#include #include #include #include "define.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char Currency[54][3]= { "AED", // - Emirati Dirham "ARS", // - Argentine Peso "AUD", // - Australian Dollar "BGN", // - Bulgarian Lev "BHD", // - Bahraini Dinar "BND", // - Bruneian Dollar "BRL", // - Brazilian Real "BWP", // - Botswana Pula "CAD", // - Canadian Dollar "CHF", // - Swiss Franc "CLP", // - Chilean Peso "CNY", // - Chinese Yuan Renminbi "COP", // - Colombian Peso "CZK", // - Czech Koruna "DKK", // - Danish Krone "EUR", // - Euro "GBP", // - British Pound "HKD", // - Hong Kong Dollar "HRK", // - Croatian Kuna "HUF", // - Hungarian Forint "IDR", // - Indonesian Rupiah "ILS", // - Israeli Shekel "INR", // - Indian Rupee "IRR", // - Iranian Rial "ISK", // - Icelandic Krona "JPY", // - Japanese Yen "KRW", // - South Korean Won "KWD", // - Kuwaiti Dinar "KZT", // - Kazakhstani Tenge "LKR", // - Sri Lankan Rupee "LYD", // - Libyan Dinar "MUR", // - Mauritian Rupee "MXN", // - Mexican Peso "MYR", // - Malaysian Ringgit "NOK", // - Norwegian Krone "NPR", // - Nepalese Rupee "NZD", // - New Zealand Dollar "OMR", // - Omani Rial "PHP", // - Philippine Peso "PKR", // - Pakistani Rupee "PLN", // - Polish Zloty "QAR", // - Qatari Riyal "RON", // - Romanian New Leu "RUB", // - Russian Ruble "SAR", // - Saudi Arabian Riyal "SEK", // - Swedish Krona "SGD", // - Singapore Dollar "THB", // - Thai Baht "TRY", // - Turkish Lira "TTD", // - Trinidadian Dollar "TWD", // - Taiwan New Dollar "USD", // - US Dollar "VEF", // - Venezuelan Bolivar "ZAR" // - South African Rand }; char FaultStatusCode[40][6]= { "011001", //CHAdeMO output fuse blew "011002", //CCS output fuse blew "011003", //GB output fuse blew "011004", //RCD/CCID self-test fail "011005", //AC input contactor 1 welding "011006", //AC input contactor 1 driving fault "011007", //AC input contactor 2 welding "011008", //AC input contactor 2 driving fault "011009", //AC output relay welding "011010", //AC output relay driving fault "011011", //CHAdeMO output relay welding "011012", //CHAdeMO output relay driving fault "011013", //CCS output relay welding "011014", //CCS output relay driving fault "011015", //GB output relay welding "011016", //GB output relay driving fault "011017", //AC connector temperature sensor broken "011018", //CHAdeMO connector temperature sensor broken "011019", //CCS connector temperature sensor broken "011020", //GB connector temperature sensor broken "011021", //WiFi module broken "011022", //3G/4G module broken "011023", //Aux. power module broken "011024", //Relay control module /smart box broken "011025", //CHAdeMO connector lock fail "011026", //GB connector lock fail "011027", //AC connector lock fail "011028", //CHAdeMO module broken "011029", //CCS module broken "011030", //GBT module broken "011031", //PSU module broken "011032", //RCD/CCID module broken "011033", //Maximum Output Current setup error "011034", //Shutter fault "011035", //Ble module broken "011036", //Rotary switch fault "011037", //CCS liquid chiller water level fault "011038", //Chiller temperature sensor broken "011039", //Reserved "011040" //Reserved }; char AlarmStatusCode[160][6]= { "012200", //System L1 input OVP "012201", //System L2 input OVP "012202", //System L3 input OVP "012203", //System L1 input UVP "012204", //System L2 input UVP "012205", //System L3 input UVP "012206", //PSU L1 input OVP "012207", //PSU L2 input OVP "012208", //PSU L3 input OVP "012209", //PSU L1 input UVP "012210", //PSU L2 input UVP "012211", //PSU L3 input UVP "012212", //System L1 input drop "012213", //System L2 input drop "012214", //System L3 input drop "012215", //System AC output OVP "012216", //System AC output OCP L1 "012217", //System CHAdeMO output OVP "012218", //System CHAdeMO output OCP "012219", //System CCS output OVP "012220", //System CCS output OCP "012221", //System GB output OVP "012222", //System GB output OCP "012223", //System ambient/inlet OTP "012224", //System critical point OTP "012225", //PSU ambient/inlet OTP "012226", //PSU critical point OTP "012227", //Aux. power module OTP "012228", //Relay board/smart box OTP "012229", //CHAdeMO connector OTP "012230", //CCS connector OTP "012231", //GB connector OTP "012232", //AC connector OTP "012233", //RCD/CCID trip "012234", //CHAdeMO GFD trip "012235", //CCS GFD trip "012236", //GB GFD trip "012237", //SPD trip "012238", //Main power breaker trip "012239", //Aux. power breaker trip "012240", //PSU communication fail "012241", //WiFi module communication fail "012242", //3G/4G module communication fail "012243", //RFID module communication fail "012244", //Bluetooth module communication fail "012245", //LCM module communication fail "012246", //Aux. power module communication fail "012247", //Relay control boaed/smart box communication fail "012248", //CCS module communication fail "012249", //CHAdeMO module communication fail "012250", //GBT module communication fail "012251", //Emergency stop "012252", //Door open "012253", //System fan decay "012254", //Fail to create share memory "012255", //CSU initialization failed "012256", //AC Ground Fault "012257", //MCU self-test Fault "012258", //Relay self-test Fault "012259", //CHAdeMO groundfault detection timeout (GFD) "012260", //CCS groundfault detection timeout (GFD) "012261", //GB groundfault detection timeout (GFD) "012262", //Circuit Short L1 "012263", // PSU Duplicate ID "012264", // PSU Output Short Circuit "012265", // PSU Discharge Abnormal "012266", // PSU Dc Side ShutDown "012267", // PSU Failure Alarm "012268", // PSU Protection Alarm "012269", // PSU FanFailure Alarm "012270", // PSU Input UVP "012271", // PSU Input OVP "012272", // PSU WalkIn State "012273", // PSU Power Limited State "012274", // PSU Id Repeat "012275", // PSU Severe Uneven Current "012276", // PSU Three Phase Input Inadequate "012277", // PSU Three Phase Onput Imbalance "012278", // PSU Ffc Side ShutDown "012279", // NO PSU Resource "012280", // Self test Failed due to communication of Relayboard failure "012281", // Self test Failed due to communication of Fanboard failure "012282", // Self test Failed due to communication of Primary failure "012283", // Self test Failed due to communication of Chademoboard failure "012284", // Self test Failed due to communication of CCSboard failure "012285", // Self test Failed due to AC Contact failure "012286", // Self test Failed due to communication of PSU failure "012287", // Self test Failed due to Model name is none match "012288", // CCS output UVP "012289", // Chademo output UVP "012290", // GBT output UVP "012291", // Self test Failed due to communication of GBTboard failure "012292", // Self test Failed due to communication of AC failure "012293", // Self test Failed due to communication of Ledboard failure "012294", // Ac input OVP "012295", // Ac input UVP "012296", // CHAdeMO groundfault detection - warning "012297", // CCS groundfault detection - warning "012298", // GB groundfault detection - warning "012299", // System AC output OCP L2 "012300", // System AC output OCP L3 "012301", // Circuit Short L2 "012302", // Circuit Short L3 "012303", // CCS liquid chiller water level warning "012304", // connection disconnected from power cabinet "012305", // Meter communication timeout "012306", // The dip switch of the PSU may be incorrect "012307", // Psu Fuse Burn-Out "012308", // Psu Pfc And Dcdc Communication Fault "012309", // Psu Bus Voltage Unbalance "012310", // Psu Bus Over Voltage "012311", // Psu Bus Voltage Abnormal "012312", // Psu Bus Under Voltage "012313", // Psu Input Phase Loss "012314", // Psu Fan Full Speed "012315", // Psu Temperature Power Limit "012316", // Psu Ac Power Limit "012317", // Psu Dcdc Eeprom Fault "012318", // Psu Pfc Eeprom Fault "012319", // Psu Dcdc Over Voltage "012320", // System CHAdeMO output UCP "012321", // System CCS output UCP "012322", // System GBT output UCP "012323", // System Chiller output OTP "012324", // reserved "012325", // reserved "012326", // reserved "012327", // reserved "012328", // reserved "012329", // reserved "012330", // reserved "012331", // reserved "012332", // reserved "012333", // reserved "012334", // reserved "012335", // reserved "012336", // reserved "012337", // reserved "012338", // reserved "012339", // reserved "012340", // reserved "012341", // reserved "012342", // reserved "012343", // reserved "012344", // AC: Meter IC communication timeout "012345", // AC: Pilot negative error "012346", // reserved "012347", // reserved "012348", // reserved "012349", // reserved "012350", // reserved "012351", // reserved "012352", // reserved "012353", // reserved "012354", // reserved "012355", // reserved "012356", // reserved "012357", // reserved "012358", // reserved "012359", // reserved }; char InfoStatusCode[384][6]= { //Information comes from EVSE "013600", //Normal stop charging by user "013601", //Charging Time's up "013602", //Replace system air filter "013603", //Reach to CHAdeMO max. plugging times. "013604", //Reach to CCS max. plugging times. "013605", //Reach to GB max. plugging times. "013606", //Reach to AC max. plugging times. "013607", //CSU fimrware update fail "013608", //CHAdeMO Module fimrware update fail "013609", //CCS Module fimrware update fail "013610", //GB Module fimrware update fail "013611", //Aux. power module fimrware update fail "013612", //Relay control module fimrware update fail "013613", //LCM module fimrware update fail "013614", //Bluetooth module fimrware update fail "013615", //WiFi module fimrware update fail "013616", //3G/4G module fimrware update fail "013617", //SMR fimrware update fail "013618", //RFID module fimrware update fail "013619", //configured by USB flash drive "013620", //configured by backend "013621", //configured by webpage "013622", //disconnected from Internet through Ethernet "013623", //disconnected from Internet through WiFi "013624", //disconnected from Internet through 3G/4G "013625", //disconnected from AP through WiFi "013626", //disconnected from APN through 3G/4G "013627", //WiFi disabled (separated charger only) "013628", //4G disabled (separated charger only) "013629", //Reserved "013630", //Reserved "013631", //Reserved //Information comes from EV "023700", //CHAdeMO EV communication Fail "023701", //CCS EV communication Fail "023702", //GB EV communication Fail "023703", //AC: pilot fault "023704", //CHAdeMO: battery malfunction "023705", //CHAdeMO: no charging permission "023706", //CHAdeMO: battery incompatibility "023707", //CHAdeMO: battery OVP "023708", //CHAdeMO: battery UVP "023709", //CHAdeMO: battery OTP "023710", //CHAdeMO: battery current difference "023711", //CHAdeMO: battery voltage difference "023712", //CHAdeMO: shift position "023713", //CHAdeMO: battery other fault "023714", //CHAdeMO: charging system error "023715", //CHAdeMO: EV normal stop "023716", //CHAdeMO: connector temperature sensor broken "023717", //CHAdeMO: connector lock fail "023718", //CHAdeMO: D1 ON No Receive "023719", //CHAdeMO: BMS K to J Timeout "023720", //CHAdeMO: BMS Charge Allow Timeout "023721", //CHAdeMO: Wait GroundFault Timeout "023722", //CHAdeMO: BMS EV Relay Timeout "023723", //CHAdeMO: BMS Request Current Timeout "023724", //CHAdeMO: BMS K to J OFF Timeout "023725", //CHAdeMO: BMS EV Relay OFF Timeout "023726", //CHAdeMO: ADC More Than 10V "023727", //CHAdeMO: ADC More Than 20V "023728", //CHAdeMO: BMS Charge Before Stop "023729", //CHAdeMO: Charger Get Normal Stop "023730", //CHAdeMO: Charger Get Emergency Stop "023731", //CHAdeMO: Isolation Result Fail "023732", //CHAdeMO: Miss Link With MotherBoard "023733", //CHAdeMO: Output Voltage More Than Limit "023734", //CHAdeMO: Request Current More Than Limit "023735", //CHAdeMO: Re Cap BMS Eqr Current Exceed "023736", //CHAdeMO: Charge Remain Count Down "023737", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_RESSTemperatureInhibit "023738", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_EVShiftPosition "023739", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargerConnectorLockFault "023740", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_EVRESSMalfunction "023741", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargingCurrentdifferential "023742", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange "023743", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_ChargingSystemIncompatibility "023744", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_EmergencyEvent "023745", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_Breaker "023746", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_NoData "023747", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_DIN_A "023748", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_DIN_B "023749", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_DIN_C "023750", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_ISO_1 "023751", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_ISO_2 "023752", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_ISO_3 "023753", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_1 "023754", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_2 "023755", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_3 "023756", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_4 "023757", //CCS:CCS_EVCC_EVErrorCode_FAILED_reserved_by_OEM_5 "023758", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_SequenceError "023759", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_SignatureError "023760", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_UnknownSession "023761", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid "023762", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_Payment SelectionInvalid "023763", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_IdentificationSelectionInvalid "023764", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid "023765", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateExpired "023766", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateNotYetValid "023767", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateRevoked "023768", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable "023769", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertChainError "023770", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertValidationError "023771", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertVerificationError "023772", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ContractCanceled "023773", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ChallengeInvalid "023774", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferMode "023775", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_WrongChargeParameter "023776", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid "023777", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid "023778", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_EVSEPresentVoltageToLow "023779", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied "023780", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid "023781", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected "023782", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ContactorError "023783", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CertificateNotAllowedAtThisEVSE "023784", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_GAChargeStop "023785", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_AlignmentError "023786", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ACDError "023787", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_AssociationError "023788", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_EVSEChargeAbort "023789", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_NoSupportedApp-Protocol-Protocol "023790", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_ContractNotAccepted "023791", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MOUnknown "023792", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_Prov_CertificateRevoke "023793", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked "023794", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked "023795", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_OEM_RootCA_CertificateRevoked "023796", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_Prov_CertificateRevoked "023797", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked "023798", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked "023799", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_MO_RootCA_CertificateRevoked "023800", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_Prov_CertificateRevoked "023801", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_SubCA1_CertificateRevoked "023802", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_SubCA2_CertificateRevoked "023803", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_CPS_RootCA_CertificateRevoked "023804", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_1 "023805", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_2 "023806", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_3 "023807", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_4 "023808", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ResponseCode_FAILED_reserved_5 "023809", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_SLAC_init "023810", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TP_match_response "023811", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_CM_START_ATTEN_CHAR_IND "023812", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_match_MNBC "023813", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TP_EVSE_avg_atten_calc "023814", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_CM_ATTEN_CHAR_RSP "023815", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_CM_VALIDATE_REQ_1ST__CM_SLAC_MATCH_REQ "023816", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_assoc_session "023817", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_TT_EVSE_vald_toggle "023818", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_CM_MNBC_SOUND_IND "023819", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_CM_VALIDATE_REQ_2ND__CM_SLAC_MATCH_REQ "023820", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_3 "023821", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_4 "023822", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLAC_reserved_5 "023823", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_UDP_TT_match_join "023824", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TCP_TT_match_join "023825", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TP_amp_map_exchange "023826", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_TP_link_ready_notification "023827", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_1 "023828", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_2 "023829", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_3 "023830", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_4 "023831", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_SLACC_SDP_reserved_5 "023832", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_SupportedAppProtocolRes "023833", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_SessionSetupRes "023834", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ServiceDiscoveryRes "023835", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ServicePaymentSelectionRes "023836", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ContractAuthenticationRes "023837", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes "023838", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_PowerDeliveryRes "023839", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_CableCheckRes "023840", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_PreChargeRes "023841", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_CurrentDemandRes "023842", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_WeldingDetectionRes "023843", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Msg_Performance_Time_SessionStopRes "023844", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_Sequence_Time "023845", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_ReadyToCharge_Performance_Time "023846", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CommunicationSetup_Performance_Time "023847", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CableCheck_Performance_Time "023848", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CPState_Detection_Time "023849", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_CPOscillator_Retain_Time "023850", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_PreCharge_Performace_Time "023851", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_2 "023852", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_3 "023853", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_4 "023854", //CCS:CCS_SECC_TIMEOUT_V2G_reserved_5 "023855", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_GET_EV_TARGET_INFO "023856", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_GET_EV_TARGET_INFO "023857", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_GET_EV_BATTERY_INFO "023858", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_GET_EV_BATTERY_INFO "023859", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_EV_STOP_EVENT "023860", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_EV_STOP_EVENT "023861", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_EVSE_STOP_EVENT "023862", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_EVSE_STOP_EVENT "023863", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_GET_MISC_INFO "023864", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_GET_MISC_INFO "023865", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST "023866", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST "023867", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_START_BLOCK_TRANSFER "023868", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_START_BLOCK_TRANSFER "023869", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_DATA_TRANSFER "023870", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_DATA_TRANSFER "023871", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_DOWNLOAD_FINISH "023872", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_DOWNLOAD_FINISH "023873", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_ISOLATION_STATUS "023874", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_ISOLATION_STATUS "023875", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_CONNECTOR_INFO "023876", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_CONNECTOR_INFO "023877", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_RTC_INFO "023878", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_RTC_INFO "023879", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TP_EVSE_PRECHARGE_INFO "023880", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_TT_EVSE_PRECHARGE_INFO "023881", //CCS:CCS_CAN_TIMEOUT_MSG_Sequence "023882", //CCS:CCS_CAN_MSG_Unrecognized_CMD_ID "023883", //CCS:CCS_SECC_DIN_Msg_Decode_Error "023884", //CCS:CCS_SECC_DIN_Msg_Encode_Error "023885", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO1_Msg_Decode_Error "023886", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO1_Msg_Encode_Error "023887", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO2_Msg_Decode_Error "023888", //CCS:CCS_SECC_ISO2_Msg_Encode_Error "023889", //CCS:CCS_SECC_CP_STATUS_Error "023890", //CCS:CCS_SECC_Unexpected_60V_Before_Charing_Error "023891", //CCS:CCS_SECC_Not_Ready_For_Charging "023892", //CCS:CCS_SECCC_TIMEOUT_QCA7000_COMM (The firmware code of QCA7000 may not be installed, yet) "023893", //CCS:CCS_SECC_FAIL_QCA7000_SETKEY "023894", //Reserved "023895", //Reserved "023896", //Reserved "023897", //Reserved "023898", //Reserved "023899", //Reserved "023900", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_LOS_CC1 "023901", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_CONNECTOR_LOCK_FAIL "023902", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_BATTERY_INCOMPATIBLE "023903", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_BMS_BROAA_TIMEOUT "023904", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_CSU_PRECHARGE_TIMEOUT "023905", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_BMS_PRESENT_VOLTAGE_FAULT "023906", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_BMS_VOLTAGE_OVER_RANGE "023907", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_BSM_CHARGE_ALLOW_00_10MIN_COUUNTDONE "023908", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_WAIT_GROUNDFAULT_TIMEOUT "023909", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_ADC_MORE_THAN_10V "023910", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_ADC_MORE_THAN_60V "023911", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_CHARGER_GET_NORMAL_STOP_CMD "023912", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_CHARGER_GET_EMERGENCY_STOP_CMD "023913", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_ISOLATION_RESULT_FAIL "023914", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_MOTHER_BOARD_MISS_LINK "023915", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_MORE_THAN_LIMIT "023916", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_REQ_CURRENT_MORE_THAN_LIMIT "023917", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_MORE_THAN_10_PERCENT "023918", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_DIFF_BCS_5_PERCENT "023919", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GBT_STOP_ADC_MORE_THAN_10V "023920", // Reserved "023921", // Reserved "023922", // Reserved "023923", // Reserved "023924", // Reserved "023925", // Reserved "023926", // Reserved "023927", // Reserved "023928", // Reserved "023929", // Reserved "023930", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BHM_TIMEOUT "023931", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BRM_TIMEOUT "023932", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCP_TIMEOUT "023933", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BRO_TIMEOUT "023934", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCL_TIMEOUT "023935", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BCS_TIMEOUT "023936", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BSM_TIMEOUT "023937", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BST_TIMEOUT "023938", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BSD_TIMEOUT "023939", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_CEM_BEM_OTHER_TIMEOUT "023940", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRM_TIMEOUT "023941", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRMAA_TIMEOUT "023942", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CTS_CML_TIMEOUT "023943", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CRO_TIMEOUT "023944", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CCS_TIMEOUT "023945", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CST_TIMEOUT "023946", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_CSD_TIMEOUT "023947", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BEM_BEM_OTHER_TIMEOUT "023948", // Reserved "023949", // Reserved "023950", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_SOC_GOAL "023951", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_TOTAL_VOLTAGE_GOAL "023952", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_CELL_VOLTAGE_GOAL "023953", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_GET_CST "023954", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_ISOLATION "023955", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_OUTPUT_CONNECTOR_OTP "023956", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_COMPONENT "023957", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_CHARGE_CONNECTOR "023958", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_OTP "023959", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_OTHER "023960", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_HIGH_V "023961", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_CC2 "023962", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_CURRENT "023963", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BST_VOLTAGE "023964", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_GET_BST_NO_REASON "023965", // Reserved "023966", // Reserved "023967", // Reserved "023968", // Reserved "023969", // Reserved "023970", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_CELL_OVER_VOLTAGE "023971", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_CELL_UNDER_VOLTAGE "023972", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_OVER_SOC "023973", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_UNDER_SOC "023974", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_CURRENT "023975", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_TEMPERATURE "023976", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_ISOLATE "023977", //GBT: ERROR_CODE_BSM_OUTPUT_CONNECTOR "023978", // Reserved "023979", // EV full charging "023980", // ERROR_CODE_CHADEMO_BMS_CHARGE_ALLOW_ERROR "023981", // ERROR_CODE_CHADEMO_OUTPUT_VOLTAGE_MORE_THEN_10_PERCENT "023982", // ERROR_CODE_CHADEMO_ADC_LESS_THAN_10V "023983", // STOP by EV with unknow reason "023984", // Reserved "023985", // Reserved "023986", // Reserved "023987", // Reserved "033900", //disconnected from backend through Ethernet "033901", //disconnected from backend through WiFi "033902", //disconnected from backend through 3G/4G "033903", //Remote start charging by backend "033904", //Remote stop charging by backend "033905", //Remote reset by backend "033906", //Authorization failed "033907", //Reserved }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char *GetCurrency(uint8_t index) { return &Currency[index][0]; } char *GetFaultStatusCode(uint8_t index) { return &FaultStatusCode[index][0]; } char *GetAlarmStatusCode(uint8_t index) { return &AlarmStatusCode[index][0]; } char *GetInfoStatusCode(uint16_t index) { return &InfoStatusCode[index][0]; }