% tpm2_ecdhkeygen(1) tpm2-tools | General Commands Manual # NAME **tpm2_ecdhkeygen**(1) - Creates an ephemeral key and uses it to generate the shared secret value using the parameters from a ECC public key. # SYNOPSIS **tpm2_ecdhkeygen** [*OPTIONS*] # DESCRIPTION **tpm2_ecdhkeygen**(1) - Creates an ephemeral key and uses it to generate the shared secret value using the parameters from a ECC public key. # OPTIONS * **-c**, **\--context**=_FILE_: Context object pointing to ECC public key. Either a file or a handle number. See section "Context Object Format". * **-u**, **\--public**=_FILE_: Output ECC point Q. * **-o**, **\--output**=_FILE_ Specify file path to save the calculated ecdh secret or Z point. ## References [algorithm specifiers](common/alg.md) details the options for specifying cryptographic algorithms _ALGORITHM_. [common options](common/options.md) collection of common options that provide information many users may expect. [common tcti options](common/tcti.md) collection of options used to configure the various known TCTI modules. # EXAMPLES ```bash tpm2_createprimary -C o -c prim.ctx -Q tpm2_create -C prim.ctx -c key.ctx -u key.pub -r key.priv -G ecc256:ecdaa tpm2_ecdhkeygen -u ecdh.pub -o ecdh.priv -c key.ctx ``` [returns](common/returns.md) [footer](common/footer.md)