/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Tsukada Takuya | | Rui Hirokawa | | Hironori Sato | | Shigeru Kanemoto | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ /* {{{ includes */ #include "libmbfl/config.h" #include "php.h" #include "php_ini.h" #include "php_variables.h" #include "mbstring.h" #include "ext/standard/php_string.h" #include "ext/standard/php_mail.h" #include "ext/standard/exec.h" #include "ext/standard/url.h" #include "main/php_output.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "ext/pcre/php_pcre.h" #include "libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter_8bit.h" #include "libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter_pass.h" #include "libmbfl/mbfl/mbfilter_wchar.h" #include "libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_base64.h" #include "libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_qprint.h" #include "libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_ucs4.h" #include "libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_utf8.h" #include "libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_tl_jisx0201_jisx0208.h" #include "libmbfl/filters/mbfilter_singlebyte.h" #include "php_variables.h" #include "php_globals.h" #include "rfc1867.h" #include "php_content_types.h" #include "SAPI.h" #include "php_unicode.h" #include "TSRM.h" #include "mb_gpc.h" #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX # include "php_mbregex.h" #endif #include "zend_multibyte.h" #include "mbstring_arginfo.h" /* }}} */ /* {{{ prototypes */ ZEND_DECLARE_MODULE_GLOBALS(mbstring) static PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring); static PHP_GSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring); static void php_mb_populate_current_detect_order_list(void); static int php_mb_encoding_translation(void); static void php_mb_gpc_get_detect_order(const zend_encoding ***list, size_t *list_size); static void php_mb_gpc_set_input_encoding(const zend_encoding *encoding); static inline bool php_mb_is_unsupported_no_encoding(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_enc); static inline bool php_mb_is_no_encoding_utf8(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_enc); /* }}} */ /* {{{ php_mb_default_identify_list */ typedef struct _php_mb_nls_ident_list { enum mbfl_no_language lang; const enum mbfl_no_encoding *list; size_t list_size; } php_mb_nls_ident_list; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_ja[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_jis, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_jp, mbfl_no_encoding_sjis }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_cn[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_cn, mbfl_no_encoding_cp936 }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_tw_hk[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_tw, mbfl_no_encoding_big5 }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_kr[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_euc_kr, mbfl_no_encoding_uhc }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_ru[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_koi8r, mbfl_no_encoding_cp1251, mbfl_no_encoding_cp866 }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_hy[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_armscii8 }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_tr[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_cp1254, mbfl_no_encoding_8859_9 }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_ua[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8, mbfl_no_encoding_koi8u }; static const enum mbfl_no_encoding php_mb_default_identify_list_neut[] = { mbfl_no_encoding_ascii, mbfl_no_encoding_utf8 }; static const php_mb_nls_ident_list php_mb_default_identify_list[] = { { mbfl_no_language_japanese, php_mb_default_identify_list_ja, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_ja) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_ja[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_korean, php_mb_default_identify_list_kr, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_kr) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_kr[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_traditional_chinese, php_mb_default_identify_list_tw_hk, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_tw_hk) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_tw_hk[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_simplified_chinese, php_mb_default_identify_list_cn, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_cn) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_cn[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_russian, php_mb_default_identify_list_ru, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_ru) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_ru[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_armenian, php_mb_default_identify_list_hy, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_hy) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_hy[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_turkish, php_mb_default_identify_list_tr, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_tr) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_tr[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_ukrainian, php_mb_default_identify_list_ua, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_ua) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_ua[0]) }, { mbfl_no_language_neutral, php_mb_default_identify_list_neut, sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_neut) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_neut[0]) } }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ mbstring_deps[] */ static const zend_module_dep mbstring_deps[] = { ZEND_MOD_REQUIRED("pcre") ZEND_MOD_END }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ zend_module_entry mbstring_module_entry */ zend_module_entry mbstring_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER_EX, NULL, mbstring_deps, "mbstring", ext_functions, PHP_MINIT(mbstring), PHP_MSHUTDOWN(mbstring), PHP_RINIT(mbstring), PHP_RSHUTDOWN(mbstring), PHP_MINFO(mbstring), PHP_MBSTRING_VERSION, PHP_MODULE_GLOBALS(mbstring), PHP_GINIT(mbstring), PHP_GSHUTDOWN(mbstring), NULL, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES_EX }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ static sapi_post_entry php_post_entries[] */ static const sapi_post_entry php_post_entries[] = { { DEFAULT_POST_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof(DEFAULT_POST_CONTENT_TYPE)-1, sapi_read_standard_form_data, php_std_post_handler }, { MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof(MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE)-1, NULL, rfc1867_post_handler }, { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; /* }}} */ #ifdef COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING #ifdef ZTS ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_DEFINE() #endif ZEND_GET_MODULE(mbstring) #endif /* {{{ static sapi_post_entry mbstr_post_entries[] */ static const sapi_post_entry mbstr_post_entries[] = { { DEFAULT_POST_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof(DEFAULT_POST_CONTENT_TYPE)-1, sapi_read_standard_form_data, php_mb_post_handler }, { MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE, sizeof(MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE)-1, NULL, rfc1867_post_handler }, { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; /* }}} */ static const mbfl_encoding *php_mb_get_encoding(zend_string *encoding_name, uint32_t arg_num) { if (encoding_name) { const mbfl_encoding *encoding; zend_string *last_encoding_name = MBSTRG(last_used_encoding_name); if (last_encoding_name && (last_encoding_name == encoding_name || zend_string_equals_ci(encoding_name, last_encoding_name))) { return MBSTRG(last_used_encoding); } encoding = mbfl_name2encoding(ZSTR_VAL(encoding_name)); if (!encoding) { zend_argument_value_error(arg_num, "must be a valid encoding, \"%s\" given", ZSTR_VAL(encoding_name)); return NULL; } if (last_encoding_name) { zend_string_release(last_encoding_name); } MBSTRG(last_used_encoding_name) = zend_string_copy(encoding_name); MBSTRG(last_used_encoding) = encoding; return encoding; } else { return MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); } } static const mbfl_encoding *php_mb_get_encoding_or_pass(const char *encoding_name) { if (strcmp(encoding_name, "pass") == 0) { return &mbfl_encoding_pass; } return mbfl_name2encoding(encoding_name); } static size_t count_commas(const char *p, const char *end) { size_t count = 0; while ((p = memchr(p, ',', end - p))) { count++; p++; } return count; } /* {{{ static zend_result php_mb_parse_encoding_list() * Return FAILURE if input contains any illegal encoding, otherwise SUCCESS. * Emits a ValueError in function context and a warning in INI context, in INI context arg_num must be 0. */ static zend_result php_mb_parse_encoding_list(const char *value, size_t value_length, const mbfl_encoding ***return_list, size_t *return_size, bool persistent, uint32_t arg_num, bool allow_pass_encoding) { if (value == NULL || value_length == 0) { *return_list = NULL; *return_size = 0; return SUCCESS; } else { bool included_auto; size_t n, size; char *p1, *endp, *tmpstr; const mbfl_encoding **entry, **list; /* copy the value string for work */ if (value[0]=='"' && value[value_length-1]=='"' && value_length>2) { tmpstr = (char *)estrndup(value+1, value_length-2); value_length -= 2; } else { tmpstr = (char *)estrndup(value, value_length); } endp = tmpstr + value_length; size = 1 + count_commas(tmpstr, endp) + MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list_size); list = (const mbfl_encoding **)pecalloc(size, sizeof(mbfl_encoding*), persistent); entry = list; n = 0; included_auto = 0; p1 = tmpstr; while (1) { char *comma = (char *) php_memnstr(p1, ",", 1, endp); char *p = comma ? comma : endp; *p = '\0'; /* trim spaces */ while (p1 < p && (*p1 == ' ' || *p1 == '\t')) { p1++; } p--; while (p > p1 && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) { *p = '\0'; p--; } /* convert to the encoding number and check encoding */ if (strcasecmp(p1, "auto") == 0) { if (!included_auto) { const enum mbfl_no_encoding *src = MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list); const size_t identify_list_size = MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list_size); size_t i; included_auto = 1; for (i = 0; i < identify_list_size; i++) { *entry++ = mbfl_no2encoding(*src++); n++; } } } else { const mbfl_encoding *encoding = allow_pass_encoding ? php_mb_get_encoding_or_pass(p1) : mbfl_name2encoding(p1); if (!encoding) { /* Called from an INI setting modification */ if (arg_num == 0) { php_error_docref("ref.mbstring", E_WARNING, "INI setting contains invalid encoding \"%s\"", p1); } else { zend_argument_value_error(arg_num, "contains invalid encoding \"%s\"", p1); } efree(tmpstr); pefree(ZEND_VOIDP(list), persistent); return FAILURE; } *entry++ = encoding; n++; } if (n >= size || comma == NULL) { break; } p1 = comma + 1; } *return_list = list; *return_size = n; efree(tmpstr); } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static int php_mb_parse_encoding_array() * Return FAILURE if input contains any illegal encoding, otherwise SUCCESS. * Emits a ValueError in function context and a warning in INI context, in INI context arg_num must be 0. */ static int php_mb_parse_encoding_array(HashTable *target_hash, const mbfl_encoding ***return_list, size_t *return_size, uint32_t arg_num) { /* Allocate enough space to include the default detect order if "auto" is used. */ size_t size = zend_hash_num_elements(target_hash) + MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list_size); const mbfl_encoding **list = ecalloc(size, sizeof(mbfl_encoding*)); const mbfl_encoding **entry = list; bool included_auto = 0; size_t n = 0; zval *hash_entry; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(target_hash, hash_entry) { zend_string *encoding_str = zval_try_get_string(hash_entry); if (UNEXPECTED(!encoding_str)) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(list)); return FAILURE; } if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(encoding_str, "auto")) { if (!included_auto) { const enum mbfl_no_encoding *src = MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list); const size_t identify_list_size = MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list_size); size_t j; included_auto = 1; for (j = 0; j < identify_list_size; j++) { *entry++ = mbfl_no2encoding(*src++); n++; } } } else { const mbfl_encoding *encoding = mbfl_name2encoding(ZSTR_VAL(encoding_str)); if (encoding) { *entry++ = encoding; n++; } else { zend_argument_value_error(arg_num, "contains invalid encoding \"%s\"", ZSTR_VAL(encoding_str)); zend_string_release(encoding_str); efree(ZEND_VOIDP(list)); return FAILURE; } } zend_string_release(encoding_str); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); *return_list = list; *return_size = n; return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ zend_multibyte interface */ static const zend_encoding* php_mb_zend_encoding_fetcher(const char *encoding_name) { return (const zend_encoding*)mbfl_name2encoding(encoding_name); } static const char *php_mb_zend_encoding_name_getter(const zend_encoding *encoding) { return ((const mbfl_encoding *)encoding)->name; } static bool php_mb_zend_encoding_lexer_compatibility_checker(const zend_encoding *_encoding) { const mbfl_encoding *encoding = (const mbfl_encoding*)_encoding; return !(encoding->flag & MBFL_ENCTYPE_GL_UNSAFE); } static const zend_encoding *php_mb_zend_encoding_detector(const unsigned char *arg_string, size_t arg_length, const zend_encoding **list, size_t list_size) { mbfl_string string; if (!list) { list = (const zend_encoding **)MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list); list_size = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size); } mbfl_string_init(&string); string.val = (unsigned char *)arg_string; string.len = arg_length; return (const zend_encoding *) mbfl_identify_encoding(&string, (const mbfl_encoding **)list, list_size, 0); } static size_t php_mb_zend_encoding_converter(unsigned char **to, size_t *to_length, const unsigned char *from, size_t from_length, const zend_encoding *encoding_to, const zend_encoding *encoding_from) { mbfl_string string, result; mbfl_buffer_converter *convd; /* new encoding */ /* initialize string */ string.encoding = (const mbfl_encoding*)encoding_from; string.val = (unsigned char*)from; string.len = from_length; /* initialize converter */ convd = mbfl_buffer_converter_new((const mbfl_encoding *)encoding_from, (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding_to, string.len); if (convd == NULL) { return (size_t) -1; } mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_mode(convd, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode)); mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_substchar(convd, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); /* do it */ size_t loc = mbfl_buffer_converter_feed(convd, &string); mbfl_buffer_converter_flush(convd); mbfl_string_init(&result); if (!mbfl_buffer_converter_result(convd, &result)) { mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(convd); return (size_t)-1; } *to = result.val; *to_length = result.len; mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(convd); return loc; } static zend_result php_mb_zend_encoding_list_parser(const char *encoding_list, size_t encoding_list_len, const zend_encoding ***return_list, size_t *return_size, bool persistent) { return php_mb_parse_encoding_list( encoding_list, encoding_list_len, (const mbfl_encoding ***)return_list, return_size, persistent, /* arg_num */ 0, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 1); } static const zend_encoding *php_mb_zend_internal_encoding_getter(void) { return (const zend_encoding *)MBSTRG(internal_encoding); } static zend_result php_mb_zend_internal_encoding_setter(const zend_encoding *encoding) { MBSTRG(internal_encoding) = (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding; return SUCCESS; } static zend_multibyte_functions php_mb_zend_multibyte_functions = { "mbstring", php_mb_zend_encoding_fetcher, php_mb_zend_encoding_name_getter, php_mb_zend_encoding_lexer_compatibility_checker, php_mb_zend_encoding_detector, php_mb_zend_encoding_converter, php_mb_zend_encoding_list_parser, php_mb_zend_internal_encoding_getter, php_mb_zend_internal_encoding_setter }; /* }}} */ /* {{{ _php_mb_compile_regex */ static void *_php_mb_compile_regex(const char *pattern) { pcre2_code *retval; PCRE2_SIZE err_offset; int errnum; if (!(retval = pcre2_compile((PCRE2_SPTR)pattern, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, PCRE2_CASELESS, &errnum, &err_offset, php_pcre_cctx()))) { PCRE2_UCHAR err_str[128]; pcre2_get_error_message(errnum, err_str, sizeof(err_str)); php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s (offset=%zu): %s", pattern, err_offset, err_str); } return retval; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _php_mb_match_regex */ static int _php_mb_match_regex(void *opaque, const char *str, size_t str_len) { int res; pcre2_match_data *match_data = php_pcre_create_match_data(0, opaque); if (NULL == match_data) { pcre2_code_free(opaque); php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot allocate match data"); return FAILURE; } res = pcre2_match(opaque, (PCRE2_SPTR)str, str_len, 0, 0, match_data, php_pcre_mctx()) >= 0; php_pcre_free_match_data(match_data); return res; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _php_mb_free_regex */ static void _php_mb_free_regex(void *opaque) { pcre2_code_free(opaque); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ php_mb_nls_get_default_detect_order_list */ static int php_mb_nls_get_default_detect_order_list(enum mbfl_no_language lang, enum mbfl_no_encoding **plist, size_t *plist_size) { size_t i; *plist = (enum mbfl_no_encoding *) php_mb_default_identify_list_neut; *plist_size = sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_neut) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_neut[0]); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list[0]); i++) { if (php_mb_default_identify_list[i].lang == lang) { *plist = (enum mbfl_no_encoding *)php_mb_default_identify_list[i].list; *plist_size = php_mb_default_identify_list[i].list_size; return 1; } } return 0; } /* }}} */ static char *php_mb_rfc1867_substring_conf(const zend_encoding *encoding, char *start, size_t len, char quote) { char *result = emalloc(len + 2); char *resp = result; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < len && start[i] != quote; ++i) { if (start[i] == '\\' && (start[i + 1] == '\\' || (quote && start[i + 1] == quote))) { *resp++ = start[++i]; } else { size_t j = php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(start+i, (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding); while (j-- > 0 && i < len) { *resp++ = start[i++]; } --i; } } *resp = '\0'; return result; } static char *php_mb_rfc1867_getword(const zend_encoding *encoding, char **line, char stop) /* {{{ */ { char *pos = *line, quote; char *res; while (*pos && *pos != stop) { if ((quote = *pos) == '"' || quote == '\'') { ++pos; while (*pos && *pos != quote) { if (*pos == '\\' && pos[1] && pos[1] == quote) { pos += 2; } else { ++pos; } } if (*pos) { ++pos; } } else { pos += php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(pos, (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding); } } if (*pos == '\0') { res = estrdup(*line); *line += strlen(*line); return res; } res = estrndup(*line, pos - *line); while (*pos == stop) { pos += php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(pos, (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding); } *line = pos; return res; } /* }}} */ static char *php_mb_rfc1867_getword_conf(const zend_encoding *encoding, char *str) /* {{{ */ { while (*str && isspace(*(unsigned char *)str)) { ++str; } if (!*str) { return estrdup(""); } if (*str == '"' || *str == '\'') { char quote = *str; str++; return php_mb_rfc1867_substring_conf(encoding, str, strlen(str), quote); } else { char *strend = str; while (*strend && !isspace(*(unsigned char *)strend)) { ++strend; } return php_mb_rfc1867_substring_conf(encoding, str, strend - str, 0); } } /* }}} */ static char *php_mb_rfc1867_basename(const zend_encoding *encoding, char *filename) /* {{{ */ { char *s, *s2; const size_t filename_len = strlen(filename); /* The \ check should technically be needed for win32 systems only where * it is a valid path separator. However, IE in all it's wisdom always sends * the full path of the file on the user's filesystem, which means that unless * the user does basename() they get a bogus file name. Until IE's user base drops * to nill or problem is fixed this code must remain enabled for all systems. */ s = php_mb_safe_strrchr_ex(filename, '\\', filename_len, (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding); s2 = php_mb_safe_strrchr_ex(filename, '/', filename_len, (const mbfl_encoding *)encoding); if (s && s2) { if (s > s2) { return ++s; } else { return ++s2; } } else if (s) { return ++s; } else if (s2) { return ++s2; } else { return filename; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ php.ini directive handler */ /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_language) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_language) { enum mbfl_no_language no_language; no_language = mbfl_name2no_language(ZSTR_VAL(new_value)); if (no_language == mbfl_no_language_invalid) { MBSTRG(language) = mbfl_no_language_neutral; return FAILURE; } MBSTRG(language) = no_language; php_mb_nls_get_default_detect_order_list(no_language, &MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list), &MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list_size)); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_detect_order) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_detect_order) { const mbfl_encoding **list; size_t size; if (!new_value) { if (MBSTRG(detect_order_list)) { pefree(ZEND_VOIDP(MBSTRG(detect_order_list)), 1); } MBSTRG(detect_order_list) = NULL; MBSTRG(detect_order_list_size) = 0; return SUCCESS; } if (FAILURE == php_mb_parse_encoding_list(ZSTR_VAL(new_value), ZSTR_LEN(new_value), &list, &size, /* persistent */ 1, /* arg_num */ 0, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 0) || size == 0) { return FAILURE; } if (MBSTRG(detect_order_list)) { pefree(ZEND_VOIDP(MBSTRG(detect_order_list)), 1); } MBSTRG(detect_order_list) = list; MBSTRG(detect_order_list_size) = size; return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static int _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_input_set(const char *new_value, size_t new_value_length) { const mbfl_encoding **list; size_t size; if (FAILURE == php_mb_parse_encoding_list(new_value, new_value_length, &list, &size, /* persistent */ 1, /* arg_num */ 0, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 1) || size == 0) { return FAILURE; } if (MBSTRG(http_input_list)) { pefree(ZEND_VOIDP(MBSTRG(http_input_list)), 1); } MBSTRG(http_input_list) = list; MBSTRG(http_input_list_size) = size; return SUCCESS; } /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_http_input) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_http_input) { if (new_value) { php_error_docref("ref.mbstring", E_DEPRECATED, "Use of mbstring.http_input is deprecated"); } if (!new_value || !ZSTR_VAL(new_value)) { const char *encoding = php_get_input_encoding(); MBSTRG(http_input_set) = 0; _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_input_set(encoding, strlen(encoding)); return SUCCESS; } MBSTRG(http_input_set) = 1; return _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_input_set(ZSTR_VAL(new_value), ZSTR_LEN(new_value)); } /* }}} */ static int _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_output_set(const char *new_value) { const mbfl_encoding *encoding = php_mb_get_encoding_or_pass(new_value); if (!encoding) { return FAILURE; } MBSTRG(http_output_encoding) = encoding; MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding) = encoding; return SUCCESS; } /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_http_output) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_http_output) { if (new_value) { php_error_docref("ref.mbstring", E_DEPRECATED, "Use of mbstring.http_output is deprecated"); } if (new_value == NULL || ZSTR_LEN(new_value) == 0) { MBSTRG(http_output_set) = 0; _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_output_set(php_get_output_encoding()); return SUCCESS; } MBSTRG(http_output_set) = 1; return _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_output_set(ZSTR_VAL(new_value)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static _php_mb_ini_mbstring_internal_encoding_set */ static int _php_mb_ini_mbstring_internal_encoding_set(const char *new_value, size_t new_value_length) { const mbfl_encoding *encoding; if (!new_value || !new_value_length || !(encoding = mbfl_name2encoding(new_value))) { /* falls back to UTF-8 if an unknown encoding name is given */ if (new_value) { php_error_docref("ref.mbstring", E_WARNING, "Unknown encoding \"%s\" in ini setting", new_value); } encoding = &mbfl_encoding_utf8; } MBSTRG(internal_encoding) = encoding; MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding) = encoding; #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX { const char *enc_name = new_value; if (FAILURE == php_mb_regex_set_default_mbctype(enc_name)) { /* falls back to UTF-8 if an unknown encoding name is given */ enc_name = "UTF-8"; php_mb_regex_set_default_mbctype(enc_name); } php_mb_regex_set_mbctype(new_value); } #endif return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_internal_encoding) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_internal_encoding) { if (new_value) { php_error_docref("ref.mbstring", E_DEPRECATED, "Use of mbstring.internal_encoding is deprecated"); } if (OnUpdateString(entry, new_value, mh_arg1, mh_arg2, mh_arg3, stage) == FAILURE) { return FAILURE; } if (new_value && ZSTR_LEN(new_value)) { MBSTRG(internal_encoding_set) = 1; return _php_mb_ini_mbstring_internal_encoding_set(ZSTR_VAL(new_value), ZSTR_LEN(new_value)); } else { const char *encoding = php_get_internal_encoding(); MBSTRG(internal_encoding_set) = 0; return _php_mb_ini_mbstring_internal_encoding_set(encoding, strlen(encoding)); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_substitute_character) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_substitute_character) { int c; char *endptr = NULL; if (new_value != NULL) { if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(new_value, "none")) { MBSTRG(filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE; } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(new_value, "long")) { MBSTRG(filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG; } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(new_value, "entity")) { MBSTRG(filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY; } else { MBSTRG(filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; if (ZSTR_LEN(new_value) > 0) { c = strtol(ZSTR_VAL(new_value), &endptr, 0); if (*endptr == '\0') { MBSTRG(filter_illegal_substchar) = c; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar) = c; } } } } else { MBSTRG(filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; MBSTRG(filter_illegal_substchar) = 0x3f; /* '?' */ MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar) = 0x3f; /* '?' */ } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_encoding_translation) */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_encoding_translation) { if (new_value == NULL) { return FAILURE; } OnUpdateBool(entry, new_value, mh_arg1, mh_arg2, mh_arg3, stage); if (MBSTRG(encoding_translation)) { sapi_unregister_post_entry(php_post_entries); sapi_register_post_entries(mbstr_post_entries); } else { sapi_unregister_post_entry(mbstr_post_entries); sapi_register_post_entries(php_post_entries); } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_http_output_conv_mimetypes */ static PHP_INI_MH(OnUpdate_mbstring_http_output_conv_mimetypes) { zend_string *tmp; void *re = NULL; if (!new_value) { new_value = entry->orig_value; } tmp = php_trim(new_value, NULL, 0, 3); if (ZSTR_LEN(tmp) > 0) { if (!(re = _php_mb_compile_regex(ZSTR_VAL(tmp)))) { zend_string_release_ex(tmp, 0); return FAILURE; } } if (MBSTRG(http_output_conv_mimetypes)) { _php_mb_free_regex(MBSTRG(http_output_conv_mimetypes)); } MBSTRG(http_output_conv_mimetypes) = re; zend_string_release_ex(tmp, 0); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* }}} */ /* {{{ php.ini directive registration */ PHP_INI_BEGIN() PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.language", "neutral", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_language) PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.detect_order", NULL, PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_detect_order) PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.http_input", NULL, PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_http_input) PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.http_output", NULL, PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_http_output) STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.internal_encoding", NULL, PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_internal_encoding, internal_encoding_name, zend_mbstring_globals, mbstring_globals) PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.substitute_character", NULL, PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_substitute_character) STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("mbstring.encoding_translation", "0", PHP_INI_SYSTEM | PHP_INI_PERDIR, OnUpdate_mbstring_encoding_translation, encoding_translation, zend_mbstring_globals, mbstring_globals) PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes", "^(text/|application/xhtml\\+xml)", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdate_mbstring_http_output_conv_mimetypes) STD_PHP_INI_BOOLEAN("mbstring.strict_detection", "0", PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateBool, strict_detection, zend_mbstring_globals, mbstring_globals) #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.regex_stack_limit", "100000",PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateLong, regex_stack_limit, zend_mbstring_globals, mbstring_globals) STD_PHP_INI_ENTRY("mbstring.regex_retry_limit", "1000000",PHP_INI_ALL, OnUpdateLong, regex_retry_limit, zend_mbstring_globals, mbstring_globals) #endif PHP_INI_END() /* }}} */ static void mbstring_internal_encoding_changed_hook(void) { /* One of the internal_encoding / input_encoding / output_encoding ini settings changed. */ if (!MBSTRG(internal_encoding_set)) { const char *encoding = php_get_internal_encoding(); _php_mb_ini_mbstring_internal_encoding_set(encoding, strlen(encoding)); } if (!MBSTRG(http_output_set)) { const char *encoding = php_get_output_encoding(); _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_output_set(encoding); } if (!MBSTRG(http_input_set)) { const char *encoding = php_get_input_encoding(); _php_mb_ini_mbstring_http_input_set(encoding, strlen(encoding)); } } /* {{{ module global initialize handler */ static PHP_GINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring) { #if defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING) && defined(ZTS) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_UPDATE(); #endif mbstring_globals->language = mbfl_no_language_uni; mbstring_globals->internal_encoding = NULL; mbstring_globals->current_internal_encoding = mbstring_globals->internal_encoding; mbstring_globals->http_output_encoding = &mbfl_encoding_pass; mbstring_globals->current_http_output_encoding = &mbfl_encoding_pass; mbstring_globals->http_input_identify = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_input_identify_get = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_input_identify_post = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_input_identify_cookie = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_input_identify_string = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_input_list = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_input_list_size = 0; mbstring_globals->detect_order_list = NULL; mbstring_globals->detect_order_list_size = 0; mbstring_globals->current_detect_order_list = NULL; mbstring_globals->current_detect_order_list_size = 0; mbstring_globals->default_detect_order_list = (enum mbfl_no_encoding *) php_mb_default_identify_list_neut; mbstring_globals->default_detect_order_list_size = sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_neut) / sizeof(php_mb_default_identify_list_neut[0]); mbstring_globals->filter_illegal_mode = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; mbstring_globals->filter_illegal_substchar = 0x3f; /* '?' */ mbstring_globals->current_filter_illegal_mode = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; mbstring_globals->current_filter_illegal_substchar = 0x3f; /* '?' */ mbstring_globals->illegalchars = 0; mbstring_globals->encoding_translation = 0; mbstring_globals->strict_detection = 0; mbstring_globals->outconv = NULL; mbstring_globals->http_output_conv_mimetypes = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX mbstring_globals->mb_regex_globals = php_mb_regex_globals_alloc(); #endif mbstring_globals->last_used_encoding_name = NULL; mbstring_globals->last_used_encoding = NULL; mbstring_globals->internal_encoding_set = 0; mbstring_globals->http_output_set = 0; mbstring_globals->http_input_set = 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_GSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION */ static PHP_GSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring) { if (mbstring_globals->http_input_list) { free(ZEND_VOIDP(mbstring_globals->http_input_list)); } if (mbstring_globals->detect_order_list) { free(ZEND_VOIDP(mbstring_globals->detect_order_list)); } if (mbstring_globals->http_output_conv_mimetypes) { _php_mb_free_regex(mbstring_globals->http_output_conv_mimetypes); } #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX php_mb_regex_globals_free(mbstring_globals->mb_regex_globals); #endif } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring) */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring) { #if defined(COMPILE_DL_MBSTRING) && defined(ZTS) ZEND_TSRMLS_CACHE_UPDATE(); #endif REGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); /* We assume that we're the only user of the hook. */ ZEND_ASSERT(php_internal_encoding_changed == NULL); php_internal_encoding_changed = mbstring_internal_encoding_changed_hook; mbstring_internal_encoding_changed_hook(); /* This is a global handler. Should not be set in a per-request handler. */ sapi_register_treat_data(mbstr_treat_data); /* Post handlers are stored in the thread-local context. */ if (MBSTRG(encoding_translation)) { sapi_register_post_entries(mbstr_post_entries); } REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_UPPER", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_UPPER, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_LOWER", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_LOWER, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_TITLE", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_TITLE, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_FOLD", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_FOLD, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_UPPER_SIMPLE", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_UPPER_SIMPLE, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_LOWER_SIMPLE", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_LOWER_SIMPLE, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_TITLE_SIMPLE", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_TITLE_SIMPLE, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("MB_CASE_FOLD_SIMPLE", PHP_UNICODE_CASE_FOLD_SIMPLE, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX PHP_MINIT(mb_regex) (INIT_FUNC_ARGS_PASSTHRU); #endif if (FAILURE == zend_multibyte_set_functions(&php_mb_zend_multibyte_functions)) { return FAILURE; } php_rfc1867_set_multibyte_callbacks( php_mb_encoding_translation, php_mb_gpc_get_detect_order, php_mb_gpc_set_input_encoding, php_mb_rfc1867_getword, php_mb_rfc1867_getword_conf, php_mb_rfc1867_basename); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring) */ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring) { UNREGISTER_INI_ENTRIES(); zend_multibyte_restore_functions(); #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX PHP_MSHUTDOWN(mb_regex) (INIT_FUNC_ARGS_PASSTHRU); #endif php_internal_encoding_changed = NULL; return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring) */ PHP_RINIT_FUNCTION(mbstring) { MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding) = MBSTRG(internal_encoding); MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding) = MBSTRG(http_output_encoding); MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBSTRG(filter_illegal_mode); MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar) = MBSTRG(filter_illegal_substchar); MBSTRG(illegalchars) = 0; php_mb_populate_current_detect_order_list(); #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX PHP_RINIT(mb_regex) (INIT_FUNC_ARGS_PASSTHRU); #endif zend_multibyte_set_internal_encoding((const zend_encoding *)MBSTRG(internal_encoding)); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring) */ PHP_RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(mbstring) { if (MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list) != NULL) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list))); MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list) = NULL; MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size) = 0; } if (MBSTRG(outconv) != NULL) { MBSTRG(illegalchars) += mbfl_buffer_illegalchars(MBSTRG(outconv)); mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(MBSTRG(outconv)); MBSTRG(outconv) = NULL; } /* clear http input identification. */ MBSTRG(http_input_identify) = NULL; MBSTRG(http_input_identify_post) = NULL; MBSTRG(http_input_identify_get) = NULL; MBSTRG(http_input_identify_cookie) = NULL; MBSTRG(http_input_identify_string) = NULL; if (MBSTRG(last_used_encoding_name)) { zend_string_release(MBSTRG(last_used_encoding_name)); MBSTRG(last_used_encoding_name) = NULL; } MBSTRG(internal_encoding_set) = 0; MBSTRG(http_output_set) = 0; MBSTRG(http_input_set) = 0; #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX PHP_RSHUTDOWN(mb_regex) (INIT_FUNC_ARGS_PASSTHRU); #endif return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(mbstring) */ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(mbstring) { php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_row(2, "Multibyte Support", "enabled"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "Multibyte string engine", "libmbfl"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "HTTP input encoding translation", MBSTRG(encoding_translation) ? "enabled": "disabled"); { char tmp[256]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d.%d.%d", MBFL_VERSION_MAJOR, MBFL_VERSION_MINOR, MBFL_VERSION_TEENY); php_info_print_table_row(2, "libmbfl version", tmp); } php_info_print_table_end(); php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_header(1, "mbstring extension makes use of \"streamable kanji code filter and converter\", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1."); php_info_print_table_end(); #ifdef HAVE_MBREGEX PHP_MINFO(mb_regex)(ZEND_MODULE_INFO_FUNC_ARGS_PASSTHRU); #endif DISPLAY_INI_ENTRIES(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Sets the current language or Returns the current language as a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_language) { zend_string *name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (name == NULL) { RETVAL_STRING((char *)mbfl_no_language2name(MBSTRG(language))); } else { zend_string *ini_name = zend_string_init("mbstring.language", sizeof("mbstring.language") - 1, 0); if (FAILURE == zend_alter_ini_entry(ini_name, name, PHP_INI_USER, PHP_INI_STAGE_RUNTIME)) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid language, \"%s\" given", ZSTR_VAL(name)); zend_string_release_ex(ini_name, 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } // TODO Make return void RETVAL_TRUE; zend_string_release_ex(ini_name, 0); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Sets the current internal encoding or Returns the current internal encoding as a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_internal_encoding) { char *name = NULL; size_t name_len; const mbfl_encoding *encoding; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STRING_OR_NULL(name, name_len) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (name == NULL) { ZEND_ASSERT(MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)); RETURN_STRING(MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)->name); } else { encoding = mbfl_name2encoding(name); if (!encoding) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid encoding, \"%s\" given", name); RETURN_THROWS(); } else { MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding) = encoding; MBSTRG(internal_encoding_set) = 1; /* TODO Return old encoding */ RETURN_TRUE; } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns the input encoding */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_http_input) { char *type = NULL; size_t type_len = 0, n; const mbfl_encoding **entry; const mbfl_encoding *encoding; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STRING_OR_NULL(type, type_len) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (type == NULL) { encoding = MBSTRG(http_input_identify); } else { switch (*type) { case 'G': case 'g': encoding = MBSTRG(http_input_identify_get); break; case 'P': case 'p': encoding = MBSTRG(http_input_identify_post); break; case 'C': case 'c': encoding = MBSTRG(http_input_identify_cookie); break; case 'S': case 's': encoding = MBSTRG(http_input_identify_string); break; case 'I': case 'i': entry = MBSTRG(http_input_list); n = MBSTRG(http_input_list_size); array_init(return_value); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++, entry++) { add_next_index_string(return_value, (*entry)->name); } return; case 'L': case 'l': entry = MBSTRG(http_input_list); n = MBSTRG(http_input_list_size); if (n == 0) { // TODO should return empty string? RETURN_FALSE; } // TODO Use smart_str instead. mbfl_string result; mbfl_memory_device device; mbfl_memory_device_init(&device, n * 12, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++, entry++) { mbfl_memory_device_strcat(&device, (*entry)->name); mbfl_memory_device_output(',', &device); } mbfl_memory_device_unput(&device); /* Remove trailing comma */ mbfl_memory_device_result(&device, &result); RETVAL_STRINGL((const char*)result.val, result.len); mbfl_string_clear(&result); return; default: zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be one of \"G\", \"P\", \"C\", \"S\", \"I\", or \"L\""); RETURN_THROWS(); } } if (encoding) { RETURN_STRING(encoding->name); } else { RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Sets the current output_encoding or returns the current output_encoding as a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_http_output) { char *name = NULL; size_t name_len; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STRING_OR_NULL(name, name_len) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (name == NULL) { ZEND_ASSERT(MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding)); RETURN_STRING(MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding)->name); } else { const mbfl_encoding *encoding = php_mb_get_encoding_or_pass(name); if (!encoding) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid encoding, \"%s\" given", name); RETURN_THROWS(); } else { MBSTRG(http_output_set) = 1; MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding) = encoding; /* TODO Return previous encoding? */ RETURN_TRUE; } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Sets the current detect_order or Return the current detect_order as a array */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_detect_order) { zend_string *order_str = NULL; HashTable *order_ht = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR_OR_NULL(order_ht, order_str) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (!order_str && !order_ht) { size_t n = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size); const mbfl_encoding **entry = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list); array_init(return_value); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { add_next_index_string(return_value, (*entry)->name); entry++; } } else { const mbfl_encoding **list; size_t size; if (order_ht) { if (FAILURE == php_mb_parse_encoding_array(order_ht, &list, &size, 1)) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } else { if (FAILURE == php_mb_parse_encoding_list(ZSTR_VAL(order_str), ZSTR_LEN(order_str), &list, &size, /* persistent */ 0, /* arg_num */ 1, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 0)) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } if (size == 0) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(list)); zend_argument_value_error(1, "must specify at least one encoding"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list)) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list))); } MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list) = list; MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size) = size; RETURN_TRUE; } } /* }}} */ static inline int php_mb_check_code_point(zend_long cp) { if (cp < 0 || cp >= 0x110000) { /* Out of Unicode range */ return 0; } if (cp >= 0xd800 && cp <= 0xdfff) { /* Surrogate code-point. These are never valid on their own and we only allow a single * substitute character. */ return 0; } /* As we do not know the target encoding of the conversion operation that is going to * use the substitution character, we cannot check whether the codepoint is actually mapped * in the given encoding at this point. Thus we have to accept everything. */ return 1; } /* {{{ Sets the current substitute_character or returns the current substitute_character */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_substitute_character) { zend_string *substitute_character = NULL; zend_long substitute_codepoint; bool substitute_is_null = 1; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_LONG_OR_NULL(substitute_character, substitute_codepoint, substitute_is_null) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (substitute_is_null) { if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE) { RETURN_STRING("none"); } if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG) { RETURN_STRING("long"); } if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY) { RETURN_STRING("entity"); } RETURN_LONG(MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); } if (substitute_character != NULL) { if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(substitute_character, "none")) { MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE; RETURN_TRUE; } if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(substitute_character, "long")) { MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG; RETURN_TRUE; } if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(substitute_character, "entity")) { MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY; RETURN_TRUE; } /* Invalid string value */ zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be \"none\", \"long\", \"entity\" or a valid codepoint"); RETURN_THROWS(); } /* Integer codepoint passed */ if (!php_mb_check_code_point(substitute_codepoint)) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "is not a valid codepoint"); RETURN_THROWS(); } MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) = MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_CHAR; MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar) = substitute_codepoint; RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return the preferred MIME name (charset) as a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_preferred_mime_name) { enum mbfl_no_encoding no_encoding; char *name = NULL; size_t name_len; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 1) Z_PARAM_STRING(name, name_len) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); no_encoding = mbfl_name2no_encoding(name); if (no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_invalid) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid encoding, \"%s\" given", name); RETURN_THROWS(); } const char *preferred_name = mbfl_no2preferred_mime_name(no_encoding); if (preferred_name == NULL || *preferred_name == '\0') { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "No MIME preferred name corresponding to \"%s\"", name); RETVAL_FALSE; } else { RETVAL_STRING((char *)preferred_name); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Parses GET/POST/COOKIE data and sets global variables */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_parse_str) { zval *track_vars_array = NULL; char *encstr; size_t encstr_len; php_mb_encoding_handler_info_t info; const mbfl_encoding *detected; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(encstr, encstr_len) Z_PARAM_ZVAL(track_vars_array) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); track_vars_array = zend_try_array_init(track_vars_array); if (!track_vars_array) { RETURN_THROWS(); } encstr = estrndup(encstr, encstr_len); info.data_type = PARSE_STRING; info.separator = PG(arg_separator).input; info.report_errors = 1; info.to_encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); info.to_language = MBSTRG(language); info.from_encodings = MBSTRG(http_input_list); info.num_from_encodings = MBSTRG(http_input_list_size); info.from_language = MBSTRG(language); detected = _php_mb_encoding_handler_ex(&info, track_vars_array, encstr); MBSTRG(http_input_identify) = detected; RETVAL_BOOL(detected); if (encstr != NULL) efree(encstr); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns string in output buffer converted to the http_output encoding */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_output_handler) { char *arg_string; size_t arg_string_len; zend_long arg_status; mbfl_string string, result; const char *charset; char *p; const mbfl_encoding *encoding; int last_feed; size_t len; unsigned char send_text_mimetype = 0; char *s, *mimetype = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(arg_string, arg_string_len) Z_PARAM_LONG(arg_status) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); encoding = MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding); /* start phase only */ if ((arg_status & PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_START) != 0) { /* delete the converter just in case. */ if (MBSTRG(outconv)) { MBSTRG(illegalchars) += mbfl_buffer_illegalchars(MBSTRG(outconv)); mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(MBSTRG(outconv)); MBSTRG(outconv) = NULL; } if (encoding == &mbfl_encoding_pass) { RETURN_STRINGL(arg_string, arg_string_len); } /* analyze mime type */ if (SG(sapi_headers).mimetype && _php_mb_match_regex( MBSTRG(http_output_conv_mimetypes), SG(sapi_headers).mimetype, strlen(SG(sapi_headers).mimetype))) { if ((s = strchr(SG(sapi_headers).mimetype,';')) == NULL) { mimetype = estrdup(SG(sapi_headers).mimetype); } else { mimetype = estrndup(SG(sapi_headers).mimetype,s-SG(sapi_headers).mimetype); } send_text_mimetype = 1; } else if (SG(sapi_headers).send_default_content_type) { mimetype = SG(default_mimetype) ? SG(default_mimetype) : SAPI_DEFAULT_MIMETYPE; } /* if content-type is not yet set, set it and activate the converter */ if (SG(sapi_headers).send_default_content_type || send_text_mimetype) { charset = encoding->mime_name; if (charset) { len = spprintf( &p, 0, "Content-Type: %s; charset=%s", mimetype, charset ); if (sapi_add_header(p, len, 0) != FAILURE) { SG(sapi_headers).send_default_content_type = 0; } } /* activate the converter */ MBSTRG(outconv) = mbfl_buffer_converter_new(MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding), encoding, 0); if (send_text_mimetype){ efree(mimetype); } } } /* just return if the converter is not activated. */ if (MBSTRG(outconv) == NULL) { RETURN_STRINGL(arg_string, arg_string_len); } /* flag */ last_feed = ((arg_status & PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_END) != 0); /* mode */ mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_mode(MBSTRG(outconv), MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode)); mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_substchar(MBSTRG(outconv), MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); /* feed the string */ mbfl_string_init(&string); /* these are not needed. convd has encoding info. string.encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); */ string.val = (unsigned char *)arg_string; string.len = arg_string_len; mbfl_buffer_converter_feed(MBSTRG(outconv), &string); if (last_feed) { mbfl_buffer_converter_flush(MBSTRG(outconv)); } /* get the converter output, and return it */ mbfl_buffer_converter_result(MBSTRG(outconv), &result); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)result.val, result.len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(result.val); /* delete the converter if it is the last feed. */ if (last_feed) { MBSTRG(illegalchars) += mbfl_buffer_illegalchars(MBSTRG(outconv)); mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(MBSTRG(outconv)); MBSTRG(outconv) = NULL; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Convert a multibyte string to an array. If split_length is specified, break the string down into chunks each split_length characters long. */ /* structure to pass split params to the callback */ struct mbfl_split_params { zval *return_value; /* php function return value structure pointer */ mbfl_string *result_string; /* string to store result chunk */ size_t mb_chunk_length; /* actual chunk length in chars */ size_t split_length; /* split length in chars */ mbfl_convert_filter *next_filter; /* widechar to encoding converter */ }; /* callback function to fill split array */ static int mbfl_split_output(int c, void *data) { struct mbfl_split_params *params = (struct mbfl_split_params *)data; /* cast passed data */ (*params->next_filter->filter_function)(c, params->next_filter); /* decoder filter */ if (params->split_length == ++params->mb_chunk_length) { /* if current chunk size reached defined chunk size or last char reached */ mbfl_convert_filter_flush(params->next_filter);/* concatenate separate decoded chars to the solid string */ mbfl_memory_device *device = (mbfl_memory_device *)params->next_filter->data; /* chars container */ mbfl_string *chunk = params->result_string; mbfl_memory_device_result(device, chunk); /* make chunk */ add_next_index_stringl(params->return_value, (const char *)chunk->val, chunk->len); /* add chunk to the array */ efree(chunk->val); params->mb_chunk_length = 0; /* reset mb_chunk size */ } return 0; } PHP_FUNCTION(mb_str_split) { zend_string *str, *encoding = NULL; size_t mb_len, chunks, chunk_len; const char *p, *last; /* pointer for the string cursor and last string char */ mbfl_string string, result_string; const mbfl_encoding *mbfl_encoding; zend_long split_length = 1; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 3) Z_PARAM_STR(str) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG(split_length) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (split_length <= 0) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "must be greater than 0"); RETURN_THROWS(); } /* fill mbfl_string structure */ string.val = (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(str); string.len = ZSTR_LEN(str); string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding, 3); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } p = ZSTR_VAL(str); /* string cursor pointer */ last = ZSTR_VAL(str) + ZSTR_LEN(str); /* last string char pointer */ mbfl_encoding = string.encoding; /* first scenario: 1,2,4-bytes fixed width encodings (head part) */ if (mbfl_encoding->flag & MBFL_ENCTYPE_SBCS) { /* 1 byte */ mb_len = string.len; chunk_len = (size_t)split_length; /* chunk length in bytes */ } else if (mbfl_encoding->flag & MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS2) { /* 2 bytes */ mb_len = string.len / 2; chunk_len = split_length * 2; } else if (mbfl_encoding->flag & MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS4) { /* 4 bytes */ mb_len = string.len / 4; chunk_len = split_length * 4; } else if (mbfl_encoding->mblen_table != NULL) { /* second scenario: variable width encodings with length table */ char unsigned const *mbtab = mbfl_encoding->mblen_table; /* assume that we have 1-bytes characters */ array_init_size(return_value, (string.len + split_length) / split_length); /* round up */ while (p < last) { /* split cycle work until the cursor has reached the last byte */ char const *chunk_p = p; /* chunk first byte pointer */ chunk_len = 0; /* chunk length in bytes */ zend_long char_count; for (char_count = 0; char_count < split_length && p < last; ++char_count) { char unsigned const m = mbtab[*(const unsigned char *)p]; /* single character length table */ chunk_len += m; p += m; } if (p >= last) chunk_len -= p - last; /* check if chunk is in bounds */ add_next_index_stringl(return_value, chunk_p, chunk_len); } return; } else { /* third scenario: other multibyte encodings */ mbfl_convert_filter *filter, *decoder; /* assume that we have 1-bytes characters */ array_init_size(return_value, (string.len + split_length) / split_length); /* round up */ /* decoder filter to decode wchar to encoding */ mbfl_memory_device device; mbfl_memory_device_init(&device, split_length + 1, 0); decoder = mbfl_convert_filter_new( &mbfl_encoding_wchar, string.encoding, mbfl_memory_device_output, NULL, &device); /* assert that nothing is wrong with the decoder */ ZEND_ASSERT(decoder != NULL); /* wchar filter */ mbfl_string_init(&result_string); /* mbfl_string to store chunk in the callback */ struct mbfl_split_params params = { /* init callback function params structure */ .return_value = return_value, .result_string = &result_string, .mb_chunk_length = 0, .split_length = (size_t)split_length, .next_filter = decoder, }; filter = mbfl_convert_filter_new( string.encoding, &mbfl_encoding_wchar, mbfl_split_output, NULL, ¶ms); /* assert that nothing is wrong with the filter */ ZEND_ASSERT(filter != NULL); while (p < last - 1) { /* cycle each byte except last with callback function */ (*filter->filter_function)(*p++, filter); } params.mb_chunk_length = split_length - 1; /* force to finish current chunk */ (*filter->filter_function)(*p++, filter); /* process last char */ mbfl_convert_filter_delete(decoder); mbfl_convert_filter_delete(filter); mbfl_memory_device_clear(&device); return; } /* first scenario: 1,2,4-bytes fixed width encodings (tail part) */ chunks = (mb_len + split_length - 1) / split_length; /* (round up idiom) */ array_init_size(return_value, chunks); if (chunks != 0) { zend_long i; for (i = 0; i < chunks - 1; p += chunk_len, ++i) { add_next_index_stringl(return_value, p, chunk_len); } add_next_index_stringl(return_value, p, last - p); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Get character numbers of a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strlen) { mbfl_string string; char *str; zend_string *enc_name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, string.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char*)str; string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, 2); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = mbfl_strlen(&string); /* Only way this can fail is if the conversion creation fails * this would imply some sort of memory allocation failure which is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(!mbfl_is_error(n)); RETVAL_LONG(n); } /* }}} */ static void handle_strpos_error(size_t error) { switch (error) { case MBFL_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: break; case MBFL_ERROR_ENCODING: php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Conversion error"); break; case MBFL_ERROR_OFFSET: zend_argument_value_error(3, "must be contained in argument #1 ($haystack)"); break; default: zend_value_error("mb_strpos(): Unknown error"); break; } } /* {{{ Find position of first occurrence of a string within another */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strpos) { int reverse = 0; zend_long offset = 0; char *haystack_val, *needle_val; mbfl_string haystack, needle; zend_string *enc_name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(haystack_val, haystack.len) Z_PARAM_STRING(needle_val, needle.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG(offset) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); haystack.val = (unsigned char*)haystack_val; needle.val = (unsigned char*)needle_val; haystack.encoding = needle.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, 4); if (!haystack.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = mbfl_strpos(&haystack, &needle, offset, reverse); if (!mbfl_is_error(n)) { RETVAL_LONG(n); } else { handle_strpos_error(n); RETVAL_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Find position of last occurrence of a string within another */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strrpos) { mbfl_string haystack, needle; char *haystack_val, *needle_val; zend_string *enc_name = NULL; zend_long offset = 0; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(haystack_val, haystack.len) Z_PARAM_STRING(needle_val, needle.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG(offset) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); haystack.val = (unsigned char*)haystack_val; needle.val = (unsigned char*)needle_val; haystack.encoding = needle.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, 4); if (!haystack.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = mbfl_strpos(&haystack, &needle, offset, 1); if (!mbfl_is_error(n)) { RETVAL_LONG(n); } else { handle_strpos_error(n); RETVAL_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_stripos) { zend_long offset = 0; mbfl_string haystack, needle; char *haystack_val, *needle_val; zend_string *from_encoding = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(haystack_val, haystack.len) Z_PARAM_STRING(needle_val, needle.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG(offset) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(from_encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); haystack.val = (unsigned char*)haystack_val; needle.val = (unsigned char*)needle_val; const mbfl_encoding *enc = php_mb_get_encoding(from_encoding, 4); if (!enc) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = php_mb_stripos(0, (char *)haystack.val, haystack.len, (char *)needle.val, needle.len, offset, enc); if (!mbfl_is_error(n)) { RETVAL_LONG(n); } else { handle_strpos_error(n); RETVAL_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strripos) { zend_long offset = 0; mbfl_string haystack, needle; char *haystack_val, *needle_val; zend_string *from_encoding = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(haystack_val, haystack.len) Z_PARAM_STRING(needle_val, needle.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG(offset) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(from_encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); haystack.val = (unsigned char*)haystack_val; needle.val = (unsigned char*)needle_val; const mbfl_encoding *enc = php_mb_get_encoding(from_encoding, 4); if (!enc) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = php_mb_stripos(1, (char *)haystack.val, haystack.len, (char *)needle.val, needle.len, offset, enc); if (!mbfl_is_error(n)) { RETVAL_LONG(n); } else { handle_strpos_error(n); RETVAL_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ #define MB_STRSTR 1 #define MB_STRRCHR 2 #define MB_STRISTR 3 #define MB_STRRICHR 4 /* {{{ php_mb_strstr_variants */ static void php_mb_strstr_variants(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, unsigned int variant) { int reverse_mode = 0; size_t n; char *haystack_val, *needle_val; mbfl_string haystack, needle, result, *ret = NULL; zend_string *encoding_name = NULL; bool part = 0; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(haystack_val, haystack.len) Z_PARAM_STRING(needle_val, needle.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_BOOL(part) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); haystack.val = (unsigned char*)haystack_val; needle.val = (unsigned char*)needle_val; haystack.encoding = needle.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding_name, 4); if (!haystack.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (variant == MB_STRRCHR || variant == MB_STRRICHR) { reverse_mode = 1; } if (variant == MB_STRISTR || variant == MB_STRRICHR) { n = php_mb_stripos(reverse_mode, (char *)haystack.val, haystack.len, (char *)needle.val, needle.len, 0, needle.encoding); } else { n = mbfl_strpos(&haystack, &needle, 0, reverse_mode); } if (!mbfl_is_error(n)) { if (part) { ret = mbfl_substr(&haystack, &result, 0, n); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); efree(ret->val); } else { ret = mbfl_substr(&haystack, &result, n, MBFL_SUBSTR_UNTIL_END); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); efree(ret->val); } } else { // FIXME use handle_strpos_error(n) RETVAL_FALSE; } } /* {{{ Finds first occurrence of a string within another */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strstr) { php_mb_strstr_variants(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, MB_STRSTR); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strrchr) { php_mb_strstr_variants(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, MB_STRRCHR); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_stristr) { php_mb_strstr_variants(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, MB_STRISTR); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strrichr) { php_mb_strstr_variants(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAM_PASSTHRU, MB_STRRICHR); } /* }}} */ #undef MB_STRSTR #undef MB_STRRCHR #undef MB_STRISTR #undef MB_STRRICHR /* {{{ Count the number of substring occurrences */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_substr_count) { mbfl_string haystack, needle; char *haystack_val, *needle_val; zend_string *enc_name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 3) Z_PARAM_STRING(haystack_val, haystack.len) Z_PARAM_STRING(needle_val, needle.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); haystack.val = (unsigned char*)haystack_val; needle.val = (unsigned char*)needle_val; if (needle.len == 0) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "must not be empty"); RETURN_THROWS(); } haystack.encoding = needle.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, 3); if (!haystack.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = mbfl_substr_count(&haystack, &needle); /* An error can only occur if needle is empty, * an encoding error happens (which should not happen at this stage and is a bug) * or the haystack is more than sizeof(size_t) bytes * If one of these things occur this is a bug and should be flagged as such */ ZEND_ASSERT(!mbfl_is_error(n)); RETVAL_LONG(n); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns part of a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_substr) { char *str; zend_string *encoding = NULL; zend_long from, len; size_t real_from, real_len; size_t str_len; bool len_is_null = 1; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_LONG(from) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG_OR_NULL(len, len_is_null) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding, 4); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } string.val = (unsigned char *)str; string.len = str_len; /* measures length */ size_t mblen = 0; if (from < 0 || (!len_is_null && len < 0)) { mblen = mbfl_strlen(&string); } /* if "from" position is negative, count start position from the end * of the string */ if (from >= 0) { real_from = (size_t) from; } else if (-from < mblen) { real_from = mblen + from; } else { real_from = 0; } /* if "length" position is negative, set it to the length * needed to stop that many chars from the end of the string */ if (len_is_null) { real_len = MBFL_SUBSTR_UNTIL_END; } else if (len >= 0) { real_len = (size_t) len; } else if (real_from < mblen && -len < mblen - real_from) { real_len = (mblen - real_from) + len; } else { real_len = 0; } ret = mbfl_substr(&string, &result, real_from, real_len); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret->val); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns part of a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strcut) { zend_string *encoding = NULL; char *string_val; zend_long from, len; bool len_is_null = 1; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(string_val, string.len) Z_PARAM_LONG(from) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_LONG_OR_NULL(len, len_is_null) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char*)string_val; string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding, 4); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (len_is_null) { len = string.len; } /* if "from" position is negative, count start position from the end * of the string */ if (from < 0) { from = string.len + from; if (from < 0) { from = 0; } } /* if "length" position is negative, set it to the length * needed to stop that many chars from the end of the string */ if (len < 0) { len = (string.len - from) + len; if (len < 0) { len = 0; } } if (from > string.len) { RETURN_EMPTY_STRING(); } ret = mbfl_strcut(&string, &result, from, len); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret->val); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Gets terminal width of a string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strwidth) { char *string_val; mbfl_string string; zend_string *enc_name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(string_val, string.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char*)string_val; string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, 2); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t n = mbfl_strwidth(&string); ZEND_ASSERT(n != (size_t) -1); RETVAL_LONG(n); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Trim the string in terminal width */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strimwidth) { char *str, *trimmarker = NULL; zend_string *encoding = NULL; zend_long from, width, swidth = 0; size_t str_len, trimmarker_len; mbfl_string string, result, marker, *ret; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(3, 5) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_LONG(from) Z_PARAM_LONG(width) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STRING(trimmarker, trimmarker_len) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.encoding = marker.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding, 5); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } string.val = (unsigned char *)str; string.len = str_len; marker.val = NULL; marker.len = 0; if ((from < 0) || (width < 0)) { swidth = mbfl_strwidth(&string); } if (from < 0) { from += swidth; } if (from < 0 || (size_t)from > str_len) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "is out of range"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (width < 0) { width = swidth + width - from; } if (width < 0) { zend_argument_value_error(3, "is out of range"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (trimmarker) { marker.val = (unsigned char *)trimmarker; marker.len = trimmarker_len; } ret = mbfl_strimwidth(&string, &marker, &result, from, width); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret->val); } /* }}} */ /* See mbfl_no_encoding definition for list of unsupported encodings */ static inline bool php_mb_is_unsupported_no_encoding(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_enc) { return ((no_enc >= mbfl_no_encoding_invalid && no_enc <= mbfl_no_encoding_qprint) || (no_enc >= mbfl_no_encoding_utf7 && no_enc <= mbfl_no_encoding_utf7imap) || (no_enc >= mbfl_no_encoding_jis && no_enc <= mbfl_no_encoding_2022jpms) || (no_enc >= mbfl_no_encoding_cp50220 && no_enc <= mbfl_no_encoding_cp50222)); } /* See mbfl_no_encoding definition for list of UTF-8 encodings */ static inline bool php_mb_is_no_encoding_utf8(enum mbfl_no_encoding no_enc) { return (no_enc >= mbfl_no_encoding_utf8 && no_enc <= mbfl_no_encoding_utf8_sb); } MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_convert_encoding_ex(const char *input, size_t length, const mbfl_encoding *to_encoding, const mbfl_encoding *from_encoding, size_t *output_len) { mbfl_string string, result, *ret; mbfl_buffer_converter *convd; char *output = NULL; if (output_len) { *output_len = 0; } /* initialize string */ string.encoding = from_encoding; string.val = (unsigned char *)input; string.len = length; /* initialize converter */ convd = mbfl_buffer_converter_new(from_encoding, to_encoding, string.len); /* If this assertion fails this means some memory allocation failure which is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(convd != NULL); mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_mode(convd, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode)); mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_substchar(convd, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); /* do it */ mbfl_string_init(&result); ret = mbfl_buffer_converter_feed_result(convd, &string, &result); if (ret) { if (output_len) { *output_len = ret->len; } output = (char *)ret->val; } MBSTRG(illegalchars) += mbfl_buffer_illegalchars(convd); mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(convd); return output; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_convert_encoding() */ MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_convert_encoding(const char *input, size_t length, const mbfl_encoding *to_encoding, const mbfl_encoding **from_encodings, size_t num_from_encodings, size_t *output_len) { const mbfl_encoding *from_encoding; if (output_len) { *output_len = 0; } /* pre-conversion encoding */ ZEND_ASSERT(num_from_encodings >= 1); if (num_from_encodings == 1) { from_encoding = *from_encodings; } else { /* auto detect */ mbfl_string string; mbfl_string_init(&string); string.val = (unsigned char *)input; string.len = length; from_encoding = mbfl_identify_encoding( &string, from_encodings, num_from_encodings, MBSTRG(strict_detection)); if (!from_encoding) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to detect character encoding"); return NULL; } } return php_mb_convert_encoding_ex(input, length, to_encoding, from_encoding, output_len); } /* }}} */ MBSTRING_API HashTable *php_mb_convert_encoding_recursive(HashTable *input, const mbfl_encoding *to_encoding, const mbfl_encoding **from_encodings, size_t num_from_encodings) { HashTable *output, *chash; zend_long idx; zend_string *key; zval *entry, entry_tmp; size_t ckey_len, cval_len; char *ckey, *cval; if (!input) { return NULL; } if (GC_IS_RECURSIVE(input)) { GC_UNPROTECT_RECURSION(input); php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot convert recursively referenced values"); return NULL; } GC_TRY_PROTECT_RECURSION(input); output = zend_new_array(zend_hash_num_elements(input)); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(input, idx, key, entry) { /* convert key */ if (key) { ckey = php_mb_convert_encoding( ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), to_encoding, from_encodings, num_from_encodings, &ckey_len); key = zend_string_init(ckey, ckey_len, 0); efree(ckey); } /* convert value */ ZEND_ASSERT(entry); try_again: switch(Z_TYPE_P(entry)) { case IS_STRING: cval = php_mb_convert_encoding( Z_STRVAL_P(entry), Z_STRLEN_P(entry), to_encoding, from_encodings, num_from_encodings, &cval_len); ZVAL_STRINGL(&entry_tmp, cval, cval_len); efree(cval); break; case IS_NULL: case IS_TRUE: case IS_FALSE: case IS_LONG: case IS_DOUBLE: ZVAL_COPY(&entry_tmp, entry); break; case IS_ARRAY: chash = php_mb_convert_encoding_recursive( Z_ARRVAL_P(entry), to_encoding, from_encodings, num_from_encodings); if (chash) { ZVAL_ARR(&entry_tmp, chash); } else { ZVAL_EMPTY_ARRAY(&entry_tmp); } break; case IS_REFERENCE: entry = Z_REFVAL_P(entry); goto try_again; case IS_OBJECT: default: if (key) { zend_string_release(key); } php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Object is not supported"); continue; } if (key) { zend_hash_add(output, key, &entry_tmp); zend_string_release(key); } else { zend_hash_index_add(output, idx, &entry_tmp); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); GC_TRY_UNPROTECT_RECURSION(input); return output; } /* }}} */ static void remove_non_encodings_from_elist(const mbfl_encoding **elist, size_t *size) { /* mbstring supports some 'text encodings' which aren't really text encodings * at all, but really 'byte encodings', like Base64, QPrint, and so on. * These should never be returned by `mb_detect_encoding`. */ int shift = 0; for (int i = 0; i < *size; i++) { const mbfl_encoding *encoding = elist[i]; if (encoding->no_encoding <= mbfl_no_encoding_charset_min) { shift++; /* Remove this encoding from the list */ } else if (shift) { elist[i - shift] = encoding; } } *size -= shift; } /* {{{ Returns converted string in desired encoding */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_encoding) { zend_string *to_encoding_name; zend_string *input_str, *from_encodings_str = NULL; HashTable *input_ht, *from_encodings_ht = NULL; const mbfl_encoding **from_encodings; size_t num_from_encodings; bool free_from_encodings; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 3) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR(input_ht, input_str) Z_PARAM_STR(to_encoding_name) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR_OR_NULL(from_encodings_ht, from_encodings_str) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); const mbfl_encoding *to_encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(to_encoding_name, 2); if (!to_encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (from_encodings_ht) { if (php_mb_parse_encoding_array(from_encodings_ht, &from_encodings, &num_from_encodings, 3) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } free_from_encodings = 1; } else if (from_encodings_str) { if (php_mb_parse_encoding_list(ZSTR_VAL(from_encodings_str), ZSTR_LEN(from_encodings_str), &from_encodings, &num_from_encodings, /* persistent */ 0, /* arg_num */ 3, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 0) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } free_from_encodings = 1; } else { from_encodings = &MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); num_from_encodings = 1; free_from_encodings = 0; } if (num_from_encodings > 1) { remove_non_encodings_from_elist(from_encodings, &num_from_encodings); } if (!num_from_encodings) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(from_encodings)); zend_argument_value_error(3, "must specify at least one encoding"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (input_str) { /* new encoding */ size_t size; char *ret = php_mb_convert_encoding(ZSTR_VAL(input_str), ZSTR_LEN(input_str), to_encoding, from_encodings, num_from_encodings, &size); if (ret != NULL) { // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL(ret, size); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret); } else { RETVAL_FALSE; } } else { HashTable *tmp; tmp = php_mb_convert_encoding_recursive( input_ht, to_encoding, from_encodings, num_from_encodings); RETVAL_ARR(tmp); } if (free_from_encodings) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(from_encodings)); } } /* }}} */ static char *mbstring_convert_case( int case_mode, const char *str, size_t str_len, size_t *ret_len, const mbfl_encoding *enc) { return php_unicode_convert_case( case_mode, str, str_len, ret_len, enc, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode), MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); } /* {{{ Returns a case-folded version of source_string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_case) { zend_string *from_encoding = NULL; char *str; size_t str_len, ret_len; zend_long case_mode = 0; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 3) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_LONG(case_mode) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(from_encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); const mbfl_encoding *enc = php_mb_get_encoding(from_encoding, 3); if (!enc) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (case_mode < 0 || case_mode > PHP_UNICODE_CASE_MODE_MAX) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "must be one of the MB_CASE_* constants"); RETURN_THROWS(); } char *newstr = mbstring_convert_case(case_mode, str, str_len, &ret_len, enc); /* If newstr is NULL something went wrong in mbfl and this is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(newstr != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL(newstr, ret_len); efree(newstr); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns a upper cased version of source_string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strtoupper) { zend_string *from_encoding = NULL; char *str; size_t str_len, ret_len; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(from_encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); const mbfl_encoding *enc = php_mb_get_encoding(from_encoding, 2); if (!enc) { RETURN_THROWS(); } char *newstr = mbstring_convert_case(PHP_UNICODE_CASE_UPPER, str, str_len, &ret_len, enc); /* If newstr is NULL something went wrong in mbfl and this is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(newstr != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL(newstr, ret_len); efree(newstr); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns a lower cased version of source_string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_strtolower) { zend_string *from_encoding = NULL; char *str; size_t str_len; char *newstr; size_t ret_len; const mbfl_encoding *enc; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(from_encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); enc = php_mb_get_encoding(from_encoding, 2); if (!enc) { RETURN_THROWS(); } newstr = mbstring_convert_case(PHP_UNICODE_CASE_LOWER, str, str_len, &ret_len, enc); /* If newstr is NULL something went wrong in mbfl and this is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(newstr != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL(newstr, ret_len); efree(newstr); } /* }}} */ static const mbfl_encoding **duplicate_elist(const mbfl_encoding **elist, size_t size) { const mbfl_encoding **new_elist = safe_emalloc(size, sizeof(mbfl_encoding*), 0); memcpy(ZEND_VOIDP(new_elist), elist, size * sizeof(mbfl_encoding*)); return new_elist; } /* {{{ Encodings of the given string is returned (as a string) */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_detect_encoding) { char *str; size_t str_len; zend_string *encoding_str = NULL; HashTable *encoding_ht = NULL; bool strict = 0; mbfl_string string; const mbfl_encoding *ret; const mbfl_encoding **elist; size_t size; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 3) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR_OR_NULL(encoding_ht, encoding_str) Z_PARAM_BOOL(strict) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); /* make encoding list */ if (encoding_ht) { if (FAILURE == php_mb_parse_encoding_array(encoding_ht, &elist, &size, 2)) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } else if (encoding_str) { if (FAILURE == php_mb_parse_encoding_list(ZSTR_VAL(encoding_str), ZSTR_LEN(encoding_str), &elist, &size, /* persistent */ 0, /* arg_num */ 2, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 0)) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } else { elist = duplicate_elist(MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list), MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size)); size = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size); } if (size == 0) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); zend_argument_value_error(2, "must specify at least one encoding"); RETURN_THROWS(); } remove_non_encodings_from_elist(elist, &size); if (size == 0) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); RETURN_FALSE; } if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() < 3) { strict = MBSTRG(strict_detection); } if (strict && size == 1) { /* If there is only a single candidate encoding, mb_check_encoding is faster */ ret = (php_mb_check_encoding(str, str_len, *elist)) ? *elist : NULL; } else { mbfl_string_init(&string); string.val = (unsigned char *)str; string.len = str_len; ret = mbfl_identify_encoding(&string, elist, size, strict); } efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); if (ret == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETVAL_STRING((char *)ret->name); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns an array of all supported entity encodings */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_list_encodings) { ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_NONE(); array_init(return_value); for (const mbfl_encoding **encodings = mbfl_get_supported_encodings(); *encodings; encodings++) { add_next_index_string(return_value, (*encodings)->name); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns an array of the aliases of a given encoding name */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_encoding_aliases) { const mbfl_encoding *encoding; zend_string *encoding_name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 1) Z_PARAM_STR(encoding_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding_name, 1); if (!encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } array_init(return_value); if (encoding->aliases != NULL) { for (const char **alias = encoding->aliases; *alias; ++alias) { add_next_index_string(return_value, (char *)*alias); } } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Converts the string to MIME "encoded-word" in the format of =?charset?(B|Q)?encoded_string?= */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_encode_mimeheader) { const mbfl_encoding *charset, *transenc; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; zend_string *charset_name = NULL; char *trans_enc_name = NULL, *string_val; size_t trans_enc_name_len; char *linefeed = "\r\n"; size_t linefeed_len; zend_long indent = 0; string.encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 5) Z_PARAM_STRING(string_val, string.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR(charset_name) Z_PARAM_STRING(trans_enc_name, trans_enc_name_len) Z_PARAM_STRING(linefeed, linefeed_len) Z_PARAM_LONG(indent) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char*)string_val; charset = &mbfl_encoding_pass; transenc = &mbfl_encoding_base64; if (charset_name != NULL) { charset = php_mb_get_encoding(charset_name, 2); if (!charset) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } else { const mbfl_language *lang = mbfl_no2language(MBSTRG(language)); if (lang != NULL) { charset = mbfl_no2encoding(lang->mail_charset); transenc = mbfl_no2encoding(lang->mail_header_encoding); } } if (trans_enc_name != NULL) { if (*trans_enc_name == 'B' || *trans_enc_name == 'b') { transenc = &mbfl_encoding_base64; } else if (*trans_enc_name == 'Q' || *trans_enc_name == 'q') { transenc = &mbfl_encoding_qprint; } } mbfl_string_init(&result); ret = mbfl_mime_header_encode(&string, &result, charset, transenc, linefeed, indent); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret->val); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Decodes the MIME "encoded-word" in the string */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_decode_mimeheader) { char *string_val; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; string.encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 1) Z_PARAM_STRING(string_val, string.len) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char*)string_val; mbfl_string_init(&result); ret = mbfl_mime_header_decode(&string, &result, MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret->val); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Conversion between full-width character and half-width character (Japanese) */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_kana) { int opt; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; char *optstr = NULL, *string_val; size_t optstr_len; zend_string *encname = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 3) Z_PARAM_STRING(string_val, string.len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STRING(optstr, optstr_len) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encname) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char*)string_val; /* "Zen" is 全, or "full"; "Han" is 半, or "half" * This refers to "fullwidth" or "halfwidth" variants of characters used for writing Japanese */ if (optstr != NULL) { char *p = optstr, *e = p + optstr_len; opt = 0; while (p < e) { switch (*p++) { case 'A': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_ALL; break; case 'a': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_ALL; break; case 'R': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_ALPHA; break; case 'r': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_ALPHA; break; case 'N': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_NUMERIC; break; case 'n': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_NUMERIC; break; case 'S': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_SPACE; break; case 's': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_SPACE; break; case 'K': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA; break; case 'k': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_KATAKANA; break; case 'H': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_HIRAGANA; break; case 'h': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_HIRAGANA; break; case 'V': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE; break; case 'C': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_HIRA2KANA; break; case 'c': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_KANA2HIRA; break; case 'M': /* TODO: figure out what 'M' and 'm' are for, and rename the constant * to something meaningful */ opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_COMPAT1; break; case 'm': opt |= MBFL_FILT_TL_ZEN2HAN_COMPAT1; break; } } } else { opt = MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_KATAKANA | MBFL_FILT_TL_HAN2ZEN_GLUE; } /* encoding */ string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encname, 3); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ret = mbfl_ja_jp_hantozen(&string, &result, opt); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); /* the string is already strdup()'ed */ efree(ret->val); } /* }}} */ static int mb_recursive_encoder_detector_feed(mbfl_encoding_detector *identd, zval *var, int *recursion_error) /* {{{ */ { mbfl_string string; HashTable *ht; zval *entry; ZVAL_DEREF(var); if (Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_STRING) { string.val = (unsigned char *)Z_STRVAL_P(var); string.len = Z_STRLEN_P(var); if (mbfl_encoding_detector_feed(identd, &string)) { return 1; /* complete detecting */ } } else if (Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_OBJECT) { if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { if (Z_IS_RECURSIVE_P(var)) { *recursion_error = 1; return 0; } Z_PROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } ht = HASH_OF(var); if (ht != NULL) { ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL_IND(ht, entry) { if (mb_recursive_encoder_detector_feed(identd, entry, recursion_error)) { if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } return 1; } else if (*recursion_error) { if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } return 0; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } } return 0; } /* }}} */ static int mb_recursive_convert_variable(mbfl_buffer_converter *convd, zval *var) /* {{{ */ { mbfl_string string, result, *ret; HashTable *ht; zval *entry, *orig_var; orig_var = var; ZVAL_DEREF(var); if (Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_STRING) { string.val = (unsigned char *)Z_STRVAL_P(var); string.len = Z_STRLEN_P(var); ret = mbfl_buffer_converter_feed_result(convd, &string, &result); if (ret != NULL) { zval_ptr_dtor(orig_var); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? ZVAL_STRINGL(orig_var, (char *)ret->val, ret->len); efree(ret->val); } } else if (Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_OBJECT) { if (Z_TYPE_P(var) == IS_ARRAY) { SEPARATE_ARRAY(var); } if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { if (Z_IS_RECURSIVE_P(var)) { return 1; } Z_PROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } ht = HASH_OF(var); if (ht != NULL) { ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL_IND(ht, entry) { if (mb_recursive_convert_variable(convd, entry)) { if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } return 1; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } if (Z_REFCOUNTED_P(var)) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(var); } } return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Converts the string resource in variables to desired encoding */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_convert_variables) { zval *args; zend_string *to_enc_str; zend_string *from_enc_str; HashTable *from_enc_ht; mbfl_string string, result; const mbfl_encoding *from_encoding, *to_encoding; mbfl_encoding_detector *identd; mbfl_buffer_converter *convd; int n, argc; size_t elistsz; const mbfl_encoding **elist; int recursion_error = 0; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(3, -1) Z_PARAM_STR(to_enc_str) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR(from_enc_ht, from_enc_str) Z_PARAM_VARIADIC('+', args, argc) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); /* new encoding */ to_encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(to_enc_str, 1); if (!to_encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } /* initialize string */ from_encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); mbfl_string_init_set(&string, from_encoding); mbfl_string_init(&result); /* pre-conversion encoding */ if (from_enc_ht) { if (php_mb_parse_encoding_array(from_enc_ht, &elist, &elistsz, 2) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } else { if (php_mb_parse_encoding_list(ZSTR_VAL(from_enc_str), ZSTR_LEN(from_enc_str), &elist, &elistsz, /* persistent */ 0, /* arg_num */ 2, /* allow_pass_encoding */ 0) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } if (elistsz == 0) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); zend_argument_value_error(2, "must specify at least one encoding"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (elistsz == 1) { from_encoding = *elist; } else { /* auto detect */ from_encoding = NULL; identd = mbfl_encoding_detector_new(elist, elistsz, MBSTRG(strict_detection)); if (identd != NULL) { n = 0; while (n < argc) { if (mb_recursive_encoder_detector_feed(identd, &args[n], &recursion_error)) { break; } n++; } from_encoding = mbfl_encoding_detector_judge(identd); mbfl_encoding_detector_delete(identd); if (recursion_error) { efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot handle recursive references"); RETURN_FALSE; } } if (!from_encoding) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unable to detect encoding"); efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); RETURN_FALSE; } } efree(ZEND_VOIDP(elist)); convd = mbfl_buffer_converter_new(from_encoding, to_encoding, 0); /* If this assertion fails this means some memory allocation failure which is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(convd != NULL); mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_mode(convd, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode)); mbfl_buffer_converter_illegal_substchar(convd, MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); /* convert */ n = 0; while (n < argc) { zval *zv = &args[n]; ZVAL_DEREF(zv); recursion_error = mb_recursive_convert_variable(convd, zv); if (recursion_error) { break; } n++; } MBSTRG(illegalchars) += mbfl_buffer_illegalchars(convd); mbfl_buffer_converter_delete(convd); if (recursion_error) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot handle recursive references"); RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_STRING(from_encoding->name); } /* }}} */ /* HTML numeric entities */ /* Convert PHP array to data structure required by mbfl_html_numeric_entity */ static int *make_conversion_map(HashTable *target_hash, int *convmap_size) { zval *hash_entry; int n_elems = zend_hash_num_elements(target_hash); if (n_elems % 4 != 0) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "must have a multiple of 4 elements"); return NULL; } int *convmap = (int *)safe_emalloc(n_elems, sizeof(int), 0); int *mapelm = convmap; ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_VAL(target_hash, hash_entry) { *mapelm++ = zval_get_long(hash_entry); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); *convmap_size = n_elems / 4; return convmap; } /* {{{ Converts specified characters to HTML numeric entities */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_encode_numericentity) { char *str = NULL; zend_string *encoding = NULL; int mapsize; HashTable *target_hash; bool is_hex = 0; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, string.len) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT(target_hash) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding) Z_PARAM_BOOL(is_hex) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char *)str; string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding, 3); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } int *convmap = make_conversion_map(target_hash, &mapsize); if (convmap == NULL) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ret = mbfl_html_numeric_entity(&string, &result, convmap, mapsize, is_hex ? 2 : 0); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); efree(ret->val); efree(convmap); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Converts HTML numeric entities to character code */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_decode_numericentity) { char *str = NULL; zend_string *encoding = NULL; int mapsize; HashTable *target_hash; mbfl_string string, result, *ret; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 3) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, string.len) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT(target_hash) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(encoding) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); string.val = (unsigned char *)str; string.encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(encoding, 3); if (!string.encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } int *convmap = make_conversion_map(target_hash, &mapsize); if (convmap == NULL) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ret = mbfl_html_numeric_entity(&string, &result, convmap, mapsize, 1); ZEND_ASSERT(ret != NULL); // TODO: avoid reallocation ??? RETVAL_STRINGL((char *)ret->val, ret->len); efree(ret->val); efree((void *)convmap); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Sends an email message with MIME scheme */ #define SKIP_LONG_HEADER_SEP_MBSTRING(str, pos) \ if (str[pos] == '\r' && str[pos + 1] == '\n' && (str[pos + 2] == ' ' || str[pos + 2] == '\t')) { \ pos += 2; \ while (str[pos + 1] == ' ' || str[pos + 1] == '\t') { \ pos++; \ } \ continue; \ } #define CRLF "\r\n" static int _php_mbstr_parse_mail_headers(HashTable *ht, const char *str, size_t str_len) { const char *ps; size_t icnt; int state = 0; int crlf_state = -1; char *token = NULL; size_t token_pos = 0; zend_string *fld_name, *fld_val; ps = str; icnt = str_len; fld_name = fld_val = NULL; /* * C o n t e n t - T y p e : t e x t / h t m l \r\n * ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ * state 0 1 2 3 * * C o n t e n t - T y p e : t e x t / h t m l \r\n * ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ * crlf_state -1 0 1 -1 * */ while (icnt > 0) { switch (*ps) { case ':': if (crlf_state == 1) { token_pos++; } if (state == 0 || state == 1) { if(token && token_pos > 0) { fld_name = zend_string_init(token, token_pos, 0); } state = 2; } else { token_pos++; } crlf_state = 0; break; case '\n': if (crlf_state == -1) { goto out; } crlf_state = -1; break; case '\r': if (crlf_state == 1) { token_pos++; } else { crlf_state = 1; } break; case ' ': case '\t': if (crlf_state == -1) { if (state == 3) { /* continuing from the previous line */ state = 4; } else { /* simply skipping this new line */ state = 5; } } else { if (crlf_state == 1) { token_pos++; } if (state == 1 || state == 3) { token_pos++; } } crlf_state = 0; break; default: switch (state) { case 0: token = (char*)ps; token_pos = 0; state = 1; break; case 2: if (crlf_state != -1) { token = (char*)ps; token_pos = 0; state = 3; break; } ZEND_FALLTHROUGH; case 3: if (crlf_state == -1) { if(token && token_pos > 0) { fld_val = zend_string_init(token, token_pos, 0); } if (fld_name != NULL && fld_val != NULL) { zval val; zend_str_tolower(ZSTR_VAL(fld_name), ZSTR_LEN(fld_name)); ZVAL_STR(&val, fld_val); zend_hash_update(ht, fld_name, &val); zend_string_release_ex(fld_name, 0); } fld_name = fld_val = NULL; token = (char*)ps; token_pos = 0; state = 1; } break; case 4: token_pos++; state = 3; break; } if (crlf_state == 1) { token_pos++; } token_pos++; crlf_state = 0; break; } ps++, icnt--; } out: if (state == 2) { token = ""; token_pos = 0; state = 3; } if (state == 3) { if(token && token_pos > 0) { fld_val = zend_string_init(token, token_pos, 0); } if (fld_name != NULL && fld_val != NULL) { zval val; zend_str_tolower(ZSTR_VAL(fld_name), ZSTR_LEN(fld_name)); ZVAL_STR(&val, fld_val); zend_hash_update(ht, fld_name, &val); zend_string_release_ex(fld_name, 0); } } return state; } PHP_FUNCTION(mb_send_mail) { char *to; size_t to_len; char *message; size_t message_len; char *subject; size_t subject_len; zend_string *extra_cmd = NULL; HashTable *headers_ht = NULL; zend_string *str_headers = NULL; size_t n, i; char *to_r = NULL; char *force_extra_parameters = INI_STR("mail.force_extra_parameters"); struct { int cnt_type:1; int cnt_trans_enc:1; } suppressed_hdrs = { 0, 0 }; char *message_buf = NULL, *subject_buf = NULL, *p; mbfl_string orig_str, conv_str; mbfl_string *pstr; /* pointer to mbfl string for return value */ enum mbfl_no_encoding; const mbfl_encoding *tran_cs, /* transfer text charset */ *head_enc, /* header transfer encoding */ *body_enc; /* body transfer encoding */ mbfl_memory_device device; /* automatic allocateable buffer for additional header */ const mbfl_language *lang; int err = 0; HashTable ht_headers; zval *s; extern void mbfl_memory_device_unput(mbfl_memory_device *device); /* initialize */ mbfl_memory_device_init(&device, 0, 0); mbfl_string_init(&orig_str); mbfl_string_init(&conv_str); /* character-set, transfer-encoding */ tran_cs = &mbfl_encoding_utf8; head_enc = &mbfl_encoding_base64; body_enc = &mbfl_encoding_base64; lang = mbfl_no2language(MBSTRG(language)); if (lang != NULL) { tran_cs = mbfl_no2encoding(lang->mail_charset); head_enc = mbfl_no2encoding(lang->mail_header_encoding); body_enc = mbfl_no2encoding(lang->mail_body_encoding); } ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(3, 5) Z_PARAM_PATH(to, to_len) Z_PARAM_PATH(subject, subject_len) Z_PARAM_PATH(message, message_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR(headers_ht, str_headers) Z_PARAM_PATH_STR_OR_NULL(extra_cmd) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (str_headers) { if (strlen(ZSTR_VAL(str_headers)) != ZSTR_LEN(str_headers)) { zend_argument_value_error(4, "must not contain any null bytes"); RETURN_THROWS(); } str_headers = php_trim(str_headers, NULL, 0, 2); } else if (headers_ht) { str_headers = php_mail_build_headers(headers_ht); if (EG(exception)) { RETURN_THROWS(); } } zend_hash_init(&ht_headers, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0); if (str_headers != NULL) { _php_mbstr_parse_mail_headers(&ht_headers, ZSTR_VAL(str_headers), ZSTR_LEN(str_headers)); } if ((s = zend_hash_str_find(&ht_headers, "content-type", sizeof("content-type") - 1))) { char *tmp; char *param_name; char *charset = NULL; ZEND_ASSERT(Z_TYPE_P(s) == IS_STRING); p = strchr(Z_STRVAL_P(s), ';'); if (p != NULL) { /* skipping the padded spaces */ do { ++p; } while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); if (*p != '\0') { if ((param_name = php_strtok_r(p, "= ", &tmp)) != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(param_name, "charset") == 0) { const mbfl_encoding *_tran_cs = tran_cs; charset = php_strtok_r(NULL, "= \"", &tmp); if (charset != NULL) { _tran_cs = mbfl_name2encoding(charset); } if (!_tran_cs) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unsupported charset \"%s\" - will be regarded as ascii", charset); _tran_cs = &mbfl_encoding_ascii; } tran_cs = _tran_cs; } } } } suppressed_hdrs.cnt_type = 1; } if ((s = zend_hash_str_find(&ht_headers, "content-transfer-encoding", sizeof("content-transfer-encoding") - 1))) { const mbfl_encoding *_body_enc; ZEND_ASSERT(Z_TYPE_P(s) == IS_STRING); _body_enc = mbfl_name2encoding(Z_STRVAL_P(s)); switch (_body_enc ? _body_enc->no_encoding : mbfl_no_encoding_invalid) { case mbfl_no_encoding_base64: case mbfl_no_encoding_7bit: case mbfl_no_encoding_8bit: body_enc = _body_enc; break; default: php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Unsupported transfer encoding \"%s\" - will be regarded as 8bit", Z_STRVAL_P(s)); body_enc = &mbfl_encoding_8bit; break; } suppressed_hdrs.cnt_trans_enc = 1; } /* To: */ if (to_len > 0) { to_r = estrndup(to, to_len); for (; to_len; to_len--) { if (!isspace((unsigned char) to_r[to_len - 1])) { break; } to_r[to_len - 1] = '\0'; } for (i = 0; to_r[i]; i++) { if (iscntrl((unsigned char) to_r[i])) { /* According to RFC 822, section 3.1.1 long headers may be separated into * parts using CRLF followed at least one linear-white-space character ('\t' or ' '). * To prevent these separators from being replaced with a space, we use the * SKIP_LONG_HEADER_SEP_MBSTRING to skip over them. */ SKIP_LONG_HEADER_SEP_MBSTRING(to_r, i); to_r[i] = ' '; } } } else { to_r = to; } /* Subject: */ orig_str.val = (unsigned char *)subject; orig_str.len = subject_len; orig_str.encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); if (orig_str.encoding->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_invalid || orig_str.encoding->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_pass) { orig_str.encoding = mbfl_identify_encoding(&orig_str, MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list), MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size), MBSTRG(strict_detection)); } pstr = mbfl_mime_header_encode(&orig_str, &conv_str, tran_cs, head_enc, CRLF, sizeof("Subject: [PHP-jp nnnnnnnn]" CRLF) - 1); if (pstr != NULL) { subject_buf = subject = (char *)pstr->val; } /* message body */ orig_str.val = (unsigned char *)message; orig_str.len = message_len; orig_str.encoding = MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding); if (orig_str.encoding->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_invalid || orig_str.encoding->no_encoding == mbfl_no_encoding_pass) { orig_str.encoding = mbfl_identify_encoding(&orig_str, MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list), MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size), MBSTRG(strict_detection)); } pstr = NULL; { mbfl_string tmpstr; if (mbfl_convert_encoding(&orig_str, &tmpstr, tran_cs) != NULL) { tmpstr.encoding = &mbfl_encoding_8bit; pstr = mbfl_convert_encoding(&tmpstr, &conv_str, body_enc); efree(tmpstr.val); } } if (pstr != NULL) { message_buf = message = (char *)pstr->val; } /* other headers */ #define PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER1 "MIME-Version: 1.0" #define PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER2 "Content-Type: text/plain" #define PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER3 "; charset=" #define PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER4 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: " if (str_headers != NULL) { p = ZSTR_VAL(str_headers); n = ZSTR_LEN(str_headers); mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, p, n); if (n > 0 && p[n - 1] != '\n') { mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, CRLF, sizeof(CRLF)-1); } zend_string_release_ex(str_headers, 0); } if (!zend_hash_str_exists(&ht_headers, "mime-version", sizeof("mime-version") - 1)) { mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER1, sizeof(PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER1) - 1); mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, CRLF, sizeof(CRLF)-1); } if (!suppressed_hdrs.cnt_type) { mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER2, sizeof(PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER2) - 1); p = (char *)mbfl_encoding_preferred_mime_name(tran_cs); if (p != NULL) { mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER3, sizeof(PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER3) - 1); mbfl_memory_device_strcat(&device, p); } mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, CRLF, sizeof(CRLF)-1); } if (!suppressed_hdrs.cnt_trans_enc) { mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER4, sizeof(PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER4) - 1); p = (char *)mbfl_encoding_preferred_mime_name(body_enc); if (p == NULL) { p = "7bit"; } mbfl_memory_device_strcat(&device, p); mbfl_memory_device_strncat(&device, CRLF, sizeof(CRLF)-1); } mbfl_memory_device_unput(&device); mbfl_memory_device_unput(&device); mbfl_memory_device_output('\0', &device); str_headers = zend_string_init((char *)device.buffer, strlen((char *)device.buffer), 0); if (force_extra_parameters) { extra_cmd = php_escape_shell_cmd(force_extra_parameters); } else if (extra_cmd) { extra_cmd = php_escape_shell_cmd(ZSTR_VAL(extra_cmd)); } if (!err && php_mail(to_r, subject, message, ZSTR_VAL(str_headers), extra_cmd ? ZSTR_VAL(extra_cmd) : NULL)) { RETVAL_TRUE; } else { RETVAL_FALSE; } if (extra_cmd) { zend_string_release_ex(extra_cmd, 0); } if (to_r != to) { efree(to_r); } if (subject_buf) { efree((void *)subject_buf); } if (message_buf) { efree((void *)message_buf); } mbfl_memory_device_clear(&device); zend_hash_destroy(&ht_headers); if (str_headers) { zend_string_release_ex(str_headers, 0); } } #undef SKIP_LONG_HEADER_SEP_MBSTRING #undef CRLF #undef MAIL_ASCIIZ_CHECK_MBSTRING #undef PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER1 #undef PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER2 #undef PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER3 #undef PHP_MBSTR_MAIL_MIME_HEADER4 /* }}} */ /* {{{ Returns the current settings of mbstring */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_get_info) { zend_string *type = NULL; size_t n; char *name; zval row; const mbfl_language *lang = mbfl_no2language(MBSTRG(language)); const mbfl_encoding **entry; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 1) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR(type) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (!type || zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "all")) { array_init(return_value); if (MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "internal_encoding", (char *)MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)->name); } if (MBSTRG(http_input_identify)) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "http_input", (char *)MBSTRG(http_input_identify)->name); } if (MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding)) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "http_output", (char *)MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding)->name); } if ((name = (char *)zend_ini_string("mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes", sizeof("mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes") - 1, 0)) != NULL) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "http_output_conv_mimetypes", name); } if (lang != NULL) { if ((name = (char *)mbfl_no_encoding2name(lang->mail_charset)) != NULL) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "mail_charset", name); } if ((name = (char *)mbfl_no_encoding2name(lang->mail_header_encoding)) != NULL) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "mail_header_encoding", name); } if ((name = (char *)mbfl_no_encoding2name(lang->mail_body_encoding)) != NULL) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "mail_body_encoding", name); } } add_assoc_long(return_value, "illegal_chars", MBSTRG(illegalchars)); if (MBSTRG(encoding_translation)) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "encoding_translation", "On"); } else { add_assoc_string(return_value, "encoding_translation", "Off"); } if ((name = (char *)mbfl_no_language2name(MBSTRG(language))) != NULL) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "language", name); } n = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size); entry = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list); if (n > 0) { size_t i; array_init(&row); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { add_next_index_string(&row, (*entry)->name); entry++; } add_assoc_zval(return_value, "detect_order", &row); } if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "substitute_character", "none"); } else if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "substitute_character", "long"); } else if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "substitute_character", "entity"); } else { add_assoc_long(return_value, "substitute_character", MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); } if (MBSTRG(strict_detection)) { add_assoc_string(return_value, "strict_detection", "On"); } else { add_assoc_string(return_value, "strict_detection", "Off"); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "internal_encoding")) { if (MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)) { RETVAL_STRING((char *)MBSTRG(current_internal_encoding)->name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "http_input")) { if (MBSTRG(http_input_identify)) { RETVAL_STRING((char *)MBSTRG(http_input_identify)->name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "http_output")) { if (MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding)) { RETVAL_STRING((char *)MBSTRG(current_http_output_encoding)->name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "http_output_conv_mimetypes")) { if ((name = (char *)zend_ini_string("mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes", sizeof("mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes") - 1, 0)) != NULL) { RETVAL_STRING(name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "mail_charset")) { if (lang != NULL && (name = (char *)mbfl_no_encoding2name(lang->mail_charset)) != NULL) { RETVAL_STRING(name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "mail_header_encoding")) { if (lang != NULL && (name = (char *)mbfl_no_encoding2name(lang->mail_header_encoding)) != NULL) { RETVAL_STRING(name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "mail_body_encoding")) { if (lang != NULL && (name = (char *)mbfl_no_encoding2name(lang->mail_body_encoding)) != NULL) { RETVAL_STRING(name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "illegal_chars")) { RETVAL_LONG(MBSTRG(illegalchars)); } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "encoding_translation")) { if (MBSTRG(encoding_translation)) { RETVAL_STRING("On"); } else { RETVAL_STRING("Off"); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "language")) { if ((name = (char *)mbfl_no_language2name(MBSTRG(language))) != NULL) { RETVAL_STRING(name); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "detect_order")) { n = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size); entry = MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list); if (n > 0) { size_t i; array_init(return_value); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { add_next_index_string(return_value, (*entry)->name); entry++; } } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "substitute_character")) { if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_NONE) { RETVAL_STRING("none"); } else if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_LONG) { RETVAL_STRING("long"); } else if (MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_mode) == MBFL_OUTPUTFILTER_ILLEGAL_MODE_ENTITY) { RETVAL_STRING("entity"); } else { RETVAL_LONG(MBSTRG(current_filter_illegal_substchar)); } } else if (zend_string_equals_literal_ci(type, "strict_detection")) { if (MBSTRG(strict_detection)) { RETVAL_STRING("On"); } else { RETVAL_STRING("Off"); } } else { // TODO Convert to ValueError RETURN_FALSE; } } /* }}} */ static int mbfl_filt_check_errors(int c, void* data) { if (c == MBFL_BAD_INPUT) { (*((mbfl_convert_filter**)data))->num_illegalchar++; } return 0; } MBSTRING_API int php_mb_check_encoding(const char *input, size_t length, const mbfl_encoding *encoding) { mbfl_convert_filter *filter = mbfl_convert_filter_new(encoding, &mbfl_encoding_wchar, mbfl_filt_check_errors, NULL, &filter); while (length--) { unsigned char c = *input++; (filter->filter_function)(c, filter); if (filter->num_illegalchar) { mbfl_convert_filter_delete(filter); return 0; } } (filter->filter_flush)(filter); int result = !filter->num_illegalchar; mbfl_convert_filter_delete(filter); return result; } static int php_mb_check_encoding_recursive(HashTable *vars, const mbfl_encoding *encoding) { zend_long idx; zend_string *key; zval *entry; int valid = 1; (void)(idx); /* Suppress spurious compiler warning that `idx` is not used */ if (GC_IS_RECURSIVE(vars)) { php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "Cannot not handle circular references"); return 0; } GC_TRY_PROTECT_RECURSION(vars); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_KEY_VAL(vars, idx, key, entry) { ZVAL_DEREF(entry); if (key) { if (!php_mb_check_encoding(ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key), encoding)) { valid = 0; break; } } switch (Z_TYPE_P(entry)) { case IS_STRING: if (!php_mb_check_encoding(Z_STRVAL_P(entry), Z_STRLEN_P(entry), encoding)) { valid = 0; break; } break; case IS_ARRAY: if (!php_mb_check_encoding_recursive(Z_ARRVAL_P(entry), encoding)) { valid = 0; break; } break; case IS_LONG: case IS_DOUBLE: case IS_NULL: case IS_TRUE: case IS_FALSE: break; default: /* Other types are error. */ valid = 0; break; } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); GC_TRY_UNPROTECT_RECURSION(vars); return valid; } /* {{{ Check if the string is valid for the specified encoding */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_check_encoding) { zend_string *input_str = NULL, *enc = NULL; HashTable *input_ht = NULL; const mbfl_encoding *encoding; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(0, 2) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT_OR_STR_OR_NULL(input_ht, input_str) Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); encoding = php_mb_get_encoding(enc, 2); if (!encoding) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (input_ht) { RETURN_BOOL(php_mb_check_encoding_recursive(input_ht, encoding)); } else if (input_str) { RETURN_BOOL(php_mb_check_encoding(ZSTR_VAL(input_str), ZSTR_LEN(input_str), encoding)); } else { php_error_docref(NULL, E_DEPRECATED, "Calling mb_check_encoding() without argument is deprecated"); /* FIXME: Actually check all inputs, except $_FILES file content. */ RETURN_BOOL(MBSTRG(illegalchars) == 0); } } /* }}} */ static inline zend_long php_mb_ord(const char *str, size_t str_len, zend_string *enc_name, const uint32_t enc_name_arg_num) { const mbfl_encoding *enc; enum mbfl_no_encoding no_enc; ZEND_ASSERT(str_len > 0); enc = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, enc_name_arg_num); if (!enc) { return -2; } no_enc = enc->no_encoding; if (php_mb_is_unsupported_no_encoding(no_enc)) { zend_value_error("mb_ord() does not support the \"%s\" encoding", enc->name); return -2; } { mbfl_wchar_device dev; mbfl_convert_filter *filter; zend_long cp; mbfl_wchar_device_init(&dev); filter = mbfl_convert_filter_new(enc, &mbfl_encoding_wchar, mbfl_wchar_device_output, 0, &dev); /* If this assertion fails this means some memory allocation failure which is a bug */ ZEND_ASSERT(filter != NULL); mbfl_convert_filter_feed_string(filter, (unsigned char*)str, str_len); mbfl_convert_filter_flush(filter); if (dev.pos < 1 || filter->num_illegalchar || dev.buffer[0] == MBFL_BAD_INPUT) { cp = -1; } else { cp = dev.buffer[0]; } mbfl_convert_filter_delete(filter); mbfl_wchar_device_clear(&dev); return cp; } } /* {{{ */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_ord) { char *str; size_t str_len; zend_string *enc = NULL; zend_long cp; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); if (str_len == 0) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must not be empty"); RETURN_THROWS(); } cp = php_mb_ord(str, str_len, enc, 2); if (0 > cp) { if (cp == -2) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_LONG(cp); } /* }}} */ static inline zend_string *php_mb_chr(zend_long cp, zend_string *enc_name, uint32_t enc_name_arg_num) { const mbfl_encoding *enc; enum mbfl_no_encoding no_enc; zend_string *ret; char* buf; size_t buf_len; enc = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, enc_name_arg_num); if (!enc) { return NULL; } no_enc = enc->no_encoding; if (php_mb_is_unsupported_no_encoding(no_enc)) { zend_value_error("mb_chr() does not support the \"%s\" encoding", enc->name); return NULL; } if (cp < 0 || cp > 0x10ffff) { return NULL; } if (php_mb_is_no_encoding_utf8(no_enc)) { if (cp > 0xd7ff && 0xe000 > cp) { return NULL; } if (cp < 0x80) { ret = ZSTR_CHAR(cp); } else if (cp < 0x800) { ret = zend_string_alloc(2, 0); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[0] = 0xc0 | (cp >> 6); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[1] = 0x80 | (cp & 0x3f); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[2] = 0; } else if (cp < 0x10000) { ret = zend_string_alloc(3, 0); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[0] = 0xe0 | (cp >> 12); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[1] = 0x80 | ((cp >> 6) & 0x3f); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[2] = 0x80 | (cp & 0x3f); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[3] = 0; } else { ret = zend_string_alloc(4, 0); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[0] = 0xf0 | (cp >> 18); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[1] = 0x80 | ((cp >> 12) & 0x3f); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[2] = 0x80 | ((cp >> 6) & 0x3f); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[3] = 0x80 | (cp & 0x3f); ZSTR_VAL(ret)[4] = 0; } return ret; } buf_len = 4; buf = (char *) emalloc(buf_len + 1); buf[0] = (cp >> 24) & 0xff; buf[1] = (cp >> 16) & 0xff; buf[2] = (cp >> 8) & 0xff; buf[3] = cp & 0xff; buf[4] = 0; char *ret_str; size_t ret_len; long orig_illegalchars = MBSTRG(illegalchars); MBSTRG(illegalchars) = 0; ret_str = php_mb_convert_encoding_ex(buf, buf_len, enc, &mbfl_encoding_ucs4be, &ret_len); if (MBSTRG(illegalchars) != 0) { efree(buf); efree(ret_str); MBSTRG(illegalchars) = orig_illegalchars; return NULL; } ret = zend_string_init(ret_str, ret_len, 0); efree(ret_str); MBSTRG(illegalchars) = orig_illegalchars; efree(buf); return ret; } /* {{{ */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_chr) { zend_long cp; zend_string *enc = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_LONG(cp) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); zend_string* ret = php_mb_chr(cp, enc, 2); if (ret == NULL) { RETURN_FALSE; } RETURN_STR(ret); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ */ PHP_FUNCTION(mb_scrub) { char* str; size_t str_len; zend_string *enc_name = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(1, 2) Z_PARAM_STRING(str, str_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_STR_OR_NULL(enc_name) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); const mbfl_encoding *enc = php_mb_get_encoding(enc_name, 2); if (!enc) { RETURN_THROWS(); } size_t ret_len; char *ret = php_mb_convert_encoding_ex(str, str_len, enc, enc, &ret_len); RETVAL_STRINGL(ret, ret_len); efree(ret); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ php_mb_populate_current_detect_order_list */ static void php_mb_populate_current_detect_order_list(void) { const mbfl_encoding **entry = 0; size_t nentries; if (MBSTRG(detect_order_list) && MBSTRG(detect_order_list_size)) { nentries = MBSTRG(detect_order_list_size); entry = (const mbfl_encoding **)safe_emalloc(nentries, sizeof(mbfl_encoding*), 0); memcpy(ZEND_VOIDP(entry), MBSTRG(detect_order_list), sizeof(mbfl_encoding*) * nentries); } else { const enum mbfl_no_encoding *src = MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list); size_t i; nentries = MBSTRG(default_detect_order_list_size); entry = (const mbfl_encoding **)safe_emalloc(nentries, sizeof(mbfl_encoding*), 0); for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) { entry[i] = mbfl_no2encoding(src[i]); } } MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list) = entry; MBSTRG(current_detect_order_list_size) = nentries; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ static int php_mb_encoding_translation() */ static int php_mb_encoding_translation(void) { return MBSTRG(encoding_translation); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex() */ MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(const char *s, const mbfl_encoding *enc) { if (enc) { if (enc->mblen_table) { if (s) { return enc->mblen_table[*(unsigned char *)s]; } } else if (enc->flag & MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS2) { return 2; } else if (enc->flag & MBFL_ENCTYPE_WCS4) { return 4; } } return 1; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_mbchar_bytes() */ MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_mbchar_bytes(const char *s) { return php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(s, MBSTRG(internal_encoding)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_safe_strrchr_ex() */ MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_safe_strrchr_ex(const char *s, unsigned int c, size_t nbytes, const mbfl_encoding *enc) { const char *p = s; char *last=NULL; if (nbytes == (size_t)-1) { size_t nb = 0; while (*p != '\0') { if (nb == 0) { if ((unsigned char)*p == (unsigned char)c) { last = (char *)p; } nb = php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(p, enc); if (nb == 0) { return NULL; /* something is going wrong! */ } } --nb; ++p; } } else { size_t bcnt = nbytes; size_t nbytes_char; while (bcnt > 0) { if ((unsigned char)*p == (unsigned char)c) { last = (char *)p; } nbytes_char = php_mb_mbchar_bytes_ex(p, enc); if (bcnt < nbytes_char) { return NULL; } p += nbytes_char; bcnt -= nbytes_char; } } return last; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_safe_strrchr() */ MBSTRING_API char *php_mb_safe_strrchr(const char *s, unsigned int c, size_t nbytes) { return php_mb_safe_strrchr_ex(s, c, nbytes, MBSTRG(internal_encoding)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ MBSTRING_API int php_mb_stripos() */ MBSTRING_API size_t php_mb_stripos(int mode, const char *old_haystack, size_t old_haystack_len, const char *old_needle, size_t old_needle_len, zend_long offset, const mbfl_encoding *enc) { size_t n = (size_t) -1; mbfl_string haystack, needle; mbfl_string_init_set(&haystack, enc); mbfl_string_init_set(&needle, enc); do { /* We're using simple case-folding here, because we'd have to deal with remapping of * offsets otherwise. */ size_t len = 0; haystack.val = (unsigned char *)mbstring_convert_case(PHP_UNICODE_CASE_FOLD_SIMPLE, (char *)old_haystack, old_haystack_len, &len, enc); haystack.len = len; if (!haystack.val) { break; } if (haystack.len == 0) { break; } needle.val = (unsigned char *)mbstring_convert_case(PHP_UNICODE_CASE_FOLD_SIMPLE, (char *)old_needle, old_needle_len, &len, enc); needle.len = len; if (!needle.val) { break; } n = mbfl_strpos(&haystack, &needle, offset, mode); } while(0); if (haystack.val) { efree(haystack.val); } if (needle.val) { efree(needle.val); } return n; } /* }}} */ static void php_mb_gpc_get_detect_order(const zend_encoding ***list, size_t *list_size) /* {{{ */ { *list = (const zend_encoding **)MBSTRG(http_input_list); *list_size = MBSTRG(http_input_list_size); } /* }}} */ static void php_mb_gpc_set_input_encoding(const zend_encoding *encoding) /* {{{ */ { MBSTRG(http_input_identify) = (const mbfl_encoding*)encoding; } /* }}} */