/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | https://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Author: Sara Golemon | | Scott MacVicar | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "php_hash.h" #include "ext/standard/info.h" #include "ext/standard/file.h" #include "ext/standard/php_var.h" #include "ext/spl/spl_exceptions.h" #include "zend_interfaces.h" #include "zend_exceptions.h" #include "zend_smart_str.h" #include "hash_arginfo.h" #ifdef PHP_WIN32 # define __alignof__ __alignof #else # ifndef HAVE_ALIGNOF # include # define __alignof__(type) offsetof (struct { char c; type member;}, member) # endif #endif HashTable php_hash_hashtable; zend_class_entry *php_hashcontext_ce; static zend_object_handlers php_hashcontext_handlers; #ifdef PHP_MHASH_BC struct mhash_bc_entry { char *mhash_name; char *hash_name; int value; }; #define MHASH_NUM_ALGOS 42 static struct mhash_bc_entry mhash_to_hash[MHASH_NUM_ALGOS] = { {"CRC32", "crc32", 0}, /* used by bzip */ {"MD5", "md5", 1}, {"SHA1", "sha1", 2}, {"HAVAL256", "haval256,3", 3}, {NULL, NULL, 4}, {"RIPEMD160", "ripemd160", 5}, {NULL, NULL, 6}, {"TIGER", "tiger192,3", 7}, {"GOST", "gost", 8}, {"CRC32B", "crc32b", 9}, /* used by ethernet (IEEE 802.3), gzip, zip, png, etc */ {"HAVAL224", "haval224,3", 10}, {"HAVAL192", "haval192,3", 11}, {"HAVAL160", "haval160,3", 12}, {"HAVAL128", "haval128,3", 13}, {"TIGER128", "tiger128,3", 14}, {"TIGER160", "tiger160,3", 15}, {"MD4", "md4", 16}, {"SHA256", "sha256", 17}, {"ADLER32", "adler32", 18}, {"SHA224", "sha224", 19}, {"SHA512", "sha512", 20}, {"SHA384", "sha384", 21}, {"WHIRLPOOL", "whirlpool", 22}, {"RIPEMD128", "ripemd128", 23}, {"RIPEMD256", "ripemd256", 24}, {"RIPEMD320", "ripemd320", 25}, {NULL, NULL, 26}, /* support needs to be added for snefru 128 */ {"SNEFRU256", "snefru256", 27}, {"MD2", "md2", 28}, {"FNV132", "fnv132", 29}, {"FNV1A32", "fnv1a32", 30}, {"FNV164", "fnv164", 31}, {"FNV1A64", "fnv1a64", 32}, {"JOAAT", "joaat", 33}, {"CRC32C", "crc32c", 34}, /* Castagnoli's CRC, used by iSCSI, SCTP, Btrfs, ext4, etc */ {"MURMUR3A", "murmur3a", 35}, {"MURMUR3C", "murmur3c", 36}, {"MURMUR3F", "murmur3f", 37}, {"XXH32", "xxh32", 38}, {"XXH64", "xxh64", 39}, {"XXH3", "xxh3", 40}, {"XXH128", "xxh128", 41}, }; #endif /* Hash Registry Access */ PHP_HASH_API const php_hash_ops *php_hash_fetch_ops(zend_string *algo) /* {{{ */ { zend_string *lower = zend_string_tolower(algo); php_hash_ops *ops = zend_hash_find_ptr(&php_hash_hashtable, lower); zend_string_release(lower); return ops; } /* }}} */ PHP_HASH_API void php_hash_register_algo(const char *algo, const php_hash_ops *ops) /* {{{ */ { size_t algo_len = strlen(algo); char *lower = zend_str_tolower_dup(algo, algo_len); zend_hash_add_ptr(&php_hash_hashtable, zend_string_init_interned(lower, algo_len, 1), (void *) ops); efree(lower); } /* }}} */ PHP_HASH_API int php_hash_copy(const void *ops, void *orig_context, void *dest_context) /* {{{ */ { php_hash_ops *hash_ops = (php_hash_ops *)ops; memcpy(dest_context, orig_context, hash_ops->context_size); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ static inline size_t align_to(size_t pos, size_t alignment) { size_t offset = pos & (alignment - 1); return pos + (offset ? alignment - offset : 0); } static size_t parse_serialize_spec( const char **specp, size_t *pos, size_t *sz, size_t *max_alignment) { size_t count, alignment; const char *spec = *specp; /* parse size */ if (*spec == 's' || *spec == 'S') { *sz = 2; alignment = __alignof__(uint16_t); /* usually 2 */ } else if (*spec == 'l' || *spec == 'L') { *sz = 4; alignment = __alignof__(uint32_t); /* usually 4 */ } else if (*spec == 'q' || *spec == 'Q') { *sz = 8; alignment = __alignof__(uint64_t); /* usually 8 */ } else if (*spec == 'i' || *spec == 'I') { *sz = sizeof(int); alignment = __alignof__(int); /* usually 4 */ } else { ZEND_ASSERT(*spec == 'b' || *spec == 'B'); *sz = 1; alignment = 1; } /* process alignment */ *pos = align_to(*pos, alignment); *max_alignment = *max_alignment < alignment ? alignment : *max_alignment; /* parse count */ ++spec; if (isdigit((unsigned char) *spec)) { count = 0; while (isdigit((unsigned char) *spec)) { count = 10 * count + *spec - '0'; ++spec; } } else { count = 1; } *specp = spec; return count; } static uint64_t one_from_buffer(size_t sz, const unsigned char *buf) { if (sz == 2) { const uint16_t *x = (const uint16_t *) buf; return *x; } else if (sz == 4) { const uint32_t *x = (const uint32_t *) buf; return *x; } else if (sz == 8) { const uint64_t *x = (const uint64_t *) buf; return *x; } else { ZEND_ASSERT(sz == 1); return *buf; } } static void one_to_buffer(size_t sz, unsigned char *buf, uint64_t val) { if (sz == 2) { uint16_t *x = (uint16_t *) buf; *x = val; } else if (sz == 4) { uint32_t *x = (uint32_t *) buf; *x = val; } else if (sz == 8) { uint64_t *x = (uint64_t *) buf; *x = val; } else { ZEND_ASSERT(sz == 1); *buf = val; } } /* Serialize a hash context according to a `spec` string. Spec contents: b[COUNT] -- serialize COUNT bytes s[COUNT] -- serialize COUNT 16-bit integers l[COUNT] -- serialize COUNT 32-bit integers q[COUNT] -- serialize COUNT 64-bit integers i[COUNT] -- serialize COUNT `int`s B[COUNT] -- skip COUNT bytes S[COUNT], L[COUNT], etc. -- uppercase versions skip instead of read . (must be last character) -- assert that the hash context has exactly this size Example: "llllllb64l16." is the spec for an MD5 context: 6 32-bit integers, followed by 64 bytes, then 16 32-bit integers, and that's exactly the size of the context. The serialization result is an array. Each integer is serialized as a 32-bit integer, except that a run of 2 or more bytes is encoded as a string, and each 64-bit integer is serialized as two 32-bit integers, least significant bits first. This allows 32-bit and 64-bit architectures to interchange serialized HashContexts. */ PHP_HASH_API int php_hash_serialize_spec(const php_hashcontext_object *hash, zval *zv, const char *spec) /* {{{ */ { size_t pos = 0, max_alignment = 1; unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) hash->context; zval tmp; if (buf == NULL) { return FAILURE; } array_init(zv); while (*spec != '\0' && *spec != '.') { char spec_ch = *spec; size_t sz, count = parse_serialize_spec(&spec, &pos, &sz, &max_alignment); if (pos + count * sz > hash->ops->context_size) { return FAILURE; } if (isupper((unsigned char) spec_ch)) { pos += count * sz; } else if (sz == 1 && count > 1) { ZVAL_STRINGL(&tmp, (char *) buf + pos, count); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), &tmp); pos += count; } else { while (count > 0) { uint64_t val = one_from_buffer(sz, buf + pos); pos += sz; ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, (int32_t) val); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), &tmp); if (sz == 8) { ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, (int32_t) (val >> 32)); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), &tmp); } --count; } } } if (*spec == '.' && align_to(pos, max_alignment) != hash->ops->context_size) { return FAILURE; } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* Unserialize a hash context serialized by `php_hash_serialize_spec` with `spec`. Returns SUCCESS on success and a negative error code on failure. Codes: FAILURE (-1) == generic failure -999 == spec wrong size for context -1000 - POS == problem at byte offset POS */ PHP_HASH_API int php_hash_unserialize_spec(php_hashcontext_object *hash, const zval *zv, const char *spec) /* {{{ */ { size_t pos = 0, max_alignment = 1, j = 0; unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) hash->context; zval *elt; if (Z_TYPE_P(zv) != IS_ARRAY) { return FAILURE; } while (*spec != '\0' && *spec != '.') { char spec_ch = *spec; size_t sz, count = parse_serialize_spec(&spec, &pos, &sz, &max_alignment); if (pos + count * sz > hash->ops->context_size) { return -999; } if (isupper((unsigned char) spec_ch)) { pos += count * sz; } else if (sz == 1 && count > 1) { elt = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), j); if (!elt || Z_TYPE_P(elt) != IS_STRING || Z_STRLEN_P(elt) != count) { return -1000 - pos; } ++j; memcpy(buf + pos, Z_STRVAL_P(elt), count); pos += count; } else { while (count > 0) { uint64_t val; elt = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), j); if (!elt || Z_TYPE_P(elt) != IS_LONG) { return -1000 - pos; } ++j; val = (uint32_t) Z_LVAL_P(elt); if (sz == 8) { elt = zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(zv), j); if (!elt || Z_TYPE_P(elt) != IS_LONG) { return -1000 - pos; } ++j; val += ((uint64_t) Z_LVAL_P(elt)) << 32; } one_to_buffer(sz, buf + pos, val); pos += sz; --count; } } } if (*spec == '.' && align_to(pos, max_alignment) != hash->ops->context_size) { return -999; } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ PHP_HASH_API int php_hash_serialize(const php_hashcontext_object *hash, zend_long *magic, zval *zv) /* {{{ */ { if (hash->ops->serialize_spec) { *magic = PHP_HASH_SERIALIZE_MAGIC_SPEC; return php_hash_serialize_spec(hash, zv, hash->ops->serialize_spec); } else { return FAILURE; } } /* }}} */ PHP_HASH_API int php_hash_unserialize(php_hashcontext_object *hash, zend_long magic, const zval *zv) /* {{{ */ { if (hash->ops->serialize_spec && magic == PHP_HASH_SERIALIZE_MAGIC_SPEC) { return php_hash_unserialize_spec(hash, zv, hash->ops->serialize_spec); } else { return FAILURE; } } /* }}} */ /* Userspace */ static void php_hash_do_hash( zval *return_value, zend_string *algo, char *data, size_t data_len, bool raw_output, bool isfilename, HashTable *args ) /* {{{ */ { zend_string *digest; const php_hash_ops *ops; void *context; php_stream *stream = NULL; ops = php_hash_fetch_ops(algo); if (!ops) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid hashing algorithm"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (isfilename) { if (CHECK_NULL_PATH(data, data_len)) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must not contain any null bytes"); RETURN_THROWS(); } stream = php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(data, "rb", REPORT_ERRORS, NULL, FG(default_context)); if (!stream) { /* Stream will report errors opening file */ RETURN_FALSE; } } context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); ops->hash_init(context, args); if (isfilename) { char buf[1024]; ssize_t n; while ((n = php_stream_read(stream, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *) buf, n); } php_stream_close(stream); if (n < 0) { efree(context); RETURN_FALSE; } } else { ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *) data, data_len); } digest = zend_string_alloc(ops->digest_size, 0); ops->hash_final((unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), context); efree(context); if (raw_output) { ZSTR_VAL(digest)[ops->digest_size] = 0; RETURN_NEW_STR(digest); } else { zend_string *hex_digest = zend_string_safe_alloc(ops->digest_size, 2, 0, 0); php_hash_bin2hex(ZSTR_VAL(hex_digest), (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), ops->digest_size); ZSTR_VAL(hex_digest)[2 * ops->digest_size] = 0; zend_string_release_ex(digest, 0); RETURN_NEW_STR(hex_digest); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Generate a hash of a given input string Returns lowercase hexits by default */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash) { zend_string *algo; char *data; size_t data_len; bool raw_output = 0; HashTable *args = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 4) Z_PARAM_STR(algo) Z_PARAM_STRING(data, data_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_BOOL(raw_output) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT(args) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); php_hash_do_hash(return_value, algo, data, data_len, raw_output, 0, args); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Generate a hash of a given file Returns lowercase hexits by default */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_file) { zend_string *algo; char *data; size_t data_len; bool raw_output = 0; HashTable *args = NULL; ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START(2, 3) Z_PARAM_STR(algo) Z_PARAM_STRING(data, data_len) Z_PARAM_OPTIONAL Z_PARAM_BOOL(raw_output) Z_PARAM_ARRAY_HT(args) ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_END(); php_hash_do_hash(return_value, algo, data, data_len, raw_output, 1, args); } /* }}} */ static inline void php_hash_string_xor_char(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, const unsigned char xor_with, const size_t length) { size_t i; for (i=0; i < length; i++) { out[i] = in[i] ^ xor_with; } } static inline void php_hash_string_xor(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, const unsigned char *xor_with, const size_t length) { size_t i; for (i=0; i < length; i++) { out[i] = in[i] ^ xor_with[i]; } } static inline void php_hash_hmac_prep_key(unsigned char *K, const php_hash_ops *ops, void *context, const unsigned char *key, const size_t key_len) { memset(K, 0, ops->block_size); if (key_len > ops->block_size) { /* Reduce the key first */ ops->hash_init(context, NULL); ops->hash_update(context, key, key_len); ops->hash_final(K, context); } else { memcpy(K, key, key_len); } /* XOR the key with 0x36 to get the ipad) */ php_hash_string_xor_char(K, K, 0x36, ops->block_size); } static inline void php_hash_hmac_round(unsigned char *final, const php_hash_ops *ops, void *context, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *data, const zend_long data_size) { ops->hash_init(context, NULL); ops->hash_update(context, key, ops->block_size); ops->hash_update(context, data, data_size); ops->hash_final(final, context); } static void php_hash_do_hash_hmac( zval *return_value, zend_string *algo, char *data, size_t data_len, char *key, size_t key_len, bool raw_output, bool isfilename ) /* {{{ */ { zend_string *digest; unsigned char *K; const php_hash_ops *ops; void *context; php_stream *stream = NULL; ops = php_hash_fetch_ops(algo); if (!ops || !ops->is_crypto) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid cryptographic hashing algorithm"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (isfilename) { if (CHECK_NULL_PATH(data, data_len)) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "must not contain any null bytes"); RETURN_THROWS(); } stream = php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(data, "rb", REPORT_ERRORS, NULL, FG(default_context)); if (!stream) { /* Stream will report errors opening file */ RETURN_FALSE; } } context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); K = emalloc(ops->block_size); digest = zend_string_alloc(ops->digest_size, 0); php_hash_hmac_prep_key(K, ops, context, (unsigned char *) key, key_len); if (isfilename) { char buf[1024]; ssize_t n; ops->hash_init(context, NULL); ops->hash_update(context, K, ops->block_size); while ((n = php_stream_read(stream, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *) buf, n); } php_stream_close(stream); if (n < 0) { efree(context); efree(K); zend_string_release(digest); RETURN_FALSE; } ops->hash_final((unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), context); } else { php_hash_hmac_round((unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), ops, context, K, (unsigned char *) data, data_len); } php_hash_string_xor_char(K, K, 0x6A, ops->block_size); php_hash_hmac_round((unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), ops, context, K, (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), ops->digest_size); /* Zero the key */ ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(K, ops->block_size); efree(K); efree(context); if (raw_output) { ZSTR_VAL(digest)[ops->digest_size] = 0; RETURN_NEW_STR(digest); } else { zend_string *hex_digest = zend_string_safe_alloc(ops->digest_size, 2, 0, 0); php_hash_bin2hex(ZSTR_VAL(hex_digest), (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), ops->digest_size); ZSTR_VAL(hex_digest)[2 * ops->digest_size] = 0; zend_string_release_ex(digest, 0); RETURN_NEW_STR(hex_digest); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Generate a hash of a given input string with a key using HMAC Returns lowercase hexits by default */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hmac) { zend_string *algo; char *data, *key; size_t data_len, key_len; bool raw_output = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "Sss|b", &algo, &data, &data_len, &key, &key_len, &raw_output) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } php_hash_do_hash_hmac(return_value, algo, data, data_len, key, key_len, raw_output, 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Generate a hash of a given file with a key using HMAC Returns lowercase hexits by default */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hmac_file) { zend_string *algo; char *data, *key; size_t data_len, key_len; bool raw_output = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "Sss|b", &algo, &data, &data_len, &key, &key_len, &raw_output) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } php_hash_do_hash_hmac(return_value, algo, data, data_len, key, key_len, raw_output, 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Initialize a hashing context */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_init) { zend_string *algo, *key = NULL; zend_long options = 0; void *context; const php_hash_ops *ops; php_hashcontext_object *hash; HashTable *args = NULL; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "S|lSh", &algo, &options, &key, &args) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ops = php_hash_fetch_ops(algo); if (!ops) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid hashing algorithm"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (options & PHP_HASH_HMAC) { if (!ops->is_crypto) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a cryptographic hashing algorithm if HMAC is requested"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (!key || (ZSTR_LEN(key) == 0)) { /* Note: a zero length key is no key at all */ zend_argument_value_error(3, "cannot be empty when HMAC is requested"); RETURN_THROWS(); } } object_init_ex(return_value, php_hashcontext_ce); hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(return_value)); context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); ops->hash_init(context, args); hash->ops = ops; hash->context = context; hash->options = options; hash->key = NULL; if (options & PHP_HASH_HMAC) { char *K = emalloc(ops->block_size); size_t i, block_size; memset(K, 0, ops->block_size); if (ZSTR_LEN(key) > ops->block_size) { /* Reduce the key first */ ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key)); ops->hash_final((unsigned char *) K, context); /* Make the context ready to start over */ ops->hash_init(context, args); } else { memcpy(K, ZSTR_VAL(key), ZSTR_LEN(key)); } /* XOR ipad */ block_size = ops->block_size; for(i = 0; i < block_size; i++) { K[i] ^= 0x36; } ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *) K, ops->block_size); hash->key = (unsigned char *) K; } } /* }}} */ #define PHP_HASHCONTEXT_VERIFY(hash) { \ if (!hash->context) { \ zend_argument_type_error(1, "must be a valid Hash Context resource"); \ RETURN_THROWS(); \ } \ } /* {{{ Pump data into the hashing algorithm */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_update) { zval *zhash; php_hashcontext_object *hash; zend_string *data; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "OS", &zhash, php_hashcontext_ce, &data) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(zhash)); PHP_HASHCONTEXT_VERIFY(hash); hash->ops->hash_update(hash->context, (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(data), ZSTR_LEN(data)); RETURN_TRUE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Pump data into the hashing algorithm from an open stream */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_update_stream) { zval *zhash, *zstream; php_hashcontext_object *hash; php_stream *stream = NULL; zend_long length = -1, didread = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "Or|l", &zhash, php_hashcontext_ce, &zstream, &length) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(zhash)); PHP_HASHCONTEXT_VERIFY(hash); php_stream_from_zval(stream, zstream); while (length) { char buf[1024]; zend_long toread = 1024; ssize_t n; if (length > 0 && toread > length) { toread = length; } if ((n = php_stream_read(stream, buf, toread)) <= 0) { RETURN_LONG(didread); } hash->ops->hash_update(hash->context, (unsigned char *) buf, n); length -= n; didread += n; } RETURN_LONG(didread); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Pump data into the hashing algorithm from a file */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_update_file) { zval *zhash, *zcontext = NULL; php_hashcontext_object *hash; php_stream_context *context = NULL; php_stream *stream; zend_string *filename; char buf[1024]; ssize_t n; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "OP|r!", &zhash, php_hashcontext_ce, &filename, &zcontext) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(zhash)); PHP_HASHCONTEXT_VERIFY(hash); context = php_stream_context_from_zval(zcontext, 0); stream = php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(ZSTR_VAL(filename), "rb", REPORT_ERRORS, NULL, context); if (!stream) { /* Stream will report errors opening file */ RETURN_FALSE; } while ((n = php_stream_read(stream, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { hash->ops->hash_update(hash->context, (unsigned char *) buf, n); } php_stream_close(stream); RETURN_BOOL(n >= 0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Output resulting digest */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_final) { zval *zhash; php_hashcontext_object *hash; bool raw_output = 0; zend_string *digest; size_t digest_len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "O|b", &zhash, php_hashcontext_ce, &raw_output) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(zhash)); PHP_HASHCONTEXT_VERIFY(hash); digest_len = hash->ops->digest_size; digest = zend_string_alloc(digest_len, 0); hash->ops->hash_final((unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), hash->context); if (hash->options & PHP_HASH_HMAC) { size_t i, block_size; /* Convert K to opad -- 0x6A = 0x36 ^ 0x5C */ block_size = hash->ops->block_size; for(i = 0; i < block_size; i++) { hash->key[i] ^= 0x6A; } /* Feed this result into the outer hash */ hash->ops->hash_init(hash->context, NULL); hash->ops->hash_update(hash->context, hash->key, hash->ops->block_size); hash->ops->hash_update(hash->context, (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), hash->ops->digest_size); hash->ops->hash_final((unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), hash->context); /* Zero the key */ ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(hash->key, hash->ops->block_size); efree(hash->key); hash->key = NULL; } ZSTR_VAL(digest)[digest_len] = 0; /* Invalidate the object from further use */ efree(hash->context); hash->context = NULL; if (raw_output) { RETURN_NEW_STR(digest); } else { zend_string *hex_digest = zend_string_safe_alloc(digest_len, 2, 0, 0); php_hash_bin2hex(ZSTR_VAL(hex_digest), (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(digest), digest_len); ZSTR_VAL(hex_digest)[2 * digest_len] = 0; zend_string_release_ex(digest, 0); RETURN_NEW_STR(hex_digest); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Copy hash object */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_copy) { zval *zhash; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "O", &zhash, php_hashcontext_ce) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETVAL_OBJ(Z_OBJ_HANDLER_P(zhash, clone_obj)(Z_OBJ_P(zhash))); if (php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(return_value))->context == NULL) { zval_ptr_dtor(return_value); zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot copy hash"); RETURN_THROWS(); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return a list of registered hashing algorithms */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_algos) { zend_string *str; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } array_init(return_value); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY(&php_hash_hashtable, str) { add_next_index_str(return_value, zend_string_copy(str)); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Return a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac() */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hmac_algos) { zend_string *str; const php_hash_ops *ops; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } array_init(return_value); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY_PTR(&php_hash_hashtable, str, ops) { if (ops->is_crypto) { add_next_index_str(return_value, zend_string_copy(str)); } } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ RFC5869 HMAC-based key derivation function */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_hkdf) { zend_string *returnval, *ikm, *algo, *info = NULL, *salt = NULL; zend_long length = 0; unsigned char *prk, *digest, *K; size_t i; size_t rounds; const php_hash_ops *ops; void *context; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "SS|lSS", &algo, &ikm, &length, &info, &salt) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ops = php_hash_fetch_ops(algo); if (!ops || !ops->is_crypto) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid cryptographic hashing algorithm"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (ZSTR_LEN(ikm) == 0) { zend_argument_value_error(2, "cannot be empty"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (length < 0) { zend_argument_value_error(3, "must be greater than or equal to 0"); RETURN_THROWS(); } else if (length == 0) { length = ops->digest_size; } else if (length > (zend_long) (ops->digest_size * 255)) { zend_argument_value_error(3, "must be less than or equal to %zd", ops->digest_size * 255); RETURN_THROWS(); } context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); // Extract ops->hash_init(context, NULL); K = emalloc(ops->block_size); php_hash_hmac_prep_key(K, ops, context, (unsigned char *) (salt ? ZSTR_VAL(salt) : ""), salt ? ZSTR_LEN(salt) : 0); prk = emalloc(ops->digest_size); php_hash_hmac_round(prk, ops, context, K, (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(ikm), ZSTR_LEN(ikm)); php_hash_string_xor_char(K, K, 0x6A, ops->block_size); php_hash_hmac_round(prk, ops, context, K, prk, ops->digest_size); ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(K, ops->block_size); // Expand returnval = zend_string_alloc(length, 0); digest = emalloc(ops->digest_size); for (i = 1, rounds = (length - 1) / ops->digest_size + 1; i <= rounds; i++) { // chr(i) unsigned char c[1]; c[0] = (i & 0xFF); php_hash_hmac_prep_key(K, ops, context, prk, ops->digest_size); ops->hash_init(context, NULL); ops->hash_update(context, K, ops->block_size); if (i > 1) { ops->hash_update(context, digest, ops->digest_size); } if (info != NULL && ZSTR_LEN(info) > 0) { ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *) ZSTR_VAL(info), ZSTR_LEN(info)); } ops->hash_update(context, c, 1); ops->hash_final(digest, context); php_hash_string_xor_char(K, K, 0x6A, ops->block_size); php_hash_hmac_round(digest, ops, context, K, digest, ops->digest_size); memcpy( ZSTR_VAL(returnval) + ((i - 1) * ops->digest_size), digest, (i == rounds ? length - ((i - 1) * ops->digest_size) : ops->digest_size) ); } ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(K, ops->block_size); ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(digest, ops->digest_size); ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(prk, ops->digest_size); efree(K); efree(context); efree(prk); efree(digest); ZSTR_VAL(returnval)[length] = 0; RETURN_STR(returnval); } /* {{{ Generate a PBKDF2 hash of the given password and salt Returns lowercase hexits by default */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_pbkdf2) { zend_string *returnval, *algo; char *salt, *pass = NULL; unsigned char *computed_salt, *digest, *temp, *result, *K1, *K2 = NULL; zend_long loops, i, j, iterations, digest_length = 0, length = 0; size_t pass_len, salt_len = 0; bool raw_output = 0; const php_hash_ops *ops; void *context; HashTable *args; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "Sssl|lbh", &algo, &pass, &pass_len, &salt, &salt_len, &iterations, &length, &raw_output, &args) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } ops = php_hash_fetch_ops(algo); if (!ops || !ops->is_crypto) { zend_argument_value_error(1, "must be a valid cryptographic hashing algorithm"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (salt_len > INT_MAX - 4) { zend_argument_value_error(3, "must be less than or equal to INT_MAX - 4 bytes"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (iterations <= 0) { zend_argument_value_error(4, "must be greater than 0"); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (length < 0) { zend_argument_value_error(5, "must be greater than or equal to 0"); RETURN_THROWS(); } context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); ops->hash_init(context, args); K1 = emalloc(ops->block_size); K2 = emalloc(ops->block_size); digest = emalloc(ops->digest_size); temp = emalloc(ops->digest_size); /* Setup Keys that will be used for all hmac rounds */ php_hash_hmac_prep_key(K1, ops, context, (unsigned char *) pass, pass_len); /* Convert K1 to opad -- 0x6A = 0x36 ^ 0x5C */ php_hash_string_xor_char(K2, K1, 0x6A, ops->block_size); /* Setup Main Loop to build a long enough result */ if (length == 0) { length = ops->digest_size; if (!raw_output) { length = length * 2; } } digest_length = length; if (!raw_output) { digest_length = (zend_long) ceil((float) length / 2.0); } loops = (zend_long) ceil((float) digest_length / (float) ops->digest_size); result = safe_emalloc(loops, ops->digest_size, 0); computed_salt = safe_emalloc(salt_len, 1, 4); memcpy(computed_salt, (unsigned char *) salt, salt_len); for (i = 1; i <= loops; i++) { /* digest = hash_hmac(salt + pack('N', i), password) { */ /* pack("N", i) */ computed_salt[salt_len] = (unsigned char) (i >> 24); computed_salt[salt_len + 1] = (unsigned char) ((i & 0xFF0000) >> 16); computed_salt[salt_len + 2] = (unsigned char) ((i & 0xFF00) >> 8); computed_salt[salt_len + 3] = (unsigned char) (i & 0xFF); php_hash_hmac_round(digest, ops, context, K1, computed_salt, (zend_long) salt_len + 4); php_hash_hmac_round(digest, ops, context, K2, digest, ops->digest_size); /* } */ /* temp = digest */ memcpy(temp, digest, ops->digest_size); /* * Note that the loop starting at 1 is intentional, since we've already done * the first round of the algorithm. */ for (j = 1; j < iterations; j++) { /* digest = hash_hmac(digest, password) { */ php_hash_hmac_round(digest, ops, context, K1, digest, ops->digest_size); php_hash_hmac_round(digest, ops, context, K2, digest, ops->digest_size); /* } */ /* temp ^= digest */ php_hash_string_xor(temp, temp, digest, ops->digest_size); } /* result += temp */ memcpy(result + ((i - 1) * ops->digest_size), temp, ops->digest_size); } /* Zero potentially sensitive variables */ ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(K1, ops->block_size); ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(K2, ops->block_size); ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(computed_salt, salt_len + 4); efree(K1); efree(K2); efree(computed_salt); efree(context); efree(digest); efree(temp); returnval = zend_string_alloc(length, 0); if (raw_output) { memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(returnval), result, length); } else { php_hash_bin2hex(ZSTR_VAL(returnval), result, digest_length); } ZSTR_VAL(returnval)[length] = 0; efree(result); RETURN_NEW_STR(returnval); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Compares two strings using the same time whether they're equal or not. A difference in length will leak */ PHP_FUNCTION(hash_equals) { zval *known_zval, *user_zval; char *known_str, *user_str; int result = 0; size_t j; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "zz", &known_zval, &user_zval) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } /* We only allow comparing string to prevent unexpected results. */ if (Z_TYPE_P(known_zval) != IS_STRING) { zend_argument_type_error(1, "must be of type string, %s given", zend_zval_type_name(known_zval)); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (Z_TYPE_P(user_zval) != IS_STRING) { zend_argument_type_error(2, "must be of type string, %s given", zend_zval_type_name(user_zval)); RETURN_THROWS(); } if (Z_STRLEN_P(known_zval) != Z_STRLEN_P(user_zval)) { RETURN_FALSE; } known_str = Z_STRVAL_P(known_zval); user_str = Z_STRVAL_P(user_zval); /* This is security sensitive code. Do not optimize this for speed. */ for (j = 0; j < Z_STRLEN_P(known_zval); j++) { result |= known_str[j] ^ user_str[j]; } RETURN_BOOL(0 == result); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ */ PHP_METHOD(HashContext, __construct) { /* Normally unreachable as private/final */ zend_throw_exception(zend_ce_error, "Illegal call to private/final constructor", 0); } /* }}} */ /* Module Housekeeping */ #define PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(p,b) php_hash_register_algo("haval" #b "," #p , &php_hash_##p##haval##b##_ops); #ifdef PHP_MHASH_BC #if 0 /* See #69823, we should not insert module into module_registry while doing startup */ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(mhash) { php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_row(2, "MHASH support", "Enabled"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "MHASH API Version", "Emulated Support"); php_info_print_table_end(); } zend_module_entry mhash_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, "mhash", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PHP_MINFO(mhash), PHP_MHASH_VERSION, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES, }; #endif static void mhash_init(INIT_FUNC_ARGS) { char buf[128]; int len; int algo_number = 0; for (algo_number = 0; algo_number < MHASH_NUM_ALGOS; algo_number++) { struct mhash_bc_entry algorithm = mhash_to_hash[algo_number]; if (algorithm.mhash_name == NULL) { continue; } len = slprintf(buf, 127, "MHASH_%s", algorithm.mhash_name); zend_register_long_constant(buf, len, algorithm.value, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT, module_number); } /* TODO: this cause #69823 zend_register_internal_module(&mhash_module_entry); */ } /* {{{ Hash data with hash */ PHP_FUNCTION(mhash) { zend_long algorithm; zend_string *algo = NULL; char *data, *key = NULL; size_t data_len, key_len = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "ls|s!", &algorithm, &data, &data_len, &key, &key_len) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } /* need to convert the first parameter from int constant to string algorithm name */ if (algorithm >= 0 && algorithm < MHASH_NUM_ALGOS) { struct mhash_bc_entry algorithm_lookup = mhash_to_hash[algorithm]; if (algorithm_lookup.hash_name) { algo = zend_string_init(algorithm_lookup.hash_name, strlen(algorithm_lookup.hash_name), 0); } } if (key) { php_hash_do_hash_hmac(return_value, algo, data, data_len, key, key_len, 1, 0); } else { php_hash_do_hash(return_value, algo, data, data_len, 1, 0, NULL); } if (algo) { zend_string_release(algo); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Gets the name of hash */ PHP_FUNCTION(mhash_get_hash_name) { zend_long algorithm; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &algorithm) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (algorithm >= 0 && algorithm < MHASH_NUM_ALGOS) { struct mhash_bc_entry algorithm_lookup = mhash_to_hash[algorithm]; if (algorithm_lookup.mhash_name) { RETURN_STRING(algorithm_lookup.mhash_name); } } RETURN_FALSE; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Gets the number of available hashes */ PHP_FUNCTION(mhash_count) { if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETURN_LONG(MHASH_NUM_ALGOS - 1); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ Gets the block size of hash */ PHP_FUNCTION(mhash_get_block_size) { zend_long algorithm; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "l", &algorithm) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } RETVAL_FALSE; if (algorithm >= 0 && algorithm < MHASH_NUM_ALGOS) { struct mhash_bc_entry algorithm_lookup = mhash_to_hash[algorithm]; if (algorithm_lookup.mhash_name) { const php_hash_ops *ops = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&php_hash_hashtable, algorithm_lookup.hash_name, strlen(algorithm_lookup.hash_name)); if (ops) { RETVAL_LONG(ops->digest_size); } } } } /* }}} */ #define SALT_SIZE 8 /* {{{ Generates a key using hash functions */ PHP_FUNCTION(mhash_keygen_s2k) { zend_long algorithm, l_bytes; int bytes; char *password, *salt; size_t password_len, salt_len; char padded_salt[SALT_SIZE]; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "lssl", &algorithm, &password, &password_len, &salt, &salt_len, &l_bytes) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } bytes = (int)l_bytes; if (bytes <= 0){ zend_argument_value_error(4, "must be a greater than 0"); RETURN_THROWS(); } salt_len = MIN(salt_len, SALT_SIZE); memcpy(padded_salt, salt, salt_len); if (salt_len < SALT_SIZE) { memset(padded_salt + salt_len, 0, SALT_SIZE - salt_len); } salt_len = SALT_SIZE; RETVAL_FALSE; if (algorithm >= 0 && algorithm < MHASH_NUM_ALGOS) { struct mhash_bc_entry algorithm_lookup = mhash_to_hash[algorithm]; if (algorithm_lookup.mhash_name) { const php_hash_ops *ops = zend_hash_str_find_ptr(&php_hash_hashtable, algorithm_lookup.hash_name, strlen(algorithm_lookup.hash_name)); if (ops) { unsigned char null = '\0'; void *context; char *key, *digest; int i = 0, j = 0; size_t block_size = ops->digest_size; size_t times = bytes / block_size; if ((bytes % block_size) != 0) { times++; } context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); ops->hash_init(context, NULL); key = ecalloc(1, times * block_size); digest = emalloc(ops->digest_size + 1); for (i = 0; i < times; i++) { ops->hash_init(context, NULL); for (j=0;jhash_update(context, &null, 1); } ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *)padded_salt, salt_len); ops->hash_update(context, (unsigned char *)password, password_len); ops->hash_final((unsigned char *)digest, context); memcpy( &key[i*block_size], digest, block_size); } RETVAL_STRINGL(key, bytes); ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(key, bytes); efree(digest); efree(context); efree(key); } } } } /* }}} */ #endif /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* {{{ php_hashcontext_create */ static zend_object* php_hashcontext_create(zend_class_entry *ce) { php_hashcontext_object *objval = zend_object_alloc(sizeof(php_hashcontext_object), ce); zend_object *zobj = &objval->std; zend_object_std_init(zobj, ce); object_properties_init(zobj, ce); zobj->handlers = &php_hashcontext_handlers; return zobj; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ php_hashcontext_dtor */ static void php_hashcontext_dtor(zend_object *obj) { php_hashcontext_object *hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(obj); if (hash->context) { efree(hash->context); hash->context = NULL; } if (hash->key) { ZEND_SECURE_ZERO(hash->key, hash->ops->block_size); efree(hash->key); hash->key = NULL; } } /* }}} */ static void php_hashcontext_free(zend_object *obj) { php_hashcontext_dtor(obj); zend_object_std_dtor(obj); } /* {{{ php_hashcontext_clone */ static zend_object *php_hashcontext_clone(zend_object *zobj) { php_hashcontext_object *oldobj = php_hashcontext_from_object(zobj); zend_object *znew = php_hashcontext_create(zobj->ce); php_hashcontext_object *newobj = php_hashcontext_from_object(znew); zend_objects_clone_members(znew, zobj); newobj->ops = oldobj->ops; newobj->options = oldobj->options; newobj->context = php_hash_alloc_context(newobj->ops); newobj->ops->hash_init(newobj->context, NULL); if (SUCCESS != newobj->ops->hash_copy(newobj->ops, oldobj->context, newobj->context)) { efree(newobj->context); newobj->context = NULL; return znew; } newobj->key = ecalloc(1, newobj->ops->block_size); if (oldobj->key) { memcpy(newobj->key, oldobj->key, newobj->ops->block_size); } return znew; } /* }}} */ /* Serialization format: 5-element array Index 0: hash algorithm (string) Index 1: options (long, 0) Index 2: hash-determined serialization of context state (usually array) Index 3: magic number defining layout of context state (long, usually 2) Index 4: properties (array) HashContext serializations are not necessarily portable between architectures or PHP versions. If the format of a serialized hash context changes, that should be reflected in either a different value of `magic` or a different format of the serialized context state. Most context states are unparsed and parsed using a spec string, such as "llb128.", using the format defined by `php_hash_serialize_spec`/`php_hash_unserialize_spec`. Some hash algorithms must also check the unserialized state for validity, to ensure that using an unserialized context is safe from memory errors. Currently HASH_HMAC contexts cannot be serialized, because serializing them would require serializing the HMAC key in plaintext. */ /* {{{ Serialize the object */ PHP_METHOD(HashContext, __serialize) { zval *object = ZEND_THIS; php_hashcontext_object *hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(object)); zend_long magic = 0; zval tmp; if (zend_parse_parameters_none() == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } array_init(return_value); if (!hash->ops->hash_serialize) { goto serialize_failure; } else if (hash->options & PHP_HASH_HMAC) { zend_throw_exception(NULL, "HashContext with HASH_HMAC option cannot be serialized", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } ZVAL_STRING(&tmp, hash->ops->algo); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &tmp); ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, hash->options); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &tmp); if (hash->ops->hash_serialize(hash, &magic, &tmp) != SUCCESS) { goto serialize_failure; } zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &tmp); ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, magic); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &tmp); /* members */ ZVAL_ARR(&tmp, zend_std_get_properties(&hash->std)); Z_TRY_ADDREF(tmp); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &tmp); return; serialize_failure: zend_throw_exception_ex(NULL, 0, "HashContext for algorithm \"%s\" cannot be serialized", hash->ops->algo); RETURN_THROWS(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ unserialize the object */ PHP_METHOD(HashContext, __unserialize) { zval *object = ZEND_THIS; php_hashcontext_object *hash = php_hashcontext_from_object(Z_OBJ_P(object)); HashTable *data; zval *algo_zv, *magic_zv, *options_zv, *hash_zv, *members_zv; zend_long magic, options; int unserialize_result; const php_hash_ops *ops; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "h", &data) == FAILURE) { RETURN_THROWS(); } if (hash->context) { zend_throw_exception(NULL, "HashContext::__unserialize called on initialized object", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } algo_zv = zend_hash_index_find(data, 0); options_zv = zend_hash_index_find(data, 1); hash_zv = zend_hash_index_find(data, 2); magic_zv = zend_hash_index_find(data, 3); members_zv = zend_hash_index_find(data, 4); if (!algo_zv || Z_TYPE_P(algo_zv) != IS_STRING || !magic_zv || Z_TYPE_P(magic_zv) != IS_LONG || !options_zv || Z_TYPE_P(options_zv) != IS_LONG || !hash_zv || !members_zv || Z_TYPE_P(members_zv) != IS_ARRAY) { zend_throw_exception(NULL, "Incomplete or ill-formed serialization data", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } magic = Z_LVAL_P(magic_zv); options = Z_LVAL_P(options_zv); if (options & PHP_HASH_HMAC) { zend_throw_exception(NULL, "HashContext with HASH_HMAC option cannot be serialized", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } ops = php_hash_fetch_ops(Z_STR_P(algo_zv)); if (!ops) { zend_throw_exception(NULL, "Unknown hash algorithm", 0); RETURN_THROWS(); } else if (!ops->hash_unserialize) { zend_throw_exception_ex(NULL, 0, "Hash algorithm \"%s\" cannot be unserialized", ops->algo); RETURN_THROWS(); } hash->ops = ops; hash->context = php_hash_alloc_context(ops); hash->options = options; ops->hash_init(hash->context, NULL); unserialize_result = ops->hash_unserialize(hash, magic, hash_zv); if (unserialize_result != SUCCESS) { zend_throw_exception_ex(NULL, 0, "Incomplete or ill-formed serialization data (\"%s\" code %d)", ops->algo, unserialize_result); /* free context */ php_hashcontext_dtor(Z_OBJ_P(object)); RETURN_THROWS(); } object_properties_load(&hash->std, Z_ARRVAL_P(members_zv)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION */ PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(hash) { zend_hash_init(&php_hash_hashtable, 35, NULL, NULL, 1); php_hash_register_algo("md2", &php_hash_md2_ops); php_hash_register_algo("md4", &php_hash_md4_ops); php_hash_register_algo("md5", &php_hash_md5_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha1", &php_hash_sha1_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha224", &php_hash_sha224_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha256", &php_hash_sha256_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha384", &php_hash_sha384_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha512/224", &php_hash_sha512_224_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha512/256", &php_hash_sha512_256_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha512", &php_hash_sha512_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha3-224", &php_hash_sha3_224_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha3-256", &php_hash_sha3_256_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha3-384", &php_hash_sha3_384_ops); php_hash_register_algo("sha3-512", &php_hash_sha3_512_ops); php_hash_register_algo("ripemd128", &php_hash_ripemd128_ops); php_hash_register_algo("ripemd160", &php_hash_ripemd160_ops); php_hash_register_algo("ripemd256", &php_hash_ripemd256_ops); php_hash_register_algo("ripemd320", &php_hash_ripemd320_ops); php_hash_register_algo("whirlpool", &php_hash_whirlpool_ops); php_hash_register_algo("tiger128,3", &php_hash_3tiger128_ops); php_hash_register_algo("tiger160,3", &php_hash_3tiger160_ops); php_hash_register_algo("tiger192,3", &php_hash_3tiger192_ops); php_hash_register_algo("tiger128,4", &php_hash_4tiger128_ops); php_hash_register_algo("tiger160,4", &php_hash_4tiger160_ops); php_hash_register_algo("tiger192,4", &php_hash_4tiger192_ops); php_hash_register_algo("snefru", &php_hash_snefru_ops); php_hash_register_algo("snefru256", &php_hash_snefru_ops); php_hash_register_algo("gost", &php_hash_gost_ops); php_hash_register_algo("gost-crypto", &php_hash_gost_crypto_ops); php_hash_register_algo("adler32", &php_hash_adler32_ops); php_hash_register_algo("crc32", &php_hash_crc32_ops); php_hash_register_algo("crc32b", &php_hash_crc32b_ops); php_hash_register_algo("crc32c", &php_hash_crc32c_ops); php_hash_register_algo("fnv132", &php_hash_fnv132_ops); php_hash_register_algo("fnv1a32", &php_hash_fnv1a32_ops); php_hash_register_algo("fnv164", &php_hash_fnv164_ops); php_hash_register_algo("fnv1a64", &php_hash_fnv1a64_ops); php_hash_register_algo("joaat", &php_hash_joaat_ops); php_hash_register_algo("murmur3a", &php_hash_murmur3a_ops); php_hash_register_algo("murmur3c", &php_hash_murmur3c_ops); php_hash_register_algo("murmur3f", &php_hash_murmur3f_ops); php_hash_register_algo("xxh32", &php_hash_xxh32_ops); php_hash_register_algo("xxh64", &php_hash_xxh64_ops); php_hash_register_algo("xxh3", &php_hash_xxh3_64_ops); php_hash_register_algo("xxh128", &php_hash_xxh3_128_ops); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(3,128); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(3,160); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(3,192); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(3,224); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(3,256); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(4,128); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(4,160); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(4,192); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(4,224); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(4,256); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(5,128); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(5,160); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(5,192); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(5,224); PHP_HASH_HAVAL_REGISTER(5,256); REGISTER_LONG_CONSTANT("HASH_HMAC", PHP_HASH_HMAC, CONST_CS | CONST_PERSISTENT); php_hashcontext_ce = register_class_HashContext(); php_hashcontext_ce->create_object = php_hashcontext_create; memcpy(&php_hashcontext_handlers, &std_object_handlers, sizeof(zend_object_handlers)); php_hashcontext_handlers.offset = XtOffsetOf(php_hashcontext_object, std); php_hashcontext_handlers.free_obj = php_hashcontext_free; php_hashcontext_handlers.clone_obj = php_hashcontext_clone; #ifdef PHP_MHASH_BC mhash_init(INIT_FUNC_ARGS_PASSTHRU); #endif return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION */ PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(hash) { zend_hash_destroy(&php_hash_hashtable); return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION */ PHP_MINFO_FUNCTION(hash) { char buffer[2048]; zend_string *str; char *s = buffer, *e = s + sizeof(buffer); ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY(&php_hash_hashtable, str) { s += slprintf(s, e - s, "%s ", ZSTR_VAL(str)); } ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_END(); *s = 0; php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_row(2, "hash support", "enabled"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "Hashing Engines", buffer); php_info_print_table_end(); #ifdef PHP_MHASH_BC php_info_print_table_start(); php_info_print_table_row(2, "MHASH support", "Enabled"); php_info_print_table_row(2, "MHASH API Version", "Emulated Support"); php_info_print_table_end(); #endif } /* }}} */ /* {{{ hash_module_entry */ zend_module_entry hash_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, PHP_HASH_EXTNAME, ext_functions, PHP_MINIT(hash), PHP_MSHUTDOWN(hash), NULL, /* RINIT */ NULL, /* RSHUTDOWN */ PHP_MINFO(hash), PHP_HASH_VERSION, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; /* }}} */