#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Based on create-mime.assign.pl in debian lighttpd (1.4.x) package # Creates an example mime.conf from /etc/mime.types use strict; # future: might use Getopt::Std, but this is simple enough for now my $verbose = 0; foreach (@ARGV) { $verbose = 1 if ($_ eq "-v"); } # text/* subtypes to serve as "text/...; charset=utf-8" # text/html IS NOT INCLUDED: html has its own method for defining charset # (), but the standards specify that content-type in HTTP wins over # the setting in the html document. # text/markdown doesn't have an official default charset, but requires # one being specified - it seems reasonable to hardcode it to UTF-8 my %text_utf8 = map { $_ => 1 } qw( css csv markdown plain x-bibtex x-boo x-c++hdr x-c++src x-chdr x-csh x-csrc x-dsrc x-diff x-haskell x-java x-lilypond x-literate-haskell x-makefile x-moc x-pascal x-perl x-python x-scala x-sh x-tcl x-tex ); # map extension to hash which maps types to the type they should be replaced with my %manual_conflicts_resolve = ( '.ra' => { 'audio/x-pn-realaudio' => 'audio/x-realaudio', }, # use font media types from iana registry '.otf' => { 'application/font-sfnt' => 'font/ttf', 'font/sfnt' => 'font/ttf', 'font/ttf' => 'font/ttf', }, '.ttf' => { 'application/font-sfnt' => 'font/ttf', 'font/otf' => 'font/ttf', 'font/sfnt' => 'font/ttf', }, '.woff' => { 'application/font-woff' => 'font/woff', }, # end of fonts '.asn' => { 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-spec' => 'application/octet-stream', }, '.ent' => { 'chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-ascii' => 'application/octet-stream', }, ); open MIMETYPES, "/etc/mime.types" or die "Can't open /etc/mime.types: $!"; my %extensions; my %lcext; sub set { my ($extension, $mimetype) = @_; $extensions{$extension} = $mimetype; $lcext{lc($extension)} = $extension; } sub add { my ($extension, $mimetype) = @_; # lighttpd uses case-insensitive extension mapping to mime type. Still, # preserve case of first ext seen if case-insensitive duplicates exist. my $seen = $lcext{lc($extension)}; if (defined($seen) && $seen ne $extension) { # update @_ too for calls to set $_[0] = $extension = $seen; } my $have = $extensions{$extension}; my $r = $manual_conflicts_resolve{$extension}; # update @_ too for calls to set $_[1] = $mimetype = $r->{$mimetype} if $r && $r->{$mimetype}; # mime.types can have same extension for different mime types if ($have) { # application/octet-stream means we couldn't resolve another conflict return if $have eq $mimetype || $have eq 'application/octet-stream'; my ($have_type, $have_subtype) = split /\//, $have, 2; my ($type, $subtype) = split /\//, $mimetype, 2; my $have_x = ($have_type =~ /^x-/ || $have_subtype =~ /^x-/); my $x = ($type =~ /^x-/ || $subtype =~ /^x-/); # entries without x- prefix in type/subtype win: if ($have_x && !$x) { return set @_; # overwrite } elsif ($x && !$have_x) { return; # ignore } # text/ wins over application/ for same subtype if ($subtype eq $have_subtype) { if ($type eq "text" && $have_type eq "application") { return set @_; # overwrite } elsif ($have_type eq "text" && $type eq "application") { return; # ignore } } # non-vnd.* subtype wins over vnd.* subtype my $have_vnd = ($have_subtype =~ /^vnd\./); my $vnd = ($subtype =~ /^vnd\./); if ($vnd ^ $have_vnd) { if ($have_vnd) { return set @_; # overwrite } else { return; # ignore } } if ($verbose && !$vnd) { print STDERR "Duplicate mimetype: '${extension}' => '${mimetype}' (already have '${have}'), merging to 'application/octet-stream'\n" } set ($extension, 'application/octet-stream'); } else { set @_; } } sub print_type { my ($extension, $mimetype) = @_; if ($mimetype =~ /^text\/(.*)$/) { $mimetype .= "; charset=utf-8" if $text_utf8{$1}; } print "\t\"${extension}\" => \"${mimetype}\",\n"; } while () { chomp; s/\#.*//; next if /^\w*$/; if (/^([a-z0-9\/+.-]+)\s+((?:[a-z0-9+.-]+[ ]?)+)$/i) { my $mimetype = $1; my @extensions = split / /, $2; foreach my $ext (@extensions) { add(".${ext}", $mimetype); } } } # missing in /etc/mime.types; # from http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml add(".dtd", "application/xml-dtd"); # other useful mappings my %useful = ( ".tar.gz" => "application/x-gtar-compressed", ".gz" => "application/x-gzip", ".tbz" => "application/x-gtar-compressed", ".tar.bz2" => "application/x-gtar-compressed", ".bz2" => "application/x-bzip", ".log" => "text/plain", ".conf" => "text/plain", ".spec" => "text/plain", "README" => "text/plain", "Makefile" => "text/x-makefile", ); while (my ($ext, $mimetype) = each %useful) { add($ext, $mimetype) unless $extensions{$ext}; } print < "application/octet-stream" ## This matches all extensions and acts as default mime type, and enables ## caching for those. mimetype.assign = ( EOF # sort "x-" and "vnd." prefixed names after everything else sub mimecmpvalue { my ($mimetype) = @_; $mimetype =~ s/(^|\/)(x-|vnd\.)/~$1$2/g; return $mimetype; } sub countdots { my ($s) = @_; return scalar(() = $s =~ /\./g); } # the first matching suffix wins, so we have to sort by "length" # as all extensions start with "." we use the number of "."s as length # the exceptions are "README" and "Makefile" which are assumed not to conflict # (i.e. are not a suffix of any other extension) for my $ext (sort { countdots($b) <=> countdots($a) || mimecmpvalue($extensions{$a}) cmp mimecmpvalue($extensions{$b}) || $a cmp $b } keys(%extensions)) { print_type($ext, $extensions{$ext}); } print < "application/octet-stream" ) EOF