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psout(1)                                     Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit                                    psout(1)

       psout - Export PIB Prescalers

       psout [options] file [&gt;stdout]

       Export the prescaler section of a PIB file as an amplitude map suitable for input to program psin or the Qualcomm Atheros
       Windows Device Manager.  Prescalers are stored in the PIB in binary format but the amplitude map is  in  text  format  so
       that  values  may be changed using an ordinary text editor.  Program psin can be used to import an amplitude map into the
       original or another PIB file.

       This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit.  See the AMP man page for an  overview  and  installation


       file   The  name  of  an  Atheros Parameter Information Block (PIB) file.  This file is not modified.  By convention, PIB
              files have a .pib extension but this program does not enforce that convention and does  not  make  any  assumption
              based  on  filename or extension but the program will reject invalid PIB files.  Only one filename is permitted on
              the command line.

       An amplitude map consists of 1155 frequency-amplitude pairs.  Each pair consists of a decimal  index  and  a  hexadecimal
       scaler.   The  index  represents a frequecy from 1.8 mhz through 30 mhz.  The scaler represents the amplitude attenuation
       applied at that frequency.  The frequency and attenuation are computed as follows.

            frequency = 40.96 * (index + 74)

            index = (frequency / 40.96) - 74

            decibels = 20 * log10 (scaler / 256)

            scaler = 256 * pow (decibels / 20)

       The following example prints the prescaler section of file abc.pib on stdout as an amplitude map.  The  output  has  been
       abbreviated here to save space.  A single comment line identifies the prescaler source file.  Output may be directed to a
       text file, edited using a text editor and read into the same or another PIB file with program psin.

          # psout abc.pib
          # file: abc.pib
          00000000 00000000
          00000001 00000000
          00000002 00000000
          00000003 00000000
          00000027 000000D0
          00000028 000000D0
          00000029 000000D1
          00000030 000000D1
          00000214 00000000
          00000215 00000000
          00000216 00000000
          00001155 00000000

       The next example copies prescalers from file abc.pib to def.pib using a command line pipe.

          # psout abc.pib | psin def.pib

       PIB file structure and content is proprietary to Qualcomm Atheros, Ocala FL USA.  Consequently, public information is not
       available.  Qualcomm Atheros reserves the right to modify PIB file structure or content in future firmware releases with‐
       out any obligation to notify or compensate users of this program.

       Tampering with prescaler settings may violate national or international electo-magnetic emission standards  and  lead  to
       fines  or  penalties.   Qualcomm  Atheros  shall  not  be  held responsible for any consequences of modifications made to
       prescaler sets provided to their customers.

       psgraph(1), pskey(1), psin(1)

        Charles Maier &lt;cmaier@qca.qualcomm.com&gt;

open-plc-utils-0.0.3                                        Mar 2014                                                    psout(1)
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