#! /usr/bin/env perl package configdata; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter; #use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(%config %target %disabled %withargs %unified_info @disablables); our %config = ( AR => "ar", ARFLAGS => [ "r" ], CC => "/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-", CFLAGS => [ "-Wall -O3", "-fPIC" ], CPPDEFINES => [ ], CPPFLAGS => [ ], CPPINCLUDES => [ ], CROSS_COMPILE => "/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-", CXX => "g++", CXXFLAGS => [ "-Wall -O3", "-fPIC" ], HASHBANGPERL => "/usr/bin/env perl", LDFLAGS => [ ], LDLIBS => [ ], PERL => "/usr/bin/perl", RANLIB => "ranlib", RC => "windres", RCFLAGS => [ ], afalgeng => "", b32 => "1", b64 => "0", b64l => "0", bn_ll => "1", build_file => "Makefile", build_file_templates => [ "Configurations/common0.tmpl", "Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl", "Configurations/common.tmpl" ], build_infos => [ "./build.info", "crypto/build.info", "ssl/build.info", "engines/build.info", "apps/build.info", "test/build.info", "util/build.info", "tools/build.info", "fuzz/build.info", "crypto/objects/build.info", "crypto/md4/build.info", "crypto/md5/build.info", "crypto/sha/build.info", "crypto/mdc2/build.info", "crypto/hmac/build.info", "crypto/ripemd/build.info", "crypto/whrlpool/build.info", "crypto/poly1305/build.info", "crypto/blake2/build.info", "crypto/siphash/build.info", "crypto/sm3/build.info", "crypto/des/build.info", "crypto/aes/build.info", "crypto/rc2/build.info", "crypto/rc4/build.info", "crypto/idea/build.info", "crypto/aria/build.info", "crypto/bf/build.info", "crypto/cast/build.info", "crypto/camellia/build.info", "crypto/seed/build.info", "crypto/sm4/build.info", "crypto/chacha/build.info", "crypto/modes/build.info", "crypto/bn/build.info", "crypto/ec/build.info", "crypto/rsa/build.info", "crypto/dsa/build.info", "crypto/dh/build.info", "crypto/sm2/build.info", "crypto/dso/build.info", "crypto/engine/build.info", "crypto/buffer/build.info", "crypto/bio/build.info", "crypto/stack/build.info", "crypto/lhash/build.info", "crypto/rand/build.info", "crypto/err/build.info", "crypto/evp/build.info", "crypto/asn1/build.info", "crypto/pem/build.info", "crypto/x509/build.info", "crypto/x509v3/build.info", "crypto/conf/build.info", "crypto/txt_db/build.info", "crypto/pkcs7/build.info", "crypto/pkcs12/build.info", "crypto/comp/build.info", "crypto/ocsp/build.info", "crypto/ui/build.info", "crypto/cms/build.info", "crypto/ts/build.info", "crypto/srp/build.info", "crypto/cmac/build.info", "crypto/ct/build.info", "crypto/async/build.info", "crypto/kdf/build.info", "crypto/store/build.info", "test/ossl_shim/build.info" ], build_type => "release", builddir => ".", cflags => [ ], conf_files => [ "Configurations/00-base-templates.conf", "Configurations/10-main.conf" ], cppflags => [ ], cxxflags => [ ], defines => [ "NDEBUG" ], dirs => [ "crypto", "ssl", "engines", "apps", "test", "util", "tools", "fuzz" ], dynamic_engines => "1", engdirs => [ ], ex_libs => [ ], 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--prefix=/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- --openssldir=/etc --cross-compile-prefix=/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- no-afalgeng no-asan no-asm no-buildtest-c++ no-crypto-mdebug no-crypto-mdebug-backtrace no-devcryptoeng no-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 no-egd no-external-tests no-fuzz-afl no-fuzz-libfuzzer no-heartbeats no-makedepend no-md2 no-msan no-rc5 no-sctp no-ssl-trace no-ssl3 no-ssl3-method no-ubsan no-unit-test no-weak-ssl-ciphers no-zlib no-zlib-dynamic", perl_archname => "x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi", perl_cmd => "/usr/bin/perl", perl_version => "5.30.0", perlargv => [ "linux-armv4", "shared", "no-asm", "-fPIC", "--prefix=/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-", "--openssldir=/etc", "--cross-compile-prefix=/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-" ], perlenv => { "AR" => undef, "BUILDFILE" => undef, "CC" => "/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-", "CFLAGS" => undef, "CPPFLAGS" => undef, "CROSS_COMPILE" => "/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-", "CXX" => undef, "CXXFLAGS" => undef, "HASHBANGPERL" => undef, "LDFLAGS" => undef, "LDLIBS" => undef, "OPENSSL_LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR" => undef, "PERL" => undef, "RANLIB" => undef, "RC" => undef, "RCFLAGS" => undef, "WINDRES" => undef, "__CNF_CFLAGS" => undef, "__CNF_CPPDEFINES" => undef, "__CNF_CPPFLAGS" => undef, "__CNF_CPPINCLUDES" => undef, "__CNF_CXXFLAGS" => undef, "__CNF_LDFLAGS" => undef, "__CNF_LDLIBS" => undef, }, prefix => "/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-", processor => "", rc4_int => "unsigned char", sdirs => [ "objects", "md4", "md5", "sha", "mdc2", "hmac", "ripemd", "whrlpool", "poly1305", "blake2", "siphash", "sm3", "des", "aes", "rc2", "rc4", "idea", "aria", "bf", "cast", "camellia", "seed", "sm4", "chacha", "modes", "bn", "ec", "rsa", "dsa", "dh", "sm2", "dso", "engine", "buffer", "bio", "stack", "lhash", "rand", "err", "evp", "asn1", "pem", "x509", "x509v3", "conf", "txt_db", "pkcs7", "pkcs12", "comp", "ocsp", "ui", "cms", "ts", "srp", "cmac", "ct", "async", "kdf", "store" ], shlib_major => "1", shlib_minor => "1", shlib_version_history => "", shlib_version_number => "1.1", sourcedir => ".", target => "linux-armv4", tdirs => [ "ossl_shim" ], version => "1.1.1n", version_num => "0x101010efL", ); our %target = ( AR => "ar", ARFLAGS => "r", CC => "gcc", CFLAGS => "-Wall -O3", CXX => "g++", CXXFLAGS => "-Wall -O3", HASHBANGPERL => "/usr/bin/env perl", RANLIB => "ranlib", RC => "windres", _conf_fname_int => [ "Configurations/00-base-templates.conf", "Configurations/00-base-templates.conf", "Configurations/10-main.conf", "Configurations/10-main.conf", "Configurations/shared-info.pl" ], aes_asm_src => "aes_core.c aes_cbc.c", aes_obj => "aes_core.o aes_cbc.o", apps_aux_src => "", apps_init_src => "", apps_obj => "", bf_asm_src => "bf_enc.c", bf_obj => "bf_enc.o", bn_asm_src => "bn_asm.c", bn_obj => "bn_asm.o", bn_ops => "BN_LLONG RC4_CHAR", build_file => "Makefile", build_scheme => [ "unified", "unix" ], cast_asm_src => "c_enc.c", cast_obj => "c_enc.o", cflags => "-pthread", chacha_asm_src => "chacha_enc.c", chacha_obj => "chacha_enc.o", cmll_asm_src => "camellia.c cmll_misc.c cmll_cbc.c", cmll_obj => "camellia.o cmll_misc.o cmll_cbc.o", cppflags => "", cpuid_asm_src => "mem_clr.c", cpuid_obj => "mem_clr.o", cxxflags => "-std=c++11 -pthread", defines => [ ], des_asm_src => "des_enc.c fcrypt_b.c", des_obj => "des_enc.o fcrypt_b.o", disable => [ ], dso_extension => ".so", dso_scheme => "dlfcn", ec_asm_src => "", ec_obj => "", enable => [ "afalgeng" ], ex_libs => "-ldl -pthread", exe_extension => "", includes => [ ], keccak1600_asm_src => "keccak1600.c", keccak1600_obj => "keccak1600.o", lflags => "", lib_cflags => "", lib_cppflags => "-DOPENSSL_USE_NODELETE", lib_defines => [ ], md5_asm_src => "", md5_obj => "", modes_asm_src => "", modes_obj => "", module_cflags => "-fPIC", module_cxxflags => "", module_ldflags => "-Wl,-znodelete -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic", padlock_asm_src => "", padlock_obj => "", perlasm_scheme => "linux32", poly1305_asm_src => "", poly1305_obj => "", rc4_asm_src => "rc4_enc.c rc4_skey.c", rc4_obj => "rc4_enc.o rc4_skey.o", rc5_asm_src => "rc5_enc.c", rc5_obj => "rc5_enc.o", rmd160_asm_src => "", rmd160_obj => "", shared_cflag => "-fPIC", shared_defflag => "-Wl,--version-script=", shared_defines => [ ], shared_extension => ".so.\$(SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER)", shared_extension_simple => ".so", shared_ldflag => "-Wl,-znodelete -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic", shared_rcflag => "", shared_sonameflag => "-Wl,-soname=", shared_target => "linux-shared", template => "1", thread_defines => [ ], thread_scheme => "pthreads", unistd => "", uplink_aux_src => "", uplink_obj => "", wp_asm_src => "wp_block.c", wp_obj => "wp_block.o", ); our %available_protocols = ( tls => [ "ssl3", "tls1", "tls1_1", "tls1_2", "tls1_3" ], dtls => [ "dtls1", "dtls1_2" ], ); our @disablables = ( "afalgeng", "aria", "asan", "asm", "async", "autoalginit", "autoerrinit", "autoload-config", "bf", "blake2", "buildtest-c\\+\\+", "camellia", "capieng", "cast", "chacha", "cmac", "cms", "comp", "crypto-mdebug", "crypto-mdebug-backtrace", "ct", "deprecated", "des", "devcryptoeng", "dgram", "dh", "dsa", "dso", "dtls", "dynamic-engine", "ec", "ec2m", "ecdh", "ecdsa", "ec_nistp_64_gcc_128", "egd", "engine", "err", "external-tests", "filenames", "fuzz-libfuzzer", "fuzz-afl", "gost", "heartbeats", "hw(-.+)?", "idea", "makedepend", "md2", "md4", "mdc2", "msan", "multiblock", "nextprotoneg", "pinshared", "ocb", "ocsp", "pic", "poly1305", "posix-io", "psk", "rc2", "rc4", "rc5", "rdrand", "rfc3779", "rmd160", "scrypt", "sctp", "seed", "shared", "siphash", "sm2", "sm3", "sm4", "sock", "srp", "srtp", "sse2", "ssl", "ssl-trace", "static-engine", "stdio", "tests", "threads", "tls", "ts", "ubsan", "ui-console", "unit-test", "whirlpool", "weak-ssl-ciphers", "zlib", "zlib-dynamic", "ssl3", "ssl3-method", "tls1", "tls1-method", "tls1_1", "tls1_1-method", "tls1_2", "tls1_2-method", "tls1_3", "dtls1", "dtls1-method", "dtls1_2", "dtls1_2-method", ); our %disabled = ( "afalgeng" => "cross-compiling", "asan" => "default", "asm" => "option", "buildtest-c++" => "default", "crypto-mdebug" => "default", "crypto-mdebug-backtrace" => "default", "devcryptoeng" => "default", "ec_nistp_64_gcc_128" => "default", "egd" => "default", "external-tests" => "default", "fuzz-afl" => "default", "fuzz-libfuzzer" => "default", "heartbeats" => "default", "makedepend" => "unavailable", "md2" => "default", "msan" => "default", "rc5" => "default", "sctp" => "default", "ssl-trace" => "default", "ssl3" => "default", "ssl3-method" => "default", "ubsan" => "default", "unit-test" => "default", "weak-ssl-ciphers" => "default", "zlib" => "default", "zlib-dynamic" => "default", ); our %withargs = ( ); our %unified_info = ( "depends" => { "" => [ "include/crypto/bn_conf.h", "include/crypto/dso_conf.h", "include/openssl/opensslconf.h", ], "apps/asn1pars.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/ca.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/ciphers.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/cms.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/crl.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/crl2p7.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/dgst.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/dhparam.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/dsa.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/dsaparam.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/ec.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/ecparam.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/enc.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/engine.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/errstr.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/gendsa.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/genpkey.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/genrsa.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/nseq.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/ocsp.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/openssl" => [ "apps/libapps.a", "libssl", ], "apps/openssl.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/passwd.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/pkcs12.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/pkcs7.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/pkcs8.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/pkey.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/pkeyparam.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/pkeyutl.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/prime.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/progs.h" => [ "configdata.pm", ], "apps/rand.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/rehash.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/req.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/rsa.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/rsautl.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/s_client.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/s_server.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/s_time.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/sess_id.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/smime.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/speed.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/spkac.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/srp.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/storeutl.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/ts.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/verify.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/version.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "apps/x509.o" => [ "apps/progs.h", ], "crypto/aes/aes-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/aes/aesni-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/aes/aest4-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/perlasm/sparcv9_modes.pl", ], "crypto/aes/vpaes-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/bf/bf-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/cbc.pl", "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/bn/bn-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/bn/co-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/bn/x86-gf2m.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/bn/x86-mont.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/buildinf.h" => [ "configdata.pm", ], "crypto/camellia/cmll-x86.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/camellia/cmllt4-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/perlasm/sparcv9_modes.pl", ], "crypto/cast/cast-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/cbc.pl", "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/cversion.o" => [ "crypto/buildinf.h", ], "crypto/des/crypt586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/cbc.pl", "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/des/des-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/cbc.pl", "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/rc4/rc4-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/ripemd/rmd-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-586.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/whrlpool/wp-mmx.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "crypto/x86cpuid.s" => [ "crypto/perlasm/x86asm.pl", ], "engines/capi" => [ "libcrypto", ], "engines/dasync" => [ "libcrypto", ], "engines/ossltest" => [ "libcrypto", ], "engines/padlock" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/asn1-test" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "fuzz/asn1parse-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/bignum-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/bndiv-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/client-test" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "fuzz/cms-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/conf-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/crl-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/ct-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "fuzz/server-test" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "fuzz/x509-test" => [ "libcrypto", ], "include/crypto/bn_conf.h" => [ "configdata.pm", ], "include/crypto/dso_conf.h" => [ 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"test/libtestutil.a", ], "test/bio_memleak_test" => [ "libcrypto", "test/libtestutil.a", ], "test/bioprinttest" => [ "libcrypto", "test/libtestutil.a", ], "test/bntest" => [ "libcrypto", "test/libtestutil.a", ], "test/buildtest_c_aes" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_asn1" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_asn1t" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_async" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_bio" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_blowfish" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_bn" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_buffer" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_camellia" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_cast" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_cmac" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_cms" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_comp" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_conf" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_conf_api" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_crypto" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ct" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_des" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_dh" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_dsa" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_dtls1" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_e_os2" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ebcdic" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ec" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ecdh" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ecdsa" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_engine" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_evp" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_hmac" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_idea" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_kdf" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_lhash" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], 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"libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_rsa" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_safestack" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_seed" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_sha" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_srp" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_srtp" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ssl" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ssl2" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_stack" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_store" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_symhacks" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_tls1" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ts" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_txt_db" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_ui" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_whrlpool" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_x509" => [ "libcrypto", "libssl", ], "test/buildtest_c_x509_vfy" => [ 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"test/tls13secretstest", ], "lib" => [ "libssl", ], }, }, "ssl/record" => { "deps" => [ "ssl/record/dtls1_bitmap.o", "ssl/record/rec_layer_d1.o", "ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.o", "ssl/record/ssl3_buffer.o", "ssl/record/ssl3_record.o", "ssl/record/ssl3_record_tls13.o", ], "products" => { "lib" => [ "libssl", ], }, }, "ssl/statem" => { "deps" => [ "ssl/statem/extensions.o", "ssl/statem/extensions_clnt.o", "ssl/statem/extensions_cust.o", "ssl/statem/extensions_srvr.o", "ssl/statem/statem.o", "ssl/statem/statem_clnt.o", "ssl/statem/statem_dtls.o", "ssl/statem/statem_lib.o", "ssl/statem/statem_srvr.o", ], "products" => { "lib" => [ "libssl", ], }, }, "test/testutil" => { "deps" => [ "test/testutil/basic_output.o", "test/testutil/cb.o", "test/testutil/driver.o", "test/testutil/format_output.o", "test/testutil/main.o", "test/testutil/output_helpers.o", "test/testutil/random.o", "test/testutil/stanza.o", "test/testutil/tap_bio.o", "test/testutil/test_cleanup.o", "test/testutil/tests.o", "test/testutil/testutil_init.o", ], "products" => { "lib" => [ "test/libtestutil.a", ], }, }, "tools" => { "products" => { "script" => [ "tools/c_rehash", ], }, }, "util" => { "products" => { "script" => [ "util/shlib_wrap.sh", ], }, }, }, "engines" => [ "engines/capi", "engines/dasync", "engines/ossltest", "engines/padlock", ], "extra" => [ "crypto/alphacpuid.pl", "crypto/arm64cpuid.pl", "crypto/armv4cpuid.pl", "crypto/ia64cpuid.S", "crypto/pariscid.pl", "crypto/ppccpuid.pl", "crypto/x86_64cpuid.pl", "crypto/x86cpuid.pl", "ms/applink.c", "ms/uplink-x86.pl", "ms/uplink.c", ], "generate" => { "apps/progs.h" => [ "apps/progs.pl", "\$(APPS_OPENSSL)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-586.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-ia64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-ia64.S", ], "crypto/aes/aes-mips.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-mips.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-parisc.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-parisc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aes-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aes-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesfx-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesfx-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesni-mb-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesni-mb-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesni-sha1-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha1-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesni-sha256-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesni-sha256-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesni-x86.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesni-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/aes/aesni-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesni-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesp8-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesp8-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aest4-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aest4-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/aesv8-armx.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/aesv8-armx.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/bsaes-armv7.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/bsaes-armv7.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/bsaes-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/bsaes-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/vpaes-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/vpaes-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/vpaes-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/vpaes-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/aes/vpaes-x86.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/vpaes-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/aes/vpaes-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/aes/asm/vpaes-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/alphacpuid.s" => [ "crypto/alphacpuid.pl", ], "crypto/arm64cpuid.S" => [ "crypto/arm64cpuid.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/armv4cpuid.S" => [ "crypto/armv4cpuid.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bf/bf-586.s" => [ "crypto/bf/asm/bf-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/bn/alpha-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/alpha-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/armv4-gf2m.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/armv4-gf2m.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/armv4-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/armv4-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/armv8-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/armv8-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/bn-586.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/bn-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/bn/bn-ia64.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/ia64.S", ], "crypto/bn/bn-mips.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/mips.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/bn-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/co-586.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/co-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/bn/ia64-mont.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/ia64-mont.pl", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/bn/mips-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/mips-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/parisc-mont.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/parisc-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/ppc-mont.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/ppc-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/ppc64-mont.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/ppc64-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/rsaz-avx2.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-avx2.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/rsaz-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/rsaz-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/s390x-gf2m.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/s390x-gf2m.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/s390x-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/s390x-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/sparct4-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/sparct4-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/sparcv9-gf2m.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/sparcv9-gf2m.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/sparcv9-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/sparcv9-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/sparcv9a-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/sparcv9a-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/vis3-mont.S" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/vis3-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/x86-gf2m.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/x86-gf2m.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/bn/x86-mont.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/bn/x86_64-gf2m.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-gf2m.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/x86_64-mont.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.s" => [ "crypto/bn/asm/x86_64-mont5.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/buildinf.h" => [ "util/mkbuildinf.pl", "\"\$(CC)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(CPPFLAGS_Q)\"", "\"\$(PLATFORM)\"", ], "crypto/camellia/cmll-x86.s" => [ "crypto/camellia/asm/cmll-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/camellia/cmll-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/camellia/asm/cmll-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/camellia/cmllt4-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/camellia/asm/cmllt4-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/cast/cast-586.s" => [ "crypto/cast/asm/cast-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha-x86.s" => [ "crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/des/crypt586.s" => [ "crypto/des/asm/crypt586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/des/des-586.s" => [ "crypto/des/asm/des-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/des/des_enc-sparc.S" => [ "crypto/des/asm/des_enc.m4", ], "crypto/des/dest4-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/des/asm/dest4-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-avx2.s" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-avx2.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-ppc64.s" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-ppc64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-x86.s" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/x25519-ppc64.s" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/x25519-ppc64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ec/x25519-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/ec/asm/x25519-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ia64cpuid.s" => [ "crypto/ia64cpuid.S", ], "crypto/md5/md5-586.s" => [ "crypto/md5/asm/md5-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/md5/md5-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/md5/asm/md5-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/md5/md5-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/md5/asm/md5-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/aesni-gcm-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/aesni-gcm-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-alpha.S" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-alpha.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-ia64.s" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-ia64.pl", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-parisc.s" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-parisc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-x86.s" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/modes/ghash-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghash-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghashp8-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghashp8-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/modes/ghashv8-armx.S" => [ "crypto/modes/asm/ghashv8-armx.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/pariscid.s" => [ "crypto/pariscid.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-mips.S" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-mips.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-ppcfp.s" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-ppcfp.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-x86.s" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ppccpuid.s" => [ "crypto/ppccpuid.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/rc4/rc4-586.s" => [ "crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/rc4/rc4-md5-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-md5-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/rc4/rc4-parisc.s" => [ "crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-parisc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/rc4/rc4-s390x.s" => [ "crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/rc4/rc4-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/ripemd/rmd-586.s" => [ "crypto/ripemd/asm/rmd-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/s390xcpuid.S" => [ "crypto/s390xcpuid.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/keccak1600-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/keccak1600-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/keccak1600-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/keccak1600-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/keccak1600-ppc64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/keccak1600-ppc64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/keccak1600-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/keccak1600-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/keccak1600-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/keccak1600-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-586.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-alpha.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-alpha.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-armv4-large.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-armv4-large.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-ia64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-ia64.pl", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-mb-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-mb-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-mips.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-mips.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-parisc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-parisc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha1-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha1-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-586.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha256-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha256-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-ia64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-ia64.pl", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-mb-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha256-mb-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-mips.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-mips.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-parisc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-parisc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha256p8-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512p8-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-586.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-586.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", "\$(PROCESSOR)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-armv4.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-armv4.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-armv8.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-armv8.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-ia64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-ia64.pl", "\$(LIB_CFLAGS)", "\$(LIB_CPPFLAGS)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-mips.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-mips.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-parisc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-parisc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-s390x.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-s390x.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-sparcv9.S" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-sparcv9.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512-x86_64.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512-x86_64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/sha/sha512p8-ppc.s" => [ "crypto/sha/asm/sha512p8-ppc.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/uplink-ia64.s" => [ "ms/uplink-ia64.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], "crypto/uplink-x86.s" => [ "ms/uplink-x86.pl", "\$(PERLASM_SCHEME)", ], 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"test/buildtest_c_comp", "test/buildtest_c_conf", "test/buildtest_c_conf_api", "test/buildtest_c_crypto", "test/buildtest_c_ct", "test/buildtest_c_des", "test/buildtest_c_dh", "test/buildtest_c_dsa", "test/buildtest_c_dtls1", "test/buildtest_c_e_os2", "test/buildtest_c_ebcdic", "test/buildtest_c_ec", "test/buildtest_c_ecdh", "test/buildtest_c_ecdsa", "test/buildtest_c_engine", "test/buildtest_c_evp", "test/buildtest_c_hmac", "test/buildtest_c_idea", "test/buildtest_c_kdf", "test/buildtest_c_lhash", "test/buildtest_c_md4", "test/buildtest_c_md5", "test/buildtest_c_mdc2", "test/buildtest_c_modes", "test/buildtest_c_obj_mac", "test/buildtest_c_objects", "test/buildtest_c_ocsp", "test/buildtest_c_opensslv", "test/buildtest_c_ossl_typ", "test/buildtest_c_pem", "test/buildtest_c_pem2", "test/buildtest_c_pkcs12", "test/buildtest_c_pkcs7", "test/buildtest_c_rand", "test/buildtest_c_rand_drbg", "test/buildtest_c_rc2", "test/buildtest_c_rc4", "test/buildtest_c_ripemd", "test/buildtest_c_rsa", "test/buildtest_c_safestack", "test/buildtest_c_seed", "test/buildtest_c_sha", "test/buildtest_c_srp", "test/buildtest_c_srtp", "test/buildtest_c_ssl", "test/buildtest_c_ssl2", "test/buildtest_c_stack", "test/buildtest_c_store", "test/buildtest_c_symhacks", "test/buildtest_c_tls1", "test/buildtest_c_ts", "test/buildtest_c_txt_db", "test/buildtest_c_ui", "test/buildtest_c_whrlpool", "test/buildtest_c_x509", "test/buildtest_c_x509_vfy", "test/buildtest_c_x509v3", "test/casttest", "test/chacha_internal_test", "test/cipherbytes_test", "test/cipherlist_test", "test/ciphername_test", "test/clienthellotest", "test/cmactest", "test/cmsapitest", "test/conf_include_test", "test/constant_time_test", "test/crltest", "test/ct_test", "test/ctype_internal_test", "test/curve448_internal_test", "test/d2i_test", "test/danetest", "test/destest", "test/dhtest", "test/drbg_cavs_test", "test/drbgtest", "test/dsa_no_digest_size_test", "test/dsatest", "test/dtls_mtu_test", "test/dtlstest", 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"test/ssl_test", "test/ssl_test_ctx_test", "test/sslapitest", "test/sslbuffertest", "test/sslcorrupttest", "test/ssltest_old", "test/stack_test", "test/sysdefaulttest", "test/test_test", "test/threadstest", "test/time_offset_test", "test/tls13ccstest", "test/tls13encryptiontest", "test/tls13secretstest", "test/uitest", "test/v3ext", "test/v3nametest", "test/verify_extra_test", "test/versions", "test/wpackettest", "test/x509_check_cert_pkey_test", "test/x509_dup_cert_test", "test/x509_internal_test", "test/x509_time_test", "test/x509aux", ], "rawlines" => [ "##### SHA assembler implementations", "", "# GNU make \"catch all\"", "crypto/sha/sha1-%.S: crypto/sha/asm/sha1-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "crypto/sha/sha256-%.S: crypto/sha/asm/sha512-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "crypto/sha/sha512-%.S: crypto/sha/asm/sha512-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "crypto/poly1305/poly1305-%.S: crypto/poly1305/asm/poly1305-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "##### AES assembler implementations", "", "# GNU make \"catch all\"", "crypto/aes/aes-%.S: crypto/aes/asm/aes-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "crypto/aes/bsaes-%.S: crypto/aes/asm/bsaes-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "", "# GNU make \"catch all\"", "crypto/rc4/rc4-%.s: crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "##### CHACHA assembler implementations", "", "crypto/chacha/chacha-%.S: crypto/chacha/asm/chacha-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "# GNU make \"catch all\"", "crypto/modes/ghash-%.S: crypto/modes/asm/ghash-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", "crypto/ec/ecp_nistz256-%.S: crypto/ec/asm/ecp_nistz256-%.pl", " CC=\"\$(CC)\" \$(PERL) \$< \$(PERLASM_SCHEME) \$\@", ], "rename" => { }, "scripts" => [ "apps/CA.pl", "apps/tsget.pl", "tools/c_rehash", "util/shlib_wrap.sh", ], "shared_sources" => { "libcrypto" => [ "libcrypto.map", ], "libssl" => [ "libssl.map", ], }, "sharednames" => { "libcrypto" => "libcrypto", "libssl" => "libssl", }, "sources" => { "apps/CA.pl" => [ "apps/CA.pl.in", ], "apps/app_rand.o" => [ "apps/app_rand.c", ], "apps/apps.o" => [ "apps/apps.c", ], "apps/asn1pars.o" => [ "apps/asn1pars.c", ], "apps/bf_prefix.o" => [ "apps/bf_prefix.c", ], "apps/ca.o" => [ "apps/ca.c", ], "apps/ciphers.o" => [ "apps/ciphers.c", ], "apps/cms.o" => [ "apps/cms.c", ], "apps/crl.o" => [ "apps/crl.c", ], "apps/crl2p7.o" => [ "apps/crl2p7.c", ], "apps/dgst.o" => [ "apps/dgst.c", ], "apps/dhparam.o" => [ "apps/dhparam.c", ], "apps/dsa.o" => [ "apps/dsa.c", ], "apps/dsaparam.o" => [ "apps/dsaparam.c", ], "apps/ec.o" => [ "apps/ec.c", ], "apps/ecparam.o" => [ "apps/ecparam.c", ], "apps/enc.o" => [ "apps/enc.c", ], "apps/engine.o" => [ "apps/engine.c", ], "apps/errstr.o" => [ "apps/errstr.c", ], "apps/gendsa.o" => [ "apps/gendsa.c", ], "apps/genpkey.o" => [ "apps/genpkey.c", ], "apps/genrsa.o" => [ "apps/genrsa.c", ], "apps/libapps.a" => [ "apps/app_rand.o", "apps/apps.o", "apps/bf_prefix.o", "apps/opt.o", "apps/s_cb.o", "apps/s_socket.o", ], "apps/nseq.o" => [ "apps/nseq.c", ], "apps/ocsp.o" => [ "apps/ocsp.c", ], "apps/openssl" => [ "apps/asn1pars.o", "apps/ca.o", "apps/ciphers.o", "apps/cms.o", "apps/crl.o", "apps/crl2p7.o", "apps/dgst.o", "apps/dhparam.o", "apps/dsa.o", "apps/dsaparam.o", "apps/ec.o", "apps/ecparam.o", "apps/enc.o", "apps/engine.o", "apps/errstr.o", "apps/gendsa.o", "apps/genpkey.o", "apps/genrsa.o", "apps/nseq.o", "apps/ocsp.o", "apps/openssl.o", "apps/passwd.o", "apps/pkcs12.o", "apps/pkcs7.o", "apps/pkcs8.o", "apps/pkey.o", "apps/pkeyparam.o", "apps/pkeyutl.o", "apps/prime.o", "apps/rand.o", "apps/rehash.o", "apps/req.o", "apps/rsa.o", "apps/rsautl.o", "apps/s_client.o", "apps/s_server.o", "apps/s_time.o", "apps/sess_id.o", "apps/smime.o", "apps/speed.o", "apps/spkac.o", 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=> [ "crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_algor.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_algor.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_bignum.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_info.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_info.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_int64.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_int64.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_long.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_long.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_pkey.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_pkey.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_sig.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_sig.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_spki.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_spki.c", ], "crypto/asn1/x_val.o" => [ "crypto/asn1/x_val.c", ], "crypto/async/arch/async_null.o" => [ "crypto/async/arch/async_null.c", ], "crypto/async/arch/async_posix.o" => [ "crypto/async/arch/async_posix.c", ], "crypto/async/arch/async_win.o" => [ "crypto/async/arch/async_win.c", ], "crypto/async/async.o" => [ "crypto/async/async.c", ], "crypto/async/async_err.o" => [ "crypto/async/async_err.c", ], "crypto/async/async_wait.o" => [ "crypto/async/async_wait.c", ], "crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.o" => [ "crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.c", ], 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=> [ "crypto/bio/bss_bio.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_conn.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_conn.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_dgram.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_dgram.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_fd.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_fd.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_file.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_file.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_log.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_log.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_mem.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_mem.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_null.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_null.c", ], "crypto/bio/bss_sock.o" => [ "crypto/bio/bss_sock.c", ], "crypto/blake2/blake2b.o" => [ "crypto/blake2/blake2b.c", ], "crypto/blake2/blake2s.o" => [ "crypto/blake2/blake2s.c", ], "crypto/blake2/m_blake2b.o" => [ "crypto/blake2/m_blake2b.c", ], "crypto/blake2/m_blake2s.o" => [ "crypto/blake2/m_blake2s.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_add.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_add.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_asm.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_asm.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_blind.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_blind.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_const.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_const.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_ctx.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_ctx.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_depr.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_depr.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_dh.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_dh.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_div.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_div.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_err.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_err.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_exp.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_exp.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_exp2.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_exp2.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_gcd.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_gcd.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_intern.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_intern.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_kron.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_kron.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_lib.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_lib.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_mod.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_mod.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_mont.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_mont.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_mpi.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_mpi.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_mul.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_mul.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_nist.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_nist.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_prime.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_prime.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_print.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_print.c", ], "crypto/bn/bn_rand.o" => [ "crypto/bn/bn_rand.c", ], 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"crypto/cast/c_cfb64.c", ], "crypto/cast/c_ecb.o" => [ "crypto/cast/c_ecb.c", ], "crypto/cast/c_enc.o" => [ "crypto/cast/c_enc.c", ], "crypto/cast/c_ofb64.o" => [ "crypto/cast/c_ofb64.c", ], "crypto/cast/c_skey.o" => [ "crypto/cast/c_skey.c", ], "crypto/chacha/chacha_enc.o" => [ "crypto/chacha/chacha_enc.c", ], "crypto/cmac/cm_ameth.o" => [ "crypto/cmac/cm_ameth.c", ], "crypto/cmac/cm_pmeth.o" => [ "crypto/cmac/cm_pmeth.c", ], "crypto/cmac/cmac.o" => [ "crypto/cmac/cmac.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_asn1.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_asn1.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_att.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_att.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_cd.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_cd.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_dd.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_dd.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_enc.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_enc.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_env.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_env.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_err.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_err.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_ess.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_ess.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_io.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_io.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_kari.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_kari.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_lib.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_lib.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_pwri.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_pwri.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_sd.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_sd.c", ], "crypto/cms/cms_smime.o" => [ "crypto/cms/cms_smime.c", ], "crypto/comp/c_zlib.o" => [ "crypto/comp/c_zlib.c", ], "crypto/comp/comp_err.o" => [ "crypto/comp/comp_err.c", ], "crypto/comp/comp_lib.o" => [ "crypto/comp/comp_lib.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_api.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_api.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_def.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_def.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_err.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_err.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_lib.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_lib.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_mall.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_mall.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_mod.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_mod.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_sap.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_sap.c", ], "crypto/conf/conf_ssl.o" => [ "crypto/conf/conf_ssl.c", ], "crypto/cpt_err.o" => [ "crypto/cpt_err.c", ], "crypto/cryptlib.o" => [ "crypto/cryptlib.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_b64.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_b64.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_err.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_err.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_log.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_log.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_oct.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_oct.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_policy.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_policy.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_prn.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_prn.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_sct.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_sct.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_sct_ctx.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_sct_ctx.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_vfy.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_vfy.c", ], "crypto/ct/ct_x509v3.o" => [ "crypto/ct/ct_x509v3.c", ], "crypto/ctype.o" => [ "crypto/ctype.c", ], "crypto/cversion.o" => [ "crypto/cversion.c", ], "crypto/des/cbc_cksm.o" => [ "crypto/des/cbc_cksm.c", ], "crypto/des/cbc_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/cbc_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/cfb64ede.o" => [ "crypto/des/cfb64ede.c", ], "crypto/des/cfb64enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/cfb64enc.c", ], "crypto/des/cfb_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/cfb_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/des_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/des_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/ecb3_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/ecb3_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/ecb_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/ecb_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/fcrypt.o" => [ "crypto/des/fcrypt.c", ], "crypto/des/fcrypt_b.o" => [ "crypto/des/fcrypt_b.c", ], "crypto/des/ofb64ede.o" => [ "crypto/des/ofb64ede.c", ], "crypto/des/ofb64enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/ofb64enc.c", ], "crypto/des/ofb_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/ofb_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/pcbc_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/pcbc_enc.c", ], "crypto/des/qud_cksm.o" => [ "crypto/des/qud_cksm.c", ], "crypto/des/rand_key.o" => [ "crypto/des/rand_key.c", ], "crypto/des/set_key.o" => [ "crypto/des/set_key.c", ], "crypto/des/str2key.o" => [ "crypto/des/str2key.c", ], "crypto/des/xcbc_enc.o" => [ "crypto/des/xcbc_enc.c", ], "crypto/dh/dh_ameth.o" => [ "crypto/dh/dh_ameth.c", ], "crypto/dh/dh_asn1.o" => [ "crypto/dh/dh_asn1.c", ], "crypto/dh/dh_check.o" => [ "crypto/dh/dh_check.c", ], "crypto/dh/dh_depr.o" => [ "crypto/dh/dh_depr.c", ], "crypto/dh/dh_err.o" => [ "crypto/dh/dh_err.c", ], "crypto/dh/dh_gen.o" => [ 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"crypto/dsa/dsa_pmeth.c", ], "crypto/dsa/dsa_prn.o" => [ "crypto/dsa/dsa_prn.c", ], "crypto/dsa/dsa_sign.o" => [ "crypto/dsa/dsa_sign.c", ], "crypto/dsa/dsa_vrf.o" => [ "crypto/dsa/dsa_vrf.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_dl.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_dl.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_dlfcn.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_err.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_err.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_lib.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_lib.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_openssl.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_openssl.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_vms.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_vms.c", ], "crypto/dso/dso_win32.o" => [ "crypto/dso/dso_win32.c", ], "crypto/ebcdic.o" => [ "crypto/ebcdic.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve25519.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve25519.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32/f_impl.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve448/arch_32/f_impl.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve448/curve448.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve448/curve448.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve448/curve448_tables.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve448/curve448_tables.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve448/eddsa.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve448/eddsa.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve448/f_generic.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve448/f_generic.c", ], "crypto/ec/curve448/scalar.o" => [ "crypto/ec/curve448/scalar.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec2_oct.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec2_oct.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec2_smpl.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_ameth.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_ameth.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_asn1.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_check.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_check.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_curve.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_curve.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_cvt.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_cvt.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_err.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_err.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_key.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_key.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_kmeth.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_kmeth.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_lib.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_lib.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_mult.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_mult.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_oct.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_oct.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_pmeth.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_pmeth.c", ], "crypto/ec/ec_print.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ec_print.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecdh_kdf.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecdh_kdf.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecdh_ossl.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecdh_ossl.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecdsa_ossl.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecdsa_ossl.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecdsa_sign.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecdsa_sign.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecdsa_vrf.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecdsa_vrf.c", ], "crypto/ec/eck_prn.o" => [ "crypto/ec/eck_prn.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_mont.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_mont.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nist.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_nist.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_nistp224.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistp256.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_nistp256.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistp521.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_nistp521.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_nistputil.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_nistputil.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_oct.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_oct.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecp_smpl.c", ], "crypto/ec/ecx_meth.o" => [ "crypto/ec/ecx_meth.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_all.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_all.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_cnf.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_cnf.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_ctrl.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_dyn.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_dyn.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_err.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_err.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_fat.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_fat.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_init.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_init.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_lib.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_lib.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_list.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_list.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_openssl.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_openssl.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_pkey.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_pkey.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_rdrand.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_rdrand.c", ], "crypto/engine/eng_table.o" => [ "crypto/engine/eng_table.c", ], "crypto/engine/tb_asnmth.o" => [ "crypto/engine/tb_asnmth.c", ], "crypto/engine/tb_cipher.o" => [ "crypto/engine/tb_cipher.c", ], "crypto/engine/tb_dh.o" => [ "crypto/engine/tb_dh.c", ], "crypto/engine/tb_digest.o" => [ "crypto/engine/tb_digest.c", ], "crypto/engine/tb_dsa.o" => [ "crypto/engine/tb_dsa.c", ], 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"crypto/evp/m_sigver.c", ], "crypto/evp/m_wp.o" => [ "crypto/evp/m_wp.c", ], "crypto/evp/names.o" => [ "crypto/evp/names.c", ], "crypto/evp/p5_crpt.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p5_crpt.c", ], "crypto/evp/p5_crpt2.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p5_crpt2.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_dec.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_dec.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_enc.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_enc.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_lib.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_lib.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_open.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_open.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_seal.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_seal.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_sign.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_sign.c", ], "crypto/evp/p_verify.o" => [ "crypto/evp/p_verify.c", ], "crypto/evp/pbe_scrypt.o" => [ "crypto/evp/pbe_scrypt.c", ], "crypto/evp/pmeth_fn.o" => [ "crypto/evp/pmeth_fn.c", ], "crypto/evp/pmeth_gn.o" => [ "crypto/evp/pmeth_gn.c", ], "crypto/evp/pmeth_lib.o" => [ "crypto/evp/pmeth_lib.c", ], "crypto/ex_data.o" => [ "crypto/ex_data.c", ], "crypto/getenv.o" => [ "crypto/getenv.c", ], "crypto/hmac/hm_ameth.o" => [ "crypto/hmac/hm_ameth.c", ], 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"crypto/sha/keccak1600.o" => [ "crypto/sha/keccak1600.c", ], "crypto/sha/sha1_one.o" => [ "crypto/sha/sha1_one.c", ], "crypto/sha/sha1dgst.o" => [ "crypto/sha/sha1dgst.c", ], "crypto/sha/sha256.o" => [ "crypto/sha/sha256.c", ], "crypto/sha/sha512.o" => [ "crypto/sha/sha512.c", ], "crypto/siphash/siphash.o" => [ "crypto/siphash/siphash.c", ], "crypto/siphash/siphash_ameth.o" => [ "crypto/siphash/siphash_ameth.c", ], "crypto/siphash/siphash_pmeth.o" => [ "crypto/siphash/siphash_pmeth.c", ], "crypto/sm2/sm2_crypt.o" => [ "crypto/sm2/sm2_crypt.c", ], "crypto/sm2/sm2_err.o" => [ "crypto/sm2/sm2_err.c", ], "crypto/sm2/sm2_pmeth.o" => [ "crypto/sm2/sm2_pmeth.c", ], "crypto/sm2/sm2_sign.o" => [ "crypto/sm2/sm2_sign.c", ], "crypto/sm3/m_sm3.o" => [ "crypto/sm3/m_sm3.c", ], "crypto/sm3/sm3.o" => [ "crypto/sm3/sm3.c", ], "crypto/sm4/sm4.o" => [ "crypto/sm4/sm4.c", ], "crypto/srp/srp_lib.o" => [ "crypto/srp/srp_lib.c", ], "crypto/srp/srp_vfy.o" => [ "crypto/srp/srp_vfy.c", ], "crypto/stack/stack.o" => [ "crypto/stack/stack.c", ], "crypto/store/loader_file.o" => [ "crypto/store/loader_file.c", ], "crypto/store/store_err.o" => [ "crypto/store/store_err.c", ], "crypto/store/store_init.o" => [ "crypto/store/store_init.c", ], "crypto/store/store_lib.o" => [ "crypto/store/store_lib.c", ], "crypto/store/store_register.o" => [ "crypto/store/store_register.c", ], "crypto/store/store_strings.o" => [ "crypto/store/store_strings.c", ], "crypto/threads_none.o" => [ "crypto/threads_none.c", ], "crypto/threads_pthread.o" => [ "crypto/threads_pthread.c", ], "crypto/threads_win.o" => [ "crypto/threads_win.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_asn1.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_asn1.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_conf.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_conf.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_err.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_err.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_lib.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_lib.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_req_print.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_req_print.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_req_utils.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_req_utils.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_print.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_print.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_utils.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_utils.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_verify.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_rsp_verify.c", ], "crypto/ts/ts_verify_ctx.o" => [ "crypto/ts/ts_verify_ctx.c", ], "crypto/txt_db/txt_db.o" => [ "crypto/txt_db/txt_db.c", ], "crypto/ui/ui_err.o" => [ "crypto/ui/ui_err.c", ], "crypto/ui/ui_lib.o" => [ "crypto/ui/ui_lib.c", ], "crypto/ui/ui_null.o" => [ "crypto/ui/ui_null.c", ], "crypto/ui/ui_openssl.o" => [ "crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c", ], "crypto/ui/ui_util.o" => [ "crypto/ui/ui_util.c", ], "crypto/uid.o" => [ "crypto/uid.c", ], "crypto/whrlpool/wp_block.o" => [ "crypto/whrlpool/wp_block.c", ], "crypto/whrlpool/wp_dgst.o" => [ "crypto/whrlpool/wp_dgst.c", ], "crypto/x509/by_dir.o" => [ "crypto/x509/by_dir.c", ], "crypto/x509/by_file.o" => [ "crypto/x509/by_file.c", ], "crypto/x509/t_crl.o" => [ "crypto/x509/t_crl.c", ], "crypto/x509/t_req.o" => [ "crypto/x509/t_req.c", ], "crypto/x509/t_x509.o" => [ "crypto/x509/t_x509.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_att.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_att.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_cmp.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_cmp.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_d2.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_d2.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_def.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_def.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_err.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_err.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_ext.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_ext.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_lu.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_lu.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_meth.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_meth.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_obj.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_obj.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_r2x.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_r2x.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_req.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_req.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_set.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_set.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_trs.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_trs.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_txt.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_txt.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_v3.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_v3.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_vfy.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509_vpm.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509_vpm.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509cset.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509cset.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509name.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509name.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509rset.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509rset.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509spki.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509spki.c", ], "crypto/x509/x509type.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x509type.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_all.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_all.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_attrib.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_attrib.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_crl.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_crl.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_exten.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_exten.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_name.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_name.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_pubkey.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_req.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_req.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_x509.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_x509.c", ], "crypto/x509/x_x509a.o" => [ "crypto/x509/x_x509a.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/pcy_cache.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/pcy_data.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/pcy_lib.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/pcy_lib.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/pcy_map.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/pcy_map.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/pcy_node.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/pcy_tree.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_addr.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_admis.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_admis.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_akey.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_akeya.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_akeya.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_alt.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_asid.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_bcons.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_bcons.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_bitst.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_bitst.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_conf.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_conf.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_cpols.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_crld.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_enum.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_extku.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_extku.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_genn.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_genn.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_ia5.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_info.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_info.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_int.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_int.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_lib.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_ncons.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_pci.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_pcia.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_pcia.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_pcons.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_pku.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_pku.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_pmaps.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_prn.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_skey.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_sxnet.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_tlsf.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_tlsf.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3_utl.c", ], "crypto/x509v3/v3err.o" => [ "crypto/x509v3/v3err.c", ], "engines/capi" => [ "engines/e_capi.o", ], "engines/dasync" => [ "engines/e_dasync.o", ], "engines/e_capi.o" => [ "engines/e_capi.c", ], "engines/e_dasync.o" => [ "engines/e_dasync.c", ], "engines/e_ossltest.o" => [ "engines/e_ossltest.c", ], "engines/e_padlock.o" => [ "engines/e_padlock.c", ], "engines/ossltest" => [ "engines/e_ossltest.o", ], "engines/padlock" => [ "engines/e_padlock.o", ], "fuzz/asn1-test" => [ "fuzz/asn1.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/asn1.o" => [ "fuzz/asn1.c", ], "fuzz/asn1parse-test" => [ "fuzz/asn1parse.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/asn1parse.o" => [ "fuzz/asn1parse.c", ], "fuzz/bignum-test" => [ "fuzz/bignum.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/bignum.o" => [ "fuzz/bignum.c", ], "fuzz/bndiv-test" => [ "fuzz/bndiv.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/bndiv.o" => [ "fuzz/bndiv.c", ], "fuzz/client-test" => [ "fuzz/client.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/client.o" => [ "fuzz/client.c", ], "fuzz/cms-test" => [ "fuzz/cms.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/cms.o" => [ "fuzz/cms.c", ], "fuzz/conf-test" => [ "fuzz/conf.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/conf.o" => [ "fuzz/conf.c", ], "fuzz/crl-test" => [ "fuzz/crl.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/crl.o" => [ "fuzz/crl.c", ], "fuzz/ct-test" => [ "fuzz/ct.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/ct.o" => [ "fuzz/ct.c", ], "fuzz/server-test" => [ "fuzz/server.o", "fuzz/test-corpus.o", ], "fuzz/server.o" => [ "fuzz/server.c", ], "fuzz/test-corpus.o" => [ "fuzz/test-corpus.c", ], "fuzz/x509-test" => [ "fuzz/test-corpus.o", "fuzz/x509.o", ], "fuzz/x509.o" => [ "fuzz/x509.c", ], "libcrypto" => [ "crypto/aes/aes_cbc.o", "crypto/aes/aes_cfb.o", "crypto/aes/aes_core.o", "crypto/aes/aes_ecb.o", "crypto/aes/aes_ige.o", "crypto/aes/aes_misc.o", "crypto/aes/aes_ofb.o", "crypto/aes/aes_wrap.o", "crypto/aria/aria.o", "crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.o", "crypto/asn1/a_d2i_fp.o", "crypto/asn1/a_digest.o", "crypto/asn1/a_dup.o", "crypto/asn1/a_gentm.o", "crypto/asn1/a_i2d_fp.o", "crypto/asn1/a_int.o", "crypto/asn1/a_mbstr.o", "crypto/asn1/a_object.o", "crypto/asn1/a_octet.o", "crypto/asn1/a_print.o", "crypto/asn1/a_sign.o", "crypto/asn1/a_strex.o", "crypto/asn1/a_strnid.o", "crypto/asn1/a_time.o", "crypto/asn1/a_type.o", "crypto/asn1/a_utctm.o", "crypto/asn1/a_utf8.o", "crypto/asn1/a_verify.o", "crypto/asn1/ameth_lib.o", "crypto/asn1/asn1_err.o", "crypto/asn1/asn1_gen.o", "crypto/asn1/asn1_item_list.o", "crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.o", "crypto/asn1/asn1_par.o", "crypto/asn1/asn_mime.o", "crypto/asn1/asn_moid.o", "crypto/asn1/asn_mstbl.o", "crypto/asn1/asn_pack.o", "crypto/asn1/bio_asn1.o", "crypto/asn1/bio_ndef.o", "crypto/asn1/d2i_pr.o", "crypto/asn1/d2i_pu.o", "crypto/asn1/evp_asn1.o", "crypto/asn1/f_int.o", "crypto/asn1/f_string.o", "crypto/asn1/i2d_pr.o", "crypto/asn1/i2d_pu.o", "crypto/asn1/n_pkey.o", "crypto/asn1/nsseq.o", "crypto/asn1/p5_pbe.o", "crypto/asn1/p5_pbev2.o", "crypto/asn1/p5_scrypt.o", "crypto/asn1/p8_pkey.o", "crypto/asn1/t_bitst.o", "crypto/asn1/t_pkey.o", "crypto/asn1/t_spki.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_dec.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_enc.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_fre.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_new.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_prn.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_scn.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_typ.o", "crypto/asn1/tasn_utl.o", "crypto/asn1/x_algor.o", "crypto/asn1/x_bignum.o", "crypto/asn1/x_info.o", "crypto/asn1/x_int64.o", "crypto/asn1/x_long.o", "crypto/asn1/x_pkey.o", "crypto/asn1/x_sig.o", "crypto/asn1/x_spki.o", "crypto/asn1/x_val.o", "crypto/async/arch/async_null.o", "crypto/async/arch/async_posix.o", "crypto/async/arch/async_win.o", "crypto/async/async.o", "crypto/async/async_err.o", "crypto/async/async_wait.o", "crypto/bf/bf_cfb64.o", "crypto/bf/bf_ecb.o", "crypto/bf/bf_enc.o", "crypto/bf/bf_ofb64.o", "crypto/bf/bf_skey.o", "crypto/bio/b_addr.o", "crypto/bio/b_dump.o", "crypto/bio/b_print.o", "crypto/bio/b_sock.o", "crypto/bio/b_sock2.o", "crypto/bio/bf_buff.o", "crypto/bio/bf_lbuf.o", "crypto/bio/bf_nbio.o", "crypto/bio/bf_null.o", "crypto/bio/bio_cb.o", "crypto/bio/bio_err.o", "crypto/bio/bio_lib.o", "crypto/bio/bio_meth.o", "crypto/bio/bss_acpt.o", "crypto/bio/bss_bio.o", "crypto/bio/bss_conn.o", "crypto/bio/bss_dgram.o", "crypto/bio/bss_fd.o", "crypto/bio/bss_file.o", "crypto/bio/bss_log.o", "crypto/bio/bss_mem.o", "crypto/bio/bss_null.o", "crypto/bio/bss_sock.o", "crypto/blake2/blake2b.o", "crypto/blake2/blake2s.o", "crypto/blake2/m_blake2b.o", "crypto/blake2/m_blake2s.o", "crypto/bn/bn_add.o", "crypto/bn/bn_asm.o", "crypto/bn/bn_blind.o", "crypto/bn/bn_const.o", "crypto/bn/bn_ctx.o", "crypto/bn/bn_depr.o", "crypto/bn/bn_dh.o", "crypto/bn/bn_div.o", "crypto/bn/bn_err.o", "crypto/bn/bn_exp.o", "crypto/bn/bn_exp2.o", "crypto/bn/bn_gcd.o", "crypto/bn/bn_gf2m.o", "crypto/bn/bn_intern.o", "crypto/bn/bn_kron.o", "crypto/bn/bn_lib.o", "crypto/bn/bn_mod.o", "crypto/bn/bn_mont.o", 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"ssl/d1_srtp.o" => [ "ssl/d1_srtp.c", ], "ssl/methods.o" => [ "ssl/methods.c", ], "ssl/packet.o" => [ "ssl/packet.c", ], "ssl/pqueue.o" => [ "ssl/pqueue.c", ], "ssl/record/dtls1_bitmap.o" => [ "ssl/record/dtls1_bitmap.c", ], "ssl/record/rec_layer_d1.o" => [ "ssl/record/rec_layer_d1.c", ], "ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.o" => [ "ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c", ], "ssl/record/ssl3_buffer.o" => [ "ssl/record/ssl3_buffer.c", ], "ssl/record/ssl3_record.o" => [ "ssl/record/ssl3_record.c", ], "ssl/record/ssl3_record_tls13.o" => [ "ssl/record/ssl3_record_tls13.c", ], "ssl/s3_cbc.o" => [ "ssl/s3_cbc.c", ], "ssl/s3_enc.o" => [ "ssl/s3_enc.c", ], "ssl/s3_lib.o" => [ "ssl/s3_lib.c", ], "ssl/s3_msg.o" => [ "ssl/s3_msg.c", ], "ssl/ssl_asn1.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_asn1.c", ], "ssl/ssl_cert.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_cert.c", ], "ssl/ssl_ciph.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_ciph.c", ], "ssl/ssl_conf.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_conf.c", ], "ssl/ssl_err.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_err.c", ], "ssl/ssl_init.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_init.c", ], "ssl/ssl_lib.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_lib.c", ], "ssl/ssl_mcnf.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_mcnf.c", ], "ssl/ssl_rsa.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_rsa.c", ], "ssl/ssl_sess.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_sess.c", ], "ssl/ssl_stat.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_stat.c", ], "ssl/ssl_txt.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_txt.c", ], "ssl/ssl_utst.o" => [ "ssl/ssl_utst.c", ], "ssl/statem/extensions.o" => [ "ssl/statem/extensions.c", ], "ssl/statem/extensions_clnt.o" => [ "ssl/statem/extensions_clnt.c", ], "ssl/statem/extensions_cust.o" => [ "ssl/statem/extensions_cust.c", ], "ssl/statem/extensions_srvr.o" => [ "ssl/statem/extensions_srvr.c", ], "ssl/statem/statem.o" => [ "ssl/statem/statem.c", ], "ssl/statem/statem_clnt.o" => [ "ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c", ], "ssl/statem/statem_dtls.o" => [ "ssl/statem/statem_dtls.c", ], "ssl/statem/statem_lib.o" => [ "ssl/statem/statem_lib.c", ], "ssl/statem/statem_srvr.o" => [ "ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c", ], "ssl/t1_enc.o" => [ "ssl/t1_enc.c", ], "ssl/t1_lib.o" => [ "ssl/t1_lib.c", ], "ssl/t1_trce.o" => [ "ssl/t1_trce.c", ], "ssl/tls13_enc.o" => [ "ssl/tls13_enc.c", ], "ssl/tls_srp.o" => [ "ssl/tls_srp.c", ], "test/aborttest" => [ "test/aborttest.o", ], "test/aborttest.o" => [ "test/aborttest.c", ], "test/afalgtest" => [ "test/afalgtest.o", ], "test/afalgtest.o" => [ "test/afalgtest.c", ], "test/asn1_decode_test" => [ "test/asn1_decode_test.o", ], "test/asn1_decode_test.o" => [ "test/asn1_decode_test.c", ], "test/asn1_encode_test" => [ "test/asn1_encode_test.o", ], "test/asn1_encode_test.o" => [ "test/asn1_encode_test.c", ], "test/asn1_internal_test" => [ "test/asn1_internal_test.o", ], "test/asn1_internal_test.o" => [ "test/asn1_internal_test.c", ], "test/asn1_string_table_test" => [ "test/asn1_string_table_test.o", ], "test/asn1_string_table_test.o" => [ "test/asn1_string_table_test.c", ], "test/asn1_time_test" => [ "test/asn1_time_test.o", ], "test/asn1_time_test.o" => [ "test/asn1_time_test.c", ], "test/asynciotest" => [ "test/asynciotest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/asynciotest.o" => [ "test/asynciotest.c", ], "test/asynctest" => [ "test/asynctest.o", ], "test/asynctest.o" => [ "test/asynctest.c", ], "test/bad_dtls_test" => [ "test/bad_dtls_test.o", ], "test/bad_dtls_test.o" => [ "test/bad_dtls_test.c", ], "test/bftest" => [ "test/bftest.o", ], "test/bftest.o" => [ "test/bftest.c", ], "test/bio_callback_test" => [ "test/bio_callback_test.o", ], "test/bio_callback_test.o" => [ "test/bio_callback_test.c", ], "test/bio_enc_test" => [ "test/bio_enc_test.o", ], "test/bio_enc_test.o" => [ "test/bio_enc_test.c", ], "test/bio_memleak_test" => [ "test/bio_memleak_test.o", ], "test/bio_memleak_test.o" => [ "test/bio_memleak_test.c", ], "test/bioprinttest" => [ "test/bioprinttest.o", ], "test/bioprinttest.o" => [ "test/bioprinttest.c", ], "test/bntest" => [ "test/bntest.o", ], "test/bntest.o" => [ "test/bntest.c", ], "test/buildtest_aes.o" => [ "test/buildtest_aes.c", ], "test/buildtest_asn1.o" => [ "test/buildtest_asn1.c", ], "test/buildtest_asn1t.o" => [ "test/buildtest_asn1t.c", ], "test/buildtest_async.o" => [ "test/buildtest_async.c", ], "test/buildtest_bio.o" => [ "test/buildtest_bio.c", ], "test/buildtest_blowfish.o" => [ "test/buildtest_blowfish.c", ], "test/buildtest_bn.o" => [ "test/buildtest_bn.c", ], "test/buildtest_buffer.o" => [ "test/buildtest_buffer.c", ], "test/buildtest_c_aes" => [ "test/buildtest_aes.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_asn1" => [ "test/buildtest_asn1.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_asn1t" => [ "test/buildtest_asn1t.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_async" => [ "test/buildtest_async.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_bio" => [ "test/buildtest_bio.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_blowfish" => [ "test/buildtest_blowfish.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_bn" => [ "test/buildtest_bn.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_buffer" => [ "test/buildtest_buffer.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_camellia" => [ "test/buildtest_camellia.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_cast" => [ "test/buildtest_cast.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_cmac" => [ "test/buildtest_cmac.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_cms" => [ "test/buildtest_cms.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_comp" => [ "test/buildtest_comp.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_conf" => [ "test/buildtest_conf.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_conf_api" => [ "test/buildtest_conf_api.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_crypto" => [ "test/buildtest_crypto.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ct" => [ "test/buildtest_ct.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_des" => [ "test/buildtest_des.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_dh" => [ "test/buildtest_dh.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_dsa" => [ "test/buildtest_dsa.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_dtls1" => [ "test/buildtest_dtls1.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_e_os2" => [ "test/buildtest_e_os2.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ebcdic" => [ "test/buildtest_ebcdic.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ec" => [ "test/buildtest_ec.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ecdh" => [ "test/buildtest_ecdh.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ecdsa" => [ "test/buildtest_ecdsa.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_engine" => [ "test/buildtest_engine.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_evp" => [ "test/buildtest_evp.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_hmac" => [ "test/buildtest_hmac.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_idea" => [ "test/buildtest_idea.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_kdf" => [ "test/buildtest_kdf.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_lhash" => [ "test/buildtest_lhash.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_md4" => [ "test/buildtest_md4.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_md5" => [ "test/buildtest_md5.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_mdc2" => [ "test/buildtest_mdc2.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_modes" => [ "test/buildtest_modes.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_obj_mac" => [ "test/buildtest_obj_mac.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_objects" => [ "test/buildtest_objects.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ocsp" => [ "test/buildtest_ocsp.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_opensslv" => [ "test/buildtest_opensslv.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ossl_typ" => [ "test/buildtest_ossl_typ.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_pem" => [ "test/buildtest_pem.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_pem2" => [ "test/buildtest_pem2.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_pkcs12" => [ "test/buildtest_pkcs12.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_pkcs7" => [ "test/buildtest_pkcs7.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_rand" => [ "test/buildtest_rand.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_rand_drbg" => [ "test/buildtest_rand_drbg.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_rc2" => [ "test/buildtest_rc2.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_rc4" => [ "test/buildtest_rc4.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ripemd" => [ "test/buildtest_ripemd.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_rsa" => [ "test/buildtest_rsa.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_safestack" => [ "test/buildtest_safestack.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_seed" => [ "test/buildtest_seed.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_sha" => [ "test/buildtest_sha.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_srp" => [ "test/buildtest_srp.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_srtp" => [ "test/buildtest_srtp.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ssl" => [ "test/buildtest_ssl.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ssl2" => [ "test/buildtest_ssl2.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_stack" => [ "test/buildtest_stack.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_store" => [ "test/buildtest_store.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_symhacks" => [ "test/buildtest_symhacks.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_tls1" => [ "test/buildtest_tls1.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ts" => [ "test/buildtest_ts.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_txt_db" => [ "test/buildtest_txt_db.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_ui" => [ "test/buildtest_ui.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_whrlpool" => [ "test/buildtest_whrlpool.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_x509" => [ "test/buildtest_x509.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_x509_vfy" => [ "test/buildtest_x509_vfy.o", ], "test/buildtest_c_x509v3" => [ "test/buildtest_x509v3.o", ], "test/buildtest_camellia.o" => [ "test/buildtest_camellia.c", ], "test/buildtest_cast.o" => [ "test/buildtest_cast.c", ], "test/buildtest_cmac.o" => [ "test/buildtest_cmac.c", ], "test/buildtest_cms.o" => [ "test/buildtest_cms.c", ], "test/buildtest_comp.o" => [ "test/buildtest_comp.c", ], "test/buildtest_conf.o" => [ "test/buildtest_conf.c", ], "test/buildtest_conf_api.o" => [ "test/buildtest_conf_api.c", ], "test/buildtest_crypto.o" => [ "test/buildtest_crypto.c", ], "test/buildtest_ct.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ct.c", ], "test/buildtest_des.o" => [ "test/buildtest_des.c", ], "test/buildtest_dh.o" => [ "test/buildtest_dh.c", ], "test/buildtest_dsa.o" => [ "test/buildtest_dsa.c", ], "test/buildtest_dtls1.o" => [ "test/buildtest_dtls1.c", ], "test/buildtest_e_os2.o" => [ "test/buildtest_e_os2.c", ], "test/buildtest_ebcdic.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ebcdic.c", ], "test/buildtest_ec.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ec.c", ], "test/buildtest_ecdh.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ecdh.c", ], "test/buildtest_ecdsa.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ecdsa.c", ], "test/buildtest_engine.o" => [ "test/buildtest_engine.c", ], "test/buildtest_evp.o" => [ "test/buildtest_evp.c", ], "test/buildtest_hmac.o" => [ "test/buildtest_hmac.c", ], "test/buildtest_idea.o" => [ "test/buildtest_idea.c", ], "test/buildtest_kdf.o" => [ "test/buildtest_kdf.c", ], "test/buildtest_lhash.o" => [ "test/buildtest_lhash.c", ], "test/buildtest_md4.o" => [ "test/buildtest_md4.c", ], "test/buildtest_md5.o" => [ "test/buildtest_md5.c", ], "test/buildtest_mdc2.o" => [ "test/buildtest_mdc2.c", ], "test/buildtest_modes.o" => [ "test/buildtest_modes.c", ], "test/buildtest_obj_mac.o" => [ "test/buildtest_obj_mac.c", ], "test/buildtest_objects.o" => [ "test/buildtest_objects.c", ], "test/buildtest_ocsp.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ocsp.c", ], "test/buildtest_opensslv.o" => [ "test/buildtest_opensslv.c", ], "test/buildtest_ossl_typ.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ossl_typ.c", ], "test/buildtest_pem.o" => [ "test/buildtest_pem.c", ], "test/buildtest_pem2.o" => [ "test/buildtest_pem2.c", ], "test/buildtest_pkcs12.o" => [ "test/buildtest_pkcs12.c", ], "test/buildtest_pkcs7.o" => [ "test/buildtest_pkcs7.c", ], "test/buildtest_rand.o" => [ "test/buildtest_rand.c", ], "test/buildtest_rand_drbg.o" => [ "test/buildtest_rand_drbg.c", ], "test/buildtest_rc2.o" => [ "test/buildtest_rc2.c", ], "test/buildtest_rc4.o" => [ "test/buildtest_rc4.c", ], "test/buildtest_ripemd.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ripemd.c", ], "test/buildtest_rsa.o" => [ "test/buildtest_rsa.c", ], "test/buildtest_safestack.o" => [ "test/buildtest_safestack.c", ], "test/buildtest_seed.o" => [ "test/buildtest_seed.c", ], "test/buildtest_sha.o" => [ "test/buildtest_sha.c", ], "test/buildtest_srp.o" => [ "test/buildtest_srp.c", ], "test/buildtest_srtp.o" => [ "test/buildtest_srtp.c", ], "test/buildtest_ssl.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ssl.c", ], "test/buildtest_ssl2.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ssl2.c", ], "test/buildtest_stack.o" => [ "test/buildtest_stack.c", ], "test/buildtest_store.o" => [ "test/buildtest_store.c", ], "test/buildtest_symhacks.o" => [ "test/buildtest_symhacks.c", ], "test/buildtest_tls1.o" => [ "test/buildtest_tls1.c", ], "test/buildtest_ts.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ts.c", ], "test/buildtest_txt_db.o" => [ "test/buildtest_txt_db.c", ], "test/buildtest_ui.o" => [ "test/buildtest_ui.c", ], "test/buildtest_whrlpool.o" => [ "test/buildtest_whrlpool.c", ], "test/buildtest_x509.o" => [ "test/buildtest_x509.c", ], "test/buildtest_x509_vfy.o" => [ "test/buildtest_x509_vfy.c", ], "test/buildtest_x509v3.o" => [ "test/buildtest_x509v3.c", ], "test/casttest" => [ "test/casttest.o", ], "test/casttest.o" => [ "test/casttest.c", ], "test/chacha_internal_test" => [ "test/chacha_internal_test.o", ], "test/chacha_internal_test.o" => [ "test/chacha_internal_test.c", ], "test/cipherbytes_test" => [ "test/cipherbytes_test.o", ], "test/cipherbytes_test.o" => [ "test/cipherbytes_test.c", ], "test/cipherlist_test" => [ "test/cipherlist_test.o", ], "test/cipherlist_test.o" => [ "test/cipherlist_test.c", ], "test/ciphername_test" => [ "test/ciphername_test.o", ], "test/ciphername_test.o" => [ "test/ciphername_test.c", ], "test/clienthellotest" => [ "test/clienthellotest.o", ], "test/clienthellotest.o" => [ "test/clienthellotest.c", ], "test/cmactest" => [ "test/cmactest.o", ], "test/cmactest.o" => [ "test/cmactest.c", ], "test/cmsapitest" => [ "test/cmsapitest.o", ], "test/cmsapitest.o" => [ "test/cmsapitest.c", ], "test/conf_include_test" => [ "test/conf_include_test.o", ], "test/conf_include_test.o" => [ "test/conf_include_test.c", ], "test/constant_time_test" => [ "test/constant_time_test.o", ], "test/constant_time_test.o" => [ "test/constant_time_test.c", ], "test/crltest" => [ "test/crltest.o", ], "test/crltest.o" => [ "test/crltest.c", ], "test/ct_test" => [ "test/ct_test.o", ], "test/ct_test.o" => [ "test/ct_test.c", ], "test/ctype_internal_test" => [ "test/ctype_internal_test.o", ], "test/ctype_internal_test.o" => [ "test/ctype_internal_test.c", ], "test/curve448_internal_test" => [ "test/curve448_internal_test.o", ], "test/curve448_internal_test.o" => [ "test/curve448_internal_test.c", ], "test/d2i_test" => [ "test/d2i_test.o", ], "test/d2i_test.o" => [ "test/d2i_test.c", ], "test/danetest" => [ "test/danetest.o", ], "test/danetest.o" => [ "test/danetest.c", ], "test/destest" => [ "test/destest.o", ], "test/destest.o" => [ "test/destest.c", ], "test/dhtest" => [ "test/dhtest.o", ], "test/dhtest.o" => [ "test/dhtest.c", ], "test/drbg_cavs_data.o" => [ "test/drbg_cavs_data.c", ], "test/drbg_cavs_test" => [ "test/drbg_cavs_data.o", "test/drbg_cavs_test.o", ], "test/drbg_cavs_test.o" => [ "test/drbg_cavs_test.c", ], "test/drbgtest" => [ "test/drbgtest.o", ], "test/drbgtest.o" => [ "test/drbgtest.c", ], "test/dsa_no_digest_size_test" => [ "test/dsa_no_digest_size_test.o", ], "test/dsa_no_digest_size_test.o" => [ "test/dsa_no_digest_size_test.c", ], "test/dsatest" => [ "test/dsatest.o", ], "test/dsatest.o" => [ "test/dsatest.c", ], "test/dtls_mtu_test" => [ "test/dtls_mtu_test.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/dtls_mtu_test.o" => [ "test/dtls_mtu_test.c", ], "test/dtlstest" => [ "test/dtlstest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/dtlstest.o" => [ "test/dtlstest.c", ], "test/dtlsv1listentest" => [ "test/dtlsv1listentest.o", ], "test/dtlsv1listentest.o" => [ "test/dtlsv1listentest.c", ], "test/ec_internal_test" => [ "test/ec_internal_test.o", ], "test/ec_internal_test.o" => [ "test/ec_internal_test.c", ], "test/ecdsatest" => [ "test/ecdsatest.o", ], "test/ecdsatest.o" => [ "test/ecdsatest.c", ], "test/ecstresstest" => [ "test/ecstresstest.o", ], "test/ecstresstest.o" => [ "test/ecstresstest.c", ], "test/ectest" => [ "test/ectest.o", ], "test/ectest.o" => [ "test/ectest.c", ], "test/enginetest" => [ "test/enginetest.o", ], "test/enginetest.o" => [ "test/enginetest.c", ], "test/errtest" => [ "test/errtest.o", ], "test/errtest.o" => [ "test/errtest.c", ], "test/evp_extra_test" => [ "test/evp_extra_test.o", ], "test/evp_extra_test.o" => [ "test/evp_extra_test.c", ], "test/evp_test" => [ "test/evp_test.o", ], "test/evp_test.o" => [ "test/evp_test.c", ], "test/exdatatest" => [ "test/exdatatest.o", ], "test/exdatatest.o" => [ "test/exdatatest.c", ], "test/exptest" => [ "test/exptest.o", ], "test/exptest.o" => [ "test/exptest.c", ], "test/fatalerrtest" => [ "test/fatalerrtest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/fatalerrtest.o" => [ "test/fatalerrtest.c", ], "test/gmdifftest" => [ "test/gmdifftest.o", ], "test/gmdifftest.o" => [ "test/gmdifftest.c", ], "test/gosttest" => [ "test/gosttest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/gosttest.o" => [ "test/gosttest.c", ], "test/handshake_helper.o" => [ "test/handshake_helper.c", ], "test/hmactest" => [ "test/hmactest.o", ], "test/hmactest.o" => [ "test/hmactest.c", ], "test/ideatest" => [ "test/ideatest.o", ], "test/ideatest.o" => [ "test/ideatest.c", ], "test/igetest" => [ "test/igetest.o", ], "test/igetest.o" => [ "test/igetest.c", ], "test/lhash_test" => [ "test/lhash_test.o", ], "test/lhash_test.o" => [ "test/lhash_test.c", ], "test/libtestutil.a" => [ "test/testutil/basic_output.o", "test/testutil/cb.o", "test/testutil/driver.o", "test/testutil/format_output.o", "test/testutil/main.o", "test/testutil/output_helpers.o", "test/testutil/random.o", "test/testutil/stanza.o", "test/testutil/tap_bio.o", "test/testutil/test_cleanup.o", "test/testutil/tests.o", "test/testutil/testutil_init.o", ], "test/md2test" => [ "test/md2test.o", ], "test/md2test.o" => [ "test/md2test.c", ], "test/mdc2_internal_test" => [ "test/mdc2_internal_test.o", ], "test/mdc2_internal_test.o" => [ "test/mdc2_internal_test.c", ], "test/mdc2test" => [ "test/mdc2test.o", ], "test/mdc2test.o" => [ "test/mdc2test.c", ], "test/memleaktest" => [ "test/memleaktest.o", ], "test/memleaktest.o" => [ "test/memleaktest.c", ], "test/modes_internal_test" => [ "test/modes_internal_test.o", ], "test/modes_internal_test.o" => [ "test/modes_internal_test.c", ], "test/ocspapitest" => [ "test/ocspapitest.o", ], "test/ocspapitest.o" => [ "test/ocspapitest.c", ], "test/packettest" => [ "test/packettest.o", ], "test/packettest.o" => [ "test/packettest.c", ], "test/pbelutest" => [ "test/pbelutest.o", ], "test/pbelutest.o" => [ "test/pbelutest.c", ], "test/pemtest" => [ "test/pemtest.o", ], "test/pemtest.o" => [ "test/pemtest.c", ], "test/pkey_meth_kdf_test" => [ "test/pkey_meth_kdf_test.o", ], "test/pkey_meth_kdf_test.o" => [ "test/pkey_meth_kdf_test.c", ], "test/pkey_meth_test" => [ "test/pkey_meth_test.o", ], "test/pkey_meth_test.o" => [ "test/pkey_meth_test.c", ], "test/poly1305_internal_test" => [ "test/poly1305_internal_test.o", ], "test/poly1305_internal_test.o" => [ "test/poly1305_internal_test.c", ], "test/rc2test" => [ "test/rc2test.o", ], "test/rc2test.o" => [ "test/rc2test.c", ], "test/rc4test" => [ "test/rc4test.o", ], "test/rc4test.o" => [ "test/rc4test.c", ], "test/rc5test" => [ "test/rc5test.o", ], "test/rc5test.o" => [ "test/rc5test.c", ], "test/rdrand_sanitytest" => [ "test/rdrand_sanitytest.o", ], "test/rdrand_sanitytest.o" => [ "test/rdrand_sanitytest.c", ], "test/recordlentest" => [ "test/recordlentest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/recordlentest.o" => [ "test/recordlentest.c", ], "test/rsa_complex" => [ "test/rsa_complex.o", ], "test/rsa_complex.o" => [ "test/rsa_complex.c", ], "test/rsa_mp_test" => [ "test/rsa_mp_test.o", ], "test/rsa_mp_test.o" => [ "test/rsa_mp_test.c", ], "test/rsa_test" => [ "test/rsa_test.o", ], "test/rsa_test.o" => [ "test/rsa_test.c", ], "test/sanitytest" => [ "test/sanitytest.o", ], "test/sanitytest.o" => [ "test/sanitytest.c", ], "test/secmemtest" => [ "test/secmemtest.o", ], "test/secmemtest.o" => [ "test/secmemtest.c", ], "test/servername_test" => [ "test/servername_test.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/servername_test.o" => [ "test/servername_test.c", ], "test/shlibloadtest" => [ "test/shlibloadtest.o", ], "test/shlibloadtest.o" => [ "test/shlibloadtest.c", ], "test/siphash_internal_test" => [ "test/siphash_internal_test.o", ], "test/siphash_internal_test.o" => [ "test/siphash_internal_test.c", ], "test/sm2_internal_test" => [ "test/sm2_internal_test.o", ], "test/sm2_internal_test.o" => [ "test/sm2_internal_test.c", ], "test/sm4_internal_test" => [ "test/sm4_internal_test.o", ], "test/sm4_internal_test.o" => [ "test/sm4_internal_test.c", ], "test/srptest" => [ "test/srptest.o", ], "test/srptest.o" => [ "test/srptest.c", ], "test/ssl_cert_table_internal_test" => [ "test/ssl_cert_table_internal_test.o", ], "test/ssl_cert_table_internal_test.o" => [ "test/ssl_cert_table_internal_test.c", ], "test/ssl_ctx_test" => [ "test/ssl_ctx_test.o", ], "test/ssl_ctx_test.o" => [ "test/ssl_ctx_test.c", ], "test/ssl_test" => [ "test/handshake_helper.o", "test/ssl_test.o", "test/ssl_test_ctx.o", ], "test/ssl_test.o" => [ "test/ssl_test.c", ], "test/ssl_test_ctx.o" => [ "test/ssl_test_ctx.c", ], "test/ssl_test_ctx_test" => [ "test/ssl_test_ctx.o", "test/ssl_test_ctx_test.o", ], "test/ssl_test_ctx_test.o" => [ "test/ssl_test_ctx_test.c", ], "test/sslapitest" => [ "test/sslapitest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/sslapitest.o" => [ "test/sslapitest.c", ], "test/sslbuffertest" => [ "test/sslbuffertest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/sslbuffertest.o" => [ "test/sslbuffertest.c", ], "test/sslcorrupttest" => [ "test/sslcorrupttest.o", "test/ssltestlib.o", ], "test/sslcorrupttest.o" => [ "test/sslcorrupttest.c", ], "test/ssltest_old" => [ "test/ssltest_old.o", ], "test/ssltest_old.o" => [ "test/ssltest_old.c", ], "test/ssltestlib.o" => [ "test/ssltestlib.c", ], "test/stack_test" => [ "test/stack_test.o", ], "test/stack_test.o" => [ "test/stack_test.c", ], "test/sysdefaulttest" => [ "test/sysdefaulttest.o", ], "test/sysdefaulttest.o" => [ "test/sysdefaulttest.c", ], "test/test_test" => [ "test/test_test.o", ], "test/test_test.o" => [ "test/test_test.c", ], "test/testutil/basic_output.o" => [ "test/testutil/basic_output.c", ], "test/testutil/cb.o" => [ "test/testutil/cb.c", ], "test/testutil/driver.o" => [ "test/testutil/driver.c", ], "test/testutil/format_output.o" => [ "test/testutil/format_output.c", ], "test/testutil/main.o" => [ "test/testutil/main.c", ], "test/testutil/output_helpers.o" => [ "test/testutil/output_helpers.c", ], "test/testutil/random.o" => [ "test/testutil/random.c", ], "test/testutil/stanza.o" => [ "test/testutil/stanza.c", ], "test/testutil/tap_bio.o" => [ "test/testutil/tap_bio.c", ], "test/testutil/test_cleanup.o" => [ "test/testutil/test_cleanup.c", ], "test/testutil/tests.o" => [ "test/testutil/tests.c", ], "test/testutil/testutil_init.o" => [ "test/testutil/testutil_init.c", ], "test/threadstest" => [ "test/threadstest.o", ], "test/threadstest.o" => [ "test/threadstest.c", ], "test/time_offset_test" => [ "test/time_offset_test.o", ], "test/time_offset_test.o" => [ "test/time_offset_test.c", ], "test/tls13ccstest" => [ "test/ssltestlib.o", "test/tls13ccstest.o", ], "test/tls13ccstest.o" => [ "test/tls13ccstest.c", ], "test/tls13encryptiontest" => [ "test/tls13encryptiontest.o", ], "test/tls13encryptiontest.o" => [ "test/tls13encryptiontest.c", ], "test/tls13secretstest" => [ "ssl/packet.o", "ssl/tls13_enc.o", "test/tls13secretstest.o", ], "test/tls13secretstest.o" => [ "test/tls13secretstest.c", ], "test/uitest" => [ "test/uitest.o", ], "test/uitest.o" => [ "test/uitest.c", ], "test/v3ext" => [ "test/v3ext.o", ], "test/v3ext.o" => [ "test/v3ext.c", ], "test/v3nametest" => [ "test/v3nametest.o", ], "test/v3nametest.o" => [ "test/v3nametest.c", ], "test/verify_extra_test" => [ "test/verify_extra_test.o", ], "test/verify_extra_test.o" => [ "test/verify_extra_test.c", ], "test/versions" => [ "test/versions.o", ], "test/versions.o" => [ "test/versions.c", ], "test/wpackettest" => [ "test/wpackettest.o", ], "test/wpackettest.o" => [ "test/wpackettest.c", ], "test/x509_check_cert_pkey_test" => [ "test/x509_check_cert_pkey_test.o", ], "test/x509_check_cert_pkey_test.o" => [ "test/x509_check_cert_pkey_test.c", ], "test/x509_dup_cert_test" => [ "test/x509_dup_cert_test.o", ], "test/x509_dup_cert_test.o" => [ "test/x509_dup_cert_test.c", ], "test/x509_internal_test" => [ "test/x509_internal_test.o", ], "test/x509_internal_test.o" => [ "test/x509_internal_test.c", ], "test/x509_time_test" => [ "test/x509_time_test.o", ], "test/x509_time_test.o" => [ "test/x509_time_test.c", ], "test/x509aux" => [ "test/x509aux.o", ], "test/x509aux.o" => [ "test/x509aux.c", ], "tools/c_rehash" => [ "tools/c_rehash.in", ], "util/shlib_wrap.sh" => [ "util/shlib_wrap.sh.in", ], }, ); # The following data is only used when this files is use as a script my @makevars = ( 'AR', 'ARFLAGS', 'AS', 'ASFLAGS', 'CC', 'CFLAGS', 'CPP', 'CPPDEFINES', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CPPINCLUDES', 'CROSS_COMPILE', 'CXX', 'CXXFLAGS', 'HASHBANGPERL', 'LD', 'LDFLAGS', 'LDLIBS', 'MT', 'MTFLAGS', 'PERL', 'RANLIB', 'RC', 'RCFLAGS', 'RM', ); my %disabled_info = ( 'afalgeng' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_AFALGENG', }, 'asan' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_ASAN', }, 'asm' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_ASM', }, 'crypto-mdebug' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG', }, 'crypto-mdebug-backtrace' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_CRYPTO_MDEBUG_BACKTRACE', }, 'devcryptoeng' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_DEVCRYPTOENG', }, 'ec_nistp_64_gcc_128' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_EC_NISTP_64_GCC_128', }, 'egd' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_EGD', }, 'external-tests' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_EXTERNAL_TESTS', }, 'fuzz-afl' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_FUZZ_AFL', }, 'fuzz-libfuzzer' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_FUZZ_LIBFUZZER', }, 'heartbeats' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS', }, 'md2' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_MD2', skipped => [ 'crypto/md2' ], }, 'msan' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_MSAN', }, 'rc5' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_RC5', skipped => [ 'crypto/rc5' ], }, 'sctp' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_SCTP', }, 'ssl-trace' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_SSL_TRACE', }, 'ssl3' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_SSL3', }, 'ssl3-method' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_SSL3_METHOD', }, 'ubsan' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_UBSAN', }, 'unit-test' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_UNIT_TEST', }, 'weak-ssl-ciphers' => { macro => 'OPENSSL_NO_WEAK_SSL_CIPHERS', }, ); my @user_crossable = qw( AR AS CC CXX CPP LD MT RANLIB RC ); # If run directly, we can give some answers, and even reconfigure unless (caller) { use Getopt::Long; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use Pod::Usage; my $here = dirname($0); my $dump = undef; my $cmdline = undef; my $options = undef; my $target = undef; my $envvars = undef; my $makevars = undef; my $buildparams = undef; my $reconf = undef; my $verbose = undef; my $help = undef; my $man = undef; GetOptions('dump|d' => \$dump, 'command-line|c' => \$cmdline, 'options|o' => \$options, 'target|t' => \$target, 'environment|e' => \$envvars, 'make-variables|m' => \$makevars, 'build-parameters|b' => \$buildparams, 'reconfigure|reconf|r' => \$reconf, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 'help' => \$help, 'man' => \$man) or die "Errors in command line arguments\n"; unless ($dump || $cmdline || $options || $target || $envvars || $makevars || $buildparams || $reconf || $verbose || $help || $man) { print STDERR <<"_____"; You must give at least one option. For more information, do '$0 --help' _____ exit(2); } if ($help) { pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 1); } if ($man) { pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2); } if ($dump || $cmdline) { print "\nCommand line (with current working directory = $here):\n\n"; print ' ',join(' ', $config{PERL}, catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'Configure'), @{$config{perlargv}}), "\n"; print "\nPerl information:\n\n"; print ' ',$config{perl_cmd},"\n"; print ' ',$config{perl_version},' for ',$config{perl_archname},"\n"; } if ($dump || $options) { my $longest = 0; my $longest2 = 0; foreach my $what (@disablables) { $longest = length($what) if $longest < length($what); $longest2 = length($disabled{$what}) if $disabled{$what} && $longest2 < length($disabled{$what}); } print "\nEnabled features:\n\n"; foreach my $what (@disablables) { print " $what\n" unless grep { $_ =~ /^${what}$/ } keys %disabled; } print "\nDisabled features:\n\n"; foreach my $what (@disablables) { my @what2 = grep { $_ =~ /^${what}$/ } keys %disabled; my $what3 = $what2[0]; if ($what3) { print " $what3", ' ' x ($longest - length($what3) + 1), "[$disabled{$what3}]", ' ' x ($longest2 - length($disabled{$what3}) + 1); print $disabled_info{$what3}->{macro} if $disabled_info{$what3}->{macro}; print ' (skip ', join(', ', @{$disabled_info{$what3}->{skipped}}), ')' if $disabled_info{$what3}->{skipped}; print "\n"; } } } if ($dump || $target) { print "\nConfig target attributes:\n\n"; foreach (sort keys %target) { next if $_ =~ m|^_| || $_ eq 'template'; my $quotify = sub { map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|([\\\$\@"])|\\$1|g; "\"$x\""} @_; }; print ' ', $_, ' => '; if (ref($target{$_}) eq "ARRAY") { print '[ ', join(', ', $quotify->(@{$target{$_}})), " ],\n"; } else { print $quotify->($target{$_}), ",\n" } } } if ($dump || $envvars) { print "\nRecorded environment:\n\n"; foreach (sort keys %{$config{perlenv}}) { print ' ',$_,' = ',($config{perlenv}->{$_} || ''),"\n"; } } if ($dump || $makevars) { print "\nMakevars:\n\n"; foreach my $var (@makevars) { my $prefix = ''; $prefix = $config{CROSS_COMPILE} if grep { $var eq $_ } @user_crossable; $prefix //= ''; print ' ',$var,' ' x (16 - length $var),'= ', (ref $config{$var} eq 'ARRAY' ? join(' ', @{$config{$var}}) : $prefix.$config{$var}), "\n" if defined $config{$var}; } my @buildfile = ($config{builddir}, $config{build_file}); unshift @buildfile, $here unless file_name_is_absolute($config{builddir}); my $buildfile = canonpath(catdir(@buildfile)); print <<"_____"; NOTE: These variables only represent the configuration view. The build file template may have processed these variables further, please have a look at the build file for more exact data: $buildfile _____ } if ($dump || $buildparams) { my @buildfile = ($config{builddir}, $config{build_file}); unshift @buildfile, $here unless file_name_is_absolute($config{builddir}); print "\nbuild file:\n\n"; print " ", canonpath(catfile(@buildfile)),"\n"; print "\nbuild file templates:\n\n"; foreach (@{$config{build_file_templates}}) { my @tmpl = ($_); unshift @tmpl, $here unless file_name_is_absolute($config{sourcedir}); print ' ',canonpath(catfile(@tmpl)),"\n"; } } if ($reconf) { if ($verbose) { print 'Reconfiguring with: ', join(' ',@{$config{perlargv}}), "\n"; foreach (sort keys %{$config{perlenv}}) { print ' ',$_,' = ',($config{perlenv}->{$_} || ""),"\n"; } } chdir $here; exec $^X,catfile($config{sourcedir}, 'Configure'),'reconf'; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME configdata.pm - configuration data for OpenSSL builds =head1 SYNOPSIS Interactive: perl configdata.pm [options] As data bank module: use configdata; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module can be used in two modes, interactively and as a module containing all the data recorded by OpenSSL's Configure script. When used interactively, simply run it as any perl script, with at least one option, and you will get the information you ask for. See L below. When loaded as a module, you get a few databanks with useful information to perform build related tasks. The databanks are: %config Configured things. %target The OpenSSL config target with all inheritances resolved. %disabled The features that are disabled. @disablables The list of features that can be disabled. %withargs All data given through --with-THING options. %unified_info All information that was computed from the build.info files. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--help> Print a brief help message and exit. =item B<--man> Print the manual page and exit. =item B<--dump> | B<-d> Print all relevant configuration data. This is equivalent to B<--command-line> B<--options> B<--target> B<--environment> B<--make-variables> B<--build-parameters>. =item B<--command-line> | B<-c> Print the current configuration command line. =item B<--options> | B<-o> Print the features, both enabled and disabled, and display defined macro and skipped directories where applicable. =item B<--target> | B<-t> Print the config attributes for this config target. =item B<--environment> | B<-e> Print the environment variables and their values at the time of configuration. =item B<--make-variables> | B<-m> Print the main make variables generated in the current configuration =item B<--build-parameters> | B<-b> Print the build parameters, i.e. build file and build file templates. =item B<--reconfigure> | B<--reconf> | B<-r> Redo the configuration. =item B<--verbose> | B<-v> Verbose output. =back =cut