/* $OpenBSD$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2011 Nicholas Marriott * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "tmux.h" /* * This file has a tables with all the server, session and window * options. These tables are the master copy of the options with their real * (user-visible) types, range limits and default values. At start these are * copied into the runtime global options trees (which only has number and * string types). These tables are then used to look up the real type when the * user sets an option or its value needs to be shown. */ /* Choice option type lists. */ const char *options_table_mode_keys_list[] = { "emacs", "vi", NULL }; const char *options_table_clock_mode_style_list[] = { "12", "24", NULL }; const char *options_table_status_keys_list[] = { "emacs", "vi", NULL }; const char *options_table_status_justify_list[] = { "left", "centre", "right", NULL }; const char *options_table_status_position_list[] = { "top", "bottom", NULL }; const char *options_table_bell_action_list[] = { "none", "any", "current", "other", NULL }; /* Server options. */ const struct options_table_entry options_table[] = { { .name = "buffer-limit", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .minimum = 1, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 20 }, { .name = "default-terminal", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, #ifdef TMATE .default_str = "screen-256color" #else .default_str = "screen" #endif }, { .name = "escape-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 500 }, { .name = "exit-unattached", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "focus-events", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "history-file", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "" }, { .name = "message-limit", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, #ifdef TMATE .default_num = 500 #else .default_num = 100 #endif }, { .name = "quiet", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "set-clipboard", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "terminal-overrides", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "xterm*:XT:Ms=\\E]52;%p1%s;%p2%s\\007" ":Cs=\\E]12;%p1%s\\007:Cr=\\E]112\\007" ":Ss=\\E[%p1%d q:Se=\\E[2 q,screen*:XT" }, { .name = "assume-paste-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 1, }, { .name = "base-index", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "bell-action", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .choices = options_table_bell_action_list, .default_num = BELL_ANY }, { .name = "bell-on-alert", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "default-command", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "" }, { .name = "default-shell", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = _PATH_BSHELL }, { .name = "destroy-unattached", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "detach-on-destroy", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "display-panes-active-colour", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "display-panes-colour", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 4 }, { .name = "display-panes-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 1, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 1000 }, { .name = "display-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 750 }, { .name = "history-limit", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 2000 }, { .name = "key-table", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "root" }, { .name = "lock-after-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "lock-command", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "lock -np" }, { .name = "message-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "message-style" }, { .name = "message-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 3, .style = "message-style" }, { .name = "message-command-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "message-command-style" }, { .name = "message-command-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "message-command-style" }, { .name = "message-command-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 3, .style = "message-command-style" }, { .name = "message-command-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "bg=black,fg=yellow" }, { .name = "message-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "message-style" }, { .name = "message-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "bg=yellow,fg=black" }, { .name = "mouse", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "prefix", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_KEY, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = '\002', }, { .name = "prefix2", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_KEY, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = KEYC_NONE, }, { .name = "renumber-windows", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "repeat-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = SHRT_MAX, .default_num = 500 }, { .name = "set-remain-on-exit", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "set-titles", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "set-titles-string", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "#S:#I:#W - \"#T\" #{session_alerts}" }, { .name = "status", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "status-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "status-style" }, { .name = "status-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 2, .style = "status-style" }, { .name = "status-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "status-style" }, { .name = "status-interval", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 15 }, { .name = "status-justify", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .choices = options_table_status_justify_list, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "status-keys", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .choices = options_table_status_keys_list, .default_num = MODEKEY_EMACS }, { .name = "status-left", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "[#S] " }, { .name = "status-left-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "status-left-style" }, { .name = "status-left-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 8, .style = "status-left-style" }, { .name = "status-left-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 8, .style = "status-left-style" }, { .name = "status-left-length", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = SHRT_MAX, .default_num = 10 }, { .name = "status-left-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "status-position", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .choices = options_table_status_position_list, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "status-right", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = " \"#{=21:pane_title}\" %H:%M %d-%b-%y" }, { .name = "status-right-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0, .style = "status-right-style" }, { .name = "status-right-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 8, .style = "status-right-style" }, { .name = "status-right-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 8, .style = "status-right-style" }, { .name = "status-right-length", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 0, .maximum = SHRT_MAX, .default_num = 40 }, { .name = "status-right-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "status-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "bg=green,fg=black" }, { .name = "update-environment", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = "DISPLAY SSH_ASKPASS SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AGENT_PID " "SSH_CONNECTION WINDOWID XAUTHORITY" }, { .name = "visual-activity", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "visual-bell", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "visual-silence", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "word-separators", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .default_str = " -_@" }, { .name = "aggressive-resize", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "allow-rename", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "alternate-screen", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "automatic-rename", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "automatic-rename-format", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "#{?pane_in_mode,[tmux],#{pane_current_command}}" "#{?pane_dead,[dead],}" }, { .name = "clock-mode-colour", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 4 }, { .name = "clock-mode-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .choices = options_table_clock_mode_style_list, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "force-height", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "force-width", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "main-pane-height", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 1, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 24 }, { .name = "main-pane-width", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 1, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 80 }, { .name = "mode-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0, .style = "mode-style" }, { .name = "mode-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 3, .style = "mode-style" }, { .name = "mode-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0, .style = "mode-style" }, { .name = "mode-keys", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .choices = options_table_mode_keys_list, .default_num = MODEKEY_EMACS }, { .name = "mode-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "bg=yellow,fg=black" }, { .name = "monitor-activity", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "monitor-silence", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "other-pane-height", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "other-pane-width", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 0, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "pane-active-border-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "pane-active-border-style" }, { .name = "pane-active-border-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 2, .style = "pane-active-border-style" }, { .name = "pane-active-border-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "fg=green" }, { .name = "pane-base-index", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .minimum = 0, .maximum = USHRT_MAX, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "pane-border-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "pane-border-style" }, { .name = "pane-border-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "pane-border-style" }, { .name = "pane-border-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "remain-on-exit", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "synchronize-panes", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0 }, { .name = "window-active-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "window-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "window-status-activity-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = GRID_ATTR_REVERSE, .style = "window-status-activity-style" }, { .name = "window-status-activity-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-activity-style" }, { .name = "window-status-activity-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-activity-style" }, { .name = "window-status-activity-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "reverse" }, { .name = "window-status-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0, .style = "window-status-style" }, { .name = "window-status-bell-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = GRID_ATTR_REVERSE, .style = "window-status-bell-style" }, { .name = "window-status-bell-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-bell-style" }, { .name = "window-status-bell-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-bell-style" }, { .name = "window-status-bell-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "reverse" }, { .name = "window-status-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-style" }, { .name = "window-status-current-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0, .style = "window-status-current-style" }, { .name = "window-status-current-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-current-style" }, { .name = "window-status-current-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-current-style" }, { .name = "window-status-current-format", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "#I:#W#{?window_flags,#{window_flags}, }" }, { .name = "window-status-current-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "window-status-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-style" }, { .name = "window-status-format", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "#I:#W#{?window_flags,#{window_flags}, }" }, { .name = "window-status-last-attr", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0, .style = "window-status-last-style" }, { .name = "window-status-last-bg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-last-style" }, { .name = "window-status-last-fg", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 8, .style = "window-status-last-style" }, { .name = "window-status-last-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "window-status-separator", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = " " }, { .name = "window-status-style", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_str = "default" }, { .name = "wrap-search", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 1 }, { .name = "xterm-keys", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_WINDOW, .default_num = 0 }, #ifdef TMATE { .name = "tmate-identity", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "" }, { .name = "tmate-server-host", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "ssh.tmate.io" }, { .name = "tmate-server-port", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .minimum = 1, .maximum = 65535, .default_num = 22 }, { .name = "tmate-server-dsa-fingerprint", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "obsolete" }, { .name = "tmate-server-rsa-fingerprint", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "af:2d:81:c1:fe:49:70:2d:7f:09:a9:d7:4b:32:e3:be" }, { .name = "tmate-server-ecdsa-fingerprint", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "c7:a1:51:36:d2:bb:35:4b:0a:1a:c0:43:97:74:ea:42" }, { .name = "tmate-display-time", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SESSION, .minimum = 1, .maximum = INT_MAX, .default_num = 15000 }, { .name = "tmate-webhook-userdata", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "" }, { .name = "tmate-webhook-url", .type = OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING, .scope = OPTIONS_TABLE_SERVER, .default_str = "" }, #endif { .name = NULL } }; /* Populate an options tree from a table. */ void options_table_populate_tree(enum options_table_scope scope, struct options *oo) { const struct options_table_entry *oe; for (oe = options_table; oe->name != NULL; oe++) { if (oe->scope == OPTIONS_TABLE_NONE) fatalx("no scope for %s", oe->name); if (oe->scope != scope) continue; switch (oe->type) { case OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING: options_set_string(oo, oe->name, "%s", oe->default_str); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE: options_set_style(oo, oe->name, oe->default_str, 0); break; default: options_set_number(oo, oe->name, oe->default_num); break; } } } /* Print an option using its type from the table. */ const char * options_table_print_entry(const struct options_table_entry *oe, struct options_entry *o, int no_quotes) { static char out[BUFSIZ]; const char *s; *out = '\0'; switch (oe->type) { case OPTIONS_TABLE_STRING: if (no_quotes) xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%s", o->str); else xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "\"%s\"", o->str); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_NUMBER: xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%lld", o->num); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_KEY: xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%s", key_string_lookup_key(o->num)); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_COLOUR: s = colour_tostring(o->num); xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%s", s); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES: s = attributes_tostring(o->num); xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%s", s); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_FLAG: if (o->num) strlcpy(out, "on", sizeof out); else strlcpy(out, "off", sizeof out); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_CHOICE: s = oe->choices[o->num]; xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%s", s); break; case OPTIONS_TABLE_STYLE: s = style_tostring(&o->style); xsnprintf(out, sizeof out, "%s", s); break; } return (out); } /* Find an option. */ int options_table_find(const char *optstr, const struct options_table_entry **oe) { const struct options_table_entry *oe_loop; for (oe_loop = options_table; oe_loop->name != NULL; oe_loop++) { if (strncmp(oe_loop->name, optstr, strlen(optstr)) != 0) continue; /* If already found, ambiguous. */ if (*oe != NULL) return (-1); *oe = oe_loop; /* Bail now if an exact match. */ if (strcmp(oe_loop->name, optstr) == 0) break; } return (0); }