/* * pam_xauth module * * Copyright 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety, * including the disclaimer of warranties. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * ALTERNATIVELY, this product may be distributed under the terms of * the GNU Public License, in which case the provisions of the GPL are * required INSTEAD OF the above restrictions. (This clause is * necessary due to a potential bad interaction between the GPL and * the restrictions contained in a BSD-style copyright.) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fnmatch.h> #include <grp.h> #include <limits.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <security/pam_modules.h> #include <security/_pam_macros.h> #include <security/pam_modutil.h> #include <security/pam_ext.h> #ifdef WITH_SELINUX #include <selinux/selinux.h> #include <selinux/label.h> #endif #include "pam_cc_compat.h" #include "pam_inline.h" #define DATANAME "pam_xauth_cookie_file" #define XAUTHENV "XAUTHORITY" #define HOMEENV "HOME" #define XAUTHDEF ".Xauthority" #define XAUTHTMP ".xauthXXXXXX" /* Hurd compatibility */ #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif /* Possible paths to xauth executable */ static const char * const xauthpaths[] = { #ifdef PAM_PATH_XAUTH PAM_PATH_XAUTH, #endif "/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth", "/usr/bin/xauth", "/usr/bin/X11/xauth" }; /* Run a given command (with a NULL-terminated argument list), feeding it the * given input on stdin, and storing any output it generates. */ static int run_coprocess(pam_handle_t *pamh, const char *input, char **output, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, const char *command, ...) { int ipipe[2], opipe[2], i; char buf[LINE_MAX]; pid_t child; char *buffer = NULL; size_t buffer_size = 0; va_list ap; *output = NULL; /* Create stdio pipery. */ if (pipe(ipipe) == -1) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "Could not create pipe: %m"); return -1; } if (pipe(opipe) == -1) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "Could not create pipe: %m"); close(ipipe[0]); close(ipipe[1]); return -1; } /* Fork off a child. */ child = fork(); if (child == -1) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "Could not fork: %m"); close(ipipe[0]); close(ipipe[1]); close(opipe[0]); close(opipe[1]); return -1; } if (child == 0) { /* We're the child. */ size_t j; const char *args[10]; /* Drop privileges. */ if (setgid(gid) == -1) { int err = errno; pam_syslog (pamh, LOG_ERR, "setgid(%lu) failed: %m", (unsigned long) getegid ()); _exit (err); } if (setgroups(0, NULL) == -1) { int err = errno; pam_syslog (pamh, LOG_ERR, "setgroups() failed: %m"); _exit (err); } if (setuid(uid) == -1) { int err = errno; pam_syslog (pamh, LOG_ERR, "setuid(%lu) failed: %m", (unsigned long) geteuid ()); _exit (err); } /* Set the pipe descriptors up as stdin and stdout, and close * everything else, including the original values for the * descriptors. */ if (dup2(ipipe[0], STDIN_FILENO) != STDIN_FILENO) { int err = errno; pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "dup2 of %s failed: %m", "stdin"); _exit(err); } if (dup2(opipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO) != STDOUT_FILENO) { int err = errno; pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "dup2 of %s failed: %m", "stdout"); _exit(err); } if (pam_modutil_sanitize_helper_fds(pamh, PAM_MODUTIL_IGNORE_FD, PAM_MODUTIL_IGNORE_FD, PAM_MODUTIL_NULL_FD) < 0) { _exit(1); } /* Initialize the argument list. */ memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); /* Convert the varargs list into a regular array of strings. */ va_start(ap, command); args[0] = command; for (j = 1; j < PAM_ARRAY_SIZE(args) - 1; j++) { args[j] = va_arg(ap, const char*); if (args[j] == NULL) { break; } } /* Run the command. */ DIAG_PUSH_IGNORE_CAST_QUAL; execv(command, (char *const *) args); DIAG_POP_IGNORE_CAST_QUAL; /* Never reached. */ _exit(1); } /* We're the parent, so close the other ends of the pipes. */ close(opipe[1]); /* Send input to the process (if we have any), then send an EOF. */ if (input) { (void)pam_modutil_write(ipipe[1], input, strlen(input)); } close(ipipe[0]); /* close here to avoid possible SIGPIPE above */ close(ipipe[1]); /* Read data output until we run out of stuff to read. */ i = pam_modutil_read(opipe[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); while ((i != 0) && (i != -1)) { char *tmp; /* Resize the buffer to hold the data. */ tmp = realloc(buffer, buffer_size + i + 1); if (tmp == NULL) { /* Uh-oh, bail. */ if (buffer != NULL) { free(buffer); } close(opipe[0]); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); return -1; } /* Save the new buffer location, copy the newly-read data into * the buffer, and make sure the result will be * nul-terminated. */ buffer = tmp; memcpy(buffer + buffer_size, buf, i); buffer[buffer_size + i] = '\0'; buffer_size += i; /* Try to read again. */ i = pam_modutil_read(opipe[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); } /* No more data. Clean up and return data. */ close(opipe[0]); *output = buffer; waitpid(child, NULL, 0); return 0; } /* Free a data item. */ static void cleanup (pam_handle_t *pamh UNUSED, void *data, int err UNUSED) { free (data); } /* Check if we want to allow export to the other user, or import from the * other user. */ static int check_acl(pam_handle_t *pamh, const char *sense, const char *this_user, const char *other_user, int noent_code, int debug) { char path[PATH_MAX]; struct passwd *pwd; FILE *fp = NULL; int i, fd = -1, save_errno; struct stat st; PAM_MODUTIL_DEF_PRIVS(privs); /* Check this user's <sense> file. */ pwd = pam_modutil_getpwnam(pamh, this_user); if (pwd == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "error determining home directory for '%s'", this_user); return PAM_SESSION_ERR; } /* Figure out what that file is really named. */ i = snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/.xauth/%s", pwd->pw_dir, sense); if ((i >= (int)sizeof(path)) || (i < 0)) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "name of user's home directory is too long"); return PAM_SESSION_ERR; } if (pam_modutil_drop_priv(pamh, &privs, pwd)) return PAM_SESSION_ERR; if (!stat(path, &st)) { if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) errno = EINVAL; else fd = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY); } save_errno = errno; if (pam_modutil_regain_priv(pamh, &privs)) { if (fd >= 0) close(fd); return PAM_SESSION_ERR; } if (fd >= 0) { if (!fstat(fd, &st)) { if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) errno = EINVAL; else fp = fdopen(fd, "r"); } if (!fp) { save_errno = errno; close(fd); } } if (fp) { char buf[LINE_MAX], *tmp; /* Scan the file for a list of specs of users to "trust". */ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { tmp = memchr(buf, '\r', sizeof(buf)); if (tmp != NULL) { *tmp = '\0'; } tmp = memchr(buf, '\n', sizeof(buf)); if (tmp != NULL) { *tmp = '\0'; } if (fnmatch(buf, other_user, 0) == 0) { if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "%s %s allowed by %s", other_user, sense, path); } fclose(fp); return PAM_SUCCESS; } } /* If there's no match in the file, we fail. */ if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "%s not listed in %s", other_user, path); } fclose(fp); return PAM_PERM_DENIED; } else { /* Default to okay if the file doesn't exist. */ errno = save_errno; switch (errno) { case ENOENT: if (noent_code == PAM_SUCCESS) { if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "%s does not exist, ignoring", path); } } else { if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "%s does not exist, failing", path); } } return noent_code; default: if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "error opening %s: %m", path); } return PAM_PERM_DENIED; } } } int pam_sm_open_session (pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags UNUSED, int argc, const char **argv) { char *cookiefile = NULL, *xauthority = NULL, *cookie = NULL, *display = NULL, *tmp = NULL, *xauthlocalhostname = NULL; const char *user, *xauth = NULL; struct passwd *tpwd, *rpwd; int fd, i, debug = 0; int retval = PAM_SUCCESS; uid_t systemuser = 499, targetuser = 0; /* Parse arguments. We don't understand many, so no sense in breaking * this into a separate function. */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { const char *str; if (strcmp(argv[i], "debug") == 0) { debug = 1; continue; } if ((str = pam_str_skip_prefix(argv[i], "xauthpath=")) != NULL) { xauth = str; continue; } if ((str = pam_str_skip_prefix(argv[i], "targetuser=")) != NULL) { long l = strtol(str, &tmp, 10); if ((*str != '\0') && (*tmp == '\0')) { targetuser = l; } else { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "invalid value for targetuser (`%s')", argv[i] + 11); } continue; } if ((str = pam_str_skip_prefix(argv[i], "systemuser=")) != NULL) { long l = strtol(str, &tmp, 10); if ((*str != '\0') && (*tmp == '\0')) { systemuser = l; } else { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "invalid value for systemuser (`%s')", argv[i] + 11); } continue; } pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "unrecognized option `%s'", argv[i]); } if (xauth == NULL) { size_t j; for (j = 0; j < PAM_ARRAY_SIZE(xauthpaths); j++) { if (access(xauthpaths[j], X_OK) == 0) { xauth = xauthpaths[j]; break; } } if (xauth == NULL) { /* xauth executable not found - nothing to do */ return PAM_SUCCESS; } } /* If DISPLAY isn't set, we don't really care, now do we? */ if ((display = getenv("DISPLAY")) == NULL) { if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "user has no DISPLAY, doing nothing"); } return PAM_SUCCESS; } /* Read the target user's name. */ if (pam_get_user(pamh, &user, NULL) != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_NOTICE, "cannot determine user name"); retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } rpwd = pam_modutil_getpwuid(pamh, getuid()); if (rpwd == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "error determining invoking user's name"); retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } /* Get the target user's UID and primary GID, which we'll need to set * on the xauthority file we create later on. */ tpwd = pam_modutil_getpwnam(pamh, user); if (tpwd == NULL) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_NOTICE, "error determining target user's UID"); retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "requesting user %lu/%lu, target user %lu/%lu", (unsigned long) rpwd->pw_uid, (unsigned long) rpwd->pw_gid, (unsigned long) tpwd->pw_uid, (unsigned long) tpwd->pw_gid); } /* If the UID is a system account (and not the superuser), forget * about forwarding keys. */ if ((tpwd->pw_uid != 0) && (tpwd->pw_uid != targetuser) && (tpwd->pw_uid <= systemuser)) { if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "not forwarding cookies to user ID %lu", (unsigned long) tpwd->pw_uid); } retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } /* If current user and the target user are the same, don't check the ACL list, but forward X11 */ if (strcmp (rpwd->pw_name, tpwd->pw_name) != 0) { /* Check that both users are amenable to this. By default, this * boils down to this policy: * export(ruser=root): only if <user> is listed in .xauth/export * export(ruser=*) if <user> is listed in .xauth/export, or * if .xauth/export does not exist * import(user=*): if <ruser> is listed in .xauth/import, or * if .xauth/import does not exist */ i = (getuid() != 0 || tpwd->pw_uid == 0) ? PAM_SUCCESS : PAM_PERM_DENIED; i = check_acl(pamh, "export", rpwd->pw_name, user, i, debug); if (i != PAM_SUCCESS) { retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } i = PAM_SUCCESS; i = check_acl(pamh, "import", user, rpwd->pw_name, i, debug); if (i != PAM_SUCCESS) { retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } } else { if (debug) pam_syslog (pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "current and target user are the same, forward X11"); } /* Figure out where the source user's .Xauthority file is. */ if (getenv(XAUTHENV) != NULL) { cookiefile = strdup(getenv(XAUTHENV)); } else { cookiefile = malloc(strlen(rpwd->pw_dir) + 1 + strlen(XAUTHDEF) + 1); if (cookiefile == NULL) { retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } strcpy(cookiefile, rpwd->pw_dir); strcat(cookiefile, "/"); strcat(cookiefile, XAUTHDEF); } if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "reading keys from `%s'", cookiefile); } /* Read the user's .Xauthority file. Because the current UID is * the original user's UID, this will only fail if something has * gone wrong, or we have no cookies. */ if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "running \"%s %s %s %s %s\" as %lu/%lu", xauth, "-f", cookiefile, "nlist", display, (unsigned long) getuid(), (unsigned long) getgid()); } if (run_coprocess(pamh, NULL, &cookie, getuid(), getgid(), xauth, "-f", cookiefile, "nlist", display, NULL) == 0) { #ifdef WITH_SELINUX char *context_raw = NULL; #endif PAM_MODUTIL_DEF_PRIVS(privs); /* Check that we got a cookie. If not, we get creative. */ if (((cookie == NULL) || (strlen(cookie) == 0)) && (pam_str_skip_prefix(display, "localhost:") != NULL || pam_str_skip_prefix(display, "localhost/unix:") != NULL)) { char *t, *screen; size_t tlen, slen; /* Free the useless cookie string. */ if (cookie != NULL) { free(cookie); cookie = NULL; } /* Allocate enough space to hold an adjusted name. */ tlen = strlen(display) + LINE_MAX + 1; t = malloc(tlen); if (t != NULL) { memset(t, 0, tlen); if (gethostname(t, tlen - 1) != -1) { /* Append the protocol and then the * screen number. */ if (strlen(t) < tlen - 6) { strcat(t, "/unix:"); } screen = strchr(display, ':'); if (screen != NULL) { screen++; slen = strlen(screen); if (strlen(t) + slen < tlen) { strcat(t, screen); } } if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "no key for `%s', " "trying `%s'", display, t); } /* Read the cookie for this display. */ if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "running " "\"%s %s %s %s %s\" as " "%lu/%lu", xauth, "-f", cookiefile, "nlist", t, (unsigned long) getuid(), (unsigned long) getgid()); } run_coprocess(pamh, NULL, &cookie, getuid(), getgid(), xauth, "-f", cookiefile, "nlist", t, NULL); } free(t); t = NULL; } } /* Check that we got a cookie, this time for real. */ if ((cookie == NULL) || (strlen(cookie) == 0)) { if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "no key"); } retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } /* Generate the environment variable * "XAUTHORITY=<homedir>/filename". */ if (asprintf(&xauthority, "%s=%s/%s", XAUTHENV, tpwd->pw_dir, XAUTHTMP) < 0) { xauthority = NULL; if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "out of memory"); } retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } /* Generate a new file to hold the data. */ if (pam_modutil_drop_priv(pamh, &privs, tpwd)) { retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (is_selinux_enabled() > 0) { struct selabel_handle *ctx = selabel_open(SELABEL_CTX_FILE, NULL, 0); if (ctx != NULL) { if (selabel_lookup_raw(ctx, &context_raw, xauthority + sizeof(XAUTHENV), S_IFREG) != 0) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "could not get SELinux label for '%s'", xauthority + sizeof(XAUTHENV)); } selabel_close(ctx); if (setfscreatecon_raw(context_raw)) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "setfscreatecon_raw(%s) failed: %m", context_raw); } } } #endif /* WITH_SELINUX */ fd = mkstemp(xauthority + sizeof(XAUTHENV)); if (fd < 0) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "error creating temporary file `%s': %m", xauthority + sizeof(XAUTHENV)); #ifdef WITH_SELINUX if (context_raw != NULL) { free(context_raw); setfscreatecon_raw(NULL); } #endif /* WITH_SELINUX */ if (fd >= 0) close(fd); if (pam_modutil_regain_priv(pamh, &privs) || fd < 0) { retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } /* Get a copy of the filename to save as a data item for * removal at session-close time. */ free(cookiefile); cookiefile = strdup(xauthority + sizeof(XAUTHENV)); /* Save the filename. */ if (pam_set_data(pamh, DATANAME, cookiefile, cleanup) != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "error saving name of temporary file `%s'", cookiefile); unlink(cookiefile); retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } /* Set the new variable in the environment. */ if (pam_putenv (pamh, xauthority) != PAM_SUCCESS) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_ERR, "can't set environment variable '%s'", xauthority); putenv (xauthority); /* The environment owns this string now. */ xauthority = NULL; /* Don't free environment variables. */ /* set $DISPLAY in pam handle to make su - work */ { char *d; if (asprintf(&d, "DISPLAY=%s", display) < 0) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "out of memory"); cookiefile = NULL; retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } if (pam_putenv (pamh, d) != PAM_SUCCESS) pam_syslog (pamh, LOG_ERR, "can't set environment variable '%s'", d); free (d); } /* set XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME to make sure that su - work under gnome */ if ((xauthlocalhostname = getenv("XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME")) != NULL) { char *d; if (asprintf(&d, "XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME=%s", xauthlocalhostname) < 0) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_CRIT, "out of memory"); retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; goto cleanup; } if (pam_putenv (pamh, d) != PAM_SUCCESS) pam_syslog (pamh, LOG_ERR, "can't set environment variable '%s'", d); free (d); } /* Merge the cookie we read before into the new file. */ if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "writing key `%s' to temporary file `%s'", cookie, cookiefile); } if (debug) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "running \"%s %s %s %s %s\" as %lu/%lu", xauth, "-f", cookiefile, "nmerge", "-", (unsigned long) tpwd->pw_uid, (unsigned long) tpwd->pw_gid); } run_coprocess(pamh, cookie, &tmp, tpwd->pw_uid, tpwd->pw_gid, xauth, "-f", cookiefile, "nmerge", "-", NULL); /* We don't need to keep a copy of these around any more. */ cookiefile = NULL; free(tmp); } cleanup: /* Unset any old XAUTHORITY variable in the environment. */ if (retval != PAM_SUCCESS && getenv (XAUTHENV)) unsetenv (XAUTHENV); free(cookiefile); free(cookie); free(xauthority); return retval; } int pam_sm_close_session (pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags UNUSED, int argc, const char **argv) { int i, debug = 0; const char *user; const void *data; const char *cookiefile; struct passwd *tpwd; PAM_MODUTIL_DEF_PRIVS(privs); /* Try to retrieve the name of a file we created when * the session was opened. */ if (pam_get_data(pamh, DATANAME, &data) != PAM_SUCCESS) return PAM_SUCCESS; cookiefile = data; /* Parse arguments. We don't understand many, so * no sense in breaking this into a separate function. */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "debug") == 0) { debug = 1; continue; } if (pam_str_skip_prefix(argv[i], "xauthpath=") != NULL) continue; if (pam_str_skip_prefix(argv[i], "systemuser=") != NULL) continue; if (pam_str_skip_prefix(argv[i], "targetuser=") != NULL) continue; pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "unrecognized option `%s'", argv[i]); } if (pam_get_user(pamh, &user, NULL) != PAM_SUCCESS) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_NOTICE, "cannot determine user name"); return PAM_SESSION_ERR; } if (!(tpwd = pam_modutil_getpwnam(pamh, user))) { pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_NOTICE, "error determining target user's UID"); return PAM_SESSION_ERR; } if (debug) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_DEBUG, "removing `%s'", cookiefile); if (pam_modutil_drop_priv(pamh, &privs, tpwd)) return PAM_SESSION_ERR; if (unlink(cookiefile) == -1 && errno != ENOENT) pam_syslog(pamh, LOG_WARNING, "Couldn't remove `%s': %m", cookiefile); if (pam_modutil_regain_priv(pamh, &privs)) return PAM_SESSION_ERR; return PAM_SUCCESS; }