--TEST-- openssl_decrypt() with OCB cipher algorithm tests --EXTENSIONS-- openssl --SKIPIF-- <?php if (!in_array('aes-128-ocb', openssl_get_cipher_methods())) die("skip: aes-128-ocb not available"); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/cipher_tests.inc"; $method = 'aes-128-ocb'; $tests = openssl_get_cipher_tests($method); foreach ($tests as $idx => $test) { echo "TEST $idx\n"; $pt = openssl_decrypt($test['ct'], $method, $test['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $test['iv'], $test['tag'], $test['aad']); var_dump($test['pt'] === $pt); } // no IV var_dump(openssl_decrypt($test['ct'], $method, $test['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, '', $test['tag'], $test['aad'])); // IV too long var_dump(openssl_decrypt($test['ct'], $method, $test['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, str_repeat('x', 32), $test['tag'], $test['aad'])); // failed because no AAD var_dump(openssl_decrypt($test['ct'], $method, $test['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $test['iv'], $test['tag'])); // failed because wrong tag var_dump(openssl_decrypt($test['ct'], $method, $test['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $test['iv'], str_repeat('x', 16), $test['aad'])); ?> --EXPECTF-- TEST 0 bool(true) TEST 1 bool(true) TEST 2 bool(true) TEST 3 bool(true) TEST 4 bool(true) TEST 5 bool(true) Warning: openssl_decrypt(): Setting of IV length for AEAD mode failed in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_decrypt(): Setting of IV length for AEAD mode failed in %s on line %d bool(false) bool(false) bool(false)