/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include #include #include "tools/fapi/tss2_template.h" /* Context struct used to store passed command line parameters */ static struct cxt { char const *path; char const *description; } ctx; /* Parse command line parameters */ static bool on_option(char key, char *value) { switch (key) { case 'i': if (value && strlen (value) > 1023) { fprintf (stderr, "The description can be at most 1023 octets\n"); return false; } ctx.description = value; break; case 'p': ctx.path = value; break; } return true; } /* Define possible command line parameters */ static bool tss2_tool_onstart(tpm2_options **opts) { struct option topts[] = { {"description", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"path" , required_argument, NULL, 'p'} }; return (*opts = tpm2_options_new ("i:p:", ARRAY_LEN(topts), topts, on_option, NULL, 0)) != NULL; } /* Execute specific tool */ static int tss2_tool_onrun (FAPI_CONTEXT *fctx) { /* Check availability of required parameters */ if (!ctx.path) { fprintf (stderr, "path is missing, use --path\n"); return -1; } /* Execute FAPI command with passed arguments */ TSS2_RC r = Fapi_SetDescription (fctx, ctx.path, ctx.description); if (r != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS){ LOG_PERR ("Fapi_SetDescription", r); return 1; } return 0; } TSS2_TOOL_REGISTER("setdescription", tss2_tool_onstart, tss2_tool_onrun, NULL)