/*! * bootstrap-fileinput v5.0.4 * http://plugins.krajee.com/file-input * * Author: Kartik Visweswaran * Copyright: 2014 - 2019, Kartik Visweswaran, Krajee.com * * Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause * https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput/blob/master/LICENSE.md */ (function (factory) { 'use strict'; //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // jshint ignore:line // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); // jshint ignore:line } else { // noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // jshint ignore:line // Node/CommonJS // noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); // jshint ignore:line } else { // Browser globals factory(window.jQuery); } } }(function ($) { 'use strict'; $.fn.fileinputLocales = {}; $.fn.fileinputThemes = {}; String.prototype.setTokens = function (replacePairs) { var str = this.toString(), key, re; for (key in replacePairs) { if (replacePairs.hasOwnProperty(key)) { re = new RegExp('\{' + key + '\}', 'g'); str = str.replace(re, replacePairs[key]); } } return str; }; var $h, FileInput; // fileinput helper object for all global variables and internal helper methods //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable $h = { FRAMES: '.kv-preview-thumb', SORT_CSS: 'file-sortable', OBJECT_PARAMS: '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n', DEFAULT_PREVIEW: '
\n' + '{previewFileIcon}\n' + '
', MODAL_ID: 'kvFileinputModal', MODAL_EVENTS: ['show', 'shown', 'hide', 'hidden', 'loaded'], logMessages: { ajaxError: '{status}: {error}. Error Details: {text}.', badDroppedFiles: 'Error scanning dropped files!', badExifParser: 'Error loading the piexif.js library. {details}', badInputType: 'The input "type" must be set to "file" for initializing the "bootstrap-fileinput" plugin.', exifWarning: 'To avoid this warning, either set "autoOrientImage" to "false" OR ensure you have loaded ' + 'the "piexif.js" library correctly on your page before the "fileinput.js" script.', invalidChunkSize: 'Invalid upload chunk size: "{chunkSize}". Resumable uploads are disabled.', invalidThumb: 'Invalid thumb frame with id: "{id}".', noResumableSupport: 'The browser does not support resumable or chunk uploads.', noUploadUrl: 'The "uploadUrl" is not set. Ajax uploads and resumable uploads have been disabled.', retryStatus: 'Retrying upload for chunk # {chunk} for {filename}... retry # {retry}.' }, objUrl: window.URL || window.webkitURL, now: function () { return new Date(); }, round: function (num) { num = parseFloat(num); return isNaN(num) ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.round(num)); }, getFileRelativePath: function (file) { /** @namespace file.relativePath */ /** @namespace file.webkitRelativePath */ return String(file.relativePath || file.webkitRelativePath || $h.getFileName(file) || null); }, getFileId: function (file, generateFileId) { var relativePath = $h.getFileRelativePath(file); if (typeof generateFileId === 'function') { return generateFileId(file); } if (!file) { return null; } if (!relativePath) { return null; } return (file.size + '_' + relativePath.replace(/\s/img, '_')); }, getElapsed: function (seconds) { var delta = seconds, out = '', result = {}, structure = { year: 31536000, month: 2592000, week: 604800, // uncomment row to ignore day: 86400, // feel free to add your own row hour: 3600, minute: 60, second: 1 }; Object.keys(structure).forEach(function (key) { result[key] = Math.floor(delta / structure[key]); delta -= result[key] * structure[key]; }); $.each(result, function (key, value) { if (value > 0) { out += (out ? ' ' : '') + value + key.substring(0, 1); } }); return out; }, debounce: function (func, delay) { var inDebounce; return function () { var args = arguments, context = this; clearTimeout(inDebounce); inDebounce = setTimeout(function () { func.apply(context, args); }, delay); }; }, stopEvent: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, getFileName: function (file) { /** @namespace file.fileName */ return file ? (file.fileName || file.name || '') : ''; // some confusion in different versions of Firefox }, createObjectURL: function (data) { if ($h.objUrl && $h.objUrl.createObjectURL && data) { return $h.objUrl.createObjectURL(data); } return ''; }, revokeObjectURL: function (data) { if ($h.objUrl && $h.objUrl.revokeObjectURL && data) { $h.objUrl.revokeObjectURL(data); } }, compare: function (input, str, exact) { return input !== undefined && (exact ? input === str : input.match(str)); }, isIE: function (ver) { var div, status; // check for IE versions < 11 if (navigator.appName !== 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { return false; } if (ver === 10) { return new RegExp('msie\\s' + ver, 'i').test(navigator.userAgent); } div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = ''; status = div.getElementsByTagName('i').length; document.body.appendChild(div); div.parentNode.removeChild(div); return status; }, canAssignFilesToInput: function () { var input = document.createElement('input'); try { input.type = 'file'; input.files = null; return true; } catch (err) { return false; } }, getDragDropFolders: function (items) { var i, item, len = items ? items.length : 0, folders = 0; if (len > 0 && items[0].webkitGetAsEntry()) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry(); if (item && item.isDirectory) { folders++; } } } return folders; }, initModal: function ($modal) { var $body = $('body'); if ($body.length) { $modal.appendTo($body); } }, isEmpty: function (value, trim) { return value === undefined || value === null || value.length === 0 || (trim && $.trim(value) === ''); }, isArray: function (a) { return Array.isArray(a) || Object.prototype.toString.call(a) === '[object Array]'; }, ifSet: function (needle, haystack, def) { def = def || ''; return (haystack && typeof haystack === 'object' && needle in haystack) ? haystack[needle] : def; }, cleanArray: function (arr) { if (!(arr instanceof Array)) { arr = []; } return arr.filter(function (e) { return (e !== undefined && e !== null); }); }, spliceArray: function (arr, index, reverseOrder) { var i, j = 0, out = [], newArr; if (!(arr instanceof Array)) { return []; } newArr = $.extend(true, [], arr); if (reverseOrder) { newArr.reverse(); } for (i = 0; i < newArr.length; i++) { if (i !== index) { out[j] = newArr[i]; j++; } } if (reverseOrder) { out.reverse(); } return out; }, getNum: function (num, def) { def = def || 0; if (typeof num === 'number') { return num; } if (typeof num === 'string') { num = parseFloat(num); } return isNaN(num) ? def : num; }, hasFileAPISupport: function () { return !!(window.File && window.FileReader); }, hasDragDropSupport: function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); /** @namespace div.draggable */ /** @namespace div.ondragstart */ /** @namespace div.ondrop */ return !$h.isIE(9) && (div.draggable !== undefined || (div.ondragstart !== undefined && div.ondrop !== undefined)); }, hasFileUploadSupport: function () { return $h.hasFileAPISupport() && window.FormData; }, hasBlobSupport: function () { try { return !!window.Blob && Boolean(new Blob()); } catch (e) { return false; } }, hasArrayBufferViewSupport: function () { try { return new Blob([new Uint8Array(100)]).size === 100; } catch (e) { return false; } }, hasResumableUploadSupport: function () { /** @namespace Blob.prototype.webkitSlice */ /** @namespace Blob.prototype.mozSlice */ return $h.hasFileUploadSupport() && $h.hasBlobSupport() && $h.hasArrayBufferViewSupport() && (!!Blob.prototype.webkitSlice || !!Blob.prototype.mozSlice || !!Blob.prototype.slice || false); }, dataURI2Blob: function (dataURI) { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable var BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder, canBlob = $h.hasBlobSupport(), byteStr, arrayBuffer, intArray, i, mimeStr, bb, canProceed = (canBlob || BlobBuilder) && window.atob && window.ArrayBuffer && window.Uint8Array; if (!canProceed) { return null; } if (dataURI.split(',')[0].indexOf('base64') >= 0) { byteStr = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]); } else { byteStr = decodeURIComponent(dataURI.split(',')[1]); } arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteStr.length); intArray = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); for (i = 0; i < byteStr.length; i += 1) { intArray[i] = byteStr.charCodeAt(i); } mimeStr = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0]; if (canBlob) { return new Blob([$h.hasArrayBufferViewSupport() ? intArray : arrayBuffer], {type: mimeStr}); } bb = new BlobBuilder(); bb.append(arrayBuffer); return bb.getBlob(mimeStr); }, arrayBuffer2String: function (buffer) { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable if (window.TextDecoder) { // noinspection JSUnresolvedFunction return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(buffer); } var array = Array.prototype.slice.apply(new Uint8Array(buffer)), out = '', i = 0, len, c, char2, char3; len = array.length; while (i < len) { c = array[i++]; switch (c >> 4) { // jshint ignore:line case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: // 0xxxxxxx out += String.fromCharCode(c); break; case 12: case 13: // 110x xxxx 10xx xxxx char2 = array[i++]; out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (char2 & 0x3F)); // jshint ignore:line break; case 14: // 1110 xxxx 10xx xxxx 10xx xxxx char2 = array[i++]; char3 = array[i++]; out += String.fromCharCode(((c & 0x0F) << 12) | // jshint ignore:line ((char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | // jshint ignore:line ((char3 & 0x3F) << 0)); // jshint ignore:line break; } } return out; }, isHtml: function (str) { var a = document.createElement('div'); a.innerHTML = str; for (var c = a.childNodes, i = c.length; i--;) { if (c[i].nodeType === 1) { return true; } } return false; }, isSvg: function (str) { return str.match(/^\s*<\?xml/i) && (str.match(//g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, '''); }, replaceTags: function (str, tags) { var out = str; if (!tags) { return out; } $.each(tags, function (key, value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { value = value(); } out = out.split(key).join(value); }); return out; }, cleanMemory: function ($thumb) { var data = $thumb.is('img') ? $thumb.attr('src') : $thumb.find('source').attr('src'); $h.revokeObjectURL(data); }, findFileName: function (filePath) { var sepIndex = filePath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (sepIndex === -1) { sepIndex = filePath.lastIndexOf('\\'); } return filePath.split(filePath.substring(sepIndex, sepIndex + 1)).pop(); }, checkFullScreen: function () { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable return document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement; }, toggleFullScreen: function (maximize) { var doc = document, de = doc.documentElement; if (de && maximize && !$h.checkFullScreen()) { /** @namespace document.requestFullscreen */ /** @namespace document.msRequestFullscreen */ /** @namespace document.mozRequestFullScreen */ /** @namespace document.webkitRequestFullscreen */ /** @namespace Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT */ if (de.requestFullscreen) { de.requestFullscreen(); } else { if (de.msRequestFullscreen) { de.msRequestFullscreen(); } else { if (de.mozRequestFullScreen) { de.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else { if (de.webkitRequestFullscreen) { de.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } } } } } else { /** @namespace document.exitFullscreen */ /** @namespace document.msExitFullscreen */ /** @namespace document.mozCancelFullScreen */ /** @namespace document.webkitExitFullscreen */ if (doc.exitFullscreen) { doc.exitFullscreen(); } else { if (doc.msExitFullscreen) { doc.msExitFullscreen(); } else { if (doc.mozCancelFullScreen) { doc.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else { if (doc.webkitExitFullscreen) { doc.webkitExitFullscreen(); } } } } } }, moveArray: function (arr, oldIndex, newIndex, reverseOrder) { var newArr = $.extend(true, [], arr); if (reverseOrder) { newArr.reverse(); } if (newIndex >= newArr.length) { var k = newIndex - newArr.length; while ((k--) + 1) { newArr.push(undefined); } } newArr.splice(newIndex, 0, newArr.splice(oldIndex, 1)[0]); if (reverseOrder) { newArr.reverse(); } return newArr; }, cleanZoomCache: function ($el) { var $cache = $el.closest('.kv-zoom-cache-theme'); if (!$cache.length) { $cache = $el.closest('.kv-zoom-cache'); } $cache.remove(); }, closeButton: function (css) { css = css ? 'close ' + css : 'close'; return ''; }, getRotation: function (value) { switch (value) { case 2: return 'rotateY(180deg)'; case 3: return 'rotate(180deg)'; case 4: return 'rotate(180deg) rotateY(180deg)'; case 5: return 'rotate(270deg) rotateY(180deg)'; case 6: return 'rotate(90deg)'; case 7: return 'rotate(90deg) rotateY(180deg)'; case 8: return 'rotate(270deg)'; default: return ''; } }, setTransform: function (el, val) { if (!el) { return; } el.style.transform = val; el.style.webkitTransform = val; el.style['-moz-transform'] = val; el.style['-ms-transform'] = val; el.style['-o-transform'] = val; } }; FileInput = function (element, options) { var self = this; self.$element = $(element); self.$parent = self.$element.parent(); if (!self._validate()) { return; } self.isPreviewable = $h.hasFileAPISupport(); self.isIE9 = $h.isIE(9); self.isIE10 = $h.isIE(10); if (self.isPreviewable || self.isIE9) { self._init(options); self._listen(); } self.$element.removeClass('file-loading'); }; //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols FileInput.prototype = { constructor: FileInput, _cleanup: function () { var self = this; self.reader = null; self.clearFileStack(); self.fileBatchCompleted = true; self.isError = false; self.cancelling = false; self.paused = false; self.lastProgress = 0; self._initAjax(); }, _initAjax: function () { var self = this; self.ajaxQueue = []; self.ajaxRequests = []; self.ajaxQueueIntervalId = null; self.ajaxCurrentThreads = 0; self.ajaxAborted = false; }, _init: function (options, refreshMode) { var self = this, f, $el = self.$element, $cont, t, tmp; self.options = options; $.each(options, function (key, value) { switch (key) { case 'minFileCount': case 'maxFileCount': case 'minFileSize': case 'maxFileSize': case 'maxFilePreviewSize': case 'resizeImageQuality': case 'resizeIfSizeMoreThan': case 'progressUploadThreshold': case 'initialPreviewCount': case 'zoomModalHeight': case 'minImageHeight': case 'maxImageHeight': case 'minImageWidth': case 'maxImageWidth': self[key] = $h.getNum(value); break; default: self[key] = value; break; } }); if (self.rtl) { // swap buttons for rtl tmp = self.previewZoomButtonIcons.prev; self.previewZoomButtonIcons.prev = self.previewZoomButtonIcons.next; self.previewZoomButtonIcons.next = tmp; } // validate chunk threads to not exceed maxAjaxThreads if (!isNaN(self.maxAjaxThreads) && self.maxAjaxThreads < self.resumableUploadOptions.maxThreads) { self.resumableUploadOptions.maxThreads = self.maxAjaxThreads; } self._initFileManager(); if (typeof self.autoOrientImage === 'function') { self.autoOrientImage = self.autoOrientImage(); } if (typeof self.autoOrientImageInitial === 'function') { self.autoOrientImageInitial = self.autoOrientImageInitial(); } if (!refreshMode) { self._cleanup(); } self.$form = $el.closest('form'); self._initTemplateDefaults(); self.uploadFileAttr = !$h.isEmpty($el.attr('name')) ? $el.attr('name') : 'file_data'; t = self._getLayoutTemplate('progress'); self.progressTemplate = t.replace('{class}', self.progressClass); self.progressInfoTemplate = t.replace('{class}', self.progressInfoClass); self.progressPauseTemplate = t.replace('{class}', self.progressPauseClass); self.progressCompleteTemplate = t.replace('{class}', self.progressCompleteClass); self.progressErrorTemplate = t.replace('{class}', self.progressErrorClass); self.isDisabled = $el.attr('disabled') || $el.attr('readonly'); if (self.isDisabled) { $el.attr('disabled', true); } self.isClickable = self.browseOnZoneClick && self.showPreview && (self.dropZoneEnabled || !$h.isEmpty(self.defaultPreviewContent)); self.isAjaxUpload = $h.hasFileUploadSupport() && !$h.isEmpty(self.uploadUrl); self.dropZoneEnabled = $h.hasDragDropSupport() && self.dropZoneEnabled; if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { self.dropZoneEnabled = self.dropZoneEnabled && $h.canAssignFilesToInput(); } self.slug = typeof options.slugCallback === 'function' ? options.slugCallback : self._slugDefault; self.mainTemplate = self.showCaption ? self._getLayoutTemplate('main1') : self._getLayoutTemplate('main2'); self.captionTemplate = self._getLayoutTemplate('caption'); self.previewGenericTemplate = self._getPreviewTemplate('generic'); if (!self.imageCanvas && self.resizeImage && (self.maxImageWidth || self.maxImageHeight)) { self.imageCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); self.imageCanvasContext = self.imageCanvas.getContext('2d'); } if ($h.isEmpty($el.attr('id'))) { $el.attr('id', $h.uniqId()); } self.namespace = '.fileinput_' + $el.attr('id').replace(/-/g, '_'); if (self.$container === undefined) { self.$container = self._createContainer(); } else { self._refreshContainer(); } $cont = self.$container; self.$dropZone = $cont.find('.file-drop-zone'); self.$progress = $cont.find('.kv-upload-progress'); self.$btnUpload = $cont.find('.fileinput-upload'); self.$captionContainer = $h.getElement(options, 'elCaptionContainer', $cont.find('.file-caption')); self.$caption = $h.getElement(options, 'elCaptionText', $cont.find('.file-caption-name')); if (!$h.isEmpty(self.msgPlaceholder)) { f = $el.attr('multiple') ? self.filePlural : self.fileSingle; self.$caption.attr('placeholder', self.msgPlaceholder.replace('{files}', f)); } self.$captionIcon = self.$captionContainer.find('.file-caption-icon'); self.$previewContainer = $h.getElement(options, 'elPreviewContainer', $cont.find('.file-preview')); self.$preview = $h.getElement(options, 'elPreviewImage', $cont.find('.file-preview-thumbnails')); self.$previewStatus = $h.getElement(options, 'elPreviewStatus', $cont.find('.file-preview-status')); self.$errorContainer = $h.getElement(options, 'elErrorContainer', self.$previewContainer.find('.kv-fileinput-error')); self._validateDisabled(); if (!$h.isEmpty(self.msgErrorClass)) { $h.addCss(self.$errorContainer, self.msgErrorClass); } if (!refreshMode) { self.$errorContainer.hide(); self.previewInitId = 'preview-' + $h.uniqId(); self._initPreviewCache(); self._initPreview(true); self._initPreviewActions(); if (self.$parent.hasClass('file-loading')) { self.$container.insertBefore(self.$parent); self.$parent.remove(); } } else { if (!self._errorsExist()) { self.$errorContainer.hide(); } } self._setFileDropZoneTitle(); if ($el.attr('disabled')) { self.disable(); } self._initZoom(); if (self.hideThumbnailContent) { $h.addCss(self.$preview, 'hide-content'); } }, _initFileManager: function () { var self = this; self.fileManager = { stack: {}, processed: [], errors: [], loadedImages: {}, totalImages: 0, totalFiles: null, totalSize: null, uploadedSize: 0, stats: {}, initStats: function (id) { var data = {started: $h.now().getTime()}; if (id) { self.fileManager.stats[id] = data; } else { self.fileManager.stats = data; } }, getUploadStats: function (id, loaded, total) { var fm = self.fileManager, started = id ? fm.stats[id] && fm.stats[id].started || null : null; if (!started) { started = $h.now().getTime(); } var elapsed = ($h.now().getTime() - started) / 1000, speeds = ['B/s', 'KB/s', 'MB/s', 'GB/s', 'TB/s', 'PB/s', 'EB/s', 'ZB/s', 'YB/s'], bps = elapsed ? loaded / elapsed : 0, bitrate = self._getSize(bps, speeds), pendingBytes = total - loaded, out = { fileId: id, started: started, elapsed: elapsed, loaded: loaded, total: total, bps: bps, bitrate: bitrate, pendingBytes: pendingBytes }; if (id) { fm.stats[id] = out; } else { fm.stats = out; } return out; }, exists: function (id) { return $.inArray(id, self.fileManager.getIdList()) !== -1; }, count: function () { return self.fileManager.getIdList().length; }, total: function () { var fm = self.fileManager; if (!fm.totalFiles) { fm.totalFiles = fm.count(); } return fm.totalFiles; }, getTotalSize: function () { var fm = self.fileManager; if (fm.totalSize) { return fm.totalSize; } fm.totalSize = 0; $.each(self.fileManager.stack, function (id, f) { var size = parseFloat(f.size); fm.totalSize += isNaN(size) ? 0 : size; }); return fm.totalSize; }, add: function (file, id) { if (!id) { id = self.fileManager.getId(file); } if (!id) { return; } self.fileManager.stack[id] = { file: file, name: $h.getFileName(file), relativePath: $h.getFileRelativePath(file), size: file.size, nameFmt: self._getFileName(file, ''), sizeFmt: self._getSize(file.size) }; }, remove: function ($thumb) { var id = $thumb.attr('data-fileid'); if (id) { self.fileManager.removeFile(id); } }, removeFile: function (id) { delete self.fileManager.stack[id]; delete self.fileManager.loadedImages[id]; }, move: function (idFrom, idTo) { var result = {}, stack = self.fileManager.stack; if (!idFrom && !idTo || idFrom === idTo) { return; } $.each(stack, function (k, v) { if (k !== idFrom) { result[k] = v; } if (k === idTo) { result[idFrom] = stack[idFrom]; } }); self.fileManager.stack = result; }, list: function () { var files = []; $.each(self.fileManager.stack, function (k, v) { if (v && v.file) { files.push(v.file); } }); return files; }, isPending: function (id) { return $.inArray(id, self.fileManager.processed) === -1 && self.fileManager.exists(id); }, isProcessed: function () { var processed = true, fm = self.fileManager; $.each(fm.stack, function (id) { if (fm.isPending(id)) { processed = false; } }); return processed; }, clear: function () { var fm = self.fileManager; fm.totalFiles = null; fm.totalSize = null; fm.uploadedSize = 0; fm.stack = {}; fm.errors = []; fm.processed = []; fm.stats = {}; fm.clearImages(); }, clearImages: function () { self.fileManager.loadedImages = {}; self.fileManager.totalImages = 0; }, addImage: function (id, config) { self.fileManager.loadedImages[id] = config; }, removeImage: function (id) { delete self.fileManager.loadedImages[id]; }, getImageIdList: function () { return Object.keys(self.fileManager.loadedImages); }, getImageCount: function () { return self.fileManager.getImageIdList().length; }, getId: function (file) { return self._getFileId(file); }, getIndex: function (id) { return self.fileManager.getIdList().indexOf(id); }, getThumb: function (id) { var $thumb = null; self._getThumbs().each(function () { if ($(this).attr('data-fileid') === id) { $thumb = $(this); } }); return $thumb; }, getThumbIndex: function ($thumb) { var id = $thumb.attr('data-fileid'); return self.fileManager.getIndex(id); }, getIdList: function () { return Object.keys(self.fileManager.stack); }, getFile: function (id) { return self.fileManager.stack[id] || null; }, getFileName: function (id, fmt) { var file = self.fileManager.getFile(id); if (!file) { return ''; } return fmt ? (file.nameFmt || '') : file.name || ''; }, getFirstFile: function () { var ids = self.fileManager.getIdList(), id = ids && ids.length ? ids[0] : null; return self.fileManager.getFile(id); }, setFile: function (id, file) { if (self.fileManager.getFile(id)) { self.fileManager.stack[id].file = file; } else { self.fileManager.add(file, id); } }, setProcessed: function (id) { self.fileManager.processed.push(id); }, getProgress: function () { var total = self.fileManager.total(), processed = self.fileManager.processed.length; if (!total) { return 0; } return Math.ceil(processed / total * 100); }, setProgress: function (id, pct) { var f = self.fileManager.getFile(id); if (!isNaN(pct) && f) { f.progress = pct; } } }; }, _setUploadData: function (fd, config) { var self = this; $.each(config, function (key, value) { var param = self.uploadParamNames[key] || key; if ($h.isArray(value)) { fd.append(param, value[0], value[1]); } else { fd.append(param, value); } }); }, _initResumableUpload: function () { var self = this, opts = self.resumableUploadOptions, logs = $h.logMessages; if (!self.enableResumableUpload) { return; } if (opts.fallback !== false && typeof opts.fallback !== 'function') { opts.fallback = function (s) { s._log(logs.noResumableSupport); s.enableResumableUpload = false; }; } if (!$h.hasResumableUploadSupport() && opts.fallback !== false) { opts.fallback(self); return; } if (!self.uploadUrl && self.enableResumableUpload) { self._log(logs.noUploadUrl); self.enableResumableUpload = false; return; } opts.chunkSize = parseFloat(opts.chunkSize); if (opts.chunkSize <= 0 || isNaN(opts.chunkSize)) { self._log(logs.invalidChunkSize, {chunkSize: opts.chunkSize}); self.enableResumableUpload = false; return; } self.resumableManager = { init: function (id, f, index) { var rm = self.resumableManager, fm = self.fileManager; rm.currThreads = 0; rm.logs = []; rm.stack = []; rm.error = ''; rm.chunkIntervalId = null; rm.id = id; rm.file = f.file; rm.fileName = f.name; rm.fileIndex = index; rm.completed = false; rm.testing = false; rm.lastProgress = 0; if (self.showPreview) { rm.$thumb = fm.getThumb(id) || null; rm.$progress = rm.$btnDelete = null; if (rm.$thumb && rm.$thumb.length) { rm.$progress = rm.$thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress'); rm.$btnDelete = rm.$thumb.find('.kv-file-remove'); } } rm.chunkSize = self.resumableUploadOptions.chunkSize * 1024; rm.chunkCount = rm.getTotalChunks(); }, logAjaxError: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (self.resumableUploadOptions.showErrorLog) { self._log(logs.ajaxError, { status: jqXHR.status, error: errorThrown, text: jqXHR.responseText || '' }); } }, reset: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager; rm.processed = {}; }, setProcessed: function (status) { var rm = self.resumableManager, fm = self.fileManager, id = rm.id, msg, $thumb = rm.$thumb, $prog = rm.$progress, hasThumb = $thumb && $thumb.length, params = {id: hasThumb ? $thumb.attr('id') : '', index: fm.getIndex(id), fileId: id}; rm.completed = true; rm.lastProgress = 0; fm.uploadedSize += rm.file.size; if (hasThumb) { $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); } if (status === 'success') { if (self.showPreview) { self._setProgress(101, $prog); self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Success'); self._initUploadSuccess(rm.processed[id].data, $thumb); } self.fileManager.removeFile(id); delete rm.processed[id]; self._raise('fileuploaded', [params.id, params.index, params.fileId]); if (fm.isProcessed()) { self._setProgress(101); } } else { if (self.showPreview) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Error'); self._setPreviewError($thumb, true); self._setProgress(101, $prog, self.msgProgressError); self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgProgressError); self.cancelling = true; } if (!self.$errorContainer.find('li[data-file-id="' + params.fileId + '"]').length) { msg = self.msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded.setTokens({ file: rm.fileName, max: self.resumableUploadOptions.maxRetries, error: rm.error }); self._showFileError(msg, params); } } if (fm.isProcessed()) { rm.reset(); } }, check: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager, status = true; $.each(rm.logs, function (index, value) { if (!value) { status = false; return false; } }); if (status) { clearInterval(rm.chunkIntervalId); rm.setProcessed('success'); } }, processedResumables: function () { var logs = self.resumableManager.logs, i, count = 0; if (!logs || !logs.length) { return 0; } for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) { if (logs[i] === true) { count++; } } return count; }, getUploadedSize: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager, size = rm.processedResumables() * rm.chunkSize; return size > rm.file.size ? rm.file.size : size; }, getTotalChunks: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager, chunkSize = parseFloat(rm.chunkSize); if (!isNaN(chunkSize) && chunkSize > 0) { return Math.ceil(rm.file.size / chunkSize); } return 0; }, getProgress: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager, processed = rm.processedResumables(), total = rm.chunkCount; if (total === 0) { return 0; } return Math.ceil(processed / total * 100); }, checkAborted: function (intervalId) { if (self.paused || self.cancelling) { clearInterval(intervalId); self.unlock(); } }, upload: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager, fm = self.fileManager, ids = fm.getIdList(), flag = 'new', intervalId; intervalId = setInterval(function () { var id; rm.checkAborted(intervalId); if (flag === 'new') { self.lock(); flag = 'processing'; id = ids.shift(); fm.initStats(id); if (fm.stack[id]) { rm.init(id, fm.stack[id], fm.getIndex(id)); rm.testUpload(); rm.uploadResumable(); } } if (!fm.isPending(id) && rm.completed) { flag = 'new'; } if (fm.isProcessed()) { var $initThumbs = self.$preview.find('.file-preview-initial'); if ($initThumbs.length) { $h.addCss($initThumbs, $h.SORT_CSS); self._initSortable(); } clearInterval(intervalId); self._clearFileInput(); self.unlock(); setTimeout(function () { var data = self.previewCache.data; if (data) { self.initialPreview = data.content; self.initialPreviewConfig = data.config; self.initialPreviewThumbTags = data.tags; } self._raise('filebatchuploadcomplete', [ self.initialPreview, self.initialPreviewConfig, self.initialPreviewThumbTags, self._getExtraData() ]); }, self.processDelay); } }, self.processDelay); }, uploadResumable: function () { var i, rm = self.resumableManager, total = rm.chunkCount; for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { rm.logs[i] = !!(rm.processed[rm.id] && rm.processed[rm.id][i]); } for (i = 0; i < total; i++) { rm.pushAjax(i, 0); } rm.chunkIntervalId = setInterval(rm.loopAjax, self.queueDelay); }, testUpload: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager, opts = self.resumableUploadOptions, fd, f, fm = self.fileManager, id = rm.id, fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnError, fnComplete, outData; if (!opts.testUrl) { rm.testing = false; return; } rm.testing = true; fd = new FormData(); f = fm.stack[id]; self._setUploadData(fd, { fileId: id, fileName: f.fileName, fileSize: f.size, fileRelativePath: f.relativePath, chunkSize: rm.chunkSize, chunkCount: rm.chunkCount }); fnBefore = function (jqXHR) { outData = self._getOutData(fd, jqXHR); self._raise('filetestbeforesend', [id, fm, rm, outData]); }; fnSuccess = function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { outData = self._getOutData(fd, jqXHR, data); var pNames = self.uploadParamNames, chunksUploaded = pNames.chunksUploaded || 'chunksUploaded', params = [id, fm, rm, outData]; if (!data[chunksUploaded] || !$h.isArray(data[chunksUploaded])) { self._raise('filetesterror', params); } else { if (!rm.processed[id]) { rm.processed[id] = {}; } $.each(data[chunksUploaded], function (key, index) { rm.logs[index] = true; rm.processed[id][index] = true; }); rm.processed[id].data = data; self._raise('filetestsuccess', params); } rm.testing = false; }; fnError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { outData = self._getOutData(fd, jqXHR); self._raise('filetestajaxerror', [id, fm, rm, outData]); rm.logAjaxError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); rm.testing = false; }; fnComplete = function () { self._raise('filetestcomplete', [id, fm, rm, self._getOutData(fd)]); rm.testing = false; }; self._ajaxSubmit(fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, fd, id, rm.fileIndex, opts.testUrl); }, pushAjax: function (index, retry) { self.resumableManager.stack.push([index, retry]); }, sendAjax: function (index, retry) { var fm = self.fileManager, rm = self.resumableManager, opts = self.resumableUploadOptions, f, chunkSize = rm.chunkSize, id = rm.id, file = rm.file, $thumb = rm.$thumb, $btnDelete = rm.$btnDelete; if (rm.processed[id] && rm.processed[id][index]) { return; } rm.currThreads++; if (retry > opts.maxRetries) { rm.setProcessed('error'); return; } var fd, outData, fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnError, fnComplete, slice = file.slice ? 'slice' : (file.mozSlice ? 'mozSlice' : (file.webkitSlice ? 'webkitSlice' : 'slice')), blob = file[slice](chunkSize * index, chunkSize * (index + 1)); fd = new FormData(); f = fm.stack[id]; self._setUploadData(fd, { chunkCount: rm.chunkCount, chunkIndex: index, chunkSize: chunkSize, chunkSizeStart: chunkSize * index, fileBlob: [blob, rm.fileName], fileId: id, fileName: rm.fileName, fileRelativePath: f.relativePath, fileSize: file.size, retryCount: retry }); if (rm.$progress && rm.$progress.length) { rm.$progress.show(); } fnBefore = function (jqXHR) { outData = self._getOutData(fd, jqXHR); if (self.showPreview) { if (!$thumb.hasClass('file-preview-success')) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Loading'); $h.addCss($thumb, 'file-uploading'); } $btnDelete.attr('disabled', true); } self._raise('filechunkbeforesend', [id, index, retry, fm, rm, outData]); }; fnSuccess = function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { outData = self._getOutData(fd, jqXHR, data); var paramNames = self.uploadParamNames, chunkIndex = paramNames.chunkIndex || 'chunkIndex', opts = self.resumableUploadOptions, params = [id, index, retry, fm, rm, outData]; rm.currThreads--; if (data.error) { if (opts.showErrorLog) { self._log(logs.retryStatus, { retry: retry + 1, filename: rm.fileName, chunk: index }); } rm.pushAjax(index, retry + 1); rm.error = data.error; self._raise('filechunkerror', params); } else { rm.logs[data[chunkIndex]] = true; if (!rm.processed[id]) { rm.processed[id] = {}; } rm.processed[id][data[chunkIndex]] = true; rm.processed[id].data = data; self._raise('filechunksuccess', params); rm.check(); } }; fnError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { outData = self._getOutData(fd, jqXHR); rm.currThreads--; rm.error = errorThrown; rm.logAjaxError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); self._raise('filechunkajaxerror', [id, index, retry, fm, rm, outData]); rm.pushAjax(index, retry + 1); }; fnComplete = function () { self._raise('filechunkcomplete', [id, index, retry, fm, rm, self._getOutData(fd)]); }; self._ajaxSubmit(fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, fd, id, rm.fileIndex); }, loopAjax: function () { var rm = self.resumableManager; if (rm.currThreads < self.resumableUploadOptions.maxThreads && !rm.testing) { var arr = rm.stack.shift(), index; if (typeof arr !== 'undefined') { index = arr[0]; if (!rm.processed[rm.id] || !rm.processed[rm.id][index]) { rm.sendAjax(index, arr[1]); } else { if (rm.processedResumables() >= rm.getTotalChunks()) { rm.setProcessed('success'); clearInterval(rm.chunkIntervalId); } } } } } }; self.resumableManager.reset(); }, _initTemplateDefaults: function () { var self = this, tMain1, tMain2, tPreview, tFileIcon, tClose, tCaption, tBtnDefault, tBtnLink, tBtnBrowse, tModalMain, tModal, tProgress, tSize, tFooter, tActions, tActionDelete, tActionUpload, tActionDownload, tActionZoom, tActionDrag, tIndicator, tTagBef, tTagBef1, tTagBef2, tTagAft, tGeneric, tHtml, tImage, tText, tOffice, tGdocs, tVideo, tAudio, tFlash, tObject, tPdf, tOther, tStyle, tZoomCache, vDefaultDim, tStats; tMain1 = '{preview}\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + ' {caption}\n' + '
\n' + ' {remove}\n' + ' {cancel}\n' + ' {pause}\n' + ' {upload}\n' + ' {browse}\n' + '
\n' + '
'; tMain2 = '{preview}\n
\n' + '{remove}\n{cancel}\n{upload}\n{browse}\n'; tPreview = '
\n' + ' {close}' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
'; tClose = $h.closeButton('fileinput-remove'); tFileIcon = ''; // noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute tCaption = '
\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + '
'; //noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute tBtnDefault = ''; //noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute tBtnLink = '{icon} {label}'; //noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute tBtnBrowse = '
{icon} {label}
'; tModalMain = ''; tModal = '\n'; tProgress = '
\n' + '
\n' + ' {status}\n' + '
\n' + '
{stats}'; tStats = '
' + '{pendingTime} ' + '{uploadSpeed}' + '
'; tSize = ' ({sizeText})'; tFooter = ''; tActions = '
\n' + ' \n' + '
\n' + '{drag}\n' + '
'; //noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute tActionDelete = '\n'; tActionUpload = ''; tActionDownload = '{downloadIcon}'; tActionZoom = ''; tActionDrag = '{dragIcon}'; tIndicator = '
'; tTagBef = '
\n'; tTagBef2 = tTagBef + ' title="{caption}">
\n'; tTagAft = '
\n'; tGeneric = '{content}\n'; tStyle = ' {style}'; tHtml = '
\n'; tImage = '\n'; tText = '\n'; tOffice = ''; tGdocs = ''; tVideo = '\n'; tAudio = '\n'; tFlash = '\n'; tPdf = '\n'; tObject = '\n' + '\n' + $h.OBJECT_PARAMS + ' ' + $h.DEFAULT_PREVIEW + '\n\n'; tOther = '
\n' + $h.DEFAULT_PREVIEW + '\n
\n'; tZoomCache = ''; vDefaultDim = {width: '100%', height: '100%', 'min-height': '480px'}; if (self._isPdfRendered()) { tPdf = self.pdfRendererTemplate.replace('{renderer}', self._encodeURI(self.pdfRendererUrl)); } self.defaults = { layoutTemplates: { main1: tMain1, main2: tMain2, preview: tPreview, close: tClose, fileIcon: tFileIcon, caption: tCaption, modalMain: tModalMain, modal: tModal, progress: tProgress, stats: tStats, size: tSize, footer: tFooter, indicator: tIndicator, actions: tActions, actionDelete: tActionDelete, actionUpload: tActionUpload, actionDownload: tActionDownload, actionZoom: tActionZoom, actionDrag: tActionDrag, btnDefault: tBtnDefault, btnLink: tBtnLink, btnBrowse: tBtnBrowse, zoomCache: tZoomCache }, previewMarkupTags: { tagBefore1: tTagBef1, tagBefore2: tTagBef2, tagAfter: tTagAft }, previewContentTemplates: { generic: tGeneric, html: tHtml, image: tImage, text: tText, office: tOffice, gdocs: tGdocs, video: tVideo, audio: tAudio, flash: tFlash, object: tObject, pdf: tPdf, other: tOther }, allowedPreviewTypes: ['image', 'html', 'text', 'video', 'audio', 'flash', 'pdf', 'object'], previewTemplates: {}, previewSettings: { image: {width: 'auto', height: 'auto', 'max-width': '100%', 'max-height': '100%'}, html: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, text: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, office: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, gdocs: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, video: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, audio: {width: '100%', height: '30px'}, flash: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, object: {width: '213px', height: '160px'}, pdf: {width: '100%', height: '160px'}, other: {width: '213px', height: '160px'} }, previewSettingsSmall: { image: {width: 'auto', height: 'auto', 'max-width': '100%', 'max-height': '100%'}, html: {width: '100%', height: '160px'}, text: {width: '100%', height: '160px'}, office: {width: '100%', height: '160px'}, gdocs: {width: '100%', height: '160px'}, video: {width: '100%', height: 'auto'}, audio: {width: '100%', height: '30px'}, flash: {width: '100%', height: 'auto'}, object: {width: '100%', height: 'auto'}, pdf: {width: '100%', height: '160px'}, other: {width: '100%', height: '160px'} }, previewZoomSettings: { image: {width: 'auto', height: 'auto', 'max-width': '100%', 'max-height': '100%'}, html: vDefaultDim, text: vDefaultDim, office: {width: '100%', height: '100%', 'max-width': '100%', 'min-height': '480px'}, gdocs: {width: '100%', height: '100%', 'max-width': '100%', 'min-height': '480px'}, video: {width: 'auto', height: '100%', 'max-width': '100%'}, audio: {width: '100%', height: '30px'}, flash: {width: 'auto', height: '480px'}, object: {width: 'auto', height: '100%', 'max-width': '100%', 'min-height': '480px'}, pdf: vDefaultDim, other: {width: 'auto', height: '100%', 'min-height': '480px'} }, mimeTypeAliases: { 'video/quicktime': 'video/mp4' }, fileTypeSettings: { image: function (vType, vName) { return ($h.compare(vType, 'image.*') && !$h.compare(vType, /(tiff?|wmf)$/i) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(gif|png|jpe?g)$/i)); }, html: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, 'text/html') || $h.compare(vName, /\.(htm|html)$/i); }, office: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, /(word|excel|powerpoint|office)$/i) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(docx?|xlsx?|pptx?|pps|potx?)$/i); }, gdocs: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, /(word|excel|powerpoint|office|iwork-pages|tiff?)$/i) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(docx?|xlsx?|pptx?|pps|potx?|rtf|ods|odt|pages|ai|dxf|ttf|tiff?|wmf|e?ps)$/i); }, text: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, 'text.*') || $h.compare(vName, /\.(xml|javascript)$/i) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(txt|md|csv|nfo|ini|json|php|js|css)$/i); }, video: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, 'video.*') && ($h.compare(vType, /(ogg|mp4|mp?g|mov|webm|3gp)$/i) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(og?|mp4|webm|mp?g|mov|3gp)$/i)); }, audio: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, 'audio.*') && ($h.compare(vName, /(ogg|mp3|mp?g|wav)$/i) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(og?|mp3|mp?g|wav)$/i)); }, flash: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, 'application/x-shockwave-flash', true) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(swf)$/i); }, pdf: function (vType, vName) { return $h.compare(vType, 'application/pdf', true) || $h.compare(vName, /\.(pdf)$/i); }, object: function () { return true; }, other: function () { return true; } }, fileActionSettings: { showRemove: true, showUpload: true, showDownload: true, showZoom: true, showDrag: true, removeIcon: '', removeClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', removeErrorClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-danger', removeTitle: 'Remove file', uploadIcon: '', uploadClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', uploadTitle: 'Upload file', uploadRetryIcon: '', uploadRetryTitle: 'Retry upload', downloadIcon: '', downloadClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', downloadTitle: 'Download file', zoomIcon: '', zoomClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', zoomTitle: 'View Details', dragIcon: '', dragClass: 'text-info', dragTitle: 'Move / Rearrange', dragSettings: {}, indicatorNew: '', indicatorSuccess: '', indicatorError: '', indicatorLoading: '', indicatorPaused: '', indicatorNewTitle: 'Not uploaded yet', indicatorSuccessTitle: 'Uploaded', indicatorErrorTitle: 'Upload Error', indicatorLoadingTitle: 'Uploading ...', indicatorPausedTitle: 'Upload Paused' } }; $.each(self.defaults, function (key, setting) { if (key === 'allowedPreviewTypes') { if (self.allowedPreviewTypes === undefined) { self.allowedPreviewTypes = setting; } return; } self[key] = $.extend(true, {}, setting, self[key]); }); self._initPreviewTemplates(); }, _initPreviewTemplates: function () { var self = this, tags = self.previewMarkupTags, tagBef, tagAft = tags.tagAfter; $.each(self.previewContentTemplates, function (key, value) { if ($h.isEmpty(self.previewTemplates[key])) { tagBef = tags.tagBefore2; if (key === 'generic' || key === 'image' || key === 'html' || key === 'text') { tagBef = tags.tagBefore1; } if (self._isPdfRendered() && key === 'pdf') { tagBef = tagBef.replace('kv-file-content', 'kv-file-content kv-pdf-rendered'); } self.previewTemplates[key] = tagBef + value + tagAft; } }); }, _initPreviewCache: function () { var self = this; self.previewCache = { data: {}, init: function () { var content = self.initialPreview; if (content.length > 0 && !$h.isArray(content)) { content = content.split(self.initialPreviewDelimiter); } self.previewCache.data = { content: content, config: self.initialPreviewConfig, tags: self.initialPreviewThumbTags }; }, count: function (skipNull) { if (!self.previewCache.data || !self.previewCache.data.content) { return 0; } if (skipNull) { var chk = self.previewCache.data.content.filter(function (n) { return n !== null; }); return chk.length; } return self.previewCache.data.content.length; }, get: function (i, isDisabled) { var ind = 'init_' + i, data = self.previewCache.data, config = data.config[i], fileId, content = data.content[i], previewId = self.previewInitId + '-' + ind, out, $tmp, cat, ftr, fname, ftype, frameClass, asData = $h.ifSet('previewAsData', config, self.initialPreviewAsData), a = config ? {title: config.title || null, alt: config.alt || null} : {title: null, alt: null}, parseTemplate = function (cat, dat, fn, ft, id, ftr, ind, fc, t) { fc = ' file-preview-initial ' + $h.SORT_CSS + (fc ? ' ' + fc : ''); /** @namespace config.zoomData */ fileId = config && config.fileId || 'file_' + id; return self._generatePreviewTemplate(cat, dat, fn, ft, id, fileId, false, null, fc, ftr, ind, t, a, config && config.zoomData || dat); }; if (!content || !content.length) { return ''; } isDisabled = isDisabled === undefined ? true : isDisabled; cat = $h.ifSet('type', config, self.initialPreviewFileType || 'generic'); fname = $h.ifSet('filename', config, $h.ifSet('caption', config)); ftype = $h.ifSet('filetype', config, cat); ftr = self.previewCache.footer(i, isDisabled, (config && config.size || null)); frameClass = $h.ifSet('frameClass', config); if (asData) { out = parseTemplate(cat, content, fname, ftype, previewId, ftr, ind, frameClass); } else { out = parseTemplate('generic', content, fname, ftype, previewId, ftr, ind, frameClass, cat) .setTokens({'content': data.content[i]}); } if (data.tags.length && data.tags[i]) { out = $h.replaceTags(out, data.tags[i]); } /** @namespace config.frameAttr */ if (!$h.isEmpty(config) && !$h.isEmpty(config.frameAttr)) { $tmp = $(document.createElement('div')).html(out); $tmp.find('.file-preview-initial').attr(config.frameAttr); out = $tmp.html(); $tmp.remove(); } return out; }, clean: function (data) { data.content = $h.cleanArray(data.content); data.config = $h.cleanArray(data.config); data.tags = $h.cleanArray(data.tags); self.previewCache.data = data; }, add: function (content, config, tags, append) { var data = self.previewCache.data, index = content.length - 1; if (!content || !content.length) { return index; } if (!$h.isArray(content)) { content = content.split(self.initialPreviewDelimiter); } if (append) { index = data.content.push(content[0]) - 1; data.config[index] = config; data.tags[index] = tags; } else { data.content = content; data.config = config; data.tags = tags; } self.previewCache.clean(data); return index; }, set: function (content, config, tags, append) { var data = self.previewCache.data, i, chk; if (!content || !content.length) { return; } if (!$h.isArray(content)) { content = content.split(self.initialPreviewDelimiter); } chk = content.filter(function (n) { return n !== null; }); if (!chk.length) { return; } if (data.content === undefined) { data.content = []; } if (data.config === undefined) { data.config = []; } if (data.tags === undefined) { data.tags = []; } if (append) { for (i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { if (content[i]) { data.content.push(content[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < config.length; i++) { if (config[i]) { data.config.push(config[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (tags[i]) { data.tags.push(tags[i]); } } } else { data.content = content; data.config = config; data.tags = tags; } self.previewCache.clean(data); }, unset: function (index) { var chk = self.previewCache.count(), rev = self.reversePreviewOrder; if (!chk) { return; } if (chk === 1) { self.previewCache.data.content = []; self.previewCache.data.config = []; self.previewCache.data.tags = []; self.initialPreview = []; self.initialPreviewConfig = []; self.initialPreviewThumbTags = []; return; } self.previewCache.data.content = $h.spliceArray(self.previewCache.data.content, index, rev); self.previewCache.data.config = $h.spliceArray(self.previewCache.data.config, index, rev); self.previewCache.data.tags = $h.spliceArray(self.previewCache.data.tags, index, rev); var data = $.extend(true, {}, self.previewCache.data); self.previewCache.clean(data); }, out: function () { var html = '', caption, len = self.previewCache.count(), i, content; if (len === 0) { return {content: '', caption: ''}; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { content = self.previewCache.get(i); html = self.reversePreviewOrder ? (content + html) : (html + content); } caption = self._getMsgSelected(len); return {content: html, caption: caption}; }, footer: function (i, isDisabled, size) { var data = self.previewCache.data || {}; if ($h.isEmpty(data.content)) { return ''; } if ($h.isEmpty(data.config) || $h.isEmpty(data.config[i])) { data.config[i] = {}; } isDisabled = isDisabled === undefined ? true : isDisabled; var config = data.config[i], caption = $h.ifSet('caption', config), a, width = $h.ifSet('width', config, 'auto'), url = $h.ifSet('url', config, false), key = $h.ifSet('key', config, null), fileId = $h.ifSet('fileId', config, null), fs = self.fileActionSettings, initPreviewShowDel = self.initialPreviewShowDelete || false, downloadInitialUrl = !self.initialPreviewDownloadUrl ? '' : self.initialPreviewDownloadUrl + '?key=' + key + (fileId ? '&fileId=' + fileId : ''), dUrl = config.downloadUrl || downloadInitialUrl, dFil = config.filename || config.caption || '', initPreviewShowDwl = !!(dUrl), sDel = $h.ifSet('showRemove', config, $h.ifSet('showRemove', fs, initPreviewShowDel)), sDwl = $h.ifSet('showDownload', config, $h.ifSet('showDownload', fs, initPreviewShowDwl)), sZm = $h.ifSet('showZoom', config, $h.ifSet('showZoom', fs, true)), sDrg = $h.ifSet('showDrag', config, $h.ifSet('showDrag', fs, true)), dis = (url === false) && isDisabled; sDwl = sDwl && config.downloadUrl !== false && !!dUrl; a = self._renderFileActions(config, false, sDwl, sDel, sZm, sDrg, dis, url, key, true, dUrl, dFil); return self._getLayoutTemplate('footer').setTokens({ 'progress': self._renderThumbProgress(), 'actions': a, 'caption': caption, 'size': self._getSize(size), 'width': width, 'indicator': '' }); } }; self.previewCache.init(); }, _isPdfRendered: function () { var self = this, useLib = self.usePdfRenderer, flag = typeof useLib === 'function' ? useLib() : !!useLib; return flag && self.pdfRendererUrl; }, _handler: function ($el, event, callback) { var self = this, ns = self.namespace, ev = event.split(' ').join(ns + ' ') + ns; if (!$el || !$el.length) { return; } $el.off(ev).on(ev, callback); }, _encodeURI: function (vUrl) { var self = this; return self.encodeUrl ? encodeURI(vUrl) : vUrl; }, _log: function (msg, tokens) { var self = this, id = self.$element.attr('id'); if (id) { msg = '"' + id + '": ' + msg; } msg = 'bootstrap-fileinput: ' + msg; if (typeof tokens === 'object') { msg.setTokens(tokens); } if (typeof window.console.log !== 'undefined') { window.console.log(msg); } else { window.alert(msg); } }, _validate: function () { var self = this, status = self.$element.attr('type') === 'file'; if (!status) { self._log($h.logMessages.badInputType); } return status; }, _errorsExist: function () { var self = this, $err, $errList = self.$errorContainer.find('li'); if ($errList.length) { return true; } $err = $(document.createElement('div')).html(self.$errorContainer.html()); $err.find('.kv-error-close').remove(); $err.find('ul').remove(); return !!$.trim($err.text()).length; }, _errorHandler: function (evt, caption) { var self = this, err = evt.target.error, showError = function (msg) { self._showError(msg.replace('{name}', caption)); }; /** @namespace err.NOT_FOUND_ERR */ /** @namespace err.SECURITY_ERR */ /** @namespace err.NOT_READABLE_ERR */ if (err.code === err.NOT_FOUND_ERR) { showError(self.msgFileNotFound); } else { if (err.code === err.SECURITY_ERR) { showError(self.msgFileSecured); } else { if (err.code === err.NOT_READABLE_ERR) { showError(self.msgFileNotReadable); } else { if (err.code === err.ABORT_ERR) { showError(self.msgFilePreviewAborted); } else { showError(self.msgFilePreviewError); } } } } }, _addError: function (msg) { var self = this, $error = self.$errorContainer; if (msg && $error.length) { $error.html(self.errorCloseButton + msg); self._handler($error.find('.kv-error-close'), 'click', function () { setTimeout(function () { if (self.showPreview && !self.getFrames().length) { self.clear(); } $error.fadeOut('slow'); }, self.processDelay); }); } }, _setValidationError: function (css) { var self = this; css = (css ? css + ' ' : '') + 'has-error'; self.$container.removeClass(css).addClass('has-error'); $h.addCss(self.$captionContainer, 'is-invalid'); }, _resetErrors: function (fade) { var self = this, $error = self.$errorContainer; self.isError = false; self.$container.removeClass('has-error'); self.$captionContainer.removeClass('is-invalid'); $error.html(''); if (fade) { $error.fadeOut('slow'); } else { $error.hide(); } }, _showFolderError: function (folders) { var self = this, $error = self.$errorContainer, msg; if (!folders) { return; } if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { self._clearFileInput(); } msg = self.msgFoldersNotAllowed.replace('{n}', folders); self._addError(msg); self._setValidationError(); $error.fadeIn(800); self._raise('filefoldererror', [folders, msg]); }, _showFileError: function (msg, params, event) { var self = this, $error = self.$errorContainer, ev = event || 'fileuploaderror', fId = params && params.fileId || '', e = params && params.id ? '
  • ' + msg + '
  • ' : '
  • ' + msg + '
  • '; if ($error.find('ul').length === 0) { self._addError(''); } else { $error.find('ul').append(e); } $error.fadeIn(800); self._raise(ev, [params, msg]); self._setValidationError('file-input-new'); return true; }, _showError: function (msg, params, event) { var self = this, $error = self.$errorContainer, ev = event || 'fileerror'; params = params || {}; params.reader = self.reader; self._addError(msg); $error.fadeIn(800); self._raise(ev, [params, msg]); if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { self._clearFileInput(); } self._setValidationError('file-input-new'); self.$btnUpload.attr('disabled', true); return true; }, _noFilesError: function (params) { var self = this, label = self.minFileCount > 1 ? self.filePlural : self.fileSingle, msg = self.msgFilesTooLess.replace('{n}', self.minFileCount).replace('{files}', label), $error = self.$errorContainer; self._addError(msg); self.isError = true; self._updateFileDetails(0); $error.fadeIn(800); self._raise('fileerror', [params, msg]); self._clearFileInput(); self._setValidationError(); }, _parseError: function (operation, jqXHR, errorThrown, fileName) { /** @namespace jqXHR.responseJSON */ var self = this, errMsg = $.trim(errorThrown + ''), textPre, text = jqXHR.responseJSON !== undefined && jqXHR.responseJSON.error !== undefined ? jqXHR.responseJSON.error : jqXHR.responseText; if (self.cancelling && self.msgUploadAborted) { errMsg = self.msgUploadAborted; } if (self.showAjaxErrorDetails && text) { text = $.trim(text.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, '\n')); textPre = text.length ? '
    ' + text + '
    ' : ''; errMsg += errMsg ? textPre : text; } if (!errMsg) { errMsg = self.msgAjaxError.replace('{operation}', operation); } self.cancelling = false; return fileName ? '' + fileName + ': ' + errMsg : errMsg; }, _parseFileType: function (type, name) { var self = this, isValid, vType, cat, i, types = self.allowedPreviewTypes || []; if (type === 'application/text-plain') { return 'text'; } for (i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { cat = types[i]; isValid = self.fileTypeSettings[cat]; vType = isValid(type, name) ? cat : ''; if (!$h.isEmpty(vType)) { return vType; } } return 'other'; }, _getPreviewIcon: function (fname) { var self = this, ext, out = null; if (fname && fname.indexOf('.') > -1) { ext = fname.split('.').pop(); if (self.previewFileIconSettings) { out = self.previewFileIconSettings[ext] || self.previewFileIconSettings[ext.toLowerCase()] || null; } if (self.previewFileExtSettings) { $.each(self.previewFileExtSettings, function (key, func) { if (self.previewFileIconSettings[key] && func(ext)) { out = self.previewFileIconSettings[key]; //noinspection UnnecessaryReturnStatementJS return; } }); } } return out; }, _parseFilePreviewIcon: function (content, fname) { var self = this, icn = self._getPreviewIcon(fname) || self.previewFileIcon, out = content; if (out.indexOf('{previewFileIcon}') > -1) { out = out.setTokens({'previewFileIconClass': self.previewFileIconClass, 'previewFileIcon': icn}); } return out; }, _raise: function (event, params) { var self = this, e = $.Event(event); if (params !== undefined) { self.$element.trigger(e, params); } else { self.$element.trigger(e); } if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || e.result === false) { return false; } switch (event) { // ignore these events case 'filebatchuploadcomplete': case 'filebatchuploadsuccess': case 'fileuploaded': case 'fileclear': case 'filecleared': case 'filereset': case 'fileerror': case 'filefoldererror': case 'fileuploaderror': case 'filebatchuploaderror': case 'filedeleteerror': case 'filecustomerror': case 'filesuccessremove': break; // receive data response via `filecustomerror` event` default: if (!self.ajaxAborted) { self.ajaxAborted = e.result; } break; } return true; }, _listenFullScreen: function (isFullScreen) { var self = this, $modal = self.$modal, $btnFull, $btnBord; if (!$modal || !$modal.length) { return; } $btnFull = $modal && $modal.find('.btn-fullscreen'); $btnBord = $modal && $modal.find('.btn-borderless'); if (!$btnFull.length || !$btnBord.length) { return; } $btnFull.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); $btnBord.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); if (isFullScreen) { $btnFull.addClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'true'); } else { $btnBord.addClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'true'); } if ($modal.hasClass('file-zoom-fullscreen')) { self._maximizeZoomDialog(); } else { if (isFullScreen) { self._maximizeZoomDialog(); } else { $btnBord.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); } } }, _listen: function () { var self = this, $el = self.$element, $form = self.$form, $cont = self.$container, fullScreenEvents; self._handler($el, 'click', function (e) { if ($el.hasClass('file-no-browse')) { if ($el.data('zoneClicked')) { $el.data('zoneClicked', false); } else { e.preventDefault(); } } }); self._handler($el, 'change', $.proxy(self._change, self)); if (self.showBrowse) { self._handler(self.$btnFile, 'click', $.proxy(self._browse, self)); } self._handler($cont.find('.fileinput-remove:not([disabled])'), 'click', $.proxy(self.clear, self)); self._handler($cont.find('.fileinput-cancel'), 'click', $.proxy(self.cancel, self)); self._handler($cont.find('.fileinput-pause'), 'click', $.proxy(self.pause, self)); self._initDragDrop(); self._handler($form, 'reset', $.proxy(self.clear, self)); if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { self._handler($form, 'submit', $.proxy(self._submitForm, self)); } self._handler(self.$container.find('.fileinput-upload'), 'click', $.proxy(self._uploadClick, self)); self._handler($(window), 'resize', function () { self._listenFullScreen(screen.width === window.innerWidth && screen.height === window.innerHeight); }); fullScreenEvents = 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange'; self._handler($(document), fullScreenEvents, function () { self._listenFullScreen($h.checkFullScreen()); }); self._autoFitContent(); self._initClickable(); self._refreshPreview(); }, _autoFitContent: function () { var width = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth, self = this, config = width < 400 ? (self.previewSettingsSmall || self.defaults.previewSettingsSmall) : (self.previewSettings || self.defaults.previewSettings), sel; $.each(config, function (cat, settings) { sel = '.file-preview-frame .file-preview-' + cat; self.$preview.find(sel + '.kv-preview-data,' + sel + ' .kv-preview-data').css(settings); }); }, _scanDroppedItems: function (item, files, path) { path = path || ''; var self = this, i, dirReader, readDir, errorHandler = function (e) { self._log($h.logMessages.badDroppedFiles); self._log(e); }; if (item.isFile) { item.file(function (file) { files.push(file); }, errorHandler); } else { if (item.isDirectory) { dirReader = item.createReader(); readDir = function () { dirReader.readEntries(function (entries) { if (entries && entries.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { self._scanDroppedItems(entries[i], files, path + item.name + '/'); } // recursively call readDir() again, since browser can only handle first 100 entries. readDir(); } return null; }, errorHandler); }; readDir(); } } }, _initDragDrop: function () { var self = this, $zone = self.$dropZone; if (self.dropZoneEnabled && self.showPreview) { self._handler($zone, 'dragenter dragover', $.proxy(self._zoneDragEnter, self)); self._handler($zone, 'dragleave', $.proxy(self._zoneDragLeave, self)); self._handler($zone, 'drop', $.proxy(self._zoneDrop, self)); self._handler($(document), 'dragenter dragover drop', self._zoneDragDropInit); } }, _zoneDragDropInit: function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }, _zoneDragEnter: function (e) { var self = this, dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer, hasFiles = $.inArray('Files', dataTransfer.types) > -1; self._zoneDragDropInit(e); if (self.isDisabled || !hasFiles) { e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'none'; e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'; return; } if (self._raise('fileDragEnter', {'sourceEvent': e, 'files': dataTransfer.types.Files})) { $h.addCss(self.$dropZone, 'file-highlighted'); } }, _zoneDragLeave: function (e) { var self = this; self._zoneDragDropInit(e); if (self.isDisabled) { return; } if (self._raise('fileDragLeave', {'sourceEvent': e})) { self.$dropZone.removeClass('file-highlighted'); } }, _zoneDrop: function (e) { /** @namespace e.originalEvent.dataTransfer */ var self = this, i, $el = self.$element, dataTransfer = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer, files = dataTransfer.files, items = dataTransfer.items, folders = $h.getDragDropFolders(items), processFiles = function () { if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { self.changeTriggered = true; $el.get(0).files = files; setTimeout(function () { self.changeTriggered = false; $el.trigger('change' + self.namespace); }, self.processDelay); } else { self._change(e, files); } self.$dropZone.removeClass('file-highlighted'); }; e.preventDefault(); if (self.isDisabled || $h.isEmpty(files)) { return; } if (!self._raise('fileDragDrop', {'sourceEvent': e, 'files': files})) { return; } if (folders > 0) { if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { self._showFolderError(folders); return; } files = []; for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry(); if (item) { self._scanDroppedItems(item, files); } } setTimeout(function () { processFiles(); }, 500); } else { processFiles(); } }, _uploadClick: function (e) { var self = this, $btn = self.$container.find('.fileinput-upload'), $form, isEnabled = !$btn.hasClass('disabled') && $h.isEmpty($btn.attr('disabled')); if (e && e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { if (isEnabled && $btn.attr('type') !== 'submit') { $form = $btn.closest('form'); // downgrade to normal form submit if possible if ($form.length) { $form.trigger('submit'); } e.preventDefault(); } return; } e.preventDefault(); if (isEnabled) { self.upload(); } }, _submitForm: function () { var self = this; return self._isFileSelectionValid() && !self._abort({}); }, _clearPreview: function () { var self = this, $p = self.$preview, $thumbs = self.showUploadedThumbs ? self.getFrames(':not(.file-preview-success)') : self.getFrames(); $thumbs.each(function () { var $thumb = $(this); $thumb.remove(); $h.cleanZoomCache($p.find('#zoom-' + $thumb.attr('id'))); }); if (!self.getFrames().length || !self.showPreview) { self._resetUpload(); } self._validateDefaultPreview(); }, _initSortable: function () { var self = this, $el = self.$preview, settings, selector = '.' + $h.SORT_CSS, rev = self.reversePreviewOrder; if (!window.KvSortable || $el.find(selector).length === 0) { return; } //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols settings = { handle: '.drag-handle-init', dataIdAttr: 'data-preview-id', scroll: false, draggable: selector, onSort: function (e) { var oldIndex = e.oldIndex, newIndex = e.newIndex, i = 0; self.initialPreview = $h.moveArray(self.initialPreview, oldIndex, newIndex, rev); self.initialPreviewConfig = $h.moveArray(self.initialPreviewConfig, oldIndex, newIndex, rev); self.previewCache.init(); self.getFrames('.file-preview-initial').each(function () { $(this).attr('data-fileindex', 'init_' + i); i++; }); self._raise('filesorted', { previewId: $(e.item).attr('id'), 'oldIndex': oldIndex, 'newIndex': newIndex, stack: self.initialPreviewConfig }); } }; if ($el.data('kvsortable')) { $el.kvsortable('destroy'); } $.extend(true, settings, self.fileActionSettings.dragSettings); $el.kvsortable(settings); }, _setPreviewContent: function (content) { var self = this; self.$preview.html(content); self._autoFitContent(); }, _initPreviewImageOrientations: function () { var self = this, i = 0; if (!self.autoOrientImageInitial) { return; } self.getFrames('.file-preview-initial').each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), $img, $zoomImg, id, config = self.initialPreviewConfig[i]; /** @namespace config.exif */ if (config && config.exif && config.exif.Orientation) { id = $thumb.attr('id'); $img = $thumb.find('>.kv-file-content img'); $zoomImg = self.$preview.find('#zoom-' + id + ' >.kv-file-content img'); self.setImageOrientation($img, $zoomImg, config.exif.Orientation, $thumb); } i++; }); }, _initPreview: function (isInit) { var self = this, cap = self.initialCaption || '', out; if (!self.previewCache.count(true)) { self._clearPreview(); if (isInit) { self._setCaption(cap); } else { self._initCaption(); } return; } out = self.previewCache.out(); cap = isInit && self.initialCaption ? self.initialCaption : out.caption; self._setPreviewContent(out.content); self._setInitThumbAttr(); self._setCaption(cap); self._initSortable(); if (!$h.isEmpty(out.content)) { self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new'); } self._initPreviewImageOrientations(); }, _getZoomButton: function (type) { var self = this, label = self.previewZoomButtonIcons[type], css = self.previewZoomButtonClasses[type], title = ' title="' + (self.previewZoomButtonTitles[type] || '') + '" ', params = title + (type === 'close' ? ' data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true"' : ''); if (type === 'fullscreen' || type === 'borderless' || type === 'toggleheader') { params += ' data-toggle="button" aria-pressed="false" autocomplete="off"'; } return ''; }, _getModalContent: function () { var self = this; return self._getLayoutTemplate('modal').setTokens({ 'rtl': self.rtl ? ' kv-rtl' : '', 'zoomFrameClass': self.frameClass, 'heading': self.msgZoomModalHeading, 'prev': self._getZoomButton('prev'), 'next': self._getZoomButton('next'), 'toggleheader': self._getZoomButton('toggleheader'), 'fullscreen': self._getZoomButton('fullscreen'), 'borderless': self._getZoomButton('borderless'), 'close': self._getZoomButton('close') }); }, _listenModalEvent: function (event) { var self = this, $modal = self.$modal, getParams = function (e) { return { sourceEvent: e, previewId: $modal.data('previewId'), modal: $modal }; }; $modal.on(event + '.bs.modal', function (e) { var $btnFull = $modal.find('.btn-fullscreen'), $btnBord = $modal.find('.btn-borderless'); self._raise('filezoom' + event, getParams(e)); if (event === 'shown') { $btnBord.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); $btnFull.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); if ($modal.hasClass('file-zoom-fullscreen')) { self._maximizeZoomDialog(); if ($h.checkFullScreen()) { $btnFull.addClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'true'); } else { $btnBord.addClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'true'); } } } }); }, _initZoom: function () { var self = this, $dialog, modalMain = self._getLayoutTemplate('modalMain'), modalId = '#' + $h.MODAL_ID; if (!self.showPreview) { return; } self.$modal = $(modalId); if (!self.$modal || !self.$modal.length) { $dialog = $(document.createElement('div')).html(modalMain).insertAfter(self.$container); self.$modal = $(modalId).insertBefore($dialog); $dialog.remove(); } $h.initModal(self.$modal); self.$modal.html(self._getModalContent()); $.each($h.MODAL_EVENTS, function (key, event) { self._listenModalEvent(event); }); }, _initZoomButtons: function () { var self = this, previewId = self.$modal.data('previewId') || '', $first, $last, thumbs = self.getFrames().toArray(), len = thumbs.length, $prev = self.$modal.find('.btn-prev'), $next = self.$modal.find('.btn-next'); if (thumbs.length < 2) { $prev.hide(); $next.hide(); return; } else { $prev.show(); $next.show(); } if (!len) { return; } $first = $(thumbs[0]); $last = $(thumbs[len - 1]); $prev.removeAttr('disabled'); $next.removeAttr('disabled'); if ($first.length && $first.attr('id') === previewId) { $prev.attr('disabled', true); } if ($last.length && $last.attr('id') === previewId) { $next.attr('disabled', true); } }, _maximizeZoomDialog: function () { var self = this, $modal = self.$modal, $head = $modal.find('.modal-header:visible'), $foot = $modal.find('.modal-footer:visible'), $body = $modal.find('.modal-body'), h = $(window).height(), diff = 0; $modal.addClass('file-zoom-fullscreen'); if ($head && $head.length) { h -= $head.outerHeight(true); } if ($foot && $foot.length) { h -= $foot.outerHeight(true); } if ($body && $body.length) { diff = $body.outerHeight(true) - $body.height(); h -= diff; } $modal.find('.kv-zoom-body').height(h); }, _resizeZoomDialog: function (fullScreen) { var self = this, $modal = self.$modal, $btnFull = $modal.find('.btn-fullscreen'), $btnBord = $modal.find('.btn-borderless'); if ($modal.hasClass('file-zoom-fullscreen')) { $h.toggleFullScreen(false); if (!fullScreen) { if (!$btnFull.hasClass('active')) { $modal.removeClass('file-zoom-fullscreen'); self.$modal.find('.kv-zoom-body').css('height', self.zoomModalHeight); } else { $btnFull.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); } } else { if (!$btnFull.hasClass('active')) { $modal.removeClass('file-zoom-fullscreen'); self._resizeZoomDialog(true); if ($btnBord.hasClass('active')) { $btnBord.removeClass('active').attr('aria-pressed', 'false'); } } } } else { if (!fullScreen) { self._maximizeZoomDialog(); return; } $h.toggleFullScreen(true); } $modal.focus(); }, _setZoomContent: function ($frame, animate) { var self = this, $content, tmplt, body, title, $body, $dataEl, config, previewId = $frame.attr('id'), $zoomPreview = self.$preview.find('#zoom-' + previewId), $modal = self.$modal, $tmp, $btnFull = $modal.find('.btn-fullscreen'), $btnBord = $modal.find('.btn-borderless'), cap, size, $btnTogh = $modal.find('.btn-toggleheader'); tmplt = $zoomPreview.attr('data-template') || 'generic'; $content = $zoomPreview.find('.kv-file-content'); body = $content.length ? $content.html() : ''; cap = $frame.data('caption') || ''; size = $frame.data('size') || ''; title = cap + ' ' + size; $modal.find('.kv-zoom-title').attr('title', $('
    ').html(title).text()).html(title); $body = $modal.find('.kv-zoom-body'); $modal.removeClass('kv-single-content'); if (animate) { $tmp = $body.addClass('file-thumb-loading').clone().insertAfter($body); $body.html(body).hide(); $tmp.fadeOut('fast', function () { $body.fadeIn('fast', function () { $body.removeClass('file-thumb-loading'); }); $tmp.remove(); }); } else { $body.html(body); } config = self.previewZoomSettings[tmplt]; if (config) { $dataEl = $body.find('.kv-preview-data'); $h.addCss($dataEl, 'file-zoom-detail'); $.each(config, function (key, value) { $dataEl.css(key, value); if (($dataEl.attr('width') && key === 'width') || ($dataEl.attr('height') && key === 'height')) { $dataEl.removeAttr(key); } }); } $modal.data('previewId', previewId); self._handler($modal.find('.btn-prev'), 'click', function () { self._zoomSlideShow('prev', previewId); }); self._handler($modal.find('.btn-next'), 'click', function () { self._zoomSlideShow('next', previewId); }); self._handler($btnFull, 'click', function () { self._resizeZoomDialog(true); }); self._handler($btnBord, 'click', function () { self._resizeZoomDialog(false); }); self._handler($btnTogh, 'click', function () { var $header = $modal.find('.modal-header'), $floatBar = $modal.find('.modal-body .floating-buttons'), ht, $actions = $header.find('.kv-zoom-actions'), resize = function (height) { var $body = self.$modal.find('.kv-zoom-body'), h = self.zoomModalHeight; if ($modal.hasClass('file-zoom-fullscreen')) { h = $body.outerHeight(true); if (!height) { h = h - $header.outerHeight(true); } } $body.css('height', height ? h + height : h); }; if ($header.is(':visible')) { ht = $header.outerHeight(true); $header.slideUp('slow', function () { $actions.find('.btn').appendTo($floatBar); resize(ht); }); } else { $floatBar.find('.btn').appendTo($actions); $header.slideDown('slow', function () { resize(); }); } $modal.focus(); }); self._handler($modal, 'keydown', function (e) { var key = e.which || e.keyCode, $prev = $(this).find('.btn-prev'), $next = $(this).find('.btn-next'), vId = $(this).data('previewId'), vPrevKey = self.rtl ? 39 : 37, vNextKey = self.rtl ? 37 : 39; if (key === vPrevKey && $prev.length && !$prev.attr('disabled')) { self._zoomSlideShow('prev', vId); } if (key === vNextKey && $next.length && !$next.attr('disabled')) { self._zoomSlideShow('next', vId); } }); }, _zoomPreview: function ($btn) { var self = this, $frame, $modal = self.$modal; if (!$btn.length) { throw 'Cannot zoom to detailed preview!'; } $h.initModal($modal); $modal.html(self._getModalContent()); $frame = $btn.closest($h.FRAMES); self._setZoomContent($frame); $modal.modal('show'); self._initZoomButtons(); }, _zoomSlideShow: function (dir, previewId) { var self = this, $btn = self.$modal.find('.kv-zoom-actions .btn-' + dir), $targFrame, i, thumbs = self.getFrames().toArray(), len = thumbs.length, out; if ($btn.attr('disabled')) { return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ($(thumbs[i]).attr('id') === previewId) { out = dir === 'prev' ? i - 1 : i + 1; break; } } if (out < 0 || out >= len || !thumbs[out]) { return; } $targFrame = $(thumbs[out]); if ($targFrame.length) { self._setZoomContent($targFrame, true); } self._initZoomButtons(); self._raise('filezoom' + dir, {'previewId': previewId, modal: self.$modal}); }, _initZoomButton: function () { var self = this; self.$preview.find('.kv-file-zoom').each(function () { var $el = $(this); self._handler($el, 'click', function () { self._zoomPreview($el); }); }); }, _inputFileCount: function () { return this.$element.get(0).files.length; }, _refreshPreview: function () { var self = this, files; if ((!self._inputFileCount() && !self.isAjaxUpload) || !self.showPreview || !self.isPreviewable) { return; } if (self.isAjaxUpload) { if (self.fileManager.count() > 0) { files = $.extend(true, {}, self.fileManager.stack); self.fileManager.clear(); self._clearFileInput(); } else { files = self.$element.get(0).files; } } else { files = self.$element.get(0).files; } if (files && files.length) { self.readFiles(files); self._setFileDropZoneTitle(); } }, _clearObjects: function ($el) { $el.find('video audio').each(function () { this.pause(); $(this).remove(); }); $el.find('img object div').each(function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, _clearFileInput: function () { var self = this, $el = self.$element, $srcFrm, $tmpFrm, $tmpEl; if (!self._inputFileCount()) { return; } $srcFrm = $el.closest('form'); $tmpFrm = $(document.createElement('form')); $tmpEl = $(document.createElement('div')); $el.before($tmpEl); if ($srcFrm.length) { $srcFrm.after($tmpFrm); } else { $tmpEl.after($tmpFrm); } $tmpFrm.append($el).trigger('reset'); $tmpEl.before($el).remove(); $tmpFrm.remove(); }, _resetUpload: function () { var self = this; self.uploadCache = {content: [], config: [], tags: [], append: true}; self.$btnUpload.removeAttr('disabled'); self._setProgress(0); self.$progress.hide(); self._resetErrors(false); self._initAjax(); self.fileManager.clearImages(); self._resetCanvas(); self.cacheInitialPreview = {}; if (self.overwriteInitial) { self.initialPreview = []; self.initialPreviewConfig = []; self.initialPreviewThumbTags = []; self.previewCache.data = { content: [], config: [], tags: [] }; } }, _resetCanvas: function () { var self = this; if (self.canvas && self.imageCanvasContext) { self.imageCanvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, self.canvas.width, self.canvas.height); } }, _hasInitialPreview: function () { var self = this; return !self.overwriteInitial && self.previewCache.count(true); }, _resetPreview: function () { var self = this, out, cap; if (self.previewCache.count(true)) { out = self.previewCache.out(); self._setPreviewContent(out.content); self._setInitThumbAttr(); cap = self.initialCaption ? self.initialCaption : out.caption; self._setCaption(cap); } else { self._clearPreview(); self._initCaption(); } if (self.showPreview) { self._initZoom(); self._initSortable(); } }, _clearDefaultPreview: function () { var self = this; self.$preview.find('.file-default-preview').remove(); }, _validateDefaultPreview: function () { var self = this; if (!self.showPreview || $h.isEmpty(self.defaultPreviewContent)) { return; } self._setPreviewContent('
    ' + self.defaultPreviewContent + '
    '); self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new'); self._initClickable(); }, _resetPreviewThumbs: function (isAjax) { var self = this, out; if (isAjax) { self._clearPreview(); self.clearFileStack(); return; } if (self._hasInitialPreview()) { out = self.previewCache.out(); self._setPreviewContent(out.content); self._setInitThumbAttr(); self._setCaption(out.caption); self._initPreviewActions(); } else { self._clearPreview(); } }, _getLayoutTemplate: function (t) { var self = this, template = self.layoutTemplates[t]; if ($h.isEmpty(self.customLayoutTags)) { return template; } return $h.replaceTags(template, self.customLayoutTags); }, _getPreviewTemplate: function (t) { var self = this, template = self.previewTemplates[t]; if ($h.isEmpty(self.customPreviewTags)) { return template; } return $h.replaceTags(template, self.customPreviewTags); }, _getOutData: function (formdata, jqXHR, responseData, filesData) { var self = this; jqXHR = jqXHR || {}; responseData = responseData || {}; filesData = filesData || self.fileManager.list(); return { formdata: formdata, files: filesData, filenames: self.filenames, filescount: self.getFilesCount(), extra: self._getExtraData(), response: responseData, reader: self.reader, jqXHR: jqXHR }; }, _getMsgSelected: function (n) { var self = this, strFiles = n === 1 ? self.fileSingle : self.filePlural; return n > 0 ? self.msgSelected.replace('{n}', n).replace('{files}', strFiles) : self.msgNoFilesSelected; }, _getFrame: function (id) { var self = this, $frame = $('#' + id); if (!$frame.length) { self._log($h.logMessages.invalidThumb, {id: id}); return null; } return $frame; }, _getThumbs: function (css) { css = css || ''; return this.getFrames(':not(.file-preview-initial)' + css); }, _getExtraData: function (fileId, index) { var self = this, data = self.uploadExtraData; if (typeof self.uploadExtraData === 'function') { data = self.uploadExtraData(fileId, index); } return data; }, _initXhr: function (xhrobj, fileId, fileCount) { var self = this, fm = self.fileManager, func = function (event) { var pct = 0, total = event.total, loaded = event.loaded || event.position, stats = fm.getUploadStats(fileId, loaded, total); /** @namespace event.lengthComputable */ if (event.lengthComputable && !self.enableResumableUpload) { pct = $h.round(loaded / total * 100); } if (fileId) { self._setFileUploadStats(fileId, pct, fileCount, stats); } else { self._setProgress(pct, null, null, self._getStats(stats)); } self._raise('fileajaxprogress', [stats]); }; if (xhrobj.upload) { if (self.progressDelay) { func = $h.debounce(func, self.progressDelay); } xhrobj.upload.addEventListener('progress', func, false); } return xhrobj; }, _initAjaxSettings: function () { var self = this; self._ajaxSettings = $.extend(true, {}, self.ajaxSettings); self._ajaxDeleteSettings = $.extend(true, {}, self.ajaxDeleteSettings); }, _mergeAjaxCallback: function (funcName, srcFunc, type) { var self = this, settings = self._ajaxSettings, flag = self.mergeAjaxCallbacks, targFunc; if (type === 'delete') { settings = self._ajaxDeleteSettings; flag = self.mergeAjaxDeleteCallbacks; } targFunc = settings[funcName]; if (flag && typeof targFunc === 'function') { if (flag === 'before') { settings[funcName] = function () { targFunc.apply(this, arguments); srcFunc.apply(this, arguments); }; } else { settings[funcName] = function () { srcFunc.apply(this, arguments); targFunc.apply(this, arguments); }; } } else { settings[funcName] = srcFunc; } }, _ajaxSubmit: function (fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, formdata, fileId, index, vUrl) { var self = this, settings, defaults, data, processQueue; if (!self._raise('filepreajax', [formdata, fileId, index])) { return; } formdata.append('initialPreview', JSON.stringify(self.initialPreview)); formdata.append('initialPreviewConfig', JSON.stringify(self.initialPreviewConfig)); formdata.append('initialPreviewThumbTags', JSON.stringify(self.initialPreviewThumbTags)); self._initAjaxSettings(); self._mergeAjaxCallback('beforeSend', fnBefore); self._mergeAjaxCallback('success', fnSuccess); self._mergeAjaxCallback('complete', fnComplete); self._mergeAjaxCallback('error', fnError); vUrl = vUrl || self.uploadUrlThumb || self.uploadUrl; if (typeof vUrl === 'function') { vUrl = vUrl(); } data = self._getExtraData(fileId, index) || {}; if (typeof data === 'object') { $.each(data, function (key, value) { formdata.append(key, value); }); } defaults = { xhr: function () { var xhrobj = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); return self._initXhr(xhrobj, fileId, self.fileManager.count()); }, url: self._encodeURI(vUrl), type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: formdata, cache: false, processData: false, contentType: false }; settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, self._ajaxSettings); self.ajaxQueue.push(settings); processQueue = function () { var config, xhr; if (self.ajaxCurrentThreads < self.maxAjaxThreads) { config = self.ajaxQueue.shift(); if (typeof config !== 'undefined') { self.ajaxCurrentThreads++; xhr = $.ajax(config).done(function () { clearInterval(self.ajaxQueueIntervalId); self.ajaxCurrentThreads--; }); self.ajaxRequests.push(xhr); } } }; self.ajaxQueueIntervalId = setInterval(processQueue, self.queueDelay); }, _mergeArray: function (prop, content) { var self = this, arr1 = $h.cleanArray(self[prop]), arr2 = $h.cleanArray(content); self[prop] = arr1.concat(arr2); }, _initUploadSuccess: function (out, $thumb, allFiles) { var self = this, append, data, index, $div, $newCache, content, config, tags, i; if (!self.showPreview || typeof out !== 'object' || $.isEmptyObject(out)) { return; } if (out.initialPreview !== undefined && out.initialPreview.length > 0) { self.hasInitData = true; content = out.initialPreview || []; config = out.initialPreviewConfig || []; tags = out.initialPreviewThumbTags || []; append = out.append === undefined || out.append; if (content.length > 0 && !$h.isArray(content)) { content = content.split(self.initialPreviewDelimiter); } if (content.length) { self._mergeArray('initialPreview', content); self._mergeArray('initialPreviewConfig', config); self._mergeArray('initialPreviewThumbTags', tags); } if ($thumb !== undefined) { if (!allFiles) { index = self.previewCache.add(content[0], config[0], tags[0], append); data = self.previewCache.get(index, false); $div = $(document.createElement('div')).html(data).hide().insertAfter($thumb); $newCache = $div.find('.kv-zoom-cache'); if ($newCache && $newCache.length) { $newCache.insertAfter($thumb); } $thumb.fadeOut('slow', function () { var $newThumb = $div.find('.file-preview-frame'); if ($newThumb && $newThumb.length) { $newThumb.insertBefore($thumb).fadeIn('slow').css('display:inline-block'); } self._initPreviewActions(); self._clearFileInput(); $h.cleanZoomCache(self.$preview.find('#zoom-' + $thumb.attr('id'))); $thumb.remove(); $div.remove(); self._initSortable(); }); } else { i = $thumb.attr('data-fileindex'); self.uploadCache.content[i] = content[0]; self.uploadCache.config[i] = config[0] || []; self.uploadCache.tags[i] = tags[0] || []; self.uploadCache.append = append; } } else { self.previewCache.set(content, config, tags, append); self._initPreview(); self._initPreviewActions(); } } }, _initSuccessThumbs: function () { var self = this; if (!self.showPreview) { return; } self._getThumbs($h.FRAMES + '.file-preview-success').each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), $preview = self.$preview, $remove = $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove'); $remove.removeAttr('disabled'); self._handler($remove, 'click', function () { var id = $thumb.attr('id'), out = self._raise('filesuccessremove', [id, $thumb.attr('data-fileindex')]); $h.cleanMemory($thumb); if (out === false) { return; } $thumb.fadeOut('slow', function () { $h.cleanZoomCache($preview.find('#zoom-' + id)); $thumb.remove(); if (!self.getFrames().length) { self.reset(); } }); }); }); }, _updateInitialPreview: function () { var self = this, u = self.uploadCache, i, j, len = 0, data = self.cacheInitialPreview; if (data && data.content) { len = data.content.length; } if (self.showPreview) { self.previewCache.set(u.content, u.config, u.tags, u.append); if (len) { for (i = 0; i < u.content.length; i++) { j = i + len; data.content[j] = u.content[i]; //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable if (data.config.length) { data.config[j] = u.config[i]; } if (data.tags.length) { data.tags[j] = u.tags[i]; } } self.initialPreview = $h.cleanArray(data.content); self.initialPreviewConfig = $h.cleanArray(data.config); self.initialPreviewThumbTags = $h.cleanArray(data.tags); } else { self.initialPreview = u.content; self.initialPreviewConfig = u.config; self.initialPreviewThumbTags = u.tags; } self.cacheInitialPreview = {}; if (self.hasInitData) { self._initPreview(); self._initPreviewActions(); } } }, _uploadSingle: function (i, id, isBatch) { var self = this, fm = self.fileManager, count = fm.count(), formdata = new FormData(), outData, previewId = self.previewInitId + '-' + i, $thumb, chkComplete, $btnUpload, $btnDelete, hasPostData = count > 0 || !$.isEmptyObject(self.uploadExtraData), uploadFailed, $prog, fnBefore, errMsg, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, updateUploadLog, op = self.ajaxOperations.uploadThumb, fileObj = fm.getFile(id), params = {id: previewId, index: i, fileId: id}, fileName = self.fileManager.getFileName(id, true); if (self.enableResumableUpload) { // not enabled for resumable uploads return; } if (self.showPreview) { $thumb = self.fileManager.getThumb(id); $prog = $thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress'); $btnUpload = $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload'); $btnDelete = $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove'); $prog.show(); } if (count === 0 || !hasPostData || (self.showPreview && $btnUpload && $btnUpload.hasClass('disabled')) || self._abort(params)) { return; } updateUploadLog = function () { if (!uploadFailed) { fm.removeFile(id); } else { fm.errors.push(id); } fm.setProcessed(id); if (fm.isProcessed()) { self.fileBatchCompleted = true; } }; chkComplete = function () { var $initThumbs; if (!self.fileBatchCompleted) { return; } setTimeout(function () { var triggerReset = fm.count() === 0, errCount = fm.errors.length; self._updateInitialPreview(); self.unlock(triggerReset); if (triggerReset) { self._clearFileInput(); } $initThumbs = self.$preview.find('.file-preview-initial'); if (self.uploadAsync && $initThumbs.length) { $h.addCss($initThumbs, $h.SORT_CSS); self._initSortable(); } self._raise('filebatchuploadcomplete', [fm.stack, self._getExtraData()]); if (!self.retryErrorUploads || errCount === 0) { fm.clear(); } self._setProgress(101); self.ajaxAborted = false; }, self.processDelay); }; fnBefore = function (jqXHR) { outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR); fm.initStats(id); self.fileBatchCompleted = false; if (!isBatch) { self.ajaxAborted = false; } if (self.showPreview) { if (!$thumb.hasClass('file-preview-success')) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Loading'); $h.addCss($thumb, 'file-uploading'); } $btnUpload.attr('disabled', true); $btnDelete.attr('disabled', true); } if (!isBatch) { self.lock(); } if (fm.errors.indexOf(id) !== -1) { delete fm.errors[id]; } self._raise('filepreupload', [outData, previewId, i]); $.extend(true, params, outData); if (self._abort(params)) { jqXHR.abort(); if (!isBatch) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'New'); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); $btnUpload.removeAttr('disabled'); $btnDelete.removeAttr('disabled'); self.unlock(); } self._setProgressCancelled(); } }; fnSuccess = function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var pid = self.showPreview && $thumb.attr('id') ? $thumb.attr('id') : previewId; outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR, data); $.extend(true, params, outData); setTimeout(function () { if ($h.isEmpty(data) || $h.isEmpty(data.error)) { if (self.showPreview) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Success'); $btnUpload.hide(); self._initUploadSuccess(data, $thumb, isBatch); self._setProgress(101, $prog); } self._raise('fileuploaded', [outData, pid, i]); if (!isBatch) { self.fileManager.remove($thumb); } else { updateUploadLog(); } } else { uploadFailed = true; errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, self.msgUploadError, self.fileManager.getFileName(id)); self._showFileError(errMsg, params); self._setPreviewError($thumb, true); if (!self.retryErrorUploads) { $btnUpload.hide(); } if (isBatch) { updateUploadLog(); } self._setProgress(101, $('#' + pid).find('.file-thumb-progress'), self.msgUploadError); } }, self.processDelay); }; fnComplete = function () { setTimeout(function () { if (self.showPreview) { $btnUpload.removeAttr('disabled'); $btnDelete.removeAttr('disabled'); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); } if (!isBatch) { self.unlock(false); self._clearFileInput(); } else { chkComplete(); } self._initSuccessThumbs(); }, self.processDelay); }; fnError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, errorThrown, self.fileManager.getFileName(id)); uploadFailed = true; setTimeout(function () { if (isBatch) { updateUploadLog(); } self.fileManager.setProgress(id, 100); self._setPreviewError($thumb, true); if (!self.retryErrorUploads) { $btnUpload.hide(); } $.extend(true, params, self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR)); self._setProgress(101, $prog, self.msgAjaxProgressError.replace('{operation}', op)); self._setProgress(101, $thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress'), self.msgUploadError); self._showFileError(errMsg, params); }, self.processDelay); }; formdata.append(self.uploadFileAttr, fileObj.file, fileName); self._setUploadData(formdata, {fileId: id}); self._ajaxSubmit(fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, formdata, id, i); }, _uploadBatch: function () { var self = this, fm = self.fileManager, total = fm.total(), params = {}, fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnError, fnComplete, hasPostData = total > 0 || !$.isEmptyObject(self.uploadExtraData), errMsg, setAllUploaded, formdata = new FormData(), op = self.ajaxOperations.uploadBatch; if (total === 0 || !hasPostData || self._abort(params)) { return; } setAllUploaded = function () { self.fileManager.clear(); self._clearFileInput(); }; fnBefore = function (jqXHR) { self.lock(); fm.initStats(); var outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR); self.ajaxAborted = false; if (self.showPreview) { self._getThumbs().each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), $btnUpload = $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload'), $btnDelete = $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove'); if (!$thumb.hasClass('file-preview-success')) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Loading'); $h.addCss($thumb, 'file-uploading'); } $btnUpload.attr('disabled', true); $btnDelete.attr('disabled', true); }); } self._raise('filebatchpreupload', [outData]); if (self._abort(outData)) { jqXHR.abort(); self._getThumbs().each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), $btnUpload = $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload'), $btnDelete = $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove'); if ($thumb.hasClass('file-preview-loading')) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'New'); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); } $btnUpload.removeAttr('disabled'); $btnDelete.removeAttr('disabled'); }); self._setProgressCancelled(); } }; fnSuccess = function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { /** @namespace data.errorkeys */ var outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR, data), key = 0, $thumbs = self._getThumbs(':not(.file-preview-success)'), keys = $h.isEmpty(data) || $h.isEmpty(data.errorkeys) ? [] : data.errorkeys; if ($h.isEmpty(data) || $h.isEmpty(data.error)) { self._raise('filebatchuploadsuccess', [outData]); setAllUploaded(); if (self.showPreview) { $thumbs.each(function () { var $thumb = $(this); self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Success'); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload').hide().removeAttr('disabled'); }); self._initUploadSuccess(data); } else { self.reset(); } self._setProgress(101); } else { if (self.showPreview) { $thumbs.each(function () { var $thumb = $(this); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload').removeAttr('disabled'); $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove').removeAttr('disabled'); if (keys.length === 0 || $.inArray(key, keys) !== -1) { self._setPreviewError($thumb, true); if (!self.retryErrorUploads) { $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload').hide(); self.fileManager.remove($thumb); } } else { $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload').hide(); self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Success'); self.fileManager.remove($thumb); } if (!$thumb.hasClass('file-preview-error') || self.retryErrorUploads) { key++; } }); self._initUploadSuccess(data); } errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, self.msgUploadError); self._showFileError(errMsg, outData, 'filebatchuploaderror'); self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgUploadError); } }; fnComplete = function () { self.unlock(); self._initSuccessThumbs(); self._clearFileInput(); self._raise('filebatchuploadcomplete', [self.fileManager.stack, self._getExtraData()]); }; fnError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR); errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, errorThrown); self._showFileError(errMsg, outData, 'filebatchuploaderror'); self.uploadFileCount = total - 1; if (!self.showPreview) { return; } self._getThumbs().each(function () { var $thumb = $(this); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); if (self.fileManager.getFile($thumb.attr('data-fileid'))) { self._setPreviewError($thumb); } }); self._getThumbs().removeClass('file-uploading'); self._getThumbs(' .kv-file-upload').removeAttr('disabled'); self._getThumbs(' .kv-file-delete').removeAttr('disabled'); self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgAjaxProgressError.replace('{operation}', op)); }; var ctr = 0; $.each(self.fileManager.stack, function (key, data) { if (!$h.isEmpty(data.file)) { formdata.append(self.uploadFileAttr, data.file, (data.nameFmt || ('untitled_' + ctr))); } ctr++; }); self._ajaxSubmit(fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, formdata); }, _uploadExtraOnly: function () { var self = this, params = {}, fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, formdata = new FormData(), errMsg, op = self.ajaxOperations.uploadExtra; if (self._abort(params)) { return; } fnBefore = function (jqXHR) { self.lock(); var outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR); self._raise('filebatchpreupload', [outData]); self._setProgress(50); params.data = outData; params.xhr = jqXHR; if (self._abort(params)) { jqXHR.abort(); self._setProgressCancelled(); } }; fnSuccess = function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR, data); if ($h.isEmpty(data) || $h.isEmpty(data.error)) { self._raise('filebatchuploadsuccess', [outData]); self._clearFileInput(); self._initUploadSuccess(data); self._setProgress(101); } else { errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, self.msgUploadError); self._showFileError(errMsg, outData, 'filebatchuploaderror'); } }; fnComplete = function () { self.unlock(); self._clearFileInput(); self._raise('filebatchuploadcomplete', [self.fileManager.stack, self._getExtraData()]); }; fnError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var outData = self._getOutData(formdata, jqXHR); errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, errorThrown); params.data = outData; self._showFileError(errMsg, outData, 'filebatchuploaderror'); self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgAjaxProgressError.replace('{operation}', op)); }; self._ajaxSubmit(fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnComplete, fnError, formdata); }, _deleteFileIndex: function ($frame) { var self = this, ind = $frame.attr('data-fileindex'), rev = self.reversePreviewOrder; if (ind.substring(0, 5) === 'init_') { ind = parseInt(ind.replace('init_', '')); self.initialPreview = $h.spliceArray(self.initialPreview, ind, rev); self.initialPreviewConfig = $h.spliceArray(self.initialPreviewConfig, ind, rev); self.initialPreviewThumbTags = $h.spliceArray(self.initialPreviewThumbTags, ind, rev); self.getFrames().each(function () { var $nFrame = $(this), nInd = $nFrame.attr('data-fileindex'); if (nInd.substring(0, 5) === 'init_') { nInd = parseInt(nInd.replace('init_', '')); if (nInd > ind) { nInd--; $nFrame.attr('data-fileindex', 'init_' + nInd); } } }); if (self.uploadAsync || self.enableResumableUpload) { self.cacheInitialPreview = self.getPreview(); } } }, _initFileActions: function () { var self = this, $preview = self.$preview; if (!self.showPreview) { return; } self._initZoomButton(); self.getFrames(' .kv-file-remove').each(function () { var $el = $(this), $frame = $el.closest($h.FRAMES), hasError, id = $frame.attr('id'), ind = $frame.attr('data-fileindex'), n, cap, status; self._handler($el, 'click', function () { status = self._raise('filepreremove', [id, ind]); if (status === false || !self._validateMinCount()) { return false; } hasError = $frame.hasClass('file-preview-error'); $h.cleanMemory($frame); $frame.fadeOut('slow', function () { $h.cleanZoomCache($preview.find('#zoom-' + id)); self.fileManager.remove($frame); self._clearObjects($frame); $frame.remove(); if (id && hasError) { self.$errorContainer.find('li[data-thumb-id="' + id + '"]').fadeOut('fast', function () { $(this).remove(); if (!self._errorsExist()) { self._resetErrors(); } }); } self._clearFileInput(); var chk = self.previewCache.count(true), len = self.fileManager.count(), file, hasThumb = self.showPreview && self.getFrames().length; if (len === 0 && chk === 0 && !hasThumb) { self.reset(); } else { n = chk + len; if (n > 1) { cap = self._getMsgSelected(n); } else { file = self.fileManager.getFirstFile(); cap = file ? file.nameFmt : '_'; } self._setCaption(cap); } self._raise('fileremoved', [id, ind]); }); }); }); self.getFrames(' .kv-file-upload').each(function () { var $el = $(this); self._handler($el, 'click', function () { var $frame = $el.closest($h.FRAMES), id = $frame.attr('data-fileid'); self.$progress.hide(); if ($frame.hasClass('file-preview-error') && !self.retryErrorUploads) { return; } self._uploadSingle(self.fileManager.getIndex(id), id, false); }); }); }, _initPreviewActions: function () { var self = this, $preview = self.$preview, deleteExtraData = self.deleteExtraData || {}, btnRemove = $h.FRAMES + ' .kv-file-remove', settings = self.fileActionSettings, origClass = settings.removeClass, errClass = settings.removeErrorClass, resetProgress = function () { var hasFiles = self.isAjaxUpload ? self.previewCache.count(true) : self._inputFileCount(); if (!self.getFrames().length && !hasFiles) { self._setCaption(''); self.reset(); self.initialCaption = ''; } }; self._initZoomButton(); $preview.find(btnRemove).each(function () { var $el = $(this), vUrl = $el.data('url') || self.deleteUrl, vKey = $el.data('key'), errMsg, fnBefore, fnSuccess, fnError, op = self.ajaxOperations.deleteThumb; if ($h.isEmpty(vUrl) || vKey === undefined) { return; } if (typeof vUrl === 'function') { vUrl = vUrl(); } var $frame = $el.closest($h.FRAMES), cache = self.previewCache.data, settings, params, config, fileName, extraData, index = $frame.attr('data-fileindex'); index = parseInt(index.replace('init_', '')); config = $h.isEmpty(cache.config) && $h.isEmpty(cache.config[index]) ? null : cache.config[index]; extraData = $h.isEmpty(config) || $h.isEmpty(config.extra) ? deleteExtraData : config.extra; fileName = config.filename || config.caption || ''; if (typeof extraData === 'function') { extraData = extraData(); } params = {id: $el.attr('id'), key: vKey, extra: extraData}; fnBefore = function (jqXHR) { self.ajaxAborted = false; self._raise('filepredelete', [vKey, jqXHR, extraData]); if (self._abort()) { jqXHR.abort(); } else { $el.removeClass(errClass); $h.addCss($frame, 'file-uploading'); $h.addCss($el, 'disabled ' + origClass); } }; fnSuccess = function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { var n, cap; if (!$h.isEmpty(data) && !$h.isEmpty(data.error)) { params.jqXHR = jqXHR; params.response = data; errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, self.msgDeleteError, fileName); self._showFileError(errMsg, params, 'filedeleteerror'); $frame.removeClass('file-uploading'); $el.removeClass('disabled ' + origClass).addClass(errClass); resetProgress(); return; } $frame.removeClass('file-uploading').addClass('file-deleted'); $frame.fadeOut('slow', function () { index = parseInt(($frame.attr('data-fileindex')).replace('init_', '')); self.previewCache.unset(index); self._deleteFileIndex($frame); n = self.previewCache.count(true); cap = n > 0 ? self._getMsgSelected(n) : ''; self._setCaption(cap); self._raise('filedeleted', [vKey, jqXHR, extraData]); $h.cleanZoomCache($preview.find('#zoom-' + $frame.attr('id'))); self._clearObjects($frame); $frame.remove(); resetProgress(); }); }; fnError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { var errMsg = self._parseError(op, jqXHR, errorThrown, fileName); params.jqXHR = jqXHR; params.response = {}; self._showFileError(errMsg, params, 'filedeleteerror'); $frame.removeClass('file-uploading'); $el.removeClass('disabled ' + origClass).addClass(errClass); resetProgress(); }; self._initAjaxSettings(); self._mergeAjaxCallback('beforeSend', fnBefore, 'delete'); self._mergeAjaxCallback('success', fnSuccess, 'delete'); self._mergeAjaxCallback('error', fnError, 'delete'); settings = $.extend(true, {}, { url: self._encodeURI(vUrl), type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: $.extend(true, {}, {key: vKey}, extraData) }, self._ajaxDeleteSettings); self._handler($el, 'click', function () { if (!self._validateMinCount()) { return false; } self.ajaxAborted = false; self._raise('filebeforedelete', [vKey, extraData]); //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable,JSHint if (self.ajaxAborted instanceof Promise) { self.ajaxAborted.then(function (result) { if (!result) { $.ajax(settings); } }); } else { if (!self.ajaxAborted) { $.ajax(settings); } } }); }); }, _hideFileIcon: function () { var self = this; if (self.overwriteInitial) { self.$captionContainer.removeClass('icon-visible'); } }, _showFileIcon: function () { var self = this; $h.addCss(self.$captionContainer, 'icon-visible'); }, _getSize: function (bytes, sizes) { var self = this, size = parseFloat(bytes), i, func = self.fileSizeGetter, out; if (!$.isNumeric(bytes) || !$.isNumeric(size)) { return ''; } if (typeof func === 'function') { out = func(size); } else { if (size === 0) { out = '0.00 B'; } else { i = Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)); if (!sizes) { sizes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; } out = (size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + ' ' + sizes[i]; } } return self._getLayoutTemplate('size').replace('{sizeText}', out); }, _getFileType: function (ftype) { var self = this; return self.mimeTypeAliases[ftype] || ftype; }, _generatePreviewTemplate: function ( cat, data, fname, ftype, previewId, fileId, isError, size, frameClass, foot, ind, templ, attrs, zoomData ) { var self = this, caption = self.slug(fname), prevContent, zoomContent = '', styleAttribs = '', screenW = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth, config, newCat = self.preferIconicPreview ? 'other' : cat, title = caption, alt = caption, footer = foot || self._renderFileFooter(cat, caption, size, 'auto', isError), hasIconSetting = self._getPreviewIcon(fname), typeCss = 'type-default', forcePrevIcon = hasIconSetting && self.preferIconicPreview, forceZoomIcon = hasIconSetting && self.preferIconicZoomPreview, getContent; config = screenW < 400 ? (self.previewSettingsSmall[newCat] || self.defaults.previewSettingsSmall[newCat]) : (self.previewSettings[newCat] || self.defaults.previewSettings[newCat]); if (config) { $.each(config, function (key, val) { styleAttribs += key + ':' + val + ';'; }); } getContent = function (c, d, zoom, frameCss) { var id = zoom ? 'zoom-' + previewId : previewId, tmplt = self._getPreviewTemplate(c), css = (frameClass || '') + ' ' + frameCss; if (self.frameClass) { css = self.frameClass + ' ' + css; } if (zoom) { css = css.replace(' ' + $h.SORT_CSS, ''); } tmplt = self._parseFilePreviewIcon(tmplt, fname); if (c === 'text') { d = $h.htmlEncode(d); } if (cat === 'object' && !ftype) { $.each(self.defaults.fileTypeSettings, function (key, func) { if (key === 'object' || key === 'other') { return; } if (func(fname, ftype)) { typeCss = 'type-' + key; } }); } if (!$h.isEmpty(attrs)) { if (attrs.title !== undefined && attrs.title !== null) { title = attrs.title; } if (attrs.alt !== undefined && attrs.alt !== null) { title = attrs.alt; } } return tmplt.setTokens({ 'previewId': id, 'caption': caption, 'title': title, 'alt': alt, 'frameClass': css, 'type': self._getFileType(ftype), 'fileindex': ind, 'fileid': fileId || '', 'typeCss': typeCss, 'footer': footer, 'data': d, 'template': templ || cat, 'style': styleAttribs ? 'style="' + styleAttribs + '"' : '' }); }; ind = ind || previewId.slice(previewId.lastIndexOf('-') + 1); if (self.fileActionSettings.showZoom) { zoomContent = getContent((forceZoomIcon ? 'other' : cat), zoomData ? zoomData : data, true, 'kv-zoom-thumb'); } zoomContent = '\n' + self._getLayoutTemplate('zoomCache').replace('{zoomContent}', zoomContent); if (typeof self.sanitizeZoomCache === 'function') { zoomContent = self.sanitizeZoomCache(zoomContent); } prevContent = getContent((forcePrevIcon ? 'other' : cat), data, false, 'kv-preview-thumb'); return prevContent + zoomContent; }, _addToPreview: function ($preview, content) { var self = this; return self.reversePreviewOrder ? $preview.prepend(content) : $preview.append(content); }, _previewDefault: function (file, previewId, isDisabled) { var self = this, $preview = self.$preview; if (!self.showPreview) { return; } var fname = $h.getFileName(file), ftype = file ? file.type : '', content, size = file.size || 0, caption = self._getFileName(file, ''), isError = isDisabled === true && !self.isAjaxUpload, data = $h.createObjectURL(file), fileId = self.fileManager.getId(file); self._clearDefaultPreview(); content = self._generatePreviewTemplate('other', data, fname, ftype, previewId, fileId, isError, size); self._addToPreview($preview, content); self._setThumbAttr(previewId, caption, size); if (isDisabled === true && self.isAjaxUpload) { self._setThumbStatus($('#' + previewId), 'Error'); } }, canPreview: function (file) { var self = this; if (!file || !self.showPreview || !self.$preview || !self.$preview.length) { return false; } var name = file.name || '', type = file.type || '', size = (file.size || 0) / 1000, cat = self._parseFileType(type, name), allowedTypes, allowedMimes, allowedExts, skipPreview, types = self.allowedPreviewTypes, mimes = self.allowedPreviewMimeTypes, exts = self.allowedPreviewExtensions || [], dTypes = self.disabledPreviewTypes, dMimes = self.disabledPreviewMimeTypes, dExts = self.disabledPreviewExtensions || [], maxSize = self.maxFilePreviewSize && parseFloat(self.maxFilePreviewSize) || 0, expAllExt = new RegExp('\\.(' + exts.join('|') + ')$', 'i'), expDisExt = new RegExp('\\.(' + dExts.join('|') + ')$', 'i'); allowedTypes = !types || types.indexOf(cat) !== -1; allowedMimes = !mimes || mimes.indexOf(type) !== -1; allowedExts = !exts.length || $h.compare(name, expAllExt); skipPreview = (dTypes && dTypes.indexOf(cat) !== -1) || (dMimes && dMimes.indexOf(type) !== -1) || (dExts.length && $h.compare(name, expDisExt)) || (maxSize && !isNaN(maxSize) && size > maxSize); return !skipPreview && (allowedTypes || allowedMimes || allowedExts); }, _previewFile: function (i, file, theFile, previewId, data, fileInfo) { if (!this.showPreview) { return; } var self = this, fname = $h.getFileName(file), ftype = fileInfo.type, caption = fileInfo.name, cat = self._parseFileType(ftype, fname), content, $preview = self.$preview, fsize = file.size || 0, iData = (cat === 'text' || cat === 'html' || cat === 'image') ? theFile.target.result : data, fileId = self.fileManager.getId(file); /** @namespace window.DOMPurify */ if (cat === 'html' && self.purifyHtml && window.DOMPurify) { iData = window.DOMPurify.sanitize(iData); } content = self._generatePreviewTemplate(cat, iData, fname, ftype, previewId, fileId, false, fsize); self._clearDefaultPreview(); self._addToPreview($preview, content); var $thumb = $preview.find('#' + previewId), $img = $thumb.find('img'), id = $thumb.attr('data-fileid'); self._validateImageOrientation($img, file, previewId, id, caption, ftype, fsize, iData); self._setThumbAttr(previewId, caption, fsize); self._initSortable(); }, _setThumbAttr: function (id, caption, size) { var self = this, $frame = $('#' + id); if ($frame.length) { size = size && size > 0 ? self._getSize(size) : ''; $frame.data({'caption': caption, 'size': size}); } }, _setInitThumbAttr: function () { var self = this, data = self.previewCache.data, len = self.previewCache.count(true), config, caption, size, previewId; if (len === 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { config = data.config[i]; previewId = self.previewInitId + '-' + 'init_' + i; caption = $h.ifSet('caption', config, $h.ifSet('filename', config)); size = $h.ifSet('size', config); self._setThumbAttr(previewId, caption, size); } }, _slugDefault: function (text) { // noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape return $h.isEmpty(text) ? '' : String(text).replace(/[\[\]\/\{}:;#%=\(\)\*\+\?\\\^\$\|<>&"']/g, '_'); }, _updateFileDetails: function (numFiles) { var self = this, $el = self.$element, label, n, log, nFiles, file, name = ($h.isIE(9) && $h.findFileName($el.val())) || ($el[0].files[0] && $el[0].files[0].name); if (!name && self.fileManager.count() > 0) { file = self.fileManager.getFirstFile(); label = file.nameFmt; } else { label = name ? self.slug(name) : '_'; } n = self.isAjaxUpload ? self.fileManager.count() : numFiles; nFiles = self.previewCache.count(true) + n; log = n === 1 ? label : self._getMsgSelected(nFiles); if (self.isError) { self.$previewContainer.removeClass('file-thumb-loading'); self.$previewStatus.html(''); self.$captionContainer.removeClass('icon-visible'); } else { self._showFileIcon(); } self._setCaption(log, self.isError); self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new file-input-ajax-new'); if (arguments.length === 1) { self._raise('fileselect', [numFiles, label]); } if (self.previewCache.count(true)) { self._initPreviewActions(); } }, _setThumbStatus: function ($thumb, status) { var self = this; if (!self.showPreview) { return; } var icon = 'indicator' + status, msg = icon + 'Title', css = 'file-preview-' + status.toLowerCase(), $indicator = $thumb.find('.file-upload-indicator'), config = self.fileActionSettings; $thumb.removeClass('file-preview-success file-preview-error file-preview-paused file-preview-loading'); if (status === 'Success') { $thumb.find('.file-drag-handle').remove(); } $indicator.html(config[icon]); $indicator.attr('title', config[msg]); $thumb.addClass(css); if (status === 'Error' && !self.retryErrorUploads) { $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload').attr('disabled', true); } }, _setProgressCancelled: function () { var self = this; self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgCancelled); }, _setProgress: function (p, $el, error, stats) { var self = this; $el = $el || self.$progress; if (!$el.length) { return; } var pct = Math.min(p, 100), out, pctLimit = self.progressUploadThreshold, t = p <= 100 ? self.progressTemplate : self.progressCompleteTemplate, template = pct < 100 ? self.progressTemplate : (error ? (self.paused ? self.progressPauseTemplate : self.progressErrorTemplate) : t); if (p >= 100) { stats = ''; } if (!$h.isEmpty(template)) { if (pctLimit && pct > pctLimit && p <= 100) { out = template.setTokens({'percent': pctLimit, 'status': self.msgUploadThreshold}); } else { out = template.setTokens({'percent': pct, 'status': (p > 100 ? self.msgUploadEnd : pct + '%')}); } stats = stats || ''; out = out.setTokens({stats: stats}); $el.html(out); if (error) { $el.find('[role="progressbar"]').html(error); } } }, _setFileDropZoneTitle: function () { var self = this, $zone = self.$container.find('.file-drop-zone'), title = self.dropZoneTitle, strFiles; if (self.isClickable) { strFiles = $h.isEmpty(self.$element.attr('multiple')) ? self.fileSingle : self.filePlural; title += self.dropZoneClickTitle.replace('{files}', strFiles); } $zone.find('.' + self.dropZoneTitleClass).remove(); if (!self.showPreview || $zone.length === 0 || self.fileManager.count() > 0 || !self.dropZoneEnabled || (!self.isAjaxUpload && self.$element.files)) { return; } if ($zone.find($h.FRAMES).length === 0 && $h.isEmpty(self.defaultPreviewContent)) { $zone.prepend('
    ' + title + '
    '); } self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new'); $h.addCss(self.$container, 'file-input-ajax-new'); }, _getStats: function (stats) { var self = this, pendingTime, t; if (!self.showUploadStats || !stats || !stats.bitrate) { return ''; } t = self._getLayoutTemplate('stats'); pendingTime = (!stats.elapsed || !stats.bps) ? self.msgCalculatingTime : self.msgPendingTime.setTokens({time: $h.getElapsed(Math.ceil(stats.pendingBytes / stats.bps))}); return t.setTokens({ uploadSpeed: stats.bitrate, pendingTime: pendingTime }); }, _setResumableProgress: function (pct, stats, $thumb) { var self = this, rm = self.resumableManager, obj = $thumb ? rm : self, $prog = $thumb ? $thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress') : null; if (obj.lastProgress === 0) { obj.lastProgress = pct; } if (pct < obj.lastProgress) { pct = obj.lastProgress; } self._setProgress(pct, $prog, null, self._getStats(stats)); obj.lastProgress = pct; }, _setFileUploadStats: function (id, pct, total, stats) { var self = this, $prog = self.$progress; if (!self.showPreview && (!$prog || !$prog.length)) { return; } var fm = self.fileManager, $thumb = fm.getThumb(id), pctTot, rm = self.resumableManager, totUpSize = 0, totSize = fm.getTotalSize(), totStats = $.extend(true, {}, stats); if (self.enableResumableUpload) { var loaded = stats.loaded, currUplSize = rm.getUploadedSize(), currTotSize = rm.file.size, totLoaded; loaded += currUplSize; totLoaded = fm.uploadedSize + loaded; pct = $h.round(100 * loaded / currTotSize); stats.pendingBytes = currTotSize - currUplSize; self._setResumableProgress(pct, stats, $thumb); pctTot = Math.floor(100 * totLoaded / totSize); totStats.pendingBytes = totSize - totLoaded; self._setResumableProgress(pctTot, totStats); } else { fm.setProgress(id, pct); $prog = $thumb && $thumb.length ? $thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress') : null; self._setProgress(pct, $prog, null, self._getStats(stats)); $.each(fm.stats, function (id, cfg) { totUpSize += cfg.loaded; }); totStats.pendingBytes = totSize - totUpSize; pctTot = $h.round(totUpSize / totSize * 100); self._setProgress(pctTot, null, null, self._getStats(totStats)); } }, _validateMinCount: function () { var self = this, len = self.isAjaxUpload ? self.fileManager.count() : self._inputFileCount(); if (self.validateInitialCount && self.minFileCount > 0 && self._getFileCount(len - 1) < self.minFileCount) { self._noFilesError({}); return false; } return true; }, _getFileCount: function (fileCount) { var self = this, addCount = 0; if (self.validateInitialCount && !self.overwriteInitial) { addCount = self.previewCache.count(true); fileCount += addCount; } return fileCount; }, _getFileId: function (file) { return $h.getFileId(file, this.generateFileId); }, _getFileName: function (file, defaultValue) { var self = this, fileName = $h.getFileName(file); return fileName ? self.slug(fileName) : defaultValue; }, _getFileNames: function (skipNull) { var self = this; return self.filenames.filter(function (n) { return (skipNull ? n !== undefined : n !== undefined && n !== null); }); }, _setPreviewError: function ($thumb, keepFile) { var self = this, removeFrame = self.removeFromPreviewOnError && !self.retryErrorUploads; if (!keepFile || removeFrame) { self.fileManager.remove($thumb); } if (!self.showPreview) { return; } if (removeFrame) { $thumb.remove(); return; } else { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Error'); } self._refreshUploadButton($thumb); }, _refreshUploadButton: function ($thumb) { var self = this, $btn = $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload'), cfg = self.fileActionSettings, icon = cfg.uploadIcon, title = cfg.uploadTitle; if (!$btn.length) { return; } if (self.retryErrorUploads) { icon = cfg.uploadRetryIcon; title = cfg.uploadRetryTitle; } $btn.attr('title', title).html(icon); }, _checkDimensions: function (i, chk, $img, $thumb, fname, type, params) { var self = this, msg, dim, tag = chk === 'Small' ? 'min' : 'max', limit = self[tag + 'Image' + type], $imgEl, isValid; if ($h.isEmpty(limit) || !$img.length) { return; } $imgEl = $img[0]; dim = (type === 'Width') ? $imgEl.naturalWidth || $imgEl.width : $imgEl.naturalHeight || $imgEl.height; isValid = chk === 'Small' ? dim >= limit : dim <= limit; if (isValid) { return; } msg = self['msgImage' + type + chk].setTokens({'name': fname, 'size': limit}); self._showFileError(msg, params); self._setPreviewError($thumb); }, _getExifObj: function (data) { var self = this, exifObj = null, error = $h.logMessages.exifWarning; if (data.slice(0, 23) !== 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' && data.slice(0, 22) !== 'data:image/jpg;base64,') { exifObj = null; return; } try { exifObj = window.piexif ? window.piexif.load(data) : null; } catch (err) { exifObj = null; error = err && err.message || ''; } if (!exifObj) { self._log($h.logMessages.badExifParser, {details: error}); } return exifObj; }, setImageOrientation: function ($img, $zoomImg, value, $thumb) { var self = this, invalidImg = !$img || !$img.length, invalidZoomImg = !$zoomImg || !$zoomImg.length, $mark, isHidden = false, $div, zoomOnly = invalidImg && $thumb && $thumb.attr('data-template') === 'image', ev; if (invalidImg && invalidZoomImg) { return; } ev = 'load.fileinputimageorient'; if (zoomOnly) { $img = $zoomImg; $zoomImg = null; $img.css(self.previewSettings.image); $div = $(document.createElement('div')).appendTo($thumb.find('.kv-file-content')); $mark = $(document.createElement('span')).insertBefore($img); $img.css('visibility', 'hidden').removeClass('file-zoom-detail').appendTo($div); } else { isHidden = !$img.is(':visible'); } $img.off(ev).on(ev, function () { if (isHidden) { self.$preview.removeClass('hide-content'); $thumb.find('.kv-file-content').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } var img = $img.get(0), zoomImg = $zoomImg && $zoomImg.length ? $zoomImg.get(0) : null, h = img.offsetHeight, w = img.offsetWidth, r = $h.getRotation(value); if (isHidden) { $thumb.find('.kv-file-content').css('visibility', 'visible'); self.$preview.addClass('hide-content'); } $img.data('orientation', value); if (zoomImg) { $zoomImg.data('orientation', value); } if (value < 5) { $h.setTransform(img, r); $h.setTransform(zoomImg, r); return; } var offsetAngle = Math.atan(w / h), origFactor = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, 2) + Math.pow(w, 2)), scale = !origFactor ? 1 : (h / Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 + offsetAngle)) / origFactor, s = ' scale(' + Math.abs(scale) + ')'; $h.setTransform(img, r + s); $h.setTransform(zoomImg, r + s); if (zoomOnly) { $img.css('visibility', 'visible').insertAfter($mark).addClass('file-zoom-detail'); $mark.remove(); $div.remove(); } }); }, _validateImageOrientation: function ($img, file, previewId, fileId, caption, ftype, fsize, iData) { var self = this, exifObj, value, autoOrientImage = self.autoOrientImage; exifObj = autoOrientImage ? self._getExifObj(iData) : null; value = exifObj ? exifObj['0th'][piexif.ImageIFD.Orientation] : null; // jshint ignore:line if (!value) { self._validateImage(previewId, fileId, caption, ftype, fsize, iData, exifObj); return; } self.setImageOrientation($img, $('#zoom-' + previewId + ' img'), value, $('#' + previewId)); self._raise('fileimageoriented', {'$img': $img, 'file': file}); self._validateImage(previewId, fileId, caption, ftype, fsize, iData, exifObj); }, _validateImage: function (previewId, fileId, fname, ftype, fsize, iData, exifObj) { var self = this, $preview = self.$preview, params, w1, w2, $thumb = $preview.find('#' + previewId), i = $thumb.attr('data-fileindex'), $img = $thumb.find('img'); fname = fname || 'Untitled'; $img.one('load', function () { w1 = $thumb.width(); w2 = $preview.width(); if (w1 > w2) { $img.css('width', '100%'); } params = {ind: i, id: previewId, fileId: fileId}; self._checkDimensions(i, 'Small', $img, $thumb, fname, 'Width', params); self._checkDimensions(i, 'Small', $img, $thumb, fname, 'Height', params); if (!self.resizeImage) { self._checkDimensions(i, 'Large', $img, $thumb, fname, 'Width', params); self._checkDimensions(i, 'Large', $img, $thumb, fname, 'Height', params); } self._raise('fileimageloaded', [previewId]); self.fileManager.addImage(fileId, { ind: i, img: $img, thumb: $thumb, pid: previewId, typ: ftype, siz: fsize, validated: false, imgData: iData, exifObj: exifObj }); $thumb.data('exif', exifObj); self._validateAllImages(); }).one('error', function () { self._raise('fileimageloaderror', [previewId]); }).each(function () { if (this.complete) { $(this).trigger('load'); } else { if (this.error) { $(this).trigger('error'); } } }); }, _validateAllImages: function () { var self = this, counter = {val: 0}, numImgs = self.fileManager.getImageCount(), fsize, minSize = self.resizeIfSizeMoreThan; if (numImgs !== self.fileManager.totalImages) { return; } self._raise('fileimagesloaded'); if (!self.resizeImage) { return; } $.each(self.fileManager.loadedImages, function (id, config) { if (!config.validated) { fsize = config.siz; if (fsize && fsize > minSize * 1000) { self._getResizedImage(id, config, counter, numImgs); } config.validated = true; } }); }, _getResizedImage: function (id, config, counter, numImgs) { var self = this, img = $(config.img)[0], width = img.naturalWidth, height = img.naturalHeight, blob, ratio = 1, maxWidth = self.maxImageWidth || width, maxHeight = self.maxImageHeight || height, isValidImage = !!(width && height), chkWidth, chkHeight, canvas = self.imageCanvas, dataURI, context = self.imageCanvasContext, type = config.typ, pid = config.pid, ind = config.ind, $thumb = config.thumb, throwError, msg, exifObj = config.exifObj, exifStr, file, params, evParams; throwError = function (msg, params, ev) { if (self.isAjaxUpload) { self._showFileError(msg, params, ev); } else { self._showError(msg, params, ev); } self._setPreviewError($thumb); }; file = self.fileManager.getFile(id); params = {id: pid, 'index': ind, fileId: id}; evParams = [id, pid, ind]; if (!file || !isValidImage || (width <= maxWidth && height <= maxHeight)) { if (isValidImage && file) { self._raise('fileimageresized', evParams); } counter.val++; if (counter.val === numImgs) { self._raise('fileimagesresized'); } if (!isValidImage) { throwError(self.msgImageResizeError, params, 'fileimageresizeerror'); return; } } type = type || self.resizeDefaultImageType; chkWidth = width > maxWidth; chkHeight = height > maxHeight; if (self.resizePreference === 'width') { ratio = chkWidth ? maxWidth / width : (chkHeight ? maxHeight / height : 1); } else { ratio = chkHeight ? maxHeight / height : (chkWidth ? maxWidth / width : 1); } self._resetCanvas(); width *= ratio; height *= ratio; canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; try { context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); dataURI = canvas.toDataURL(type, self.resizeQuality); if (exifObj) { exifStr = window.piexif.dump(exifObj); dataURI = window.piexif.insert(exifStr, dataURI); } blob = $h.dataURI2Blob(dataURI); self.fileManager.setFile(id, blob); self._raise('fileimageresized', evParams); counter.val++; if (counter.val === numImgs) { self._raise('fileimagesresized', [undefined, undefined]); } if (!(blob instanceof Blob)) { throwError(self.msgImageResizeError, params, 'fileimageresizeerror'); } } catch (err) { counter.val++; if (counter.val === numImgs) { self._raise('fileimagesresized', [undefined, undefined]); } msg = self.msgImageResizeException.replace('{errors}', err.message); throwError(msg, params, 'fileimageresizeexception'); } }, _initBrowse: function ($container) { var self = this, $el = self.$element; if (self.showBrowse) { self.$btnFile = $container.find('.btn-file').append($el); } else { $el.appendTo($container).attr('tabindex', -1); $h.addCss($el, 'file-no-browse'); } }, _initClickable: function () { var self = this, $zone, $tmpZone; if (!self.isClickable) { return; } $zone = self.$dropZone; if (!self.isAjaxUpload) { $tmpZone = self.$preview.find('.file-default-preview'); if ($tmpZone.length) { $zone = $tmpZone; } } $h.addCss($zone, 'clickable'); $zone.attr('tabindex', -1); self._handler($zone, 'click', function (e) { var $tar = $(e.target); if (!$(self.elErrorContainer + ':visible').length && (!$tar.parents('.file-preview-thumbnails').length || $tar.parents( '.file-default-preview').length)) { self.$element.data('zoneClicked', true).trigger('click'); $zone.blur(); } }); }, _initCaption: function () { var self = this, cap = self.initialCaption || ''; if (self.overwriteInitial || $h.isEmpty(cap)) { self.$caption.val(''); return false; } self._setCaption(cap); return true; }, _setCaption: function (content, isError) { var self = this, title, out, icon, n, cap, file; if (!self.$caption.length) { return; } self.$captionContainer.removeClass('icon-visible'); if (isError) { title = $('
    ' + self.msgValidationError + '
    ').text(); n = self.fileManager.count(); if (n) { file = self.fileManager.getFirstFile(); cap = n === 1 && file ? file.nameFmt : self._getMsgSelected(n); } else { cap = self._getMsgSelected(self.msgNo); } out = $h.isEmpty(content) ? cap : content; icon = '' + self.msgValidationErrorIcon + ''; } else { if ($h.isEmpty(content)) { return; } title = $('
    ' + content + '
    ').text(); out = title; icon = self._getLayoutTemplate('fileIcon'); } self.$captionContainer.addClass('icon-visible'); self.$caption.attr('title', title).val(out); self.$captionIcon.html(icon); }, _createContainer: function () { var self = this, attribs = {'class': 'file-input file-input-new' + (self.rtl ? ' kv-rtl' : '')}, $container = $(document.createElement('div')).attr(attribs).html(self._renderMain()); $container.insertBefore(self.$element); self._initBrowse($container); if (self.theme) { $container.addClass('theme-' + self.theme); } return $container; }, _refreshContainer: function () { var self = this, $container = self.$container, $el = self.$element; $el.insertAfter($container); $container.html(self._renderMain()); self._initBrowse($container); self._validateDisabled(); }, _validateDisabled: function () { var self = this; self.$caption.attr({readonly: self.isDisabled}); }, _renderMain: function () { var self = this, dropCss = self.dropZoneEnabled ? ' file-drop-zone' : 'file-drop-disabled', close = !self.showClose ? '' : self._getLayoutTemplate('close'), preview = !self.showPreview ? '' : self._getLayoutTemplate('preview') .setTokens({'class': self.previewClass, 'dropClass': dropCss}), css = self.isDisabled ? self.captionClass + ' file-caption-disabled' : self.captionClass, caption = self.captionTemplate.setTokens({'class': css + ' kv-fileinput-caption'}); return self.mainTemplate.setTokens({ 'class': self.mainClass + (!self.showBrowse && self.showCaption ? ' no-browse' : ''), 'preview': preview, 'close': close, 'caption': caption, 'upload': self._renderButton('upload'), 'remove': self._renderButton('remove'), 'cancel': self._renderButton('cancel'), 'pause': self._renderButton('pause'), 'browse': self._renderButton('browse') }); }, _renderButton: function (type) { var self = this, tmplt = self._getLayoutTemplate('btnDefault'), css = self[type + 'Class'], title = self[type + 'Title'], icon = self[type + 'Icon'], label = self[type + 'Label'], status = self.isDisabled ? ' disabled' : '', btnType = 'button'; switch (type) { case 'remove': if (!self.showRemove) { return ''; } break; case 'cancel': if (!self.showCancel) { return ''; } css += ' kv-hidden'; break; case 'pause': if (!self.showPause) { return ''; } css += ' kv-hidden'; break; case 'upload': if (!self.showUpload) { return ''; } if (self.isAjaxUpload && !self.isDisabled) { tmplt = self._getLayoutTemplate('btnLink').replace('{href}', self.uploadUrl); } else { btnType = 'submit'; } break; case 'browse': if (!self.showBrowse) { return ''; } tmplt = self._getLayoutTemplate('btnBrowse'); break; default: return ''; } css += type === 'browse' ? ' btn-file' : ' fileinput-' + type + ' fileinput-' + type + '-button'; if (!$h.isEmpty(label)) { label = ' ' + label + ''; } return tmplt.setTokens({ 'type': btnType, 'css': css, 'title': title, 'status': status, 'icon': icon, 'label': label }); }, _renderThumbProgress: function () { var self = this; return '
    ' + self.progressInfoTemplate.setTokens({percent: 101, status: self.msgUploadBegin, stats: ''}) + '
    '; }, _renderFileFooter: function (cat, caption, size, width, isError) { var self = this, config = self.fileActionSettings, rem = config.showRemove, drg = config.showDrag, upl = config.showUpload, zoom = config.showZoom, out, params, template = self._getLayoutTemplate('footer'), tInd = self._getLayoutTemplate('indicator'), ind = isError ? config.indicatorError : config.indicatorNew, title = isError ? config.indicatorErrorTitle : config.indicatorNewTitle, indicator = tInd.setTokens({'indicator': ind, 'indicatorTitle': title}); size = self._getSize(size); params = {type: cat, caption: caption, size: size, width: width, progress: '', indicator: indicator}; if (self.isAjaxUpload) { params.progress = self._renderThumbProgress(); params.actions = self._renderFileActions(params, upl, false, rem, zoom, drg, false, false, false); } else { params.actions = self._renderFileActions(params, false, false, false, zoom, drg, false, false, false); } out = template.setTokens(params); out = $h.replaceTags(out, self.previewThumbTags); return out; }, _renderFileActions: function ( cfg, showUpl, showDwn, showDel, showZoom, showDrag, disabled, url, key, isInit, dUrl, dFile ) { var self = this; if (!cfg.type && isInit) { cfg.type = 'image'; } if (self.enableResumableUpload) { showUpl = false; } else { if (typeof showUpl === 'function') { showUpl = showUpl(cfg); } } if (typeof showDwn === 'function') { showDwn = showDwn(cfg); } if (typeof showDel === 'function') { showDel = showDel(cfg); } if (typeof showZoom === 'function') { showZoom = showZoom(cfg); } if (typeof showDrag === 'function') { showDrag = showDrag(cfg); } if (!showUpl && !showDwn && !showDel && !showZoom && !showDrag) { return ''; } var vUrl = url === false ? '' : ' data-url="' + url + '"', btnZoom = '', btnDrag = '', css, vKey = key === false ? '' : ' data-key="' + key + '"', btnDelete = '', btnUpload = '', btnDownload = '', template = self._getLayoutTemplate('actions'), config = self.fileActionSettings, otherButtons = self.otherActionButtons.setTokens({'dataKey': vKey, 'key': key}), removeClass = disabled ? config.removeClass + ' disabled' : config.removeClass; if (showDel) { btnDelete = self._getLayoutTemplate('actionDelete').setTokens({ 'removeClass': removeClass, 'removeIcon': config.removeIcon, 'removeTitle': config.removeTitle, 'dataUrl': vUrl, 'dataKey': vKey, 'key': key }); } if (showUpl) { btnUpload = self._getLayoutTemplate('actionUpload').setTokens({ 'uploadClass': config.uploadClass, 'uploadIcon': config.uploadIcon, 'uploadTitle': config.uploadTitle }); } if (showDwn) { btnDownload = self._getLayoutTemplate('actionDownload').setTokens({ 'downloadClass': config.downloadClass, 'downloadIcon': config.downloadIcon, 'downloadTitle': config.downloadTitle, 'downloadUrl': dUrl || self.initialPreviewDownloadUrl }); btnDownload = btnDownload.setTokens({'filename': dFile, 'key': key}); } if (showZoom) { btnZoom = self._getLayoutTemplate('actionZoom').setTokens({ 'zoomClass': config.zoomClass, 'zoomIcon': config.zoomIcon, 'zoomTitle': config.zoomTitle }); } if (showDrag && isInit) { css = 'drag-handle-init ' + config.dragClass; btnDrag = self._getLayoutTemplate('actionDrag').setTokens({ 'dragClass': css, 'dragTitle': config.dragTitle, 'dragIcon': config.dragIcon }); } return template.setTokens({ 'delete': btnDelete, 'upload': btnUpload, 'download': btnDownload, 'zoom': btnZoom, 'drag': btnDrag, 'other': otherButtons }); }, _browse: function (e) { var self = this; if (e && e.isDefaultPrevented() || !self._raise('filebrowse')) { return; } if (self.isError && !self.isAjaxUpload) { self.clear(); } self.$captionContainer.focus(); }, _change: function (e) { var self = this; if (self.changeTriggered) { return; } var $el = self.$element, isDragDrop = arguments.length > 1, isAjaxUpload = self.isAjaxUpload, tfiles, files = isDragDrop ? arguments[1] : $el.get(0).files, total, maxCount = !isAjaxUpload && $h.isEmpty($el.attr('multiple')) ? 1 : self.maxFileCount, len, ctr = self.fileManager.count(), isSingleUpload = $h.isEmpty($el.attr('multiple')), flagSingle = (isSingleUpload && ctr > 0), throwError = function (mesg, file, previewId, index) { var p1 = $.extend(true, {}, self._getOutData(null, {}, {}, files), {id: previewId, index: index}), p2 = {id: previewId, index: index, file: file, files: files}; return isAjaxUpload ? self._showFileError(mesg, p1) : self._showError(mesg, p2); }, maxCountCheck = function (n, m) { var msg = self.msgFilesTooMany.replace('{m}', m).replace('{n}', n); self.isError = throwError(msg, null, null, null); self.$captionContainer.removeClass('icon-visible'); self._setCaption('', true); self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new file-input-ajax-new'); }; self.reader = null; self._resetUpload(); self._hideFileIcon(); if (self.dropZoneEnabled) { self.$container.find('.file-drop-zone .' + self.dropZoneTitleClass).remove(); } if (!isAjaxUpload) { if (e.target && e.target.files === undefined) { files = e.target.value ? [{name: e.target.value.replace(/^.+\\/, '')}] : []; } else { files = e.target.files || {}; } } tfiles = files; if ($h.isEmpty(tfiles) || tfiles.length === 0) { if (!isAjaxUpload) { self.clear(); } self._raise('fileselectnone'); return; } self._resetErrors(); len = tfiles.length; total = self._getFileCount(isAjaxUpload ? (self.fileManager.count() + len) : len); if (maxCount > 0 && total > maxCount) { if (!self.autoReplace || len > maxCount) { maxCountCheck((self.autoReplace && len > maxCount ? len : total), maxCount); return; } if (total > maxCount) { self._resetPreviewThumbs(isAjaxUpload); } } else { if (!isAjaxUpload || flagSingle) { self._resetPreviewThumbs(false); if (flagSingle) { self.clearFileStack(); } } else { if (isAjaxUpload && ctr === 0 && (!self.previewCache.count(true) || self.overwriteInitial)) { self._resetPreviewThumbs(true); } } } self.readFiles(tfiles); }, _abort: function (params) { var self = this, data; if (self.ajaxAborted && typeof self.ajaxAborted === 'object' && self.ajaxAborted.message !== undefined) { data = $.extend(true, {}, self._getOutData(null), params); data.abortData = self.ajaxAborted.data || {}; data.abortMessage = self.ajaxAborted.message; self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgCancelled); self._showFileError(self.ajaxAborted.message, data, 'filecustomerror'); self.cancel(); return true; } return !!self.ajaxAborted; }, _resetFileStack: function () { var self = this, i = 0; self._getThumbs().each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), ind = $thumb.attr('data-fileindex'), pid = $thumb.attr('id'); if (ind === '-1' || ind === -1) { return; } if (!self.fileManager.getFile($thumb.attr('data-fileid'))) { $thumb.attr({'id': self.previewInitId + '-' + i, 'data-fileindex': i}); i++; } else { $thumb.attr({'id': 'uploaded-' + $h.uniqId(), 'data-fileindex': '-1'}); } self.$preview.find('#zoom-' + pid).attr({ 'id': 'zoom-' + $thumb.attr('id'), 'data-fileindex': $thumb.attr('data-fileindex') }); }); }, _isFileSelectionValid: function (cnt) { var self = this; cnt = cnt || 0; if (self.required && !self.getFilesCount()) { self.$errorContainer.html(''); self._showFileError(self.msgFileRequired); return false; } if (self.minFileCount > 0 && self._getFileCount(cnt) < self.minFileCount) { self._noFilesError({}); return false; } return true; }, clearFileStack: function () { var self = this; self.fileManager.clear(); self._initResumableUpload(); if (self.enableResumableUpload) { if (self.showPause === null) { self.showPause = true; } if (self.showCancel === null) { self.showCancel = false; } } else { self.showPause = false; if (self.showCancel === null) { self.showCancel = true; } } return self.$element; }, getFileStack: function () { return this.fileManager.stack; }, getFileList: function () { return this.fileManager.list(); }, getFilesCount: function () { var self = this, len = self.isAjaxUpload ? self.fileManager.count() : self._inputFileCount(); return self._getFileCount(len); }, readFiles: function (files) { this.reader = new FileReader(); var self = this, $el = self.$element, reader = self.reader, $container = self.$previewContainer, $status = self.$previewStatus, msgLoading = self.msgLoading, msgProgress = self.msgProgress, previewInitId = self.previewInitId, numFiles = files.length, settings = self.fileTypeSettings, ctr = self.fileManager.count(), readFile, fileTypes = self.allowedFileTypes, typLen = fileTypes ? fileTypes.length : 0, fileExt = self.allowedFileExtensions, strExt = $h.isEmpty(fileExt) ? '' : fileExt.join(', '), throwError = function (msg, file, previewId, index, fileId) { var p1 = $.extend(true, {}, self._getOutData(null, {}, {}, files), {id: previewId, index: index, fileId: fileId}), $thumb = $('#' + previewId), p2 = {id: previewId, index: index, fileId: fileId, file: file, files: files}; self._previewDefault(file, previewId, true); if (self.isAjaxUpload) { setTimeout(function () { readFile(index + 1); }, self.processDelay); } else { numFiles = 0; } self._initFileActions(); $thumb.remove(); self.isError = self.isAjaxUpload ? self._showFileError(msg, p1) : self._showError(msg, p2); self._updateFileDetails(numFiles); }; self.fileManager.clearImages(); $.each(files, function (key, file) { var func = self.fileTypeSettings.image; if (func && func(file.type)) { self.fileManager.totalImages++; } }); readFile = function (i) { if ($h.isEmpty($el.attr('multiple'))) { numFiles = 1; } if (i >= numFiles) { if (self.isAjaxUpload && self.fileManager.count() > 0) { self._raise('filebatchselected', [self.fileManager.stack]); } else { self._raise('filebatchselected', [files]); } $container.removeClass('file-thumb-loading'); $status.html(''); return; } var node = ctr + i, previewId = previewInitId + '-' + node, file = files[i], fSizeKB, j, msg, $thumb, fnText = settings.text, fnImage = settings.image, fnHtml = settings.html, typ, chk, typ1, typ2, caption = self._getFileName(file, ''), fileSize = (file && file.size || 0) / 1000, fileExtExpr = '', previewData = $h.createObjectURL(file), fileCount = 0, strTypes = '', fileId, func, knownTypes = 0, isText, isHtml, isImage, txtFlag, processFileLoaded = function () { var msg = msgProgress.setTokens({ 'index': i + 1, 'files': numFiles, 'percent': 50, 'name': caption }); setTimeout(function () { $status.html(msg); self._updateFileDetails(numFiles); readFile(i + 1); }, self.processDelay); self._raise('fileloaded', [file, previewId, i, reader]); }; if (!file) { return; } fileId = self.fileManager.getId(file); if (typLen > 0) { for (j = 0; j < typLen; j++) { typ1 = fileTypes[j]; typ2 = self.msgFileTypes[typ1] || typ1; strTypes += j === 0 ? typ2 : ', ' + typ2; } } if (caption === false) { readFile(i + 1); return; } if (caption.length === 0) { msg = self.msgInvalidFileName.replace('{name}', $h.htmlEncode($h.getFileName(file), '[unknown]')); throwError(msg, file, previewId, i, fileId); return; } if (!$h.isEmpty(fileExt)) { fileExtExpr = new RegExp('\\.(' + fileExt.join('|') + ')$', 'i'); } fSizeKB = fileSize.toFixed(2); if (self.maxFileSize > 0 && fileSize > self.maxFileSize) { msg = self.msgSizeTooLarge.setTokens({ 'name': caption, 'size': fSizeKB, 'maxSize': self.maxFileSize }); throwError(msg, file, previewId, i, fileId); return; } if (self.minFileSize !== null && fileSize <= $h.getNum(self.minFileSize)) { msg = self.msgSizeTooSmall.setTokens({ 'name': caption, 'size': fSizeKB, 'minSize': self.minFileSize }); throwError(msg, file, previewId, i, fileId); return; } if (!$h.isEmpty(fileTypes) && $h.isArray(fileTypes)) { for (j = 0; j < fileTypes.length; j += 1) { typ = fileTypes[j]; func = settings[typ]; fileCount += !func || (typeof func !== 'function') ? 0 : (func(file.type, $h.getFileName(file)) ? 1 : 0); } if (fileCount === 0) { msg = self.msgInvalidFileType.setTokens({name: caption, types: strTypes}); throwError(msg, file, previewId, i, fileId); return; } } if (fileCount === 0 && !$h.isEmpty(fileExt) && $h.isArray(fileExt) && !$h.isEmpty(fileExtExpr)) { chk = $h.compare(caption, fileExtExpr); fileCount += $h.isEmpty(chk) ? 0 : chk.length; if (fileCount === 0) { msg = self.msgInvalidFileExtension.setTokens({name: caption, extensions: strExt}); throwError(msg, file, previewId, i, fileId); return; } } if (self.isAjaxUpload && self.fileManager.exists(fileId)) { msg = self.msgDuplicateFile.setTokens({name: caption, size: fSizeKB}); throwError(msg, file, previewId, i, fileId); $thumb = $('#' + previewId); if ($thumb && $thumb.length) { $thumb.remove(); } return; } if (!self.canPreview(file)) { if (self.isAjaxUpload) { self.fileManager.add(file); } if (self.showPreview) { $container.addClass('file-thumb-loading'); self._previewDefault(file, previewId); self._initFileActions(); } setTimeout(function () { self._updateFileDetails(numFiles); readFile(i + 1); self._raise('fileloaded', [file, previewId, i]); }, 10); return; } isText = fnText(file.type, caption); isHtml = fnHtml(file.type, caption); isImage = fnImage(file.type, caption); $status.html(msgLoading.replace('{index}', i + 1).replace('{files}', numFiles)); $container.addClass('file-thumb-loading'); reader.onerror = function (evt) { self._errorHandler(evt, caption); }; reader.onload = function (theFile) { var hex, fileInfo, uint, byte, bytes = [], contents, mime, readTextImage = function (textFlag) { var newReader = new FileReader(); newReader.onerror = function (theFileNew) { self._errorHandler(theFileNew, caption); }; newReader.onload = function (theFileNew) { self._previewFile(i, file, theFileNew, previewId, previewData, fileInfo); self._initFileActions(); processFileLoaded(); }; if (textFlag) { newReader.readAsText(file, self.textEncoding); } else { newReader.readAsDataURL(file); } }; fileInfo = {'name': caption, 'type': file.type}; $.each(settings, function (k, f) { if (k !== 'object' && k !== 'other' && typeof f === 'function' && f(file.type, caption)) { knownTypes++; } }); if (knownTypes === 0) {// auto detect mime types from content if no known file types detected uint = new Uint8Array(theFile.target.result); for (j = 0; j < uint.length; j++) { byte = uint[j].toString(16); bytes.push(byte); } hex = bytes.join('').toLowerCase().substring(0, 8); mime = $h.getMimeType(hex, '', ''); if ($h.isEmpty(mime)) { // look for ascii text content contents = $h.arrayBuffer2String(reader.result); mime = $h.isSvg(contents) ? 'image/svg+xml' : $h.getMimeType(hex, contents, file.type); } fileInfo = {'name': caption, 'type': mime}; isText = fnText(mime, ''); isHtml = fnHtml(mime, ''); isImage = fnImage(mime, ''); txtFlag = isText || isHtml; if (txtFlag || isImage) { readTextImage(txtFlag); return; } } self._previewFile(i, file, theFile, previewId, previewData, fileInfo); self._initFileActions(); processFileLoaded(); }; reader.onprogress = function (data) { if (data.lengthComputable) { var fact = (data.loaded / data.total) * 100, progress = Math.ceil(fact); msg = msgProgress.setTokens({ 'index': i + 1, 'files': numFiles, 'percent': progress, 'name': caption }); setTimeout(function () { $status.html(msg); }, self.processDelay); } }; if (isText || isHtml) { reader.readAsText(file, self.textEncoding); } else { if (isImage) { reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else { reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } } self.fileManager.add(file); }; readFile(0); self._updateFileDetails(numFiles, false); }, lock: function () { var self = this, $container = self.$container; self._resetErrors(); self.disable(); $container.addClass('is-locked'); if (self.showCancel) { $container.find('.fileinput-cancel').show(); } if (self.showPause) { $container.find('.fileinput-pause').show(); } self._raise('filelock', [self.fileManager.stack, self._getExtraData()]); return self.$element; }, unlock: function (reset) { var self = this, $container = self.$container; if (reset === undefined) { reset = true; } self.enable(); $container.removeClass('is-locked'); if (self.showCancel) { $container.find('.fileinput-cancel').hide(); } if (self.showPause) { $container.find('.fileinput-pause').hide(); } if (reset) { self._resetFileStack(); } self._raise('fileunlock', [self.fileManager.stack, self._getExtraData()]); return self.$element; }, resume: function () { var self = this, flag = false, $pr = self.$progress, rm = self.resumableManager; if (!self.enableResumableUpload) { return self.$element; } if (self.paused) { $pr.html(self.progressPauseTemplate.setTokens({ percent: 101, status: self.msgUploadResume, stats: '' })); } else { flag = true; } self.paused = false; if (flag) { $pr.html(self.progressInfoTemplate.setTokens({ percent: 101, status: self.msgUploadBegin, stats: '' })); } setTimeout(function () { rm.upload(); }, self.processDelay); return self.$element; }, pause: function () { var self = this, rm = self.resumableManager, xhr = self.ajaxRequests, len = xhr.length, i, pct = rm.getProgress(), actions = self.fileActionSettings; if (!self.enableResumableUpload) { return self.$element; } if (rm.chunkIntervalId) { clearInterval(rm.chunkIntervalId); } if (self.ajaxQueueIntervalId) { clearInterval(self.ajaxQueueIntervalId); } self._raise('fileuploadpaused', [self.fileManager, rm]); if (len > 0) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { self.paused = true; xhr[i].abort(); } } if (self.showPreview) { self._getThumbs().each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), fileId = $thumb.attr('data-fileid'), t = self._getLayoutTemplate('stats'), stats, $indicator = $thumb.find('.file-upload-indicator'); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); if ($indicator.attr('title') === actions.indicatorLoadingTitle) { self._setThumbStatus($thumb, 'Paused'); stats = t.setTokens({pendingTime: self.msgPaused, uploadSpeed: ''}); self.paused = true; self._setProgress(pct, $thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress'), pct + '%', stats); } if (!self.fileManager.getFile(fileId)) { $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } self._setProgress(101, self.$progress, self.msgPaused); return self.$element; }, cancel: function () { var self = this, xhr = self.ajaxRequests, rm = self.resumableManager, len = xhr.length, i; if (self.enableResumableUpload && rm.chunkIntervalId) { clearInterval(rm.chunkIntervalId); rm.reset(); self._raise('fileuploadcancelled', [self.fileManager, rm]); } else { self._raise('fileuploadcancelled', [self.fileManager]); } if (self.ajaxQueueIntervalId) { clearInterval(self.ajaxQueueIntervalId); } self._initAjax(); if (len > 0) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { self.cancelling = true; xhr[i].abort(); } } self._getThumbs().each(function () { var $thumb = $(this), fileId = $thumb.attr('data-fileid'), $prog = $thumb.find('.file-thumb-progress'); $thumb.removeClass('file-uploading'); self._setProgress(0, $prog); $prog.hide(); if (!self.fileManager.getFile(fileId)) { $thumb.find('.kv-file-upload').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); $thumb.find('.kv-file-remove').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } self.unlock(); }); setTimeout(function () { self._setProgressCancelled(); }, self.processDelay); return self.$element; }, clear: function () { var self = this, cap; if (!self._raise('fileclear')) { return; } self.$btnUpload.removeAttr('disabled'); self._getThumbs().find('video,audio,img').each(function () { $h.cleanMemory($(this)); }); self._clearFileInput(); self._resetUpload(); self.clearFileStack(); self._resetErrors(true); if (self._hasInitialPreview()) { self._showFileIcon(); self._resetPreview(); self._initPreviewActions(); self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new'); } else { self._getThumbs().each(function () { self._clearObjects($(this)); }); if (self.isAjaxUpload) { self.previewCache.data = {}; } self.$preview.html(''); cap = (!self.overwriteInitial && self.initialCaption.length > 0) ? self.initialCaption : ''; self.$caption.attr('title', '').val(cap); $h.addCss(self.$container, 'file-input-new'); self._validateDefaultPreview(); } if (self.$container.find($h.FRAMES).length === 0) { if (!self._initCaption()) { self.$captionContainer.removeClass('icon-visible'); } } self._hideFileIcon(); self.$captionContainer.focus(); self._setFileDropZoneTitle(); self._raise('filecleared'); return self.$element; }, reset: function () { var self = this; if (!self._raise('filereset')) { return; } self.lastProgress = 0; self._resetPreview(); self.$container.find('.fileinput-filename').text(''); $h.addCss(self.$container, 'file-input-new'); if (self.getFrames().length || self.dropZoneEnabled) { self.$container.removeClass('file-input-new'); } self.clearFileStack(); self._setFileDropZoneTitle(); return self.$element; }, disable: function () { var self = this; self.isDisabled = true; self._raise('filedisabled'); self.$element.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); self.$container.find('.kv-fileinput-caption').addClass('file-caption-disabled'); self.$container.find('.fileinput-remove, .fileinput-upload, .file-preview-frame button') .attr('disabled', true); $h.addCss(self.$container.find('.btn-file'), 'disabled'); self._initDragDrop(); return self.$element; }, enable: function () { var self = this; self.isDisabled = false; self._raise('fileenabled'); self.$element.removeAttr('disabled'); self.$container.find('.kv-fileinput-caption').removeClass('file-caption-disabled'); self.$container.find('.fileinput-remove, .fileinput-upload, .file-preview-frame button') .removeAttr('disabled'); self.$container.find('.btn-file').removeClass('disabled'); self._initDragDrop(); return self.$element; }, upload: function () { var self = this, fm = self.fileManager, totLen = fm.count(), i, outData, len, hasExtraData = !$.isEmptyObject(self._getExtraData()); if (!self.isAjaxUpload || self.isDisabled || !self._isFileSelectionValid(totLen)) { return; } self.lastProgress = 0; self._resetUpload(); if (totLen === 0 && !hasExtraData) { self._showFileError(self.msgUploadEmpty); return; } self.cancelling = false; self.$progress.show(); self.lock(); len = fm.count(); if (totLen === 0 && hasExtraData) { self._setProgress(2); self._uploadExtraOnly(); return; } if (self.enableResumableUpload) { return self.resume(); } if (self.uploadAsync || self.enableResumableUpload) { outData = self._getOutData(null); self._raise('filebatchpreupload', [outData]); self.fileBatchCompleted = false; self.uploadCache = {content: [], config: [], tags: [], append: true}; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { self.uploadCache.content[i] = null; self.uploadCache.config[i] = null; self.uploadCache.tags[i] = null; } self.$preview.find('.file-preview-initial').removeClass($h.SORT_CSS); self._initSortable(); self.cacheInitialPreview = self.getPreview(); } self._setProgress(2); self.hasInitData = false; if (self.uploadAsync) { i = 0; $.each(fm.stack, function (id) { self._uploadSingle(i, id, true); i++; }); return; } self._uploadBatch(); return self.$element; }, destroy: function () { var self = this, $form = self.$form, $cont = self.$container, $el = self.$element, ns = self.namespace; $(document).off(ns); $(window).off(ns); if ($form && $form.length) { $form.off(ns); } if (self.isAjaxUpload) { self._clearFileInput(); } self._cleanup(); self._initPreviewCache(); $el.insertBefore($cont).off(ns).removeData(); $cont.off().remove(); return $el; }, refresh: function (options) { var self = this, $el = self.$element; if (typeof options !== 'object' || $h.isEmpty(options)) { options = self.options; } else { options = $.extend(true, {}, self.options, options); } self._init(options, true); self._listen(); return $el; }, zoom: function (frameId) { var self = this, $frame = self._getFrame(frameId), $modal = self.$modal; if (!$frame) { return; } $h.initModal($modal); $modal.html(self._getModalContent()); self._setZoomContent($frame); $modal.modal('show'); self._initZoomButtons(); }, getExif: function (frameId) { var self = this, $frame = self._getFrame(frameId); return $frame && $frame.data('exif') || null; }, getFrames: function (cssFilter) { var self = this, $frames; cssFilter = cssFilter || ''; $frames = self.$preview.find($h.FRAMES + cssFilter); if (self.reversePreviewOrder) { $frames = $($frames.get().reverse()); } return $frames; }, getPreview: function () { var self = this; return { content: self.initialPreview, config: self.initialPreviewConfig, tags: self.initialPreviewThumbTags }; } }; $.fn.fileinput = function (option) { if (!$h.hasFileAPISupport() && !$h.isIE(9)) { return; } var args = Array.apply(null, arguments), retvals = []; args.shift(); this.each(function () { var self = $(this), data = self.data('fileinput'), options = typeof option === 'object' && option, theme = options.theme || self.data('theme'), l = {}, t = {}, lang = options.language || self.data('language') || $.fn.fileinput.defaults.language || 'en', opt; if (!data) { if (theme) { t = $.fn.fileinputThemes[theme] || {}; } if (lang !== 'en' && !$h.isEmpty($.fn.fileinputLocales[lang])) { l = $.fn.fileinputLocales[lang] || {}; } opt = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.fileinput.defaults, t, $.fn.fileinputLocales.en, l, options, self.data()); data = new FileInput(this, opt); self.data('fileinput', data); } if (typeof option === 'string') { retvals.push(data[option].apply(data, args)); } }); switch (retvals.length) { case 0: return this; case 1: return retvals[0]; default: return retvals; } }; //noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute $.fn.fileinput.defaults = { language: 'en', showCaption: true, showBrowse: true, showPreview: true, showRemove: true, showUpload: true, showUploadStats: true, showCancel: null, showPause: null, showClose: true, showUploadedThumbs: true, browseOnZoneClick: false, autoReplace: false, autoOrientImage: function () { // applicable for JPEG images only and non ios safari var ua = window.navigator.userAgent, webkit = !!ua.match(/WebKit/i), iOS = !!ua.match(/iP(od|ad|hone)/i), iOSSafari = iOS && webkit && !ua.match(/CriOS/i); return !iOSSafari; }, autoOrientImageInitial: true, required: false, rtl: false, hideThumbnailContent: false, encodeUrl: true, generateFileId: null, previewClass: '', captionClass: '', frameClass: 'krajee-default', mainClass: 'file-caption-main', mainTemplate: null, purifyHtml: true, fileSizeGetter: null, initialCaption: '', initialPreview: [], initialPreviewDelimiter: '*$$*', initialPreviewAsData: false, initialPreviewFileType: 'image', initialPreviewConfig: [], initialPreviewThumbTags: [], previewThumbTags: {}, initialPreviewShowDelete: true, initialPreviewDownloadUrl: '', removeFromPreviewOnError: false, deleteUrl: '', deleteExtraData: {}, overwriteInitial: true, sanitizeZoomCache: function (content) { var $container = $(document.createElement('div')).append(content); $container.find('input,select,.file-thumbnail-footer').remove(); return $container.html(); }, previewZoomButtonIcons: { prev: '', next: '', toggleheader: '', fullscreen: '', borderless: '', close: '' }, previewZoomButtonClasses: { prev: 'btn btn-navigate', next: 'btn btn-navigate', toggleheader: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', fullscreen: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', borderless: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary', close: 'btn btn-sm btn-kv btn-default btn-outline-secondary' }, previewTemplates: {}, previewContentTemplates: {}, preferIconicPreview: false, preferIconicZoomPreview: false, allowedFileTypes: null, allowedFileExtensions: null, allowedPreviewTypes: undefined, allowedPreviewMimeTypes: null, allowedPreviewExtensions: null, disabledPreviewTypes: undefined, disabledPreviewExtensions: ['msi', 'exe', 'com', 'zip', 'rar', 'app', 'vb', 'scr'], disabledPreviewMimeTypes: null, defaultPreviewContent: null, customLayoutTags: {}, customPreviewTags: {}, previewFileIcon: '', previewFileIconClass: 'file-other-icon', previewFileIconSettings: {}, previewFileExtSettings: {}, buttonLabelClass: 'hidden-xs', browseIcon: ' ', browseClass: 'btn btn-primary', removeIcon: '', removeClass: 'btn btn-default btn-secondary', cancelIcon: '', cancelClass: 'btn btn-default btn-secondary', pauseIcon: '', pauseClass: 'btn btn-default btn-secondary', uploadIcon: '', uploadClass: 'btn btn-default btn-secondary', uploadUrl: null, uploadUrlThumb: null, uploadAsync: true, uploadParamNames: { chunkCount: 'chunkCount', chunkIndex: 'chunkIndex', chunkSize: 'chunkSize', chunkSizeStart: 'chunkSizeStart', chunksUploaded: 'chunksUploaded', fileBlob: 'fileBlob', fileId: 'fileId', fileName: 'fileName', fileRelativePath: 'fileRelativePath', fileSize: 'fileSize', retryCount: 'retryCount' }, maxAjaxThreads: 5, processDelay: 100, queueDelay: 10, // must be lesser than process delay progressDelay: 0, // must be lesser than process delay enableResumableUpload: false, resumableUploadOptions: { fallback: null, testUrl: null, // used for checking status of chunks/ files previously / partially uploaded chunkSize: 2 * 1024, // in KB maxThreads: 4, maxRetries: 3, showErrorLog: true }, uploadExtraData: {}, zoomModalHeight: 480, minImageWidth: null, minImageHeight: null, maxImageWidth: null, maxImageHeight: null, resizeImage: false, resizePreference: 'width', resizeQuality: 0.92, resizeDefaultImageType: 'image/jpeg', resizeIfSizeMoreThan: 0, // in KB minFileSize: 0, maxFileSize: 0, maxFilePreviewSize: 25600, // 25 MB minFileCount: 0, maxFileCount: 0, validateInitialCount: false, msgValidationErrorClass: 'text-danger', msgValidationErrorIcon: ' ', msgErrorClass: 'file-error-message', progressThumbClass: 'progress-bar progress-bar-striped active', progressClass: 'progress-bar bg-success progress-bar-success progress-bar-striped active', progressInfoClass: 'progress-bar bg-info progress-bar-info progress-bar-striped active', progressCompleteClass: 'progress-bar bg-success progress-bar-success', progressPauseClass: 'progress-bar bg-primary progress-bar-primary progress-bar-striped active', progressErrorClass: 'progress-bar bg-danger progress-bar-danger', progressUploadThreshold: 99, previewFileType: 'image', elCaptionContainer: null, elCaptionText: null, elPreviewContainer: null, elPreviewImage: null, elPreviewStatus: null, elErrorContainer: null, errorCloseButton: $h.closeButton('kv-error-close'), slugCallback: null, dropZoneEnabled: true, dropZoneTitleClass: 'file-drop-zone-title', fileActionSettings: {}, otherActionButtons: '', textEncoding: 'UTF-8', ajaxSettings: {}, ajaxDeleteSettings: {}, showAjaxErrorDetails: true, mergeAjaxCallbacks: false, mergeAjaxDeleteCallbacks: false, retryErrorUploads: true, reversePreviewOrder: false, usePdfRenderer: function () { //noinspection JSUnresolvedVariable var isIE11 = !!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!document.documentMode; return !!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad|Android)/i) || isIE11; }, pdfRendererUrl: '', pdfRendererTemplate: '' }; // noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute $.fn.fileinputLocales.en = { fileSingle: 'file', filePlural: 'files', browseLabel: 'Browse …', removeLabel: 'Remove', removeTitle: 'Clear all unprocessed files', cancelLabel: 'Cancel', cancelTitle: 'Abort ongoing upload', pauseLabel: 'Pause', pauseTitle: 'Pause ongoing upload', uploadLabel: 'Upload', uploadTitle: 'Upload selected files', msgNo: 'No', msgNoFilesSelected: 'No files selected', msgCancelled: 'Cancelled', msgPaused: 'Paused', msgPlaceholder: 'Select {files}...', msgZoomModalHeading: 'Detailed Preview', msgFileRequired: 'You must select a file to upload.', msgSizeTooSmall: 'File "{name}" ({size} KB) is too small and must be larger than {minSize} KB.', msgSizeTooLarge: 'File "{name}" ({size} KB) exceeds maximum allowed upload size of {maxSize} KB.', msgFilesTooLess: 'You must select at least {n} {files} to upload.', msgFilesTooMany: 'Number of files selected for upload ({n}) exceeds maximum allowed limit of {m}.', msgFileNotFound: 'File "{name}" not found!', msgFileSecured: 'Security restrictions prevent reading the file "{name}".', msgFileNotReadable: 'File "{name}" is not readable.', msgFilePreviewAborted: 'File preview aborted for "{name}".', msgFilePreviewError: 'An error occurred while reading the file "{name}".', msgInvalidFileName: 'Invalid or unsupported characters in file name "{name}".', msgInvalidFileType: 'Invalid type for file "{name}". Only "{types}" files are supported.', msgInvalidFileExtension: 'Invalid extension for file "{name}". Only "{extensions}" files are supported.', msgFileTypes: { 'image': 'image', 'html': 'HTML', 'text': 'text', 'video': 'video', 'audio': 'audio', 'flash': 'flash', 'pdf': 'PDF', 'object': 'object' }, msgUploadAborted: 'The file upload was aborted', msgUploadThreshold: 'Processing...', msgUploadBegin: 'Initializing...', msgUploadEnd: 'Done', msgUploadResume: 'Resuming upload...', msgUploadEmpty: 'No valid data available for upload.', msgUploadError: 'Upload Error', msgDeleteError: 'Delete Error', msgProgressError: 'Error', msgValidationError: 'Validation Error', msgLoading: 'Loading file {index} of {files} …', msgProgress: 'Loading file {index} of {files} - {name} - {percent}% completed.', msgSelected: '{n} {files} selected', msgFoldersNotAllowed: 'Drag & drop files only! {n} folder(s) dropped were skipped.', msgImageWidthSmall: 'Width of image file "{name}" must be at least {size} px.', msgImageHeightSmall: 'Height of image file "{name}" must be at least {size} px.', msgImageWidthLarge: 'Width of image file "{name}" cannot exceed {size} px.', msgImageHeightLarge: 'Height of image file "{name}" cannot exceed {size} px.', msgImageResizeError: 'Could not get the image dimensions to resize.', msgImageResizeException: 'Error while resizing the image.
    ', msgAjaxError: 'Something went wrong with the {operation} operation. Please try again later!', msgAjaxProgressError: '{operation} failed', msgDuplicateFile: 'File "{name}" of same size "{size} KB" has already been selected earlier. Skipping duplicate selection.', msgResumableUploadRetriesExceeded: 'Upload aborted beyond {max} retries for file {file}! Error Details:
    ', msgPendingTime: '{time} remaining', msgCalculatingTime: 'calculating time remaining', ajaxOperations: { deleteThumb: 'file delete', uploadThumb: 'file upload', uploadBatch: 'batch file upload', uploadExtra: 'form data upload' }, dropZoneTitle: 'Drag & drop files here …', dropZoneClickTitle: '
    (or click to select {files})', previewZoomButtonTitles: { prev: 'View previous file', next: 'View next file', toggleheader: 'Toggle header', fullscreen: 'Toggle full screen', borderless: 'Toggle borderless mode', close: 'Close detailed preview' } }; $.fn.fileinput.Constructor = FileInput; /** * Convert automatically file inputs with class 'file' into a bootstrap fileinput control. */ $(document).ready(function () { var $input = $('input.file[type=file]'); if ($input.length) { $input.fileinput(); } }); }));