% tpm2_activatecredential(1) tpm2-tools | General Commands Manual # NAME **tpm2_activatecredential**(1) - Enables access to the credential qualifier to recover the credential secret. # SYNOPSIS **tpm2_activatecredential** [*OPTIONS*] # DESCRIPTION **tpm2_activatecredential**(1) - Enables the association of a credential with an object in a way that ensures that the TPM has validated the parameters of the credentialed object. In an attestation scheme , this guarantees the registrar that the attestation key belongs to the TPM with a qualified parent key in the TPM. # OPTIONS * **-c**, **\--credentialedkey-context**=_OBJECT_: Object associated with the created certificate by CA. * **-C**, **\--credentialkey-context**=_OBJECT_: The loaded object used to decrypt the random seed. * **-p**, **\--credentialedkey-auth**=_AUTH_: The auth value of the credentialed object specified with **-c**. * **-P**, **\--credentialkey-auth**=_AUTH_: The auth value of the credential object specified with **-C**. * **-i**, **\--credential-blob**=_FILE_: The input file path containing the credential blob and secret created with the **tpm2_makecredential**(1) tool. * **-o**, **\--certinfo-data**=_FILE_: The output file path to save the decrypted credential secret information. * **\--cphash**=_FILE_ File path to record the hash of the command parameters. This is commonly termed as cpHash. NOTE: When this option is selected, The tool will not actually execute the command, it simply returns a cpHash, unless rphash is also required. * **\--rphash**=_FILE_ File path to record the hash of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. * **-S**, **\--session**=_FILE_: The session created using **tpm2_startauthsession**. This can be used to specify an auxiliary session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. ## References [context object format](common/ctxobj.md) details the methods for specifying _OBJECT_. [authorization formatting](common/authorizations.md) details the methods for specifying _AUTH_. [common options](common/options.md) collection of common options that provide information many users may expect. [common tcti options](common/tcti.md) collection of options used to configure the various known TCTI modules. # EXAMPLES ```bash echo "12345678" > secret.data tpm2_createek -Q -c 0x81010001 -G rsa -u ek.pub tpm2_createak -C 0x81010001 -c ak.ctx -G rsa -g sha256 -s rsassa -u ak.pub \ -n ak.name -p akpass> ak.out file_size=`stat --printf="%s" ak.name` loaded_key_name=`cat ak.name | xxd -p -c $file_size` tpm2_makecredential -Q -e ek.pub -s secret.data -n $loaded_key_name \ -o mkcred.out tpm2_startauthsession --policy-session -S session.ctx tpm2_policysecret -S session.ctx -c e tpm2_activatecredential -Q -c ak.ctx -C 0x81010001 -i mkcred.out \ -o actcred.out -p akpass -P"session:session.ctx" tpm2_flushcontext session.ctx ``` [returns](common/returns.md) [footer](common/footer.md)