#!/usr/bin/env perl # env if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} =~ /^env=(\w+)/) { print "Status: 200\r\n\r\n$ENV{$1}"; exit 0; } # redirection if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} eq "internal-redir") { # (not actually 404 error, but use separate script from cgi.pl for testing) print "Location: /404.pl/internal-redir\r\n\r\n"; exit 0; } # redirection if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} eq "external-redir") { print "Location: http://www.example.org:2048/\r\n\r\n"; exit 0; } # 404 if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} eq "send404") { print "Status: 404\n\nsend404\n"; exit 0; } # X-Sendfile if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} eq "xsendfile") { # urlencode path for CGI header # (including urlencode ',' if in path, for X-Sendfile2 w/ FastCGI (not CGI)) # (This implementation is not minimal encoding; # encode everything that is not alphanumeric, '.' '_', '-', '/') require Cwd; my $path = Cwd::getcwd() . "/index.txt"; $path =~ s#([^\w./-])#"%".unpack("H2",$1)#eg; print "Status: 200\r\n"; print "X-Sendfile: $path\r\n\r\n"; exit 0; } # NPH if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} =~ /^nph=(\w+)/) { print "Status: $1 FooBar\r\n\r\n"; exit 0; } # crlfcrash if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} eq "crlfcrash") { print "Location: http://www.example.org/\r\n\n\n"; exit 0; } # POST length if ($ENV{"QUERY_STRING"} eq "post-len") { $cl = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} || 0; my $len = 0; if ($ENV{"REQUEST_METHOD"} eq "POST") { while (<>) { # expect test data to end in newline $len += length($_); last if $len >= $cl; } } print "Status: 200\r\n\r\n$len"; exit 0; } # default print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"; print $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"}; 0;