/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zend Engine | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) Zend Technologies Ltd. (http://www.zend.com) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 2.00 of the Zend license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.zend.com/license/2_00.txt. | | If you did not receive a copy of the Zend license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@zend.com so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andi Gutmans | | Zeev Suraski | | Dmitry Stogov | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "zend.h" #include "zend_globals.h" #include "zend_variables.h" #include "zend_API.h" #include "zend_objects.h" #include "zend_objects_API.h" #include "zend_object_handlers.h" #include "zend_interfaces.h" #include "zend_exceptions.h" #include "zend_closures.h" #include "zend_compile.h" #include "zend_hash.h" #define DEBUG_OBJECT_HANDLERS 0 #define ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET 0 /* guard flags */ #define IN_GET (1<<0) #define IN_SET (1<<1) #define IN_UNSET (1<<2) #define IN_ISSET (1<<3) /* __X accessors explanation: if we have __get and property that is not part of the properties array is requested, we call __get handler. If it fails, we return uninitialized. if we have __set and property that is not part of the properties array is set, we call __set handler. If it fails, we do not change the array. for both handlers above, when we are inside __get/__set, no further calls for __get/__set for this property of this object will be made, to prevent endless recursion and enable accessors to change properties array. if we have __call and method which is not part of the class function table is called, we cal __call handler. */ ZEND_API void rebuild_object_properties(zend_object *zobj) /* {{{ */ { if (!zobj->properties) { zend_property_info *prop_info; zend_class_entry *ce = zobj->ce; int i; zobj->properties = zend_new_array(ce->default_properties_count); if (ce->default_properties_count) { zend_hash_real_init_mixed(zobj->properties); for (i = 0; i < ce->default_properties_count; i++) { prop_info = ce->properties_info_table[i]; if (!prop_info) { continue; } if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(OBJ_PROP(zobj, prop_info->offset)) == IS_UNDEF)) { HT_FLAGS(zobj->properties) |= HASH_FLAG_HAS_EMPTY_IND; } _zend_hash_append_ind(zobj->properties, prop_info->name, OBJ_PROP(zobj, prop_info->offset)); } } } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API HashTable *zend_std_build_object_properties_array(zend_object *zobj) /* {{{ */ { zend_property_info *prop_info; zend_class_entry *ce = zobj->ce; HashTable *ht; zval* prop; int i; ZEND_ASSERT(!zobj->properties); ht = zend_new_array(ce->default_properties_count); if (ce->default_properties_count) { zend_hash_real_init_mixed(ht); for (i = 0; i < ce->default_properties_count; i++) { prop_info = ce->properties_info_table[i]; if (!prop_info) { continue; } prop = OBJ_PROP(zobj, prop_info->offset); if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(prop) == IS_UNDEF)) { continue; } if (Z_ISREF_P(prop) && Z_REFCOUNT_P(prop) == 1) { prop = Z_REFVAL_P(prop); } Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(prop); _zend_hash_append(ht, prop_info->name, prop); } } return ht; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API HashTable *zend_std_get_properties(zend_object *zobj) /* {{{ */ { if (!zobj->properties) { rebuild_object_properties(zobj); } return zobj->properties; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API HashTable *zend_std_get_gc(zend_object *zobj, zval **table, int *n) /* {{{ */ { if (zobj->handlers->get_properties != zend_std_get_properties) { *table = NULL; *n = 0; return zobj->handlers->get_properties(zobj); } else { if (zobj->properties) { *table = NULL; *n = 0; return zobj->properties; } else { *table = zobj->properties_table; *n = zobj->ce->default_properties_count; return NULL; } } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API HashTable *zend_std_get_debug_info(zend_object *object, int *is_temp) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *ce = object->ce; zval retval; HashTable *ht; if (!ce->__debugInfo) { *is_temp = 0; return object->handlers->get_properties(object); } zend_call_known_instance_method_with_0_params(ce->__debugInfo, object, &retval); if (Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_ARRAY) { if (!Z_REFCOUNTED(retval)) { *is_temp = 1; return zend_array_dup(Z_ARRVAL(retval)); } else if (Z_REFCOUNT(retval) <= 1) { *is_temp = 1; ht = Z_ARR(retval); return ht; } else { *is_temp = 0; zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); return Z_ARRVAL(retval); } } else if (Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_NULL) { *is_temp = 1; ht = zend_new_array(0); return ht; } zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, ZEND_DEBUGINFO_FUNC_NAME "() must return an array"); return NULL; /* Compilers are dumb and don't understand that noreturn means that the function does NOT need a return value... */ } /* }}} */ static void zend_std_call_getter(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *prop_name, zval *retval) /* {{{ */ { zval member; ZVAL_STR(&member, prop_name); zend_call_known_instance_method_with_1_params(zobj->ce->__get, zobj, retval, &member); } /* }}} */ static void zend_std_call_setter(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *prop_name, zval *value) /* {{{ */ { zval args[2]; ZVAL_STR(&args[0], prop_name); ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&args[1], value); zend_call_known_instance_method(zobj->ce->__set, zobj, NULL, 2, args); } /* }}} */ static void zend_std_call_unsetter(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *prop_name) /* {{{ */ { zval member; ZVAL_STR(&member, prop_name); zend_call_known_instance_method_with_1_params(zobj->ce->__unset, zobj, NULL, &member); } /* }}} */ static void zend_std_call_issetter(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *prop_name, zval *retval) /* {{{ */ { zval member; ZVAL_STR(&member, prop_name); zend_call_known_instance_method_with_1_params(zobj->ce->__isset, zobj, retval, &member); } /* }}} */ static zend_always_inline bool is_derived_class(zend_class_entry *child_class, zend_class_entry *parent_class) /* {{{ */ { child_class = child_class->parent; while (child_class) { if (child_class == parent_class) { return 1; } child_class = child_class->parent; } return 0; } /* }}} */ static zend_never_inline int is_protected_compatible_scope(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_class_entry *scope) /* {{{ */ { return scope && (is_derived_class(ce, scope) || is_derived_class(scope, ce)); } /* }}} */ static zend_never_inline zend_property_info *zend_get_parent_private_property(zend_class_entry *scope, zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member) /* {{{ */ { zval *zv; zend_property_info *prop_info; if (scope != ce && scope && is_derived_class(ce, scope)) { zv = zend_hash_find(&scope->properties_info, member); if (zv != NULL) { prop_info = (zend_property_info*)Z_PTR_P(zv); if ((prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) && prop_info->ce == scope) { return prop_info; } } } return NULL; } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_bad_property_access(zend_property_info *property_info, zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member) /* {{{ */ { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot access %s property %s::$%s", zend_visibility_string(property_info->flags), ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(member)); } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_bad_property_name(void) /* {{{ */ { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot access property starting with \"\\0\""); } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_forbidden_dynamic_property( zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot create dynamic property %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(member)); } static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_readonly_property_modification_scope_error( zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member, zend_class_entry *scope, const char *operation) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot %s readonly property %s::$%s from %s%s", operation, ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(member), scope ? "scope " : "global scope", scope ? ZSTR_VAL(scope->name) : ""); } static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_readonly_property_unset_error( zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot unset readonly property %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(member)); } static zend_always_inline uintptr_t zend_get_property_offset(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member, int silent, void **cache_slot, zend_property_info **info_ptr) /* {{{ */ { zval *zv; zend_property_info *property_info; uint32_t flags; zend_class_entry *scope; uintptr_t offset; if (cache_slot && EXPECTED(ce == CACHED_PTR_EX(cache_slot))) { *info_ptr = CACHED_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 2); return (uintptr_t)CACHED_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 1); } if (UNEXPECTED(zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->properties_info) == 0) || UNEXPECTED((zv = zend_hash_find(&ce->properties_info, member)) == NULL)) { if (UNEXPECTED(ZSTR_VAL(member)[0] == '\0') && ZSTR_LEN(member) != 0) { if (!silent) { zend_bad_property_name(); } return ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET; } dynamic: if (cache_slot) { CACHE_POLYMORPHIC_PTR_EX(cache_slot, ce, (void*)ZEND_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET); CACHE_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 2, NULL); } return ZEND_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET; } property_info = (zend_property_info*)Z_PTR_P(zv); flags = property_info->flags; if (flags & (ZEND_ACC_CHANGED|ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE|ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED)) { if (UNEXPECTED(EG(fake_scope))) { scope = EG(fake_scope); } else { scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); } if (property_info->ce != scope) { if (flags & ZEND_ACC_CHANGED) { zend_property_info *p = zend_get_parent_private_property(scope, ce, member); /* If there is a public/protected instance property on ce, don't try to use a * private static property on scope. If both are static, prefer the static * property on scope. This will throw a static property notice, rather than * a visibility error. */ if (p && (!(p->flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) || (flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC))) { property_info = p; flags = property_info->flags; goto found; } else if (flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) { goto found; } } if (flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) { if (property_info->ce != ce) { goto dynamic; } else { wrong: /* Information was available, but we were denied access. Error out. */ if (!silent) { zend_bad_property_access(property_info, ce, member); } return ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET; } } else { ZEND_ASSERT(flags & ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED); if (UNEXPECTED(!is_protected_compatible_scope(property_info->ce, scope))) { goto wrong; } } } } found: if (UNEXPECTED(flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC)) { if (!silent) { zend_error(E_NOTICE, "Accessing static property %s::$%s as non static", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(member)); } return ZEND_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET; } offset = property_info->offset; if (EXPECTED(!ZEND_TYPE_IS_SET(property_info->type))) { property_info = NULL; } else { *info_ptr = property_info; } if (cache_slot) { CACHE_POLYMORPHIC_PTR_EX(cache_slot, ce, (void*)(uintptr_t)offset); CACHE_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 2, property_info); } return offset; } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD void zend_wrong_offset(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member) /* {{{ */ { zend_property_info *dummy; /* Trigger the correct error */ zend_get_property_offset(ce, member, 0, NULL, &dummy); } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zend_property_info *zend_get_property_info(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *member, int silent) /* {{{ */ { zval *zv; zend_property_info *property_info; uint32_t flags; zend_class_entry *scope; if (UNEXPECTED(zend_hash_num_elements(&ce->properties_info) == 0) || EXPECTED((zv = zend_hash_find(&ce->properties_info, member)) == NULL)) { if (UNEXPECTED(ZSTR_VAL(member)[0] == '\0') && ZSTR_LEN(member) != 0) { if (!silent) { zend_bad_property_name(); } return ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_INFO; } dynamic: return NULL; } property_info = (zend_property_info*)Z_PTR_P(zv); flags = property_info->flags; if (flags & (ZEND_ACC_CHANGED|ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE|ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED)) { if (UNEXPECTED(EG(fake_scope))) { scope = EG(fake_scope); } else { scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); } if (property_info->ce != scope) { if (flags & ZEND_ACC_CHANGED) { zend_property_info *p = zend_get_parent_private_property(scope, ce, member); if (p) { property_info = p; flags = property_info->flags; goto found; } else if (flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) { goto found; } } if (flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) { if (property_info->ce != ce) { goto dynamic; } else { wrong: /* Information was available, but we were denied access. Error out. */ if (!silent) { zend_bad_property_access(property_info, ce, member); } return ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_INFO; } } else { ZEND_ASSERT(flags & ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED); if (UNEXPECTED(!is_protected_compatible_scope(property_info->ce, scope))) { goto wrong; } } } } found: if (UNEXPECTED(flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC)) { if (!silent) { zend_error(E_NOTICE, "Accessing static property %s::$%s as non static", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(member)); } } return property_info; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API int zend_check_property_access(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *prop_info_name, bool is_dynamic) /* {{{ */ { zend_property_info *property_info; const char *class_name = NULL; const char *prop_name; zend_string *member; size_t prop_name_len; if (ZSTR_VAL(prop_info_name)[0] == 0) { if (is_dynamic) { return SUCCESS; } zend_unmangle_property_name_ex(prop_info_name, &class_name, &prop_name, &prop_name_len); member = zend_string_init(prop_name, prop_name_len, 0); property_info = zend_get_property_info(zobj->ce, member, 1); zend_string_release_ex(member, 0); if (property_info == NULL || property_info == ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_INFO) { return FAILURE; } if (class_name[0] != '*') { if (!(property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE)) { /* we we're looking for a private prop but found a non private one of the same name */ return FAILURE; } else if (strcmp(ZSTR_VAL(prop_info_name)+1, ZSTR_VAL(property_info->name)+1)) { /* we we're looking for a private prop but found a private one of the same name but another class */ return FAILURE; } } else { ZEND_ASSERT(property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED); } return SUCCESS; } else { property_info = zend_get_property_info(zobj->ce, prop_info_name, 1); if (property_info == NULL) { ZEND_ASSERT(is_dynamic); return SUCCESS; } else if (property_info == ZEND_WRONG_PROPERTY_INFO) { return FAILURE; } return (property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE; } } /* }}} */ static void zend_property_guard_dtor(zval *el) /* {{{ */ { uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)Z_PTR_P(el); if (EXPECTED(!(((zend_uintptr_t)ptr) & 1))) { efree_size(ptr, sizeof(uint32_t)); } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API uint32_t *zend_get_property_guard(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *member) /* {{{ */ { HashTable *guards; zval *zv; uint32_t *ptr; ZEND_ASSERT(zobj->ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_USE_GUARDS); zv = zobj->properties_table + zobj->ce->default_properties_count; if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_STRING)) { zend_string *str = Z_STR_P(zv); if (EXPECTED(str == member) || /* "str" always has a pre-calculated hash value here */ (EXPECTED(ZSTR_H(str) == zend_string_hash_val(member)) && EXPECTED(zend_string_equal_content(str, member)))) { return &Z_PROPERTY_GUARD_P(zv); } else if (EXPECTED(Z_PROPERTY_GUARD_P(zv) == 0)) { zval_ptr_dtor_str(zv); ZVAL_STR_COPY(zv, member); return &Z_PROPERTY_GUARD_P(zv); } else { ALLOC_HASHTABLE(guards); zend_hash_init(guards, 8, NULL, zend_property_guard_dtor, 0); /* mark pointer as "special" using low bit */ zend_hash_add_new_ptr(guards, str, (void*)(((zend_uintptr_t)&Z_PROPERTY_GUARD_P(zv)) | 1)); zval_ptr_dtor_str(zv); ZVAL_ARR(zv, guards); } } else if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_ARRAY)) { guards = Z_ARRVAL_P(zv); ZEND_ASSERT(guards != NULL); zv = zend_hash_find(guards, member); if (zv != NULL) { return (uint32_t*)(((zend_uintptr_t)Z_PTR_P(zv)) & ~1); } } else { ZEND_ASSERT(Z_TYPE_P(zv) == IS_UNDEF); ZVAL_STR_COPY(zv, member); Z_PROPERTY_GUARD_P(zv) = 0; return &Z_PROPERTY_GUARD_P(zv); } /* we have to allocate uint32_t separately because ht->arData may be reallocated */ ptr = (uint32_t*)emalloc(sizeof(uint32_t)); *ptr = 0; return (uint32_t*)zend_hash_add_new_ptr(guards, member, ptr); } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zval *zend_std_read_property(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *name, int type, void **cache_slot, zval *rv) /* {{{ */ { zval *retval; uintptr_t property_offset; zend_property_info *prop_info = NULL; uint32_t *guard = NULL; zend_string *tmp_name = NULL; #if DEBUG_OBJECT_HANDLERS fprintf(stderr, "Read object #%d property: %s\n", zobj->handle, ZSTR_VAL(name)); #endif /* make zend_get_property_info silent if we have getter - we may want to use it */ property_offset = zend_get_property_offset(zobj->ce, name, (type == BP_VAR_IS) || (zobj->ce->__get != NULL), cache_slot, &prop_info); if (EXPECTED(IS_VALID_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { retval = OBJ_PROP(zobj, property_offset); if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(retval) != IS_UNDEF)) { if (prop_info && UNEXPECTED(prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY) && (type == BP_VAR_W || type == BP_VAR_RW || type == BP_VAR_UNSET)) { if (Z_TYPE_P(retval) == IS_OBJECT) { /* For objects, W/RW/UNSET fetch modes might not actually modify object. * Similar as with magic __get() allow them, but return the value as a copy * to make sure no actual modification is possible. */ ZVAL_COPY(rv, retval); retval = rv; } else { zend_readonly_property_modification_error(prop_info); retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); } } goto exit; } else { if (prop_info && UNEXPECTED(prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY)) { if (type == BP_VAR_W || type == BP_VAR_RW) { zend_readonly_property_indirect_modification_error(prop_info); retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); goto exit; } else if (type == BP_VAR_UNSET) { retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); goto exit; } } } if (UNEXPECTED(Z_PROP_FLAG_P(retval) == IS_PROP_UNINIT)) { /* Skip __get() for uninitialized typed properties */ goto uninit_error; } } else if (EXPECTED(IS_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { if (EXPECTED(zobj->properties != NULL)) { if (!IS_UNKNOWN_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset)) { uintptr_t idx = ZEND_DECODE_DYN_PROP_OFFSET(property_offset); if (EXPECTED(idx < zobj->properties->nNumUsed * sizeof(Bucket))) { Bucket *p = (Bucket*)((char*)zobj->properties->arData + idx); if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE(p->val) != IS_UNDEF) && (EXPECTED(p->key == name) || (EXPECTED(p->h == ZSTR_H(name)) && EXPECTED(p->key != NULL) && EXPECTED(zend_string_equal_content(p->key, name))))) { retval = &p->val; goto exit; } } CACHE_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 1, (void*)ZEND_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET); } retval = zend_hash_find(zobj->properties, name); if (EXPECTED(retval)) { if (cache_slot) { uintptr_t idx = (char*)retval - (char*)zobj->properties->arData; CACHE_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 1, (void*)ZEND_ENCODE_DYN_PROP_OFFSET(idx)); } goto exit; } } } else if (UNEXPECTED(EG(exception))) { retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); goto exit; } /* magic isset */ if ((type == BP_VAR_IS) && zobj->ce->__isset) { zval tmp_result; guard = zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name); if (!((*guard) & IN_ISSET)) { if (!tmp_name && !ZSTR_IS_INTERNED(name)) { tmp_name = zend_string_copy(name); } GC_ADDREF(zobj); ZVAL_UNDEF(&tmp_result); *guard |= IN_ISSET; zend_std_call_issetter(zobj, name, &tmp_result); *guard &= ~IN_ISSET; if (!zend_is_true(&tmp_result)) { retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); OBJ_RELEASE(zobj); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_result); goto exit; } zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_result); if (zobj->ce->__get && !((*guard) & IN_GET)) { goto call_getter; } OBJ_RELEASE(zobj); } else if (zobj->ce->__get && !((*guard) & IN_GET)) { goto call_getter_addref; } } else if (zobj->ce->__get) { /* magic get */ guard = zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name); if (!((*guard) & IN_GET)) { /* have getter - try with it! */ call_getter_addref: GC_ADDREF(zobj); call_getter: *guard |= IN_GET; /* prevent circular getting */ zend_std_call_getter(zobj, name, rv); *guard &= ~IN_GET; if (Z_TYPE_P(rv) != IS_UNDEF) { retval = rv; if (!Z_ISREF_P(rv) && (type == BP_VAR_W || type == BP_VAR_RW || type == BP_VAR_UNSET)) { if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(rv) != IS_OBJECT)) { zend_error(E_NOTICE, "Indirect modification of overloaded property %s::$%s has no effect", ZSTR_VAL(zobj->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(name)); } } } else { retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); } if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info)) { zend_verify_prop_assignable_by_ref(prop_info, retval, (zobj->ce->__get->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STRICT_TYPES) != 0); } OBJ_RELEASE(zobj); goto exit; } else if (UNEXPECTED(IS_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { /* Trigger the correct error */ zend_get_property_offset(zobj->ce, name, 0, NULL, &prop_info); ZEND_ASSERT(EG(exception)); retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); goto exit; } } uninit_error: if (type != BP_VAR_IS) { if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info)) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Typed property %s::$%s must not be accessed before initialization", ZSTR_VAL(prop_info->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(name)); } else { zend_error(E_WARNING, "Undefined property: %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(zobj->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(name)); } } retval = &EG(uninitialized_zval); exit: zend_tmp_string_release(tmp_name); return retval; } /* }}} */ static zend_always_inline bool property_uses_strict_types(void) { zend_execute_data *execute_data = EG(current_execute_data); return execute_data && execute_data->func && ZEND_CALL_USES_STRICT_TYPES(EG(current_execute_data)); } static bool verify_readonly_initialization_access( zend_property_info *prop_info, zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *name, const char *operation) { zend_class_entry *scope; if (UNEXPECTED(EG(fake_scope))) { scope = EG(fake_scope); } else { scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); } if (prop_info->ce == scope) { return true; } /* We may have redeclared a parent property. In that case the parent should still be * allowed to initialize it. */ if (scope && is_derived_class(ce, scope)) { zend_property_info *prop_info = zend_hash_find_ptr(&scope->properties_info, name); if (prop_info) { /* This should be ensured by inheritance. */ ZEND_ASSERT(prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY); if (prop_info->ce == scope) { return true; } } } zend_readonly_property_modification_scope_error(prop_info->ce, name, scope, operation); return false; } ZEND_API zval *zend_std_write_property(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *name, zval *value, void **cache_slot) /* {{{ */ { zval *variable_ptr, tmp; uintptr_t property_offset; zend_property_info *prop_info = NULL; ZEND_ASSERT(!Z_ISREF_P(value)); property_offset = zend_get_property_offset(zobj->ce, name, (zobj->ce->__set != NULL), cache_slot, &prop_info); if (EXPECTED(IS_VALID_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { variable_ptr = OBJ_PROP(zobj, property_offset); if (Z_TYPE_P(variable_ptr) != IS_UNDEF) { Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(value); if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info)) { if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY)) { Z_TRY_DELREF_P(value); zend_readonly_property_modification_error(prop_info); variable_ptr = &EG(error_zval); goto exit; } ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&tmp, value); if (UNEXPECTED(!zend_verify_property_type(prop_info, &tmp, property_uses_strict_types()))) { Z_TRY_DELREF_P(value); variable_ptr = &EG(error_zval); goto exit; } value = &tmp; } found: variable_ptr = zend_assign_to_variable( variable_ptr, value, IS_TMP_VAR, property_uses_strict_types()); goto exit; } if (Z_PROP_FLAG_P(variable_ptr) == IS_PROP_UNINIT) { /* Writes to uninitialized typed properties bypass __set(). */ goto write_std_property; } } else if (EXPECTED(IS_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { if (EXPECTED(zobj->properties != NULL)) { if (UNEXPECTED(GC_REFCOUNT(zobj->properties) > 1)) { if (EXPECTED(!(GC_FLAGS(zobj->properties) & IS_ARRAY_IMMUTABLE))) { GC_DELREF(zobj->properties); } zobj->properties = zend_array_dup(zobj->properties); } if ((variable_ptr = zend_hash_find(zobj->properties, name)) != NULL) { Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(value); goto found; } } } else if (UNEXPECTED(EG(exception))) { variable_ptr = &EG(error_zval); goto exit; } /* magic set */ if (zobj->ce->__set) { uint32_t *guard = zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name); if (!((*guard) & IN_SET)) { GC_ADDREF(zobj); (*guard) |= IN_SET; /* prevent circular setting */ zend_std_call_setter(zobj, name, value); (*guard) &= ~IN_SET; OBJ_RELEASE(zobj); variable_ptr = value; } else if (EXPECTED(!IS_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { goto write_std_property; } else { /* Trigger the correct error */ zend_wrong_offset(zobj->ce, name); ZEND_ASSERT(EG(exception)); variable_ptr = &EG(error_zval); goto exit; } } else { ZEND_ASSERT(!IS_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset)); write_std_property: if (EXPECTED(IS_VALID_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { variable_ptr = OBJ_PROP(zobj, property_offset); Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(value); if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info)) { if (UNEXPECTED((prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY) && !verify_readonly_initialization_access(prop_info, zobj->ce, name, "initialize"))) { Z_TRY_DELREF_P(value); variable_ptr = &EG(error_zval); goto exit; } ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&tmp, value); if (UNEXPECTED(!zend_verify_property_type(prop_info, &tmp, property_uses_strict_types()))) { zval_ptr_dtor(value); goto exit; } value = &tmp; Z_PROP_FLAG_P(variable_ptr) = 0; goto found; /* might have been updated via e.g. __toString() */ } ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(variable_ptr, value); } else { if (UNEXPECTED(zobj->ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_NO_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES)) { zend_forbidden_dynamic_property(zobj->ce, name); variable_ptr = &EG(error_zval); goto exit; } Z_TRY_ADDREF_P(value); if (!zobj->properties) { rebuild_object_properties(zobj); } variable_ptr = zend_hash_add_new(zobj->properties, name, value); } } exit: return variable_ptr; } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_bad_array_access(zend_class_entry *ce) /* {{{ */ { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot use object of type %s as array", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name)); } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zval *zend_std_read_dimension(zend_object *object, zval *offset, int type, zval *rv) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *ce = object->ce; zval tmp_offset; if (EXPECTED(zend_class_implements_interface(ce, zend_ce_arrayaccess) != 0)) { if (offset == NULL) { /* [] construct */ ZVAL_NULL(&tmp_offset); } else { ZVAL_COPY_DEREF(&tmp_offset, offset); } GC_ADDREF(object); if (type == BP_VAR_IS) { zend_call_method_with_1_params(object, ce, NULL, "offsetexists", rv, &tmp_offset); if (UNEXPECTED(Z_ISUNDEF_P(rv))) { OBJ_RELEASE(object); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_offset); return NULL; } if (!i_zend_is_true(rv)) { OBJ_RELEASE(object); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_offset); zval_ptr_dtor(rv); return &EG(uninitialized_zval); } zval_ptr_dtor(rv); } zend_call_method_with_1_params(object, ce, NULL, "offsetget", rv, &tmp_offset); OBJ_RELEASE(object); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_offset); if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(rv) == IS_UNDEF)) { if (UNEXPECTED(!EG(exception))) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Undefined offset for object of type %s used as array", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name)); } return NULL; } return rv; } else { zend_bad_array_access(ce); return NULL; } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API void zend_std_write_dimension(zend_object *object, zval *offset, zval *value) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *ce = object->ce; zval tmp_offset; if (EXPECTED(zend_class_implements_interface(ce, zend_ce_arrayaccess) != 0)) { if (!offset) { ZVAL_NULL(&tmp_offset); } else { ZVAL_COPY_DEREF(&tmp_offset, offset); } GC_ADDREF(object); zend_call_method_with_2_params(object, ce, NULL, "offsetset", NULL, &tmp_offset, value); OBJ_RELEASE(object); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_offset); } else { zend_bad_array_access(ce); } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API int zend_std_has_dimension(zend_object *object, zval *offset, int check_empty) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *ce = object->ce; zval retval, tmp_offset; int result; if (EXPECTED(zend_class_implements_interface(ce, zend_ce_arrayaccess) != 0)) { ZVAL_COPY_DEREF(&tmp_offset, offset); GC_ADDREF(object); zend_call_method_with_1_params(object, ce, NULL, "offsetexists", &retval, &tmp_offset); result = i_zend_is_true(&retval); zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); if (check_empty && result && EXPECTED(!EG(exception))) { zend_call_method_with_1_params(object, ce, NULL, "offsetget", &retval, &tmp_offset); result = i_zend_is_true(&retval); zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); } OBJ_RELEASE(object); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_offset); } else { zend_bad_array_access(ce); return 0; } return result; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zval *zend_std_get_property_ptr_ptr(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *name, int type, void **cache_slot) /* {{{ */ { zval *retval = NULL; uintptr_t property_offset; zend_property_info *prop_info = NULL; #if DEBUG_OBJECT_HANDLERS fprintf(stderr, "Ptr object #%d property: %s\n", zobj->handle, ZSTR_VAL(name)); #endif property_offset = zend_get_property_offset(zobj->ce, name, (zobj->ce->__get != NULL), cache_slot, &prop_info); if (EXPECTED(IS_VALID_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { retval = OBJ_PROP(zobj, property_offset); if (UNEXPECTED(Z_TYPE_P(retval) == IS_UNDEF)) { if (EXPECTED(!zobj->ce->__get) || UNEXPECTED((*zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name)) & IN_GET) || UNEXPECTED(prop_info && Z_PROP_FLAG_P(retval) == IS_PROP_UNINIT)) { if (UNEXPECTED(type == BP_VAR_RW || type == BP_VAR_R)) { if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info)) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Typed property %s::$%s must not be accessed before initialization", ZSTR_VAL(prop_info->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(name)); retval = &EG(error_zval); } else { ZVAL_NULL(retval); zend_error(E_WARNING, "Undefined property: %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(zobj->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(name)); } } else if (prop_info && UNEXPECTED(prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY)) { /* Readonly property, delegate to read_property + write_property. */ retval = NULL; } } else { /* we do have getter - fail and let it try again with usual get/set */ retval = NULL; } } else if (prop_info && UNEXPECTED(prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY)) { /* Readonly property, delegate to read_property + write_property. */ retval = NULL; } } else if (EXPECTED(IS_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { if (EXPECTED(zobj->properties)) { if (UNEXPECTED(GC_REFCOUNT(zobj->properties) > 1)) { if (EXPECTED(!(GC_FLAGS(zobj->properties) & IS_ARRAY_IMMUTABLE))) { GC_DELREF(zobj->properties); } zobj->properties = zend_array_dup(zobj->properties); } if (EXPECTED((retval = zend_hash_find(zobj->properties, name)) != NULL)) { return retval; } } if (EXPECTED(!zobj->ce->__get) || UNEXPECTED((*zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name)) & IN_GET)) { if (UNEXPECTED(zobj->ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_NO_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES)) { zend_forbidden_dynamic_property(zobj->ce, name); return &EG(error_zval); } if (UNEXPECTED(!zobj->properties)) { rebuild_object_properties(zobj); } retval = zend_hash_update(zobj->properties, name, &EG(uninitialized_zval)); /* Notice is thrown after creation of the property, to avoid EG(std_property_info) * being overwritten in an error handler. */ if (UNEXPECTED(type == BP_VAR_RW || type == BP_VAR_R)) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "Undefined property: %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(zobj->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(name)); } } } else if (zobj->ce->__get == NULL) { retval = &EG(error_zval); } return retval; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API void zend_std_unset_property(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *name, void **cache_slot) /* {{{ */ { uintptr_t property_offset; zend_property_info *prop_info = NULL; property_offset = zend_get_property_offset(zobj->ce, name, (zobj->ce->__unset != NULL), cache_slot, &prop_info); if (EXPECTED(IS_VALID_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { zval *slot = OBJ_PROP(zobj, property_offset); if (Z_TYPE_P(slot) != IS_UNDEF) { if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info && (prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY))) { zend_readonly_property_unset_error(prop_info->ce, name); return; } if (UNEXPECTED(Z_ISREF_P(slot)) && (ZEND_DEBUG || ZEND_REF_HAS_TYPE_SOURCES(Z_REF_P(slot)))) { if (prop_info) { ZEND_REF_DEL_TYPE_SOURCE(Z_REF_P(slot), prop_info); } } zval tmp; ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(&tmp, slot); ZVAL_UNDEF(slot); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp); if (zobj->properties) { HT_FLAGS(zobj->properties) |= HASH_FLAG_HAS_EMPTY_IND; } return; } if (UNEXPECTED(Z_PROP_FLAG_P(slot) == IS_PROP_UNINIT)) { if (UNEXPECTED(prop_info && (prop_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_READONLY) && !verify_readonly_initialization_access(prop_info, zobj->ce, name, "unset"))) { return; } /* Reset the IS_PROP_UNINIT flag, if it exists and bypass __unset(). */ Z_PROP_FLAG_P(slot) = 0; return; } } else if (EXPECTED(IS_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset)) && EXPECTED(zobj->properties != NULL)) { if (UNEXPECTED(GC_REFCOUNT(zobj->properties) > 1)) { if (EXPECTED(!(GC_FLAGS(zobj->properties) & IS_ARRAY_IMMUTABLE))) { GC_DELREF(zobj->properties); } zobj->properties = zend_array_dup(zobj->properties); } if (EXPECTED(zend_hash_del(zobj->properties, name) != FAILURE)) { return; } } else if (UNEXPECTED(EG(exception))) { return; } /* magic unset */ if (zobj->ce->__unset) { uint32_t *guard = zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name); if (!((*guard) & IN_UNSET)) { /* have unseter - try with it! */ (*guard) |= IN_UNSET; /* prevent circular unsetting */ zend_std_call_unsetter(zobj, name); (*guard) &= ~IN_UNSET; } else if (UNEXPECTED(IS_WRONG_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { /* Trigger the correct error */ zend_wrong_offset(zobj->ce, name); ZEND_ASSERT(EG(exception)); return; } else { /* Nothing to do: The property already does not exist. */ } } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API void zend_std_unset_dimension(zend_object *object, zval *offset) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *ce = object->ce; zval tmp_offset; if (zend_class_implements_interface(ce, zend_ce_arrayaccess)) { ZVAL_COPY_DEREF(&tmp_offset, offset); GC_ADDREF(object); zend_call_method_with_1_params(object, ce, NULL, "offsetunset", NULL, &tmp_offset); OBJ_RELEASE(object); zval_ptr_dtor(&tmp_offset); } else { zend_bad_array_access(ce); } } /* }}} */ static zend_never_inline zend_function *zend_get_parent_private_method(zend_class_entry *scope, zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *function_name) /* {{{ */ { zval *func; zend_function *fbc; if (scope != ce && scope && is_derived_class(ce, scope)) { func = zend_hash_find(&scope->function_table, function_name); if (func != NULL) { fbc = Z_FUNC_P(func); if ((fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) && fbc->common.scope == scope) { return fbc; } } } return NULL; } /* }}} */ /* Ensures that we're allowed to call a protected method. */ ZEND_API int zend_check_protected(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_class_entry *scope) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *fbc_scope = ce; /* Is the context that's calling the function, the same as one of * the function's parents? */ while (fbc_scope) { if (fbc_scope==scope) { return 1; } fbc_scope = fbc_scope->parent; } /* Is the function's scope the same as our current object context, * or any of the parents of our context? */ while (scope) { if (scope==ce) { return 1; } scope = scope->parent; } return 0; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zend_function *zend_get_call_trampoline_func(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *method_name, int is_static) /* {{{ */ { size_t mname_len; zend_op_array *func; zend_function *fbc = is_static ? ce->__callstatic : ce->__call; /* We use non-NULL value to avoid useless run_time_cache allocation. * The low bit must be zero, to not be interpreted as a MAP_PTR offset. */ static const void *dummy = (void*)(intptr_t)2; static const zend_arg_info arg_info[1] = {{0}}; ZEND_ASSERT(fbc); if (EXPECTED(EG(trampoline).common.function_name == NULL)) { func = &EG(trampoline).op_array; } else { func = ecalloc(1, sizeof(zend_op_array)); } func->type = ZEND_USER_FUNCTION; func->arg_flags[0] = 0; func->arg_flags[1] = 0; func->arg_flags[2] = 0; func->fn_flags = ZEND_ACC_CALL_VIA_TRAMPOLINE | ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC | ZEND_ACC_VARIADIC; if (is_static) { func->fn_flags |= ZEND_ACC_STATIC; } func->opcodes = &EG(call_trampoline_op); ZEND_MAP_PTR_INIT(func->run_time_cache, (void***)&dummy); func->scope = fbc->common.scope; /* reserve space for arguments, local and temporary variables */ func->T = (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION)? MAX(fbc->op_array.last_var + fbc->op_array.T, 2) : 2; func->filename = (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION)? fbc->op_array.filename : ZSTR_EMPTY_ALLOC(); func->line_start = (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION)? fbc->op_array.line_start : 0; func->line_end = (fbc->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION)? fbc->op_array.line_end : 0; //??? keep compatibility for "\0" characters //??? see: Zend/tests/bug46238.phpt if (UNEXPECTED((mname_len = strlen(ZSTR_VAL(method_name))) != ZSTR_LEN(method_name))) { func->function_name = zend_string_init(ZSTR_VAL(method_name), mname_len, 0); } else { func->function_name = zend_string_copy(method_name); } func->prototype = NULL; func->num_args = 0; func->required_num_args = 0; func->arg_info = (zend_arg_info *) arg_info; return (zend_function*)func; } /* }}} */ static zend_always_inline zend_function *zend_get_user_call_function(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *method_name) /* {{{ */ { return zend_get_call_trampoline_func(ce, method_name, 0); } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_bad_method_call(zend_function *fbc, zend_string *method_name, zend_class_entry *scope) /* {{{ */ { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Call to %s method %s::%s() from %s%s", zend_visibility_string(fbc->common.fn_flags), ZEND_FN_SCOPE_NAME(fbc), ZSTR_VAL(method_name), scope ? "scope " : "global scope", scope ? ZSTR_VAL(scope->name) : "" ); } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_abstract_method_call(zend_function *fbc) /* {{{ */ { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Cannot call abstract method %s::%s()", ZSTR_VAL(fbc->common.scope->name), ZSTR_VAL(fbc->common.function_name)); } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zend_function *zend_std_get_method(zend_object **obj_ptr, zend_string *method_name, const zval *key) /* {{{ */ { zend_object *zobj = *obj_ptr; zval *func; zend_function *fbc; zend_string *lc_method_name; zend_class_entry *scope; ALLOCA_FLAG(use_heap); if (EXPECTED(key != NULL)) { lc_method_name = Z_STR_P(key); #ifdef ZEND_ALLOCA_MAX_SIZE use_heap = 0; #endif } else { ZSTR_ALLOCA_ALLOC(lc_method_name, ZSTR_LEN(method_name), use_heap); zend_str_tolower_copy(ZSTR_VAL(lc_method_name), ZSTR_VAL(method_name), ZSTR_LEN(method_name)); } if (UNEXPECTED((func = zend_hash_find(&zobj->ce->function_table, lc_method_name)) == NULL)) { if (UNEXPECTED(!key)) { ZSTR_ALLOCA_FREE(lc_method_name, use_heap); } if (zobj->ce->__call) { return zend_get_user_call_function(zobj->ce, method_name); } else { return NULL; } } fbc = Z_FUNC_P(func); /* Check access level */ if (fbc->op_array.fn_flags & (ZEND_ACC_CHANGED|ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE|ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED)) { scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); if (fbc->common.scope != scope) { if (fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_CHANGED) { zend_function *updated_fbc = zend_get_parent_private_method(scope, zobj->ce, lc_method_name); if (EXPECTED(updated_fbc != NULL)) { fbc = updated_fbc; goto exit; } else if (fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC) { goto exit; } } if (UNEXPECTED(fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) || UNEXPECTED(!zend_check_protected(zend_get_function_root_class(fbc), scope))) { if (zobj->ce->__call) { fbc = zend_get_user_call_function(zobj->ce, method_name); } else { zend_bad_method_call(fbc, method_name, scope); fbc = NULL; } } } } exit: if (fbc && UNEXPECTED(fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT)) { zend_abstract_method_call(fbc); fbc = NULL; } if (UNEXPECTED(!key)) { ZSTR_ALLOCA_FREE(lc_method_name, use_heap); } return fbc; } /* }}} */ static zend_always_inline zend_function *zend_get_user_callstatic_function(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *method_name) /* {{{ */ { return zend_get_call_trampoline_func(ce, method_name, 1); } /* }}} */ static zend_always_inline zend_function *get_static_method_fallback( zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *function_name) { zend_object *object; if (ce->__call && (object = zend_get_this_object(EG(current_execute_data))) != NULL && instanceof_function(object->ce, ce)) { /* Call the top-level defined __call(). * see: tests/classes/__call_004.phpt */ ZEND_ASSERT(object->ce->__call); return zend_get_user_call_function(object->ce, function_name); } else if (ce->__callstatic) { return zend_get_user_callstatic_function(ce, function_name); } else { return NULL; } } ZEND_API zend_function *zend_std_get_static_method(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *function_name, const zval *key) /* {{{ */ { zend_string *lc_function_name; if (EXPECTED(key != NULL)) { lc_function_name = Z_STR_P(key); } else { lc_function_name = zend_string_tolower(function_name); } zend_function *fbc; zval *func = zend_hash_find(&ce->function_table, lc_function_name); if (EXPECTED(func)) { fbc = Z_FUNC_P(func); if (!(fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)) { zend_class_entry *scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); if (UNEXPECTED(fbc->common.scope != scope)) { if (UNEXPECTED(fbc->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) || UNEXPECTED(!zend_check_protected(zend_get_function_root_class(fbc), scope))) { zend_function *fallback_fbc = get_static_method_fallback(ce, function_name); if (!fallback_fbc) { zend_bad_method_call(fbc, function_name, scope); } fbc = fallback_fbc; } } } } else { fbc = get_static_method_fallback(ce, function_name); } if (UNEXPECTED(!key)) { zend_string_release_ex(lc_function_name, 0); } if (EXPECTED(fbc)) { if (UNEXPECTED(fbc->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_ABSTRACT)) { zend_abstract_method_call(fbc); fbc = NULL; } else if (UNEXPECTED(fbc->common.scope->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_TRAIT)) { zend_error(E_DEPRECATED, "Calling static trait method %s::%s is deprecated, " "it should only be called on a class using the trait", ZSTR_VAL(fbc->common.scope->name), ZSTR_VAL(fbc->common.function_name)); if (EG(exception)) { return NULL; } } } return fbc; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API void zend_class_init_statics(zend_class_entry *class_type) /* {{{ */ { int i; zval *p; if (class_type->default_static_members_count && !CE_STATIC_MEMBERS(class_type)) { if (class_type->parent) { zend_class_init_statics(class_type->parent); } ZEND_MAP_PTR_SET(class_type->static_members_table, emalloc(sizeof(zval) * class_type->default_static_members_count)); for (i = 0; i < class_type->default_static_members_count; i++) { p = &class_type->default_static_members_table[i]; if (Z_TYPE_P(p) == IS_INDIRECT) { zval *q = &CE_STATIC_MEMBERS(class_type->parent)[i]; ZVAL_DEINDIRECT(q); ZVAL_INDIRECT(&CE_STATIC_MEMBERS(class_type)[i], q); } else { ZVAL_COPY_OR_DUP(&CE_STATIC_MEMBERS(class_type)[i], p); } } } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zval *zend_std_get_static_property_with_info(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *property_name, int type, zend_property_info **property_info_ptr) /* {{{ */ { zval *ret; zend_class_entry *scope; zend_property_info *property_info = zend_hash_find_ptr(&ce->properties_info, property_name); *property_info_ptr = property_info; if (UNEXPECTED(property_info == NULL)) { goto undeclared_property; } if (!(property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)) { if (UNEXPECTED(EG(fake_scope))) { scope = EG(fake_scope); } else { scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); } if (property_info->ce != scope) { if (UNEXPECTED(property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) || UNEXPECTED(!is_protected_compatible_scope(property_info->ce, scope))) { if (type != BP_VAR_IS) { zend_bad_property_access(property_info, ce, property_name); } return NULL; } } } if (UNEXPECTED((property_info->flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) == 0)) { undeclared_property: if (type != BP_VAR_IS) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Access to undeclared static property %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(property_name)); } return NULL; } if (UNEXPECTED(!(ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_CONSTANTS_UPDATED))) { if (UNEXPECTED(zend_update_class_constants(ce)) != SUCCESS) { return NULL; } } /* Ensure static properties are initialized. */ if (UNEXPECTED(CE_STATIC_MEMBERS(ce) == NULL)) { zend_class_init_statics(ce); } ret = CE_STATIC_MEMBERS(ce) + property_info->offset; ZVAL_DEINDIRECT(ret); if (UNEXPECTED((type == BP_VAR_R || type == BP_VAR_RW) && Z_TYPE_P(ret) == IS_UNDEF && ZEND_TYPE_IS_SET(property_info->type))) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Typed static property %s::$%s must not be accessed before initialization", ZSTR_VAL(property_info->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(property_name)); return NULL; } if (UNEXPECTED(ce->ce_flags & ZEND_ACC_TRAIT)) { zend_error(E_DEPRECATED, "Accessing static trait property %s::$%s is deprecated, " "it should only be accessed on a class using the trait", ZSTR_VAL(property_info->ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(property_name)); } return ret; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zval *zend_std_get_static_property(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *property_name, int type) /* {{{ */ { zend_property_info *prop_info; return zend_std_get_static_property_with_info(ce, property_name, type, &prop_info); } ZEND_API ZEND_COLD bool zend_std_unset_static_property(zend_class_entry *ce, zend_string *property_name) /* {{{ */ { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Attempt to unset static property %s::$%s", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name), ZSTR_VAL(property_name)); return 0; } /* }}} */ static ZEND_COLD zend_never_inline void zend_bad_constructor_call(zend_function *constructor, zend_class_entry *scope) /* {{{ */ { if (scope) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Call to %s %s::%s() from scope %s", zend_visibility_string(constructor->common.fn_flags), ZSTR_VAL(constructor->common.scope->name), ZSTR_VAL(constructor->common.function_name), ZSTR_VAL(scope->name) ); } else { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Call to %s %s::%s() from global scope", zend_visibility_string(constructor->common.fn_flags), ZSTR_VAL(constructor->common.scope->name), ZSTR_VAL(constructor->common.function_name)); } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zend_function *zend_std_get_constructor(zend_object *zobj) /* {{{ */ { zend_function *constructor = zobj->ce->constructor; zend_class_entry *scope; if (constructor) { if (UNEXPECTED(!(constructor->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC))) { if (UNEXPECTED(EG(fake_scope))) { scope = EG(fake_scope); } else { scope = zend_get_executed_scope(); } if (UNEXPECTED(constructor->common.scope != scope)) { if (UNEXPECTED(constructor->op_array.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE) || UNEXPECTED(!zend_check_protected(zend_get_function_root_class(constructor), scope))) { zend_bad_constructor_call(constructor, scope); constructor = NULL; } } } } return constructor; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API int zend_std_compare_objects(zval *o1, zval *o2) /* {{{ */ { zend_object *zobj1, *zobj2; if (Z_TYPE_P(o1) != Z_TYPE_P(o2)) { /* Object and non-object */ zval casted; if (Z_TYPE_P(o1) == IS_OBJECT) { ZEND_ASSERT(Z_TYPE_P(o2) != IS_OBJECT); zend_uchar target_type = (Z_TYPE_P(o2) == IS_FALSE || Z_TYPE_P(o2) == IS_TRUE) ? _IS_BOOL : Z_TYPE_P(o2); if (Z_OBJ_HT_P(o1)->cast_object(Z_OBJ_P(o1), &casted, target_type) == FAILURE) { // TODO: Less crazy. if (target_type == IS_LONG || target_type == IS_DOUBLE) { zend_error(E_NOTICE, "Object of class %s could not be converted to %s", ZSTR_VAL(Z_OBJCE_P(o1)->name), zend_get_type_by_const(target_type)); if (target_type == IS_LONG) { ZVAL_LONG(&casted, 1); } else { ZVAL_DOUBLE(&casted, 1.0); } } else { return 1; } } int ret = zend_compare(&casted, o2); zval_ptr_dtor(&casted); return ret; } else { ZEND_ASSERT(Z_TYPE_P(o2) == IS_OBJECT); zend_uchar target_type = (Z_TYPE_P(o1) == IS_FALSE || Z_TYPE_P(o1) == IS_TRUE) ? _IS_BOOL : Z_TYPE_P(o1); if (Z_OBJ_HT_P(o2)->cast_object(Z_OBJ_P(o2), &casted, target_type) == FAILURE) { // TODO: Less crazy. if (target_type == IS_LONG || target_type == IS_DOUBLE) { zend_error(E_NOTICE, "Object of class %s could not be converted to %s", ZSTR_VAL(Z_OBJCE_P(o2)->name), zend_get_type_by_const(target_type)); if (target_type == IS_LONG) { ZVAL_LONG(&casted, 1); } else { ZVAL_DOUBLE(&casted, 1.0); } } else { return -1; } } int ret = zend_compare(o1, &casted); zval_ptr_dtor(&casted); return ret; } return ZEND_UNCOMPARABLE; } zobj1 = Z_OBJ_P(o1); zobj2 = Z_OBJ_P(o2); if (zobj1 == zobj2) { return 0; /* the same object */ } if (zobj1->ce != zobj2->ce) { return ZEND_UNCOMPARABLE; /* different classes */ } if (!zobj1->properties && !zobj2->properties) { zend_property_info *info; int i; if (!zobj1->ce->default_properties_count) { return 0; } /* It's enough to protect only one of the objects. * The second one may be referenced from the first and this may cause * false recursion detection. */ /* use bitwise OR to make only one conditional jump */ if (UNEXPECTED(Z_IS_RECURSIVE_P(o1))) { zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, "Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency?"); } Z_PROTECT_RECURSION_P(o1); for (i = 0; i < zobj1->ce->default_properties_count; i++) { zval *p1, *p2; info = zobj1->ce->properties_info_table[i]; if (!info) { continue; } p1 = OBJ_PROP(zobj1, info->offset); p2 = OBJ_PROP(zobj2, info->offset); if (Z_TYPE_P(p1) != IS_UNDEF) { if (Z_TYPE_P(p2) != IS_UNDEF) { int ret; ret = zend_compare(p1, p2); if (ret != 0) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(o1); return ret; } } else { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(o1); return 1; } } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(p2) != IS_UNDEF) { Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(o1); return 1; } } } Z_UNPROTECT_RECURSION_P(o1); return 0; } else { if (!zobj1->properties) { rebuild_object_properties(zobj1); } if (!zobj2->properties) { rebuild_object_properties(zobj2); } return zend_compare_symbol_tables(zobj1->properties, zobj2->properties); } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API int zend_objects_not_comparable(zval *o1, zval *o2) { return ZEND_UNCOMPARABLE; } ZEND_API int zend_std_has_property(zend_object *zobj, zend_string *name, int has_set_exists, void **cache_slot) /* {{{ */ { int result; zval *value = NULL; uintptr_t property_offset; zend_property_info *prop_info = NULL; zend_string *tmp_name = NULL; property_offset = zend_get_property_offset(zobj->ce, name, 1, cache_slot, &prop_info); if (EXPECTED(IS_VALID_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { value = OBJ_PROP(zobj, property_offset); if (Z_TYPE_P(value) != IS_UNDEF) { goto found; } if (UNEXPECTED(Z_PROP_FLAG_P(value) == IS_PROP_UNINIT)) { /* Skip __isset() for uninitialized typed properties */ result = 0; goto exit; } } else if (EXPECTED(IS_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset))) { if (EXPECTED(zobj->properties != NULL)) { if (!IS_UNKNOWN_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET(property_offset)) { uintptr_t idx = ZEND_DECODE_DYN_PROP_OFFSET(property_offset); if (EXPECTED(idx < zobj->properties->nNumUsed * sizeof(Bucket))) { Bucket *p = (Bucket*)((char*)zobj->properties->arData + idx); if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE(p->val) != IS_UNDEF) && (EXPECTED(p->key == name) || (EXPECTED(p->h == ZSTR_H(name)) && EXPECTED(p->key != NULL) && EXPECTED(zend_string_equal_content(p->key, name))))) { value = &p->val; goto found; } } CACHE_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 1, (void*)ZEND_DYNAMIC_PROPERTY_OFFSET); } value = zend_hash_find(zobj->properties, name); if (value) { if (cache_slot) { uintptr_t idx = (char*)value - (char*)zobj->properties->arData; CACHE_PTR_EX(cache_slot + 1, (void*)ZEND_ENCODE_DYN_PROP_OFFSET(idx)); } found: if (has_set_exists == ZEND_PROPERTY_NOT_EMPTY) { result = zend_is_true(value); } else if (has_set_exists < ZEND_PROPERTY_NOT_EMPTY) { ZEND_ASSERT(has_set_exists == ZEND_PROPERTY_ISSET); ZVAL_DEREF(value); result = (Z_TYPE_P(value) != IS_NULL); } else { ZEND_ASSERT(has_set_exists == ZEND_PROPERTY_EXISTS); result = 1; } goto exit; } } } else if (UNEXPECTED(EG(exception))) { result = 0; goto exit; } result = 0; if ((has_set_exists != ZEND_PROPERTY_EXISTS) && zobj->ce->__isset) { uint32_t *guard = zend_get_property_guard(zobj, name); if (!((*guard) & IN_ISSET)) { zval rv; /* have issetter - try with it! */ if (!tmp_name && !ZSTR_IS_INTERNED(name)) { tmp_name = zend_string_copy(name); } GC_ADDREF(zobj); (*guard) |= IN_ISSET; /* prevent circular getting */ zend_std_call_issetter(zobj, name, &rv); result = zend_is_true(&rv); zval_ptr_dtor(&rv); if (has_set_exists == ZEND_PROPERTY_NOT_EMPTY && result) { if (EXPECTED(!EG(exception)) && zobj->ce->__get && !((*guard) & IN_GET)) { (*guard) |= IN_GET; zend_std_call_getter(zobj, name, &rv); (*guard) &= ~IN_GET; result = i_zend_is_true(&rv); zval_ptr_dtor(&rv); } else { result = 0; } } (*guard) &= ~IN_ISSET; OBJ_RELEASE(zobj); } } exit: zend_tmp_string_release(tmp_name); return result; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API zend_string *zend_std_get_class_name(const zend_object *zobj) /* {{{ */ { return zend_string_copy(zobj->ce->name); } /* }}} */ ZEND_API int zend_std_cast_object_tostring(zend_object *readobj, zval *writeobj, int type) /* {{{ */ { switch (type) { case IS_STRING: { zend_class_entry *ce = readobj->ce; if (ce->__tostring) { zval retval; GC_ADDREF(readobj); zend_call_known_instance_method_with_0_params(ce->__tostring, readobj, &retval); zend_object_release(readobj); if (EXPECTED(Z_TYPE(retval) == IS_STRING)) { ZVAL_COPY_VALUE(writeobj, &retval); return SUCCESS; } zval_ptr_dtor(&retval); if (!EG(exception)) { zend_throw_error(NULL, "Method %s::__toString() must return a string value", ZSTR_VAL(ce->name)); } } return FAILURE; } case _IS_BOOL: ZVAL_TRUE(writeobj); return SUCCESS; default: return FAILURE; } } /* }}} */ ZEND_API int zend_std_get_closure(zend_object *obj, zend_class_entry **ce_ptr, zend_function **fptr_ptr, zend_object **obj_ptr, bool check_only) /* {{{ */ { zend_class_entry *ce = obj->ce; zval *func = zend_hash_find_known_hash(&ce->function_table, ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_MAGIC_INVOKE)); if (func == NULL) { return FAILURE; } *fptr_ptr = Z_FUNC_P(func); *ce_ptr = ce; if ((*fptr_ptr)->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_STATIC) { if (obj_ptr) { *obj_ptr = NULL; } } else { if (obj_ptr) { *obj_ptr = obj; } } return SUCCESS; } /* }}} */ ZEND_API HashTable *zend_std_get_properties_for(zend_object *obj, zend_prop_purpose purpose) { HashTable *ht; switch (purpose) { case ZEND_PROP_PURPOSE_DEBUG: if (obj->handlers->get_debug_info) { int is_temp; ht = obj->handlers->get_debug_info(obj, &is_temp); if (ht && !is_temp) { GC_TRY_ADDREF(ht); } return ht; } ZEND_FALLTHROUGH; case ZEND_PROP_PURPOSE_ARRAY_CAST: case ZEND_PROP_PURPOSE_SERIALIZE: case ZEND_PROP_PURPOSE_VAR_EXPORT: case ZEND_PROP_PURPOSE_JSON: ht = obj->handlers->get_properties(obj); if (ht) { GC_TRY_ADDREF(ht); } return ht; default: ZEND_UNREACHABLE(); return NULL; } } ZEND_API HashTable *zend_get_properties_for(zval *obj, zend_prop_purpose purpose) { zend_object *zobj = Z_OBJ_P(obj); if (zobj->handlers->get_properties_for) { return zobj->handlers->get_properties_for(zobj, purpose); } return zend_std_get_properties_for(zobj, purpose); } ZEND_API const zend_object_handlers std_object_handlers = { 0, /* offset */ zend_object_std_dtor, /* free_obj */ zend_objects_destroy_object, /* dtor_obj */ zend_objects_clone_obj, /* clone_obj */ zend_std_read_property, /* read_property */ zend_std_write_property, /* write_property */ zend_std_read_dimension, /* read_dimension */ zend_std_write_dimension, /* write_dimension */ zend_std_get_property_ptr_ptr, /* get_property_ptr_ptr */ zend_std_has_property, /* has_property */ zend_std_unset_property, /* unset_property */ zend_std_has_dimension, /* has_dimension */ zend_std_unset_dimension, /* unset_dimension */ zend_std_get_properties, /* get_properties */ zend_std_get_method, /* get_method */ zend_std_get_constructor, /* get_constructor */ zend_std_get_class_name, /* get_class_name */ zend_std_cast_object_tostring, /* cast_object */ NULL, /* count_elements */ zend_std_get_debug_info, /* get_debug_info */ zend_std_get_closure, /* get_closure */ zend_std_get_gc, /* get_gc */ NULL, /* do_operation */ zend_std_compare_objects, /* compare */ NULL, /* get_properties_for */ };