/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Thread Safe Resource Manager | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1999-2011, Andi Gutmans, Sascha Schumann, Zeev Suraski | | This source file is subject to the TSRM license, that is bundled | | with this package in the file LICENSE | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Zeev Suraski | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "TSRM.h" #ifdef ZTS #include #include #if ZEND_DEBUG # include # define TSRM_ASSERT(c) assert(c) #else # define TSRM_ASSERT(c) #endif typedef struct _tsrm_tls_entry tsrm_tls_entry; /* TSRMLS_CACHE_DEFINE; is already done in Zend, this is being always compiled statically. */ TSRMLS_CACHE_EXTERN(); struct _tsrm_tls_entry { void **storage; int count; THREAD_T thread_id; tsrm_tls_entry *next; }; typedef struct { size_t size; ts_allocate_ctor ctor; ts_allocate_dtor dtor; size_t fast_offset; int done; } tsrm_resource_type; /* The memory manager table */ static tsrm_tls_entry **tsrm_tls_table=NULL; static int tsrm_tls_table_size; static ts_rsrc_id id_count; /* The resource sizes table */ static tsrm_resource_type *resource_types_table=NULL; static int resource_types_table_size; /* Reserved space for fast globals access */ static size_t tsrm_reserved_pos = 0; static size_t tsrm_reserved_size = 0; static MUTEX_T tsmm_mutex; /* thread-safe memory manager mutex */ static MUTEX_T tsrm_env_mutex; /* tsrm environ mutex */ /* New thread handlers */ static tsrm_thread_begin_func_t tsrm_new_thread_begin_handler = NULL; static tsrm_thread_end_func_t tsrm_new_thread_end_handler = NULL; static tsrm_shutdown_func_t tsrm_shutdown_handler = NULL; /* Debug support */ int tsrm_error(int level, const char *format, ...); /* Read a resource from a thread's resource storage */ static int tsrm_error_level; static FILE *tsrm_error_file; #ifdef TSRM_DEBUG #define TSRM_ERROR(args) tsrm_error args #define TSRM_SAFE_RETURN_RSRC(array, offset, range) \ { \ int unshuffled_offset = TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(offset); \ \ if (offset==0) { \ return &array; \ } else if ((unshuffled_offset)>=0 && (unshuffled_offset)<(range)) { \ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO, "Successfully fetched resource id %d for thread id %ld - 0x%0.8X", \ unshuffled_offset, (long) thread_resources->thread_id, array[unshuffled_offset])); \ return array[unshuffled_offset]; \ } else { \ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, "Resource id %d is out of range (%d..%d)", \ unshuffled_offset, TSRM_SHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(0), TSRM_SHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(thread_resources->count-1))); \ return NULL; \ } \ } #else #define TSRM_ERROR(args) #define TSRM_SAFE_RETURN_RSRC(array, offset, range) \ if (offset==0) { \ return &array; \ } else { \ return array[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(offset)]; \ } #endif #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 static DWORD tls_key; # define tsrm_tls_set(what) TlsSetValue(tls_key, (void*)(what)) # define tsrm_tls_get() TlsGetValue(tls_key) #else static pthread_key_t tls_key; # define tsrm_tls_set(what) pthread_setspecific(tls_key, (void*)(what)) # define tsrm_tls_get() pthread_getspecific(tls_key) #endif TSRM_TLS uint8_t in_main_thread = 0; TSRM_TLS uint8_t is_thread_shutdown = 0; /* Startup TSRM (call once for the entire process) */ TSRM_API int tsrm_startup(int expected_threads, int expected_resources, int debug_level, const char *debug_filename) {/*{{{*/ #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 tls_key = TlsAlloc(); #else pthread_key_create(&tls_key, 0); #endif /* ensure singleton */ in_main_thread = 1; is_thread_shutdown = 0; tsrm_error_file = stderr; tsrm_error_set(debug_level, debug_filename); tsrm_tls_table_size = expected_threads; tsrm_tls_table = (tsrm_tls_entry **) calloc(tsrm_tls_table_size, sizeof(tsrm_tls_entry *)); if (!tsrm_tls_table) { TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate TLS table")); is_thread_shutdown = 1; return 0; } id_count=0; resource_types_table_size = expected_resources; resource_types_table = (tsrm_resource_type *) calloc(resource_types_table_size, sizeof(tsrm_resource_type)); if (!resource_types_table) { TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate resource types table")); is_thread_shutdown = 1; free(tsrm_tls_table); return 0; } tsmm_mutex = tsrm_mutex_alloc(); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Started up TSRM, %d expected threads, %d expected resources", expected_threads, expected_resources)); tsrm_reserved_pos = 0; tsrm_reserved_size = 0; tsrm_env_mutex = tsrm_mutex_alloc(); return 1; }/*}}}*/ /* Shutdown TSRM (call once for the entire process) */ TSRM_API void tsrm_shutdown(void) {/*{{{*/ int i; if (is_thread_shutdown) { /* shutdown must only occur once */ return; } is_thread_shutdown = 1; if (!in_main_thread) { /* only the main thread may shutdown tsrm */ return; } for (i=0; inext; for (j=0; jcount; j++) { if (p->storage[j]) { if (resource_types_table) { if (!resource_types_table[j].done) { if (resource_types_table[j].dtor) { resource_types_table[j].dtor(p->storage[j]); } if (!resource_types_table[j].fast_offset) { free(p->storage[j]); } } } } } free(p->storage); free(p); p = next_p; } } free(tsrm_tls_table); free(resource_types_table); tsrm_mutex_free(tsmm_mutex); tsrm_mutex_free(tsrm_env_mutex); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Shutdown TSRM")); if (tsrm_error_file!=stderr) { fclose(tsrm_error_file); } #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 TlsFree(tls_key); #else pthread_setspecific(tls_key, 0); pthread_key_delete(tls_key); #endif if (tsrm_shutdown_handler) { tsrm_shutdown_handler(); } tsrm_new_thread_begin_handler = NULL; tsrm_new_thread_end_handler = NULL; tsrm_shutdown_handler = NULL; tsrm_reserved_pos = 0; tsrm_reserved_size = 0; }/*}}}*/ /* {{{ */ /* environ lock api */ TSRM_API void tsrm_env_lock(void) { tsrm_mutex_lock(tsrm_env_mutex); } TSRM_API void tsrm_env_unlock(void) { tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsrm_env_mutex); } /* }}} */ /* enlarge the arrays for the already active threads */ static void tsrm_update_active_threads(void) {/*{{{*/ int i; for (i=0; icount < id_count) { int j; p->storage = (void *) realloc(p->storage, sizeof(void *)*id_count); for (j=p->count; jstorage[j] = (void *) (((char*)p) + resource_types_table[j].fast_offset); } else { p->storage[j] = (void *) malloc(resource_types_table[j].size); } if (resource_types_table[j].ctor) { resource_types_table[j].ctor(p->storage[j]); } } p->count = id_count; } p = p->next; } } }/*}}}*/ /* allocates a new thread-safe-resource id */ TSRM_API ts_rsrc_id ts_allocate_id(ts_rsrc_id *rsrc_id, size_t size, ts_allocate_ctor ctor, ts_allocate_dtor dtor) {/*{{{*/ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Obtaining a new resource id, %d bytes", size)); tsrm_mutex_lock(tsmm_mutex); /* obtain a resource id */ *rsrc_id = TSRM_SHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(id_count++); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Obtained resource id %d", *rsrc_id)); /* store the new resource type in the resource sizes table */ if (resource_types_table_size < id_count) { tsrm_resource_type *_tmp; _tmp = (tsrm_resource_type *) realloc(resource_types_table, sizeof(tsrm_resource_type)*id_count); if (!_tmp) { TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate storage for resource")); *rsrc_id = 0; tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); return 0; } resource_types_table = _tmp; resource_types_table_size = id_count; } resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].size = size; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].ctor = ctor; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].dtor = dtor; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].fast_offset = 0; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].done = 0; tsrm_update_active_threads(); tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Successfully allocated new resource id %d", *rsrc_id)); return *rsrc_id; }/*}}}*/ /* Reserve space for fast thread-safe-resources */ TSRM_API void tsrm_reserve(size_t size) {/*{{{*/ tsrm_reserved_pos = 0; tsrm_reserved_size = TSRM_ALIGNED_SIZE(size); }/*}}}*/ /* allocates a new fast thread-safe-resource id */ TSRM_API ts_rsrc_id ts_allocate_fast_id(ts_rsrc_id *rsrc_id, size_t *offset, size_t size, ts_allocate_ctor ctor, ts_allocate_dtor dtor) {/*{{{*/ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Obtaining a new fast resource id, %d bytes", size)); tsrm_mutex_lock(tsmm_mutex); /* obtain a resource id */ *rsrc_id = TSRM_SHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(id_count++); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Obtained resource id %d", *rsrc_id)); size = TSRM_ALIGNED_SIZE(size); if (tsrm_reserved_size - tsrm_reserved_pos < size) { TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate space for fast resource")); *rsrc_id = 0; *offset = 0; tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); return 0; } *offset = TSRM_ALIGNED_SIZE(sizeof(tsrm_tls_entry)) + tsrm_reserved_pos; tsrm_reserved_pos += size; /* store the new resource type in the resource sizes table */ if (resource_types_table_size < id_count) { tsrm_resource_type *_tmp; _tmp = (tsrm_resource_type *) realloc(resource_types_table, sizeof(tsrm_resource_type)*id_count); if (!_tmp) { TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, "Unable to allocate storage for resource")); *rsrc_id = 0; tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); return 0; } resource_types_table = _tmp; resource_types_table_size = id_count; } resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].size = size; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].ctor = ctor; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].dtor = dtor; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].fast_offset = *offset; resource_types_table[TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(*rsrc_id)].done = 0; tsrm_update_active_threads(); tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Successfully allocated new resource id %d", *rsrc_id)); return *rsrc_id; }/*}}}*/ static void allocate_new_resource(tsrm_tls_entry **thread_resources_ptr, THREAD_T thread_id) {/*{{{*/ int i; TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Creating data structures for thread %x", thread_id)); (*thread_resources_ptr) = (tsrm_tls_entry *) malloc(TSRM_ALIGNED_SIZE(sizeof(tsrm_tls_entry)) + tsrm_reserved_size); (*thread_resources_ptr)->storage = NULL; if (id_count > 0) { (*thread_resources_ptr)->storage = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void *)*id_count); } (*thread_resources_ptr)->count = id_count; (*thread_resources_ptr)->thread_id = thread_id; (*thread_resources_ptr)->next = NULL; /* Set thread local storage to this new thread resources structure */ tsrm_tls_set(*thread_resources_ptr); TSRMLS_CACHE = *thread_resources_ptr; if (tsrm_new_thread_begin_handler) { tsrm_new_thread_begin_handler(thread_id); } for (i=0; istorage[i] = NULL; } else { if (resource_types_table[i].fast_offset) { (*thread_resources_ptr)->storage[i] = (void *) (((char*)(*thread_resources_ptr)) + resource_types_table[i].fast_offset); } else { (*thread_resources_ptr)->storage[i] = (void *) malloc(resource_types_table[i].size); } if (resource_types_table[i].ctor) { resource_types_table[i].ctor((*thread_resources_ptr)->storage[i]); } } } if (tsrm_new_thread_end_handler) { tsrm_new_thread_end_handler(thread_id); } tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); }/*}}}*/ /* fetches the requested resource for the current thread */ TSRM_API void *ts_resource_ex(ts_rsrc_id id, THREAD_T *th_id) {/*{{{*/ THREAD_T thread_id; int hash_value; tsrm_tls_entry *thread_resources; if (!th_id) { /* Fast path for looking up the resources for the current * thread. Its used by just about every call to * ts_resource_ex(). This avoids the need for a mutex lock * and our hashtable lookup. */ thread_resources = tsrm_tls_get(); if (thread_resources) { TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO, "Fetching resource id %d for current thread %d", id, (long) thread_resources->thread_id)); /* Read a specific resource from the thread's resources. * This is called outside of a mutex, so have to be aware about external * changes to the structure as we read it. */ TSRM_SAFE_RETURN_RSRC(thread_resources->storage, id, thread_resources->count); } thread_id = tsrm_thread_id(); } else { thread_id = *th_id; } TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO, "Fetching resource id %d for thread %ld", id, (long) thread_id)); tsrm_mutex_lock(tsmm_mutex); hash_value = THREAD_HASH_OF(thread_id, tsrm_tls_table_size); thread_resources = tsrm_tls_table[hash_value]; if (!thread_resources) { allocate_new_resource(&tsrm_tls_table[hash_value], thread_id); return ts_resource_ex(id, &thread_id); } else { do { if (thread_resources->thread_id == thread_id) { break; } if (thread_resources->next) { thread_resources = thread_resources->next; } else { allocate_new_resource(&thread_resources->next, thread_id); return ts_resource_ex(id, &thread_id); /* * thread_resources = thread_resources->next; * break; */ } } while (thread_resources); } tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); /* Read a specific resource from the thread's resources. * This is called outside of a mutex, so have to be aware about external * changes to the structure as we read it. */ TSRM_SAFE_RETURN_RSRC(thread_resources->storage, id, thread_resources->count); }/*}}}*/ /* frees all resources allocated for the current thread */ void ts_free_thread(void) {/*{{{*/ tsrm_tls_entry *thread_resources; int i; THREAD_T thread_id = tsrm_thread_id(); int hash_value; tsrm_tls_entry *last=NULL; TSRM_ASSERT(!in_main_thread); tsrm_mutex_lock(tsmm_mutex); hash_value = THREAD_HASH_OF(thread_id, tsrm_tls_table_size); thread_resources = tsrm_tls_table[hash_value]; while (thread_resources) { if (thread_resources->thread_id == thread_id) { for (i=0; icount; i++) { if (resource_types_table[i].dtor) { resource_types_table[i].dtor(thread_resources->storage[i]); } } for (i=0; icount; i++) { if (!resource_types_table[i].fast_offset) { free(thread_resources->storage[i]); } } free(thread_resources->storage); if (last) { last->next = thread_resources->next; } else { tsrm_tls_table[hash_value] = thread_resources->next; } tsrm_tls_set(0); free(thread_resources); break; } if (thread_resources->next) { last = thread_resources; } thread_resources = thread_resources->next; } tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); }/*}}}*/ /* deallocates all occurrences of a given id */ void ts_free_id(ts_rsrc_id id) {/*{{{*/ int i; int j = TSRM_UNSHUFFLE_RSRC_ID(id); tsrm_mutex_lock(tsmm_mutex); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Freeing resource id %d", id)); if (tsrm_tls_table) { for (i=0; icount > j && p->storage[j]) { if (resource_types_table) { if (resource_types_table[j].dtor) { resource_types_table[j].dtor(p->storage[j]); } if (!resource_types_table[j].fast_offset) { free(p->storage[j]); } } p->storage[j] = NULL; } p = p->next; } } } resource_types_table[j].done = 1; tsrm_mutex_unlock(tsmm_mutex); TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_CORE, "Successfully freed resource id %d", id)); }/*}}}*/ /* * Utility Functions */ /* Obtain the current thread id */ TSRM_API THREAD_T tsrm_thread_id(void) {/*{{{*/ #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 return GetCurrentThreadId(); #else return pthread_self(); #endif }/*}}}*/ /* Allocate a mutex */ TSRM_API MUTEX_T tsrm_mutex_alloc(void) {/*{{{*/ MUTEX_T mutexp; #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 mutexp = malloc(sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION)); InitializeCriticalSection(mutexp); #else mutexp = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); pthread_mutex_init(mutexp,NULL); #endif #ifdef THR_DEBUG printf("Mutex created thread: %d\n",mythreadid()); #endif return( mutexp ); }/*}}}*/ /* Free a mutex */ TSRM_API void tsrm_mutex_free(MUTEX_T mutexp) {/*{{{*/ if (mutexp) { #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 DeleteCriticalSection(mutexp); free(mutexp); #else pthread_mutex_destroy(mutexp); free(mutexp); #endif } #ifdef THR_DEBUG printf("Mutex freed thread: %d\n",mythreadid()); #endif }/*}}}*/ /* Lock a mutex. A return value of 0 indicates success */ TSRM_API int tsrm_mutex_lock(MUTEX_T mutexp) {/*{{{*/ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO, "Mutex locked thread: %ld", tsrm_thread_id())); #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 EnterCriticalSection(mutexp); return 0; #else return pthread_mutex_lock(mutexp); #endif }/*}}}*/ /* Unlock a mutex. A return value of 0 indicates success */ TSRM_API int tsrm_mutex_unlock(MUTEX_T mutexp) {/*{{{*/ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO, "Mutex unlocked thread: %ld", tsrm_thread_id())); #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 LeaveCriticalSection(mutexp); return 0; #else return pthread_mutex_unlock(mutexp); #endif }/*}}}*/ /* Changes the signal mask of the calling thread */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGPROCMASK TSRM_API int tsrm_sigmask(int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oldset) {/*{{{*/ TSRM_ERROR((TSRM_ERROR_LEVEL_INFO, "Changed sigmask in thread: %ld", tsrm_thread_id())); return pthread_sigmask(how, set, oldset); }/*}}}*/ #endif TSRM_API void *tsrm_set_new_thread_begin_handler(tsrm_thread_begin_func_t new_thread_begin_handler) {/*{{{*/ void *retval = (void *) tsrm_new_thread_begin_handler; tsrm_new_thread_begin_handler = new_thread_begin_handler; return retval; }/*}}}*/ TSRM_API void *tsrm_set_new_thread_end_handler(tsrm_thread_end_func_t new_thread_end_handler) {/*{{{*/ void *retval = (void *) tsrm_new_thread_end_handler; tsrm_new_thread_end_handler = new_thread_end_handler; return retval; }/*}}}*/ TSRM_API void *tsrm_set_shutdown_handler(tsrm_shutdown_func_t shutdown_handler) {/*{{{*/ void *retval = (void *) tsrm_shutdown_handler; tsrm_shutdown_handler = shutdown_handler; return retval; }/*}}}*/ /* * Debug support */ #ifdef TSRM_DEBUG int tsrm_error(int level, const char *format, ...) {/*{{{*/ if (level<=tsrm_error_level) { va_list args; int size; fprintf(tsrm_error_file, "TSRM: "); va_start(args, format); size = vfprintf(tsrm_error_file, format, args); va_end(args); fprintf(tsrm_error_file, "\n"); fflush(tsrm_error_file); return size; } else { return 0; } }/*}}}*/ #endif void tsrm_error_set(int level, const char *debug_filename) {/*{{{*/ tsrm_error_level = level; #ifdef TSRM_DEBUG if (tsrm_error_file!=stderr) { /* close files opened earlier */ fclose(tsrm_error_file); } if (debug_filename) { tsrm_error_file = fopen(debug_filename, "w"); if (!tsrm_error_file) { tsrm_error_file = stderr; } } else { tsrm_error_file = stderr; } #endif }/*}}}*/ TSRM_API void *tsrm_get_ls_cache(void) {/*{{{*/ return tsrm_tls_get(); }/*}}}*/ /* Returns offset of tsrm_ls_cache slot from Thread Control Block address */ TSRM_API size_t tsrm_get_ls_cache_tcb_offset(void) {/*{{{*/ #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__x86_64__) // TODO: Implement support for fast JIT ZTS code ??? return 0; #elif defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && \ !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__MUSL__) && !defined(__HAIKU__) size_t ret; asm ("movq _tsrm_ls_cache@gottpoff(%%rip),%0" : "=r" (ret)); return ret; #elif defined(__i386__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__) && \ !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__MUSL__) && !defined(__HAIKU__) size_t ret; asm ("leal _tsrm_ls_cache@ntpoff,%0" : "=r" (ret)); return ret; #elif defined(__aarch64__) size_t ret; # ifdef __APPLE__ // Points to struct TLVDecriptor for _tsrm_ls_cache in macOS. asm("adrp %0, #__tsrm_ls_cache@TLVPPAGE\n\t" "ldr %0, [%0, #__tsrm_ls_cache@TLVPPAGEOFF]" : "=r" (ret)); # else asm("mov %0, xzr\n\t" "add %0, %0, #:tprel_hi12:_tsrm_ls_cache, lsl #12\n\t" "add %0, %0, #:tprel_lo12_nc:_tsrm_ls_cache" : "=r" (ret)); # endif return ret; #else return 0; #endif }/*}}}*/ TSRM_API uint8_t tsrm_is_main_thread(void) {/*{{{*/ return in_main_thread; }/*}}}*/ TSRM_API uint8_t tsrm_is_shutdown(void) {/*{{{*/ return is_thread_shutdown; }/*}}}*/ TSRM_API const char *tsrm_api_name(void) {/*{{{*/ #ifdef TSRM_WIN32 return "Windows Threads"; #else return "POSIX Threads"; #endif }/*}}}*/ #endif /* ZTS */