#include #include #include #include #include #include "tmate.h" #include "window-copy.h" static void on_ssh_client_event(struct tmate_ssh_client *client); static void __on_ssh_client_event(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg); static void printflike(2, 3) kill_ssh_client(struct tmate_ssh_client *client, const char *fmt, ...); static void printflike(2, 3) kill_ssh_client(struct tmate_ssh_client *client, const char *fmt, ...); static void read_channel(struct tmate_ssh_client *client) { struct tmate_decoder *decoder = &client->tmate_session->decoder; char *buf; ssize_t len; for (;;) { tmate_decoder_get_buffer(decoder, &buf, &len); len = ssh_channel_read_nonblocking(client->channel, buf, len, 0); if (len < 0) { kill_ssh_client(client, "Error reading from channel: %s", ssh_get_error(client->session)); break; } if (len == 0) break; tmate_decoder_commit(decoder, len); } } static void on_decoder_read(void *userdata, struct tmate_unpacker *uk) { struct tmate_ssh_client *client = userdata; tmate_dispatch_slave_message(client->tmate_session, uk); } static void on_encoder_write(void *userdata, struct evbuffer *buffer) { struct tmate_ssh_client *client = userdata; ssize_t len, written; unsigned char *buf; if (!client->channel) return; for(;;) { len = evbuffer_get_length(buffer); if (!len) break; buf = evbuffer_pullup(buffer, -1); written = ssh_channel_write(client->channel, buf, len); if (written < 0) { kill_ssh_client(client, "Error writing to channel: %s", ssh_get_error(client->session)); break; } evbuffer_drain(buffer, written); } } static void on_ssh_auth_server_complete(struct tmate_ssh_client *connected_client) { /* * The first ssh connection succeeded. Hopefully this one offers the * best latency. We can now kill the other ssh clients that are trying * to connect. */ struct tmate_session *session = connected_client->tmate_session; struct tmate_ssh_client *client, *tmp_client; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(client, &session->clients, node, tmp_client) { if (client == connected_client) continue; assert(!client->has_encoder); kill_ssh_client(client, NULL); } } static char *get_identity(void) { char *identity; identity = options_get_string(global_options, "tmate-identity"); if (!strlen(identity)) return NULL; if (strchr(identity, '/')) identity = xstrdup(identity); else xasprintf(&identity, "%%d/%s", identity); return identity; } static int passphrase_callback(__unused const char *prompt, char *buf, size_t len, __unused int echo, __unused int verify, void *userdata) { struct tmate_ssh_client *client = userdata; client->tmate_session->need_passphrase = 1; if (client->tmate_session->passphrase) strncpy(buf, client->tmate_session->passphrase, len); else strcpy(buf, ""); return 0; } static void on_passphrase_read(const char *passphrase, void *private) { struct tmate_ssh_client *client = private; client->tmate_session->passphrase = xstrdup(passphrase); on_ssh_client_event(client); } static void request_passphrase(struct tmate_ssh_client *client) { struct window_pane *wp; struct window_copy_mode_data *data; /* * We'll display the prompt on the first pane. * It doesn't make much sense, but it's simpler to reuse the copy mode * and its key parsing logic compared to rolling something on our own. */ wp = RB_MIN(window_pane_tree, &all_window_panes); if (wp->mode) { data = wp->modedata; if (data->inputtype == WINDOW_COPY_PASSWORD) { /* We are already requesting the passphrase */ return; } window_pane_reset_mode(wp); } window_pane_set_mode(wp, &window_copy_mode); window_copy_init_from_pane(wp, 0); data = wp->modedata; data->inputtype = WINDOW_COPY_PASSWORD; data->inputprompt = "SSH key passphrase"; mode_key_init(&data->mdata, &mode_key_tree_vi_edit); window_copy_update_selection(wp, 1); window_copy_redraw_screen(wp); data->password_cb = on_passphrase_read; data->password_cb_private = client; } static void init_conn_fd(struct tmate_ssh_client *client) { if (client->has_init_conn_fd) return; if (ssh_get_fd(client->session) < 0) return; { int flag = 1; setsockopt(ssh_get_fd(client->session), IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &flag, sizeof(flag)); } event_set(&client->ev_ssh, ssh_get_fd(client->session), EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, __on_ssh_client_event, client); event_add(&client->ev_ssh, NULL); client->has_init_conn_fd = true; } static void on_ssh_client_event(struct tmate_ssh_client *client) { char *identity; ssh_key pubkey; int key_type; unsigned char *hash; ssize_t hash_len; char *hash_str; const char *server_hash_str; int match; int verbosity = SSH_LOG_NOLOG + log_get_level(); int port = options_get_number(global_options, "tmate-server-port"); ssh_session session = client->session; ssh_channel channel = client->channel; switch (client->state) { case SSH_INIT: client->session = session = ssh_new(); if (!session) { tmate_fatal("cannot initialize"); return; } ssh_set_callbacks(session, &client->ssh_callbacks); client->channel = channel = ssh_channel_new(session); if (!channel) { tmate_fatal("cannot initialize"); return; } ssh_set_blocking(session, 0); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_HOST, client->server_ip); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_LOG_VERBOSITY, &verbosity); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_PORT, &port); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_USER, "tmate"); ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_COMPRESSION, "yes"); if ((identity = get_identity())) { /* * FIXME libssh will continue with the next set of * keys if the identity has a passphrase and the * regular one doesn't. */ ssh_options_set(session, SSH_OPTIONS_IDENTITY, identity); free(identity); } client->state = SSH_CONNECT; /* fall through */ case SSH_CONNECT: switch (ssh_connect(session)) { case SSH_AGAIN: init_conn_fd(client); return; case SSH_ERROR: kill_ssh_client(client, "Error connecting: %s", ssh_get_error(session)); return; case SSH_OK: init_conn_fd(client); tmate_debug("Establishing connection to %s", client->server_ip); client->state = SSH_AUTH_SERVER; /* fall through */ } case SSH_AUTH_SERVER: if (ssh_get_publickey(session, &pubkey) < 0) tmate_fatal("ssh_get_publickey"); if (ssh_get_publickey_hash(pubkey, SSH_PUBLICKEY_HASH_MD5, &hash, &hash_len) < 0) { kill_ssh_client(client, "Cannot authenticate server"); return; } hash_str = ssh_get_hexa(hash, hash_len); if (!hash_str) tmate_fatal("malloc failed"); key_type = ssh_key_type(pubkey); switch (key_type) { case SSH_KEYTYPE_RSA: server_hash_str = options_get_string(global_options, "tmate-server-rsa-fingerprint"); break; case SSH_KEYTYPE_ECDSA: server_hash_str = options_get_string(global_options, "tmate-server-ecdsa-fingerprint"); break; default: server_hash_str = ""; } match = !strcmp(hash_str, server_hash_str); ssh_key_free(pubkey); ssh_clean_pubkey_hash(&hash); free(hash_str); if (!match) { kill_ssh_client(client, "Cannot authenticate server"); return; } /* * At this point, we abort other connection attempts to the * other tmate servers, since we have reached the fastest one. * We need to do it before we ask the user its passphrase, * otherwise the speed test would be biased. */ tmate_debug("Connected to %s", client->server_ip); on_ssh_auth_server_complete(client); client->state = SSH_AUTH_CLIENT; /* fall through */ case SSH_AUTH_CLIENT: client->tried_passphrase = client->tmate_session->passphrase; switch (ssh_userauth_autopubkey(session, client->tried_passphrase)) { case SSH_AUTH_AGAIN: return; case SSH_AUTH_PARTIAL: case SSH_AUTH_INFO: case SSH_AUTH_DENIED: if (client->tmate_session->need_passphrase) { request_passphrase(client); } else { kill_ssh_client(client, "SSH keys not found." " Run 'ssh-keygen' to create keys and try again."); return; } if (client->tried_passphrase) tmate_status_message("Can't load SSH key." " Try typing passphrase again in case of typo. ctrl-c to abort."); return; case SSH_AUTH_ERROR: kill_ssh_client(client, "Auth error: %s", ssh_get_error(session)); return; case SSH_AUTH_SUCCESS: tmate_debug("Auth successful"); client->state = SSH_OPEN_CHANNEL; /* fall through */ } case SSH_OPEN_CHANNEL: switch (ssh_channel_open_session(channel)) { case SSH_AGAIN: return; case SSH_ERROR: kill_ssh_client(client, "Error opening channel: %s", ssh_get_error(session)); return; case SSH_OK: tmate_debug("Session opened, initalizing tmate"); client->state = SSH_BOOTSTRAP; /* fall through */ } case SSH_BOOTSTRAP: switch (ssh_channel_request_subsystem(channel, "tmate")) { case SSH_AGAIN: return; case SSH_ERROR: kill_ssh_client(client, "Error initializing tmate: %s", ssh_get_error(session)); return; case SSH_OK: tmate_debug("Ready"); /* Writes are now performed in a blocking fashion */ ssh_set_blocking(session, 1); client->state = SSH_READY; if (client->tmate_session->reconnected) tmate_send_reconnection_state(client->tmate_session); tmate_encoder_set_ready_callback(&client->tmate_session->encoder, on_encoder_write, client); tmate_decoder_init(&client->tmate_session->decoder, on_decoder_read, client); free(client->tmate_session->last_server_ip); client->tmate_session->last_server_ip = xstrdup(client->server_ip); /* fall through */ } case SSH_READY: read_channel(client); } } static void __on_ssh_client_event(__unused evutil_socket_t fd, __unused short what, void *arg) { on_ssh_client_event(arg); } static void kill_ssh_client(struct tmate_ssh_client *client, const char *fmt, ...) { bool last_client; va_list ap; char *message = NULL; TAILQ_REMOVE(&client->tmate_session->clients, client, node); last_client = TAILQ_EMPTY(&client->tmate_session->clients); if (fmt && last_client) { va_start(ap, fmt); xvasprintf(&message, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); tmate_status_message("%s", message); } tmate_debug("SSH client killed (%s)", client->server_ip); if (client->has_init_conn_fd) { event_del(&client->ev_ssh); client->has_init_conn_fd = false; } if (client->state == SSH_READY) { tmate_encoder_set_ready_callback(&client->tmate_session->encoder, NULL, NULL); tmate_decoder_destroy(&client->tmate_session->decoder); client->tmate_session->min_sx = -1; client->tmate_session->min_sy = -1; recalculate_sizes(); } if (client->session) { /* ssh_free() also frees the associated channels. */ ssh_free(client->session); client->session = NULL; client->channel = NULL; } if (last_client) tmate_reconnect_session(client->tmate_session, message); free(client->server_ip); free(client); } static void connect_ssh_client(struct tmate_ssh_client *client) { if (!client->session) { client->state = SSH_INIT; on_ssh_client_event(client); } } static void ssh_log_function(int priority, const char *function, const char *buffer, __unused void *userdata) { tmate_debug("[%d] [%s] %s", priority, function, buffer); } struct tmate_ssh_client *tmate_ssh_client_alloc(struct tmate_session *session, const char *server_ip) { struct tmate_ssh_client *client; client = xmalloc(sizeof(*client)); ssh_set_log_callback(ssh_log_function); memset(&client->ssh_callbacks, 0, sizeof(client->ssh_callbacks)); ssh_callbacks_init(&client->ssh_callbacks); client->ssh_callbacks.userdata = client; client->ssh_callbacks.auth_function = passphrase_callback; client->tmate_session = session; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&session->clients, client, node); client->server_ip = xstrdup(server_ip); client->state = SSH_NONE; client->session = NULL; client->channel = NULL; client->has_encoder = 0; client->has_init_conn_fd = false; connect_ssh_client(client); return client; }