/* * Module_PhBackend.c * * Created on: 2020/06/11 * Author: foluswen */ #include "Module_PhBackend.h" int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...) { char Buf[4096+256]; char buffer[4096]; time_t CurrentTime; struct tm *tm; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); int rc = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args); va_end(args); memset(Buf,0,sizeof(Buf)); CurrentTime = time(NULL); tm=localtime(&CurrentTime); sprintf(Buf,"echo -n \"[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s\" >> /Storage/SystemLog/[%04d.%02d]Module_PhBackendLog", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer, tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1); #ifdef SystemLogMessage system(Buf); #endif #ifdef ConsloePrintLog //printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer); #endif return rc; } uint8_t split(char *src, const char *separator, char **dest) { char *pNext; int count = 0; if (src == NULL || strlen(src) == 0) return count; if (separator == NULL || strlen(separator) == 0) return count; pNext = (char *)strtok(src,separator); while(pNext != NULL) { *dest++ = pNext; ++count; pNext = (char *)strtok(NULL,separator); } return count; } //========================================== // Init all share memory //========================================== int InitShareMemory() { int result = PASS; int MeterSMId; //creat ShmSysConfigAndInfo if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey, sizeof(struct SysConfigAndInfo), 0777)) < 0) { #ifdef SystemLogMessage DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n"); #endif result = FAIL; } else if ((ShmSysConfigAndInfo = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1) { #ifdef SystemLogMessage DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n"); #endif result = FAIL; } else {} //creat ShmStatusCodeData if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmStatusCodeKey, sizeof(struct StatusCodeData), 0777)) < 0) { #ifdef SystemLogMessage DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmStatusCodeData NG\n"); #endif result = FAIL; } else if ((ShmStatusCodeData = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1) { #ifdef SystemLogMessage DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmStatusCodeData NG\n"); #endif result = FAIL; } else {} return result; } uint8_t checksum_valid(struct Message *message) { uint8_t chksum = 0; for(uint16_t idx=6;idx<(message->buffer[2] | ((uint16_t)message->buffer[3]<<8));idx++) chksum += message->buffer[idx]; chksum += 11; return ((chksum&0xff)==message->buffer[(message->buffer[2] | ((uint16_t)message->buffer[3]<<8))-1]?PASS:FAIL); } uint8_t checksum_cal(struct Message *message) { uint8_t chksum = 0; for(uint16_t idx=6;idx<(message->size-1);idx++) chksum += message->buffer[idx]; chksum += 11; return (chksum & 0xff); } void showCmdRaw(struct Message *message, uint8_t isTx) { if(isTx) DEBUG_INFO("%s -----> Server\n", ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId); else DEBUG_INFO("%s <----- Server\n", ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId); DEBUG_INFO("- CMD_%04d ------------------------------------\n", (message->buffer[6] | ((uint16_t)message->buffer[7]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15); DEBUG_INFO("-----------------------------------------------\n"); for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<((message->size/16)+1);idx++) { DEBUG_INFO("%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", message->buffer[idx*16+0], message->buffer[idx*16+1], message->buffer[idx*16+2], message->buffer[idx*16+3], message->buffer[idx*16+4], message->buffer[idx*16+5], message->buffer[idx*16+6], message->buffer[idx*16+7], message->buffer[idx*16+8], message->buffer[idx*16+9], message->buffer[idx*16+10], message->buffer[idx*16+11], message->buffer[idx*16+12], message->buffer[idx*16+13], message->buffer[idx*16+14], message->buffer[idx*16+15]); } DEBUG_INFO("-----------------------------------------------\n"); } void handle_cmd_1001(struct Message *in, struct Message *out) { uint32_t startAddr; uint32_t offset = 0; uint8_t count; uint32_t value; DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); if(in->buffer[12]) DEBUG_INFO("CMD Type: Set\n"); else DEBUG_INFO("CMD Type: Query\n"); startAddr = in->buffer[13] | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[14]<<8) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[15]<<16) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[16]<<24); count = in->buffer[17]; if(in->buffer[12]) { for(int idx=startAddr;idx<(startAddr+count);idx++) { value = in->buffer[20+(offset*4)] | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[21+(offset*4)]<<8) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[22+(offset*4)]<<16) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[23+(offset*4)]<<24); switch(idx) { case 1: DEBUG_INFO("Sign in interval: %d\n", value); offset++; break; case 2: DEBUG_INFO("Charger type: %d\n", value); offset++; break; case 3: DEBUG_INFO("Charger gun count: %d\n", value); offset++; break; case 4: DEBUG_INFO("Communication No: %d\n", value); offset++; break; case 5: offset++; break; case 6: offset++; break; case 7: offset++; break; case 8: offset++; break; case 9: offset++; break; case 10: offset++; break; case 11: offset++; break; case 12: offset++; break; case 13: offset++; break; case 14: offset++; break; case 15: offset++; break; case 16: offset++; break; case 17: offset++; break; case 18: offset++; break; case 19: offset++; break; case 20: DEBUG_INFO("Report interval: %d\n", value); offset++; break; case 21: DEBUG_INFO("Heart beat interval: %d\n", value); backend_info.interval_heartbeat = value; offset++; break; case 22: DEBUG_INFO("Heart beat overtime count: %d\n", value); backend_info.retry_heartbeat = value; offset++; break; case 23: DEBUG_INFO("Status report interval: %d\n", value); offset++; break; case 24: offset++; break; case 25: offset++; break; case 26: offset++; break; case 27: DEBUG_INFO("Service price: %.2f\n", (value/100.0)); offset++; break; case 28: DEBUG_INFO("Charging price: %.2f\n", (value/100.0)); offset++; break; case 29: offset++; break; case 30: offset++; break; case 31: offset++; break; case 32: offset++; break; case 33: offset++; break; case 34: offset++; break; case 35: offset++; break; } } } create_Cmd_1002(out, in->buffer[12], startAddr, count); } void handle_cmd_1003(struct Message *in, struct Message *out) { uint32_t startAddr; uint8_t data[in->size-11-9]; uint8_t *server_info[3]; DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); if(in->buffer[12]) DEBUG_INFO("CMD Type: Set\n"); else DEBUG_INFO("CMD Type: Query\n"); startAddr = in->buffer[13] | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[14]<<8) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[15]<<16) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[16]<<24); memcpy(&data[0], &in->buffer[19], ARRAY_SIZE(data)); switch(startAddr) { case 1: break; case 2: DEBUG_INFO("Server time: %02X%02X-%02X-%02X %02X:%02X:%02X\n", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6]); break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: break; case 6: break; case 7: break; case 8: break; case 9: break; case 10: break; case 11: memset(server_addr, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(server_addr)); memcpy(&server_addr[0], &in->buffer[19], 128); split((char*)server_addr, ":", (char**)server_info); message_header = strtol((char*)server_info[2], NULL, 16); server_port = atoi((char*)server_info[1]); sprintf((char*)server_addr, "%s", (char*)server_info[0]); DEBUG_INFO("Server address: %s\n", server_addr); DEBUG_INFO("Server port: %d\n", server_port); DEBUG_INFO("Message header: %04X\n", message_header); break; case 12: DEBUG_INFO("Customer ID: %s\n", data); break; } create_Cmd_1004(out, in->buffer[12], startAddr, &data[0], ARRAY_SIZE(data)); } void handle_cmd_1005(struct Message *in, struct Message *out) { uint32_t startAddr; uint32_t offset = 0; uint8_t count; uint32_t value; uint8_t gun_index; DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); gun_index = in->buffer[12]; startAddr = in->buffer[13] | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[14]<<8) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[15]<<16) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[16]<<24); count = in->buffer[17]; for(int idx=startAddr;idx<(startAddr+count);idx++) { value = in->buffer[20+(offset*4)] | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[21+(offset*4)]<<8) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[22+(offset*4)]<<16) | ((uint32_t)in->buffer[23+(offset*4)]<<24); switch(idx) { case 1: if(value == 0x55) { DEBUG_INFO("Charger start.\n"); } offset++; break; case 2: if(value == 0x55) { DEBUG_INFO("Charger stop.\n"); } offset++; break; case 3: if(value == 0) { DEBUG_INFO("Charge soon.\n"); } else if(value ==1) { DEBUG_INFO("Charge reserve.\n"); } offset++; break; case 4: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 5: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 6: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 7: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 8: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 9: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 10: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 11: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 12: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 13: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 14: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 15: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 16: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 17: if(value == 0x55) { DEBUG_INFO("Upload log request.\n"); system("/usr/bin/run_tmate_restart.sh"); } offset++; break; case 18: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 19: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; case 20: if(value == 0x55) { } offset++; break; } } create_Cmd_1006(out, gun_index, startAddr, count, true); } void handle_cmd_1101(struct Message *in) { DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); backend_info.sn_heartbeat = (in->buffer[12] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[13]<<8)); backend_info.counter_heartbeat_retry = 0; } void handle_cmd_1103(struct Message *in) { DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("Connector id: %d\n", in->buffer[12]); } void handle_cmd_1105(struct Message *in) { DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("Charger sign in OK.\n"); backend_info.isSignin = ON; backend_info.st_hearbeat = time((time_t*)NULL); backend_info.counter_heartbeat_retry = 0; backend_info.interval_heartbeat = 10; } void handle_cmd_2303(struct Message *in, struct Message *out) { DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); create_Cmd_2304(out); } void handle_cmd_2305(struct Message *in, struct Message *out) { DEBUG_INFO("User ID: %d\n", (in->buffer[8] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[9]<<8))); DEBUG_INFO("CMD SN: %d\n", (in->buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)in->buffer[11]<<8))); create_Cmd_2306(out); } void create_Cmd_1002(struct Message *out, uint8_t cmd_type, uint32_t address, uint32_t count) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 9 + 43 + (count*4); // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (1002>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (1002>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Charger ID memcpy(&out->buffer[0x0c], &ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId[0], 32); // Command type (0:Check 1:Set) out->buffer[0x2c] = cmd_type; // Start adress out->buffer[0x2d] = (address>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2e] = (address>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2f] = (address>>16) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x30] = (address>>24) & 0xff; // Count out->buffer[0x31] = count; // Result (0:Success 1:Fail) out->buffer[0x31] = 0x00; memset(&out->buffer[0x32], 0x00, (count*4)); // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_1004(struct Message *out, uint8_t cmd_type, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint8_t data_len) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 9 + 42 + data_len; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (1004>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (1004>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Charger ID memcpy(&out->buffer[0x0c], &ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId[0], 32); // Command type (0:Check 1:Set) out->buffer[0x2c] = cmd_type; // Start adress out->buffer[0x2d] = (address>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2e] = (address>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2f] = (address>>16) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x30] = (address>>24) & 0xff; // Result (0:Success 1:Fail) out->buffer[0x31] = 0x00; // Result data memcpy(&out->buffer[0x32], &data[0], data_len); // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_1006(struct Message *out, uint8_t gun_index, uint32_t address, uint8_t count, uint8_t isExecuted) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 0x34; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (1006>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (1006>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Charger ID memcpy(&out->buffer[0x0c], &ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId[0], 32); // Gun index out->buffer[0x2c] = gun_index; // Start adress out->buffer[0x2d] = (address>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2e] = (address>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2f] = (address>>16) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x30] = (address>>24) & 0xff; // Command count out->buffer[0x31] = count; // Command execute result; out->buffer[0x32] = isExecuted; // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_1102(struct Message *out) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 0x2f; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (1102>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (1102>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Charger ID memcpy(&out->buffer[0x0c], &ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId[0], 32); // Heart beat sn out->buffer[0x2c] = (backend_info.sn_heartbeat>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x2d] = (backend_info.sn_heartbeat>>8) & 0xff; // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_1104(struct Message *out, uint8_t gun_index) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 0xd7; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (1102>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (1102>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Charger ID memcpy(&out->buffer[0x0c], &ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId[0], 0x20); // Charger connector quantity out->buffer[0x2c] = AC_QUANTITY + CCS_QUANTITY + GB_QUANTITY + CHAdeMO_QUANTITY; // Connector id out->buffer[0x2d] = gun_index; // Charger model type (1: DC, 2: AC) out->buffer[0x2e] = (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.ModelName[0]=='D'?1:2); // Connector status switch(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.ModelName[7+gun_index]) { case '1' ... '9': if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_BOOTING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_MAINTAIN) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_UPDATE)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 7; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_IDLE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_AUTHORIZING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 1; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_CHARGING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARE_FOR_EV) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_TERMINATING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 2; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_COMPLETE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 3; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_ALARM) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_FAULT)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 6; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[9-gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_RESERVATION) out->buffer[0x2f] = 5; else out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; break; case 'J': if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_BOOTING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_MAINTAIN) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_UPDATE)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 7; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_IDLE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_AUTHORIZING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 1; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_CHARGING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARE_FOR_EV) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_TERMINATING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 2; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_COMPLETE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 3; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_ALARM) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_FAULT)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 6; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ChademoChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_RESERVATION) out->buffer[0x2f] = 5; else out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; break; case 'U': case 'E': if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_BOOTING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_MAINTAIN) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_UPDATE)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 7; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_IDLE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_AUTHORIZING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 1; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_CHARGING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARE_FOR_EV) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_TERMINATING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 2; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_COMPLETE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 3; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_ALARM) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_FAULT)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 6; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CcsChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_RESERVATION) out->buffer[0x2f] = 5; else out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; break; case 'G': if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_BOOTING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_MAINTAIN) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_UPDATE)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 7; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_IDLE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_AUTHORIZING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 1; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_CHARGING) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_PREPARE_FOR_EV) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_TERMINATING)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 2; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_COMPLETE) out->buffer[0x2f] = 3; else if((ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_ALARM) || (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_FAULT)) out->buffer[0x2f] = 6; else if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.GbChargingData[7+gun_index].SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_RESERVATION) out->buffer[0x2f] = 5; else out->buffer[0x2f] = 0; break; default: break; } // SOC out->buffer[0x30] = 0x00; // Alarm code out->buffer[0x31] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x32] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x33] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x34] = 0x00; // Connect status out->buffer[0x35] = 0x00; // Charging amount out->buffer[0x36] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x37] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x38] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x39] = 0x00; // Charging temperature out->buffer[0x3a] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x3b] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x3c] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x3d] = 0x00; // Total power consumption out->buffer[0x3e] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x3f] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x40] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x41] = 0x00; // DC voltage out->buffer[0x42] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x43] = 0x00; // DC current out->buffer[0x44] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x45] = 0x00; // BMS voltage request out->buffer[0x46] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x47] = 0x00; // BMS current request out->buffer[0x48] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x49] = 0x00; // BMS charging mode out->buffer[0x4a] = 0x00; // AC L1 voltage out->buffer[0x4b] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x4c] = 0x00; // AC L2 voltage out->buffer[0x4d] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x4e] = 0x00; // AC L3 voltage out->buffer[0x4f] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x50] = 0x00; // AC L1 current out->buffer[0x51] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x52] = 0x00; // AC L2 current out->buffer[0x53] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x54] = 0x00; // AC L3 current out->buffer[0x55] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x56] = 0x00; // Charging remind time out->buffer[0x57] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x58] = 0x00; // Charging time out->buffer[0x59] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x5a] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x5b] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x5c] = 0x00; // Charging power consumption out->buffer[0x5d] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x5e] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x5f] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x60] = 0x00; // Before charging meter value out->buffer[0x61] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x62] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x63] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x64] = 0x00; // After charging meter value out->buffer[0x65] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x66] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x67] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x68] = 0x00; // Start method out->buffer[0x69] = 0x00; // Charging strategy out->buffer[0x6a] = 0x00; // Charging parameter out->buffer[0x6b] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x6c] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x6d] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x6e] = 0x00; // Reservation flag out->buffer[0x6f] = 0x00; // User memset(&out->buffer[0x70], 0x00, 0x24); // Reservation over time out->buffer[0x94] = 0x00; // Start time memset(&out->buffer[0x95], 0x00, 0x08); // Surplus memset(&out->buffer[0x9d], 0x00, 0x04); // System variable reserve memset(&out->buffer[0xa1], 0x00, 0x14); // RFID/Member flag out->buffer[0xb5] = 0x00; // Order No. memset(&out->buffer[0xb6], 0x00, 0x20); // SN memset(&out->buffer[0xd6], 0x00, 0x10); // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_1106(struct Message *out) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 0x63; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (1106>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (1106>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Charger ID memcpy(&out->buffer[0x0c], &ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.SystemId[0], 32); // Charger type (0:Normal 1:none polar 2:polling) out->buffer[0x2c] = 0x00; // Software version out->buffer[0x2d] = 0x01; out->buffer[0x2e] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x2f] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x30] = 0x00; // Charger item type out->buffer[0x31] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x32] = 0x00; // Start count out->buffer[0x33] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x34] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x35] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x36] = 0x00; // Data upload type (1:Handshake 2:Report) out->buffer[0x37] = 0x02; // Register time (Minute) out->buffer[0x38] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x39] = 0x00; // Spare out->buffer[0x3a] = 0x00; // Charge gun count out->buffer[0x3b] = 0x01; // Heart beat upload cycle out->buffer[0x3c] = 0x98; // Heart beat overtime count out->buffer[0x3d] = 0x00; // Charge record count out->buffer[0x3e] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x3f] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x40] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x41] = 0x00; // Current system time out->buffer[0x42] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x43] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x44] = 0x06; out->buffer[0x45] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x46] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x47] = 0x02; out->buffer[0x48] = 0x18; out->buffer[0x49] = 0xff; // Latest charge time out->buffer[0x4a] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x4b] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x4c] = 0x06; out->buffer[0x4d] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x4e] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x4f] = 0x01; out->buffer[0x50] = 0x52; out->buffer[0x51] = 0xff; // Latest start time out->buffer[0x52] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x53] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x54] = 0x06; out->buffer[0x55] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x56] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x57] = 0x01; out->buffer[0x58] = 0x52; out->buffer[0x59] = 0xff; // Latest register time out->buffer[0x5a] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x5b] = 0x20; out->buffer[0x5c] = 0x06; out->buffer[0x5d] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x5e] = 0x11; out->buffer[0x5f] = 0x02; out->buffer[0x60] = 0x08; out->buffer[0x61] = 0xff; // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_2304(struct Message *out) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 0x0e; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (2304>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (2304>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Result (0:Success 1:Fail) out->buffer[0x0c] = 0x00; // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } void create_Cmd_2306(struct Message *out) { memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer)); out->size = 0x11; // Message header out->buffer[0x00] = (message_header>>8) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x01] = (message_header>>0) & 0xff; // Message length out->buffer[0x02] = (out->size>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x03] = (out->size>>8) & 0xff; // Message protocol version out->buffer[0x04] = PROTOCOL_VER; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x05] = server_cmd_sn & 0xff; // Message command out->buffer[0x06] = (2306>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x07] = (2306>>8) & 0xff; // Message user id out->buffer[0x08] = (server_user_id>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x09] = (server_user_id>>8) & 0xff; // Message server command serial number out->buffer[0x0a] = (server_cmd_sn>>0) & 0xff; out->buffer[0x0b] = (server_cmd_sn>>8) & 0xff; // Result (0:Success 1:Fail) out->buffer[0x0c] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x0d] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x0e] = 0x00; out->buffer[0x0f] = 0x00; // Checksum out->buffer[out->size-1] = checksum_cal(out); showCmdRaw(out, true); } int main(void) { int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in info; struct hostent *ghbn; struct timeval tv; uint8_t socketEnable; struct Message input; struct Message intputBuf; struct Message output; sprintf((char*)server_addr, "evsocket.phihong.com.tw"); server_port = 9999; if(InitShareMemory() == FAIL) { DEBUG_ERROR("InitShareMemory NG\n"); if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL) { ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.FailToCreateShareMemory=ON; } sleep(5); return 0; } for(;;) { while(!ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.InternetConn) { sleep(1); } bzero(&info,sizeof(info)); ghbn = gethostbyname((char*)server_addr); info.sin_family = PF_INET; info.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)ghbn->h_addr_list[0])); info.sin_port = htons(server_port); DEBUG_INFO("Connecto to %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)ghbn->h_addr_list[0]), server_port); sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd == -1) { DEBUG_ERROR("Fail to create a socket."); return 0; } if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&info,sizeof(info)) ==-1) { DEBUG_ERROR("Connection error"); } else { DEBUG_INFO("Connect success.\n"); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 500000; setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv); socketEnable = ON; } while(socketEnable) { memset(input.buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(input.buffer)); if((input.size = recv(sockfd, input.buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(input.buffer), 0)) > 0) { if(input.size < ARRAY_SIZE(input.buffer)) { //DEBUG_INFO("Receive size: %d.\n", input.size); for(uint16_t idx=0;idx>8) & 0xff)) && (input.buffer[idx+1] == ((message_header>>0) & 0xff))) { //DEBUG_INFO("idx: %d\n", idx); memset(&intputBuf.buffer[0], 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(intputBuf.buffer)); memcpy(&intputBuf.buffer[0], &input.buffer[idx], input.buffer[idx+2] | ((uint16_t)input.buffer[idx+3]<<8)); intputBuf.size = input.buffer[idx+2] | ((uint16_t)input.buffer[idx+3]<<8); idx += (input.buffer[idx+2] | (uint16_t)input.buffer[idx+3]) -1; server_cmd_sn = intputBuf.buffer[10] | ((uint16_t)intputBuf.buffer[11]<<8); if(!checksum_valid(&intputBuf)) DEBUG_INFO("Message checksum wrong.\n"); else { showCmdRaw(&intputBuf, OFF); switch(intputBuf.buffer[6] | ((uint16_t)intputBuf.buffer[7]<<8)) { case 1001: handle_cmd_1001(&intputBuf, &output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); break; case 1003: handle_cmd_1003(&intputBuf, &output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); break; case 1005: handle_cmd_1005(&intputBuf, &output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); break; case 1101: handle_cmd_1101(&intputBuf); break; case 1103: handle_cmd_1103(&intputBuf); break; case 1105: handle_cmd_1105(&intputBuf); break; case 2303: handle_cmd_2303(&intputBuf, &output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); break; case 2305: handle_cmd_2305(&intputBuf, &output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); break; } } } } } } else if(input.size == 0) { DEBUG_INFO("Disconnected.\n"); fflush(stdout); backend_info.isSignin = OFF; socketEnable = OFF; } else if(input.size == -1) { // Sign in reqyest if(!backend_info.isSignin) { create_Cmd_1106(&output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); } // Heart beat request if(backend_info.isSignin && (difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), backend_info.st_hearbeat) > backend_info.interval_heartbeat)) { create_Cmd_1102(&output); send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0); backend_info.st_hearbeat = time((time_t*)NULL); backend_info.counter_heartbeat_retry++; } // Heart beat retry fail if(backend_info.isSignin && (backend_info.counter_heartbeat_retry > backend_info.retry_heartbeat)) { fflush(stdout); backend_info.isSignin = OFF; socketEnable = OFF; DEBUG_ERROR("Heart beat retry over count.\n"); } } usleep(100000); } close(sockfd); sleep(5); } return 0; }