/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Christian Stocker <chregu@php.net> | | Rob Richards <rrichards@php.net> | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "php.h" #include "php_xsl.h" #include "ext/libxml/php_libxml.h" /* {{{ php_xsl_xslt_string_to_xpathexpr() Translates a string to a XPath Expression */ static char *php_xsl_xslt_string_to_xpathexpr(const char *str) { const xmlChar *string = (const xmlChar *)str; xmlChar *value; int str_len; str_len = xmlStrlen(string) + 3; if (xmlStrchr(string, '"')) { if (xmlStrchr(string, '\'')) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot create XPath expression (string contains both quote and double-quotes)"); return NULL; } value = (xmlChar*) safe_emalloc (str_len, sizeof(xmlChar), 0); snprintf((char*)value, str_len, "'%s'", string); } else { value = (xmlChar*) safe_emalloc (str_len, sizeof(xmlChar), 0); snprintf((char *)value, str_len, "\"%s\"", string); } return (char *) value; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ php_xsl_xslt_make_params() Translates a PHP array to a libxslt parameters array */ static char **php_xsl_xslt_make_params(HashTable *parht, int xpath_params) { int parsize; zval *value; char *xpath_expr; zend_string *string_key; char **params = NULL; int i = 0; parsize = (2 * zend_hash_num_elements(parht) + 1) * sizeof(char *); params = (char **)safe_emalloc((2 * zend_hash_num_elements(parht) + 1), sizeof(char *), 0); memset((char *)params, 0, parsize); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_VAL(parht, string_key, value) { ZEND_ASSERT(string_key != NULL); if (Z_TYPE_P(value) != IS_STRING) { if (!try_convert_to_string(value)) { efree(params); return NULL; } } if (!xpath_params) { xpath_expr = php_xsl_xslt_string_to_xpathexpr(Z_STRVAL_P(value)); } else { xpath_expr = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_P(value), Z_STRLEN_P(value)); } if (xpath_expr) { params[i++] = estrndup(ZSTR_VAL(string_key), ZSTR_LEN(string_key)); params[i++] = xpath_expr; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); params[i++] = NULL; return params; } /* }}} */ static void xsl_ext_function_php(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs, int type) /* {{{ */ { xsltTransformContextPtr tctxt; zval *args = NULL; zval retval; int result, i; int error = 0; zend_fcall_info fci; zval handler; xmlXPathObjectPtr obj; char *str; xsl_object *intern; zend_string *callable = NULL; if (! zend_is_executing()) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsltExtFunctionTest: Function called from outside of PHP\n"); error = 1; } else { tctxt = xsltXPathGetTransformContext(ctxt); if (tctxt == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsltExtFunctionTest: failed to get the transformation context\n"); error = 1; } else { intern = (xsl_object*)tctxt->_private; if (intern == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsltExtFunctionTest: failed to get the internal object\n"); error = 1; } else if (intern->registerPhpFunctions == 0) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsltExtFunctionTest: PHP Object did not register PHP functions\n"); error = 1; } } } if (error == 1) { for (i = nargs - 1; i >= 0; i--) { obj = valuePop(ctxt); if (obj) { xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); } } return; } fci.param_count = nargs - 1; if (fci.param_count > 0) { args = safe_emalloc(fci.param_count, sizeof(zval), 0); } /* Reverse order to pop values off ctxt stack */ for (i = nargs - 2; i >= 0; i--) { obj = valuePop(ctxt); if (obj == NULL) { ZVAL_NULL(&args[i]); continue; } switch (obj->type) { case XPATH_STRING: ZVAL_STRING(&args[i], (char *)obj->stringval); break; case XPATH_BOOLEAN: ZVAL_BOOL(&args[i], obj->boolval); break; case XPATH_NUMBER: ZVAL_DOUBLE(&args[i], obj->floatval); break; case XPATH_NODESET: if (type == 1) { str = (char*)xmlXPathCastToString(obj); ZVAL_STRING(&args[i], str); xmlFree(str); } else if (type == 2) { int j; dom_object *domintern = (dom_object *)intern->doc; if (obj->nodesetval && obj->nodesetval->nodeNr > 0) { array_init(&args[i]); for (j = 0; j < obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; j++) { xmlNodePtr node = obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[j]; zval child; /* not sure, if we need this... it's copied from xpath.c */ if (node->type == XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { xmlNsPtr curns; xmlNodePtr nsparent; nsparent = node->_private; curns = xmlNewNs(NULL, node->name, NULL); if (node->children) { curns->prefix = xmlStrdup((xmlChar *)node->children); } if (node->children) { node = xmlNewDocNode(node->doc, NULL, (xmlChar *) node->children, node->name); } else { node = xmlNewDocNode(node->doc, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "xmlns", node->name); } node->type = XML_NAMESPACE_DECL; node->parent = nsparent; node->ns = curns; } else { node = xmlDocCopyNode(node, domintern->document->ptr, 1); } php_dom_create_object(node, &child, domintern); add_next_index_zval(&args[i], &child); } } else { ZVAL_EMPTY_ARRAY(&args[i]); } } break; default: str = (char *) xmlXPathCastToString(obj); ZVAL_STRING(&args[i], str); xmlFree(str); } xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); } fci.size = sizeof(fci); fci.named_params = NULL; if (fci.param_count > 0) { fci.params = args; } else { fci.params = NULL; } obj = valuePop(ctxt); if (obj == NULL || obj->stringval == NULL) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Handler name must be a string"); xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString((const xmlChar *) "")); if (fci.param_count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < nargs - 1; i++) { zval_ptr_dtor(&args[i]); } efree(args); } return; } ZVAL_STRING(&handler, (char *) obj->stringval); xmlXPathFreeObject(obj); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&fci.function_name, &handler); fci.object = NULL; fci.retval = &retval; if (!zend_make_callable(&handler, &callable)) { if (!EG(exception)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to call handler %s()", ZSTR_VAL(callable)); } valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString((const xmlChar *) "")); } else if ( intern->registerPhpFunctions == 2 && zend_hash_exists(intern->registered_phpfunctions, callable) == 0) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Not allowed to call handler '%s()'", ZSTR_VAL(callable)); /* Push an empty string, so that we at least have an xslt result... */ valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString((const xmlChar *) "")); } else { result = zend_call_function(&fci, NULL); if (result == FAILURE) { if (Z_TYPE(handler) == IS_STRING) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to call handler %s()", Z_STRVAL(handler)); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString((const xmlChar *) "")); } /* retval is == NULL, when an exception occurred, don't report anything, because PHP itself will handle that */ } else if (Z_ISUNDEF(retval)) { } else { if (Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_OBJECT && instanceof_function(Z_OBJCE(retval), dom_node_class_entry)) { xmlNode *nodep; dom_object *obj; if (intern->node_list == NULL) { intern->node_list = zend_new_array(0); } Z_ADDREF(retval); zend_hash_next_index_insert(intern->node_list, &retval); obj = Z_DOMOBJ_P(&retval); nodep = dom_object_get_node(obj); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewNodeSet(nodep)); } else if (Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_TRUE || Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_FALSE) { valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewBoolean(Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_TRUE)); } else if (Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_OBJECT) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "A PHP Object cannot be converted to a XPath-string"); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString((const xmlChar *) "")); } else { convert_to_string(&retval); valuePush(ctxt, xmlXPathNewString((xmlChar *) Z_STRVAL(retval))); } zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } } zend_string_release_ex(callable, 0); zval_ptr_dtor(&handler); if (fci.param_count > 0) { for (i = 0; i < nargs - 1; i++) { zval_ptr_dtor(&args[i]); } efree(args); } } /* }}} */ void xsl_ext_function_string_php(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) /* {{{ */ { xsl_ext_function_php(ctxt, nargs, 1); } /* }}} */ void xsl_ext_function_object_php(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctxt, int nargs) /* {{{ */ { xsl_ext_function_php(ctxt, nargs, 2); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20030226/DOM3-Core.html# Since: */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, importStylesheet) { zval *id, *docp = NULL; xmlDoc *doc = NULL, *newdoc = NULL; xsltStylesheetPtr sheetp, oldsheetp; xsl_object *intern; int prevSubstValue, prevExtDtdValue, clone_docu = 0; xmlNode *nodep = NULL; zval *cloneDocu, rv; zend_string *member; id = ZEND_THIS; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "o", &docp) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } nodep = php_libxml_import_node(docp); if (nodep) { doc = nodep->doc; } if (doc == NULL) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid XML node"); RETURN_THROWS(); } /* libxslt uses _private, so we must copy the imported stylesheet document otherwise the node proxies will be a mess */ newdoc = xmlCopyDoc(doc, 1); xmlNodeSetBase((xmlNodePtr) newdoc, (xmlChar *)doc->URL); prevSubstValue = xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); prevExtDtdValue = xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue; xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = XML_DETECT_IDS | XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS; sheetp = xsltParseStylesheetDoc(newdoc); xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(prevSubstValue); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = prevExtDtdValue; if (!sheetp) { xmlFreeDoc(newdoc); RETURN_FALSE; } intern = Z_XSL_P(id); member = zend_string_init("cloneDocument", sizeof("cloneDocument")-1, 0); cloneDocu = zend_std_read_property(Z_OBJ_P(id), member, BP_VAR_IS, NULL, &rv); if (Z_TYPE_P(cloneDocu) != IS_NULL) { convert_to_long(cloneDocu); clone_docu = Z_LVAL_P(cloneDocu); } zend_string_release_ex(member, 0); if (clone_docu == 0) { /* check if the stylesheet is using xsl:key, if yes, we have to clone the document _always_ before a transformation */ nodep = xmlDocGetRootElement(sheetp->doc); if (nodep && (nodep = nodep->children)) { while (nodep) { if (nodep->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && xmlStrEqual(nodep->name, (const xmlChar *) "key") && xmlStrEqual(nodep->ns->href, XSLT_NAMESPACE)) { intern->hasKeys = 1; break; } nodep = nodep->next; } } } else { intern->hasKeys = clone_docu; } if ((oldsheetp = (xsltStylesheetPtr)intern->ptr)) { /* free wrapper */ if (((xsltStylesheetPtr) intern->ptr)->_private != NULL) { ((xsltStylesheetPtr) intern->ptr)->_private = NULL; } xsltFreeStylesheet((xsltStylesheetPtr) intern->ptr); intern->ptr = NULL; } php_xsl_set_object(id, sheetp); RETVAL_TRUE; } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet */ static xmlDocPtr php_xsl_apply_stylesheet(zval *id, xsl_object *intern, xsltStylesheetPtr style, zval *docp) /* {{{ */ { xmlDocPtr newdocp = NULL; xmlDocPtr doc = NULL; xmlNodePtr node = NULL; xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt; php_libxml_node_object *object; char **params = NULL; int clone; zval *doXInclude, rv; zend_string *member; FILE *f; int secPrefsError = 0; int secPrefsValue; xsltSecurityPrefsPtr secPrefs = NULL; node = php_libxml_import_node(docp); if (node) { doc = node->doc; } if (doc == NULL) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid XML node"); return NULL; } if (style == NULL) { zend_string *name = get_active_function_or_method_name(); zend_throw_error(NULL, "%s() can only be called after a stylesheet has been imported", ZSTR_VAL(name)); zend_string_release(name); return NULL; } if (intern->profiling) { if (php_check_open_basedir(intern->profiling)) { f = NULL; } else { f = VCWD_FOPEN(intern->profiling, "w"); } } else { f = NULL; } if (intern->parameter) { params = php_xsl_xslt_make_params(intern->parameter, 0); } intern->doc = emalloc(sizeof(php_libxml_node_object)); memset(intern->doc, 0, sizeof(php_libxml_node_object)); if (intern->hasKeys == 1) { doc = xmlCopyDoc(doc, 1); } else { object = Z_LIBXML_NODE_P(docp); intern->doc->document = object->document; } php_libxml_increment_doc_ref(intern->doc, doc); ctxt = xsltNewTransformContext(style, doc); ctxt->_private = (void *) intern; member = zend_string_init("doXInclude", sizeof("doXInclude")-1, 0); doXInclude = zend_std_read_property(Z_OBJ_P(id), member, BP_VAR_IS, NULL, &rv); if (Z_TYPE_P(doXInclude) != IS_NULL) { convert_to_long(doXInclude); ctxt->xinclude = Z_LVAL_P(doXInclude); } zend_string_release_ex(member, 0); secPrefsValue = intern->securityPrefs; /* if securityPrefs is set to NONE, we don't have to do any checks, but otherwise... */ if (secPrefsValue != XSL_SECPREF_NONE) { secPrefs = xsltNewSecurityPrefs(); if (secPrefsValue & XSL_SECPREF_READ_FILE ) { if (0 != xsltSetSecurityPrefs(secPrefs, XSLT_SECPREF_READ_FILE, xsltSecurityForbid)) { secPrefsError = 1; } } if (secPrefsValue & XSL_SECPREF_WRITE_FILE ) { if (0 != xsltSetSecurityPrefs(secPrefs, XSLT_SECPREF_WRITE_FILE, xsltSecurityForbid)) { secPrefsError = 1; } } if (secPrefsValue & XSL_SECPREF_CREATE_DIRECTORY ) { if (0 != xsltSetSecurityPrefs(secPrefs, XSLT_SECPREF_CREATE_DIRECTORY, xsltSecurityForbid)) { secPrefsError = 1; } } if (secPrefsValue & XSL_SECPREF_READ_NETWORK) { if (0 != xsltSetSecurityPrefs(secPrefs, XSLT_SECPREF_READ_NETWORK, xsltSecurityForbid)) { secPrefsError = 1; } } if (secPrefsValue & XSL_SECPREF_WRITE_NETWORK) { if (0 != xsltSetSecurityPrefs(secPrefs, XSLT_SECPREF_WRITE_NETWORK, xsltSecurityForbid)) { secPrefsError = 1; } } if (0 != xsltSetCtxtSecurityPrefs(secPrefs, ctxt)) { secPrefsError = 1; } } if (secPrefsError == 1) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Can't set libxslt security properties, not doing transformation for security reasons"); } else { newdocp = xsltApplyStylesheetUser(style, doc, (const char**) params, NULL, f, ctxt); } if (f) { fclose(f); } xsltFreeTransformContext(ctxt); if (secPrefs) { xsltFreeSecurityPrefs(secPrefs); } if (intern->node_list != NULL) { zend_hash_destroy(intern->node_list); FREE_HASHTABLE(intern->node_list); intern->node_list = NULL; } php_libxml_decrement_doc_ref(intern->doc); efree(intern->doc); intern->doc = NULL; if (params) { clone = 0; while(params[clone]) { efree(params[clone++]); } efree(params); } return newdocp; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20030226/DOM3-Core.html# Since: */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, transformToDoc) { zval *id, *docp = NULL; xmlDoc *newdocp; xsltStylesheetPtr sheetp; zend_string *ret_class = NULL; xsl_object *intern; id = ZEND_THIS; intern = Z_XSL_P(id); sheetp = (xsltStylesheetPtr) intern->ptr; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "o|S!", &docp, &ret_class) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } newdocp = php_xsl_apply_stylesheet(id, intern, sheetp, docp); if (newdocp) { if (ret_class) { zend_string *curclass_name; zend_class_entry *curce, *ce; php_libxml_node_object *interndoc; curce = Z_OBJCE_P(docp); curclass_name = curce->name; while (curce->parent != NULL) { curce = curce->parent; } ce = zend_lookup_class(ret_class); if (ce == NULL || !instanceof_function(ce, curce)) { xmlFreeDoc(newdocp); zend_argument_type_error(2, "must be a class name compatible with %s, \"%s\" given", ZSTR_VAL(curclass_name), ZSTR_VAL(ret_class) ); RETURN_THROWS(); } object_init_ex(return_value, ce); interndoc = Z_LIBXML_NODE_P(return_value); php_libxml_increment_doc_ref(interndoc, newdocp); php_libxml_increment_node_ptr(interndoc, (xmlNodePtr)newdocp, (void *)interndoc); } else { php_dom_create_object((xmlNodePtr) newdocp, return_value, NULL); } } else { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, transformToUri) { zval *id, *docp = NULL; xmlDoc *newdocp; xsltStylesheetPtr sheetp; int ret; size_t uri_len; char *uri; xsl_object *intern; id = ZEND_THIS; intern = Z_XSL_P(id); sheetp = (xsltStylesheetPtr) intern->ptr; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "op", &docp, &uri, &uri_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } newdocp = php_xsl_apply_stylesheet(id, intern, sheetp, docp); ret = -1; if (newdocp) { ret = xsltSaveResultToFilename(uri, newdocp, sheetp, 0); xmlFreeDoc(newdocp); } RETVAL_LONG(ret); } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::transformToUri */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, transformToXml) { zval *id, *docp = NULL; xmlDoc *newdocp; xsltStylesheetPtr sheetp; int ret; xmlChar *doc_txt_ptr; int doc_txt_len; xsl_object *intern; id = ZEND_THIS; intern = Z_XSL_P(id); sheetp = (xsltStylesheetPtr) intern->ptr; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "o", &docp) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } newdocp = php_xsl_apply_stylesheet(id, intern, sheetp, docp); ret = -1; if (newdocp) { ret = xsltSaveResultToString(&doc_txt_ptr, &doc_txt_len, newdocp, sheetp); if (doc_txt_ptr && doc_txt_len) { RETVAL_STRINGL((char *) doc_txt_ptr, doc_txt_len); xmlFree(doc_txt_ptr); } xmlFreeDoc(newdocp); } if (ret < 0) { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::transformToXml */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, setParameter) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; zval *entry, new_string; HashTable *array_value; xsl_object *intern; char *namespace; size_t namespace_len; zend_string *string_key, *name, *value = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 3) Z_PARAM_STRING(namespace, namespace_len) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR(array_value, name) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(value) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); intern = Z_XSL_P(id); if (array_value) { if (value) { zend_argument_value_error(3, "must be null when argument #2 ($name) is an array"); RETURN_THROWS(); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_VAL(array_value, string_key, entry) { zval tmp; zend_string *str; if (string_key == NULL) { zend_argument_type_error(2, "must contain only string keys"); RETURN_THROWS(); } str = zval_try_get_string(entry); if (UNEXPECTED(!str)) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ZVAL_STR(&tmp, str); zend_hash_update(intern->parameter, string_key, &tmp); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); RETURN_TRUE; } else { if (!value) { zend_argument_value_error(3, "cannot be null when argument #2 ($name) is a string"); RETURN_THROWS(); } ZVAL_STR_COPY(&new_string, value); zend_hash_update(intern->parameter, name, &new_string); RETURN_TRUE; } } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::setParameter */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, getParameter) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; char *namespace; size_t namespace_len = 0; zval *value; zend_string *name; xsl_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sS", &namespace, &namespace_len, &name) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_XSL_P(id); if ((value = zend_hash_find(intern->parameter, name)) != NULL) { RETURN_STR(zval_get_string(value)); } else { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::getParameter */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, removeParameter) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; size_t namespace_len = 0; char *namespace; zend_string *name; xsl_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "sS", &namespace, &namespace_len, &name) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_XSL_P(id); if (zend_hash_del(intern->parameter, name) == SUCCESS) { RETURN_TRUE; } else { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::removeParameter */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, registerPHPFunctions) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; xsl_object *intern; zval *entry, new_string; zend_string *restrict_str = NULL; HashTable *restrict_ht = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR_OR_NULL(restrict_ht, restrict_str) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); intern = Z_XSL_P(id); if (restrict_ht) { ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(restrict_ht, entry) { zend_string *str = zval_try_get_string(entry); if (UNEXPECTED(!str)) { return; } ZVAL_LONG(&new_string, 1); zend_hash_update(intern->registered_phpfunctions, str, &new_string); zend_string_release(str); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); intern->registerPhpFunctions = 2; } else if (restrict_str) { ZVAL_LONG(&new_string, 1); zend_hash_update(intern->registered_phpfunctions, restrict_str, &new_string); intern->registerPhpFunctions = 2; } else { intern->registerPhpFunctions = 1; } } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions(); */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, setProfiling) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; xsl_object *intern; char *filename = NULL; size_t filename_len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "p!", &filename, &filename_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_XSL_P(id); if (intern->profiling) { efree(intern->profiling); } if (filename != NULL) { intern->profiling = estrndup(filename, filename_len); } else { intern->profiling = NULL; } RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::setProfiling */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, setSecurityPrefs) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; xsl_object *intern; zend_long securityPrefs, oldSecurityPrefs; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &securityPrefs) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_XSL_P(id); oldSecurityPrefs = intern->securityPrefs; intern->securityPrefs = securityPrefs; /* set this to 1 so that we know, it was set through this method. Can be removed, when we remove the ini setting */ intern->securityPrefsSet = 1; RETURN_LONG(oldSecurityPrefs); } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::setSecurityPrefs */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, getSecurityPrefs) { zval *id = ZEND_THIS; xsl_object *intern; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } intern = Z_XSL_P(id); RETURN_LONG(intern->securityPrefs); } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::getSecurityPrefs */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(XSLTProcessor, hasExsltSupport) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } #ifdef HAVE_XSL_EXSLT RETURN_TRUE; #else RETURN_FALSE; #endif } /* }}} end XSLTProcessor::hasExsltSupport(); */