--TEST-- Test fputcsv() : usage variations - with default enclosure & delimiter of two chars --FILE-- <?php /* Testing fputcsv() to write to a file when default enclosure value and delimiter of two chars is provided */ echo "*** Testing fputcsv() : with default enclosure & delimiter of two chars ***\n"; $fo = new SplFileObject(__DIR__ . '/SplFileObject_fputcsv_variation13.csv', 'w'); try { var_dump($fo->fputcsv(array('water', 'fruit'), ',,', '"')); } catch (ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } unset($fo); echo "Done\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- <?php $file = __DIR__ . '/SplFileObject_fputcsv_variation13.csv'; unlink($file); ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing fputcsv() : with default enclosure & delimiter of two chars *** SplFileObject::fputcsv(): Argument #2 ($separator) must be a single character Done