ==================== [Software] Version Naming Rule (2020) =====================
  17. ================================================================================
  18. The firmware version consists of 8 bytes ASCII characters and be separated by
  19. dot symbol per coupling bytes as the format:
  20. “tx.yz.ab”
  21. Following table describes the version naming rule.
  22. - BYTE 0: t (Stage)
  23. One ASCII character to indicate the firmware maturity according to project stage.
  24. D: development stage (under developing)
  25. B: verification stage (under QE verification)
  26. V: manufacture stage (after QE verified and release to factory)
  27. - BYTE 1: x (Major)
  28. Increased with major changes, e.g., hardware change, incompatible change, etc.
  29. It should be more than or equal to 1 if the first character t is ‘V’
  30. Only numerical values 0 ~ 9 can be used.
  31. - BYTE 2,3: yz (Minor)
  32. Increased with iterant changes, e.g., new functions, bug fix and so on.
  33. Two numerical values 00 ~ 99 can be used.
  34. - BYTE 4: a (Project)
  35. Abbreviation for Firmware Projects
  36. R: Relay Control Board
  37. F: Fan Control Board
  38. C: CHAdeMO Board
  39. D: DC Main Board
  40. G: GB Board
  41. L: LED Bar Board
  42. S: CCS Board
  43. - BYTE 5: b (reserved)
  44. ================================================================================
  45. ====================== [Software] Version History (2020) =======================
  46. ================================================================================
  47. [VERSION] V0.28.S0
  48. * Release Date: 2022-03-01
  49. * Change:
  50. 1. modify charging remain time
  51. 2. reduce SLAC waiting time to 20s for AC
  52. 3. set AC phase according to model name
  53. 4. add delay to while loop
  54. * File
  55. 1. exi_engine\api\api.c
  56. 2. SeccComm.c
  57. 3. SeccComm.c
  58. 4. CsuComm.c,
  59. [VERSION] V0.27.S0
  60. * Release Date: 2021-12-
  61. * Change:
  62. 1. change Isolation test state to valid if recevied invalid during precharge and charging
  63. 2. Add CM_AMP_MAP message
  64. 3. change isolation status to valid if recevie invalid from CSU in WeldingDetectionRes
  65. 4. remove extra I_NOW information if no output voltage
  66. 5. support TLS connection
  67. 6. Intergrate to AC EVSE
  68. * File
  69. 1. SeccComm.c
  70. 2. SeccComm.*
  71. 3. SeccComm.c
  72. 4. CsuComm.c
  73. 5. define.h SeccComm.c NidNmk.h cakey.pem cacert.pem
  74. exi_engine\api\api.c
  75. EVSE/GPL/Makefile
  76. EVSE/Projects/CCS/Apps/Makefile
  77. 6. AW-CCS\Apps\Makefile
  78. AW-CCS\Apps\main.c
  79. AW-CCS\Apps\CCS\version.h
  80. AW-CCS\Apps\CCS\Makefile
  81. AW-CCS\Apps\CCS\define.h
  82. AW-CCS\Apps\CCS\CsuComm.*
  83. AW-CCS\Apps\CCS\SeccComm.c
  84. [VERSION] V0.26.S0
  85. * Release Date: 2020-08-
  86. * Change:
  87. 1. Support BCB toggle
  88. 2. killall ntpd
  89. 3. set all stop reason to emergency stop , except 023979
  90. * File
  91. 1. SeccComm.c
  92. 2. main.c
  93. 3. SeccComm.c CsuComm.c
  94. [VERSION] V0.25.S0
  95. * Release Date: 2020-07-21
  96. * Change:
  97. 1. reset PLC chip after session terminated
  99. * File
  100. 1. SeccComm.c
  101. 2. define.h
  102. [VERSION] V0.24.S0
  103. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  104. * Change:
  105. 1. Fix Pmax in SAschedule less than 0 issue
  106. 2. ignore sequence error when receive session stop at any command
  107. 3. fix 10 times of max charging power issue in ChargeParamaterDiscovery.conf
  108. 4. reduce 2 seconds after reset SeccComm
  109. 5. set output voltage = target voltage +10 if not over than max voltage
  110. * File
  111. 1. SeccComm.c, exi_engine\api\api.c
  112. 2. SeccComm.c
  113. 3. SeccComm.c
  114. 4. EVSE/rootfs/root/
  115. 5. exi_engine\api\api.c
  116. [VERSION] V0.13.S0 (sync with D0.63.13.1D)
  117. * Release Date: 2020-07-27
  118. * Stage: D (development)
  119. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  120. * Minor Version: 13
  121. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  122. * Supported Feature: EIM
  123. * Charging Type: DC
  124. * Comm Method: PLC
  125. * Note:
  126. 1. Adding response to isolation status in WeldingDetectionRes.
  127. (1) DIN: DONE
  128. (2) ISO1: DONE
  129. [VERSION] V0.12.S0
  130. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  131. * Stage: D (development)
  132. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  133. * Minor Version: 12
  134. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  135. * Supported Feature: EIM
  136. * Charging Type: DC
  137. * Comm Method: PLC
  138. * Note:
  139. 1. Abandoning previous version name of D1.00.S0 and changing it to V0.12.S0.
  140. to be the 1st MP version.
  141. [VERSION] D1.00.S0
  142. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  143. * Stage: D (development)
  144. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  145. * Minor Version: 12
  146. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  147. * Supported Feature: EIM
  148. * Charging Type: DC
  149. * Comm Method: PLC
  150. * Note:
  151. 1. Chaning the version name from D0.12.S0 to D1.00.S0
  152. to be the 1st CE pass version.
  153. [VERSION] D0.12.S0
  154. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  155. * Stage: D (development)
  156. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  157. * Minor Version: 12
  158. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  159. * Supported Feature: EIM
  160. * Charging Type: DC
  161. * Comm Method: PLC
  162. * Note:
  163. 1. Sync with D0.62.13.1D (2020-07-03),
  164. => final version verified at DEKRA for CE (60KW)
  165. [VERSION] D0.11.S0
  166. * Release Date: 2020-05-14
  167. * Stage: D (development)
  168. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  169. * Minor Version: 11
  170. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  171. * Supported Feature: EIM
  172. * Charging Type: DC
  173. * Comm Method: PLC
  174. * Note:
  175. 1. Sync with D0.43.13.1D
  176. [VERSION] D0.10.S0
  177. * Release Date: 2020-04-27
  178. * Stage: D (development)
  179. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  180. * Minor Version: 10
  181. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  182. * Supported Feature: EIM
  183. * Charging Type: DC
  184. * Comm Method: PLC
  185. * Note:
  186. 1. Removing redundant debug message and code.
  187. 2. Adding error codes for the following situations.
  188. (1) CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_UDP_TT_match_join (023823)
  189. (2) CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TCP_TT_match_join (023824)
  190. [VERSION] D0.09.S0
  191. * Release Date: 2020-04-23
  192. * Stage: D (development)
  193. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  194. * Minor Version: 09
  195. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  196. * Supported Feature: EIM
  197. * Charging Type: DC
  198. * Comm Method: PLC
  199. * Note:
  200. 1. Merging D0.08.13.1D to here.
  201. [VERSION] D0.08.S0
  202. * Release Date: 2020-04-13
  203. * Stage: D (development)
  204. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  205. * Minor Version: 08
  206. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  207. * Supported Feature: EIM
  208. * Charging Type: DC
  209. * Comm Method: PLC
  210. * Note:
  211. 1. Disabling "Check for ChargingPermission" when CP state is between 3 and 5,
  212. which is a new function in D0.07.S0.
  213. 2. Disabling RTC function.
  214. [VERSION] D0.07.S0
  215. * Release Date: 2020-04-09
  216. * Stage: D (development)
  217. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  218. * Minor Version: 07
  219. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  220. * Supported Feature: EIM
  221. * Charging Type: DC
  222. * Comm Method: PLC
  223. * Note:
  224. 1. Adding response to "ChargingPermission off" before V2G messages.
  225. => End_Process()
  226. 2. Modifying the EVSEStatusCode status to be TRUE in the following 2 messages.
  227. (1) din_ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes
  228. (2) iso1_ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes
  229. [VERSION] D0.06.S0
  230. * Release Date: 2020-03-17
  231. * Stage: D (development)
  232. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  233. * Minor Version: 06
  234. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  235. * Supported Feature: EIM
  236. * Charging Type: DC
  237. * Comm Method: PLC
  238. * Note:
  239. 1. Adding "CSUCOMM_TASK_FLAG.EV_Stop_Type_Emergency" flag to handle CAN Stop
  240. command type to CSU.
  241. 2. Adding error code to the following situation.
  242. (1) CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_SLAC_init (023809)
  243. SlacComm: Wait CM_SLAC_PARM_REQ Timeout - TT_EVSE_SLAC_init (50s)
  244. [VERSION] D0.05.S0
  245. * Release Date: 2020-03-17
  246. * Stage: D (development)
  247. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  248. * Minor Version: 05
  249. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  250. * Supported Feature: EIM
  251. * Charging Type: DC
  252. * Comm Method: PLC
  253. * Note:
  254. 1. Sync with D0.20.11.1D.
  255. [VERSION] D0.04.S0
  256. * Release Date: 2020-03-13
  257. * Stage: D (development)
  258. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  259. * Minor Version: 04
  260. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  261. * Supported Feature: EIM
  262. * Charging Type: DC
  263. * Comm Method: PLC
  264. * Note:
  265. 1. Adding error code of the following two situation.
  266. - CCS_SECC_CP_State_Error (023889)
  267. - CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Sequence_Time (023844)
  268. [VERSION] D0.03.S0
  269. * Release Date: 2020-03-13
  270. * Stage: D (development)
  271. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  272. * Minor Version: 03
  273. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  274. * Supported Feature: EIM
  275. * Charging Type: DC
  276. * Comm Method: PLC
  277. * Note:
  278. 1. Merging D0.16.11.1D to here.
  279. [VERSION] D0.02.S0
  280. * Release Date: 2020-03-04
  281. * Stage: D (development)
  282. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  283. * Minor Version: 02
  284. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  285. * Supported Feature: EIM
  286. * Charging Type: DC
  287. * Comm Method: PLC
  288. * Note:
  289. 1. Changing the default CAN bus firmware update method of ramdisk to
  290. root_app process.
  291. [VERSION] D0.01.S0
  292. * Release Date: 2020-03-02
  293. * Stage: D (development)
  294. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  295. * Minor Version: 01
  296. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  297. * Supported Feature: EIM
  298. * Charging Type: DC
  299. * Comm Method: PLC
  300. * Note:
  301. 1. Merging D0.12.11.1D of branch ISO_15118 to master.
  302. 2. Limiting the Supported CCS protocols to DIN 70121 only. (Disabling ISO1)
  304. 3. Changing the firmware naming rule.
  305. ================================================================================
  306. =================== [Software] Version Naming Rule (2019)=======================
  307. ================================================================================
  308. The firmware version consists of 8 bytes ASCII characters and be separated by
  309. dot symbol per coupling bytes as the format:
  310. “”.
  311. Following table describes the version naming rule.
  312. - BYTE 0: t (Stage)
  313. One ASCII character to indicate the firmware maturity according to project stage.
  314. D: development stage (under developing)
  315. B: verification stage (under QE verification)
  316. V: manufacture stage (after QE verified and release to factory)
  317. - BYTE 1: x (Major)
  318. Increased with major changes, e.g., hardware change, incompatible change, etc.
  319. It should be more than or equal to 1 if the first character t is ‘V’
  320. Only numerical values 0 ~ 9 can be used.
  321. - BYTE 2,3: yz (Minor)
  322. Increased with iterant changes, e.g., new functions, bug fix and so on.
  323. Two numerical values 00 ~ 99 can be used.
  324. - BYTE 4: a (Comm Method)
  325. Supported HLC Communication Methods
  326. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  327. |------------------ reserved ----------------| Wi-Fi PLC
  328. 1: PLC only
  329. 2: Wi-Fi only
  330. 3: PLC + Wi-Fi
  331. others: reserved
  332. - BYTE 5: b (Charging Type)
  333. Supported Charging Types
  334. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  335. |-------- reserved --------| BPT WPT AC DC
  336. 1: DC only
  337. 2: AC only
  338. 3: DC + AC
  339. 4: WPT: Wireless Power Transfer
  340. 8: BPT: Bidirectional Power Transfer, etc
  341. others: reserved
  342. - BYTE 6: c (Supported Features)
  343. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  344. |-------------- reserved -----------| ACD PnC EIM
  345. 1: EIM
  346. 2: PnC
  347. 4: ACD (Automatic Connection Device), etc
  348. Others: reserved
  349. - BYTE 7: d (Supported Protocols)
  350. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  351. |--------- reserved --------------------| ISO 15118-20 ISO 15118-2 SAE J2847 DIN 70121
  352. 1: DIN SPEC 70121
  353. 2: SAE J2847
  354. 3: DIN SPEC 70121 + SAE J2847
  355. 4: ISO/IEC 15118-2
  356. 8: ISO/IEC 15118-20, etc
  357. others: reserved
  358. ================================================================================
  359. ========================= [Software] Version History ===========================
  360. ================================================================================
  361. [VERSION] D0.12.11.1D
  362. * Release Date: 2020-02-24
  363. * Stage: D (development)
  364. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  365. * Minor Version: 11
  366. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  367. * Supported Feature: EIM
  368. * Charging Type: DC
  369. * Comm Method: PLC
  370. * Note:
  371. 1. Checking EVMaximumVoltageLimit_isUsed flag when using decoded
  372. EVMaximumVoltageLimit value.
  373. 2. Extending V2G_SECC_WeldingDetection_Performance_Time from 2s to 20s.
  374. -
  375. [VERSION] D0.10.11.1D
  376. * Release Date: 2020-02-24
  377. * Stage: D (development)
  378. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  379. * Minor Version: 10
  380. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  381. * Supported Feature: EIM
  382. * Charging Type: DC
  383. * Comm Method: PLC
  384. * Note:
  385. 1. Adding Check_CP_State_Error() function in the forked EvComm task.
  386. 2. Updating the log mechanism of present EVSE V/I information.
  387. [VERSION] D0.09.11.1D
  388. * Release Date: 2020-02-20
  389. * Stage: D (development)
  390. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  391. * Minor Version: 09
  392. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  393. * Supported Feature: EIM
  394. * Charging Type: DC
  395. * Comm Method: PLC
  396. * Note:
  397. 1. Adding Tx timeout for RawSock (100ms, SO_SNDTIMEO)
  398. 2. Replacing the original "static variable" of counter of iso1_CableCheckRes and iso1_PreChargeReq
  399. with another new variable inside CcsData structure.
  400. [VERSION] D0.08.11.1D
  401. * Release Date: 2020-02-20
  402. * Stage: D (development)
  403. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  404. * Minor Version: 08
  405. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  406. * Supported Feature: EIM
  407. * Charging Type: DC
  408. * Comm Method: PLC
  409. * Note:
  410. 1. Modifying the state machine to let state return back to IDLE(0)
  411. once the set key process of QCA7000 is completed.
  412. [VERSION] D0.07.11.1D
  413. * Release Date: 2020-02-20
  414. * Stage: D (development)
  415. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  416. * Minor Version: 07
  417. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  418. * Supported Feature: EIM
  419. * Charging Type: DC
  420. * Comm Method: PLC
  421. * Note:
  422. 1. Modifying 5% PWM start timing as below. (requested by Diamler)
  423. (1) Start 5% PWM once receiving CM_SLAC_PARM_REQ from EV.
  424. => The Charging Permission status from CSU doesn't have to be TRUE
  425. (2) Start 5% once QCA7000 finishs setting key (CM_SET_KEY_CNF) and
  426. detecting both of
  427. "CheckConnectorPlugIn()" and
  428. "Charging Permission status from CSU" are TRUE.
  429. => The Charging Permission status from CSU have to be TRUE
  430. 2. Adding the following system reset methods for the selection.
  431. (1) #define RESET_MECHANISM_SOFT_RESET_KILLALL_EVCOMM 0 (default)
  432. (2) #define RESET_MECHANISM_HARD_RESET 1
  434. 2. Adding check mechanism for Charging Permission in all V2G message process
  435. after ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq.
  436. => if (ShmInternalComm->ChargingPermission == FALSE)
  437. 3. Printing states on the following task log. (via Check_V2G_Flow_Status())
  438. (1) EvComm
  439. (2) CsuComm
  440. 4. Adding Check_V2G_Flow_Status_pre() function to check previous status.
  441. [VERSION] D0.06.11.1D
  442. * Release Date: 2020-02-19
  443. * Stage: D (development)
  444. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  445. * Minor Version: 06
  446. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  447. * Supported Feature: EIM
  448. * Charging Type: DC
  449. * Comm Method: PLC
  450. * Note:
  451. - Fixing the issue of Shutdown by EVSE Mechanism in D0.05.11.1D.
  452. [VERSION] D0.05.11.1D
  453. * Release Date: 2020-02-19
  454. * Stage: D (development)
  455. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  456. * Minor Version: 05
  457. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  458. * Supported Feature: EIM
  459. * Charging Type: DC
  460. * Comm Method: PLC
  461. * Note:
  462. - Merging D1.19.11.11 to here.
  463. [VERSION] D0.04.11.1D
  464. * Release Date: 2020-02-11
  465. * Stage: D (development)
  466. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  467. * Minor Version: 04
  468. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  469. * Supported Feature: EIM
  470. * Charging Type: DC
  471. * Comm Method: PLC
  472. * Note:
  473. - Fixing the software CP protection mechanism,
  474. which won't be triggered in previous version.
  475. [VERSION] D0.03.11.1D
  476. * Release Date: 2020-02-11
  477. * Stage: D (development)
  478. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  479. * Minor Version: 03
  480. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  481. * Supported Feature: EIM
  482. * Charging Type: DC
  483. * Comm Method: PLC
  484. * Note:
  485. - [ISO1] The first successful version for ISO15118_2014
  486. - Verification:
  487. -- Emulator: Gridwiz Simplemint (ISO 15118, ISO1)
  488. => Normal Stop by EVSE during CurrentDemand(): PASS
  489. -- EVSE: to be verified
  490. - [ISO2] paused on development
  491. [VERSION] D0.02.11.1D
  492. * Release Date: 2020-02-06
  493. * Stage: D (development)
  494. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  495. * Minor Version: 02
  496. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  497. * Supported Feature: EIM
  498. * Charging Type: DC
  499. * Comm Method: PLC
  500. * Note:
  501. - [ISO1] SessionSetupReq: done
  502. - [ISO1] SessionSetupRes: done
  503. - [ISO2] SessionSetupReq: done
  504. - [ISO2] SessionSetupRes: done
  505. [VERSION] D0.01.11.1D
  506. * Release Date: 2020-02-03
  507. * Stage: D (development)
  508. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  509. * Minor Version: 01
  510. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  511. * Supported Feature: EIM
  512. * Charging Type: DC
  513. * Comm Method: PLC
  514. * Note:
  515. - kick-off of ISO 15118-2 and 15118-20
  516. - supportedAppProtocolReq: done
  517. *--------------------------- start of ISO 15118 --------------------------------
  518. [VERSION] D1.09.11.11
  519. * Release Date: 2020-01-17
  520. * Stage: D (development)
  521. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  522. * Minor Version: 09
  523. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  524. * Supported Feature: EIM
  525. * Charging Type: DC
  526. * Comm Method: PLC
  527. * Note:
  528. - Adding Update_Module.c (not be enabled, yet).
  529. - Updating the "NAND flash mapping table" of Firmware Design SPEC
  530. [VERSION] D1.08.11.11
  531. * Release Date: 2020-01-15
  532. * Stage: D (development)
  533. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  534. * Minor Version: 08
  535. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  536. * Supported Feature: EIM
  537. * Charging Type: DC
  538. * Comm Method: PLC
  539. * Note:
  540. - Fixing CAN Bus firmware image update function.
  541. -- ramdisk, configuration
  542. [VERSION] D1.07.11.11
  543. * Release Date: 2020-01-15
  544. * Stage: D (development)
  545. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  546. * Minor Version: 07
  547. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  548. * Supported Feature: EIM
  549. * Charging Type: DC
  550. * Comm Method: PLC
  551. * Note:
  552. - Adding CAN Bus firmware image update function.
  553. -- supporting MLO, uboot, zImage, ramdisk, configuration
  554. [VERSION] D1.06.11.11
  555. * Release Date: 2020-01-10
  556. * Stage: D (development)
  557. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  558. * Minor Version: 06
  559. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  560. * Supported Feature: EIM
  561. * Charging Type: DC
  562. * Comm Method: PLC
  563. * Note:
  564. - Adding CAN Bus firmware image update function.
  565. -- supporting ramdisk_app (type = 5)
  566. [VERSION] D1.05.11.11
  567. * Release Date: 2020-01-07
  568. * Stage: D (development)
  569. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  570. * Minor Version: 05
  571. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  572. * Supported Feature: EIM
  573. * Charging Type: DC
  574. * Comm Method: PLC
  575. * Note:
  576. - Enabling the CP_PROTECTION_MECHANISM.
  577. [VERSION] D1.04.11.11
  578. * Release Date: 2020-01-07
  579. * Stage: D (development)
  580. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  581. * Minor Version: 04
  582. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  583. * Supported Feature: EIM
  584. * Charging Type: DC
  585. * Comm Method: PLC
  586. * Note:
  587. - Adding auto detection of CCS Board ID pin. (AM_IO_1)
  588. - Adding dts files for linux and uboot.
  589. By executing or, it will update dts into linux
  590. kernel and compile.
  591. [VERSION] D1.03.11.11
  592. * Release Date: 2020-01-06
  593. * Stage: D (development)
  594. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  595. * Minor Version: 03
  596. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  597. * Supported Feature: EIM
  598. * Charging Type: DC
  599. * Comm Method: PLC
  600. * Note:
  601. - Fixing all shell script "Next Line" error
  602. * "CRLF" ==> "LF"
  603. - Adding scripts for auto compile and data moving.
  604. [VERSION] D1.02.11.11
  605. * Release Date: 2020-01-06
  606. * Stage: D (development)
  607. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  608. * Minor Version: 02
  609. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  610. * Supported Feature: EIM
  611. * Charging Type: DC
  612. * Comm Method: PLC
  613. * Note:
  614. - Canceling "LIGHTTPD" (web server) when Linux is booting up.
  615. Purpose: Reduce the CPU resource to enhance the CCS tasks performance.
  616. [VERSION] D1.01.11.11
  617. * Release Date: 2020-01-06
  618. * Stage: D (development)
  619. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  620. * Minor Version: 01
  621. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  622. * Supported Feature: EIM
  623. * Charging Type: DC
  624. * Comm Method: PLC
  625. * Note:
  626. - The first version for CCS Board HW 5.0,
  627. which supports Ethernet(eth0) and higher ADC sampling rate.
  628. [VERSION] D0.04.11.11
  629. * Release Date: 2019-12-23
  630. * Stage: D (development)
  631. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  632. * Minor Version: 04
  633. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  634. * Supported Feature: EIM
  635. * Charging Type: DC
  636. * Comm Method: PLC
  637. * Note:
  638. - CCS Board ID = 2. (can_tx_payload[4] = 0x02)
  639. [VERSION] D0.04.11.11
  640. * Release Date: 2019-12-05
  641. * Stage: D (development)
  642. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  643. * Minor Version: 03
  644. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  645. * Supported Feature: EIM
  646. * Charging Type: DC
  647. * Comm Method: PLC
  648. * Note:
  649. - CCS Board ID = 2.
  650. [VERSION] D0.03.11.11
  651. * Release Date: 2019-12-05
  652. * Stage: D (development)
  653. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  654. * Minor Version: 03
  655. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  656. * Supported Feature: EIM
  657. * Charging Type: DC
  658. * Comm Method: PLC
  659. * Note:
  660. - RTC time byte sequence inside CAN msg is modified to [0] [1] [2] [3]
  661. from [3] [2] [1] [0].
  662. [VERSION] D0.02.11.11
  663. * Release Date: 2019-12-04
  664. * Stage: D (development)
  665. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  666. * Minor Version: 02
  667. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  668. * Supported Feature: EIM
  669. * Charging Type: DC
  670. * Comm Method: PLC
  671. * Note:
  672. - Adding RTC update function (via CAN message)
  673. [VERSION] D0.01.11.11
  674. * Release Date: 2019-12-04
  675. * Stage: D (development)
  676. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  677. * Minor Version: 01
  678. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  679. * Supported Feature: EIM
  680. * Charging Type: DC
  681. * Comm Method: PLC
  682. * Note: -
  683. ================================================================================
  684. ======================== [Hardware] Version Naming Rule ========================
  685. ================================================================================
  686. ================================================================================
  687. ========================== [Software] Version History ==========================
  688. ================================================================================
  689. */