/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Felipe Pena | | Authors: Joe Watkins | | Authors: Bob Weinand | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "zend.h" #include "php.h" #include "phpdbg.h" #include "phpdbg_utils.h" #include "ext/standard/php_string.h" /* FASYNC under Solaris */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILE_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H # include "sys/ioctl.h" # ifndef GWINSZ_IN_SYS_IOCTL # include # endif #endif ZEND_EXTERN_MODULE_GLOBALS(phpdbg) /* {{{ color structures */ static const phpdbg_color_t colors[] = { PHPDBG_COLOR_D("none", "0;0"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("white", "0;64"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("white-bold", "1;64"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("white-underline", "4;64"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("red", "0;31"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("red-bold", "1;31"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("red-underline", "4;31"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("green", "0;32"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("green-bold", "1;32"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("green-underline", "4;32"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("yellow", "0;33"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("yellow-bold", "1;33"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("yellow-underline", "4;33"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("blue", "0;34"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("blue-bold", "1;34"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("blue-underline", "4;34"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("purple", "0;35"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("purple-bold", "1;35"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("purple-underline", "4;35"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("cyan", "0;36"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("cyan-bold", "1;36"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("cyan-underline", "4;36"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("black", "0;30"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("black-bold", "1;30"), PHPDBG_COLOR_D("black-underline", "4;30"), PHPDBG_COLOR_END }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ */ static const phpdbg_element_t elements[] = { PHPDBG_ELEMENT_D("prompt", PHPDBG_COLOR_PROMPT), PHPDBG_ELEMENT_D("error", PHPDBG_COLOR_ERROR), PHPDBG_ELEMENT_D("notice", PHPDBG_COLOR_NOTICE), PHPDBG_ELEMENT_END }; /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_is_numeric(const char *str) /* {{{ */ { if (!str) return 0; for (; *str; str++) { if (isspace(*str) || *str == '-') { continue; } return isdigit(*str); } return 0; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_is_empty(const char *str) /* {{{ */ { if (!str) return 1; for (; *str; str++) { if (isspace(*str)) { continue; } return 0; } return 1; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_is_addr(const char *str) /* {{{ */ { return str[0] && str[1] && memcmp(str, "0x", 2) == 0; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_is_class_method(const char *str, size_t len, char **class, char **method) /* {{{ */ { char *sep = NULL; if (strstr(str, "#") != NULL) return 0; if (strstr(str, " ") != NULL) return 0; sep = strstr(str, "::"); if (!sep || sep == str || sep+2 == str+len-1) { return 0; } if (class != NULL) { if (str[0] == '\\') { str++; len--; } *class = estrndup(str, sep - str); (*class)[sep - str] = 0; } if (method != NULL) { *method = estrndup(sep+2, str + len - (sep + 2)); } return 1; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API char *phpdbg_resolve_path(const char *path) /* {{{ */ { char resolved_name[MAXPATHLEN]; if (expand_filepath(path, resolved_name) == NULL) { return NULL; } return strdup(resolved_name); } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API const char *phpdbg_current_file(void) /* {{{ */ { const char *file = zend_get_executed_filename(); if (memcmp(file, "[no active file]", sizeof("[no active file]")) == 0) { return PHPDBG_G(exec); } return file; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API const zend_function *phpdbg_get_function(const char *fname, const char *cname) /* {{{ */ { zend_function *func = NULL; zend_string *lfname = zend_string_init(fname, strlen(fname), 0); zend_string *tmp = zend_string_tolower(lfname); zend_string_release(lfname); lfname = tmp; if (cname) { zend_class_entry *ce; zend_string *lcname = zend_string_init(cname, strlen(cname), 0); tmp = zend_string_tolower(lcname); zend_string_release(lcname); lcname = tmp; ce = zend_lookup_class(lcname); zend_string_release(lcname); if (ce) { func = zend_hash_find_ptr(&ce->function_table, lfname); } } else { func = zend_hash_find_ptr(EG(function_table), lfname); } zend_string_release(lfname); return func; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API char *phpdbg_trim(const char *str, size_t len, size_t *new_len) /* {{{ */ { const char *p = str; char *new = NULL; while (p && isspace(*p)) { ++p; --len; } while (*p && isspace(*(p + len -1))) { --len; } if (len == 0) { new = estrndup("", sizeof("")); *new_len = 0; } else { new = estrndup(p, len); *(new + len) = '\0'; if (new_len) { *new_len = len; } } return new; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API const phpdbg_color_t *phpdbg_get_color(const char *name, size_t name_length) /* {{{ */ { const phpdbg_color_t *color = colors; while (color && color->name) { if (name_length == color->name_length && memcmp(name, color->name, name_length) == SUCCESS) { phpdbg_debug("phpdbg_get_color(%s, %lu): %s", name, name_length, color->code); return color; } ++color; } phpdbg_debug("phpdbg_get_color(%s, %lu): failed", name, name_length); return NULL; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API void phpdbg_set_color(int element, const phpdbg_color_t *color) /* {{{ */ { PHPDBG_G(colors)[element] = color; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API void phpdbg_set_color_ex(int element, const char *name, size_t name_length) /* {{{ */ { const phpdbg_color_t *color = phpdbg_get_color(name, name_length); if (color) { phpdbg_set_color(element, color); } else PHPDBG_G(colors)[element] = colors; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API const phpdbg_color_t* phpdbg_get_colors(void) /* {{{ */ { return colors; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_get_element(const char *name, size_t len) { const phpdbg_element_t *element = elements; while (element && element->name) { if (len == element->name_length) { if (strncasecmp(name, element->name, len) == SUCCESS) { return element->id; } } element++; } return PHPDBG_COLOR_INVALID; } PHPDBG_API void phpdbg_set_prompt(const char *prompt) /* {{{ */ { /* free formatted prompt */ if (PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1]) { free(PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1]); PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1] = NULL; } /* free old prompt */ if (PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0]) { free(PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0]); PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0] = NULL; } /* copy new prompt */ PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0] = strdup(prompt); } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API const char *phpdbg_get_prompt(void) /* {{{ */ { /* find cached prompt */ if (PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1]) { return PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1]; } uint32_t pos = 0, end = strlen(PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0]); bool unicode_warned = false; while (pos < end) { if (PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0][pos] & 0x80) { PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0][pos] = '?'; if (!unicode_warned) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "prompt contains unsupported unicode characters"); unicode_warned = true; } } pos++; } /* create cached prompt */ #ifndef HAVE_LIBEDIT /* TODO: libedit doesn't seems to support coloured prompt */ if ((PHPDBG_G(flags) & PHPDBG_IS_COLOURED)) { ZEND_IGNORE_VALUE(asprintf(&PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1], "\033[%sm%s\033[0m ", PHPDBG_G(colors)[PHPDBG_COLOR_PROMPT]->code, PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0])); } else #endif { ZEND_IGNORE_VALUE(asprintf(&PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1], "%s ", PHPDBG_G(prompt)[0])); } return PHPDBG_G(prompt)[1]; } /* }}} */ int phpdbg_rebuild_symtable(void) { if (!EG(current_execute_data) || !EG(current_execute_data)->func) { phpdbg_error("No active op array!"); return FAILURE; } if (!zend_rebuild_symbol_table()) { phpdbg_error("No active symbol table!"); return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } PHPDBG_API uint32_t phpdbg_get_terminal_width(void) /* {{{ */ { uint32_t columns; #ifdef _WIN32 CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi); columns = (uint32_t) csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1; #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H) && defined(TIOCGWINSZ) struct winsize w; columns = (uint32_t) ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &w) == 0 ? w.ws_col : 80; #else columns = 80; #endif return columns; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API uint32_t phpdbg_get_terminal_height(void) /* {{{ */ { uint32_t lines; #ifdef _WIN32 CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi)) { lines = (uint32_t) csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1; } else { lines = 40; } #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H) && defined(TIOCGWINSZ) struct winsize w; lines = (uint32_t) ioctl(fileno(stdout), TIOCGWINSZ, &w) == 0 ? w.ws_row : 40; #else lines = 40; #endif return lines; } /* }}} */ PHPDBG_API void phpdbg_set_async_io(int fd) { #if !defined(_WIN32) && defined(FASYNC) int flags; fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_SETOWN, getpid()); flags = fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_GETFL); fcntl(STDIN_FILENO, F_SETFL, flags | FASYNC); #endif } int phpdbg_safe_class_lookup(const char *name, int name_length, zend_class_entry **ce) { if (PHPDBG_G(flags) & PHPDBG_IN_SIGNAL_HANDLER) { char *lc_name, *lc_free; int lc_length; if (name == NULL || !name_length) { return FAILURE; } lc_free = lc_name = emalloc(name_length + 1); zend_str_tolower_copy(lc_name, name, name_length); lc_length = name_length + 1; if (lc_name[0] == '\\') { lc_name += 1; lc_length -= 1; } phpdbg_try_access { *ce = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(EG(class_table), lc_name, lc_length); } phpdbg_catch_access { phpdbg_error("Could not fetch class %.*s, invalid data source", name_length, name); } phpdbg_end_try_access(); efree(lc_free); } else { zend_string *str_name = zend_string_init(name, name_length, 0); *ce = zend_lookup_class(str_name); efree(str_name); } return *ce ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; } char *phpdbg_get_property_key(char *key) { if (*key != 0) { return key; } return strchr(key + 1, 0) + 1; } static int phpdbg_parse_variable_arg_wrapper(char *name, size_t len, char *keyname, size_t keylen, HashTable *parent, zval *zv, phpdbg_parse_var_func callback) { return callback(name, len, keyname, keylen, parent, zv); } PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_parse_variable(char *input, size_t len, HashTable *parent, size_t i, phpdbg_parse_var_func callback, bool silent) { return phpdbg_parse_variable_with_arg(input, len, parent, i, (phpdbg_parse_var_with_arg_func) phpdbg_parse_variable_arg_wrapper, NULL, silent, callback); } PHPDBG_API int phpdbg_parse_variable_with_arg(char *input, size_t len, HashTable *parent, size_t i, phpdbg_parse_var_with_arg_func callback, phpdbg_parse_var_with_arg_func step_cb, bool silent, void *arg) { int ret = FAILURE; bool new_index = 1; char *last_index = NULL; size_t index_len = 0; zval *zv; if (len < 2 || *input != '$') { goto error; } while (i++ < len) { if (i == len) { new_index = 1; } else { switch (input[i]) { case '[': new_index = 1; break; case ']': break; case '>': if (last_index[index_len - 1] == '-') { new_index = 1; index_len--; } break; default: if (new_index) { last_index = input + i; new_index = 0; } if (input[i - 1] == ']') { goto error; } index_len++; } } if (new_index && index_len == 0) { zend_ulong numkey; zend_string *strkey; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL_IND(parent, numkey, strkey, zv) { if (i == len || (i == len - 1 && input[len - 1] == ']')) { char *key, *propkey; size_t namelen, keylen; char *name; char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); if (strkey) { key = ZSTR_VAL(strkey); keylen = ZSTR_LEN(strkey); } else { keylen = spprintf(&key, 0, ZEND_ULONG_FMT, numkey); } propkey = phpdbg_get_property_key(key); name = emalloc(i + keylen + 2); namelen = sprintf(name, "%.*s%.*s%s", (int) i, input, (int) (keylen - (propkey - key)), propkey, input[len - 1] == ']'?"]":""); if (!strkey) { efree(key); } ret = callback(name, namelen, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } else retry_ref: if (Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_OBJECT) { if (step_cb) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = step_cb(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } phpdbg_parse_variable_with_arg(input, len, Z_OBJPROP_P(zv), i, callback, step_cb, silent, arg); } else if (Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_ARRAY) { if (step_cb) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = step_cb(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } phpdbg_parse_variable_with_arg(input, len, Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), i, callback, step_cb, silent, arg); } else if (Z_ISREF_P(zv)) { if (step_cb) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = step_cb(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } ZVAL_DEREF(zv); goto retry_ref; } else { /* Ignore silently */ } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); return ret; } else if (new_index) { char last_chr = last_index[index_len]; last_index[index_len] = 0; if (!(zv = zend_symtable_str_find(parent, last_index, index_len))) { if (!silent) { phpdbg_error("%.*s is undefined", (int) (input[i] == ']' ? i + 1 : i), input); } return FAILURE; } while (Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_INDIRECT) { zv = Z_INDIRECT_P(zv); } last_index[index_len] = last_chr; if (i == len) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = callback(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } else retry_ref_end: if (Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_OBJECT) { if (step_cb) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = step_cb(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } parent = Z_OBJPROP_P(zv); } else if (Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_ARRAY) { if (step_cb) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = step_cb(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } parent = Z_ARRVAL_P(zv); } else if (Z_ISREF_P(zv)) { if (step_cb) { char *name = estrndup(input, i); char *keyname = estrndup(last_index, index_len); ret = step_cb(name, i, keyname, index_len, parent, zv, arg) == SUCCESS || ret == SUCCESS?SUCCESS:FAILURE; } ZVAL_DEREF(zv); goto retry_ref_end; } else { phpdbg_error("%.*s is nor an array nor an object", (int) (input[i] == '>' ? i - 1 : i), input); return FAILURE; } index_len = 0; } } return ret; error: phpdbg_error("Malformed input"); return FAILURE; } int phpdbg_is_auto_global(char *name, int len) { return zend_is_auto_global_str(name, len); } PHPDBG_API bool phpdbg_check_caught_ex(zend_execute_data *execute_data, zend_object *exception) { const zend_op *op; zend_op *cur; uint32_t op_num, i; zend_op_array *op_array = &execute_data->func->op_array; if (execute_data->opline >= EG(exception_op) && execute_data->opline < EG(exception_op) + 3) { op = EG(opline_before_exception); } else { op = execute_data->opline; } op_num = op - op_array->opcodes; for (i = 0; i < op_array->last_try_catch && op_array->try_catch_array[i].try_op <= op_num; i++) { uint32_t catch = op_array->try_catch_array[i].catch_op, finally = op_array->try_catch_array[i].finally_op; if (op_num <= catch || op_num <= finally) { if (finally) { return 1; } cur = &op_array->opcodes[catch]; while (1) { zend_class_entry *ce; if (!(ce = CACHED_PTR(cur->extended_value & ~ZEND_LAST_CATCH))) { ce = zend_fetch_class_by_name(Z_STR_P(RT_CONSTANT(cur, cur->op1)), Z_STR_P(RT_CONSTANT(cur, cur->op1) + 1), ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_NO_AUTOLOAD); CACHE_PTR(cur->extended_value & ~ZEND_LAST_CATCH, ce); } if (ce == exception->ce || (ce && instanceof_function(exception->ce, ce))) { return 1; } if (cur->extended_value & ZEND_LAST_CATCH) { return 0; } cur = OP_JMP_ADDR(cur, cur->op2); } return 0; } } return op->opcode == ZEND_CATCH; } char *phpdbg_short_zval_print(zval *zv, int maxlen) /* {{{ */ { char *decode = NULL; switch (Z_TYPE_P(zv)) { case IS_UNDEF: decode = estrdup(""); break; case IS_NULL: decode = estrdup("null"); break; case IS_FALSE: decode = estrdup("false"); break; case IS_TRUE: decode = estrdup("true"); break; case IS_LONG: spprintf(&decode, 0, ZEND_LONG_FMT, Z_LVAL_P(zv)); break; case IS_DOUBLE: spprintf(&decode, 0, "%.*G", 14, Z_DVAL_P(zv)); /* Make sure it looks like a float */ if (zend_finite(Z_DVAL_P(zv)) && !strchr(decode, '.')) { size_t len = strlen(decode); char *decode2 = emalloc(len + strlen(".0") + 1); memcpy(decode2, decode, len); decode2[len] = '.'; decode2[len+1] = '0'; decode2[len+2] = '\0'; efree(decode); decode = decode2; } break; case IS_STRING: { int i; zend_string *str = php_addcslashes(Z_STR_P(zv), "\\\"\n\t\0", 5); for (i = 0; i < ZSTR_LEN(str); i++) { if (ZSTR_VAL(str)[i] < 32) { ZSTR_VAL(str)[i] = ' '; } } spprintf(&decode, 0, "\"%.*s\"%c", ZSTR_LEN(str) <= maxlen - 2 ? (int) ZSTR_LEN(str) : (maxlen - 3), ZSTR_VAL(str), ZSTR_LEN(str) <= maxlen - 2 ? 0 : '+'); zend_string_release(str); } break; case IS_RESOURCE: spprintf(&decode, 0, "Rsrc #" ZEND_LONG_FMT, Z_RES_HANDLE_P(zv)); break; case IS_ARRAY: spprintf(&decode, 0, "array(%d)", zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARR_P(zv))); break; case IS_OBJECT: { zend_string *str = Z_OBJCE_P(zv)->name; spprintf(&decode, 0, "%.*s%c", ZSTR_LEN(str) <= maxlen ? (int) ZSTR_LEN(str) : maxlen - 1, ZSTR_VAL(str), ZSTR_LEN(str) <= maxlen ? 0 : '+'); break; } case IS_CONSTANT_AST: { zend_ast *ast = Z_ASTVAL_P(zv); if (ast->kind == ZEND_AST_CONSTANT || ast->kind == ZEND_AST_CONSTANT_CLASS || ast->kind == ZEND_AST_CLASS_CONST) { decode = estrdup(""); } else { decode = estrdup(""); } break; } default: spprintf(&decode, 0, "unknown type: %d", Z_TYPE_P(zv)); break; } return decode; } /* }}} */