/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Brad Lafountain | | Shane Caraveo | | Dmitry Stogov | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php_soap.h" #include "ext/standard/base64.h" #include "ext/standard/md5.h" #include "ext/standard/php_random.h" static char *get_http_header_value_nodup(char *headers, char *type, size_t *len); static char *get_http_header_value(char *headers, char *type); static zend_string *get_http_body(php_stream *socketd, int close, char *headers); static zend_string *get_http_headers(php_stream *socketd); #define smart_str_append_const(str, const) \ smart_str_appendl(str,const,sizeof(const)-1) /* Proxy HTTP Authentication */ int proxy_authentication(zval* this_ptr, smart_str* soap_headers) { zval *login = Z_CLIENT_PROXY_LOGIN_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(login) == IS_STRING) { smart_str auth = {0}; smart_str_append(&auth, Z_STR_P(login)); smart_str_appendc(&auth, ':'); zval *password = Z_CLIENT_PROXY_PASSWORD_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append(&auth, Z_STR_P(password)); } smart_str_0(&auth); zend_string *buf = php_base64_encode((unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(auth.s), ZSTR_LEN(auth.s)); smart_str_append_const(soap_headers, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic "); smart_str_append(soap_headers, buf); smart_str_append_const(soap_headers, "\r\n"); zend_string_release_ex(buf, 0); smart_str_free(&auth); return 1; } return 0; } /* HTTP Authentication */ int basic_authentication(zval* this_ptr, smart_str* soap_headers) { zval *login = Z_CLIENT_LOGIN_P(this_ptr); zval *use_digest = Z_CLIENT_USE_DIGEST_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(login) == IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(use_digest) != IS_TRUE) { smart_str auth = {0}; smart_str_append(&auth, Z_STR_P(login)); smart_str_appendc(&auth, ':'); zval *password = Z_CLIENT_PASSWORD_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append(&auth, Z_STR_P(password)); } smart_str_0(&auth); zend_string *buf = php_base64_encode((unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(auth.s), ZSTR_LEN(auth.s)); smart_str_append_const(soap_headers, "Authorization: Basic "); smart_str_append(soap_headers, buf); smart_str_append_const(soap_headers, "\r\n"); zend_string_release_ex(buf, 0); smart_str_free(&auth); return 1; } return 0; } /* Additional HTTP headers */ void http_context_headers(php_stream_context* context, bool has_authorization, bool has_proxy_authorization, bool has_cookies, smart_str* soap_headers) { zval *tmp; if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "header")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)) { char *s = Z_STRVAL_P(tmp); char *p; int name_len; while (*s) { /* skip leading newlines and spaces */ while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\n') { s++; } /* extract header name */ p = s; name_len = -1; while (*p) { if (*p == ':') { if (name_len < 0) name_len = p - s; break; } else if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { if (name_len < 0) name_len = p - s; } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { break; } p++; } if (*p == ':') { /* extract header value */ while (*p && *p != '\r' && *p != '\n') { p++; } /* skip some predefined headers */ if ((name_len != sizeof("host")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "host", sizeof("host")-1) != 0) && (name_len != sizeof("connection")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "connection", sizeof("connection")-1) != 0) && (name_len != sizeof("user-agent")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "user-agent", sizeof("user-agent")-1) != 0) && (name_len != sizeof("content-length")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "content-length", sizeof("content-length")-1) != 0) && (name_len != sizeof("content-type")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "content-type", sizeof("content-type")-1) != 0) && (!has_cookies || name_len != sizeof("cookie")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "cookie", sizeof("cookie")-1) != 0) && (!has_authorization || name_len != sizeof("authorization")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "authorization", sizeof("authorization")-1) != 0) && (!has_proxy_authorization || name_len != sizeof("proxy-authorization")-1 || strncasecmp(s, "proxy-authorization", sizeof("proxy-authorization")-1) != 0)) { /* add header */ smart_str_appendl(soap_headers, s, p-s); smart_str_append_const(soap_headers, "\r\n"); } } s = (*p) ? (p + 1) : p; } } } static php_stream* http_connect(zval* this_ptr, php_url *phpurl, int use_ssl, php_stream_context *context, int *use_proxy) { php_stream *stream; zval *tmp, ssl_proxy_peer_name; char *host; char *name; char *protocol; zend_long namelen; int port; int old_error_reporting; struct timeval tv; struct timeval *timeout = NULL; zval *proxy_host = Z_CLIENT_PROXY_HOST_P(this_ptr); zval *proxy_port = Z_CLIENT_PROXY_PORT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(proxy_host) == IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(proxy_port) == IS_LONG) { host = Z_STRVAL_P(proxy_host); port = Z_LVAL_P(proxy_port); *use_proxy = 1; } else { host = ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->host); port = phpurl->port; } tmp = Z_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG && Z_LVAL_P(tmp) > 0) { tv.tv_sec = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); tv.tv_usec = 0; timeout = &tv; } old_error_reporting = EG(error_reporting); EG(error_reporting) &= ~(E_WARNING|E_NOTICE|E_USER_WARNING|E_USER_NOTICE); /* Changed ternary operator to an if/else so that additional comparisons can be done on the ssl_method property */ if (use_ssl && !*use_proxy) { tmp = Z_CLIENT_SSL_METHOD_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { /* uses constants declared in soap.c to determine ssl uri protocol */ switch (Z_LVAL_P(tmp)) { case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_TLS: protocol = "tls"; break; case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv2: protocol = "sslv2"; break; case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3: protocol = "sslv3"; break; case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv23: protocol = "ssl"; break; default: protocol = "ssl"; break; } } else { protocol = "ssl"; } } else { protocol = "tcp"; } namelen = spprintf(&name, 0, "%s://%s:%d", protocol, host, port); stream = php_stream_xport_create(name, namelen, REPORT_ERRORS, STREAM_XPORT_CLIENT | STREAM_XPORT_CONNECT, NULL /*persistent_id*/, timeout, context, NULL, NULL); efree(name); /* SSL & proxy */ if (stream && *use_proxy && use_ssl) { smart_str soap_headers = {0}; /* Set peer_name or name verification will try to use the proxy server name */ if (!context || (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "ssl", "peer_name")) == NULL) { ZVAL_STR_COPY(&ssl_proxy_peer_name, phpurl->host); php_stream_context_set_option(PHP_STREAM_CONTEXT(stream), "ssl", "peer_name", &ssl_proxy_peer_name); zval_ptr_dtor(&ssl_proxy_peer_name); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "CONNECT "); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->host)); smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&soap_headers, phpurl->port); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Host: "); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->host)); if (phpurl->port != 80) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&soap_headers, phpurl->port); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); proxy_authentication(this_ptr, &soap_headers); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); if (php_stream_write(stream, ZSTR_VAL(soap_headers.s), ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)) != ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)) { php_stream_close(stream); stream = NULL; } smart_str_free(&soap_headers); if (stream) { zend_string *http_headers = get_http_headers(stream); if (http_headers) { zend_string_free(http_headers); } else { php_stream_close(stream); stream = NULL; } } /* enable SSL transport layer */ if (stream) { /* if a stream is created without encryption, check to see if SSL method parameter is specified and use proper encrypyion method based on constants defined in soap.c */ int crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT; tmp = Z_CLIENT_SSL_METHOD_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { switch (Z_LVAL_P(tmp)) { case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_TLS: crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT; break; case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv2: crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv2_CLIENT; break; case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3: crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv3_CLIENT; break; case SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv23: crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT; break; default: crypto_method = STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT; break; } } if (php_stream_xport_crypto_setup(stream, crypto_method, NULL) < 0 || php_stream_xport_crypto_enable(stream, 1) < 0) { php_stream_close(stream); stream = NULL; } } } EG(error_reporting) = old_error_reporting; return stream; } static int in_domain(const char *host, const char *domain) { if (domain[0] == '.') { int l1 = strlen(host); int l2 = strlen(domain); if (l1 > l2) { return strcmp(host+l1-l2,domain) == 0; } else { return 0; } } else { return strcmp(host,domain) == 0; } } int make_http_soap_request(zval *this_ptr, zend_string *buf, char *location, char *soapaction, int soap_version, zval *return_value) { zend_string *request; smart_str soap_headers = {0}; smart_str soap_headers_z = {0}; size_t err; php_url *phpurl = NULL; php_stream *stream; zval *tmp; int use_proxy = 0; int use_ssl; zend_string *http_body; char *content_type, *http_version, *cookie_itt; size_t cookie_len; int http_close; zend_string *http_headers; char *connection; int http_1_1; int http_status; int content_type_xml = 0; zend_long redirect_max = 20; char *content_encoding; char *http_msg = NULL; bool old_allow_url_fopen; php_stream_context *context = NULL; bool has_authorization = 0; bool has_proxy_authorization = 0; bool has_cookies = 0; if (this_ptr == NULL || Z_TYPE_P(this_ptr) != IS_OBJECT) { return FALSE; } request = buf; /* Compress request */ tmp = Z_CLIENT_COMPRESSION_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { int level = Z_LVAL_P(tmp) & 0x0f; int kind = Z_LVAL_P(tmp) & SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE; if (level > 9) {level = 9;} if ((Z_LVAL_P(tmp) & SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT) != 0) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers_z,"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"); } if (level > 0) { zval func; zval retval; zval params[3]; int n; ZVAL_STR_COPY(¶ms[0], buf); ZVAL_LONG(¶ms[1], level); if (kind == SOAP_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) { n = 2; ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzcompress"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers_z,"Content-Encoding: deflate\r\n"); } else { n = 3; ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzencode"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers_z,"Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"); ZVAL_LONG(¶ms[2], 0x1f); } if (call_user_function(CG(function_table), (zval*)NULL, &func, &retval, n, params) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_STRING) { zval_ptr_dtor(¶ms[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); request = Z_STR(retval); } else { zval_ptr_dtor(¶ms[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } } } tmp = Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_RESOURCE) { php_stream_from_zval_no_verify(stream,tmp); tmp = Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { use_proxy = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); } } else { stream = NULL; } if (location != NULL && location[0] != '\000') { phpurl = php_url_parse(location); } tmp = Z_CLIENT_STREAM_CONTEXT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_RESOURCE) { context = php_stream_context_from_zval(tmp, 0); } if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "max_redirects")) != NULL) { if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) != IS_STRING || !is_numeric_string(Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp), &redirect_max, NULL, 1)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) redirect_max = Z_LVAL_P(tmp); } } try_again: if (phpurl == NULL || phpurl->host == NULL) { if (phpurl != NULL) {php_url_free(phpurl);} if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Unable to parse URL", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } use_ssl = 0; if (phpurl->scheme != NULL && zend_string_equals_literal(phpurl->scheme, "https")) { use_ssl = 1; } else if (phpurl->scheme == NULL || !zend_string_equals_literal(phpurl->scheme, "http")) { php_url_free(phpurl); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Unknown protocol. Only http and https are allowed.", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } old_allow_url_fopen = PG(allow_url_fopen); PG(allow_url_fopen) = 1; if (use_ssl && php_stream_locate_url_wrapper("https://", NULL, STREAM_LOCATE_WRAPPERS_ONLY) == NULL) { php_url_free(phpurl); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "SSL support is not available in this build", NULL, NULL); PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (phpurl->port == 0) { phpurl->port = use_ssl ? 443 : 80; } /* Check if request to the same host */ if (stream != NULL) { php_url *orig; tmp = Z_CLIENT_HTTPURL_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_RESOURCE && (orig = (php_url *) zend_fetch_resource_ex(tmp, "httpurl", le_url)) != NULL && ((use_proxy && !use_ssl) || (((use_ssl && orig->scheme != NULL && zend_string_equals_literal(orig->scheme, "https")) || (!use_ssl && orig->scheme == NULL) || (!use_ssl && !zend_string_equals_literal(orig->scheme, "https"))) && zend_string_equals(orig->host, phpurl->host) && orig->port == phpurl->port))) { } else { php_stream_close(stream); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPURL_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); stream = NULL; use_proxy = 0; } } /* Check if keep-alive connection is still opened */ if (stream != NULL && php_stream_eof(stream)) { php_stream_close(stream); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPURL_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); stream = NULL; use_proxy = 0; } if (!stream) { stream = http_connect(this_ptr, phpurl, use_ssl, context, &use_proxy); if (stream) { php_stream_auto_cleanup(stream); ZVAL_RES(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr), stream->res); GC_ADDREF(stream->res); ZVAL_LONG(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr), use_proxy); } else { php_url_free(phpurl); if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Could not connect to host", NULL, NULL); PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } } PG(allow_url_fopen) = old_allow_url_fopen; if (stream) { zval *cookies, *login, *password; zend_resource *ret = zend_register_resource(phpurl, le_url); ZVAL_RES(Z_CLIENT_HTTPURL_P(this_ptr), ret); GC_ADDREF(ret); if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "protocol_version")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_DOUBLE && Z_DVAL_P(tmp) == 1.0) { http_1_1 = 0; } else { http_1_1 = 1; } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "POST "); if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->scheme)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "://"); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->host)); smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&soap_headers, phpurl->port); } if (phpurl->path) { smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->path)); } else { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '/'); } if (phpurl->query) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '?'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->query)); } if (phpurl->fragment) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '#'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->fragment)); } if (http_1_1) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, " HTTP/1.0\r\n"); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Host: "); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->host)); if (phpurl->port != (use_ssl?443:80)) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&soap_headers, phpurl->port); } if (!http_1_1 || Z_TYPE_P(Z_CLIENT_KEEP_ALIVE_P(this_ptr)) == IS_FALSE) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n" "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"); } tmp = Z_CLIENT_USER_AGENT_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { if (Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } } else if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "user_agent")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { if (Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } } else if (FG(user_agent)) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: "); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, FG(user_agent)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/"PHP_VERSION"\r\n"); } smart_str_append_smart_str(&soap_headers, &soap_headers_z); if (soap_version == SOAP_1_2) { if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "content_type")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0 ) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Content-Type: "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"); } if (soapaction) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"; action=\""); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, soapaction); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"\""); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"\r\n"); } else { if (context && (tmp = php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "content_type")) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) > 0 ) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Content-Type: "); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } else { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n"); } if (soapaction) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "SOAPAction: \""); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, soapaction); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\"\r\n"); } } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers,"Content-Length: "); smart_str_append_long(&soap_headers, request->len); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); /* HTTP Authentication */ login = Z_CLIENT_LOGIN_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(login) == IS_STRING) { zval *digest = Z_CLIENT_DIGEST_P(this_ptr); has_authorization = 1; if (Z_TYPE_P(digest) == IS_ARRAY) { char HA1[33], HA2[33], response[33], cnonce[33], nc[9]; zend_long nonce; PHP_MD5_CTX md5ctx; unsigned char hash[16]; php_random_bytes_throw(&nonce, sizeof(nonce)); nonce &= 0x7fffffff; PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); snprintf(cnonce, sizeof(cnonce), ZEND_LONG_FMT, nonce); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)cnonce, strlen(cnonce)); PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(cnonce, hash); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nc", sizeof("nc")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_LONG) { Z_LVAL_P(tmp)++; snprintf(nc, sizeof(nc), "%08" ZEND_LONG_FMT_SPEC, Z_LVAL_P(tmp)); } else { add_assoc_long(digest, "nc", 1); strcpy(nc, "00000001"); } PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(login), Z_STRLEN_P(login)); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "realm", sizeof("realm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); password = Z_CLIENT_PASSWORD_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(password), Z_STRLEN_P(password)); } PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(HA1, hash); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "algorithm", sizeof("algorithm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_P(tmp) == sizeof("md5-sess")-1 && stricmp(Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), "md5-sess") == 0) { PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)HA1, 32); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nonce", sizeof("nonce")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)cnonce, 8); PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(HA1, hash); } PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"POST:", sizeof("POST:")-1); if (phpurl->path) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->path), ZSTR_LEN(phpurl->path)); } else { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"/", 1); } if (phpurl->query) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"?", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->query), ZSTR_LEN(phpurl->query)); } PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(HA2, hash); PHP_MD5Init(&md5ctx); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)HA1, 32); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nonce", sizeof("nonce")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "qop", sizeof("qop")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)nc, 8); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)cnonce, 8); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); /* TODO: Support for qop="auth-int" */ PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)"auth", sizeof("auth")-1); PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)":", 1); } PHP_MD5Update(&md5ctx, (unsigned char*)HA2, 32); PHP_MD5Final(hash, &md5ctx); make_digest(response, hash); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Authorization: Digest username=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(login), Z_STRLEN_P(login)); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "realm", sizeof("realm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", realm=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "nonce", sizeof("nonce")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", nonce=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", uri=\""); if (phpurl->path) { smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->path)); } else { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '/'); } if (phpurl->query) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '?'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->query)); } if (phpurl->fragment) { smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '#'); smart_str_appends(&soap_headers, ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->fragment)); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "qop", sizeof("qop")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { /* TODO: Support for qop="auth-int" */ smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", qop=\"auth"); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", nc=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, nc, 8); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", cnonce=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, cnonce, 8); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", response=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, response, 32); if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "opaque", sizeof("opaque")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", opaque=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } if ((tmp = zend_hash_str_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(digest), "algorithm", sizeof("algorithm")-1)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(tmp) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\", algorithm=\""); smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, Z_STRVAL_P(tmp), Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)); } smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\"\r\n"); } else { zend_string *buf; smart_str auth = {0}; smart_str_append(&auth, Z_STR_P(login)); smart_str_appendc(&auth, ':'); password = Z_CLIENT_PASSWORD_P(this_ptr); if (Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { smart_str_append(&auth, Z_STR_P(password)); } smart_str_0(&auth); buf = php_base64_encode((unsigned char*)ZSTR_VAL(auth.s), ZSTR_LEN(auth.s)); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Authorization: Basic "); smart_str_append(&soap_headers, buf); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); zend_string_release_ex(buf, 0); smart_str_free(&auth); } } /* Proxy HTTP Authentication */ if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { has_proxy_authorization = proxy_authentication(this_ptr, &soap_headers); } /* Send cookies along with request */ cookies = Z_CLIENT_COOKIES_P(this_ptr); ZEND_ASSERT(Z_TYPE_P(cookies) == IS_ARRAY); if (zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies)) != 0) { zval *data; zend_string *key; has_cookies = 1; smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "Cookie: "); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_VAL(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies), key, data) { if (key && Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY) { zval *value; if ((value = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 0)) != NULL && Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_STRING) { zval *tmp; if (((tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 1)) == NULL || Z_TYPE_P(tmp) != IS_STRING || strncmp(phpurl->path?ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->path):"/",Z_STRVAL_P(tmp),Z_STRLEN_P(tmp)) == 0) && ((tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 2)) == NULL || Z_TYPE_P(tmp) != IS_STRING || in_domain(ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->host),Z_STRVAL_P(tmp))) && (use_ssl || (tmp = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(data), 3)) == NULL)) { smart_str_append(&soap_headers, key); smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, '='); smart_str_append(&soap_headers, Z_STR_P(value)); smart_str_appendc(&soap_headers, ';'); } } } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); } http_context_headers(context, has_authorization, has_proxy_authorization, has_cookies, &soap_headers); smart_str_append_const(&soap_headers, "\r\n"); smart_str_0(&soap_headers); if (Z_TYPE_P(Z_CLIENT_TRACE_P(this_ptr)) == IS_TRUE) { zval_ptr_dtor(Z_CLIENT_LAST_REQUEST_HEADERS_P(this_ptr)); /* Need to copy the string here, as we continue appending to soap_headers below. */ ZVAL_STRINGL(Z_CLIENT_LAST_REQUEST_HEADERS_P(this_ptr), ZSTR_VAL(soap_headers.s), ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)); } smart_str_appendl(&soap_headers, request->val, request->len); smart_str_0(&soap_headers); err = php_stream_write(stream, ZSTR_VAL(soap_headers.s), ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)); if (err != ZSTR_LEN(soap_headers.s)) { if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } php_stream_close(stream); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPURL_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Failed Sending HTTP SOAP request", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } smart_str_free(&soap_headers); } else { add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Failed to create stream??", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (!return_value) { php_stream_close(stream); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return TRUE; } do { http_headers = get_http_headers(stream); if (!http_headers) { if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } php_stream_close(stream); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Error Fetching http headers", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (Z_TYPE_P(Z_CLIENT_TRACE_P(this_ptr)) == IS_TRUE) { zval_ptr_dtor(Z_CLIENT_LAST_RESPONSE_HEADERS_P(this_ptr)); ZVAL_STR_COPY(Z_CLIENT_LAST_RESPONSE_HEADERS_P(this_ptr), http_headers); } /* Check to see what HTTP status was sent */ http_1_1 = 0; http_status = 0; http_version = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "HTTP/"); if (http_version) { char *tmp; if (!strncmp(http_version,"1.1", 3)) { http_1_1 = 1; } tmp = strstr(http_version," "); if (tmp != NULL) { tmp++; http_status = atoi(tmp); } tmp = strstr(tmp," "); if (tmp != NULL) { tmp++; if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } http_msg = estrdup(tmp); } efree(http_version); /* Try and get headers again */ if (http_status == 100) { zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); } } } while (http_status == 100); /* Grab and send back every cookie */ /* Not going to worry about Path: because we shouldn't be changing urls so path doesn't matter too much */ cookie_itt = ZSTR_VAL(http_headers); while ((cookie_itt = get_http_header_value_nodup(cookie_itt, "Set-Cookie: ", &cookie_len))) { zval *cookies = Z_CLIENT_COOKIES_P(this_ptr); SEPARATE_ARRAY(cookies); char *cookie = estrndup(cookie_itt, cookie_len); char *eqpos = strstr(cookie, "="); char *sempos = strstr(cookie, ";"); if (eqpos != NULL && (sempos == NULL || sempos > eqpos)) { smart_str name = {0}; int cookie_len; zval zcookie; if (sempos != NULL) { cookie_len = sempos-(eqpos+1); } else { cookie_len = strlen(cookie)-(eqpos-cookie)-1; } smart_str_appendl(&name, cookie, eqpos - cookie); smart_str_0(&name); array_init(&zcookie); add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 0, eqpos + 1, cookie_len); if (sempos != NULL) { char *options = cookie + cookie_len+1; while (*options) { while (*options == ' ') {options++;} sempos = strstr(options, ";"); if (strstr(options,"path=") == options) { eqpos = options + sizeof("path=")-1; add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 1, eqpos, sempos?(size_t)(sempos-eqpos):strlen(eqpos)); } else if (strstr(options,"domain=") == options) { eqpos = options + sizeof("domain=")-1; add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 2, eqpos, sempos?(size_t)(sempos-eqpos):strlen(eqpos)); } else if (strstr(options,"secure") == options) { add_index_bool(&zcookie, 3, 1); } if (sempos != NULL) { options = sempos+1; } else { break; } } } if (!zend_hash_index_exists(Z_ARRVAL(zcookie), 1)) { char *t = phpurl->path?ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->path):"/"; char *c = strrchr(t, '/'); if (c) { add_index_stringl(&zcookie, 1, t, c-t); } } if (!zend_hash_index_exists(Z_ARRVAL(zcookie), 2)) { add_index_str(&zcookie, 2, phpurl->host); GC_ADDREF(phpurl->host); } zend_symtable_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(cookies), name.s, &zcookie); smart_str_free(&name); } cookie_itt = cookie_itt + cookie_len; efree(cookie); } /* See if the server requested a close */ if (http_1_1) { http_close = FALSE; if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Proxy-Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "close", sizeof("close")-1) == 0) { http_close = TRUE; } efree(connection); } } if (http_close == FALSE) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "close", sizeof("close")-1) == 0) { http_close = TRUE; } efree(connection); } } } else { http_close = TRUE; if (use_proxy && !use_ssl) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Proxy-Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "Keep-Alive", sizeof("Keep-Alive")-1) == 0) { http_close = FALSE; } efree(connection); } } if (http_close == TRUE) { connection = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Connection: "); if (connection) { if (strncasecmp(connection, "Keep-Alive", sizeof("Keep-Alive")-1) == 0) { http_close = FALSE; } efree(connection); } } } http_body = get_http_body(stream, http_close, ZSTR_VAL(http_headers)); if (!http_body) { if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } php_stream_close(stream); zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Error Fetching http body, No Content-Length, connection closed or chunked data", NULL, NULL); if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } if (request != buf) { zend_string_release_ex(request, 0); } if (http_close) { php_stream_close(stream); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_HTTPSOCKET_P(this_ptr)); convert_to_null(Z_CLIENT_USE_PROXY_P(this_ptr)); stream = NULL; } /* Process HTTP status codes */ if (http_status >= 300 && http_status < 400) { char *loc; if ((loc = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Location: ")) != NULL) { php_url *new_url = php_url_parse(loc); if (new_url != NULL) { zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); zend_string_release_ex(http_body, 0); efree(loc); if (new_url->scheme == NULL && new_url->path != NULL) { new_url->scheme = phpurl->scheme ? zend_string_copy(phpurl->scheme) : NULL; new_url->host = phpurl->host ? zend_string_copy(phpurl->host) : NULL; new_url->port = phpurl->port; if (new_url->path && ZSTR_VAL(new_url->path)[0] != '/') { if (phpurl->path) { char *t = ZSTR_VAL(phpurl->path); char *p = strrchr(t, '/'); if (p) { zend_string *s = zend_string_alloc((p - t) + ZSTR_LEN(new_url->path) + 2, 0); strncpy(ZSTR_VAL(s), t, (p - t) + 1); ZSTR_VAL(s)[(p - t) + 1] = 0; strcat(ZSTR_VAL(s), ZSTR_VAL(new_url->path)); zend_string_release_ex(new_url->path, 0); new_url->path = s; } } else { zend_string *s = zend_string_alloc(ZSTR_LEN(new_url->path) + 2, 0); ZSTR_VAL(s)[0] = '/'; ZSTR_VAL(s)[1] = 0; strcat(ZSTR_VAL(s), ZSTR_VAL(new_url->path)); zend_string_release_ex(new_url->path, 0); new_url->path = s; } } } phpurl = new_url; if (--redirect_max < 1) { add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Redirection limit reached, aborting", NULL, NULL); smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); return FALSE; } goto try_again; } } } else if (http_status == 401) { /* Digest authentication */ zval *digest = Z_CLIENT_DIGEST_P(this_ptr); zval *login = Z_CLIENT_LOGIN_P(this_ptr); zval *password = Z_CLIENT_PASSWORD_P(this_ptr); char *auth = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "WWW-Authenticate: "); if (auth && strstr(auth, "Digest") == auth && Z_TYPE_P(digest) != IS_ARRAY && Z_TYPE_P(login) == IS_STRING && Z_TYPE_P(password) == IS_STRING) { char *s; zval digest; ZVAL_UNDEF(&digest); s = auth + sizeof("Digest")-1; while (*s != '\0') { char *name, *val; while (*s == ' ') ++s; name = s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != '=') ++s; if (*s == '=') { *s = '\0'; ++s; if (*s == '"') { ++s; val = s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != '"') ++s; } else { val = s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != ' ' && *s != ',') ++s; } if (*s != '\0') { if (*s != ',') { *s = '\0'; ++s; while (*s != '\0' && *s != ',') ++s; if (*s != '\0') ++s; } else { *s = '\0'; ++s; } } if (Z_TYPE(digest) == IS_UNDEF) { array_init(&digest); } add_assoc_string(&digest, name, val); } } if (Z_TYPE(digest) != IS_UNDEF) { php_url *new_url = emalloc(sizeof(php_url)); zval_ptr_dtor(Z_CLIENT_DIGEST_P(this_ptr)); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(Z_CLIENT_DIGEST_P(this_ptr), &digest); *new_url = *phpurl; if (phpurl->scheme) phpurl->scheme = zend_string_copy(phpurl->scheme); if (phpurl->user) phpurl->user = zend_string_copy(phpurl->user); if (phpurl->pass) phpurl->pass = zend_string_copy(phpurl->pass); if (phpurl->host) phpurl->host = zend_string_copy(phpurl->host); if (phpurl->path) phpurl->path = zend_string_copy(phpurl->path); if (phpurl->query) phpurl->query = zend_string_copy(phpurl->query); if (phpurl->fragment) phpurl->fragment = zend_string_copy(phpurl->fragment); phpurl = new_url; efree(auth); zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); zend_string_release_ex(http_body, 0); goto try_again; } } if (auth) efree(auth); } smart_str_free(&soap_headers_z); /* Check and see if the server even sent a xml document */ content_type = get_http_header_value(ZSTR_VAL(http_headers), "Content-Type: "); if (content_type) { char *pos = NULL; int cmplen; pos = strstr(content_type,";"); if (pos != NULL) { cmplen = pos - content_type; } else { cmplen = strlen(content_type); } if (strncmp(content_type, "text/xml", cmplen) == 0 || strncmp(content_type, "application/soap+xml", cmplen) == 0) { content_type_xml = 1; /* if (strncmp(http_body, "val+10, http_body->len-10); } else if (strcmp(content_encoding,"deflate") == 0 && zend_hash_str_exists(EG(function_table), "gzuncompress", sizeof("gzuncompress")-1)) { ZVAL_STRING(&func, "gzuncompress"); ZVAL_STR_COPY(¶ms[0], http_body); } else { efree(content_encoding); zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); zend_string_release_ex(http_body, 0); if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Unknown Content-Encoding", NULL, NULL); return FALSE; } if (call_user_function(CG(function_table), (zval*)NULL, &func, &retval, 1, params) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_STRING) { zval_ptr_dtor(¶ms[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); zend_string_release_ex(http_body, 0); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(return_value, &retval); } else { zval_ptr_dtor(¶ms[0]); zval_ptr_dtor(&func); efree(content_encoding); zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); zend_string_release_ex(http_body, 0); add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "HTTP", "Can't uncompress compressed response", NULL, NULL); if (http_msg) { efree(http_msg); } return FALSE; } efree(content_encoding); } else { ZVAL_STR(return_value, http_body); } zend_string_release_ex(http_headers, 0); if (http_status >= 400) { int error = 0; if (Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) == 0) { error = 1; } else if (Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) > 0) { if (!content_type_xml) { char *s = Z_STRVAL_P(return_value); while (*s != '\0' && *s < ' ') { s++; } if (strncmp(s, " tmp) { if (*(eol-1) == '\r') { eol--; } /* strip trailing whitespace */ while (eol > tmp && (*(eol-1) == ' ' || *(eol-1) == '\t')) { eol--; } } *len = eol - tmp; return tmp; } /* find next line */ pos = strchr(pos, '\n'); if (pos) { pos++; } } while (pos); return NULL; } static char *get_http_header_value(char *headers, char *type) { size_t len; char *value; value = get_http_header_value_nodup(headers, type, &len); if (value) { return estrndup(value, len); } return NULL; } static zend_string* get_http_body(php_stream *stream, int close, char *headers) { zend_string *http_buf = NULL; char *header; int header_close = close, header_chunked = 0, header_length = 0, http_buf_size = 0; if (!close) { header = get_http_header_value(headers, "Connection: "); if (header) { if(!strncasecmp(header, "close", sizeof("close")-1)) header_close = 1; efree(header); } } header = get_http_header_value(headers, "Transfer-Encoding: "); if (header) { if(!strncasecmp(header, "chunked", sizeof("chunked")-1)) header_chunked = 1; efree(header); } header = get_http_header_value(headers, "Content-Length: "); if (header) { header_length = atoi(header); efree(header); if (!header_length && !header_chunked) { /* Empty response */ return ZSTR_EMPTY_ALLOC(); } } if (header_chunked) { char ch, done, headerbuf[8192]; done = FALSE; while (!done) { int buf_size = 0; php_stream_gets(stream, headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf)); if (sscanf(headerbuf, "%x", &buf_size) > 0 ) { if (buf_size > 0) { size_t len_size = 0; if (http_buf_size + buf_size + 1 < 0) { if (http_buf) { zend_string_release_ex(http_buf, 0); } return NULL; } if (http_buf) { http_buf = zend_string_realloc(http_buf, http_buf_size + buf_size, 0); } else { http_buf = zend_string_alloc(buf_size, 0); } while (len_size < buf_size) { ssize_t len_read = php_stream_read(stream, http_buf->val + http_buf_size, buf_size - len_size); if (len_read <= 0) { /* Error or EOF */ done = TRUE; break; } len_size += len_read; http_buf_size += len_read; } /* Eat up '\r' '\n' */ ch = php_stream_getc(stream); if (ch == '\r') { ch = php_stream_getc(stream); } if (ch != '\n') { /* Something wrong in chunked encoding */ if (http_buf) { zend_string_release_ex(http_buf, 0); } return NULL; } } } else { /* Something wrong in chunked encoding */ if (http_buf) { zend_string_release_ex(http_buf, 0); } return NULL; } if (buf_size == 0) { done = TRUE; } } /* Ignore trailer headers */ while (1) { if (!php_stream_gets(stream, headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf))) { break; } if ((headerbuf[0] == '\r' && headerbuf[1] == '\n') || (headerbuf[0] == '\n')) { /* empty line marks end of headers */ break; } } if (http_buf == NULL) { return ZSTR_EMPTY_ALLOC(); } } else if (header_length) { if (header_length < 0 || header_length >= INT_MAX) { return NULL; } http_buf = zend_string_alloc(header_length, 0); while (http_buf_size < header_length) { ssize_t len_read = php_stream_read(stream, http_buf->val + http_buf_size, header_length - http_buf_size); if (len_read <= 0) { break; } http_buf_size += len_read; } } else if (header_close) { do { ssize_t len_read; if (http_buf) { http_buf = zend_string_realloc(http_buf, http_buf_size + 4096, 0); } else { http_buf = zend_string_alloc(4096, 0); } len_read = php_stream_read(stream, http_buf->val + http_buf_size, 4096); if (len_read > 0) { http_buf_size += len_read; } } while(!php_stream_eof(stream)); } else { return NULL; } http_buf->val[http_buf_size] = '\0'; http_buf->len = http_buf_size; return http_buf; } static zend_string *get_http_headers(php_stream *stream) { smart_str tmp_response = {0}; char headerbuf[8192]; while (php_stream_gets(stream, headerbuf, sizeof(headerbuf))) { if ((headerbuf[0] == '\r' && headerbuf[1] == '\n') || (headerbuf[0] == '\n')) { /* empty line marks end of headers */ smart_str_0(&tmp_response); return tmp_response.s; } /* add header to collection */ smart_str_appends(&tmp_response, headerbuf); } smart_str_free(&tmp_response); return NULL; }