XMLReader: libxml2 XML Reader, Move cursor to a named attribute within a namespace
Mark Baker mark@lange.demon.co.uk at the PHPNW2017 Conference for PHP Testfest 2017
// Set up test data in a new file
$xmlstring = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<books xmlns:ns1="http://www.ns1.namespace.org/" xmlns:ns2="http://www.ns2.namespace.org/"><book ns1:num="1" ns2:idx="2" ns1:idx="3" ns2:isbn="4">book1</book></books>';
$filename = __DIR__ . '/015.xml';
file_put_contents($filename, $xmlstring);

// Load test data into a new XML Reader
$reader = new XMLReader();
if (!$reader->open($filename)) {
    exit('XML could not be read');

// Parse the data
while ($reader->read()) {
    if ($reader->nodeType != XMLREADER::END_ELEMENT) {
        // Find the book node
        if ($reader->nodeType == XMLREADER::ELEMENT && $reader->name == 'book') {
            $attr = $reader->moveToFirstAttribute();
            $attr = $reader->moveToAttributeNs('idx', 'http://www.ns1.namespace.org/');
            echo $reader->name . ": ";
            echo $reader->value . "\n";

            $attr = $reader->moveToAttributeNs('idx', 'http://www.ns2.namespace.org/');
            echo $reader->name . ": ";
            echo $reader->value . "\n";

            $attr = $reader->moveToAttributeNs('isbn', 'http://www.ns2.namespace.org/');
            echo $reader->name . ": ";
            echo $reader->value . "\n";

            // Try moving to an attribute that doesn't exist
            $attr = $reader->moveToAttributeNs('elephpant', 'http://www.ns2.namespace.org/');
            // That move should return a result of false, because there is no elephpant attribute (in any namespace)
            if (!$attr) {
                echo "Attribute does not exist\n";
            // Node pointer should still be aat the last valid node
            echo $reader->name . ": ";
            echo $reader->value . "\n";

// clean up
ns1:idx: 3
ns2:idx: 2
ns2:isbn: 4
Attribute does not exist
ns2:isbn: 4