/*====================================================================* * * Copyright (c) 2013 Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations * in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Qualcomm Atheros nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE * GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*====================================================================* * * int6keth.c - Atheros Ethernet PHY Settings; * * * Contributor(s): * Charles Maier * Matthieu Poullet * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*====================================================================*" * system header files; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include /*====================================================================* * custom header files; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "../tools/getoptv.h" #include "../tools/putoptv.h" #include "../tools/memory.h" #include "../tools/number.h" #include "../tools/symbol.h" #include "../tools/types.h" #include "../tools/flags.h" #include "../tools/files.h" #include "../tools/error.h" #include "../plc/plc.h" #include "../ether/channel.h" #include "../mme/mme.h" /*====================================================================* * custom source files; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef MAKEFILE #include "../mme/UnwantedMessage.c" #include "../plc/Devices.c" #endif #ifndef MAKEFILE #include "../tools/assist.c" #include "../tools/error.c" #include "../tools/codelist.c" #include "../tools/getoptv.c" #include "../tools/putoptv.c" #include "../tools/version.c" #include "../tools/uintspec.c" #include "../tools/hexdump.c" #include "../tools/hexencode.c" #include "../tools/hexdecode.c" #include "../tools/hexstring.c" #include "../tools/todigit.c" #include "../tools/checkfilename.c" #include "../tools/checksum32.c" #include "../tools/fdchecksum32.c" #include "../tools/strfbits.c" #include "../tools/typename.c" #include "../tools/lookup.c" #include "../tools/synonym.c" #include "../tools/uintspec.c" #endif #ifndef MAKEFILE #include "../ether/openchannel.c" #include "../ether/closechannel.c" #include "../ether/readpacket.c" #include "../ether/sendpacket.c" #include "../ether/channel.c" #endif #ifndef MAKEFILE #include "../mme/MMECode.c" #include "../mme/EthernetHeader.c" #include "../mme/QualcommHeader.c" #endif /*====================================================================* * program constants; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MCONTROL_READ 0x00 #define MCONTROL_WRITE 0x01 #define ETH_PORT 0 #define NEGOTIATE SIZEOF (negotiate) #define SPEEDS SIZEOF (speeds) #define DUPLEX SIZEOF (duplex) #define CONTROL SIZEOF (control) #define ADVCAP SIZEOF (advcap) static struct _code_ const negotiate [] = { { 0, "Off" }, { 1, "On" } }; static struct _code_ const speeds [] = { { 0, "10" }, { 1, "100" }, { 2, "1000" } }; static struct _code_ const duplex [] = { { 0, "Half" }, { 1, "Full" } }; static struct _code_ const control [] = { { 0, "Off" }, { 1, "Tx" }, { 2, "Rx" }, { 3, "On" } }; static struct _code_ const advcap [] = { { 1, "100Full" }, { 2, "100Half" }, { 4, "10Full" }, { 8, "10Half" }, { 16, "1000Full" } }; #define RATES SIZEOF (rates) #define MODES SIZEOF (modes) #define LINKS SIZEOF (links) #define FLOWS SIZEOF (flows) static char const * rates [] = { "10", "100", "1000" }; static char const * modes [] = { "Half", "Full" }; static char const * links [] = { "Unknown", "Off", "On" }; static char const * flows [] = { "Off", "Tx", "Rx", "On" }; /*====================================================================* * program variables; *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack (push,1) #endif typedef struct __packed phy_settings { uint8_t MCONTROL; uint8_t AUTONEGOTIATE; uint8_t ADVCAPS; uint8_t ESPEED; uint8_t EDUPLEX; uint8_t EFLOWCONTROL; } phy_settings; typedef struct __packed phy_readings { uint8_t MSTATUS; uint8_t ESPEED; uint8_t EDUPLEX; uint8_t ELINKSTATUS; uint8_t EFLOWCONTROL; } phy_readings; #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack (pop) #endif /*====================================================================* * * signed PHYSettings (struct channel * channel, struct phy_settings * settings, flag_t flags); * * plc.h * * read and display Ethernet PHY settings or write then read and * display settings; * * * Contributor(s): * Charles Maier * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ signed PHYSettings (struct channel * channel, struct phy_settings * settings, flag_t flags) { struct message message; signed packetsize; #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack (push,1) #endif struct __packed vs_enet_settings_request { struct ethernet_hdr ethernet; struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm; uint8_t MCONTROL; uint8_t AUTONEGOTIATE; uint8_t ADVCAPS; uint8_t ESPEED; uint8_t EDUPLEX; uint8_t EFLOWCONTROL; } * request = (struct vs_enet_settings_request *) (&message); struct __packed vs_enet_settings_confirm { struct ethernet_hdr ethernet; struct qualcomm_hdr qualcomm; uint8_t MSTATUS; uint8_t ESPEED; uint8_t EDUPLEX; uint8_t ELINKSTATUS; uint8_t EFLOWCONTROL; } * confirm = (struct vs_enet_settings_confirm *) (&message); #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack (pop) #endif char address [ETHER_ADDR_LEN * 3]; memset (&message, 0, sizeof (message)); EthernetHeader (&request->ethernet, channel->peer, channel->host, channel->type); QualcommHeader (&request->qualcomm, 0, (VS_ENET_SETTINGS | MMTYPE_REQ)); request->MCONTROL = settings->MCONTROL; request->AUTONEGOTIATE = settings->AUTONEGOTIATE; request->ADVCAPS = settings->ADVCAPS; request->ESPEED = settings->ESPEED; request->EDUPLEX = settings->EDUPLEX; request->EFLOWCONTROL = settings->EFLOWCONTROL; if (sendpacket (channel, &message, (ETHER_MIN_LEN - ETHER_CRC_LEN)) < 0) { error (1, errno, CHANNEL_CANTSEND); } while ((packetsize = readpacket (channel, &message, sizeof (message))) > 0) { if (UnwantedMessage (&message, packetsize, 0, (VS_ENET_SETTINGS | MMTYPE_CNF))) { continue; } if ((confirm->MSTATUS == 1) || (confirm->MSTATUS == 3)) { error (0, 0, "%s: %s (0x%0X): ", PLC_WONTDOIT, MMECode (confirm->qualcomm.MMTYPE, confirm->MSTATUS), confirm->MSTATUS); continue; } if (_anyset (flags, PLC_ANALYSE)) { printf ("Bits Mode Link Flow\n"); printf ("%4d ", confirm->ESPEED); printf ("%4d ", confirm->EDUPLEX); printf ("%4d ", confirm->ELINKSTATUS); printf ("%4d\n", confirm->EFLOWCONTROL); } else { printf ("%s %s ", channel->ifname, hexstring (address, sizeof (address), channel->host, sizeof (channel->host))); printf ("Speed=%s ", rates [confirm->ESPEED]); printf ("Duplex=%s ", modes [confirm->EDUPLEX]); printf ("LinkStatus=%s ", links [confirm->ELINKSTATUS]); printf ("FlowControl=%s\n", flows [confirm->EFLOWCONTROL]); } } if (packetsize < 0) { error (1, errno, CHANNEL_CANTREAD); } return (0); } /*====================================================================* * * int main (int argc, char const * argv[]); * * parse command line, populate plc structure and perform selected * operations; show help summary if asked; see getoptv and putoptv * to understand command line parsing and help summary display; see * plc.h for the definition of struct plc; * * the command line accepts multiple MAC addresses and the program * performs the specified operations on each address, in turn; the * address order is significant but the option order is not; the * default address is a local broadcast that causes all devices on * the local H1 interface to respond but not those at the remote * end of the powerline; * * the default address is 00:B0:52:00:00:01; omitting the address * will automatically address the local device; some options will * cancel themselves if this makes no sense; * * the default interface is eth1 because most people use eth0 as * their principle network connection; you can specify another * interface with -i or define environment string PLC to make * that the default interface and save typing; * * *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (int argc, char const * argv []) { extern struct channel channel; static char const * optv [] = { "a:d:ef:i:n:p:qrs:tvw", "device [device] [...] [> stdout]", "Qualcomm Atheros Ethernet PHY Settings", "a s\tadvertise capabilities as (s) ['1000Full'|'100Full'|'100Half'|10Full'|'10Half']", "d s\tduplex setting is (s) ['half'|'full']", "e\tredirect stderr to stdout", "f s\tflow control is (s) ['on'|'tx'|'rx'|'off']", #if defined (WINPCAP) || defined (LIBPCAP) "i n\thost interface is (n) [" LITERAL (CHANNEL_ETHNUMBER) "]", #else "i s\thost interface is (s) [" LITERAL (CHANNEL_ETHDEVICE) "]", #endif "n s\tauto-negotiate mode is (s) ['on'|'off']", "p n\tport number is (n) [" LITERAL (ETH_PORT) "]", "q\tquiet mode", "r\tread settings instead of write settings", "s s\ttransmission speed in mbps is (s) ['10'|'100'|'1000']", "v\tverbose mode", "w\twrite settings instead of read settings", (char const *) (0) }; struct phy_settings settings = { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; flag_t flags = (flag_t)(0); signed c; if (getenv (PLCDEVICE)) { #if defined (WINPCAP) || defined (LIBPCAP) channel.ifindex = atoi (getenv (PLCDEVICE)); #else channel.ifname = strdup (getenv (PLCDEVICE)); #endif } optind = 1; while ((c = getoptv (argc, argv, optv)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': if ((c = lookup (optarg, advcap, ADVCAP)) == -1) { assist (optarg, "capability", advcap, ADVCAP); } settings.ADVCAPS |= (uint8_t)(c); break; case 'd': if ((c = lookup (optarg, duplex, DUPLEX)) == -1) { assist (optarg, "duplex", duplex, DUPLEX); } settings.EDUPLEX = (uint8_t)(c); break; case 'e': dup2 (STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); break; case 'f': if ((c = lookup (optarg, control, CONTROL)) == -1) { assist (optarg, "control", control, CONTROL); } settings.EFLOWCONTROL = (uint8_t)(c); break; case 'n': if ((c = lookup (optarg, negotiate, NEGOTIATE)) == -1) { assist (optarg, "auto-negotiate", negotiate, NEGOTIATE); } settings.AUTONEGOTIATE = (uint8_t)(c); break; case 's': if ((c = lookup (optarg, speeds, SPEEDS)) == -1) { assist (optarg, "speed", speeds, SPEEDS); } settings.ESPEED = (uint8_t)(c); break; case 't': _setbits (flags, PLC_ANALYSE); break; case 'i': #if defined (WINPCAP) || defined (LIBPCAP) channel.ifindex = atoi (optarg); #else channel.ifname = optarg; #endif break; case 'p': settings.MCONTROL &= 0x0F; settings.MCONTROL |= (unsigned)(uintspec (optarg, 0, 7)) << 4; break; case 'q': _setbits (channel.flags, CHANNEL_SILENCE); break; case 'r': settings.MCONTROL &= 0xF0; settings.MCONTROL |= 0x00; break; case 'v': _setbits (channel.flags, CHANNEL_VERBOSE); break; case 'w': settings.MCONTROL &= 0xF0; settings.MCONTROL |= 0x01; break; default: break; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; openchannel (&channel); if (!argc) { PHYSettings (&channel, &settings, flags); } while ((argc) && (* argv)) { if (!hexencode (channel.peer, sizeof (channel.peer), synonym (* argv, devices, SIZEOF (devices)))) { error (1, errno, PLC_BAD_MAC, * argv); } PHYSettings (&channel, &settings, flags); argc--; argv++; } closechannel (&channel); exit (0); }