/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Anatol Belski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php_hash.h" #include "php_hash_xxhash.h" static int php_hash_xxh32_unserialize( php_hashcontext_object *hash, zend_long magic, const zval *zv); static int php_hash_xxh64_unserialize( php_hashcontext_object *hash, zend_long magic, const zval *zv); const php_hash_ops php_hash_xxh32_ops = { "xxh32", (php_hash_init_func_t) PHP_XXH32Init, (php_hash_update_func_t) PHP_XXH32Update, (php_hash_final_func_t) PHP_XXH32Final, (php_hash_copy_func_t) PHP_XXH32Copy, php_hash_serialize, php_hash_xxh32_unserialize, PHP_XXH32_SPEC, 4, 4, sizeof(PHP_XXH32_CTX), 0 }; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH32Init(PHP_XXH32_CTX *ctx, HashTable *args) { /* XXH32_createState() is not used intentionally. */ memset(&ctx->s, 0, sizeof ctx->s); if (args) { zval *seed = zend_hash_str_find_deref(args, "seed", sizeof("seed") - 1); /* This might be a bit too restrictive, but thinking that a seed might be set once and for all, it should be done a clean way. */ if (seed && IS_LONG == Z_TYPE_P(seed)) { XXH32_reset(&ctx->s, (XXH32_hash_t)Z_LVAL_P(seed)); } else { XXH32_reset(&ctx->s, 0); } } else { XXH32_reset(&ctx->s, 0); } } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH32Update(PHP_XXH32_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, size_t len) { XXH32_update(&ctx->s, in, len); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH32Final(unsigned char digest[4], PHP_XXH32_CTX *ctx) { XXH32_canonicalFromHash((XXH32_canonical_t*)digest, XXH32_digest(&ctx->s)); } PHP_HASH_API int PHP_XXH32Copy(const php_hash_ops *ops, PHP_XXH32_CTX *orig_context, PHP_XXH32_CTX *copy_context) { copy_context->s = orig_context->s; return SUCCESS; } static int php_hash_xxh32_unserialize( php_hashcontext_object *hash, zend_long magic, const zval *zv) { PHP_XXH32_CTX *ctx = (PHP_XXH32_CTX *) hash->context; int r = FAILURE; if (magic == PHP_HASH_SERIALIZE_MAGIC_SPEC && (r = php_hash_unserialize_spec(hash, zv, PHP_XXH32_SPEC)) == SUCCESS && ctx->s.memsize < 16) { return SUCCESS; } else { return r != SUCCESS ? r : -2000; } } const php_hash_ops php_hash_xxh64_ops = { "xxh64", (php_hash_init_func_t) PHP_XXH64Init, (php_hash_update_func_t) PHP_XXH64Update, (php_hash_final_func_t) PHP_XXH64Final, (php_hash_copy_func_t) PHP_XXH64Copy, php_hash_serialize, php_hash_xxh64_unserialize, PHP_XXH64_SPEC, 8, 8, sizeof(PHP_XXH64_CTX), 0 }; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH64Init(PHP_XXH64_CTX *ctx, HashTable *args) { /* XXH64_createState() is not used intentionally. */ memset(&ctx->s, 0, sizeof ctx->s); if (args) { zval *seed = zend_hash_str_find_deref(args, "seed", sizeof("seed") - 1); /* This might be a bit too restrictive, but thinking that a seed might be set once and for all, it should be done a clean way. */ if (seed && IS_LONG == Z_TYPE_P(seed)) { XXH64_reset(&ctx->s, (XXH64_hash_t)Z_LVAL_P(seed)); } else { XXH64_reset(&ctx->s, 0); } } else { XXH64_reset(&ctx->s, 0); } } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH64Update(PHP_XXH64_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, size_t len) { XXH64_update(&ctx->s, in, len); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH64Final(unsigned char digest[8], PHP_XXH64_CTX *ctx) { XXH64_canonicalFromHash((XXH64_canonical_t*)digest, XXH64_digest(&ctx->s)); } PHP_HASH_API int PHP_XXH64Copy(const php_hash_ops *ops, PHP_XXH64_CTX *orig_context, PHP_XXH64_CTX *copy_context) { copy_context->s = orig_context->s; return SUCCESS; } const php_hash_ops php_hash_xxh3_64_ops = { "xxh3", (php_hash_init_func_t) PHP_XXH3_64_Init, (php_hash_update_func_t) PHP_XXH3_64_Update, (php_hash_final_func_t) PHP_XXH3_64_Final, (php_hash_copy_func_t) PHP_XXH3_64_Copy, php_hash_serialize, php_hash_unserialize, NULL, 8, 8, sizeof(PHP_XXH3_64_CTX), 0 }; typedef XXH_errorcode (*xxh3_reset_with_secret_func_t)(XXH3_state_t*, const void*, size_t); typedef XXH_errorcode (*xxh3_reset_with_seed_func_t)(XXH3_state_t*, XXH64_hash_t); zend_always_inline static void _PHP_XXH3_Init(PHP_XXH3_64_CTX *ctx, HashTable *args, xxh3_reset_with_seed_func_t func_init_seed, xxh3_reset_with_secret_func_t func_init_secret, const char* algo_name) { memset(&ctx->s, 0, sizeof ctx->s); if (args) { zval *_seed = zend_hash_str_find_deref(args, "seed", sizeof("seed") - 1); zval *_secret = zend_hash_str_find_deref(args, "secret", sizeof("secret") - 1); if (_seed && _secret) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "%s: Only one of seed or secret is to be passed for initialization", algo_name); return; } if (_seed && IS_LONG == Z_TYPE_P(_seed)) { /* This might be a bit too restrictive, but thinking that a seed might be set once and for all, it should be done a clean way. */ func_init_seed(&ctx->s, (XXH64_hash_t)Z_LVAL_P(_seed)); return; } else if (_secret) { convert_to_string(_secret); size_t len = Z_STRLEN_P(_secret); if (len < PHP_XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "%s: Secret length must be >= %u bytes, %zu bytes passed", algo_name, XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN, len); return; } if (len > sizeof(ctx->secret)) { len = sizeof(ctx->secret); php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "%s: Secret content exceeding %zu bytes discarded", algo_name, sizeof(ctx->secret)); } memcpy((unsigned char *)ctx->secret, Z_STRVAL_P(_secret), len); func_init_secret(&ctx->s, ctx->secret, len); return; } } func_init_seed(&ctx->s, 0); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH3_64_Init(PHP_XXH3_64_CTX *ctx, HashTable *args) { _PHP_XXH3_Init(ctx, args, XXH3_64bits_reset_withSeed, XXH3_64bits_reset_withSecret, "xxh3"); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH3_64_Update(PHP_XXH3_64_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, size_t len) { XXH3_64bits_update(&ctx->s, in, len); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH3_64_Final(unsigned char digest[8], PHP_XXH3_64_CTX *ctx) { XXH64_canonicalFromHash((XXH64_canonical_t*)digest, XXH3_64bits_digest(&ctx->s)); } PHP_HASH_API int PHP_XXH3_64_Copy(const php_hash_ops *ops, PHP_XXH3_64_CTX *orig_context, PHP_XXH3_64_CTX *copy_context) { copy_context->s = orig_context->s; return SUCCESS; } static int php_hash_xxh64_unserialize( php_hashcontext_object *hash, zend_long magic, const zval *zv) { PHP_XXH64_CTX *ctx = (PHP_XXH64_CTX *) hash->context; int r = FAILURE; if (magic == PHP_HASH_SERIALIZE_MAGIC_SPEC && (r = php_hash_unserialize_spec(hash, zv, PHP_XXH64_SPEC)) == SUCCESS && ctx->s.memsize < 32) { return SUCCESS; } else { return r != SUCCESS ? r : -2000; } } const php_hash_ops php_hash_xxh3_128_ops = { "xxh128", (php_hash_init_func_t) PHP_XXH3_128_Init, (php_hash_update_func_t) PHP_XXH3_128_Update, (php_hash_final_func_t) PHP_XXH3_128_Final, (php_hash_copy_func_t) PHP_XXH3_128_Copy, php_hash_serialize, php_hash_unserialize, NULL, 16, 8, sizeof(PHP_XXH3_128_CTX), 0 }; PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH3_128_Init(PHP_XXH3_128_CTX *ctx, HashTable *args) { _PHP_XXH3_Init(ctx, args, XXH3_128bits_reset_withSeed, XXH3_128bits_reset_withSecret, "xxh128"); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH3_128_Update(PHP_XXH3_128_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *in, size_t len) { XXH3_128bits_update(&ctx->s, in, len); } PHP_HASH_API void PHP_XXH3_128_Final(unsigned char digest[16], PHP_XXH3_128_CTX *ctx) { XXH128_canonicalFromHash((XXH128_canonical_t*)digest, XXH3_128bits_digest(&ctx->s)); } PHP_HASH_API int PHP_XXH3_128_Copy(const php_hash_ops *ops, PHP_XXH3_128_CTX *orig_context, PHP_XXH3_128_CTX *copy_context) { copy_context->s = orig_context->s; return SUCCESS; }