% tpm2_createpolicy(1) tpm2-tools | General Commands Manual # NAME **tpm2_createpolicy**(1) - Creates simple assertion authorization policies based on multiple PCR indices values across multiple enabled banks. # SYNOPSIS **tpm2_createpolicy** [*OPTIONS*] # DESCRIPTION **tpm2_createpolicy**(1) - Creates simple assertion authorization policies based on multiple PCR indices values across multiple enabled banks. It can then be used with object creation and or tools using the object. # OPTIONS These options control creating the policy authorization session: * **-L**, **\--policy**=_FILE_: The file to save the policy digest. * **\--policy-pcr**: Identifies the PCR policy type for policy creation. * **-g**, **\--policy-algorithm**=_ALGORITHM_: The hash algorithm used in computation of the policy digest. * **-l**, **\--pcr-list**=_PCR_: The list of PCR banks and selected PCRs' ids for each bank. * **-f**, **\--pcr**=_FILE_: Optional Path or Name of the file containing expected PCR values for the specified index. Default is to read the current PCRs per the set list. * **\--policy-session**: Start a policy session of type **TPM_SE_POLICY**. Defaults to **TPM_SE_TRIAL** if this option isn't specified. ## References [algorithm specifiers](common/alg.md) details the options for specifying cryptographic algorithms _ALGORITHM_. [common options](common/pcr.md) details options for specifying the pcr index and bank/algorithm _PCR_. [common options](common/options.md) collection of common options that provide information many users may expect. [common tcti options](common/tcti.md) collection of options used to configure the various known TCTI modules. # EXAMPLES ## Create a authorization policy tied to a specific PCR index ```bash tpm2_createpolicy \--policy-pcr -l 0x4:0 -L policy.file -f pcr0.bin ``` [returns](common/returns.md) [footer](common/footer.md)