/* (C) 1998-2002 Red Hat, Inc. -- Licensing details are in the COPYING file accompanying popt source distributions, available from ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm/dist. */ #include "system.h" /*@unchecked@*/ static int pass2 = 0; static void option_callback(/*@unused@*/ UNUSED(poptContext con), /*@unused@*/ UNUSED(enum poptCallbackReason reason), const struct poptOption * opt, char * arg, void * data) /*@globals fileSystem @*/ /*@modifies fileSystem @*/ { if (pass2) fprintf(stdout, "callback: %c %s %s ", opt->val, (char *) data, arg); } /*@unchecked@*/ static int arg1 = 0; /*@unchecked@*/ /*@observer@*/ static char * arg2 = "(none)"; /*@unchecked@*/ static int arg3 = 0; /*@unchecked@*/ static int inc = 0; /*@unchecked@*/ static int shortopt = 0; /*@unchecked@*/ static int aVal = 141421; /*@unchecked@*/ static int bVal = 141421; /*@unchecked@*/ static unsigned int aFlag = 0x8aceU; /*@unchecked@*/ static unsigned int bFlag = 0x8aceU; /*@unchecked@*/ static short aShort = (short)4523; /*@unchecked@*/ static short bShort = (short)4523; /*@unchecked@*/ static int aInt = 271828; /*@unchecked@*/ static int bInt = 271828; /*@unchecked@*/ static long aLong = 738905609L; /*@unchecked@*/ static long bLong = 738905609L; /*@unchecked@*/ static long long aLongLong = 738905609LL; /*@unchecked@*/ static long long bLongLong = 738905609LL; /*@unchecked@*/ static float aFloat = 3.1415926535; /*@unchecked@*/ static float bFloat = 3.1415926535; /*@unchecked@*/ static double aDouble = 9.86960440108935861883; /*@unchecked@*/ static double bDouble = 9.86960440108935861883; /*@unchecked@*/ /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ static const char ** aArgv = NULL; /*@unchecked@*/ /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ static void * aBits = NULL; /*@unchecked@*/ /*@observer@*/ static const char *attributes[] = { "foo", "bar", "baz", "bing", "bang", "boom" }; /*@unchecked@*/ static size_t nattributes = (sizeof(attributes) / sizeof(attributes[0])); /*@unchecked@*/ /*@null@*/ static char * oStr = (char *) -1; /*@unchecked@*/ static int singleDash = 0; /*@unchecked@*/ /*@observer@*/ static char * lStr = "This tests default strings and exceeds the ... limit. " "123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ " "123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ " "123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ " "123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+123456789+ "; /*@unchecked@*/ /*@null@*/ static char * nStr = NULL; /*@unchecked@*/ static struct poptOption moreCallbackArgs[] = { { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_CALLBACK|POPT_CBFLAG_INC_DATA, (void *)option_callback, 0, NULL, NULL }, { "cb2", 'c', POPT_ARG_STRING, NULL, (int)'c', "Test argument callbacks", NULL }, POPT_TABLEEND }; /*@unchecked@*/ static struct poptOption callbackArgs[] = { { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_CALLBACK, (void *)option_callback, 0, "sampledata", NULL }, { "cb", 'c', POPT_ARG_STRING, NULL, (int)'c', "Test argument callbacks", NULL }, { "longopt", '\0', 0, NULL, (int)'l', "Unused option for help testing", NULL }, POPT_TABLEEND }; /*@unchecked@*/ static struct poptOption moreArgs[] = { { "inc", 'I', 0, &inc, 0, "An included argument", NULL }, POPT_TABLEEND }; /*@unchecked@*/ static struct poptOption options[] = { { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, &moreCallbackArgs, 0, "arg for cb2", NULL }, { "arg1", '\0', 0, &arg1, 0, "First argument with a really long" " description. After all, we have to test argument help" " wrapping somehow, right?", NULL }, { "arg2", '2', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &arg2, 0, "Another argument", "ARG" }, { "arg3", '3', POPT_ARG_INT, &arg3, 0, "A third argument", "ANARG" }, { "onedash", '\0', POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH, &shortopt, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_ONEDASH: Option takes a single -", NULL }, { "hidden", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN, NULL, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_HIDDEN: A hidden option (--help shouldn't display)", NULL }, { "optional", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL, &oStr, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_OPTIONAL: Takes an optional string argument", NULL }, { "val", '\0', POPT_ARG_VAL | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aVal, 125992, "POPT_ARG_VAL: 125992 141421", 0}, { "int", 'i', POPT_ARG_INT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aInt, 0, "POPT_ARG_INT: 271828", NULL }, { "short", 's', POPT_ARG_SHORT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aShort, 0, "POPT_ARG_SHORT: 4523", NULL }, { "long", 'l', POPT_ARG_LONG | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aLong, 0, "POPT_ARG_LONG: 738905609", NULL }, { "longlong", 'L', POPT_ARG_LONGLONG | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aLongLong, 0, "POPT_ARG_LONGLONG: 738905609", NULL }, { "float", 'f', POPT_ARG_FLOAT | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aFloat, 0, "POPT_ARG_FLOAT: 3.14159", NULL }, { "double", 'd', POPT_ARG_DOUBLE | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aDouble, 0, "POPT_ARG_DOUBLE: 9.8696", NULL }, { "randint", '\0', POPT_ARG_INT|POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM, &aInt, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental", NULL }, { "randshort", '\0', POPT_ARG_SHORT|POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM, &aShort, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental", NULL }, { "randlong", '\0', POPT_ARG_LONG|POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM, &aLong, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental", NULL }, { "randlonglong", '\0', POPT_ARG_LONGLONG|POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM, &aLongLong, 0, "POPT_ARGFLAG_RANDOM: experimental", NULL }, { "argv", '\0', POPT_ARG_ARGV, &aArgv, 0, "POPT_ARG_ARGV: append string to argv array (can be used multiple times)","STRING"}, { "bits", '\0', POPT_ARG_BITSET|POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN, &aBits, 0, "POPT_ARG_BITSET: add string to bit set (can be used multiple times)","STRING"}, { "bitset", '\0', POPT_BIT_SET | POPT_ARGFLAG_TOGGLE | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aFlag, 0x7777, "POPT_BIT_SET: |= 0x7777", 0}, { "bitclr", '\0', POPT_BIT_CLR | POPT_ARGFLAG_TOGGLE | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aFlag, 0xf842, "POPT_BIT_CLR: &= ~0xf842", 0}, { "bitxor", '\0', POPT_ARG_VAL | POPT_ARGFLAG_XOR | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &aFlag, (0x8ace^0xfeed), "POPT_ARGFLAG_XOR: ^= (0x8ace^0xfeed)", 0}, { "nstr", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &nStr, 0, "POPT_ARG_STRING: (null)", NULL}, { "lstr", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING | POPT_ARGFLAG_SHOW_DEFAULT, &lStr, 0, "POPT_ARG_STRING: \"123456789...\"", NULL}, { NULL, '-', POPT_ARG_NONE | POPT_ARGFLAG_DOC_HIDDEN, &singleDash, 0, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, &moreArgs, 0, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, '\0', POPT_ARG_INCLUDE_TABLE, &callbackArgs, 0, "Callback arguments", NULL }, POPT_AUTOALIAS POPT_AUTOHELP POPT_TABLEEND }; static void resetVars(void) /*@globals arg1, arg2, arg3, inc, shortopt, aVal, aFlag, aShort, aInt, aLong, aLongLong, aFloat, aDouble, aArgv, aBits, oStr, singleDash, pass2 @*/ /*@modifies arg1, arg2, arg3, inc, shortopt, aVal, aFlag, aShort, aInt, aLong, aLongLong, aFloat, aDouble, aArgv, aBits, oStr, singleDash, pass2 @*/ { arg1 = 0; arg2 = "(none)"; arg3 = 0; inc = 0; shortopt = 0; aVal = bVal; aFlag = bFlag; aShort = bShort; aInt = bInt; aLong = bLong; aLongLong = bLongLong; aFloat = bFloat; aDouble = bDouble; if (aArgv) { int i; for (i = 0; aArgv[i] != NULL; i++) { /*@-unqualifiedtrans@*/ free((void *)aArgv[i]); /*@=unqualifiedtrans@*/ aArgv[i] = NULL; } free(aArgv); aArgv = NULL; } if (aBits) (void) poptBitsClr(aBits); oStr = (char *) -1; singleDash = 0; pass2 = 0; } int main(int argc, const char ** argv) /*@globals pass2, fileSystem, internalState @*/ /*@modifies pass2, fileSystem, internalState @*/ { int rc; int ec = 0; poptContext optCon; const char ** rest; int help = 0; int usage = 0; #if defined(HAVE_MCHECK_H) && defined(HAVE_MTRACE) /*@-moduncon -noeffectuncon@*/ mtrace(); /* Trace malloc only if MALLOC_TRACE=mtrace-output-file. */ /*@=moduncon =noeffectuncon@*/ #endif /*@-modobserver@*/ resetVars(); /*@=modobserver@*/ /*@-temptrans@*/ optCon = poptGetContext("test1", argc, argv, options, 0); /*@=temptrans@*/ (void) poptReadConfigFile(optCon, "./test-poptrc"); (void) poptReadDefaultConfig(optCon, 1); poptSetExecPath(optCon, ".", 1); #if 1 while ((rc = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) > 0) /* Read all the options ... */ {}; poptResetContext(optCon); /* ... and then start over. */ /*@-modobserver@*/ resetVars(); /*@=modobserver@*/ #endif pass2 = 1; if ((rc = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) < -1) { fprintf(stderr, "test1: bad argument %s: %s\n", poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(rc)); ec = 2; goto exit; } if (help) { poptPrintHelp(optCon, stdout, 0); goto exit; } if (usage) { poptPrintUsage(optCon, stdout, 0); goto exit; } fprintf(stdout, "arg1: %d arg2: %s", arg1, arg2); if (arg3) fprintf(stdout, " arg3: %d", arg3); if (inc) fprintf(stdout, " inc: %d", inc); if (shortopt) fprintf(stdout, " short: %d", shortopt); if (aVal != bVal) fprintf(stdout, " aVal: %d", aVal); if (aFlag != bFlag) fprintf(stdout, " aFlag: 0x%x", aFlag); if (aShort != bShort) fprintf(stdout, " aShort: %hd", aShort); if (aInt != bInt) fprintf(stdout, " aInt: %d", aInt); if (aLong != bLong) fprintf(stdout, " aLong: %ld", aLong); if (aLongLong != bLongLong) fprintf(stdout, " aLongLong: %lld", aLongLong); /*@-realcompare@*/ if (aFloat != bFloat) fprintf(stdout, " aFloat: %g", (double)aFloat); if (aDouble != bDouble) fprintf(stdout, " aDouble: %g", aDouble); /*@=realcompare@*/ if (aArgv != NULL) { const char **av = aArgv; const char * arg; fprintf(stdout, " aArgv:"); while ((arg = *av++) != NULL) fprintf(stdout, " %s", arg); } if (aBits) { const char * separator = " "; size_t i; fprintf(stdout, " aBits:"); for (i = 0; i < nattributes; i++) { if (!poptBitsChk(aBits, attributes[i])) continue; fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", separator, attributes[i]); separator = ","; } } /*@-nullpass@*/ if (oStr != (char *)-1) fprintf(stdout, " oStr: %s", (oStr ? oStr : "(none)")); /*@=nullpass@*/ if (singleDash) fprintf(stdout, " -"); if (poptPeekArg(optCon) != NULL) { rest = poptGetArgs(optCon); if (rest) { fprintf(stdout, " rest:"); while (*rest) { fprintf(stdout, " %s", *rest); rest++; } } } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); exit: optCon = poptFreeContext(optCon); #if defined(HAVE_MCHECK_H) && defined(HAVE_MTRACE) /*@-moduncon -noeffectuncon@*/ muntrace(); /* Trace malloc only if MALLOC_TRACE=mtrace-output-file. */ /*@=moduncon =noeffectuncon@*/ #endif return ec; }