/*====================================================================* * * Copyright (c) 2013 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations * in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Qualcomm Atheros nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE * GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef PLC_HEADER #define PLC_HEADER /*====================================================================* * system header files; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include /*====================================================================* * custom header files; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "../ether/channel.h" #include "../key/HPAVKey.h" #include "../tools/types.h" #include "../plc/chipset.h" #include "../mme/mme.h" #include "../nvm/nvm.h" #include "../pib/pib.h" /*====================================================================* * constants; these codes are returned in the DEVICEID field of the * firmware VS_SW_VER message; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLC_MODULE_SOFTLOADER 0x00 #define PLC_MODULE_FIRMWARE (1 << 0) #define PLC_MODULE_PARAMETERS (1 << 1) #define PLC_MODULE_NVM_PIB (PLC_MODULE_PARAMETERS | PLC_MODULE_FIRMWARE) #define PLC_MODULE_OPERATION (1 << 3) #define PLC_MODULE_UPGRADE (PLC_MODULE_OPERATION | PLC_MODULE_PARAMETERS | PLC_MODULE_FIRMWARE) #define PLC_MODULE_FORCE_FLASH (1 << 4) #define PLC_MODULE_DO_NOT_REBOOT (1 << 5) #define PLC_MODULE_ALTERNATE_SECTION (1 << 6) #define PLC_MODULE_FORCE_SECTION (1 << 7) /*====================================================================* * constants; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLC_VERSION_STRING 0xFF #define PLC_RECORD_SIZE 1024 #define PLC_MODULE_SIZE 1400 #define PLC_SLOTS 6 #define LEGACY_PIBOFFSET 0x01F00000 #define INT6x00_PIBOFFSET 0x01000000 #define AR7x00_PIBOFFSET 0x00200000 #define INT_CARRIERS 1155 #define AMP_CARRIERS 2880 #define PLC_CARRIERS 1345 #define AMP_BITS 9 /*====================================================================* * device manager flagword bits; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * We reuse flagword bits in various programs to avoid proliferating * flagwords; make sure that one program does not use multiple names * ro refer to the same bit; */ #define PLC_BAILOUT (1 << 0) #define PLC_SILENCE (1 << 1) #define PLC_VERBOSE (1 << 2) #define PLC_ANALYSE (1 << 3) #define PLC_ERASE_DEVICE PLC_ANALYSE /* ampinit, plcinit */ #define PLC_NEWLINE PLC_ANALYSE /* ampID, plcID */ #define PLC_WAITFORRESET (1 << 4) #define PLC_WAITFORSTART (1 << 5) #define PLC_WAITFORASSOC (1 << 6) #define PLC_REMOTEHOSTS PLC_WAITFORASSOC #define PLC_RESET_DEVICE (1 << 7) #define PLC_RANDOM_ADDR PLC_RESET_DEVICE #define PLC_TIM_GARGRAVE PLC_RESET_DEVICE #define PLC_BRIDGE_LIST PLC_RESET_DEVICE /* plclist, amplist */ #define PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS (1 << 8) #define PLC_FOREVER PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /* plctest */ #define PLC_GRAPH PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /* plctone */ #define PLC_DAEMON PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /* plchost */ #define PLC_REMOTE_LIST PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /* plclist, amplist */ #define PLC_BINARY PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /* ampsnif */ #define PLC_FORCE_FLASH PLC_FACTORY_DEFAULTS /* plchost */ #define PLC_NETWORK (1 << 9) #define PLC_OPEN_SESSION PLC_NETWORK /* plcmod */ #define PLC_MONITOR PLC_NETWORK /* ampsnif */ #define PLC_XML_FORMAT PLC_NETWORK /* int6klog */ #define PLC_VERSION (1 << 10) #define PLC_WRITE_MODULE PLC_VERSION /* plcmod */ #define PLC_MANUFACTURER (1 << 11) #define PLC_READ_MODULE PLC_MANUFACTURER /* plcmod */ #define PLC_READ_MAC (1 << 12) #define PLC_DUMP_MODULE PLC_READ_MAC /* int6mod */ #define PLC_LOCAL_TRAFFIC PLC_READ_MAC /* int6krate, amprate, plcrate */ #define PLC_READ_PIB (1 << 13) #define PLC_NETWORK_TRAFFIC PLC_READ_PIB /* plcrate */ #define PLC_READ_IDENTITY (1 << 14) #define PLC_UNCODED_RATES PLC_READ_IDENTITY /* plcrate */ #define PLC_WRITE_MAC (1 << 15) #define PLC_LINK_STATS PLC_WRITE_MAC /* plcstat */ #define PLC_WRITE_PIB (1 << 16) #define PLC_TONE_MAP PLC_WRITE_PIB /* plcstat */ #define PLC_FLASH_DEVICE (1 << 17) #define PLC_COMMIT_MODULE PLC_FLASH_DEVICE /* plcmod */ #define PLC_QUICK_FLASH (1 << 18) #define PLC_SETLOCALKEY (1 << 19) #define PLC_RXONLY PLC_SETLOCALKEY #define PLC_SETREMOTEKEY (1 << 20) #define PLC_TXONLY PLC_SETREMOTEKEY #define PLC_SDRAM_INFO (1 << 21) #define PLC_SDRAM_CONFIG (1 << 22) #define PLC_CONFIGURE PLC_SDRAM_CONFIG /* plcotst */ #define PLC_NVRAM_INFO (1 << 23) #define PLC_ATTRIBUTES (1 << 24) #define PLC_PUSH_BUTTON (1 << 25) #define PLC_READ_CFG (1 << 26) #define PLC_ERASE_SECTOR PLC_READ_CFG #define PLC_RD_MOD_WR_PIB (1 << 27) #define PLC_SNIFFER PLC_RD_MOD_WR_PIB /* ampsnif */ #define PLC_READ_ALL PLC_RD_MOD_WR_PIB /* ampinit */ #define PLC_WATCHDOG_REPORT (1 << 28) #define PLC_RESULTS PLC_WATCHDOG_REPORT /* plcotst */ #define PLC_HOST_ACTION (1 << 29) #define PLC_LINK_STATUS PLC_HOST_ACTION #define PLC_MULTICAST_INFO (1 << 30) #define PLC_RX_TONEMAPS PLC_HOST_ACTION /* plcstat */ /*====================================================================* * message format strings; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLC_BADVALUE "Invalid or suspect data" #define PLC_WONTDOIT "Device refused request" #define PLC_NODEVICE "Need a device. Try 'local' or '00:B0:52:00:00:01'." #define PLC_BADFRAME "Unexpected response" #define PLC_NODETECT "Device must be connected" #define PLC_NOMEMORY "Not enough memory" #define PLC_NOTREADY "Function not implemented" #define PLC_ERR_OFFSET "Data offset error" #define PLC_ERR_LENGTH "Data length error" #define PLC_BAD_MAC "Have '%s' instead of MAC address" #define PLC_BAD_DAK "Have '%s' instead of DAK" #define PLC_BAD_NMK "Have '%s' instead of NMK" #define PLC_EXIT(plc) ((signed) (plc->flags & PLC_BAILOUT)) /*====================================================================* * program constants; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLCDEVICE "PLC" #define HARDWAREID 0 #define SOFTWAREID 0 #define PLCSESSION 0x78563412 #define HOSTACTION 0 #define SECTORCODE 0 #define PUSHBUTTON 1 #define MODULECODE (VS_MODULE_MAC | VS_MODULE_PIB) #define READACTION 0 #define FLASH_SIZE 0x200000 #define PLCOUPLING 0 #define PLC_STATE 0 #define PLC_TIMER 60 #define PLC_SLEEP 0 #define PLC_COUNT 1 #define PLC_INDEX 0 #define PLC_FLAGS 0 #define PLC_MEMTYPE_AUTO 1 #define PLC_MEMTYPE_ITCM 2 #define PLC_MEMTYPE_DTCM 3 #define PLC_MEMTYPE_SRAM 4 #define PLC_MEMTYPE_SDRAM 5 #define PLC_ECHOTIME 3 #define PLC_LONGTIME (unsigned)(~0) /*====================================================================* * common mac address names; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLCDEVICES 3 extern struct _term_ const devices [PLCDEVICES]; /*====================================================================* * * the plc structure holds everything needed to perform powerline * device management operations including a channel structure for * Ethernet interface management and a message structure for data * buffer management; * * the channel structure holds information needed to open, read, * write and close a raw socket; it differs in detail depending * on constants WINPCAP and LIBPCAP; * * character array address[] holds a decoded ethernet address for * display purposes because humans cannot read; * * byte array LMA[] holds the Qualcomm Local Broadcast Address * because it is used in so many places; * * byte arrays NMK[] and DAK[] hold encryption keys used by some * operations; * * the socket _file_ structure holds the descriptor and interface * name of the host NIC where the name is eth0, eth1, ... or ethn; * * the three _file_ structures, CFG, NVM, and PIB hold descriptors * and filenames for files written to the device; * * the three _file_ structures cfg, nvm and pib hold * descriptors and filenames of files read from the device; * * integers retry and timer are used by program plcwait; * * integers index, count and pause control command line looping * and waiting; * * flag_t flags contains bits that define program operations and * control utility program flow; * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct plc { struct channel * channel; struct message * message; void * content; ssize_t packetsize; uint8_t MAC [ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint8_t RDA [ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint8_t NMK [HPAVKEY_NMK_LEN]; uint8_t DAK [HPAVKEY_DAK_LEN]; struct _file_ CFG; struct _file_ cfg; struct _file_ SFT; struct _file_ sft; struct _file_ NVM; struct _file_ nvm; struct _file_ PIB; struct _file_ pib; struct _file_ XML; struct _file_ rpt; struct _file_ socket; uint32_t hardwareID; uint32_t softwareID; uint32_t cookie; uint8_t action; uint8_t sector; uint8_t module; uint8_t pushbutton; uint8_t readaction; uint8_t coupling; unsigned flash_size; unsigned state; unsigned timer; unsigned sleep; unsigned count; unsigned index; flag_t flags; flag_t flag2; } PLC; /*====================================================================* * fixer-upper functions that compensate for errors and omissions; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void chipset (void const * memory); char const * chipsetname (uint8_t chipset); /*====================================================================* * functions; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ signed Attributes (struct plc *); signed Attributes1 (struct plc *); signed Attributes2 (struct plc *); signed BootDevice (struct plc *); signed BootDevice1 (struct plc *); signed BootDevice2 (struct plc *); signed BootDeviceFirmware (struct plc *); signed BootDeviceParameters (struct plc *); signed BootFirmware1 (struct plc *); signed BootFirmware2 (struct plc *); signed BootParameters1 (struct plc *); signed BootParameters2 (struct plc *); signed ChangeIdent (struct plc *); signed CrossTraffic (struct plc *); signed CrossTrafficOne (struct plc *); signed CrossTrafficTwo (struct plc *); signed DeviceIdent (struct plc *); signed EmulateHost (struct plc *); signed EmulateHost64 (struct plc *); signed EraseFlashSector (struct plc *); signed ExecuteApplets (struct plc *); signed ExecuteApplets1 (struct plc *); signed ExecuteApplets2 (struct plc *); signed FactoryDefaults (struct plc *); signed FactoryReset (struct plc *); signed FlashNVM (struct plc *); signed FlashPTS (struct plc *); signed FlashDevice (struct plc *); signed FlashDevice0 (struct plc *); signed FlashDevice1 (struct plc *); signed FlashDevice2 (struct plc *, uint32_t options); signed FlashFirmware (struct plc *, uint32_t options); signed FlashParameters (struct plc *, uint32_t options); signed FlashUpgrade (struct plc *, uint32_t options); signed FlashNVM (struct plc *); signed FlashSoftloader (struct plc *, uint32_t options); signed HostActionResponse (struct plc *); signed Identity (struct plc *); signed Identity1 (struct plc *); signed Identity2 (struct plc *); signed InitDevice (struct plc *); signed InitDevice1 (struct plc *); signed InitDevice2 (struct plc *); signed LinkStatistics (struct plc *); signed LinkStatus (struct plc *); signed ListLocalDevices (struct plc * plc, char const * space, char const * comma); signed LocalTrafficSend (struct plc * plc); signed Antiphon (struct plc * plc, uint8_t osa [], uint8_t oda []); signed MDUTrafficStats (struct plc *, uint8_t command, uint8_t session, uint8_t slave); signed MfgString (struct plc *); signed MulticastInfo1 (struct plc *); signed MulticastInfo2 (struct plc *); signed NVMSelect (struct plc *, signed (struct plc *), signed (struct plc *)); signed NVRAMInfo (struct plc *); signed NetInfo (struct plc *); signed NetInfo1 (struct plc *); signed NetInfo2 (struct plc *); signed NetworkDevices (struct plc *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed NetworkDevices1 (struct plc *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed NetworkDevices2 (struct plc *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed NetworkInfoStats (struct plc *); signed NetworkInformation (struct plc *); signed NetworkInformation1 (struct plc *); signed NetworkInformation2 (struct plc *); signed NetworkProbe (struct plc *); signed NetworkTraffic (struct plc *); signed NetworkTraffic1 (struct plc *); signed NetworkTraffic2 (struct plc *); signed PLCSelect (struct plc *, signed method1 (struct plc *), signed method2 (struct plc *)); signed PhyRates (struct plc *); signed PhyRates1 (struct plc *); signed PhyRates2 (struct plc *); signed RxRates2 (struct plc *); signed TxRates2 (struct plc *); signed PushButton (struct plc *); signed ReadFMI (struct plc *, uint8_t MMV, uint16_t MMTYPE); signed ReadMFG (struct plc *, uint8_t MMV, uint16_t MMTYPE); signed ReadMME (struct plc *, uint8_t MMV, uint16_t MMTYPE); signed ReadFirmware (struct plc *); signed ReadFirmware1 (struct plc *); signed ReadFirmware2 (struct plc *); signed ReadParameterBlock (struct plc *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed ReadParameters (struct plc *); signed ReadParameters1 (struct plc *); signed ReadParameters2 (struct plc *); signed ListRemoteDevices (struct plc *, char const * space, char const * comma); signed ListRemoteDevices1 (struct plc *, char const * space, char const * comma); signed ListRemoteDevices2 (struct plc *, char const * space, char const * comma); signed RemoteHosts (struct plc *); signed Reset (struct plc *); signed ResetAndWait (struct plc *); signed ResetDevice (struct plc *); signed SDRAMInfo (struct plc *); signed SendMME (struct plc *); signed SetNMK (struct plc *); signed SignalToNoise1 (struct plc *); signed SignalToNoise2 (struct plc *); signed SlaveMembership (struct plc *); signed StartDevice (struct plc *); signed StartDevice1 (struct plc *); signed StartDevice2 (struct plc *); signed StartFirmware (struct plc *, unsigned module, void const * header); signed StartFirmware1 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 *); signed StartFirmware2 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header2 *); signed ToneMaps1 (struct plc *); signed ToneMaps2 (struct plc *); signed Topology (struct plc *); signed Topology1 (struct plc *); signed Topology2 (struct plc *); signed Traffic (struct plc *); signed Traffic1 (struct plc *); signed Traffic2 (struct plc *); signed Traffic3 (struct plc *); signed Transmit (struct plc *, uint8_t osa [], uint8_t oda []); signed UpgradeDevice1 (struct plc *); signed MDUTrafficStats (struct plc *, uint8_t command, uint8_t session, uint8_t slave); signed VersionInfo (struct plc *); signed VersionInfo1 (struct plc *); signed VersionInfo2 (struct plc *); signed WaitForAssoc (struct plc *); signed WaitForAssoc1 (struct plc *); signed WaitForAssoc2 (struct plc *); signed WaitForBootLoader (struct plc *); signed WaitForReset (struct plc *); signed WaitForRestart (struct plc *); signed WaitForStart (struct plc *, char buffer [], size_t length); signed WatchdogReport (struct plc *); signed WriteCFG (struct plc *); signed WriteExecuteApplet2 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header2 *); signed WriteExecuteFirmware (struct plc *, unsigned module, void const * nvm_header); signed WriteExecuteFirmware1 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 *); signed WriteExecuteFirmware2 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header2 *); signed WriteExecuteParameters (struct plc *, unsigned module, void const * nvm_header); signed WriteExecuteParameters1 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 *); signed WriteExecuteParameters2 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header2 *); signed WriteExecutePIB (struct plc *, unsigned offset, struct pib_header *); signed WriteFirmware (struct plc *, unsigned module, void const * nvm_header); signed WriteFirmware1 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 *); signed WriteFirmware2 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header2 *); signed WriteMEM (struct plc *, struct _file_ *, unsigned module, uint32_t offset, uint32_t extent); signed WriteMOD (struct plc *, uint8_t module, void const * memory, size_t extent); signed WriteNVM (struct plc *); signed WritePIB (struct plc *); signed WriteParameters (struct plc *, unsigned module, void const * nvm_header); signed WriteParameters1 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header1 *); signed WriteParameters2 (struct plc *, unsigned module, const struct nvm_header2 *); /*====================================================================* * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLC_FORMAT_HEX 0 #define PLC_FORMAT_DEC 1 #define PLC_FORMAT_BIN 2 #define PLC_FORMAT_ASC 3 #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack (push,1) #endif struct __packed plcproperty { uint8_t PROP_OPTION; uint8_t PROP_FORMAT; uint32_t PROP_NUMBER; uint32_t PROP_VERSION; uint32_t PROP_LENGTH; uint8_t PROP_BUFFER [128]; uint8_t DATA_FORMAT; uint32_t DATA_LENGTH; uint8_t DATA_BUFFER [128]; } plcproperty; #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack (pop) #endif /*====================================================================* * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ signed GetProperty (struct plc *, struct plcproperty *); signed SetProperty (struct plc *, struct plcproperty *); /*====================================================================* * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct __packed plcstation { uint8_t LOC; uint8_t CCO; uint8_t TEI; uint8_t MAC [ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint8_t BDA [ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint16_t TX; uint16_t RX; char hardware [0x10]; char firmware [0x80]; char identity [0x40]; } plcstation; typedef struct __packed plcnetwork { signed ifname; signed plcstations; struct plcstation plcstation [1]; } plcnetwork; typedef struct __packed plctopology { signed plcnetworks; struct plcnetwork plcnetwork [1]; } pcltopology; /*====================================================================* * functions that use struct channel and struct message directly * instead of struct plc; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ signed FlashMOD (struct channel *, uint8_t module); signed WriteModule (struct channel *, struct message *, void const * memory, size_t extent); signed WriteMemory (struct channel *, struct message *, struct _file_ *, uint32_t offset, uint32_t extent); unsigned LocalDevices (struct channel const *, struct message *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed Platform (struct channel *, const byte device []); signed PLCReadParameterBlock (struct channel *, struct message *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed PLCReadFirmwareImage (struct channel *, struct message *, void * memory, size_t extent); signed PLCTopology (struct channel *, struct message *, struct plctopology *); signed PLCTopologyPrint (struct plctopology *); /*====================================================================* * vs_module_spec message; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PLC_MODULE_EXECUTE (1 << 0) #define PLC_MODULE_ABSOLUTE (1 << 1) #define PLC_MODULE_RELATIVE (0 << 1) #define PLC_MODULE_READ_TIMEOUT 5000 #define PLC_MODULE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 60000 #define PLC_MODULE_WRITE_TIMEOUT 90000 #define PLC_MOD_OP_READ_MEMORY 0x00 #define PLC_MOD_OP_READ_FLASH 0x01 #define PLC_MOD_OP_START_SESSION 0x10 #define PLC_MOD_OP_WRITE_MODULE 0x11 #define PLC_MOD_OP_CLOSE_SESSION 0x12 #define PLC_MODULEID 0x0000 #define PLC_SUBMODULEID 0x0000 #define PLC_MODULEID_MDIO_INIT 0x1000 #define PLC_MODULEID_UART_ASYNC 0x2000 #define PLC_MODULEID_ADDR_ENUM 0x3000 #define PLC_MODULEID_POWER_MGT 0x4000 #define PLC_MODULEID_TR069 0x4001 #define PLC_MODULEID_FORWARDCFG 0x7000 #define PLC_MODULEID_FIRMWARE 0x7001 #define PLC_MODULEID_PARAMETERS 0x7002 #define PLC_MODULEID_SOFTLOADER 0x7003 #define PLC_MODULEID_RESERVED1 0x7004 #define PLC_MODULEID_PIBMERGE 0x7005 #define PLC_MODULEID_RESERVED2 0x7006 typedef struct __packed vs_module_spec { uint16_t MODULE_ID; uint16_t MODULE_SUB_ID; uint32_t MODULE_LENGTH; uint32_t MODULE_CHKSUM; } vs_module_spec; #define PLC_COMMIT_FORCE (1 << 0) #define PLC_COMMIT_NORESET (1 << 1) #define PLC_COMMIT_FACTPIB (1 << 31) /*====================================================================* * functions; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ signed ModuleSpec (struct _file_ *, struct vs_module_spec *); signed ModuleSession (struct plc *, unsigned modules, vs_module_spec *); signed ModuleWrite (struct plc *, struct _file_ *, unsigned module, vs_module_spec *); signed ModuleRead (struct plc *, struct _file_ *, uint16_t source, uint16_t module, uint16_t submodule); signed ModuleDump (struct plc *, uint16_t source, uint16_t module, uint16_t submodule); signed ModuleCommit (struct plc *, uint32_t flags); /*====================================================================* * functions; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) #endif void Request (struct plc *, char const * format, ...); #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) #endif void Confirm (struct plc *, char const * format, ...); #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) #endif void Display (struct plc *, char const * format, ...); #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) #endif void Failure (struct plc *, char const * format, ...); /*====================================================================* * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #endif