.TH "Esys_Quote" 3 "Fri Oct 7 2022" "Version 3.2.0" "tpm2-tss" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME Esys_Quote .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "TSS2_RC \fBEsys_Quote_Async\fP (\fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP *esysContext, \fBESYS_TR\fP signHandle, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle1, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle2, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle3, const TPM2B_DATA *qualifyingData, const TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *inScheme, const TPML_PCR_SELECTION *PCRselect)" .br .ti -1c .RI "TSS2_RC \fBEsys_Quote\fP (\fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP *esysContext, \fBESYS_TR\fP signHandle, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle1, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle2, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle3, const TPM2B_DATA *qualifyingData, const TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *inScheme, const TPML_PCR_SELECTION *PCRselect, TPM2B_ATTEST **quoted, TPMT_SIGNATURE **signature)" .br .ti -1c .RI "TSS2_RC \fBEsys_Quote_Finish\fP (\fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP *esysContext, TPM2B_ATTEST **quoted, TPMT_SIGNATURE **signature)" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP ESAPI function to invoke the TPM2_Quote command either as a one-call or in an asynchronous manner\&. .SH "Function Documentation" .PP .SS "TSS2_RC Esys_Quote (\fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP * esysContext, \fBESYS_TR\fP signHandle, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle1, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle2, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle3, const TPM2B_DATA * qualifyingData, const TPMT_SIG_SCHEME * inScheme, const TPML_PCR_SELECTION * PCRselect, TPM2B_ATTEST ** quoted, TPMT_SIGNATURE ** signature)" One-Call function for TPM2_Quote .PP This function invokes the TPM2_Quote command in a one-call variant\&. This means the function will block until the TPM response is available\&. All input parameters are const\&. The memory for non-simple output parameters is allocated by the function implementation\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fIesysContext\fP The \fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP\&. .br \fIsignHandle\fP Handle of key that will perform signature\&. .br \fIshandle1\fP Session handle for authorization of signHandle .br \fIshandle2\fP Second session handle\&. .br \fIshandle3\fP Third session handle\&. .br \fIqualifyingData\fP Data supplied by the caller\&. .br \fIinScheme\fP TPM2_Signing scheme to use if the scheme for signHandle is TPM2_ALG_NULL\&. .br \fIPCRselect\fP PCR set to quote\&. .br \fIquoted\fP The quoted information\&. (callee-allocated) .br \fIsignature\fP The signature over quoted \&. (callee-allocated) .RE .PP \fBReturn values:\fP .RS 4 \fITSS2_RC_SUCCESS\fP if the function call was a success\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE\fP if the esysContext or required input pointers or required output handle references are NULL\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_CONTEXT\fP if esysContext corruption is detected\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MEMORY\fP if the ESAPI cannot allocate enough memory for internal operations or return parameters\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE\fP if the context has an asynchronous operation already pending\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_RESPONSE\fP if the TPM's response does not at least contain the tag, response length, and response code\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MALFORMED_RESPONSE\fP if the TPM's response is corrupted\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_RSP_AUTH_FAILED\fP if the response HMAC from the TPM did not verify\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MULTIPLE_DECRYPT_SESSIONS\fP if more than one session has the 'decrypt' attribute bit set\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MULTIPLE_ENCRYPT_SESSIONS\fP if more than one session has the 'encrypt' attribute bit set\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_TR\fP if any of the ESYS_TR objects are unknown to the \fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP or are of the wrong type or if required ESYS_TR objects are ESYS_TR_NONE\&. .br \fITSS2_RCs\fP produced by lower layers of the software stack may be returned to the caller unaltered unless handled internally\&. .RE .PP .SS "TSS2_RC Esys_Quote_Async (\fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP * esysContext, \fBESYS_TR\fP signHandle, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle1, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle2, \fBESYS_TR\fP shandle3, const TPM2B_DATA * qualifyingData, const TPMT_SIG_SCHEME * inScheme, const TPML_PCR_SELECTION * PCRselect)" Asynchronous function for TPM2_Quote .PP This function invokes the TPM2_Quote command in a asynchronous variant\&. This means the function will return as soon as the command has been sent downwards the stack to the TPM\&. All input parameters are const\&. In order to retrieve the TPM's response call Esys_Quote_Finish\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fIesysContext\fP The \fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP\&. .br \fIsignHandle\fP Handle of key that will perform signature\&. .br \fIshandle1\fP Session handle for authorization of signHandle .br \fIshandle2\fP Second session handle\&. .br \fIshandle3\fP Third session handle\&. .br \fIqualifyingData\fP Data supplied by the caller\&. .br \fIinScheme\fP TPM2_Signing scheme to use if the scheme for signHandle is TPM2_ALG_NULL\&. .br \fIPCRselect\fP PCR set to quote\&. .RE .PP \fBReturn values:\fP .RS 4 \fIESYS_RC_SUCCESS\fP if the function call was a success\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE\fP if the esysContext or required input pointers or required output handle references are NULL\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_CONTEXT\fP if esysContext corruption is detected\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MEMORY\fP if the ESAPI cannot allocate enough memory for internal operations or return parameters\&. .br \fITSS2_RCs\fP produced by lower layers of the software stack may be returned to the caller unaltered unless handled internally\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MULTIPLE_DECRYPT_SESSIONS\fP if more than one session has the 'decrypt' attribute bit set\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MULTIPLE_ENCRYPT_SESSIONS\fP if more than one session has the 'encrypt' attribute bit set\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_TR\fP if any of the ESYS_TR objects are unknown to the \fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP or are of the wrong type or if required ESYS_TR objects are ESYS_TR_NONE\&. .RE .PP .SS "TSS2_RC Esys_Quote_Finish (\fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP * esysContext, TPM2B_ATTEST ** quoted, TPMT_SIGNATURE ** signature)" Asynchronous finish function for TPM2_Quote .PP This function returns the results of a TPM2_Quote command invoked via Esys_Quote_Finish\&. All non-simple output parameters are allocated by the function's implementation\&. NULL can be passed for every output parameter if the value is not required\&. .PP \fBParameters:\fP .RS 4 \fIesysContext\fP The \fBESYS_CONTEXT\fP\&. .br \fIquoted\fP The quoted information\&. (callee-allocated) .br \fIsignature\fP The signature over quoted \&. (callee-allocated) .RE .PP \fBReturn values:\fP .RS 4 \fITSS2_RC_SUCCESS\fP on success .br \fIESYS_RC_SUCCESS\fP if the function call was a success\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_REFERENCE\fP if the esysContext or required input pointers or required output handle references are NULL\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_CONTEXT\fP if esysContext corruption is detected\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MEMORY\fP if the ESAPI cannot allocate enough memory for internal operations or return parameters\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE\fP if the context has an asynchronous operation already pending\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_TRY_AGAIN\fP if the timeout counter expires before the TPM response is received\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_INSUFFICIENT_RESPONSE\fP if the TPM's response does not at least contain the tag, response length, and response code\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_RSP_AUTH_FAILED\fP if the response HMAC from the TPM did not verify\&. .br \fITSS2_ESYS_RC_MALFORMED_RESPONSE\fP if the TPM's response is corrupted\&. .br \fITSS2_RCs\fP produced by lower layers of the software stack may be returned to the caller unaltered unless handled internally\&. .RE .PP .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for tpm2-tss from the source code\&.