/* * Boot related environment variable definitions on TI boards. * * (C) Copyright 2017 Linaro Ltd. * Sam Protsenko * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #ifndef __TI_BOOT_H #define __TI_BOOT_H #ifndef CONSOLEDEV #define CONSOLEDEV "ttyO2" #endif #ifndef PARTS_DEFAULT #define PARTS_DEFAULT #endif #define DEFAULT_COMMON_BOOT_TI_ARGS \ "console=" CONSOLEDEV ",115200n8\0" \ "fdtfile=undefined\0" \ "bootpart=0:2\0" \ "bootdir=/boot\0" \ "bootfile=zImage\0" \ "usbtty=cdc_acm\0" \ "vram=16M\0" \ "partitions=" PARTS_DEFAULT "\0" \ "optargs=\0" \ "dofastboot=0\0" \ "emmc_linux_boot=" \ "echo Trying to boot Linux from eMMC ...; " \ "setenv mmcdev 1; " \ "setenv bootpart 1:2; " \ "setenv mmcroot /dev/mmcblk0p2 rw; " \ "run mmcboot;\0" \ "emmc_android_boot=" \ "echo Trying to boot Android from eMMC ...; " \ "setenv eval_bootargs setenv bootargs $bootargs; " \ "run eval_bootargs; " \ "setenv mmcdev 1; " \ "setenv fdt_part 3; " \ "setenv boot_part 9; " \ "setenv machid fe6; " \ "mmc dev $mmcdev; " \ "mmc rescan; " \ "part start mmc ${mmcdev} ${fdt_part} fdt_start; " \ "part size mmc ${mmcdev} ${fdt_part} fdt_size; " \ "part start mmc ${mmcdev} ${boot_part} boot_start; " \ "part size mmc ${mmcdev} ${boot_part} boot_size; " \ "mmc read ${fdtaddr} ${fdt_start} ${fdt_size}; " \ "mmc read ${loadaddr} ${boot_start} ${boot_size}; " \ "bootm $loadaddr $loadaddr $fdtaddr;\0" #ifdef CONFIG_OMAP54XX #define DEFAULT_FDT_TI_ARGS \ "findfdt="\ "if test $board_name = omap5_uevm; then " \ "setenv fdtfile omap5-uevm.dtb; fi; " \ "if test $board_name = dra7xx; then " \ "setenv fdtfile dra7-evm.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = dra72x-revc; then " \ "setenv fdtfile dra72-evm-revc.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = dra72x; then " \ "setenv fdtfile dra72-evm.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = dra71x; then " \ "setenv fdtfile dra71-evm.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = dra76x_acd; then " \ "setenv fdtfile dra76-evm.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = beagle_x15; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = beagle_x15_revb1; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15-revb1.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = beagle_x15_revc; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am57xx-beagle-x15-revc.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am572x_idk && test $idk_lcd = no; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am572x-idk.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am572x_idk && test $idk_lcd = osd101t2045; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am572x-idk-lcd-osd101t2045.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am572x_idk && test $idk_lcd = osd101t2587; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am572x-idk-lcd-osd101t2587.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am574x_idk && test $idk_lcd = no; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am574x-idk.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am574x_idk && test $idk_lcd = osd101t2587; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am574x-idk-lcd-osd101t2587.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am57xx_evm; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am57xx-evm.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am57xx_evm_reva3; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am57xx-evm-reva3.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am571x_idk && test $idk_lcd = no; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am571x-idk.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am571x_idk && test $idk_lcd = osd101t2045; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am571x-idk-lcd-osd101t2045.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $board_name = am571x_idk && test $idk_lcd = osd101t2587; then " \ "setenv fdtfile am571x-idk-lcd-osd101t2587.dtb; fi;" \ "if test $fdtfile = undefined; then " \ "echo WARNING: Could not determine device tree to use; fi; \0" \ #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND \ "if test ${dofastboot} -eq 1; then " \ "echo Boot fastboot requested, resetting dofastboot ...;" \ "setenv dofastboot 0; saveenv;" \ "echo Booting into fastboot ...; " \ "fastboot " __stringify(CONFIG_FASTBOOT_USB_DEV) "; " \ "fi;" \ "if test ${boot_fit} -eq 1; then " \ "run update_to_fit;" \ "fi;" \ "run findfdt; " \ "run envboot; " \ "run mmcboot;" \ "run emmc_linux_boot; " \ "run emmc_android_boot; " \ "" #endif /* CONFIG_OMAP54XX */ #endif /* __TI_BOOT_H */