version.h 22 KB

  1. /*===========================================================================
  2. Combined Charging System (CCS): SECC
  3. version.h
  4. initiated by Joseph D. Anderson
  5. (since 2019/12/03)
  6. =============================================================================*/
  7. #define FIRMWARE_VERSION "D0.18.S0" //8-Byte(ASCII Code), “”
  8. #define HARDWARE_VERSION "CCS_8.0x" //8-Byte(ASCII Code): CSU-03-RW, CCS_Board, REV:5.0
  9. #define LINUX_IMAGE_VERSION "dd2da761d59f2cdd4064c9d95f8c302a442d33f3 (2019-01-04)"
  10. #define RTC_DEFAULT_TIME 1595486300 //Epoch time (decimal)
  11. //
  12. #define FIRMWARE_VERSION_LENGTH 8 //unit: byte, max = 8, due to CAN bus payload.
  13. #define HARDWARE_VERSION_LENGTH 8 //unit: byte, max = 8, due to CAN bus payload.
  14. /*
  15. ================================================================================
  16. ==================== [Software] Version Naming Rule (2020) =====================
  17. ================================================================================
  18. The firmware version consists of 8 bytes ASCII characters and be separated by
  19. dot symbol per coupling bytes as the format:
  20. “tx.yz.ab”
  21. Following table describes the version naming rule.
  22. - BYTE 0: t (Stage)
  23. One ASCII character to indicate the firmware maturity according to project stage.
  24. D: development stage (under developing)
  25. B: verification stage (under QE verification)
  26. V: manufacture stage (after QE verified and release to factory)
  27. - BYTE 1: x (Major)
  28. Increased with major changes, e.g., hardware change, incompatible change, etc.
  29. It should be more than or equal to 1 if the first character t is ‘V’
  30. Only numerical values 0 ~ 9 can be used.
  31. - BYTE 2,3: yz (Minor)
  32. Increased with iterant changes, e.g., new functions, bug fix and so on.
  33. Two numerical values 00 ~ 99 can be used.
  34. - BYTE 4: a (Project)
  35. Abbreviation for Firmware Projects
  36. R: Relay Control Board
  37. F: Fan Control Board
  38. C: CHAdeMO Board
  39. D: DC Main Board
  40. G: GB Board
  41. L: LED Bar Board
  42. S: CCS Board
  43. - BYTE 5: b (reserved)
  44. ================================================================================
  45. ====================== [Software] Version History (2020) =======================
  46. ================================================================================
  47. [VERSION] V0.13.S0 (sync with D0.63.13.1D)
  48. * Release Date: 2020-07-27
  49. * Stage: D (development)
  50. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  51. * Minor Version: 13
  52. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  53. * Supported Feature: EIM
  54. * Charging Type: DC
  55. * Comm Method: PLC
  56. * Note:
  57. 1. Adding response to isolation status in WeldingDetectionRes.
  58. (1) DIN: DONE
  59. (2) ISO1: DONE
  60. [VERSION] V0.12.S0
  61. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  62. * Stage: D (development)
  63. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  64. * Minor Version: 12
  65. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  66. * Supported Feature: EIM
  67. * Charging Type: DC
  68. * Comm Method: PLC
  69. * Note:
  70. 1. Abandoning previous version name of D1.00.S0 and changing it to V0.12.S0.
  71. to be the 1st MP version.
  72. [VERSION] D1.00.S0
  73. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  74. * Stage: D (development)
  75. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  76. * Minor Version: 12
  77. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  78. * Supported Feature: EIM
  79. * Charging Type: DC
  80. * Comm Method: PLC
  81. * Note:
  82. 1. Chaning the version name from D0.12.S0 to D1.00.S0
  83. to be the 1st CE pass version.
  84. [VERSION] D0.12.S0
  85. * Release Date: 2020-07-20
  86. * Stage: D (development)
  87. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV8.0)
  88. * Minor Version: 12
  89. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  90. * Supported Feature: EIM
  91. * Charging Type: DC
  92. * Comm Method: PLC
  93. * Note:
  94. 1. Sync with D0.62.13.1D (2020-07-03),
  95. => final version verified at DEKRA for CE (60KW)
  96. [VERSION] D0.11.S0
  97. * Release Date: 2020-05-14
  98. * Stage: D (development)
  99. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  100. * Minor Version: 11
  101. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  102. * Supported Feature: EIM
  103. * Charging Type: DC
  104. * Comm Method: PLC
  105. * Note:
  106. 1. Sync with D0.43.13.1D
  107. [VERSION] D0.10.S0
  108. * Release Date: 2020-04-27
  109. * Stage: D (development)
  110. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  111. * Minor Version: 10
  112. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  113. * Supported Feature: EIM
  114. * Charging Type: DC
  115. * Comm Method: PLC
  116. * Note:
  117. 1. Removing redundant debug message and code.
  118. 2. Adding error codes for the following situations.
  119. (1) CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_UDP_TT_match_join (023823)
  120. (2) CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TCP_TT_match_join (023824)
  121. [VERSION] D0.09.S0
  122. * Release Date: 2020-04-23
  123. * Stage: D (development)
  124. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  125. * Minor Version: 09
  126. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  127. * Supported Feature: EIM
  128. * Charging Type: DC
  129. * Comm Method: PLC
  130. * Note:
  131. 1. Merging D0.08.13.1D to here.
  132. [VERSION] D0.08.S0
  133. * Release Date: 2020-04-13
  134. * Stage: D (development)
  135. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  136. * Minor Version: 08
  137. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  138. * Supported Feature: EIM
  139. * Charging Type: DC
  140. * Comm Method: PLC
  141. * Note:
  142. 1. Disabling "Check for ChargingPermission" when CP state is between 3 and 5,
  143. which is a new function in D0.07.S0.
  144. 2. Disabling RTC function.
  145. [VERSION] D0.07.S0
  146. * Release Date: 2020-04-09
  147. * Stage: D (development)
  148. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  149. * Minor Version: 07
  150. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  151. * Supported Feature: EIM
  152. * Charging Type: DC
  153. * Comm Method: PLC
  154. * Note:
  155. 1. Adding response to "ChargingPermission off" before V2G messages.
  156. => End_Process()
  157. 2. Modifying the EVSEStatusCode status to be TRUE in the following 2 messages.
  158. (1) din_ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes
  159. (2) iso1_ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes
  160. [VERSION] D0.06.S0
  161. * Release Date: 2020-03-17
  162. * Stage: D (development)
  163. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  164. * Minor Version: 06
  165. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  166. * Supported Feature: EIM
  167. * Charging Type: DC
  168. * Comm Method: PLC
  169. * Note:
  170. 1. Adding "CSUCOMM_TASK_FLAG.EV_Stop_Type_Emergency" flag to handle CAN Stop
  171. command type to CSU.
  172. 2. Adding error code to the following situation.
  173. (1) CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_SLAC_init (023809)
  174. SlacComm: Wait CM_SLAC_PARM_REQ Timeout - TT_EVSE_SLAC_init (50s)
  175. [VERSION] D0.05.S0
  176. * Release Date: 2020-03-17
  177. * Stage: D (development)
  178. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  179. * Minor Version: 05
  180. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  181. * Supported Feature: EIM
  182. * Charging Type: DC
  183. * Comm Method: PLC
  184. * Note:
  185. 1. Sync with D0.20.11.1D.
  186. [VERSION] D0.04.S0
  187. * Release Date: 2020-03-13
  188. * Stage: D (development)
  189. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  190. * Minor Version: 04
  191. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  192. * Supported Feature: EIM
  193. * Charging Type: DC
  194. * Comm Method: PLC
  195. * Note:
  196. 1. Adding error code of the following two situation.
  197. - CCS_SECC_CP_State_Error (023889)
  198. - CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Sequence_Time (023844)
  199. [VERSION] D0.03.S0
  200. * Release Date: 2020-03-13
  201. * Stage: D (development)
  202. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  203. * Minor Version: 03
  204. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  205. * Supported Feature: EIM
  206. * Charging Type: DC
  207. * Comm Method: PLC
  208. * Note:
  209. 1. Merging D0.16.11.1D to here.
  210. [VERSION] D0.02.S0
  211. * Release Date: 2020-03-04
  212. * Stage: D (development)
  213. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  214. * Minor Version: 02
  215. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  216. * Supported Feature: EIM
  217. * Charging Type: DC
  218. * Comm Method: PLC
  219. * Note:
  220. 1. Changing the default CAN bus firmware update method of ramdisk to
  221. root_app process.
  222. [VERSION] D0.01.S0
  223. * Release Date: 2020-03-02
  224. * Stage: D (development)
  225. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  226. * Minor Version: 01
  227. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2(default: DISABLE)
  228. * Supported Feature: EIM
  229. * Charging Type: DC
  230. * Comm Method: PLC
  231. * Note:
  232. 1. Merging D0.12.11.1D of branch ISO_15118 to master.
  233. 2. Limiting the Supported CCS protocols to DIN 70121 only. (Disabling ISO1)
  235. 3. Changing the firmware naming rule.
  236. ================================================================================
  237. =================== [Software] Version Naming Rule (2019)=======================
  238. ================================================================================
  239. The firmware version consists of 8 bytes ASCII characters and be separated by
  240. dot symbol per coupling bytes as the format:
  241. “”.
  242. Following table describes the version naming rule.
  243. - BYTE 0: t (Stage)
  244. One ASCII character to indicate the firmware maturity according to project stage.
  245. D: development stage (under developing)
  246. B: verification stage (under QE verification)
  247. V: manufacture stage (after QE verified and release to factory)
  248. - BYTE 1: x (Major)
  249. Increased with major changes, e.g., hardware change, incompatible change, etc.
  250. It should be more than or equal to 1 if the first character t is ‘V’
  251. Only numerical values 0 ~ 9 can be used.
  252. - BYTE 2,3: yz (Minor)
  253. Increased with iterant changes, e.g., new functions, bug fix and so on.
  254. Two numerical values 00 ~ 99 can be used.
  255. - BYTE 4: a (Comm Method)
  256. Supported HLC Communication Methods
  257. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  258. |------------------ reserved ----------------| Wi-Fi PLC
  259. 1: PLC only
  260. 2: Wi-Fi only
  261. 3: PLC + Wi-Fi
  262. others: reserved
  263. - BYTE 5: b (Charging Type)
  264. Supported Charging Types
  265. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  266. |-------- reserved --------| BPT WPT AC DC
  267. 1: DC only
  268. 2: AC only
  269. 3: DC + AC
  270. 4: WPT: Wireless Power Transfer
  271. 8: BPT: Bidirectional Power Transfer, etc
  272. others: reserved
  273. - BYTE 6: c (Supported Features)
  274. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  275. |-------------- reserved -----------| ACD PnC EIM
  276. 1: EIM
  277. 2: PnC
  278. 4: ACD (Automatic Connection Device), etc
  279. Others: reserved
  280. - BYTE 7: d (Supported Protocols)
  281. bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
  282. |--------- reserved --------------------| ISO 15118-20 ISO 15118-2 SAE J2847 DIN 70121
  283. 1: DIN SPEC 70121
  284. 2: SAE J2847
  285. 3: DIN SPEC 70121 + SAE J2847
  286. 4: ISO/IEC 15118-2
  287. 8: ISO/IEC 15118-20, etc
  288. others: reserved
  289. ================================================================================
  290. ========================= [Software] Version History ===========================
  291. ================================================================================
  292. [VERSION] D0.12.11.1D
  293. * Release Date: 2020-02-24
  294. * Stage: D (development)
  295. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  296. * Minor Version: 11
  297. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  298. * Supported Feature: EIM
  299. * Charging Type: DC
  300. * Comm Method: PLC
  301. * Note:
  302. 1. Checking EVMaximumVoltageLimit_isUsed flag when using decoded
  303. EVMaximumVoltageLimit value.
  304. 2. Extending V2G_SECC_WeldingDetection_Performance_Time from 2s to 20s.
  305. -
  306. [VERSION] D0.10.11.1D
  307. * Release Date: 2020-02-24
  308. * Stage: D (development)
  309. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  310. * Minor Version: 10
  311. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  312. * Supported Feature: EIM
  313. * Charging Type: DC
  314. * Comm Method: PLC
  315. * Note:
  316. 1. Adding Check_CP_State_Error() function in the forked EvComm task.
  317. 2. Updating the log mechanism of present EVSE V/I information.
  318. [VERSION] D0.09.11.1D
  319. * Release Date: 2020-02-20
  320. * Stage: D (development)
  321. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  322. * Minor Version: 09
  323. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  324. * Supported Feature: EIM
  325. * Charging Type: DC
  326. * Comm Method: PLC
  327. * Note:
  328. 1. Adding Tx timeout for RawSock (100ms, SO_SNDTIMEO)
  329. 2. Replacing the original "static variable" of counter of iso1_CableCheckRes and iso1_PreChargeReq
  330. with another new variable inside CcsData structure.
  331. [VERSION] D0.08.11.1D
  332. * Release Date: 2020-02-20
  333. * Stage: D (development)
  334. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  335. * Minor Version: 08
  336. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  337. * Supported Feature: EIM
  338. * Charging Type: DC
  339. * Comm Method: PLC
  340. * Note:
  341. 1. Modifying the state machine to let state return back to IDLE(0)
  342. once the set key process of QCA7000 is completed.
  343. [VERSION] D0.07.11.1D
  344. * Release Date: 2020-02-20
  345. * Stage: D (development)
  346. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  347. * Minor Version: 07
  348. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  349. * Supported Feature: EIM
  350. * Charging Type: DC
  351. * Comm Method: PLC
  352. * Note:
  353. 1. Modifying 5% PWM start timing as below. (requested by Diamler)
  354. (1) Start 5% PWM once receiving CM_SLAC_PARM_REQ from EV.
  355. => The Charging Permission status from CSU doesn't have to be TRUE
  356. (2) Start 5% once QCA7000 finishs setting key (CM_SET_KEY_CNF) and
  357. detecting both of
  358. "CheckConnectorPlugIn()" and
  359. "Charging Permission status from CSU" are TRUE.
  360. => The Charging Permission status from CSU have to be TRUE
  361. 2. Adding the following system reset methods for the selection.
  362. (1) #define RESET_MECHANISM_SOFT_RESET_KILLALL_EVCOMM 0 (default)
  363. (2) #define RESET_MECHANISM_HARD_RESET 1
  365. 2. Adding check mechanism for Charging Permission in all V2G message process
  366. after ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq.
  367. => if (ShmInternalComm->ChargingPermission == FALSE)
  368. 3. Printing states on the following task log. (via Check_V2G_Flow_Status())
  369. (1) EvComm
  370. (2) CsuComm
  371. 4. Adding Check_V2G_Flow_Status_pre() function to check previous status.
  372. [VERSION] D0.06.11.1D
  373. * Release Date: 2020-02-19
  374. * Stage: D (development)
  375. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  376. * Minor Version: 06
  377. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  378. * Supported Feature: EIM
  379. * Charging Type: DC
  380. * Comm Method: PLC
  381. * Note:
  382. - Fixing the issue of Shutdown by EVSE Mechanism in D0.05.11.1D.
  383. [VERSION] D0.05.11.1D
  384. * Release Date: 2020-02-19
  385. * Stage: D (development)
  386. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  387. * Minor Version: 05
  388. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  389. * Supported Feature: EIM
  390. * Charging Type: DC
  391. * Comm Method: PLC
  392. * Note:
  393. - Merging D1.19.11.11 to here.
  394. [VERSION] D0.04.11.1D
  395. * Release Date: 2020-02-11
  396. * Stage: D (development)
  397. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  398. * Minor Version: 04
  399. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  400. * Supported Feature: EIM
  401. * Charging Type: DC
  402. * Comm Method: PLC
  403. * Note:
  404. - Fixing the software CP protection mechanism,
  405. which won't be triggered in previous version.
  406. [VERSION] D0.03.11.1D
  407. * Release Date: 2020-02-11
  408. * Stage: D (development)
  409. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  410. * Minor Version: 03
  411. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  412. * Supported Feature: EIM
  413. * Charging Type: DC
  414. * Comm Method: PLC
  415. * Note:
  416. - [ISO1] The first successful version for ISO15118_2014
  417. - Verification:
  418. -- Emulator: Gridwiz Simplemint (ISO 15118, ISO1)
  419. => Normal Stop by EVSE during CurrentDemand(): PASS
  420. -- EVSE: to be verified
  421. - [ISO2] paused on development
  422. [VERSION] D0.02.11.1D
  423. * Release Date: 2020-02-06
  424. * Stage: D (development)
  425. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  426. * Minor Version: 02
  427. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  428. * Supported Feature: EIM
  429. * Charging Type: DC
  430. * Comm Method: PLC
  431. * Note:
  432. - [ISO1] SessionSetupReq: done
  433. - [ISO1] SessionSetupRes: done
  434. - [ISO2] SessionSetupReq: done
  435. - [ISO2] SessionSetupRes: done
  436. [VERSION] D0.01.11.1D
  437. * Release Date: 2020-02-03
  438. * Stage: D (development)
  439. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  440. * Minor Version: 01
  441. * Supported Protocol(1101b): DIN 70121, ISO 15118-2, ISO 15118-20
  442. * Supported Feature: EIM
  443. * Charging Type: DC
  444. * Comm Method: PLC
  445. * Note:
  446. - kick-off of ISO 15118-2 and 15118-20
  447. - supportedAppProtocolReq: done
  448. *--------------------------- start of ISO 15118 --------------------------------
  449. [VERSION] D1.09.11.11
  450. * Release Date: 2020-01-17
  451. * Stage: D (development)
  452. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  453. * Minor Version: 09
  454. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  455. * Supported Feature: EIM
  456. * Charging Type: DC
  457. * Comm Method: PLC
  458. * Note:
  459. - Adding Update_Module.c (not be enabled, yet).
  460. - Updating the "NAND flash mapping table" of Firmware Design SPEC
  461. [VERSION] D1.08.11.11
  462. * Release Date: 2020-01-15
  463. * Stage: D (development)
  464. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  465. * Minor Version: 08
  466. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  467. * Supported Feature: EIM
  468. * Charging Type: DC
  469. * Comm Method: PLC
  470. * Note:
  471. - Fixing CAN Bus firmware image update function.
  472. -- ramdisk, configuration
  473. [VERSION] D1.07.11.11
  474. * Release Date: 2020-01-15
  475. * Stage: D (development)
  476. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  477. * Minor Version: 07
  478. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  479. * Supported Feature: EIM
  480. * Charging Type: DC
  481. * Comm Method: PLC
  482. * Note:
  483. - Adding CAN Bus firmware image update function.
  484. -- supporting MLO, uboot, zImage, ramdisk, configuration
  485. [VERSION] D1.06.11.11
  486. * Release Date: 2020-01-10
  487. * Stage: D (development)
  488. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  489. * Minor Version: 06
  490. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  491. * Supported Feature: EIM
  492. * Charging Type: DC
  493. * Comm Method: PLC
  494. * Note:
  495. - Adding CAN Bus firmware image update function.
  496. -- supporting ramdisk_app (type = 5)
  497. [VERSION] D1.05.11.11
  498. * Release Date: 2020-01-07
  499. * Stage: D (development)
  500. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  501. * Minor Version: 05
  502. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  503. * Supported Feature: EIM
  504. * Charging Type: DC
  505. * Comm Method: PLC
  506. * Note:
  507. - Enabling the CP_PROTECTION_MECHANISM.
  508. [VERSION] D1.04.11.11
  509. * Release Date: 2020-01-07
  510. * Stage: D (development)
  511. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  512. * Minor Version: 04
  513. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  514. * Supported Feature: EIM
  515. * Charging Type: DC
  516. * Comm Method: PLC
  517. * Note:
  518. - Adding auto detection of CCS Board ID pin. (AM_IO_1)
  519. - Adding dts files for linux and uboot.
  520. By executing or, it will update dts into linux
  521. kernel and compile.
  522. [VERSION] D1.03.11.11
  523. * Release Date: 2020-01-06
  524. * Stage: D (development)
  525. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  526. * Minor Version: 03
  527. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  528. * Supported Feature: EIM
  529. * Charging Type: DC
  530. * Comm Method: PLC
  531. * Note:
  532. - Fixing all shell script "Next Line" error
  533. * "CRLF" ==> "LF"
  534. - Adding scripts for auto compile and data moving.
  535. [VERSION] D1.02.11.11
  536. * Release Date: 2020-01-06
  537. * Stage: D (development)
  538. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  539. * Minor Version: 02
  540. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  541. * Supported Feature: EIM
  542. * Charging Type: DC
  543. * Comm Method: PLC
  544. * Note:
  545. - Canceling "LIGHTTPD" (web server) when Linux is booting up.
  546. Purpose: Reduce the CPU resource to enhance the CCS tasks performance.
  547. [VERSION] D1.01.11.11
  548. * Release Date: 2020-01-06
  549. * Stage: D (development)
  550. * Major Version: 1 (Compliant HW Version: REV5.0)
  551. * Minor Version: 01
  552. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  553. * Supported Feature: EIM
  554. * Charging Type: DC
  555. * Comm Method: PLC
  556. * Note:
  557. - The first version for CCS Board HW 5.0,
  558. which supports Ethernet(eth0) and higher ADC sampling rate.
  559. [VERSION] D0.04.11.11
  560. * Release Date: 2019-12-23
  561. * Stage: D (development)
  562. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  563. * Minor Version: 04
  564. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  565. * Supported Feature: EIM
  566. * Charging Type: DC
  567. * Comm Method: PLC
  568. * Note:
  569. - CCS Board ID = 2. (can_tx_payload[4] = 0x02)
  570. [VERSION] D0.04.11.11
  571. * Release Date: 2019-12-05
  572. * Stage: D (development)
  573. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  574. * Minor Version: 03
  575. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  576. * Supported Feature: EIM
  577. * Charging Type: DC
  578. * Comm Method: PLC
  579. * Note:
  580. - CCS Board ID = 2.
  581. [VERSION] D0.03.11.11
  582. * Release Date: 2019-12-05
  583. * Stage: D (development)
  584. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  585. * Minor Version: 03
  586. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  587. * Supported Feature: EIM
  588. * Charging Type: DC
  589. * Comm Method: PLC
  590. * Note:
  591. - RTC time byte sequence inside CAN msg is modified to [0] [1] [2] [3]
  592. from [3] [2] [1] [0].
  593. [VERSION] D0.02.11.11
  594. * Release Date: 2019-12-04
  595. * Stage: D (development)
  596. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  597. * Minor Version: 02
  598. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  599. * Supported Feature: EIM
  600. * Charging Type: DC
  601. * Comm Method: PLC
  602. * Note:
  603. - Adding RTC update function (via CAN message)
  604. [VERSION] D0.01.11.11
  605. * Release Date: 2019-12-04
  606. * Stage: D (development)
  607. * Major Version: 0 (Compliant HW Version: REV2.0, REV4.0)
  608. * Minor Version: 01
  609. * Supported Protocol: DIN 70121
  610. * Supported Feature: EIM
  611. * Charging Type: DC
  612. * Comm Method: PLC
  613. * Note: -
  614. ================================================================================
  615. ======================== [Hardware] Version Naming Rule ========================
  616. ================================================================================
  617. ================================================================================
  618. ========================== [Software] Version History ==========================
  619. ================================================================================
  620. */