Răsfoiți Sursa

2020.05.29 / Folus Wen

1. EVSE/Modularization/ocppfile change composite schdeule function.
2. EVSE/Modularization/ocppfile reduce debug info.
3. EVSE/Modularization/ocppfile fix Noodoe testing bug.

1. As follow commit history

Image version: D0.00.XX.XXXX.XX
Image checksum: XXXXXXXX

Hardware PWB P/N : XXXXXXX
Hardware Version : XXXXXXX
FolusWen 4 ani în urmă

+ 1 - 1

@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ WebServiceLib:
 	rm -f OcppBackend; 
-	$(CC) -D $(Project) ./ocppfiles/Module_OcppBackend.c ./ocppfiles/MessageHandler.c ./ocppfiles/JsonParser.c ./ocppfiles/SystemLogMessage.c ./ocppfiles/hashmap.c -I ../Projects -I ../GPL/libwebsockets-2.2.2-stable/release/include -L ../GPL/libwebsockets-2.2.2-stable/release/lib -L ../GPL/openssl-1.0.2g/release/lib -lwebsockets -lsqlite3 -lpthread -lc -o OcppBackend
+	$(CC) -D $(Project) -D__USE_XOPEN -D_GNU_SOURCE ./ocppfiles/Module_OcppBackend.c ./ocppfiles/MessageHandler.c ./ocppfiles/JsonParser.c ./ocppfiles/SystemLogMessage.c ./ocppfiles/hashmap.c ./ocppfiles/common.c -I ../Projects -I ../GPL/libwebsockets-2.2.2-stable/release/include -I ../GPL/json-c-json-c-0.13.1-20180305/release/include -L ../GPL/libwebsockets-2.2.2-stable/release/lib -L ../GPL/openssl-1.0.2g/release/lib -L ../GPL/json-c-json-c-0.13.1-20180305/release/lib -lwebsockets -luuid -lpthread -lc -lsqlite3 -ljson-c -o OcppBackend
 	mv -f OcppBackend ../rootfs/root/

Fișier diff suprimat deoarece este prea mare
+ 63 - 45

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2019
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for details.
- */
- * @file
- * @brief Methods for retrieving the json-c Parse.
- */
-//#include "config.h"
-#include "json_object.h"
-#ifndef _JsonParser_h_
-#define _JsonParser_h_
- * @see Print JSON_VALUE
- */
-void print_json_value(json_object *jobj); /* Print JSON_VALUE */
- *
- */
-void json_parse_array( json_object *jobj, char *key);     /* JSON_PARSE_ARRAY */
- *
- * @see Parsing the json object
- */
-void json_parse(json_object * jobj);     /* JSON_PARSE_OBJECT */
- *
- * @see Receive Message routine
- */
-void ReceivedMessage(void *in, size_t len);

Fișier diff suprimat deoarece este prea mare
+ 1621 - 224

+ 25 - 7

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ struct StructProfile
 int initialConfigurationTable(void);
 void StoreConfigurationTable(void);
+void GetStartTransactionIdTag(int gun_index);
 // send request routine
@@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ int sendStatusNotificationRequest(int gun_index);
 int sendStopTransactionRequest(int gun_index);
 int sendMeterValuesRequest(int gun_index);
 // send confirm routine
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ int sendSetChargingProfileConfirmation(char *uuid,char *payload);
 int sendTriggerMessageConfirmation(char *uuid,char *payload);
 int sendUnlockConnectorConfirmation(char *uuid,char *payload);
 int sendUpdateFirmwareConfirmation(char *uuid);
 // send CallError routine
@@ -73,7 +74,6 @@ int handleChangeConfigurationRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
 int handleClearCacheRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
 int handleClearChargingProfileRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
 int handleDataTransferRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
-//long long diff_tm(struct tm *a, struct tm *b);
 int handleGetCompositeScheduleRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
 int handleGetConfigurationRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
 int handleGetDiagnosticsRequest(char *uuid, char *payload);
@@ -116,13 +116,12 @@ void* GetDiagnosticsProcess(void* data);
 int httpUploadFile(char *location, char *path, char *filename,char *url);
 int ftpFile(char *location, char *user, char *password, int port, char *path, char *fnamePlusPath,char *filename);
 int get_file_contents(const char* filename, char** outbuffer);
-//void Send(struct json_object *message);
 void LWS_Send(char * str);
 extern int queue_operation(int type, char *frontUUID, char *frontData);
 int GetOcppServerURL();
 int GetOcppPath();
 int GetOcppPort();
-int GetTransactionId(int gunindex, unsigned char idTag[]);
+int GetTransactionId(int gunindex, char idTag[]);
 void SetTransactionIdZero(int transactionId);
 void GetChargingProfileRequest(int gunindex);
 void FillStartTransaction(int ConnectorId, unsigned char IdTag[], int MeterStart,int ReservationId,unsigned char Timestamp[]);
@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ int GetBootNotificationInterval(void);
 void InitialSystemValue(void);
 void checkTempStopTransaction(int gun_index);
 void storeTempStopTransaction(int gun_index);
-void GetStartTransactionIdTag(int gun_index);
  // sqlite related routine
@@ -145,9 +144,28 @@ void GetStartTransactionIdTag(int gun_index);
  int OCPP_cleanLocalList();
  int OCPP_addLocalList(int version, char *idTag, char *parentTage, char *expiryDate, char *status);
  int OCPP_addLocalList_1(int version, char *idTag, char *parentTage, char *expiryDate, char *status);
-// void OCPP_getIdTag(char *idTag);
  void OCPP_getIdTag(char idTag[]);
-// void OCPP_deleteIdTag(char *idTag);
  void OCPP_deleteIdTag(char idTag[]);

Fișier diff suprimat deoarece este prea mare
+ 564 - 822

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Sample_OCPP_Task.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2020¦~5¤ë26¤é
+ *      Author: foluswen
+ */
+#include 	<sys/time.h>
+#include 	<sys/timeb.h>
+#include    <sys/types.h>
+#include    <sys/stat.h>
+#include 	<sys/ioctl.h>
+#include 	<sys/socket.h>
+#include 	<sys/ipc.h>
+#include 	<sys/shm.h>
+#include 	<sys/mman.h>
+#include 	<linux/wireless.h>
+#include 	<linux/sockios.h>
+#include 	<linux/socket.h>
+#include 	<arpa/inet.h>
+#include 	<netinet/in.h>
+#include 	<unistd.h>
+#include 	<stdarg.h>
+#include    <stdio.h>
+#include    <stdlib.h>
+#include    <unistd.h>
+#include    <fcntl.h>
+#include    <termios.h>
+#include 	<errno.h>
+#include 	<string.h>
+#include	<time.h>
+#include	<ctype.h>
+#include 	<ifaddrs.h>
+#include 	<pthread.h>
+#include 	<mcheck.h>
+#include 	<uuid/uuid.h>
+#include 	<libwebsockets.h>
+#include 	<lws_config.h>
+#include	<sqlite3.h>
+#include	<json-c/json.h>
+#include	"hashmap.h"
+#include    "SystemLogMessage.h"
+#include    "MessageHandler.h"
+#define is_error(ptr) 				((unsigned long)ptr > (unsigned long)-4000L)
+#define PASS						1
+#define FAIL						-1
+// Hash map operation constant
+#define HASH_OP_ADD		0
+#define HASH_OP_GET		1
+#define HASH_OP_REMOVE	2
+// OCPP Message type constant
+#define MESSAGE_TYPE_CALL			2
+// Queue operation constant
+extern void CheckSystemValue(void);
+extern int FirstHeartBeatResponse(void);
+extern void OCPP_get_TableAuthlocalAllData(void);
+extern int TransactionMessageAttemptsGet(void);
+extern int TransactionMessageRetryIntervalGet(void);
+extern int GetOcppConnStatus(void);
+extern void SetOcppConnStatus(uint8_t status);
+extern int GetHeartBeatWithNOResponse(void);
+extern void SetHeartBeatWithNOResponse(void);
+extern int InitShareMemory();
+extern int ProcessShareMemory();
+extern void CheckSystemValue(void);
+extern int showfront(char *uuid, char *data);
+extern int addq(char *uuid, char *data) ;
+extern int delq();
+extern int sentqueue();
+extern void CheckTransactionPacket(char *uuid);
+extern int queue_operation(int type, char *frontUUID, char *frontData);
+extern char *random_uuid( char buf[37]);
+extern void work(char s[]);
+extern char* strchr(const char *p, int ch);
+extern void splitstring(char *src, const char *separator, char **dest,int *num);
+extern char* stringtrim( char * s );
+extern char* stringtrimspace( char * s );
+extern struct lws 					*wsi_client;
+extern struct lws_context 			*context;
+extern unsigned char 				SendBuffer[4096];
+extern int 							SendBufLen;
+extern char 						OcppPath[160];
+extern char 						OcppProtocol[10];
+extern char 						OcppHost[50];
+extern char 						OcppTempPath[50];
+extern int 							OcppPort;
+extern char 						StartTransactionIdTagTemp[20];

+ 0 - 140

@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ShareMemory_H
-#define ShareMemory_H
-struct AuthorizeRequest
-	unsigned char 			IdTag[20];
-struct BootNotificationRequest{
-	unsigned char CpVendor[20];				//chargePointVendor				//mandatory
-	unsigned char CpModel[20];				//chargePointModel				//mandatory
-	unsigned char CpSN[25];					//chargePointSerialNumber
-	unsigned char CbSN[25];					//chargeBoxSerialNumber
-	unsigned char CpFwVersion[50];			//firmwareVersion
-	unsigned char CpIccid[20];				//iccid
-	unsigned char CpImsi[20];				//imsi
-	unsigned char CpMeterType[25];			//meterType
-	unsigned char CpMeterSerialNumber[25];	//meterSerialNumber
-struct DiagnosticsStatusNotificationRequest{
-	unsigned char Status[16];		//Idle,Uploaded,UploadFailed,Uploading
-struct StartTransactionRequest
-	int ConnectorId;
-	unsigned char IdTag[20];
-	int MeterStart;
-	int ReservationId;
-	unsigned char Timestamp[28];
-struct StopTransactionRequest
-	unsigned char IdTag[20];
-	int MeterStop;
-	unsigned char Timestamp[28];
-	int TransactionId;
-	unsigned char StopReason;				/*	"EmergencyStop",
-												"EVDisconnected",
-												"HardReset",
-												"Local",
-												"Other",
-												"PowerLoss",
-												"Reboot",
-												"Remote",
-												"SoftReset",
-												"UnlockCommand",
-												"DeAuthorized"
-											*/
-	struct StructMeterValue	*TransactionData;
-struct StatusNotificationRequest
-	int ConnectorId;
-	unsigned char ErrorCode;				/*	"ConnectorLockFailure",
-								                "EVCommunicationError",
-								                "GroundFailure",
-								                "HighTemperature",
-								                "InternalError",
-								                "LocalListConflict",
-								                "NoError",
-								                "OtherError",
-								                "OverCurrentFailure",
-								                "PowerMeterFailure",
-								                "PowerSwitchFailure",
-								                "ReaderFailure",
-								                "ResetFailure",
-								                "UnderVoltage",
-								                "OverVoltage",
-								                "WeakSignal"
-								            */
-	unsigned char Info[50];
-	unsigned char Status;					/*	"Available",
-								                "Preparing",
-								                "Charging",
-								                "SuspendedEVSE",
-								                "SuspendedEV",
-								                "Finishing",
-								                "Reserved",
-								                "Unavailable",
-								                "Faulted"
-								            */
-	unsigned char Timestamp[28];
-	unsigned char VendorId[256];
-	unsigned char VendorErrorCode[50];
-struct  AuthorizeResponse{
-	unsigned char 		ExpiryDate[28];
-	unsigned char 		ParentIdTag[20];
-	unsigned char 		Status[16];		//Accepted, Blocked, Expired, Invalid, ConcurrentTx
-struct BootNotificationResponse{
-	unsigned char 		ResponseStatus[16];			//Accepted, Pending, Rejected
-	unsigned char 		ResponseCurrentTime[28];	//currentTime					//mandatory
-	int 		  		ResponseHeartbeatInterval;	//interval						//mandatory
-struct DataTransferResponse
-	unsigned char 		ResponseStatus[18];	//Accepted, Rejected,UnknownMessageId,UnknownVendorId
-	unsigned char 		ResponseData[256];
-struct HeartbeatResponse
-	unsigned char 		ResponseCurrentTime[28];
-struct  StartTransactionResponse
-	unsigned char 		ExpiryDate[28];
-	unsigned char 		ParentIdTag[20];
-	unsigned char 		Status[16];		//Accepted, Blocked, Expired, Invalid, ConcurrentTx
-	int 				ResponseTransactionId;
-struct  StopTransactionResponse
-	unsigned char 		ExpiryDate[28];
-	unsigned char 		ParentIdTag[20];
-	unsigned char 		Status[16];		//Accepted, Blocked, Expired, Invalid, ConcurrentTx
-// Init all share memory
-int InitShareMemory();
-int ProcessShareMemory();
-void CheckSystemValue(void);

+ 9 - 13

@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-#include	"SystemLogMessage.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include 	<stdlib.h>
-#include 	<string.h>
-#include	<time.h>
-#include	<stdarg.h>
+#include "Module_OcppBackend.h"
 #define Debug
-#define SystemLogMessage
-#ifdef SystemLogMessage
 int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
 	char Buf[65536+256];
@@ -31,9 +25,11 @@ int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
 	//printf("buffer: %s\n",Buf );
 	//execl("sh", "sh", "-c", Buf, NULL);//system((const char*)Buf);
 	system((const char*)Buf);
-	#ifdef Debug
+#ifdef Debug
 	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer);
-	#endif
 	return rc;
@@ -60,9 +56,9 @@ int StoreOcppMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
 	//printf("buffer: %s\n",Buf );
 	//execl("sh", "sh", "-c", Buf, NULL);//system((const char*)Buf);
 	system((const char*)Buf);
-	#ifdef Debug
+#ifdef Debug
 	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d] - %s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec, buffer);
-	#endif
 	return rc;

+ 0 - 16

@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TransactionQueue_H
-#define TransactionQueue_H
-// HandleError routine
-void createq();
-int showfront(char *uuid, char *data);
-int addq(char *uuid, char *data);
-int delq();
-int showqueue();

+ 108 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ * common.c
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2020¦~5¤ë27¤é
+ *      Author: foluswen
+ */
+#include "Module_OcppBackend.h"
+void work(char s[])        // Delete space on start & end
+	int i,j;
+	for(i=0;s[i]==' ';i++);        		// Search first non space
+	for(j=0;s[i];)s[j++]=s[i++];        // Delete space in start
+	for(i--;s[i]==' ';i--)s[i]='\0';    // Delete space in end
+char* strchr(const char *p, int ch)
+    char c;
+    c = ch;
+    for (;; ++p) {
+        if (*p == c)
+            return ((char *)p);
+        if (*p == '\0')
+            return (NULL);
+    }
+    /* NOTREACHED */
+    return NULL;
+void splitstring(char *src, const char *separator, char **dest,int *num)
+     char *pNext;
+     int count = 0;
+     if (src == NULL || strlen(src) == 0)
+        return;
+     if (separator == NULL || strlen(separator) == 0)
+        return;
+     pNext = (char *)strtok(src,separator);
+     while(pNext != NULL)
+     {
+          *dest++ = pNext;
+          ++count;
+         pNext = (char *)strtok(NULL,separator);
+    }
+    *num = count;
+char* stringtrim( char * s )
+    char * p1 = s;
+	char * p2 = s;
+	while(*p1 != '\0')
+	{
+		while(*p1 == ' ' || *p1 == '\t' || *p1 == '\"' || *p1 == '\n' || *p1 == '}' || *p1 == '\r')
+		{
+			if(*p1 != ',')
+			{
+				p1 ++;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if(*p1 != ',')
+		{
+			* p2 ++ = *p1 ++;
+			//printf("p2=%s\n",p2);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	*p2 = '\0';
+	return (s);
+char* stringtrimspace( char * s )
+    char * p1 = s;
+	char * p2 = s;
+	while(*p1 != '\0')
+	{
+		while(*p1 == ' ') //while(*p1 == ' ' || *p1 == '\t' || *p1 == '\n' || *p1 == '\r')
+		{
+			p1 ++;
+		}
+		* p2 ++ = *p1 ++;
+		//printf("p2=%s\n",p2);
+	}
+	*p2 = '\0';
+	return (s);

+ 42 - 684

@@ -4,658 +4,61 @@
  *  Created on: 2019 ~4  27  
  *      Author: foluswen
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "hashmap.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <unistd.h>     /*Unix 標準函數定義*/
-#include "SystemLogMessage.h"
+#include "Module_OcppBackend.h"
 typedef enum boolean { FALSE, TRUE } BOOL;
 static pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-#if 0
-#define INITIAL_SIZE (2000)//(256)
-#define MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH (8)
-//static map_t hashMap;
-// Compile with -pthread
-// Create a mutex this ready to be locked!
-static pthread_mutex_t m;// = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-/* We need to keep keys and values */
-typedef struct _hashmap_element{
-	char key[KEY_MAX_LENGTH];//char* key;
-	int in_use;
-	char data[VALUE_MAX_LENGTH];//any_t data;
-} hashmap_element;
-/* A hashmap has some maximum size and current size,
- * as well as the data to hold. */
-typedef struct _hashmap_map{
-	int table_size;
-	int size;
-	//hashmap_element *data; ---> remove temporally
-	hashmap_element data[2000];
-} hashmap_map;
-static struct _hashmap_map hashMap[0]={0};
- * Return an empty hashmap, or NULL on failure.
- */
-map_t hashmap_new() {
-	printf("hashmap_new\n");
-	memset(&hashMap, 0, sizeof hashMap);
-	printf("hashmap_new 1\n");
-	hashMap[0].table_size = INITIAL_SIZE;
-	hashMap[0].size = 0;
-	printf("(hashmap_new) hashMap.table_size=%d",hashMap[0].table_size);
-	return NULL;
-#if 0
-	hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map*) malloc(sizeof(hashmap_map));
-	if(!m) goto err;
-	memset(m, 0, sizeof(hashmap_map));
-	m->data = (hashmap_element*) calloc(INITIAL_SIZE, sizeof(hashmap_element));
-	if(!m->data) goto err;
-	m->table_size = INITIAL_SIZE;
-	m->size = 0;
-	return m;
-	err:
-		if (m)
-			hashmap_free(m);
-		return NULL;
-/* The implementation here was originally done by Gary S. Brown.  I have
-   borrowed the tables directly, and made some minor changes to the
-   crc32-function (including changing the interface). //ylo */
-  /* ============================================================= */
-  /*  COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 Gary S. Brown.  You may use this program, or       */
-  /*  code or tables extracted from it, as desired without restriction.     */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*  First, the polynomial itself and its table of feedback terms.  The    */
-  /*  polynomial is                                                         */
-  /*  X^32+X^26+X^23+X^22+X^16+X^12+X^11+X^10+X^8+X^7+X^5+X^4+X^2+X^1+X^0   */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*  Note that we take it "backwards" and put the highest-order term in    */
-  /*  the lowest-order bit.  The X^32 term is "implied"; the LSB is the     */
-  /*  X^31 term, etc.  The X^0 term (usually shown as "+1") results in      */
-  /*  the MSB being 1.                                                      */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*  Note that the usual hardware shift register implementation, which     */
-  /*  is what we're using (we're merely optimizing it by doing eight-bit    */
-  /*  chunks at a time) shifts bits into the lowest-order term.  In our     */
-  /*  implementation, that means shifting towards the right.  Why do we     */
-  /*  do it this way?  Because the calculated CRC must be transmitted in    */
-  /*  order from highest-order term to lowest-order term.  UARTs transmit   */
-  /*  characters in order from LSB to MSB.  By storing the CRC this way,    */
-  /*  we hand it to the UART in the order low-byte to high-byte; the UART   */
-  /*  sends each low-bit to hight-bit; and the result is transmission bit   */
-  /*  by bit from highest- to lowest-order term without requiring any bit   */
-  /*  shuffling on our part.  Reception works similarly.                    */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*  The feedback terms table consists of 256, 32-bit entries.  Notes:     */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*      The table can be generated at runtime if desired; code to do so   */
-  /*      is shown later.  It might not be obvious, but the feedback        */
-  /*      terms simply represent the results of eight shift/xor opera-      */
-  /*      tions for all combinations of data and CRC register values.       */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*      The values must be right-shifted by eight bits by the "updcrc"    */
-  /*      logic; the shift must be unsigned (bring in zeroes).  On some     */
-  /*      hardware you could probably optimize the shift in assembler by    */
-  /*      using byte-swap instructions.                                     */
-  /*      polynomial $edb88320                                              */
-  /*                                                                        */
-  /*  --------------------------------------------------------------------  */
-static unsigned long crc32_tab[] = {
-      0x00000000L, 0x77073096L, 0xee0e612cL, 0x990951baL, 0x076dc419L,
-      0x706af48fL, 0xe963a535L, 0x9e6495a3L, 0x0edb8832L, 0x79dcb8a4L,
-      0xe0d5e91eL, 0x97d2d988L, 0x09b64c2bL, 0x7eb17cbdL, 0xe7b82d07L,
-      0x90bf1d91L, 0x1db71064L, 0x6ab020f2L, 0xf3b97148L, 0x84be41deL,
-      0x1adad47dL, 0x6ddde4ebL, 0xf4d4b551L, 0x83d385c7L, 0x136c9856L,
-      0x646ba8c0L, 0xfd62f97aL, 0x8a65c9ecL, 0x14015c4fL, 0x63066cd9L,
-      0xfa0f3d63L, 0x8d080df5L, 0x3b6e20c8L, 0x4c69105eL, 0xd56041e4L,
-      0xa2677172L, 0x3c03e4d1L, 0x4b04d447L, 0xd20d85fdL, 0xa50ab56bL,
-      0x35b5a8faL, 0x42b2986cL, 0xdbbbc9d6L, 0xacbcf940L, 0x32d86ce3L,
-      0x45df5c75L, 0xdcd60dcfL, 0xabd13d59L, 0x26d930acL, 0x51de003aL,
-      0xc8d75180L, 0xbfd06116L, 0x21b4f4b5L, 0x56b3c423L, 0xcfba9599L,
-      0xb8bda50fL, 0x2802b89eL, 0x5f058808L, 0xc60cd9b2L, 0xb10be924L,
-      0x2f6f7c87L, 0x58684c11L, 0xc1611dabL, 0xb6662d3dL, 0x76dc4190L,
-      0x01db7106L, 0x98d220bcL, 0xefd5102aL, 0x71b18589L, 0x06b6b51fL,
-      0x9fbfe4a5L, 0xe8b8d433L, 0x7807c9a2L, 0x0f00f934L, 0x9609a88eL,
-      0xe10e9818L, 0x7f6a0dbbL, 0x086d3d2dL, 0x91646c97L, 0xe6635c01L,
-      0x6b6b51f4L, 0x1c6c6162L, 0x856530d8L, 0xf262004eL, 0x6c0695edL,
-      0x1b01a57bL, 0x8208f4c1L, 0xf50fc457L, 0x65b0d9c6L, 0x12b7e950L,
-      0x8bbeb8eaL, 0xfcb9887cL, 0x62dd1ddfL, 0x15da2d49L, 0x8cd37cf3L,
-      0xfbd44c65L, 0x4db26158L, 0x3ab551ceL, 0xa3bc0074L, 0xd4bb30e2L,
-      0x4adfa541L, 0x3dd895d7L, 0xa4d1c46dL, 0xd3d6f4fbL, 0x4369e96aL,
-      0x346ed9fcL, 0xad678846L, 0xda60b8d0L, 0x44042d73L, 0x33031de5L,
-      0xaa0a4c5fL, 0xdd0d7cc9L, 0x5005713cL, 0x270241aaL, 0xbe0b1010L,
-      0xc90c2086L, 0x5768b525L, 0x206f85b3L, 0xb966d409L, 0xce61e49fL,
-      0x5edef90eL, 0x29d9c998L, 0xb0d09822L, 0xc7d7a8b4L, 0x59b33d17L,
-      0x2eb40d81L, 0xb7bd5c3bL, 0xc0ba6cadL, 0xedb88320L, 0x9abfb3b6L,
-      0x03b6e20cL, 0x74b1d29aL, 0xead54739L, 0x9dd277afL, 0x04db2615L,
-      0x73dc1683L, 0xe3630b12L, 0x94643b84L, 0x0d6d6a3eL, 0x7a6a5aa8L,
-      0xe40ecf0bL, 0x9309ff9dL, 0x0a00ae27L, 0x7d079eb1L, 0xf00f9344L,
-      0x8708a3d2L, 0x1e01f268L, 0x6906c2feL, 0xf762575dL, 0x806567cbL,
-      0x196c3671L, 0x6e6b06e7L, 0xfed41b76L, 0x89d32be0L, 0x10da7a5aL,
-      0x67dd4accL, 0xf9b9df6fL, 0x8ebeeff9L, 0x17b7be43L, 0x60b08ed5L,
-      0xd6d6a3e8L, 0xa1d1937eL, 0x38d8c2c4L, 0x4fdff252L, 0xd1bb67f1L,
-      0xa6bc5767L, 0x3fb506ddL, 0x48b2364bL, 0xd80d2bdaL, 0xaf0a1b4cL,
-      0x36034af6L, 0x41047a60L, 0xdf60efc3L, 0xa867df55L, 0x316e8eefL,
-      0x4669be79L, 0xcb61b38cL, 0xbc66831aL, 0x256fd2a0L, 0x5268e236L,
-      0xcc0c7795L, 0xbb0b4703L, 0x220216b9L, 0x5505262fL, 0xc5ba3bbeL,
-      0xb2bd0b28L, 0x2bb45a92L, 0x5cb36a04L, 0xc2d7ffa7L, 0xb5d0cf31L,
-      0x2cd99e8bL, 0x5bdeae1dL, 0x9b64c2b0L, 0xec63f226L, 0x756aa39cL,
-      0x026d930aL, 0x9c0906a9L, 0xeb0e363fL, 0x72076785L, 0x05005713L,
-      0x95bf4a82L, 0xe2b87a14L, 0x7bb12baeL, 0x0cb61b38L, 0x92d28e9bL,
-      0xe5d5be0dL, 0x7cdcefb7L, 0x0bdbdf21L, 0x86d3d2d4L, 0xf1d4e242L,
-      0x68ddb3f8L, 0x1fda836eL, 0x81be16cdL, 0xf6b9265bL, 0x6fb077e1L,
-      0x18b74777L, 0x88085ae6L, 0xff0f6a70L, 0x66063bcaL, 0x11010b5cL,
-      0x8f659effL, 0xf862ae69L, 0x616bffd3L, 0x166ccf45L, 0xa00ae278L,
-      0xd70dd2eeL, 0x4e048354L, 0x3903b3c2L, 0xa7672661L, 0xd06016f7L,
-      0x4969474dL, 0x3e6e77dbL, 0xaed16a4aL, 0xd9d65adcL, 0x40df0b66L,
-      0x37d83bf0L, 0xa9bcae53L, 0xdebb9ec5L, 0x47b2cf7fL, 0x30b5ffe9L,
-      0xbdbdf21cL, 0xcabac28aL, 0x53b39330L, 0x24b4a3a6L, 0xbad03605L,
-      0xcdd70693L, 0x54de5729L, 0x23d967bfL, 0xb3667a2eL, 0xc4614ab8L,
-      0x5d681b02L, 0x2a6f2b94L, 0xb40bbe37L, 0xc30c8ea1L, 0x5a05df1bL,
-      0x2d02ef8dL
-   };
-/* Return a 32-bit CRC of the contents of the buffer. */
-unsigned long crc32(const unsigned char *s, unsigned int len)
+int MessageSent_add(char *uuid, char *data)
-  unsigned int i;
-  unsigned long crc32val;
-  crc32val = 0;
-  for (i = 0;  i < len;  i ++)
-    {
-      crc32val =
-	crc32_tab[(crc32val ^ s[i]) & 0xff] ^
-	  (crc32val >> 8);
-    }
-  return crc32val;
- * Hashing function for a string
- */
-unsigned int hashmap_hash_int(hashmap_map * m, char* keystring){
-    unsigned long key = crc32((unsigned char*)(keystring), strlen(keystring));
-	/* Robert Jenkins' 32 bit Mix Function */
-	key += (key << 12);
-	key ^= (key >> 22);
-	key += (key << 4);
-	key ^= (key >> 9);
-	key += (key << 10);
-	key ^= (key >> 2);
-	key += (key << 7);
-	key ^= (key >> 12);
-	/* Knuth's Multiplicative Method */
-	key = (key >> 3) * 2654435761;
-	printf("table_size=%d\n",hashMap[0].table_size);
-	return key % hashMap[0].table_size;//key % m->table_size;
- * Return the integer of the location in data
- * to store the point to the item, or MAP_FULL.
- */
-int hashmap_hash(map_t in, char* key){
-	int curr;
-	int i;
-	/* If full, return immediately */
-	printf("hashMap[0].table_size=%d\n",hashMap[0].table_size);
-	if(hashMap[0].size >= (hashMap[0].table_size/2)) return MAP_FULL;
-	/* Find the best index */
-	curr = hashmap_hash_int(hashMap, key);
-	/* Linear probing */
-	for(i = 0; i< MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++){
-		if(hashMap[0].data[curr].in_use == 0)
-		{
-			printf(" no in_use \n");
-			return curr;
-		}
-		if(hashMap[0].data[curr].in_use == 1 && (strcmp(hashMap[0].data[curr].key,key)==0))
-		{
-			printf("key use, key exist!!!!\n");
-			return curr;
-		}
-			curr = (curr + 1) % hashMap[0].table_size;
-	}
-	return MAP_FULL;
-#if 0
-	/* Cast the hashmap */
-	hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map *) in;
-	/* If full, return immediately */
-	printf("m->table_size=%d\n",m->table_size);
-	if(m->size >= (m->table_size/2)) return MAP_FULL;
-	/* Find the best index */
-	curr = hashmap_hash_int(m, key);
-	/* Linear probing */
-	for(i = 0; i< MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++){
-		if(m->data[curr].in_use == 0)
-		{
-		    printf(" no in_use \n");
-			return curr;
-		}
-		if(m->data[curr].in_use == 1 && (strcmp(m->data[curr].key,key)==0))
-		{
-			printf("key use, key exist!!!!\n");
-			return curr;
-		}
-		curr = (curr + 1) % m->table_size;
-	}
-	return MAP_FULL;
- * Doubles the size of the hashmap, and rehashes all the elements
- */
-int hashmap_rehash(map_t in){
-#if 0
-	int i;
-	int old_size;
-	hashmap_element* curr;
-	/* Setup the new elements */
-	hashmap_map *m = (hashmap_map *) in;
-	hashmap_element* temp = (hashmap_element *)
-		calloc(2 * m->table_size, sizeof(hashmap_element));
-	if(!temp) return MAP_OMEM;
-	/* Update the array */
-	curr = m->data;
-	m->data = temp;
-	/* Update the size */
-	old_size = m->table_size;
-	m->table_size = 2 * m->table_size;
-	m->size = 0;
-	/* Rehash the elements */
-	for(i = 0; i < old_size; i++){
-        int status;
-        if (curr[i].in_use == 0)
-            continue;
-		status = hashmap_put(m, curr[i].key, curr[i].data);
-		if (status != MAP_OK)
-			return status;
-	}
-	free(curr);
-	return MAP_OK;
-	return MAP_OK;
- * Add a pointer to the hashmap with some key
- */
-int hashmap_put(map_t in, char* key, any_t value){
-	int index;
-	/* Find a place to put our value */
-	index = hashmap_hash(in, key);
-	while(index == MAP_FULL){
-#if 0
-			if (hashmap_rehash(in) == MAP_OMEM) {
-				return MAP_OMEM;
-			}
-		memset(&hashMap[0].data, 0, sizeof(struct _hashmap_map));
-		hashMap[0].table_size = INITIAL_SIZE;
-		hashMap[0].size = 0;
-		index = hashmap_hash(in, key);
-	}
-	printf("hash index=%d\n",index);
-	/* Set the data */
-	strcpy(hashMap[0].data[index].data, value);
-	strcpy(hashMap[0].data[index].key, key);
-	//m->data[index].data = value;
-	//m->data[index].key = key;
-	hashMap[0].data[index].in_use = 1;
-	hashMap[0].size++;
-	printf("hash m->data[index].data=%s\n",hashMap[0].data[index].data);
-	printf("hash m->data[index].key=%s\n",hashMap[0].data[index].key);
-	printf("hash m->data[index].in_use=%d\n",hashMap[0].data[index].in_use);
-	return MAP_OK;
-#if 0
-	hashmap_map* m;
-	/* Cast the hashmap */
-	m = (hashmap_map *) in;
-	/* Find a place to put our value */
-	index = hashmap_hash(in, key);
-	while(index == MAP_FULL){
-		if (hashmap_rehash(in) == MAP_OMEM) {
-			return MAP_OMEM;
-		}
-		index = hashmap_hash(in, key);
-	}
-	printf("hash index=%d\n",index);
-	/* Set the data */
-	strcpy(m->data[index].data, value);
-	strcpy(m->data[index].key, key);
-	//m->data[index].data = value;
-	//m->data[index].key = key;
-	m->data[index].in_use = 1;
-	m->size++;
-	printf("hash m->data[index].data=%s\n",m->data[index].data);
-	printf("hash m->data[index].key=%s\n",m->data[index].key);
-	printf("hash m->data[index].in_use=%d\n",m->data[index].in_use);
-	return MAP_OK;
- * Get your pointer out of the hashmap with a key
- */
-int hashmap_get(map_t in, char* key, any_t *arg){
-	int curr;
-	int i;
-	/* Find data location */
-	curr = hashmap_hash_int(hashMap, key);
-	printf("MAP_get curr=%d\n",curr);
-	/* Linear probing, if necessary */
-	for(i = 0; i<MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++){
-	        int in_use = hashMap[0].data[curr].in_use;
-	        printf("MAP_get in use=%d\n",in_use);
-	        if (in_use == 1){
-	        	printf("MAP_get hashMap.data[curr].key=%s\n", hashMap[0].data[curr].key);
-	        	printf("MAP_get hashMap.data[curr].data=%s\n", hashMap[0].data[curr].data);
-	            if (strcmp(hashMap[0].data[curr].key,key)==0){
-	            	strcpy(arg, hashMap[0].data[curr].data);
-	                //*arg = (m->data[curr].data);
-	                printf("MAP_OK curr=%d\n",curr);
-	                return MAP_OK;
-	            }
-			}
-			curr = (curr + 1) % hashMap[0].table_size;
-			printf("MAP_MISSING curr=%d\n",curr);
-	}
-	memset(arg, 0, sizeof arg);
-	//*arg = NULL;
-	/* Not found */
-	return MAP_MISSING;
-#if 0
-	int curr;
-	int i;
-	hashmap_map* m;
-	/* Cast the hashmap */
-	m = (hashmap_map *) in;
-	/* Find data location */
-	curr = hashmap_hash_int(m, key);
-	printf("MAP_get curr=%d\n",curr);
-	/* Linear probing, if necessary */
-	for(i = 0; i<MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++){
-        int in_use = m->data[curr].in_use;
-        printf("MAP_get in use=%d\n",in_use);
-        if (in_use == 1){
-        	printf("MAP_get m->data[curr].key=%s\n", m->data[curr].key);
-        	printf("MAP_get m->data[curr].data=%s\n", m->data[curr].data);
-            if (strcmp(m->data[curr].key,key)==0){
-            	strcpy(arg, m->data[curr].data);
-                //*arg = (m->data[curr].data);
-                printf("MAP_OK curr=%d\n",curr);
-                return MAP_OK;
-            }
-		}
+	FILE *outfile;
+	char rmFileCmd[100]={0};
+	struct stat stats;
+	char tempstring[100]={0};
-		curr = (curr + 1) % m->table_size;
-		  printf("MAP_MISSING curr=%d\n",curr);
+	stat("/Storage/OCPP", &stats);
+	// Check for directory existence
+	if (S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode) == 1)
+	{
+		//printf("\n directory exist \n");
-	memset(arg, 0, sizeof arg);
-	//*arg = NULL;
-	/* Not found */
-	return MAP_MISSING;
- * Iterate the function parameter over each element in the hashmap.  The
- * additional any_t argument is passed to the function as its first
- * argument and the hashmap element is the second.
- */
-#if 0
-int hashmap_iterate(map_t in, PFany f, any_t item) {
-	int i;
-	/* Cast the hashmap */
-	hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map*) in;
-	/* On empty hashmap, return immediately */
-	if (hashmap_length(m) <= 0)
-		return MAP_MISSING;
-	/* Linear probing */
-	for(i = 0; i< m->table_size; i++)
-		if(m->data[i].in_use != 0) {
-			any_t data = (any_t) (m->data[i].data);
-			int status = f(item, data);
-			if (status != MAP_OK) {
-				return status;
-			}
-		}
-    return MAP_OK;
- * Remove an element with that key from the map
- */
-int hashmap_remove(map_t in, char* key){
-	int i;
-	int curr;
-	/* Find key */
-		curr = hashmap_hash_int(hashMap, key);
-		/* Linear probing, if necessary */
-		for(i = 0; i<MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++){
-	        int in_use = hashMap[0].data[curr].in_use;
-	        if (in_use == 1){
-	            if (strcmp(hashMap[0].data[curr].key,key)==0){
-	                /* Blank out the fields */
-	            	hashMap[0].data[curr].in_use = 0;
-	                memset(hashMap[0].data[curr].data, 0, sizeof hashMap[0].data[curr].data);
-	                memset(hashMap[0].data[curr].key, 0, sizeof hashMap[0].data[curr].key);
-	               // m->data[curr].data = NULL;
-	               // m->data[curr].key = NULL;
-	                printf("remove m->size=%d \n",hashMap[0].size);
-	                /* Reduce the size */
-	                hashMap[0].size--;
-	                printf("remove ok!\n");
-	                return MAP_OK;
-	            }
-			}
-			curr = (curr + 1) % hashMap[0].table_size;
-		}
-		/* Data not found */
-		return MAP_MISSING;
-#if 0
-	int i;
-	int curr;
-	hashmap_map* m;
-	/* Cast the hashmap */
-	m = (hashmap_map *) in;
-	/* Find key */
-	curr = hashmap_hash_int(m, key);
-	/* Linear probing, if necessary */
-	for(i = 0; i<MAX_CHAIN_LENGTH; i++){
-        int in_use = m->data[curr].in_use;
-        if (in_use == 1){
-            if (strcmp(m->data[curr].key,key)==0){
-                /* Blank out the fields */
-                m->data[curr].in_use = 0;
-                memset(m->data[curr].data, 0, sizeof m->data[curr].data);
-                memset(m->data[curr].key, 0, sizeof m->data[curr].key);
-               // m->data[curr].data = NULL;
-               // m->data[curr].key = NULL;
-                printf("remove m->size=%d \n",m->size);
-                /* Reduce the size */
-                m->size--;
-                printf("remove ok!\n");
-                return MAP_OK;
-            }
-		}
-		curr = (curr + 1) % m->table_size;
+	else
+	{
+		printf("\n directory not exist, create dir \n");
+		sprintf(rmFileCmd,"mkdir -p %s","/Storage/OCPP");
+		system(rmFileCmd);
-	/* Data not found */
-	return MAP_MISSING;
-/* Deallocate the hashmap */
-void hashmap_free(map_t in){
-	memset(&hashMap, 0, sizeof(hashMap));
-#if 0
-	hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map*) in;
-	free(m->data);
-	free(m);
-/* Return the length of the hashmap */
-int hashmap_length(map_t in){
-	return hashMap[0].size;
-#if 0
-	hashmap_map* m = (hashmap_map *) in;
-	if(m != NULL) return m->size;
-	else return 0;
-int MessageSent_add(char *uuid, char *data)
-FILE *outfile;
-char rmFileCmd[100]={0};
-struct stat stats;
-char tempstring[100]={0};
-stat("/Storage/OCPP", &stats);
-// Check for directory existence
-if (S_ISDIR(stats.st_mode) == 1)
-	//printf("\n directory exist \n");
-	printf("\n directory not exist, create dir \n");
-	sprintf(rmFileCmd,"mkdir -p %s","/Storage/OCPP");
-	system(rmFileCmd);
-memset(&rmFileCmd, 0, sizeof rmFileCmd);
-	//printf("MessageSent exist.\n");
-	printf("MessageSent not exist\n");
-	FILE *log = fopen("/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent", "w+");
+	memset(&rmFileCmd, 0, sizeof rmFileCmd);
-	if(log == NULL)
+	if((access("/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent",F_OK))!=-1)
-		printf("Can't Create File MessageSent \n");
-		return 0;
+		//printf("MessageSent exist.\n");
-		fclose(log);
+		printf("MessageSent not exist\n");
+		FILE *log = fopen("/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent", "w+");
+		if(log == NULL)
+		{
+			printf("Can't Create File MessageSent \n");
+			return 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			fclose(log);
+		}
-// open file for writing
-outfile = fopen ("/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent", "a");
-sprintf(tempstring,"%s,%s\n", uuid,data);
-fputs(tempstring, outfile);
-fclose (outfile);
-//printf("MessageSent add\n");
-return 1;
+	// open file for writing
+	outfile = fopen ("/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent", "a");
+	sprintf(tempstring,"%s,%s\n", uuid,data);
+	fputs(tempstring, outfile);
+	fclose (outfile);
+	//printf("MessageSent add\n");
+	return 1;
 int MessageSent_get(char *uuid, char *data)
@@ -833,7 +236,7 @@ strcpy(filename, "/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent");
 infile = fopen ("/Storage/OCPP/MessageSent", "r");
 outfile = fopen (tempfile, "w");
 //DEBUG_INFO("feof(infile) =%d\n",feof(infile));
 int c;
 c = fgetc(infile);
@@ -898,63 +301,18 @@ return 0;
-#if 0
-/* type: 0 (put ); type: 1(get); type: 3(remove) */
-int hashmap_operation(int type, map_t in, char* key, any_t value, any_t *arg){
-	pthread_mutex_init(&m,NULL);
-	pthread_mutex_lock(&m);
-	int result=0;
-	printf("\nhashmap_operation hashMap table size=%d \n", hashMap[0].table_size);
-	printf("\nhashmap_operation hashMap key=%s \n", key);
-	printf("\nhashmap_operation hashMap value=%s \n", arg);
-	if(type == 0)
-		result = hashmap_put(hashMap/*in*/, key, arg);
-	else if(type  == 1)
-		result = hashmap_get(hashMap/*in*/, key, arg);
-	else if(type == 2)
-		result = hashmap_remove(hashMap/*in*/, key);
-	pthread_mutex_unlock(&m);
-	printf("\nhashmap_operation 1 \n");
-	return result;
-/* type: 0 (add ); type: 1(get); type: 3(remove) */
 int hashmap_operation(int type, char *uuid, char *data)
-	//pthread_mutex_init(&m,NULL);
 	int result=0;
-	if(type == 0)
+	if(type == HASH_OP_ADD)
 		result = MessageSent_add(uuid, data);
-	else if(type  == 1)
+	else if(type  == HASH_OP_GET)
 		result = MessageSent_get(uuid,data);
-	else if(type == 2)
+	else if(type == HASH_OP_REMOVE)
 		result = MessageSent_remove(uuid, data);
-	//printf("\nhashmap_operation 1 \n");
 	return result;
-#if 0
-void hashmapForMessageNew(void)
-	hashmap_new();
-void hashmapForMessageFree(void)
-	hashmap_free(&hashMap);
-int hashmapForMessageLength(void)
-	return hashmap_length(&hashMap);

+ 3 - 61

@@ -43,70 +43,12 @@ typedef int (*PFany)(any_t, any_t);
 typedef any_t map_t;
- * Return an empty hashmap. Returns NULL if empty.
-extern map_t hashmap_new();
- * Iteratively call f with argument (item, data) for
- * each element data in the hashmap. The function must
- * return a map status code. If it returns anything other
- * than MAP_OK the traversal is terminated. f must
- * not reenter any hashmap functions, or deadlock may arise.
- */
-extern int hashmap_iterate(map_t in, PFany f, any_t item);
- * Add an element to the hashmap. Return MAP_OK or MAP_OMEM.
- */
-extern int hashmap_put(map_t in, char* key, any_t value);
- * Get an element from the hashmap. Return MAP_OK or MAP_MISSING.
- */
-extern int hashmap_get(map_t in, char* key, any_t *arg);
+extern int MessageSent_add(char *uuid, char *data);
- * Remove an element from the hashmap. Return MAP_OK or MAP_MISSING.
- */
-extern int hashmap_remove(map_t in, char* key);
+extern int MessageSent_get(char *uuid, char *data);
- * Get any element. Return MAP_OK or MAP_MISSING.
- * remove - should the element be removed from the hashmap
- */
-extern int hashmap_get_one(map_t in, any_t *arg, int remove);
+extern int MessageSent_remove(char *uuid, char *data);
- * Free the hashmap
- */
-extern void hashmap_free(map_t in);
- * Get the current size of a hashmap
- */
-extern int hashmap_length(map_t in);
- * hashmap_operation operation
- */
-//extern int hashmap_operation(int type, map_t in, char* key, any_t value, any_t *arg);
 extern int hashmap_operation(int type, char *uuid, char *data);
- * hashmapForMessageNew operation
- */
-extern void hashmapForMessageNew(void);
- * hashmapForMessageFree operation
- */
-extern void hashmapForMessageFree(void);
- * hashmapForMessageFree operation
- */
-extern int hashmapForMessageLength(void);
 #endif /* HASHMAP_H_ */

+ 4696 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4696 @@
+ * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Andy Green <andy@warmcat.com>
+ *
+ *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
+ *  version 2.1 of the License.
+ *
+ *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ *  MA  02110-1301  USA
+ */
+/** @file */
+#ifndef LIBWEBSOCKET_H_3060898B846849FF9F88F5DB59B5950C
+#define LIBWEBSOCKET_H_3060898B846849FF9F88F5DB59B5950C
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdarg>
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP8266)
+struct sockaddr_in;
+#define LWS_POSIX 0
+#define LWS_POSIX 1
+#include "lws_config.h"
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
+#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ws2tcpip.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <basetsd.h>
+#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#define _O_RDONLY	0x0000
+// Visual studio older than 2015 and WIN_CE has only _stricmp
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900) || defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+#define strcasecmp _stricmp
+#elif !defined(__MINGW32__)
+#define strcasecmp stricmp
+#define getdtablesize() 30000
+#define LWS_INLINE __inline
+#define LWS_VISIBLE
+#define LWS_FORMAT(string_index)
+#ifdef LWS_DLL
+#define LWS_EXTERN extern __declspec(dllexport)
+#define LWS_EXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
+#define LWS_EXTERN
+#if !defined(__MINGW32__) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1900) /* Visual Studio 2015 already defines this in <stdio.h> */
+#define lws_snprintf _snprintf
+#ifndef __func__
+#define __func__ __FUNCTION__
+#if !defined(__MINGW32__) &&(!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1900) && !defined(snprintf)
+#define snprintf(buf,len, format,...) _snprintf_s(buf, len,len, format, __VA_ARGS__)
+#else /* NOT WIN32 */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#define LWS_INLINE inline
+#if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP8266) && !defined(OPTEE_TA) && !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#define LWS_INVALID_FILE -1
+#define getdtablesize() (20)
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+/* warn_unused_result attribute only supported by GCC 3.4 or later */
+#if __GNUC__ >= 4 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
+#define LWS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
+#define LWS_VISIBLE __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+#define LWS_WARN_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((deprecated))
+#define LWS_FORMAT(string_index) __attribute__ ((format(printf, string_index, string_index+1)))
+#define LWS_VISIBLE
+#define LWS_FORMAT(string_index)
+#if defined(__ANDROID__)
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define getdtablesize() sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)
+#include <ev.h>
+#endif /* LWS_USE_LIBEV */
+#include <uv.h>
+#include <uv-version.h>
+#endif /* LWS_USE_LIBUV */
+#ifndef LWS_EXTERN
+#define LWS_EXTERN extern
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define random rand
+#if !defined(OPTEE_TA)
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <cyassl/openssl/ssl.h>
+#include <cyassl/error-ssl.h>
+#include <wolfssl/openssl/ssl.h>
+#include <wolfssl/error-ssl.h>
+#endif /* not USE_OLD_CYASSL */
+#include <openssl/ssl.h>
+#if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#endif /* not USE_WOLFSSL */
+/** \defgroup log Logging
+ *
+ * ##Logging
+ *
+ * Lws provides flexible and filterable logging facilities, which can be
+ * used inside lws and in user code.
+ *
+ * Log categories may be individually filtered bitwise, and directed to built-in
+ * sinks for syslog-compatible logging, or a user-defined function.
+ */
+enum lws_log_levels {
+	LLL_ERR = 1 << 0,
+	LLL_WARN = 1 << 1,
+	LLL_NOTICE = 1 << 2,
+	LLL_INFO = 1 << 3,
+	LLL_DEBUG = 1 << 4,
+	LLL_PARSER = 1 << 5,
+	LLL_HEADER = 1 << 6,
+	LLL_EXT = 1 << 7,
+	LLL_CLIENT = 1 << 8,
+	LLL_LATENCY = 1 << 9,
+	LLL_USER = 1 << 10,
+	LLL_COUNT = 11 /* set to count of valid flags */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN void _lws_log(int filter, const char *format, ...) LWS_FORMAT(2);
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN void _lws_logv(int filter, const char *format, va_list vl);
+ * lwsl_timestamp: generate logging timestamp string
+ *
+ * \param level:	logging level
+ * \param p:		char * buffer to take timestamp
+ * \param len:	length of p
+ *
+ * returns length written in p
+ */
+lwsl_timestamp(int level, char *p, int len);
+/* these guys are unconditionally included */
+#define lwsl_err(...) _lws_log(LLL_ERR, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_user(...) _lws_log(LLL_USER, __VA_ARGS__)
+#if !defined(LWS_WITH_NO_LOGS)
+/* notice and warn are usually included by being compiled in */
+#define lwsl_warn(...) _lws_log(LLL_WARN, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_notice(...) _lws_log(LLL_NOTICE, __VA_ARGS__)
+ *  weaker logging can be deselected by telling CMake to build in RELEASE mode
+ *  that gets rid of the overhead of checking while keeping _warn and _err
+ *  active
+ */
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP8266)
+#undef _DEBUG
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_NO_LOGS)
+/* notice, warn and log are always compiled in */
+#define lwsl_warn(...) _lws_log(LLL_WARN, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_notice(...) _lws_log(LLL_NOTICE, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_info(...) _lws_log(LLL_INFO, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_debug(...) _lws_log(LLL_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_parser(...) _lws_log(LLL_PARSER, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_header(...)  _lws_log(LLL_HEADER, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_ext(...)  _lws_log(LLL_EXT, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_client(...) _lws_log(LLL_CLIENT, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define lwsl_latency(...) _lws_log(LLL_LATENCY, __VA_ARGS__)
+ * lwsl_hexdump() - helper to hexdump a buffer (DEBUG builds only)
+ *
+ * \param buf: buffer start to dump
+ * \param len: length of buffer to dump
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN void lwsl_hexdump(void *buf, size_t len);
+#else /* no debug */
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_NO_LOGS)
+#define lwsl_warn(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_notice(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_info(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_debug(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_parser(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_header(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_ext(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_client(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_latency(...) do {} while(0)
+#define lwsl_hexdump(a, b)
+static LWS_INLINE int lws_is_be(void) {
+	const int probe = ~0xff;
+	return *(const char *)&probe;
+ * lws_set_log_level() - Set the logging bitfield
+ * \param level:	OR together the LLL_ debug contexts you want output from
+ * \param log_emit_function:	NULL to leave it as it is, or a user-supplied
+ *			function to perform log string emission instead of
+ *			the default stderr one.
+ *
+ *	log level defaults to "err", "warn" and "notice" contexts enabled and
+ *	emission on stderr.
+ */
+lws_set_log_level(int level,
+		  void (*log_emit_function)(int level, const char *line));
+ * lwsl_emit_syslog() - helper log emit function writes to system log
+ *
+ * \param level: one of LLL_ log level indexes
+ * \param line: log string
+ *
+ * You use this by passing the function pointer to lws_set_log_level(), to set
+ * it as the log emit function, it is not called directly.
+ */
+lwsl_emit_syslog(int level, const char *line);
+ * lwsl_visible() - returns true if the log level should be printed
+ *
+ * \param level: one of LLL_ log level indexes
+ *
+ * This is useful if you have to do work to generate the log content, you
+ * can skip the work if the log level used to print it is not actually
+ * enabled at runtime.
+ */
+lwsl_visible(int level);
+#include <stddef.h>
+#ifndef lws_container_of
+#define lws_container_of(P,T,M)	((T *)((char *)(P) - offsetof(T, M)))
+struct lws;
+#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
+/* api change list for user code to test against */
+/* the struct lws_protocols has the id field present */
+/* you can call lws_get_peer_write_allowance */
+/* extra parameter introduced in 917f43ab821 */
+/* File operations stuff exists */
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+typedef SOCKET lws_sockfd_type;
+typedef HANDLE lws_filefd_type;
+#define lws_sockfd_valid(sfd) (!!sfd)
+struct lws_pollfd {
+	lws_sockfd_type fd; /**< file descriptor */
+	SHORT events; /**< which events to respond to */
+	SHORT revents; /**< which events happened */
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP8266)
+#include <user_interface.h>
+#include <espconn.h>
+typedef struct espconn * lws_sockfd_type;
+typedef void * lws_filefd_type;
+#define lws_sockfd_valid(sfd) (!!sfd)
+struct pollfd {
+	lws_sockfd_type fd; /**< fd related to */
+	short events; /**< which POLL... events to respond to */
+	short revents; /**< which POLL... events occurred */
+#define POLLIN		0x0001
+#define POLLPRI		0x0002
+#define POLLOUT		0x0004
+#define POLLERR		0x0008
+#define POLLHUP		0x0010
+#define POLLNVAL	0x0020
+struct lws_vhost;
+lws_sockfd_type esp8266_create_tcp_listen_socket(struct lws_vhost *vh);
+void esp8266_tcp_stream_accept(lws_sockfd_type fd, struct lws *wsi);
+#include <os_type.h>
+#include <osapi.h>
+#include "ets_sys.h"
+int ets_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...) LWS_FORMAT(3);
+#define snprintf  ets_snprintf
+typedef os_timer_t uv_timer_t;
+typedef void uv_cb_t(uv_timer_t *);
+void os_timer_disarm(void *);
+void os_timer_setfn(os_timer_t *, os_timer_func_t *, void *);
+void ets_timer_arm_new(os_timer_t *, int, int, int);
+//void os_timer_arm(os_timer_t *, int, int);
+#define lws_uv_getloop(a, b) (NULL)
+static inline void uv_timer_init(void *l, uv_timer_t *t)
+	(void)l;
+	memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t));
+	os_timer_disarm(t);
+static inline void uv_timer_start(uv_timer_t *t, uv_cb_t *cb, int first, int rep)
+	os_timer_setfn(t, (os_timer_func_t *)cb, t);
+	/* ms, repeat */
+	os_timer_arm(t, first, !!rep);
+static inline void uv_timer_stop(uv_timer_t *t)
+	os_timer_disarm(t);
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
+typedef int lws_sockfd_type;
+typedef int lws_filefd_type;
+#define lws_sockfd_valid(sfd) (sfd >= 0)
+struct pollfd {
+	lws_sockfd_type fd; /**< fd related to */
+	short events; /**< which POLL... events to respond to */
+	short revents; /**< which POLL... events occurred */
+#define POLLIN		0x0001
+#define POLLPRI		0x0002
+#define POLLOUT		0x0004
+#define POLLERR		0x0008
+#define POLLHUP		0x0010
+#define POLLNVAL	0x0020
+#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
+#include <freertos/event_groups.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "esp_wifi.h"
+#include "esp_system.h"
+#include "esp_event.h"
+#include "esp_event_loop.h"
+#include "nvs.h"
+#include "driver/gpio.h"
+#include "esp_spi_flash.h"
+#include "freertos/timers.h"
+#if !defined(CONFIG_FREERTOS_HZ)
+typedef TimerHandle_t uv_timer_t;
+typedef void uv_cb_t(uv_timer_t *);
+typedef void * uv_handle_t;
+struct timer_mapping {
+	uv_cb_t *cb;
+	uv_timer_t *t;
+#define lws_uv_getloop(a, b) (NULL)
+static inline void uv_timer_init(void *l, uv_timer_t *t)
+	(void)l;
+	*t = NULL;
+extern void esp32_uvtimer_cb(TimerHandle_t t);
+static inline void uv_timer_start(uv_timer_t *t, uv_cb_t *cb, int first, int rep)
+	struct timer_mapping *tm = malloc(sizeof(*tm));
+	if (!tm)
+		return;
+	tm->t = t;
+	tm->cb = cb;
+	*t = xTimerCreate("x", pdMS_TO_TICKS(first), !!rep, tm,
+			  (TimerCallbackFunction_t)esp32_uvtimer_cb);
+	xTimerStart(*t, 0);
+static inline void uv_timer_stop(uv_timer_t *t)
+	xTimerStop(*t, 0);
+static inline void uv_close(uv_handle_t *h, void *v)
+	free(pvTimerGetTimerID((uv_timer_t)h));
+	xTimerDelete(*(uv_timer_t *)h, 0);
+/* ESP32 helper declarations */
+/* user code provides these */
+extern char lws_esp32_model[16];
+extern int
+extern void
+/* lws-plat-esp32 provides these */
+extern void (*lws_cb_scan_done)(void *);
+extern void *lws_cb_scan_done_arg;
+extern char lws_esp32_serial[], lws_esp32_force_ap, lws_esp32_region;
+extern esp_err_t
+lws_esp32_event_passthru(void *ctx, system_event_t *event);
+extern void
+extern void
+struct lws_context_creation_info;
+extern struct lws_context *
+lws_esp32_init(struct lws_context_creation_info *, unsigned int _romfs);
+typedef int lws_sockfd_type;
+typedef int lws_filefd_type;
+#define lws_sockfd_valid(sfd) (sfd >= 0)
+#define lws_pollfd pollfd
+/** struct lws_pollargs - argument structure for all external poll related calls
+ * passed in via 'in' */
+struct lws_pollargs {
+	lws_sockfd_type fd;	/**< applicable socket descriptor */
+	int events;		/**< the new event mask */
+	int prev_events;	/**< the previous event mask */
+struct lws_tokens;
+struct lws_token_limits;
+/*! \defgroup wsclose Websocket Close
+ *
+ * ##Websocket close frame control
+ *
+ * When we close a ws connection, we can send a reason code and a short
+ * UTF-8 description back with the close packet.
+ */
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+/** enum lws_close_status - RFC6455 close status codes */
+enum lws_close_status {
+	/**< 1000 indicates a normal closure, meaning that the purpose for
+      which the connection was established has been fulfilled. */
+	/**< 1001 indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server
+      going down or a browser having navigated away from a page. */
+	/**< 1002 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection due
+      to a protocol error. */
+	/**< 1003 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
+      because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an
+      endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it
+      receives a binary message). */
+	/**< Reserved.  The specific meaning might be defined in the future. */
+	/**< 1005 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a
+      Close control frame by an endpoint.  It is designated for use in
+      applications expecting a status code to indicate that no status
+      code was actually present. */
+	/**< 1006 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a
+      Close control frame by an endpoint.  It is designated for use in
+      applications expecting a status code to indicate that the
+      connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or
+      receiving a Close control frame. */
+	/**< 1007 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
+      because it has received data within a message that was not
+      consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629]
+      data within a text message). */
+	/**< 1008 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
+      because it has received a message that violates its policy.  This
+      is a generic status code that can be returned when there is no
+      other more suitable status code (e.g., 1003 or 1009) or if there
+      is a need to hide specific details about the policy. */
+	/**< 1009 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
+      because it has received a message that is too big for it to
+      process. */
+	/**< 1010 indicates that an endpoint (client) is terminating the
+      connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or
+      more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response
+      message of the WebSocket handshake.  The list of extensions that
+      are needed SHOULD appear in the /reason/ part of the Close frame.
+      Note that this status code is not used by the server, because it
+      can fail the WebSocket handshake instead */
+	/**< 1011 indicates that a server is terminating the connection because
+      it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from
+      fulfilling the request. */
+	/**< 1015 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a
+      Close control frame by an endpoint.  It is designated for use in
+      applications expecting a status code to indicate that the
+      connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake
+      (e.g., the server certificate can't be verified). */
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+ * lws_close_reason - Set reason and aux data to send with Close packet
+ *		If you are going to return nonzero from the callback
+ *		requesting the connection to close, you can optionally
+ *		call this to set the reason the peer will be told if
+ *		possible.
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	The websocket connection to set the close reason on
+ * \param status:	A valid close status from websocket standard
+ * \param buf:	NULL or buffer containing up to 124 bytes of auxiliary data
+ * \param len:	Length of data in \param buf to send
+ */
+lws_close_reason(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_close_status status,
+		 unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
+struct lws;
+struct lws_context;
+/* needed even with extensions disabled for create context */
+struct lws_extension;
+/*! \defgroup usercb User Callback
+ *
+ * ##User protocol callback
+ *
+ * The protocol callback is the primary way lws interacts with
+ * user code.  For one of a list of a few dozen reasons the callback gets
+ * called at some event to be handled.
+ *
+ * All of the events can be ignored, returning 0 is taken as "OK" and returning
+ * nonzero in most cases indicates that the connection should be closed.
+ */
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+/** enum lws_callback_reasons - reason you're getting a protocol callback */
+enum lws_callback_reasons {
+	/**< (VH) after the server completes a handshake with an incoming
+	 * client.  If you built the library with ssl support, in is a
+	 * pointer to the ssl struct associated with the connection or NULL.*/
+	/**< the request client connection has been unable to complete a
+	 * handshake with the remote server.  If in is non-NULL, you can
+	 * find an error string of length len where it points to
+	 *
+	 * Diagnostic strings that may be returned include
+	 *
+	 *     	"getaddrinfo (ipv6) failed"
+	 *     	"unknown address family"
+	 *     	"getaddrinfo (ipv4) failed"
+	 *     	"set socket opts failed"
+	 *     	"insert wsi failed"
+	 *     	"lws_ssl_client_connect1 failed"
+	 *     	"lws_ssl_client_connect2 failed"
+	 *     	"Peer hung up"
+	 *     	"read failed"
+	 *     	"HS: URI missing"
+	 *     	"HS: Redirect code but no Location"
+	 *     	"HS: URI did not parse"
+	 *     	"HS: Redirect failed"
+	 *     	"HS: Server did not return 200"
+	 *     	"HS: OOM"
+	 *     	"HS: disallowed by client filter"
+	 *     	"HS: disallowed at ESTABLISHED"
+	 *     	"HS: ACCEPT missing"
+	 *     	"HS: ws upgrade response not 101"
+	 *     	"HS: UPGRADE missing"
+	 *     	"HS: Upgrade to something other than websocket"
+	 *     	"HS: CONNECTION missing"
+	 *     	"HS: UPGRADE malformed"
+	 *     	"HS: PROTOCOL malformed"
+	 *     	"HS: Cannot match protocol"
+	 *     	"HS: EXT: list too big"
+	 *     	"HS: EXT: failed setting defaults"
+	 *     	"HS: EXT: failed parsing defaults"
+	 *     	"HS: EXT: failed parsing options"
+	 *     	"HS: EXT: Rejects server options"
+	 *     	"HS: EXT: unknown ext"
+	 *     	"HS: Accept hash wrong"
+	 *     	"HS: Rejected by filter cb"
+	 *     	"HS: OOM"
+	 *     	"HS: SO_SNDBUF failed"
+	 *     	"HS: Rejected at CLIENT_ESTABLISHED"
+	 */
+	/**< this is the last chance for the client user code to examine the
+	 * http headers and decide to reject the connection.  If the
+	 * content in the headers is interesting to the
+	 * client (url, etc) it needs to copy it out at
+	 * this point since it will be destroyed before
+	 * the CLIENT_ESTABLISHED call */
+	/**< after your client connection completed
+	 * a handshake with the remote server */
+	/**< when the websocket session ends */
+	/**< when a HTTP (non-websocket) session ends */
+	/**< data has appeared for this server endpoint from a
+	 * remote client, it can be found at *in and is
+	 * len bytes long */
+	/**< servers receive PONG packets with this callback reason */
+	/**< data has appeared from the server for the client connection, it
+	 * can be found at *in and is len bytes long */
+	/**< clients receive PONG packets with this callback reason */
+	/**<  If you call lws_callback_on_writable() on a connection, you will
+	 * get one of these callbacks coming when the connection socket
+	 * is able to accept another write packet without blocking.
+	 * If it already was able to take another packet without blocking,
+	 * you'll get this callback at the next call to the service loop
+	 * function.  Notice that CLIENTs get LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_WRITEABLE
+	 * and servers get LWS_CALLBACK_SERVER_WRITEABLE. */
+	/**< an http request has come from a client that is not
+	 * asking to upgrade the connection to a websocket
+	 * one.  This is a chance to serve http content,
+	 * for example, to send a script to the client
+	 * which will then open the websockets connection.
+	 * in points to the URI path requested and
+	 * lws_serve_http_file() makes it very
+	 * simple to send back a file to the client.
+	 * Normally after sending the file you are done
+	 * with the http connection, since the rest of the
+	 * activity will come by websockets from the script
+	 * that was delivered by http, so you will want to
+	 * return 1; to close and free up the connection. */
+	/**< the next len bytes data from the http
+	 * request body HTTP connection is now available in in. */
+	/**< the expected amount of http request body has been delivered */
+	/**< a file requested to be sent down http link has completed. */
+	/**< you can write more down the http protocol link now. */
+	/**< called when a client connects to
+	 * the server at network level; the connection is accepted but then
+	 * passed to this callback to decide whether to hang up immediately
+	 * or not, based on the client IP.  in contains the connection
+	 * socket's descriptor. Since the client connection information is
+	 * not available yet, wsi still pointing to the main server socket.
+	 * Return non-zero to terminate the connection before sending or
+	 * receiving anything. Because this happens immediately after the
+	 * network connection from the client, there's no websocket protocol
+	 * selected yet so this callback is issued only to protocol 0. */
+	/**< called when the request has
+	 * been received and parsed from the client, but the response is
+	 * not sent yet.  Return non-zero to disallow the connection.
+	 * user is a pointer to the connection user space allocation,
+	 * in is the URI, eg, "/"
+	 * In your handler you can use the public APIs
+	 * lws_hdr_total_length() / lws_hdr_copy() to access all of the
+	 * headers using the header enums lws_token_indexes from
+	 * libwebsockets.h to check for and read the supported header
+	 * presence and content before deciding to allow the http
+	 * connection to proceed or to kill the connection. */
+	/**< A new client just had
+	 * been connected, accepted, and instantiated into the pool. This
+	 * callback allows setting any relevant property to it. Because this
+	 * happens immediately after the instantiation of a new client,
+	 * there's no websocket protocol selected yet so this callback is
+	 * issued only to protocol 0. Only wsi is defined, pointing to the
+	 * new client, and the return value is ignored. */
+	/**< called when the handshake has
+	 * been received and parsed from the client, but the response is
+	 * not sent yet.  Return non-zero to disallow the connection.
+	 * user is a pointer to the connection user space allocation,
+	 * in is the requested protocol name
+	 * In your handler you can use the public APIs
+	 * lws_hdr_total_length() / lws_hdr_copy() to access all of the
+	 * headers using the header enums lws_token_indexes from
+	 * libwebsockets.h to check for and read the supported header
+	 * presence and content before deciding to allow the handshake
+	 * to proceed or to kill the connection. */
+	/**< if configured for
+	 * including OpenSSL support, this callback allows your user code
+	 * to perform extra SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() or similar
+	 * calls to direct OpenSSL where to find certificates the client
+	 * can use to confirm the remote server identity.  user is the
+	 * OpenSSL SSL_CTX* */
+	/**< if configured for
+	 * including OpenSSL support, this callback allows your user code
+	 * to load extra certifcates into the server which allow it to
+	 * verify the validity of certificates returned by clients.  user
+	 * is the server's OpenSSL SSL_CTX* */
+	/**< if the libwebsockets vhost was created with the option
+	 * callback is generated during OpenSSL verification of the cert
+	 * sent from the client.  It is sent to protocol[0] callback as
+	 * no protocol has been negotiated on the connection yet.
+	 * Notice that the libwebsockets context and wsi are both NULL
+	 * during this callback.  See
+	 *  http://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_verify.html
+	 * to understand more detail about the OpenSSL callback that
+	 * generates this libwebsockets callback and the meanings of the
+	 * arguments passed.  In this callback, user is the x509_ctx,
+	 * in is the ssl pointer and len is preverify_ok
+	 * Notice that this callback maintains libwebsocket return
+	 * conventions, return 0 to mean the cert is OK or 1 to fail it.
+	 * This also means that if you don't handle this callback then
+	 * the default callback action of returning 0 allows the client
+	 * certificates. */
+	/**< this callback happens
+	 * when a client handshake is being compiled.  user is NULL,
+	 * in is a char **, it's pointing to a char * which holds the
+	 * next location in the header buffer where you can add
+	 * headers, and len is the remaining space in the header buffer,
+	 * which is typically some hundreds of bytes.  So, to add a canned
+	 * cookie, your handler code might look similar to:
+	 *
+	 *	char **p = (char **)in;
+	 *
+	 *	if (len < 100)
+	 *		return 1;
+	 *
+	 *	*p += sprintf(*p, "Cookie: a=b\x0d\x0a");
+	 *
+	 *	return 0;
+	 *
+	 * Notice if you add anything, you just have to take care about
+	 * the CRLF on the line you added.  Obviously this callback is
+	 * optional, if you don't handle it everything is fine.
+	 *
+	 * Notice the callback is coming to protocols[0] all the time,
+	 * because there is no specific protocol negotiated yet. */
+	/**< When the server handshake code
+	 * sees that it does support a requested extension, before
+	 * accepting the extension by additing to the list sent back to
+	 * the client it gives this callback just to check that it's okay
+	 * to use that extension.  It calls back to the requested protocol
+	 * and with in being the extension name, len is 0 and user is
+	 * valid.  Note though at this time the ESTABLISHED callback hasn't
+	 * happened yet so if you initialize user content there, user
+	 * content during this callback might not be useful for anything.
+	 * Notice this callback comes to protocols[0]. */
+	/**< When a client
+	 * connection is being prepared to start a handshake to a server,
+	 * each supported extension is checked with protocols[0] callback
+	 * with this reason, giving the user code a chance to suppress the
+	 * claim to support that extension by returning non-zero.  If
+	 * unhandled, by default 0 will be returned and the extension
+	 * support included in the header to the server.  Notice this
+	 * callback comes to protocols[0]. */
+	/**< One-time call per protocol, per-vhost using it, so it can
+	 * do initial setup / allocations etc */
+	/**< One-time call per protocol, per-vhost using it, indicating
+	 * this protocol won't get used at all after this callback, the
+	 * vhost is getting destroyed.  Take the opportunity to
+	 * deallocate everything that was allocated by the protocol. */
+	/**< outermost (earliest) wsi create notification to protocols[0] */
+	/**< outermost (latest) wsi destroy notification to protocols[0] */
+	/**< lws can accept callback when writable requests from other
+	 * threads, if you implement this callback and return an opaque
+	 * current thread ID integer. */
+	/* external poll() management support */
+	/**< lws normally deals with its poll() or other event loop
+	 * internally, but in the case you are integrating with another
+	 * server you will need to have lws sockets share a
+	 * polling array with the other server.  This and the other
+	 * POLL_FD related callbacks let you put your specialized
+	 * poll array interface code in the callback for protocol 0, the
+	 * first protocol you support, usually the HTTP protocol in the
+	 * serving case.
+	 * This callback happens when a socket needs to be
+	 * added to the polling loop: in points to a struct
+	 * lws_pollargs; the fd member of the struct is the file
+	 * descriptor, and events contains the active events
+	 *
+	 * If you are using the internal lws polling / event loop
+	 * you can just ignore these callbacks. */
+	/**< This callback happens when a socket descriptor
+	 * needs to be removed from an external polling array.  in is
+	 * again the struct lws_pollargs containing the fd member
+	 * to be removed.  If you are using the internal polling
+	 * loop, you can just ignore it. */
+	/**< This callback happens when lws wants to modify the events for
+	 * a connection.
+	 * in is the struct lws_pollargs with the fd to change.
+	 * The new event mask is in events member and the old mask is in
+	 * the prev_events member.
+	 * If you are using the internal polling loop, you can just ignore
+	 * it. */
+	/**< These allow the external poll changes driven
+	 * by lws to participate in an external thread locking
+	 * scheme around the changes, so the whole thing is threadsafe.
+	 * These are called around three activities in the library,
+	 *	- inserting a new wsi in the wsi / fd table (len=1)
+	 *	- deleting a wsi from the wsi / fd table (len=1)
+	 *	- changing a wsi's POLLIN/OUT state (len=0)
+	 * Locking and unlocking external synchronization objects when
+	 * len == 1 allows external threads to be synchronized against
+	 * wsi lifecycle changes if it acquires the same lock for the
+	 * duration of wsi dereference from the other thread context. */
+	/**< See LWS_CALLBACK_LOCK_POLL, ignore if using lws internal poll */
+	/**< if configured for including OpenSSL support but no private key
+	 * file has been specified (ssl_private_key_filepath is NULL), this is
+	 * called to allow the user to set the private key directly via
+	 * libopenssl and perform further operations if required; this might be
+	 * useful in situations where the private key is not directly accessible
+	 * by the OS, for example if it is stored on a smartcard.
+	 * user is the server's OpenSSL SSL_CTX* */
+	/**< The peer has sent an unsolicited Close WS packet.  in and
+	 * len are the optional close code (first 2 bytes, network
+	 * order) and the optional additional information which is not
+	 * defined in the standard, and may be a string or non-human- readable data.
+	 * If you return 0 lws will echo the close and then close the
+	 * connection.  If you return nonzero lws will just close the
+	 * connection. */
+	/**<  */
+	LWS_CALLBACK_CGI					= 40,
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**<  */
+	/**< per-mount options for this connection, called before
+	 * the normal LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP when the mount has per-mount
+	 * options
+	 */
+	/**< when doing an HTTP type client connection, you can call
+	 * lws_client_http_body_pending(wsi, 1) from
+	 * sending the HTTP headers.
+	 *
+	 * From this callback, when you have sent everything, you should let
+	 * lws know by calling lws_client_http_body_pending(wsi, 0)
+	 */
+	 * this callback is called during OpenSSL verification of the cert
+	 * sent from the server to the client. It is sent to protocol[0]
+	 * callback as no protocol has been negotiated on the connection yet.
+	 * Notice that the wsi is set because lws_client_connect_via_info was
+	 * successful.
+	 *
+	 * See http://www.openssl.org/docs/ssl/SSL_CTX_set_verify.html
+	 * to understand more detail about the OpenSSL callback that
+	 * generates this libwebsockets callback and the meanings of the
+	 * arguments passed. In this callback, user is the x509_ctx,
+	 * in is the ssl pointer and len is preverify_ok.
+	 *
+	 * THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED BUT if a cert validation error shall be
+	 * overruled and cert shall be accepted as ok,
+	 * X509_STORE_CTX_set_error((X509_STORE_CTX*)user, X509_V_OK); must be
+	 * called and return value must be 0 to mean the cert is OK;
+	 * returning 1 will fail the cert in any case.
+	 *
+	 * This also means that if you don't handle this callback then
+	 * the default callback action of returning 0 will not accept the
+	 * certificate in case of a validation error decided by the SSL lib.
+	 *
+	 * This is expected and secure behaviour when validating certificates.
+	 *
+	 * LCCSCF_SKIP_SERVER_CERT_HOSTNAME_CHECK still work without this
+	 * callback being implemented.
+	 */
+	/**< RAW mode connection RX */
+	/**< RAW mode connection is closing */
+	/**< RAW mode connection may be written */
+	/**< RAW mode connection was adopted (equivalent to 'wsi created') */
+	/**< RAW mode file was adopted (equivalent to 'wsi created') */
+	/**< RAW mode file has something to read */
+	/**< RAW mode file is writeable */
+	/**< RAW mode wsi that adopted a file is closing */
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+	/**<  user code can use any including above without fear of clashes */
+ * typedef lws_callback_function() - User server actions
+ * \param wsi:	Opaque websocket instance pointer
+ * \param reason:	The reason for the call
+ * \param user:	Pointer to per-session user data allocated by library
+ * \param in:		Pointer used for some callback reasons
+ * \param len:	Length set for some callback reasons
+ *
+ *	This callback is the way the user controls what is served.  All the
+ *	protocol detail is hidden and handled by the library.
+ *
+ *	For each connection / session there is user data allocated that is
+ *	pointed to by "user".  You set the size of this user data area when
+ *	the library is initialized with lws_create_server.
+ */
+typedef int
+lws_callback_function(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason,
+		    void *user, void *in, size_t len);
+/*! \defgroup extensions
+ *
+ * ##Extension releated functions
+ *
+ *  Ws defines optional extensions, lws provides the ability to implement these
+ *  in user code if so desired.
+ *
+ *  We provide one extensions permessage-deflate.
+ */
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+enum lws_extension_callback_reasons {
+	LWS_EXT_CB_1HZ					= 18,
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+/** enum lws_ext_options_types */
+enum lws_ext_options_types {
+	EXTARG_NONE, /**< does not take an argument */
+	EXTARG_DEC,  /**< requires a decimal argument */
+	EXTARG_OPT_DEC /**< may have an optional decimal argument */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility */
+/** struct lws_ext_options -	Option arguments to the extension.  These are
+ *				used in the negotiation at ws upgrade time.
+ *				The helper function lws_ext_parse_options()
+ *				uses these to generate callbacks */
+struct lws_ext_options {
+	const char *name; /**< Option name, eg, "server_no_context_takeover" */
+	enum lws_ext_options_types type; /**< What kind of args the option can take */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility */
+/** struct lws_ext_option_arg */
+struct lws_ext_option_arg {
+	const char *option_name; /**< may be NULL, option_index used then */
+	int option_index; /**< argument ordinal to use if option_name missing */
+	const char *start; /**< value */
+	int len; /**< length of value */
+ * typedef lws_extension_callback_function() - Hooks to allow extensions to operate
+ * \param context:	Websockets context
+ * \param ext:	This extension
+ * \param wsi:	Opaque websocket instance pointer
+ * \param reason:	The reason for the call
+ * \param user:	Pointer to ptr to per-session user data allocated by library
+ * \param in:		Pointer used for some callback reasons
+ * \param len:	Length set for some callback reasons
+ *
+ *	Each extension that is active on a particular connection receives
+ *	callbacks during the connection lifetime to allow the extension to
+ *	operate on websocket data and manage itself.
+ *
+ *	Libwebsockets takes care of allocating and freeing "user" memory for
+ *	each active extension on each connection.  That is what is pointed to
+ *	by the user parameter.
+ *
+ *	LWS_EXT_CB_CONSTRUCT:  called when the server has decided to
+ *		select this extension from the list provided by the client,
+ *		just before the server will send back the handshake accepting
+ *		the connection with this extension active.  This gives the
+ *		extension a chance to initialize its connection context found
+ *		in user.
+ *
+ *		but called when client is instantiating this extension.  Some
+ *		extensions will work the same on client and server side and then
+ *		you can just merge handlers for both CONSTRUCTS.
+ *
+ *	LWS_EXT_CB_DESTROY:  called when the connection the extension was
+ *		being used on is about to be closed and deallocated.  It's the
+ *		last chance for the extension to deallocate anything it has
+ *		allocated in the user data (pointed to by user) before the
+ *		user data is deleted.  This same callback is used whether you
+ *		are in client or server instantiation context.
+ *
+ *	LWS_EXT_CB_PACKET_RX_PREPARSE: when this extension was active on
+ *		a connection, and a packet of data arrived at the connection,
+ *		it is passed to this callback to give the extension a chance to
+ *		change the data, eg, decompress it.  user is pointing to the
+ *		extension's private connection context data, in is pointing
+ *		to an lws_tokens struct, it consists of a char * pointer called
+ *		token, and an int called token_len.  At entry, these are
+ *		set to point to the received buffer and set to the content
+ *		length.  If the extension will grow the content, it should use
+ *		a new buffer allocated in its private user context data and
+ *		set the pointed-to lws_tokens members to point to its buffer.
+ *
+ *	LWS_EXT_CB_PACKET_TX_PRESEND: this works the same way as
+ *		LWS_EXT_CB_PACKET_RX_PREPARSE above, except it gives the
+ *		extension a chance to change websocket data just before it will
+ *		be sent out.  Using the same lws_token pointer scheme in in,
+ *		the extension can change the buffer and the length to be
+ *		transmitted how it likes.  Again if it wants to grow the
+ *		buffer safely, it should copy the data into its own buffer and
+ *		set the lws_tokens token pointer to it.
+ *
+ */
+typedef int
+lws_extension_callback_function(struct lws_context *context,
+			      const struct lws_extension *ext, struct lws *wsi,
+			      enum lws_extension_callback_reasons reason,
+			      void *user, void *in, size_t len);
+/** struct lws_extension -	An extension we support */
+struct lws_extension {
+	const char *name; /**< Formal extension name, eg, "permessage-deflate" */
+	lws_extension_callback_function *callback; /**< Service callback */
+	const char *client_offer; /**< String containing exts and options client offers */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility */
+ * lws_set_extension_option(): set extension option if possible
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection
+ * \param ext_name:	name of ext, like "permessage-deflate"
+ * \param opt_name:	name of option, like "rx_buf_size"
+ * \param opt_val:	value to set option to
+ */
+lws_set_extension_option(struct lws *wsi, const char *ext_name,
+			 const char *opt_name, const char *opt_val);
+/* lws_get_internal_extensions() - DEPRECATED
+ *
+ * \Deprecated There is no longer a set internal extensions table.  The table is provided
+ * by user code along with application-specific settings.  See the test
+ * client and server for how to do.
+ */
+static LWS_INLINE LWS_WARN_DEPRECATED const struct lws_extension *
+lws_get_internal_extensions(void) { return NULL; }
+ * lws_ext_parse_options() - deal with parsing negotiated extension options
+ *
+ * \param ext: related extension struct
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection
+ * \param ext_user: per-connection extension private data
+ * \param opts: list of supported options
+ * \param o: option string to parse
+ * \param len: length
+ */
+lws_ext_parse_options(const struct lws_extension *ext, struct lws *wsi,
+		       void *ext_user, const struct lws_ext_options *opts,
+		       const char *o, int len);
+/** lws_extension_callback_pm_deflate() - extension for RFC7692
+ *
+ * \param context:	lws context
+ * \param ext:	related lws_extension struct
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection
+ * \param reason:	incoming callback reason
+ * \param user:	per-connection extension private data
+ * \param in:	pointer parameter
+ * \param len:	length parameter
+ *
+ * Built-in callback implementing RFC7692 permessage-deflate
+ */
+int lws_extension_callback_pm_deflate(
+	struct lws_context *context, const struct lws_extension *ext,
+	struct lws *wsi, enum lws_extension_callback_reasons reason,
+	void *user, void *in, size_t len);
+ * The internal exts are part of the public abi
+ * If we add more extensions, publish the callback here  ------v
+ */
+/*! \defgroup Protocols-and-Plugins Protocols and Plugins
+ * \ingroup lwsapi
+ *
+ * ##Protocol and protocol plugin -related apis
+ *
+ * Protocols bind ws protocol names to a custom callback specific to that
+ * protocol implementaion.
+ *
+ * A list of protocols can be passed in at context creation time, but it is
+ * also legal to leave that NULL and add the protocols and their callback code
+ * using plugins.
+ *
+ * Plugins are much preferable compared to cut and pasting code into an
+ * application each time, since they can be used standalone.
+ */
+/** struct lws_protocols -	List of protocols and handlers client or server
+ *					supports. */
+struct lws_protocols {
+	const char *name;
+	/**< Protocol name that must match the one given in the client
+	 * Javascript new WebSocket(url, 'protocol') name. */
+	lws_callback_function *callback;
+	/**< The service callback used for this protocol.  It allows the
+	 * service action for an entire protocol to be encapsulated in
+	 * the protocol-specific callback */
+	size_t per_session_data_size;
+	/**< Each new connection using this protocol gets
+	 * this much memory allocated on connection establishment and
+	 * freed on connection takedown.  A pointer to this per-connection
+	 * allocation is passed into the callback in the 'user' parameter */
+	size_t rx_buffer_size;
+	/**< lws allocates this much space for rx data and informs callback
+	 * when something came.  Due to rx flow control, the callback may not
+	 * be able to consume it all without having to return to the event
+	 * loop.  That is supported in lws.
+	 *
+	 * This also controls how much may be sent at once at the moment,
+	 * although this is likely to change.
+	 */
+	unsigned int id;
+	/**< ignored by lws, but useful to contain user information bound
+	 * to the selected protocol.  For example if this protocol was
+	 * called "myprotocol-v2", you might set id to 2, and the user
+	 * code that acts differently according to the version can do so by
+	 * switch (wsi->protocol->id), user code might use some bits as
+	 * capability flags based on selected protocol version, etc. */
+	void *user; /**< ignored by lws, but user code can pass a pointer
+			here it can later access from the protocol callback */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility */
+struct lws_vhost;
+ * lws_vhost_name_to_protocol() - get vhost's protocol object from its name
+ *
+ * \param vh: vhost to search
+ * \param name: protocol name
+ *
+ * Returns NULL or a pointer to the vhost's protocol of the requested name
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN const struct lws_protocols *
+lws_vhost_name_to_protocol(struct lws_vhost *vh, const char *name);
+ * lws_get_protocol() - Returns a protocol pointer from a websocket
+ *				  connection.
+ * \param wsi:	pointer to struct websocket you want to know the protocol of
+ *
+ *
+ *	Some apis can act on all live connections of a given protocol,
+ *	this is how you can get a pointer to the active protocol if needed.
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN const struct lws_protocols *
+lws_get_protocol(struct lws *wsi);
+/** lws_protocol_get() -  deprecated: use lws_get_protocol */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN const struct lws_protocols *
+lws_protocol_get(struct lws *wsi) LWS_WARN_DEPRECATED;
+ * lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc() - Allocate and zero down a protocol's per-vhost
+ *				   storage
+ * \param vhost:	vhost the instance is related to
+ * \param prot:		protocol the instance is related to
+ * \param size:		bytes to allocate
+ *
+ * Protocols often find it useful to allocate a per-vhost struct, this is a
+ * helper to be called in the per-vhost init LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT
+ */
+lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc(struct lws_vhost *vhost, const struct lws_protocols *prot,
+			    int size);
+ * lws_protocol_vh_priv_get() - retreive a protocol's per-vhost storage
+ *
+ * \param vhost:	vhost the instance is related to
+ * \param prot:		protocol the instance is related to
+ *
+ * Recover a pointer to the allocated per-vhost storage for the protocol created
+ * by lws_protocol_vh_priv_zalloc() earlier
+ */
+lws_protocol_vh_priv_get(struct lws_vhost *vhost, const struct lws_protocols *prot);
+ * lws_finalize_startup() - drop initial process privileges
+ *
+ * \param context:	lws context
+ *
+ * This is called after the end of the vhost protocol initializations, but
+ * you may choose to call it earlier
+ */
+lws_finalize_startup(struct lws_context *context);
+lws_protocol_init(struct lws_context *context);
+/* PLUGINS implies LIBUV */
+/** struct lws_plugin_capability - how a plugin introduces itself to lws */
+struct lws_plugin_capability {
+	unsigned int api_magic;	/**< caller fills this in, plugin fills rest */
+	const struct lws_protocols *protocols; /**< array of supported protocols provided by plugin */
+	int count_protocols; /**< how many protocols */
+	const struct lws_extension *extensions; /**< array of extensions provided by plugin */
+	int count_extensions; /**< how many extensions */
+typedef int (*lws_plugin_init_func)(struct lws_context *,
+				    struct lws_plugin_capability *);
+typedef int (*lws_plugin_destroy_func)(struct lws_context *);
+/** struct lws_plugin */
+struct lws_plugin {
+	struct lws_plugin *list; /**< linked list */
+	uv_lib_t lib; /**< shared library pointer */
+	void *l; /**< so we can compile on ancient libuv */
+	char name[64]; /**< name of the plugin */
+	struct lws_plugin_capability caps; /**< plugin capabilities */
+/*! \defgroup generic-sessions plugin: generic-sessions
+ * \ingroup Protocols-and-Plugins
+ *
+ * ##Plugin Generic-sessions related
+ *
+ * generic-sessions plugin provides a reusable, generic session and login /
+ * register / forgot password framework including email verification.
+ */
+/**< Maximum size of email we might send */
+/* SHA-1 binary and hexified versions */
+/** typedef struct lwsgw_hash_bin */
+typedef struct { unsigned char bin[20]; /**< binary representation of hash */} lwsgw_hash_bin;
+/** typedef struct lwsgw_hash */
+typedef struct { char id[41]; /**< ascii hex representation of hash */ } lwsgw_hash;
+/** enum lwsgs_auth_bits */
+enum lwsgs_auth_bits {
+	LWSGS_AUTH_LOGGED_IN = 1, /**< user is logged in as somebody */
+	LWSGS_AUTH_ADMIN = 2,	/**< logged in as the admin user */
+	LWSGS_AUTH_VERIFIED = 4,  /**< user has verified his email */
+	LWSGS_AUTH_FORGOT_FLOW = 8,	/**< he just completed "forgot password" flow */
+/** struct lws_session_info - information about user session status */
+struct lws_session_info {
+	char username[32]; /**< username logged in as, or empty string */
+	char email[100]; /**< email address associated with login, or empty string */
+	char ip[72]; /**< ip address session was started from */
+	unsigned int mask; /**< access rights mask associated with session
+	 	 	    * see enum lwsgs_auth_bits */
+	char session[42]; /**< session id string, usable as opaque uid when not logged in */
+/** enum lws_gs_event */
+enum lws_gs_event {
+	LWSGSE_CREATED, /**< a new user was created */
+	LWSGSE_DELETED  /**< an existing user was deleted */
+/** struct lws_gs_event_args */
+struct lws_gs_event_args {
+	enum lws_gs_event event; /**< which event happened */
+	const char *username; /**< which username the event happened to */
+	const char *email; /**< the email address of that user */
+/*! \defgroup context-and-vhost
+ * \ingroup lwsapi
+ *
+ * ##Context and Vhost releated functions
+ *
+ *  LWS requires that there is one context, in which you may define multiple
+ *  vhosts.  Each vhost is a virtual host, with either its own listen port
+ *  or sharing an existing one.  Each vhost has its own SSL context that can
+ *  be set up individually or left disabled.
+ *
+ *  If you don't care about multiple "site" support, you can ignore it and
+ *  lws will create a single default vhost at context creation time.
+ */
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+/** enum lws_context_options - context and vhost options */
+enum lws_context_options {
+								  (1 << 12),
+	/**< (VH) Don't allow the connection unless the client has a
+	 * client cert that we recognize; provides
+	/**< (CTX) Don't try to get the server's hostname */
+								  (1 << 12),
+	/**< (VH) Allow non-SSL (plaintext) connections on the same
+	 * port as SSL is listening... undermines the security of SSL;
+	LWS_SERVER_OPTION_LIBEV					= (1 << 4),
+	/**< (CTX) Use libev event loop */
+	/**< (VH) Disable IPV6 support */
+	/**< (VH) Don't load OS CA certs, you will need to load your
+	 * own CA cert(s) */
+	/**< (VH) Accept connections with no valid Cert (eg, selfsigned) */
+	/**< (VH) Check UT-8 correctness */
+	LWS_SERVER_OPTION_SSL_ECDH				= (1 << 9) |
+								  (1 << 12),
+	/**< (VH)  initialize ECDH ciphers */
+	LWS_SERVER_OPTION_LIBUV					= (1 << 10),
+	/**< (CTX)  Use libuv event loop */
+								  (1 << 12),
+	/**< (VH) Use http redirect to force http to https
+	 * (deprecated: use mount redirection) */
+	/**< (CTX) Initialize the SSL library at all */
+	/**< (CTX) Only create the context when calling context
+	 * create api, implies user code will create its own vhosts */
+	/**< (VH) Use Unix socket */
+	LWS_SERVER_OPTION_STS					= (1 << 15),
+	/**< (VH) Send Strict Transport Security header, making
+	 * clients subsequently go to https even if user asked for http */
+	/**< (VH) Enable LWS_SERVER_OPTION_IPV6_V6ONLY_VALUE to take effect */
+	/**< (VH) if set, only ipv6 allowed on the vhost */
+	/**< (CTX) Libuv only: Do not spin on SIGSEGV / SIGFPE.  A segfault
+	 * normally makes the lib spin so you can attach a debugger to it
+	 * even if it happened without a debugger in place.  You can disable
+	 * that by giving this option.
+	 */
+	/**< For backwards-compatibility reasons, by default
+	 * lws prepends "http://" to the origin you give in the client
+	 * connection info struct.  If you give this flag when you create
+	 * the context, only the string you give in the client connect
+	 * info for .origin (if any) will be used directly.
+	 */
+	/**< (VH) if invalid http is coming in the first line,  */
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+#define lws_check_opt(c, f) (((c) & (f)) == (f))
+struct lws_plat_file_ops;
+/** struct lws_context_creation_info - parameters to create context and /or vhost with
+ *
+ * This is also used to create vhosts.... if LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS
+ * is not given, then for backwards compatibility one vhost is created at
+ * context-creation time using the info from this struct.
+ *
+ * If LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS is given, then no vhosts are created
+ * at the same time as the context, they are expected to be created afterwards.
+ */
+struct lws_context_creation_info {
+	int port;
+	/**< VHOST: Port to listen on. Use CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN to suppress
+	 * listening for a client. Use CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN_SERVER if you are
+	 * writing a server but you are using \ref sock-adopt instead of the
+	 * built-in listener */
+	const char *iface;
+	/**< VHOST: NULL to bind the listen socket to all interfaces, or the
+	 * interface name, eg, "eth2"
+	 * If options specifies LWS_SERVER_OPTION_UNIX_SOCK, this member is
+	 * the pathname of a UNIX domain socket. you can use the UNIX domain
+	 * sockets in abstract namespace, by prepending an at symbol to the
+	 * socket name. */
+	const struct lws_protocols *protocols;
+	/**< VHOST: Array of structures listing supported protocols and a protocol-
+	 * specific callback for each one.  The list is ended with an
+	 * entry that has a NULL callback pointer. */
+	const struct lws_extension *extensions;
+	/**< VHOST: NULL or array of lws_extension structs listing the
+	 * extensions this context supports. */
+	const struct lws_token_limits *token_limits;
+	/**< CONTEXT: NULL or struct lws_token_limits pointer which is initialized
+	 * with a token length limit for each possible WSI_TOKEN_ */
+	const char *ssl_private_key_password;
+	/**< VHOST: NULL or the passphrase needed for the private key */
+	const char *ssl_cert_filepath;
+	/**< VHOST: If libwebsockets was compiled to use ssl, and you want
+	 * to listen using SSL, set to the filepath to fetch the
+ 	 * server cert from, otherwise NULL for unencrypted */
+	const char *ssl_private_key_filepath;
+	/**<  VHOST: filepath to private key if wanting SSL mode;
+	 * if this is set to NULL but sll_cert_filepath is set, the
+	 * to allow setting of the private key directly via openSSL
+	 * library calls */
+	const char *ssl_ca_filepath;
+	/**< VHOST: CA certificate filepath or NULL */
+	const char *ssl_cipher_list;
+	/**< VHOST: List of valid ciphers to use (eg,
+	 * or you can leave it as NULL to get "DEFAULT" */
+	const char *http_proxy_address;
+	/**< VHOST: If non-NULL, attempts to proxy via the given address.
+	 * If proxy auth is required, use format "username:password\@server:port" */
+	unsigned int http_proxy_port;
+	/**< VHOST: If http_proxy_address was non-NULL, uses this port */
+	int gid;
+	/**< CONTEXT: group id to change to after setting listen socket, or -1. */
+	int uid;
+	/**< CONTEXT: user id to change to after setting listen socket, or -1. */
+	unsigned int options;
+	/**< VHOST + CONTEXT: 0, or LWS_SERVER_OPTION_... bitfields */
+	void *user;
+	/**< CONTEXT: optional user pointer that can be recovered via the context
+ *		pointer using lws_context_user */
+	int ka_time;
+	/**< CONTEXT: 0 for no TCP keepalive, otherwise apply this keepalive
+	 * timeout to all libwebsocket sockets, client or server */
+	int ka_probes;
+	/**< CONTEXT: if ka_time was nonzero, after the timeout expires how many
+	 * times to try to get a response from the peer before giving up
+	 * and killing the connection */
+	int ka_interval;
+	/**< CONTEXT: if ka_time was nonzero, how long to wait before each ka_probes
+	 * attempt */
+	SSL_CTX *provided_client_ssl_ctx;
+	/**< CONTEXT: If non-null, swap out libwebsockets ssl
+ *		implementation for the one provided by provided_ssl_ctx.
+ *		Libwebsockets no longer is responsible for freeing the context
+ *		if this option is selected. */
+#else /* maintain structure layout either way */
+	void *provided_client_ssl_ctx; /**< dummy if ssl disabled */
+	short max_http_header_data;
+	/**< CONTEXT: The max amount of header payload that can be handled
+	 * in an http request (unrecognized header payload is dropped) */
+	short max_http_header_pool;
+	/**< CONTEXT: The max number of connections with http headers that
+	 * can be processed simultaneously (the corresponding memory is
+	 * allocated for the lifetime of the context).  If the pool is
+	 * busy new incoming connections must wait for accept until one
+	 * becomes free. */
+	unsigned int count_threads;
+	/**< CONTEXT: how many contexts to create in an array, 0 = 1 */
+	unsigned int fd_limit_per_thread;
+	/**< CONTEXT: nonzero means restrict each service thread to this
+	 * many fds, 0 means the default which is divide the process fd
+	 * limit by the number of threads. */
+	unsigned int timeout_secs;
+	/**< VHOST: various processes involving network roundtrips in the
+	 * library are protected from hanging forever by timeouts.  If
+	 * nonzero, this member lets you set the timeout used in seconds.
+	 * Otherwise a default timeout is used. */
+	const char *ecdh_curve;
+	/**< VHOST: if NULL, defaults to initializing server with "prime256v1" */
+	const char *vhost_name;
+	/**< VHOST: name of vhost, must match external DNS name used to
+	 * access the site, like "warmcat.com" as it's used to match
+	 * Host: header and / or SNI name for SSL. */
+	const char * const *plugin_dirs;
+	/**< CONTEXT: NULL, or NULL-terminated array of directories to
+	 * scan for lws protocol plugins at context creation time */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo;
+	/**< VHOST: pointer to optional linked list of per-vhost
+	 * options made accessible to protocols */
+	int keepalive_timeout;
+	/**< VHOST: (default = 0 = 60s) seconds to allow remote
+	 * client to hold on to an idle HTTP/1.1 connection */
+	const char *log_filepath;
+	/**< VHOST: filepath to append logs to... this is opened before
+	 *		any dropping of initial privileges */
+	const struct lws_http_mount *mounts;
+	/**< VHOST: optional linked list of mounts for this vhost */
+	const char *server_string;
+	/**< CONTEXT: string used in HTTP headers to identify server
+ *		software, if NULL, "libwebsockets". */
+	unsigned int pt_serv_buf_size;
+	/**< CONTEXT: 0 = default of 4096.  This buffer is used by
+	 * various service related features including file serving, it
+	 * defines the max chunk of file that can be sent at once.
+	 * At the risk of lws having to buffer failed large sends, it
+	 * can be increased to, eg, 128KiB to improve throughput. */
+	unsigned int max_http_header_data2;
+	/**< CONTEXT: if max_http_header_data is 0 and this
+	 * is nonzero, this will be used in place of the default.  It's
+	 * like this for compatibility with the original short version,
+	 * this is unsigned int length. */
+	long ssl_options_set;
+	/**< VHOST: Any bits set here will be set as SSL options */
+	long ssl_options_clear;
+	/**< VHOST: Any bits set here will be cleared as SSL options */
+	unsigned short ws_ping_pong_interval;
+	/**< CONTEXT: 0 for none, else interval in seconds between sending
+	 * PINGs on idle websocket connections.  When the PING is sent,
+	 * the PONG must come within the normal timeout_secs timeout period
+	 * or the connection will be dropped.
+	 * Any RX or TX traffic on the connection restarts the interval timer,
+	 * so a connection which always sends or receives something at intervals
+	 * less than the interval given here will never send PINGs / expect
+	 * PONGs.  Conversely as soon as the ws connection is established, an
+	 * idle connection will do the PING / PONG roundtrip as soon as
+	 * ws_ping_pong_interval seconds has passed without traffic
+	 */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *headers;
+		/**< VHOST: pointer to optional linked list of per-vhost
+		 * canned headers that are added to server responses */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *reject_service_keywords;
+	/**< CONTEXT: Optional list of keywords and rejection codes + text.
+	 *
+	 * The keywords are checked for existing in the user agent string.
+	 *
+	 * Eg, "badrobot" "404 Not Found"
+	 */
+	void *external_baggage_free_on_destroy;
+	/**< CONTEXT: NULL, or pointer to something externally malloc'd, that
+	 * should be freed when the context is destroyed.  This allows you to
+	 * automatically sync the freeing action to the context destruction
+	 * action, so there is no need for an external free() if the context
+	 * succeeded to create.
+	 */
+	 /**< CONTEXT: NULL or struct lws_token_limits pointer which is initialized
+	 * with a token length limit for each possible WSI_TOKEN_ */
+	const char *client_ssl_private_key_password;
+	/**< VHOST: NULL or the passphrase needed for the private key */
+	const char *client_ssl_cert_filepath;
+	/**< VHOST: If libwebsockets was compiled to use ssl, and you want
+	* to listen using SSL, set to the filepath to fetch the
+	* server cert from, otherwise NULL for unencrypted */
+	const char *client_ssl_private_key_filepath;
+	/**<  VHOST: filepath to private key if wanting SSL mode;
+	* if this is set to NULL but sll_cert_filepath is set, the
+	* to allow setting of the private key directly via openSSL
+	* library calls */
+	const char *client_ssl_ca_filepath;
+	/**< VHOST: CA certificate filepath or NULL */
+	const char *client_ssl_cipher_list;
+	/**< VHOST: List of valid ciphers to use (eg,
+	* or you can leave it as NULL to get "DEFAULT" */
+	const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops;
+	/**< CONTEXT: NULL, or pointer to an array of fops structs, terminated
+	 * by a sentinel with NULL .open.
+	 *
+	 * If NULL, lws provides just the platform file operations struct for
+	 * backwards compatibility.
+	 */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility
+	 *
+	 * The below is to ensure later library versions with new
+	 * members added above will see 0 (default) even if the app
+	 * was not built against the newer headers.
+	 */
+	void *_unused[8]; /**< dummy */
+ * lws_create_context() - Create the websocket handler
+ * \param info:	pointer to struct with parameters
+ *
+ *	This function creates the listening socket (if serving) and takes care
+ *	of all initialization in one step.
+ *
+ *	If option LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS is given, no vhost is
+ *	created; you're expected to create your own vhosts afterwards using
+ *	lws_create_vhost().  Otherwise a vhost named "default" is also created
+ *	using the information in the vhost-related members, for compatibility.
+ *
+ *	After initialization, it returns a struct lws_context * that
+ *	represents this server.  After calling, user code needs to take care
+ *	of calling lws_service() with the context pointer to get the
+ *	server's sockets serviced.  This must be done in the same process
+ *	context as the initialization call.
+ *
+ *	The protocol callback functions are called for a handful of events
+ *	including http requests coming in, websocket connections becoming
+ *	established, and data arriving; it's also called periodically to allow
+ *	async transmission.
+ *
+ *	HTTP requests are sent always to the FIRST protocol in protocol, since
+ *	at that time websocket protocol has not been negotiated.  Other
+ *	protocols after the first one never see any HTTP callback activity.
+ *
+ *	The server created is a simple http server by default; part of the
+ *	websocket standard is upgrading this http connection to a websocket one.
+ *
+ *	This allows the same server to provide files like scripts and favicon /
+ *	images or whatever over http and dynamic data over websockets all in
+ *	one place; they're all handled in the user callback.
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN struct lws_context *
+lws_create_context(struct lws_context_creation_info *info);
+ * lws_context_destroy() - Destroy the websocket context
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ *
+ *	This function closes any active connections and then frees the
+ *	context.  After calling this, any further use of the context is
+ *	undefined.
+ */
+lws_context_destroy(struct lws_context *context);
+lws_context_destroy2(struct lws_context *context);
+typedef int (*lws_reload_func)(void);
+ * lws_context_deprecate() - Deprecate the websocket context
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ *
+ *	This function is used on an existing context before superceding it
+ *	with a new context.
+ *
+ *	It closes any listen sockets in the context, so new connections are
+ *	not possible.
+ *
+ *	And it marks the context to be deleted when the number of active
+ *	connections into it falls to zero.
+ *
+ *	Otherwise if you attach the deprecated context to the replacement
+ *	context when it has been created using lws_context_attach_deprecated()
+ *	both any deprecated and the new context will service their connections.
+ *
+ *	This is aimed at allowing seamless configuration reloads.
+ *
+ *	The callback cb will be called after the listen sockets are actually
+ *	closed and may be reopened.  In the callback the new context should be
+ *	configured and created.  (With libuv, socket close happens async after
+ *	more loop events).
+ */
+lws_context_deprecate(struct lws_context *context, lws_reload_func cb);
+lws_context_is_deprecated(struct lws_context *context);
+ * lws_set_proxy() - Setups proxy to lws_context.
+ * \param vhost:	pointer to struct lws_vhost you want set proxy for
+ * \param proxy: pointer to c string containing proxy in format address:port
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if proxy string was parsed and proxy was setup.
+ * Returns -1 if proxy is NULL or has incorrect format.
+ *
+ * This is only required if your OS does not provide the http_proxy
+ * environment variable (eg, OSX)
+ *
+ *   IMPORTANT! You should call this function right after creation of the
+ *   lws_context and before call to connect. If you call this
+ *   function after connect behavior is undefined.
+ *   This function will override proxy settings made on lws_context
+ *   creation with genenv() call.
+ */
+lws_set_proxy(struct lws_vhost *vhost, const char *proxy);
+struct lws_vhost;
+ * lws_create_vhost() - Create a vhost (virtual server context)
+ * \param context:	pointer to result of lws_create_context()
+ * \param info:		pointer to struct with parameters
+ *
+ * This function creates a virtual server (vhost) using the vhost-related
+ * members of the info struct.  You can create many vhosts inside one context
+ * if you created the context with the option LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS
+ */
+LWS_EXTERN LWS_VISIBLE struct lws_vhost *
+lws_create_vhost(struct lws_context *context,
+		 struct lws_context_creation_info *info);
+ * lwsws_get_config_globals() - Parse a JSON server config file
+ * \param info:		pointer to struct with parameters
+ * \param d:		filepath of the config file
+ * \param config_strings: storage for the config strings extracted from JSON,
+ * 			  the pointer is incremented as strings are stored
+ * \param len:		pointer to the remaining length left in config_strings
+ *			  the value is decremented as strings are stored
+ *
+ * This function prepares a n lws_context_creation_info struct with global
+ * settings from a file d.
+ *
+ * Requires CMake option LWS_WITH_LEJP_CONF to have been enabled
+ */
+lwsws_get_config_globals(struct lws_context_creation_info *info, const char *d,
+			 char **config_strings, int *len);
+ * lwsws_get_config_vhosts() - Create vhosts from a JSON server config file
+ * \param context:	pointer to result of lws_create_context()
+ * \param info:		pointer to struct with parameters
+ * \param d:		filepath of the config file
+ * \param config_strings: storage for the config strings extracted from JSON,
+ * 			  the pointer is incremented as strings are stored
+ * \param len:		pointer to the remaining length left in config_strings
+ *			  the value is decremented as strings are stored
+ *
+ * This function creates vhosts into a context according to the settings in
+ *JSON files found in directory d.
+ *
+ * Requires CMake option LWS_WITH_LEJP_CONF to have been enabled
+ */
+lwsws_get_config_vhosts(struct lws_context *context,
+			struct lws_context_creation_info *info, const char *d,
+			char **config_strings, int *len);
+/** lws_vhost_get() - \deprecated deprecated: use lws_get_vhost() */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN struct lws_vhost *
+lws_vhost_get(struct lws *wsi) LWS_WARN_DEPRECATED;
+ * lws_get_vhost() - return the vhost a wsi belongs to
+ *
+ * \param wsi: which connection
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN struct lws_vhost *
+lws_get_vhost(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_json_dump_vhost() - describe vhost state and stats in JSON
+ *
+ * \param vh: the vhost
+ * \param buf: buffer to fill with JSON
+ * \param len: max length of buf
+ */
+lws_json_dump_vhost(const struct lws_vhost *vh, char *buf, int len);
+ * lws_json_dump_context() - describe context state and stats in JSON
+ *
+ * \param context: the context
+ * \param buf: buffer to fill with JSON
+ * \param len: max length of buf
+ */
+lws_json_dump_context(const struct lws_context *context, char *buf, int len,
+		      int hide_vhosts);
+ * lws_context_user() - get the user data associated with the context
+ * \param context: Websocket context
+ *
+ * This returns the optional user allocation that can be attached to
+ * the context the sockets live in at context_create time.  It's a way
+ * to let all sockets serviced in the same context share data without
+ * using globals statics in the user code.
+ */
+lws_context_user(struct lws_context *context);
+/*! \defgroup vhost-mounts Vhost mounts and options
+ * \ingroup context-and-vhost-creation
+ *
+ * ##Vhost mounts and options
+ */
+/** struct lws_protocol_vhost_options - linked list of per-vhost protocol
+ * 					name=value options
+ *
+ * This provides a general way to attach a linked-list of name=value pairs,
+ * which can also have an optional child link-list using the options member.
+ */
+struct lws_protocol_vhost_options {
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *next; /**< linked list */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *options; /**< child linked-list of more options for this node */
+	const char *name; /**< name of name=value pair */
+	const char *value; /**< value of name=value pair */
+/** enum lws_mount_protocols
+ * This specifies the mount protocol for a mountpoint, whether it is to be
+ * served from a filesystem, or it is a cgi etc.
+ */
+enum lws_mount_protocols {
+	LWSMPRO_HTTP		= 0, /**< not supported yet */
+	LWSMPRO_HTTPS		= 1, /**< not supported yet */
+	LWSMPRO_FILE		= 2, /**< serve from filesystem directory */
+	LWSMPRO_CGI		= 3, /**< pass to CGI to handle */
+	LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTP	= 4, /**< redirect to http:// url */
+	LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTPS	= 5, /**< redirect to https:// url */
+	LWSMPRO_CALLBACK	= 6, /**< hand by named protocol's callback */
+/** struct lws_http_mount
+ *
+ * arguments for mounting something in a vhost's url namespace
+ */
+struct lws_http_mount {
+	const struct lws_http_mount *mount_next;
+	/**< pointer to next struct lws_http_mount */
+	const char *mountpoint;
+	/**< mountpoint in http pathspace, eg, "/" */
+	const char *origin;
+	/**< path to be mounted, eg, "/var/www/warmcat.com" */
+	const char *def;
+	/**< default target, eg, "index.html" */
+	const char *protocol;
+	/**<"protocol-name" to handle mount */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *cgienv;
+	/**< optional linked-list of cgi options.  These are created
+	 * as environment variables for the cgi process
+	 */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *extra_mimetypes;
+	/**< optional linked-list of mimetype mappings */
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *interpret;
+	/**< optional linked-list of files to be interpreted */
+	int cgi_timeout;
+	/**< seconds cgi is allowed to live, if cgi://mount type */
+	int cache_max_age;
+	/**< max-age for reuse of client cache of files, seconds */
+	unsigned int auth_mask;
+	/**< bits set here must be set for authorized client session */
+	unsigned int cache_reusable:1; /**< set if client cache may reuse this */
+	unsigned int cache_revalidate:1; /**< set if client cache should revalidate on use */
+	unsigned int cache_intermediaries:1; /**< set if intermediaries are allowed to cache */
+	unsigned char origin_protocol; /**< one of enum lws_mount_protocols */
+	unsigned char mountpoint_len; /**< length of mountpoint string */
+	const char *basic_auth_login_file;
+	/**<NULL, or filepath to use to check basic auth logins against */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility
+	 *
+	 * The below is to ensure later library versions with new
+	 * members added above will see 0 (default) even if the app
+	 * was not built against the newer headers.
+	 */
+	void *_unused[2]; /**< dummy */
+/*! \defgroup client
+ * \ingroup lwsapi
+ *
+ * ##Client releated functions
+ * */
+/** enum lws_client_connect_ssl_connection_flags - flags that may be used
+ * with struct lws_client_connect_info ssl_connection member to control if
+ * and how SSL checks apply to the client connection being created
+ */
+enum lws_client_connect_ssl_connection_flags {
+	LCCSCF_USE_SSL 				= (1 << 0),
+/** struct lws_client_connect_info - parameters to connect with when using
+ *				    lws_client_connect_via_info() */
+struct lws_client_connect_info {
+	struct lws_context *context;
+	/**< lws context to create connection in */
+	const char *address;
+	/**< remote address to connect to */
+	int port;
+	/**< remote port to connect to */
+	int ssl_connection;
+	/**< nonzero for ssl */
+	const char *path;
+	/**< uri path */
+	const char *host;
+	/**< content of host header */
+	const char *origin;
+	/**< content of origin header */
+	const char *protocol;
+	/**< list of ws protocols we could accept */
+	int ietf_version_or_minus_one;
+	/**< deprecated: currently leave at 0 or -1 */
+	void *userdata;
+	/**< if non-NULL, use this as wsi user_data instead of malloc it */
+	const void *client_exts;
+	/**< UNUSED... provide in info.extensions at context creation time */
+	const char *method;
+	/**< if non-NULL, do this http method instead of ws[s] upgrade.
+	 * use "GET" to be a simple http client connection */
+	struct lws *parent_wsi;
+	/**< if another wsi is responsible for this connection, give it here.
+	 * this is used to make sure if the parent closes so do any
+	 * child connections first. */
+	const char *uri_replace_from;
+	/**< if non-NULL, when this string is found in URIs in
+	 * text/html content-encoding, it's replaced with uri_replace_to */
+	const char *uri_replace_to;
+	/**< see uri_replace_from */
+	struct lws_vhost *vhost;
+	/**< vhost to bind to (used to determine related SSL_CTX) */
+	struct lws **pwsi;
+	/**< if not NULL, store the new wsi here early in the connection
+	 * process.  Although we return the new wsi, the call to create the
+	 * client connection does progress the connection somewhat and may
+	 * meet an error that will result in the connection being scrubbed and
+	 * NULL returned.  While the wsi exists though, he may process a
+	 * callback like CLIENT_CONNECTION_ERROR with his wsi: this gives the
+	 * user callback a way to identify which wsi it is that faced the error
+	 * even before the new wsi is returned and even if ultimately no wsi
+	 * is returned.
+	 */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility
+	 *
+	 * The below is to ensure later library versions with new
+	 * members added above will see 0 (default) even if the app
+	 * was not built against the newer headers.
+	 */
+	void *_unused[4]; /**< dummy */
+ * lws_client_connect_via_info() - Connect to another websocket server
+ * \param ccinfo: pointer to lws_client_connect_info struct
+ *
+ *	This function creates a connection to a remote server using the
+ *	information provided in ccinfo.
+ */
+lws_client_connect_via_info(struct lws_client_connect_info * ccinfo);
+ * lws_client_connect() - Connect to another websocket server
+ * 		\deprecated DEPRECATED use lws_client_connect_via_info
+ * \param clients:	Websocket context
+ * \param address:	Remote server address, eg, "myserver.com"
+ * \param port:	Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80
+ * \param ssl_connection:	0 = ws://, 1 = wss:// encrypted, 2 = wss:// allow self
+ *			signed certs
+ * \param path:	Websocket path on server
+ * \param host:	Hostname on server
+ * \param origin:	Socket origin name
+ * \param protocol:	Comma-separated list of protocols being asked for from
+ *		the server, or just one.  The server will pick the one it
+ *		likes best.  If you don't want to specify a protocol, which is
+ *		legal, use NULL here.
+ * \param ietf_version_or_minus_one: -1 to ask to connect using the default, latest
+ *		protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal
+ *
+ *	This function creates a connection to a remote server
+ */
+/* deprecated, use lws_client_connect_via_info() */
+lws_client_connect(struct lws_context *clients, const char *address,
+		   int port, int ssl_connection, const char *path,
+		   const char *host, const char *origin, const char *protocol,
+		   int ietf_version_or_minus_one) LWS_WARN_DEPRECATED;
+/* deprecated, use lws_client_connect_via_info() */
+ * lws_client_connect_extended() - Connect to another websocket server
+ * 			\deprecated DEPRECATED use lws_client_connect_via_info
+ * \param clients:	Websocket context
+ * \param address:	Remote server address, eg, "myserver.com"
+ * \param port:	Port to connect to on the remote server, eg, 80
+ * \param ssl_connection:	0 = ws://, 1 = wss:// encrypted, 2 = wss:// allow self
+ *			signed certs
+ * \param path:	Websocket path on server
+ * \param host:	Hostname on server
+ * \param origin:	Socket origin name
+ * \param protocol:	Comma-separated list of protocols being asked for from
+ *		the server, or just one.  The server will pick the one it
+ *		likes best.
+ * \param ietf_version_or_minus_one: -1 to ask to connect using the default, latest
+ *		protocol supported, or the specific protocol ordinal
+ * \param userdata: Pre-allocated user data
+ *
+ *	This function creates a connection to a remote server
+ */
+lws_client_connect_extended(struct lws_context *clients, const char *address,
+			    int port, int ssl_connection, const char *path,
+			    const char *host, const char *origin,
+			    const char *protocol, int ietf_version_or_minus_one,
+			    void *userdata) LWS_WARN_DEPRECATED;
+ * lws_init_vhost_client_ssl() - also enable client SSL on an existing vhost
+ *
+ * \param info: client ssl related info
+ * \param vhost: which vhost to initialize client ssl operations on
+ *
+ * You only need to call this if you plan on using SSL client connections on
+ * the vhost.  For non-SSL client connections, it's not necessary to call this.
+ *
+ * The following members of info are used during the call
+ *
+ *	 - options must have LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DO_SSL_GLOBAL_INIT set,
+ *	     otherwise the call does nothing
+ *	 - provided_client_ssl_ctx must be NULL to get a generated client
+ *	     ssl context, otherwise you can pass a prepared one in by setting it
+ *	 - ssl_cipher_list may be NULL or set to the client valid cipher list
+ *	 - ssl_ca_filepath may be NULL or client cert filepath
+ *	 - ssl_cert_filepath may be NULL or client cert filepath
+ *	 - ssl_private_key_filepath may be NULL or client cert private key
+ *
+ * You must create your vhost explicitly if you want to use this, so you have
+ * a pointer to the vhost.  Create the context first with the option flag
+ * LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS and then call lws_create_vhost() with
+ * the same info struct.
+ */
+lws_init_vhost_client_ssl(const struct lws_context_creation_info *info,
+			  struct lws_vhost *vhost);
+ * lws_http_client_read() - consume waiting received http client data
+ *
+ * \param wsi: client connection
+ * \param buf: pointer to buffer pointer - fill with pointer to your buffer
+ * \param len: pointer to chunk length - fill with max length of buffer
+ *
+ * This is called when the user code is notified client http data has arrived.
+ * The user code may choose to delay calling it to consume the data, for example
+ * waiting until an onward connection is writeable.
+ *
+ * For non-chunked connections, up to len bytes of buf are filled with the
+ * received content.  len is set to the actual amount filled before return.
+ *
+ * For chunked connections, the linear buffer content contains the chunking
+ * headers and it cannot be passed in one lump.  Instead, this function will
+ * call back LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP_READ with in pointing to the
+ * chunk start and len set to the chunk length.  There will be as many calls
+ * as there are chunks or partial chunks in the buffer.
+ */
+lws_http_client_read(struct lws *wsi, char **buf, int *len);
+ * lws_http_client_http_response() - get last HTTP response code
+ *
+ * \param wsi: client connection
+ *
+ * Returns the last server response code, eg, 200 for client http connections.
+ */
+lws_http_client_http_response(struct lws *wsi);
+lws_client_http_body_pending(struct lws *wsi, int something_left_to_send);
+ * lws_client_http_body_pending() - control if client connection neeeds to send body
+ *
+ * \param wsi: client connection
+ * \param something_left_to_send: nonzero if need to send more body, 0 (default)
+ * 				if nothing more to send
+ *
+ * If you will send payload data with your HTTP client connection, eg, for POST,
+ * when you set the related http headers in
+ * LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_APPEND_HANDSHAKE_HEADER callback you should also call
+ * this API with something_left_to_send nonzero, and call
+ * lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
+ *
+ * After sending the headers, lws will call your callback with
+ * LWS_CALLBACK_CLIENT_HTTP_WRITEABLE reason when writable.  You can send the
+ * next part of the http body payload, calling lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
+ * if there is more to come, or lws_client_http_body_pending(wsi, 0); to
+ * let lws know the last part is sent and the connection can move on.
+ */
+/** \defgroup service Built-in service loop entry
+ *
+ * ##Built-in service loop entry
+ *
+ * If you're not using libev / libuv, these apis are needed to enter the poll()
+ * wait in lws and service any connections with pending events.
+ */
+ * lws_service() - Service any pending websocket activity
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ * \param timeout_ms:	Timeout for poll; 0 means return immediately if nothing needed
+ *		service otherwise block and service immediately, returning
+ *		after the timeout if nothing needed service.
+ *
+ *	This function deals with any pending websocket traffic, for three
+ *	kinds of event.  It handles these events on both server and client
+ *	types of connection the same.
+ *
+ *	1) Accept new connections to our context's server
+ *
+ *	2) Call the receive callback for incoming frame data received by
+ *	    server or client connections.
+ *
+ *	You need to call this service function periodically to all the above
+ *	functions to happen; if your application is single-threaded you can
+ *	just call it in your main event loop.
+ *
+ *	Alternatively you can fork a new process that asynchronously handles
+ *	calling this service in a loop.  In that case you are happy if this
+ *	call blocks your thread until it needs to take care of something and
+ *	would call it with a large nonzero timeout.  Your loop then takes no
+ *	CPU while there is nothing happening.
+ *
+ *	If you are calling it in a single-threaded app, you don't want it to
+ *	wait around blocking other things in your loop from happening, so you
+ *	would call it with a timeout_ms of 0, so it returns immediately if
+ *	nothing is pending, or as soon as it services whatever was pending.
+ */
+lws_service(struct lws_context *context, int timeout_ms);
+ * lws_service() - Service any pending websocket activity
+ *
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ * \param timeout_ms:	Timeout for poll; 0 means return immediately if nothing needed
+ *		service otherwise block and service immediately, returning
+ *		after the timeout if nothing needed service.
+ *
+ * Same as lws_service(), but for a specific thread service index.  Only needed
+ * if you are spawning multiple service threads.
+ */
+lws_service_tsi(struct lws_context *context, int timeout_ms, int tsi);
+ * lws_cancel_service_pt() - Cancel servicing of pending socket activity
+ *				on one thread
+ * \param wsi:	Cancel service on the thread this wsi is serviced by
+ *
+ *	This function lets a call to lws_service() waiting for a timeout
+ *	immediately return.
+ *
+ *	It works by creating a phony event and then swallowing it silently.
+ *
+ *	The reason it may be needed is when waiting in poll(), changes to
+ *	the event masks are ignored by the OS until poll() is reentered.  This
+ *	lets you halt the poll() wait and make the reentry happen immediately
+ *	instead of having the wait out the rest of the poll timeout.
+ */
+lws_cancel_service_pt(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_cancel_service() - Cancel wait for new pending socket activity
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ *
+ *	This function let a call to lws_service() waiting for a timeout
+ *	immediately return.
+ *
+ *	What it basically does is provide a fake event that will be swallowed,
+ *	so the wait in poll() is ended.  That's useful because poll() doesn't
+ *	attend to changes in POLLIN/OUT/ERR until it re-enters the wait.
+ */
+lws_cancel_service(struct lws_context *context);
+ * lws_service_fd() - Service polled socket with something waiting
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ * \param pollfd:	The pollfd entry describing the socket fd and which events
+ *		happened, or NULL to tell lws to do only timeout servicing.
+ *
+ * This function takes a pollfd that has POLLIN or POLLOUT activity and
+ * services it according to the state of the associated
+ * struct lws.
+ *
+ * The one call deals with all "service" that might happen on a socket
+ * including listen accepts, http files as well as websocket protocol.
+ *
+ * If a pollfd says it has something, you can just pass it to
+ * lws_service_fd() whether it is a socket handled by lws or not.
+ * If it sees it is a lws socket, the traffic will be handled and
+ * pollfd->revents will be zeroed now.
+ *
+ * If the socket is foreign to lws, it leaves revents alone.  So you can
+ * see if you should service yourself by checking the pollfd revents
+ * after letting lws try to service it.
+ *
+ * You should also call this with pollfd = NULL to just allow the
+ * once-per-second global timeout checks; if less than a second since the last
+ * check it returns immediately then.
+ */
+lws_service_fd(struct lws_context *context, struct lws_pollfd *pollfd);
+ * lws_service_fd_tsi() - Service polled socket in specific service thread
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ * \param pollfd:	The pollfd entry describing the socket fd and which events
+ *		happened.
+ * \param tsi: thread service index
+ *
+ * Same as lws_service_fd() but used with multiple service threads
+ */
+lws_service_fd_tsi(struct lws_context *context, struct lws_pollfd *pollfd,
+		   int tsi);
+ * lws_service_adjust_timeout() - Check for any connection needing forced service
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ * \param timeout_ms:	The original poll timeout value.  You can just set this
+ *			to 1 if you don't really have a poll timeout.
+ * \param tsi: thread service index
+ *
+ * Under some conditions connections may need service even though there is no
+ * pending network action on them, this is "forced service".  For default
+ * poll() and libuv / libev, the library takes care of calling this and
+ * dealing with it for you.  But for external poll() integration, you need
+ * access to the apis.
+ *
+ * If anybody needs "forced service", returned timeout is zero.  In that case,
+ * you can call lws_service_tsi() with a timeout of -1 to only service
+ * guys who need forced service.
+ */
+lws_service_adjust_timeout(struct lws_context *context, int timeout_ms, int tsi);
+/* Backwards compatibility */
+#define lws_plat_service_tsi lws_service_tsi
+/*! \defgroup http HTTP
+    Modules related to handling HTTP
+/*! \defgroup httpft HTTP File transfer
+ * \ingroup http
+    APIs for sending local files in response to HTTP requests
+ * lws_get_mimetype() - Determine mimetype to use from filename
+ *
+ * \param file:		filename
+ * \param m:		NULL, or mount context
+ *
+ * This uses a canned list of known filetypes first, if no match and m is
+ * non-NULL, then tries a list of per-mount file suffix to mimtype mappings.
+ *
+ * Returns either NULL or a pointer to the mimetype matching the file.
+ */
+lws_get_mimetype(const char *file, const struct lws_http_mount *m);
+ * lws_serve_http_file() - Send a file back to the client using http
+ * \param wsi:		Websocket instance (available from user callback)
+ * \param file:		The file to issue over http
+ * \param content_type:	The http content type, eg, text/html
+ * \param other_headers:	NULL or pointer to header string
+ * \param other_headers_len:	length of the other headers if non-NULL
+ *
+ *	This function is intended to be called from the callback in response
+ *	to http requests from the client.  It allows the callback to issue
+ *	local files down the http link in a single step.
+ *
+ *	Returning <0 indicates error and the wsi should be closed.  Returning
+ *	>0 indicates the file was completely sent and
+ *	lws_http_transaction_completed() called on the wsi (and close if != 0)
+ *	==0 indicates the file transfer is started and needs more service later,
+ *	the wsi should be left alone.
+ */
+lws_serve_http_file(struct lws *wsi, const char *file, const char *content_type,
+		    const char *other_headers, int other_headers_len);
+lws_serve_http_file_fragment(struct lws *wsi);
+/*! \defgroup html-chunked-substitution HTML Chunked Substitution
+ * \ingroup http
+ *
+ * ##HTML chunked Substitution
+ *
+ * APIs for receiving chunks of text, replacing a set of variable names via
+ * a callback, and then prepending and appending HTML chunked encoding
+ * headers.
+ */
+enum http_status {
+	HTTP_STATUS_OK						= 200,
+	HTTP_STATUS_FOUND					= 302,
+struct lws_process_html_args {
+	char *p; /**< pointer to the buffer containing the data */
+	int len; /**< length of the original data at p */
+	int max_len; /**< maximum length we can grow the data to */
+	int final; /**< set if this is the last chunk of the file */
+typedef const char *(*lws_process_html_state_cb)(void *data, int index);
+struct lws_process_html_state {
+	char *start; /**< pointer to start of match */
+	char swallow[16]; /**< matched character buffer */
+	int pos; /**< position in match */
+	void *data; /**< opaque pointer */
+	const char * const *vars; /**< list of variable names */
+	int count_vars; /**< count of variable names */
+	lws_process_html_state_cb replace; /**< called on match to perform substitution */
+/*! lws_chunked_html_process() - generic chunked substitution
+ * \param args: buffer to process using chunked encoding
+ * \param s: current processing state
+ */
+lws_chunked_html_process(struct lws_process_html_args *args,
+			 struct lws_process_html_state *s);
+/** \defgroup HTTP-headers-read HTTP headers: read
+ * \ingroup http
+ *
+ * ##HTTP header releated functions
+ *
+ *  In lws the client http headers are temporarily stored in a pool, only for the
+ *  duration of the http part of the handshake.  It's because in most cases,
+ *  the header content is ignored for the whole rest of the connection lifetime
+ *  and would then just be taking up space needlessly.
+ *
+ *  During LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP when the URI path is delivered is the last time
+ *  the http headers are still allocated, you can use these apis then to
+ *  look at and copy out interesting header content (cookies, etc)
+ *
+ *  Notice that the header total length reported does not include a terminating
+ *  '\0', however you must allocate for it when using the _copy apis.  So the
+ *  length reported for a header containing "123" is 3, but you must provide
+ *  a buffer of length 4 so that "123\0" may be copied into it, or the copy
+ *  will fail with a nonzero return code.
+ *
+ *  In the special case of URL arguments, like ?x=1&y=2, the arguments are
+ *  stored in a token named for the method, eg,  WSI_TOKEN_GET_URI if it
+ *  was a GET or WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI if POST.  You can check the total
+ *  length to confirm the method.
+ *
+ *  For URL arguments, each argument is stored urldecoded in a "fragment", so
+ *  you can use the fragment-aware api lws_hdr_copy_fragment() to access each
+ *  argument in turn: the fragments contain urldecoded strings like x=1 or y=2.
+ *
+ *  As a convenience, lws has an api that will find the fragment with a
+ *  given name= part, lws_get_urlarg_by_name().
+ */
+/** struct lws_tokens
+ * you need these to look at headers that have been parsed if using the
+ * LWS_CALLBACK_FILTER_CONNECTION callback.  If a header from the enum
+ * list below is absent, .token = NULL and token_len = 0.  Otherwise .token
+ * points to .token_len chars containing that header content.
+ */
+struct lws_tokens {
+	char *token; /**< pointer to start of the token */
+	int token_len; /**< length of the token's value */
+/* enum lws_token_indexes
+ * these have to be kept in sync with lextable.h / minilex.c
+ *
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+enum lws_token_indexes {
+	WSI_TOKEN_GET_URI					=  0,
+	WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI					=  1,
+	WSI_TOKEN_HOST						=  3,
+	WSI_TOKEN_ORIGIN					=  6,
+	WSI_TOKEN_DRAFT						=  7,
+	WSI_TOKEN_KEY1						= 10,
+	WSI_TOKEN_KEY2						= 11,
+	WSI_TOKEN_ACCEPT					= 13,
+	WSI_TOKEN_NONCE						= 14,
+	WSI_TOKEN_HTTP						= 15,
+	WSI_TOKEN_KEY						= 32,
+	WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_AGE					= 43,
+	WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_VIA					= 71,
+	WSI_TOKEN_PUT_URI					= 74,
+	WSI_TOKEN_PROXY						= 77,
+	WSI_TOKEN_HTTP1_0					= 79,
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+	/* use token storage to stash these internally, not for
+	 * user use */
+	/* always last real token index*/
+	/* parser state additions, no storage associated */
+struct lws_token_limits {
+	unsigned short token_limit[WSI_TOKEN_COUNT]; /**< max chars for this token */
+ * lws_token_to_string() - returns a textual representation of a hdr token index
+ *
+ * \param: token index
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN const unsigned char *
+lws_token_to_string(enum lws_token_indexes token);
+ * lws_hdr_total_length: report length of all fragments of a header totalled up
+ *		The returned length does not include the space for a
+ *		terminating '\0'
+ *
+ * \param wsi: websocket connection
+ * \param h: which header index we are interested in
+ */
+lws_hdr_total_length(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes h);
+ * lws_hdr_fragment_length: report length of a single fragment of a header
+ *		The returned length does not include the space for a
+ *		terminating '\0'
+ *
+ * \param wsi: websocket connection
+ * \param h: which header index we are interested in
+ * \param frag_idx: which fragment of h we want to get the length of
+ */
+lws_hdr_fragment_length(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes h, int frag_idx);
+ * lws_hdr_copy() - copy a single fragment of the given header to a buffer
+ *		The buffer length len must include space for an additional
+ *		terminating '\0', or it will fail returning -1.
+ *
+ * \param wsi: websocket connection
+ * \param dest: destination buffer
+ * \param len: length of destination buffer
+ * \param h: which header index we are interested in
+ *
+ * copies the whole, aggregated header, even if it was delivered in
+ * several actual headers piece by piece
+ */
+lws_hdr_copy(struct lws *wsi, char *dest, int len, enum lws_token_indexes h);
+ * lws_hdr_copy_fragment() - copy a single fragment of the given header to a buffer
+ *		The buffer length len must include space for an additional
+ *		terminating '\0', or it will fail returning -1.
+ *		If the requested fragment index is not present, it fails
+ *		returning -1.
+ *
+ * \param wsi: websocket connection
+ * \param dest: destination buffer
+ * \param len: length of destination buffer
+ * \param h: which header index we are interested in
+ * \param frag_idx: which fragment of h we want to copy
+ *
+ * Normally this is only useful
+ * to parse URI arguments like ?x=1&y=2, token index WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS
+ * fragment 0 will contain "x=1" and fragment 1 "y=2"
+ */
+lws_hdr_copy_fragment(struct lws *wsi, char *dest, int len,
+		      enum lws_token_indexes h, int frag_idx);
+ * lws_get_urlarg_by_name() - return pointer to arg value if present
+ * \param wsi: the connection to check
+ * \param name: the arg name, like "token="
+ * \param buf: the buffer to receive the urlarg (including the name= part)
+ * \param len: the length of the buffer to receive the urlarg
+ *
+ *     Returns NULL if not found or a pointer inside buf to just after the
+ *     name= part.
+ */
+lws_get_urlarg_by_name(struct lws *wsi, const char *name, char *buf, int len);
+/*! \defgroup HTTP-headers-create HTTP headers: create
+ *
+ * ## HTTP headers: Create
+ *
+ * These apis allow you to create HTTP response headers in a way compatible with
+ * both HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2.
+ *
+ * They each append to a buffer taking care about the buffer end, which is
+ * passed in as a pointer.  When data is written to the buffer, the current
+ * position p is updated accordingly.
+ *
+ * All of these apis are LWS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT as they can run out of space
+ * and fail with nonzero return.
+ */
+#define LWSAHH_CODE_MASK			((1 << 16) - 1)
+#define LWSAHH_FLAG_NO_SERVER_NAME		(1 << 30)
+ * lws_add_http_header_status() - add the HTTP response status code
+ *
+ * \param wsi: the connection to check
+ * \param code: an HTTP code like 200, 404 etc (see enum http_status)
+ * \param p: pointer to current position in buffer pointer
+ * \param end: pointer to end of buffer
+ *
+ * Adds the initial response code, so should be called first.
+ *
+ * Code may additionally take OR'd flags:
+ *
+ *    LWSAHH_FLAG_NO_SERVER_NAME:  don't apply server name header this time
+ */
+lws_add_http_header_status(struct lws *wsi,
+			   unsigned int code, unsigned char **p,
+			   unsigned char *end);
+ * lws_add_http_header_by_name() - append named header and value
+ *
+ * \param wsi: the connection to check
+ * \param name: the hdr name, like "my-header"
+ * \param value: the value after the = for this header
+ * \param length: the length of the value
+ * \param p: pointer to current position in buffer pointer
+ * \param end: pointer to end of buffer
+ *
+ * Appends name: value to the headers
+ */
+lws_add_http_header_by_name(struct lws *wsi, const unsigned char *name,
+			    const unsigned char *value, int length,
+			    unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end);
+ * lws_add_http_header_by_token() - append given header and value
+ *
+ * \param wsi: the connection to check
+ * \param token: the token index for the hdr
+ * \param value: the value after the = for this header
+ * \param length: the length of the value
+ * \param p: pointer to current position in buffer pointer
+ * \param end: pointer to end of buffer
+ *
+ * Appends name=value to the headers, but is able to take advantage of better
+ * HTTP/2 coding mechanisms where possible.
+ */
+lws_add_http_header_by_token(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes token,
+			     const unsigned char *value, int length,
+			     unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end);
+ * lws_add_http_header_by_name() - append content-length helper
+ *
+ * \param wsi: the connection to check
+ * \param content_length: the content length to use
+ * \param p: pointer to current position in buffer pointer
+ * \param end: pointer to end of buffer
+ *
+ * Appends content-length: content_length to the headers
+ */
+lws_add_http_header_content_length(struct lws *wsi,
+				   unsigned long content_length,
+				   unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end);
+ * lws_finalize_http_header() - terminate header block
+ *
+ * \param wsi: the connection to check
+ * \param p: pointer to current position in buffer pointer
+ * \param end: pointer to end of buffer
+ *
+ * Indicates no more headers will be added
+ */
+lws_finalize_http_header(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char **p,
+			 unsigned char *end);
+/** \defgroup form-parsing  Form Parsing
+ * \ingroup http
+ * ##POSTed form parsing functions
+ *
+ * These lws_spa (stateful post arguments) apis let you parse and urldecode
+ * POSTed form arguments, both using simple urlencoded and multipart transfer
+ * encoding.
+ *
+ * It's capable of handling file uploads as well a named input parsing,
+ * and the apis are the same for both form upload styles.
+ *
+ * You feed it a list of parameter names and it creates pointers to the
+ * urldecoded arguments: file upload parameters pass the file data in chunks to
+ * a user-supplied callback as they come.
+ *
+ * Since it's stateful, it handles the incoming data needing more than one
+ * POST_BODY callback and has no limit on uploaded file size.
+ */
+/** enum lws_spa_fileupload_states */
+enum lws_spa_fileupload_states {
+	/**< a chunk of file content has arrived */
+	/**< the last chunk (possibly zero length) of file content has arrived */
+	/**< a new file is starting to arrive */
+ * lws_spa_fileupload_cb() - callback to receive file upload data
+ *
+ * \param data: opt_data pointer set in lws_spa_create
+ * \param name: name of the form field being uploaded
+ * \param filename: original filename from client
+ * \param buf: start of data to receive
+ * \param len: length of data to receive
+ * \param state: information about how this call relates to file
+ *
+ * Notice name and filename shouldn't be trusted, as they are passed from
+ * HTTP provided by the client.
+ */
+typedef int (*lws_spa_fileupload_cb)(void *data, const char *name,
+			const char *filename, char *buf, int len,
+			enum lws_spa_fileupload_states state);
+/** struct lws_spa - opaque urldecode parser capable of handling multipart
+ *			and file uploads */
+struct lws_spa;
+ * lws_spa_create() - create urldecode parser
+ *
+ * \param wsi: lws connection (used to find Content Type)
+ * \param param_names: array of form parameter names, like "username"
+ * \param count_params: count of param_names
+ * \param max_storage: total amount of form parameter values we can store
+ * \param opt_cb: NULL, or callback to receive file upload data.
+ * \param opt_data: NULL, or user pointer provided to opt_cb.
+ *
+ * Creates a urldecode parser and initializes it.
+ *
+ * opt_cb can be NULL if you just want normal name=value parsing, however
+ * if one or more entries in your form are bulk data (file transfer), you
+ * can provide this callback and filter on the name callback parameter to
+ * treat that urldecoded data separately.  The callback should return -1
+ * in case of fatal error, and 0 if OK.
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN struct lws_spa *
+lws_spa_create(struct lws *wsi, const char * const *param_names,
+	       int count_params, int max_storage, lws_spa_fileupload_cb opt_cb,
+	       void *opt_data);
+ * lws_spa_process() - parses a chunk of input data
+ *
+ * \param spa: the parser object previously created
+ * \param in: incoming, urlencoded data
+ * \param len: count of bytes valid at \param in
+ */
+lws_spa_process(struct lws_spa *spa, const char *in, int len);
+ * lws_spa_finalize() - indicate incoming data completed
+ *
+ * \param spa: the parser object previously created
+ */
+lws_spa_finalize(struct lws_spa *spa);
+ * lws_spa_get_length() - return length of parameter value
+ *
+ * \param spa: the parser object previously created
+ * \param n: parameter ordinal to return length of value for
+ */
+lws_spa_get_length(struct lws_spa *spa, int n);
+ * lws_spa_get_string() - return pointer to parameter value
+ * \param spa: the parser object previously created
+ * \param n: parameter ordinal to return pointer to value for
+ */
+lws_spa_get_string(struct lws_spa *spa, int n);
+ * lws_spa_destroy() - destroy parser object
+ *
+ * \param spa: the parser object previously created
+ */
+lws_spa_destroy(struct lws_spa *spa);
+/*! \defgroup urlendec Urlencode and Urldecode
+ * \ingroup http
+ *
+ * ##HTML chunked Substitution
+ *
+ * APIs for receiving chunks of text, replacing a set of variable names via
+ * a callback, and then prepending and appending HTML chunked encoding
+ * headers.
+ */
+ * lws_urlencode() - like strncpy but with urlencoding
+ *
+ * \param escaped: output buffer
+ * \param string: input buffer ('/0' terminated)
+ * \param len: output buffer max length
+ *
+ * Because urlencoding expands the output string, it's not
+ * possible to do it in-place, ie, with escaped == string
+ */
+lws_urlencode(char *escaped, const char *string, int len);
+ * URLDECODE 1 / 2
+ *
+ * This simple urldecode only operates until the first '\0' and requires the
+ * data to exist all at once
+ */
+ * lws_urldecode() - like strncpy but with urldecoding
+ *
+ * \param string: output buffer
+ * \param escaped: input buffer ('\0' terminated)
+ * \param len: output buffer max length
+ *
+ * This is only useful for '\0' terminated strings
+ *
+ * Since urldecoding only shrinks the output string, it is possible to
+ * do it in-place, ie, string == escaped
+ */
+lws_urldecode(char *string, const char *escaped, int len);
+ * lws_return_http_status() - Return simple http status
+ * \param wsi:		Websocket instance (available from user callback)
+ * \param code:		Status index, eg, 404
+ * \param html_body:		User-readable HTML description < 1KB, or NULL
+ *
+ *	Helper to report HTTP errors back to the client cleanly and
+ *	consistently
+ */
+lws_return_http_status(struct lws *wsi, unsigned int code,
+		       const char *html_body);
+ * lws_http_redirect() - write http redirect into buffer
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection
+ * \param code:	HTTP response code (eg, 301)
+ * \param loc:	where to redirect to
+ * \param len:	length of loc
+ * \param p:	pointer current position in buffer (updated as we write)
+ * \param end:	pointer to end of buffer
+ */
+lws_http_redirect(struct lws *wsi, int code, const unsigned char *loc, int len,
+		  unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end);
+ * lws_http_transaction_completed() - wait for new http transaction or close
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection
+ *
+ *	Returns 1 if the HTTP connection must close now
+ *	Returns 0 and resets connection to wait for new HTTP header /
+ *	  transaction if possible
+ */
+lws_http_transaction_completed(struct lws *wsi);
+/*! \defgroup pur Sanitize / purify SQL and JSON helpers
+ *
+ * ##Sanitize / purify SQL and JSON helpers
+ *
+ * APIs for escaping untrusted JSON and SQL safely before use
+ */
+ * lws_sql_purify() - like strncpy but with escaping for sql quotes
+ *
+ * \param escaped: output buffer
+ * \param string: input buffer ('/0' terminated)
+ * \param len: output buffer max length
+ *
+ * Because escaping expands the output string, it's not
+ * possible to do it in-place, ie, with escaped == string
+ */
+lws_sql_purify(char *escaped, const char *string, int len);
+ * lws_json_purify() - like strncpy but with escaping for json chars
+ *
+ * \param escaped: output buffer
+ * \param string: input buffer ('/0' terminated)
+ * \param len: output buffer max length
+ *
+ * Because escaping expands the output string, it's not
+ * possible to do it in-place, ie, with escaped == string
+ */
+lws_json_purify(char *escaped, const char *string, int len);
+/*! \defgroup ev libev helpers
+ *
+ * ##libev helpers
+ *
+ * APIs specific to libev event loop itegration
+ */
+typedef void (lws_ev_signal_cb_t)(EV_P_ struct ev_signal *w, int revents);
+lws_ev_sigint_cfg(struct lws_context *context, int use_ev_sigint,
+		  lws_ev_signal_cb_t *cb);
+lws_ev_initloop(struct lws_context *context, struct ev_loop *loop, int tsi);
+lws_ev_sigint_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_signal *watcher, int revents);
+#endif /* LWS_USE_LIBEV */
+/*! \defgroup uv libuv helpers
+ *
+ * ##libuv helpers
+ *
+ * APIs specific to libuv event loop itegration
+ */
+lws_uv_sigint_cfg(struct lws_context *context, int use_uv_sigint,
+		  uv_signal_cb cb);
+lws_libuv_run(const struct lws_context *context, int tsi);
+lws_libuv_stop(struct lws_context *context);
+lws_libuv_stop_without_kill(const struct lws_context *context, int tsi);
+lws_uv_initloop(struct lws_context *context, uv_loop_t *loop, int tsi);
+lws_uv_getloop(struct lws_context *context, int tsi);
+lws_uv_sigint_cb(uv_signal_t *watcher, int signum);
+#endif /* LWS_USE_LIBUV */
+/*! \defgroup timeout Connection timeouts
+    APIs related to setting connection timeouts
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+enum pending_timeout {
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+ * lws_set_timeout() - marks the wsi as subject to a timeout
+ *
+ * You will not need this unless you are doing something special
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket connection instance
+ * \param reason:	timeout reason
+ * \param secs:	how many seconds
+ */
+lws_set_timeout(struct lws *wsi, enum pending_timeout reason, int secs);
+/*! \defgroup sending-data Sending data
+    APIs related to writing data on a connection
+#if !defined(LWS_SIZEOFPTR)
+#define LWS_SIZEOFPTR (sizeof (void *))
+#if !defined(u_int64_t)
+#define u_int64_t unsigned long long
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+#define _LWS_PAD_SIZE 16	/* Intel recommended for best performance */
+#define _LWS_PAD_SIZE LWS_SIZEOFPTR   /* Size of a pointer on the target arch */
+#define _LWS_PAD(n) (((n) % _LWS_PAD_SIZE) ? \
+		((n) + (_LWS_PAD_SIZE - ((n) % _LWS_PAD_SIZE))) : (n))
+#define LWS_PRE _LWS_PAD(4 + 10)
+/* used prior to 1.7 and retained for backward compatibility */
+ * NOTE: These public enums are part of the abi.  If you want to add one,
+ * add it at where specified so existing users are unaffected.
+ */
+enum lws_write_protocol {
+	LWS_WRITE_TEXT						= 0,
+	/**< Send a ws TEXT message,the pointer must have LWS_PRE valid
+	 * memory behind it.  The receiver expects only valid utf-8 in the
+	 * payload */
+	/**< Send a ws BINARY message, the pointer must have LWS_PRE valid
+	 * memory behind it.  Any sequence of bytes is valid */
+	/**< Continue a previous ws message, the pointer must have LWS_PRE valid
+	 * memory behind it */
+	LWS_WRITE_HTTP						= 3,
+	/**< Send HTTP content */
+	/* LWS_WRITE_CLOSE is handled by lws_close_reason() */
+	LWS_WRITE_PING						= 5,
+	LWS_WRITE_PONG						= 6,
+	/* Same as write_http but we know this write ends the transaction */
+	/* HTTP2 */
+	/**< Send http headers (http2 encodes this payload and LWS_WRITE_HTTP
+	 * payload differently, http 1.x links also handle this correctly. so
+	 * to be compatible with both in the future,header response part should
+	 * be sent using this regardless of http version expected)
+	 */
+	/****** add new things just above ---^ ******/
+	/* flags */
+	LWS_WRITE_NO_FIN = 0x40,
+	/**< This part of the message is not the end of the message */
+	/**< client packet payload goes out on wire unmunged
+	 * only useful for security tests since normal servers cannot
+	 * decode the content if used */
+ * lws_write() - Apply protocol then write data to client
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket instance (available from user callback)
+ * \param buf:	The data to send.  For data being sent on a websocket
+ *		connection (ie, not default http), this buffer MUST have
+ *		LWS_PRE bytes valid BEFORE the pointer.
+ *		This is so the protocol header data can be added in-situ.
+ * \param len:	Count of the data bytes in the payload starting from buf
+ * \param protocol:	Use LWS_WRITE_HTTP to reply to an http connection, and one
+ *		of LWS_WRITE_BINARY or LWS_WRITE_TEXT to send appropriate
+ *		data on a websockets connection.  Remember to allow the extra
+ *		bytes before and after buf if LWS_WRITE_BINARY or LWS_WRITE_TEXT
+ *		are used.
+ *
+ *	This function provides the way to issue data back to the client
+ *	for both http and websocket protocols.
+ *
+ *
+ * When sending with websocket protocol
+ *
+ *
+ * the send buffer has to have LWS_PRE bytes valid BEFORE
+ * the buffer pointer you pass to lws_write().
+ *
+ * This allows us to add protocol info before and after the data, and send as
+ * one packet on the network without payload copying, for maximum efficiency.
+ *
+ * So for example you need this kind of code to use lws_write with a
+ * 128-byte payload
+ *
+ *   char buf[LWS_PRE + 128];
+ *
+ *   // fill your part of the buffer... for example here it's all zeros
+ *   memset(&buf[LWS_PRE], 0, 128);
+ *
+ *   lws_write(wsi, &buf[LWS_PRE], 128, LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
+ *
+ * When sending HTTP, with
+ *
+ *
+ * there is no protocol data prepended, and don't need to take care about the
+ * LWS_PRE bytes valid before the buffer pointer.
+ *
+ * LWS_PRE is at least the frame nonce + 2 header + 8 length
+ * LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING is deprecated, it's now 0 and can be left off.
+ * The example apps no longer use it.
+ *
+ * Pad LWS_PRE to the CPU word size, so that word references
+ * to the address immediately after the padding won't cause an unaligned access
+ * error. Sometimes for performance reasons the recommended padding is even
+ * larger than sizeof(void *).
+ *
+ *	In the case of sending using websocket protocol, be sure to allocate
+ *	valid storage before and after buf as explained above.  This scheme
+ *	allows maximum efficiency of sending data and protocol in a single
+ *	packet while not burdening the user code with any protocol knowledge.
+ *
+ *	Return may be -1 for a fatal error needing connection close, or the
+ *	number of bytes sent.
+ *
+ * Truncated Writes
+ * ================
+ *
+ * The OS may not accept everything you asked to write on the connection.
+ *
+ * Posix defines POLLOUT indication from poll() to show that the connection
+ * will accept more write data, but it doesn't specifiy how much.  It may just
+ * accept one byte of whatever you wanted to send.
+ *
+ * LWS will buffer the remainder automatically, and send it out autonomously.
+ *
+ * During that time, WRITABLE callbacks will be suppressed.
+ *
+ * This is to handle corner cases where unexpectedly the OS refuses what we
+ * usually expect it to accept.  You should try to send in chunks that are
+ * almost always accepted in order to avoid the inefficiency of the buffering.
+ */
+lws_write(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char *buf, size_t len,
+	  enum lws_write_protocol protocol);
+/* helper for case where buffer may be const */
+#define lws_write_http(wsi, buf, len) \
+	lws_write(wsi, (unsigned char *)(buf), len, LWS_WRITE_HTTP)
+/** \defgroup callback-when-writeable Callback when writeable
+ *
+ * ##Callback When Writeable
+ *
+ * lws can only write data on a connection when it is able to accept more
+ * data without blocking.
+ *
+ * So a basic requirement is we should only use the lws_write() apis when the
+ * connection we want to write on says that he can accept more data.
+ *
+ * When lws cannot complete your send at the time, it will buffer the data
+ * and send it in the background, suppressing any further WRITEABLE callbacks
+ * on that connection until it completes.  So it is important to write new
+ * things in a new writeable callback.
+ *
+ * These apis reflect the various ways we can indicate we would like to be
+ * called back when one or more connections is writeable.
+ */
+ * lws_callback_on_writable() - Request a callback when this socket
+ *					 becomes able to be written to without
+ *					 blocking
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket connection instance to get callback for
+ *
+ * - Which:  only this wsi
+ * - When:   when the individual connection becomes writeable
+ */
+lws_callback_on_writable(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol() - Request a callback for all
+ *			connections on same vhost using the given protocol when it
+ *			becomes possible to write to each socket without
+ *			blocking in turn.
+ *
+ * \param context:	lws_context
+ * \param protocol:	Protocol whose connections will get callbacks
+ *
+ * - Which:  connections using this protocol on ANY VHOST
+ * - When:   when the individual connection becomes writeable
+ */
+lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol(const struct lws_context *context,
+				      const struct lws_protocols *protocol);
+ * lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol_vhost() - Request a callback for
+ *			all connections using the given protocol when it
+ *			becomes possible to write to each socket without
+ *			blocking in turn.
+ *
+ * \param vhost:	Only consider connections on this lws_vhost
+ * \param protocol:	Protocol whose connections will get callbacks
+ *
+ * - Which:  connections using this protocol on GIVEN VHOST ONLY
+ * - When:   when the individual connection becomes writeable
+ */
+lws_callback_on_writable_all_protocol_vhost(const struct lws_vhost *vhost,
+				      const struct lws_protocols *protocol);
+ * lws_callback_all_protocol() - Callback all connections using
+ *				the given protocol with the given reason
+ *
+ * \param context:	lws_context
+ * \param protocol:	Protocol whose connections will get callbacks
+ * \param reason:	Callback reason index
+ *
+ * - Which:  connections using this protocol on ALL VHOSTS
+ * - When:   before returning
+ * - What:   reason
+ *
+ * This isn't normally what you want... normally any update of connection-
+ * specific information can wait until a network-related callback like rx,
+ * writable, or close.
+ */
+lws_callback_all_protocol(struct lws_context *context,
+			  const struct lws_protocols *protocol, int reason);
+ * lws_callback_all_protocol_vhost() - Callback all connections using
+ *				the given protocol with the given reason
+ *
+ * \param vh:		Vhost whose connections will get callbacks
+ * \param protocol:	Which protocol to match
+ * \param reason:	Callback reason index
+ *
+ * - Which:  connections using this protocol on GIVEN VHOST ONLY
+ * - When:   now
+ * - What:   reason
+ */
+lws_callback_all_protocol_vhost(struct lws_vhost *vh,
+			  const struct lws_protocols *protocol, int reason);
+ * lws_callback_vhost_protocols() - Callback all protocols enabled on a vhost
+ *					with the given reason
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	wsi whose vhost will get callbacks
+ * \param reason:	Callback reason index
+ * \param in:		in argument to callback
+ * \param len:	len argument to callback
+ *
+ * - Which:  connections using this protocol on same VHOST as wsi ONLY
+ * - When:   now
+ * - What:   reason
+ */
+lws_callback_vhost_protocols(struct lws *wsi, int reason, void *in, int len);
+lws_callback_http_dummy(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_callback_reasons reason,
+		    void *user, void *in, size_t len);
+ * lws_get_socket_fd() - returns the socket file descriptor
+ *
+ * You will not need this unless you are doing something special
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket connection instance
+ */
+lws_get_socket_fd(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_get_peer_write_allowance() - get the amount of data writeable to peer
+ * 					if known
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket connection instance
+ *
+ * if the protocol does not have any guidance, returns -1.  Currently only
+ * http2 connections get send window information from this API.  But your code
+ * should use it so it can work properly with any protocol.
+ *
+ * If nonzero return is the amount of payload data the peer or intermediary has
+ * reported it has buffer space for.  That has NO relationship with the amount
+ * of buffer space your OS can accept on this connection for a write action.
+ *
+ * This number represents the maximum you could send to the peer or intermediary
+ * on this connection right now without the protocol complaining.
+ *
+ * lws manages accounting for send window updates and payload writes
+ * automatically, so this number reflects the situation at the peer or
+ * intermediary dynamically.
+ */
+lws_get_peer_write_allowance(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_rx_flow_control() - Enable and disable socket servicing for
+ *				received packets.
+ *
+ * If the output side of a server process becomes choked, this allows flow
+ * control for the input side.
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket connection instance to get callback for
+ * \param enable:	0 = disable read servicing for this connection, 1 = enable
+ */
+lws_rx_flow_control(struct lws *wsi, int enable);
+ * lws_rx_flow_allow_all_protocol() - Allow all connections with this protocol to receive
+ *
+ * When the user server code realizes it can accept more input, it can
+ * call this to have the RX flow restriction removed from all connections using
+ * the given protocol.
+ * \param context:	lws_context
+ * \param protocol:	all connections using this protocol will be allowed to receive
+ */
+lws_rx_flow_allow_all_protocol(const struct lws_context *context,
+			       const struct lws_protocols *protocol);
+ * lws_remaining_packet_payload() - Bytes to come before "overall"
+ *					      rx packet is complete
+ * \param wsi:		Websocket instance (available from user callback)
+ *
+ *	This function is intended to be called from the callback if the
+ *  user code is interested in "complete packets" from the client.
+ *  libwebsockets just passes through payload as it comes and issues a buffer
+ *  additionally when it hits a built-in limit.  The LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE
+ *  callback handler can use this API to find out if the buffer it has just
+ *  been given is the last piece of a "complete packet" from the client --
+ *  when that is the case lws_remaining_packet_payload() will return
+ *  0.
+ *
+ *  Many protocols won't care becuse their packets are always small.
+ */
+lws_remaining_packet_payload(struct lws *wsi);
+/** \defgroup sock-adopt Socket adoption helpers
+ * ##Socket adoption helpers
+ *
+ * When integrating with an external app with its own event loop, these can
+ * be used to accept connections from someone else's listening socket.
+ *
+ * When using lws own event loop, these are not needed.
+ */
+ * lws_adopt_socket() - adopt foreign socket as if listen socket accepted it
+ * for the default vhost of context.
+ * \param context: lws context
+ * \param accept_fd: fd of already-accepted socket to adopt
+ *
+ * Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and
+ * returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces.
+ *
+ * LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's ready to accept an upgrade
+ * to ws or just serve http.
+ */
+lws_adopt_socket(struct lws_context *context, lws_sockfd_type accept_fd);
+ * lws_adopt_socket_vhost() - adopt foreign socket as if listen socket accepted it
+ * for vhost
+ * \param vhost: lws vhost
+ * \param accept_fd: fd of already-accepted socket to adopt
+ *
+ * Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and
+ * returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces.
+ *
+ * LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's ready to accept an upgrade
+ * to ws or just serve http.
+ */
+lws_adopt_socket_vhost(struct lws_vhost *vh, lws_sockfd_type accept_fd);
+typedef enum {
+	LWS_ADOPT_RAW_FILE_DESC = 0,	/* convenience constant */
+	LWS_ADOPT_HTTP = 1,		/* flag: absent implies RAW */
+	LWS_ADOPT_SOCKET = 2,		/* flag: absent implies file descr */
+	LWS_ADOPT_ALLOW_SSL = 4		/* flag: if set requires LWS_ADOPT_SOCKET */
+} lws_adoption_type;
+typedef union {
+	lws_sockfd_type sockfd;
+	lws_filefd_type filefd;
+} lws_sock_file_fd_type;
+* lws_adopt_descriptor_vhost() - adopt foreign socket or file descriptor
+* if socket descriptor, should already have been accepted from listen socket
+* \param vhost: lws vhost
+* \param type: OR-ed combinations of lws_adoption_type flags
+* \param fd: union with either .sockfd or .filefd set
+* \param vh_prot_name: NULL or vh protocol name to bind raw connection to
+* \param parent: NULL or struct lws to attach new_wsi to as a child
+* Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and
+* returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces.
+* If LWS_ADOPT_SOCKET is set, LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's
+* ready to accept an upgrade to ws or just serve http.
+* parent may be NULL, if given it should be an existing wsi that will become the
+* parent of the new wsi created by this call.
+LWS_VISIBLE struct lws *
+lws_adopt_descriptor_vhost(struct lws_vhost *vh, lws_adoption_type type,
+			   lws_sock_file_fd_type fd, const char *vh_prot_name,
+			   struct lws *parent);
+ * lws_adopt_socket_readbuf() - adopt foreign socket and first rx as if listen socket accepted it
+ * for the default vhost of context.
+ * \param context:	lws context
+ * \param accept_fd:	fd of already-accepted socket to adopt
+ * \param readbuf:	NULL or pointer to data that must be drained before reading from
+ *		accept_fd
+ * \param len:	The length of the data held at \param readbuf
+ *
+ * Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and
+ * returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces.
+ *
+ * LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's ready to accept an upgrade
+ * to ws or just serve http.
+ *
+ * If your external code did not already read from the socket, you can use
+ * lws_adopt_socket() instead.
+ *
+ * This api is guaranteed to use the data at \param readbuf first, before reading from
+ * the socket.
+ *
+ * readbuf is limited to the size of the ah rx buf, currently 2048 bytes.
+ */
+lws_adopt_socket_readbuf(struct lws_context *context, lws_sockfd_type accept_fd,
+                         const char *readbuf, size_t len);
+ * lws_adopt_socket_vhost_readbuf() - adopt foreign socket and first rx as if listen socket
+ * accepted it for vhost.
+ * \param vhost:	lws vhost
+ * \param accept_fd:	fd of already-accepted socket to adopt
+ * \param readbuf:	NULL or pointer to data that must be drained before reading from
+ *			accept_fd
+ * \param len:		The length of the data held at \param readbuf
+ *
+ * Either returns new wsi bound to accept_fd, or closes accept_fd and
+ * returns NULL, having cleaned up any new wsi pieces.
+ *
+ * LWS adopts the socket in http serving mode, it's ready to accept an upgrade
+ * to ws or just serve http.
+ *
+ * If your external code did not already read from the socket, you can use
+ * lws_adopt_socket() instead.
+ *
+ * This api is guaranteed to use the data at \param readbuf first, before reading from
+ * the socket.
+ *
+ * readbuf is limited to the size of the ah rx buf, currently 2048 bytes.
+ */
+lws_adopt_socket_vhost_readbuf(struct lws_vhost *vhost, lws_sockfd_type accept_fd,
+                               const char *readbuf, size_t len);
+/** \defgroup net Network related helper APIs
+ * ##Network related helper APIs
+ *
+ * These wrap miscellaneous useful network-related functions
+ */
+ * lws_canonical_hostname() - returns this host's hostname
+ *
+ * This is typically used by client code to fill in the host parameter
+ * when making a client connection.  You can only call it after the context
+ * has been created.
+ *
+ * \param context:	Websocket context
+ */
+lws_canonical_hostname(struct lws_context *context);
+ * lws_get_peer_addresses() - Get client address information
+ * \param wsi:	Local struct lws associated with
+ * \param fd:		Connection socket descriptor
+ * \param name:	Buffer to take client address name
+ * \param name_len:	Length of client address name buffer
+ * \param rip:	Buffer to take client address IP dotted quad
+ * \param rip_len:	Length of client address IP buffer
+ *
+ *	This function fills in name and rip with the name and IP of
+ *	the client connected with socket descriptor fd.  Names may be
+ *	truncated if there is not enough room.  If either cannot be
+ *	determined, they will be returned as valid zero-length strings.
+ */
+lws_get_peer_addresses(struct lws *wsi, lws_sockfd_type fd, char *name,
+		       int name_len, char *rip, int rip_len);
+ * lws_get_peer_simple() - Get client address information without RDNS
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Local struct lws associated with
+ * \param name:	Buffer to take client address name
+ * \param namelen:	Length of client address name buffer
+ *
+ * This provides a type IP address in name from the
+ * peer that has connected to wsi
+ */
+lws_get_peer_simple(struct lws *wsi, char *name, int namelen);
+#if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP8266) && !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
+ * lws_interface_to_sa() - Convert interface name or IP to sockaddr struct
+ *
+ * \param ipv6:	Allow IPV6 addresses
+ * \param ifname:	Interface name or IP
+ * \param addr:	struct sockaddr_in * to be written
+ * \param addrlen:	Length of addr
+ *
+ * This converts a textual network interface name to a sockaddr usable by
+ * other network functions
+ */
+lws_interface_to_sa(int ipv6, const char *ifname, struct sockaddr_in *addr,
+		    size_t addrlen);
+/** \defgroup misc Miscellaneous APIs
+* ##Miscellaneous APIs
+* Various APIs outside of other categories
+ * lws_snprintf(): snprintf that truncates the returned length too
+ *
+ * \param str: destination buffer
+ * \param size: bytes left in destination buffer
+ * \param format: format string
+ * \param ...: args for format
+ *
+ * This lets you correctly truncate buffers by concatenating lengths, if you
+ * reach the limit the reported length doesn't exceed the limit.
+ */
+lws_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...) LWS_FORMAT(3);
+ * lws_get_random(): fill a buffer with platform random data
+ *
+ * \param context: the lws context
+ * \param buf: buffer to fill
+ * \param len: how much to fill
+ *
+ * This is intended to be called from the LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE callback if
+ * it's interested to see if the frame it's dealing with was sent in binary
+ * mode.
+ */
+lws_get_random(struct lws_context *context, void *buf, int len);
+ * lws_daemonize(): make current process run in the background
+ *
+ * \param _lock_path: the filepath to write the lock file
+ *
+ * Spawn lws as a background process, taking care of various things
+ */
+lws_daemonize(const char *_lock_path);
+ * lws_get_library_version(): return string describing the version of lws
+ *
+ * On unix, also includes the git describe
+ */
+ * lws_wsi_user() - get the user data associated with the connection
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ *
+ * Not normally needed since it's passed into the callback
+ */
+lws_wsi_user(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_wsi_set_user() - set the user data associated with the client connection
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ * \param user: user data
+ *
+ * By default lws allocates this and it's not legal to externally set it
+ * yourself.  However client connections may have it set externally when the
+ * connection is created... if so, this api can be used to modify it at
+ * runtime additionally.
+ */
+lws_set_wsi_user(struct lws *wsi, void *user);
+ * lws_parse_uri:	cut up prot:/ads:port/path into pieces
+ *			Notice it does so by dropping '\0' into input string
+ *			and the leading / on the path is consequently lost
+ *
+ * \param p:			incoming uri string.. will get written to
+ * \param prot:		result pointer for protocol part (https://)
+ * \param ads:		result pointer for address part
+ * \param port:		result pointer for port part
+ * \param path:		result pointer for path part
+ */
+lws_parse_uri(char *p, const char **prot, const char **ads, int *port,
+	      const char **path);
+ * lws_now_secs(): return seconds since 1970-1-1
+ */
+ * lws_get_context - Allow geting lws_context from a Websocket connection
+ * instance
+ *
+ * With this function, users can access context in the callback function.
+ * Otherwise users may have to declare context as a global variable.
+ *
+ * \param wsi:	Websocket connection instance
+ */
+lws_get_context(const struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_get_count_threads(): how many service threads the context uses
+ *
+ * \param context: the lws context
+ *
+ * By default this is always 1, if you asked for more than lws can handle it
+ * will clip the number of threads.  So you can use this to find out how many
+ * threads are actually in use.
+ */
+lws_get_count_threads(struct lws_context *context);
+ * lws_get_parent() - get parent wsi or NULL
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ *
+ * Specialized wsi like cgi stdin/out/err are associated to a parent wsi,
+ * this allows you to get their parent.
+ */
+lws_get_parent(const struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_get_child() - get child wsi or NULL
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ *
+ * Allows you to find a related wsi from the parent wsi.
+ */
+lws_get_child(const struct lws *wsi);
+ * \deprecated DEPRECATED Note: this is not normally needed as a user api.
+ * It's provided in case it is
+ * useful when integrating with other app poll loop service code.
+ */
+lws_read(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
+ * lws_set_allocator() - custom allocator support
+ *
+ * \param realloc
+ *
+ * Allows you to replace the allocator (and deallocator) used by lws
+ */
+lws_set_allocator(void *(*realloc)(void *ptr, size_t size));
+/** \defgroup wsstatus Websocket status APIs
+ * ##Websocket connection status APIs
+ *
+ * These provide information about ws connection or message status
+ */
+ * lws_send_pipe_choked() - tests if socket is writable or not
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ *
+ * Allows you to check if you can write more on the socket
+ */
+lws_send_pipe_choked(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_is_final_fragment() - tests if last part of ws message
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ */
+lws_is_final_fragment(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_get_reserved_bits() - access reserved bits of ws frame
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ */
+lws_get_reserved_bits(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_partial_buffered() - find out if lws buffered the last write
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection to check
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if you cannot use lws_write because the last
+ * write on this connection is still buffered, and can't be cleared without
+ * returning to the service loop and waiting for the connection to be
+ * writeable again.
+ *
+ * If you will try to do >1 lws_write call inside a single
+ * WRITEABLE callback, you must check this after every write and bail if
+ * set, ask for a new writeable callback and continue writing from there.
+ *
+ * This is never set at the start of a writeable callback, but any write
+ * may set it.
+ */
+lws_partial_buffered(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_frame_is_binary(): true if the current frame was sent in binary mode
+ *
+ * \param wsi: the connection we are inquiring about
+ *
+ * This is intended to be called from the LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE callback if
+ * it's interested to see if the frame it's dealing with was sent in binary
+ * mode.
+ */
+lws_frame_is_binary(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_is_ssl() - Find out if connection is using SSL
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection to check
+ *
+ *	Returns 0 if the connection is not using SSL, 1 if using SSL and
+ *	using verified cert, and 2 if using SSL but the cert was not
+ *	checked (appears for client wsi told to skip check on connection)
+ */
+lws_is_ssl(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_is_cgi() - find out if this wsi is running a cgi process
+ * \param wsi: lws connection
+ */
+lws_is_cgi(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_get_ssl() - Return wsi's SSL context structure
+ * \param wsi:	websocket connection
+ *
+ * Returns pointer to the SSL library's context structure
+ */
+lws_get_ssl(struct lws *wsi);
+/** \defgroup sha SHA and B64 helpers
+ * ##SHA and B64 helpers
+ *
+ * These provide SHA-1 and B64 helper apis
+ */
+#define lws_SHA1 SHA1
+ * lws_SHA1(): make a SHA-1 digest of a buffer
+ *
+ * \param d: incoming buffer
+ * \param n: length of incoming buffer
+ * \param md: buffer for message digest (must be >= 20 bytes)
+ *
+ * Reduces any size buffer into a 20-byte SHA-1 hash.
+ */
+LWS_VISIBLE LWS_EXTERN unsigned char *
+lws_SHA1(const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md);
+ * lws_b64_encode_string(): encode a string into base 64
+ *
+ * \param in: incoming buffer
+ * \param in_len: length of incoming buffer
+ * \param out: result buffer
+ * \param out_size: length of result buffer
+ *
+ * Encodes a string using b64
+ */
+lws_b64_encode_string(const char *in, int in_len, char *out, int out_size);
+ * lws_b64_decode_string(): decode a string from base 64
+ *
+ * \param in: incoming buffer
+ * \param out: result buffer
+ * \param out_size: length of result buffer
+ *
+ * Decodes a string using b64
+ */
+lws_b64_decode_string(const char *in, char *out, int out_size);
+/*! \defgroup cgi cgi handling
+ *
+ * ##CGI handling
+ *
+ * These functions allow low-level control over stdin/out/err of the cgi.
+ *
+ * However for most cases, binding the cgi to http in and out, the default
+ * lws implementation already does the right thing.
+ */
+#ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI
+enum lws_enum_stdinouterr {
+	LWS_STDIN = 0,
+enum lws_cgi_hdr_state {
+struct lws_cgi_args {
+	struct lws **stdwsi; /**< get fd with lws_get_socket_fd() */
+	enum lws_enum_stdinouterr ch; /**< channel index */
+	unsigned char *data; /**< for messages with payload */
+	enum lws_cgi_hdr_state hdr_state; /**< track where we are in cgi headers */
+	int len; /**< length */
+ * lws_cgi: spawn network-connected cgi process
+ *
+ * \param wsi: connection to own the process
+ * \param exec_array: array of "exec-name" "arg1" ... "argn" NULL
+ * \param script_uri_path_len: how many chars on the left of the uri are the path to the cgi
+ * \param timeout_secs: seconds script should be allowed to run
+ * \param mp_cgienv: pvo list with per-vhost cgi options to put in env
+ */
+lws_cgi(struct lws *wsi, const char * const *exec_array,
+	int script_uri_path_len, int timeout_secs,
+	const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *mp_cgienv);
+ * lws_cgi_write_split_stdout_headers: write cgi output accounting for header part
+ *
+ * \param wsi: connection to own the process
+ */
+lws_cgi_write_split_stdout_headers(struct lws *wsi);
+ * lws_cgi_kill: terminate cgi process associated with wsi
+ *
+ * \param wsi: connection to own the process
+ */
+lws_cgi_kill(struct lws *wsi);
+/*! \defgroup fops file operation wrapping
+ *
+ * ##File operation wrapping
+ *
+ * Use these helper functions if you want to access a file from the perspective
+ * of a specific wsi, which is usually the case.  If you just want contextless
+ * file access, use the fops callbacks directly with NULL wsi instead of these
+ * helpers.
+ *
+ * If so, then it calls the platform handler or user overrides where present
+ * (as defined in info->fops)
+ *
+ * The advantage from all this is user code can be portable for file operations
+ * without having to deal with differences between platforms.
+ */
+/** struct lws_plat_file_ops - Platform-specific file operations
+ *
+ * These provide platform-agnostic ways to deal with filesystem access in the
+ * library and in the user code.
+ */
+#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
+/* sdk preprocessor defs? compiler issue? gets confused with member names */
+#define LWS_FOP_OPEN		_open
+#define LWS_FOP_CLOSE		_close
+#define LWS_FOP_SEEK_CUR	_seek_cur
+#define LWS_FOP_READ		_read
+#define LWS_FOP_WRITE		_write
+#define LWS_FOP_OPEN		open
+#define LWS_FOP_CLOSE		close
+#define LWS_FOP_SEEK_CUR	seek_cur
+#define LWS_FOP_READ		read
+#define LWS_FOP_WRITE		write
+#define LWS_FOP_FLAGS_MASK		   ((1 << 23) - 1)
+#define LWS_FOP_FLAG_COMPR_IS_GZIP	   (1 << 25)
+#define LWS_FOP_FLAG_MOD_TIME_VALID	   (1 << 26)
+#define LWS_FOP_FLAG_VIRTUAL		   (1 << 27)
+struct lws_plat_file_ops;
+#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
+/* ... */
+#if !defined(ssize_t)
+typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
+#if defined(LWS_HAVE_STDINT_H)
+#include <stdint.h>
+#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
+/* !!! >:-[  */
+typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
+typedef size_t lws_filepos_t;
+typedef ssize_t lws_fileofs_t;
+typedef uint32_t lws_fop_flags_t;
+struct lws_fop_fd {
+	lws_filefd_type			fd;
+	/**< real file descriptor related to the file... */
+	const struct lws_plat_file_ops	*fops;
+	/**< fops that apply to this fop_fd */
+	void				*filesystem_priv;
+	/**< ignored by lws; owned by the fops handlers */
+	lws_filepos_t			pos;
+	/**< generic "position in file" */
+	lws_filepos_t			len;
+	/**< generic "length of file" */
+	lws_fop_flags_t			flags;
+	/**< copy of the returned flags */
+	uint32_t			mod_time;
+	/**< optional "modification time of file", only valid if .open()
+	 * set the LWS_FOP_FLAG_MOD_TIME_VALID flag */
+typedef struct lws_fop_fd *lws_fop_fd_t;
+struct lws_fops_index {
+	const char *sig;	/* NULL or vfs signature, eg, ".zip/" */
+	uint8_t len;		/* length of above string */
+struct lws_plat_file_ops {
+	lws_fop_fd_t (*LWS_FOP_OPEN)(const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops,
+				     const char *filename, const char *vpath,
+				     lws_fop_flags_t *flags);
+	/**< Open file (always binary access if plat supports it)
+	 * vpath may be NULL, or if the fops understands it, the point at which
+	 * the filename's virtual part starts.
+	 * *flags & LWS_FOP_FLAGS_MASK should be set to O_RDONLY or O_RDWR.
+	 * If the file may be gzip-compressed,
+	 * LWS_FOP_FLAG_COMPR_ACCEPTABLE_GZIP is set.  If it actually is
+	 * gzip-compressed, then the open handler should OR
+	 * LWS_FOP_FLAG_COMPR_IS_GZIP on to *flags before returning.
+	 */
+	int (*LWS_FOP_CLOSE)(lws_fop_fd_t *fop_fd);
+	/**< close file AND set the pointer to NULL */
+	lws_fileofs_t (*LWS_FOP_SEEK_CUR)(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd,
+					  lws_fileofs_t offset_from_cur_pos);
+	/**< seek from current position */
+	int (*LWS_FOP_READ)(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_filepos_t *amount,
+			    uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len);
+	/**< Read from file, on exit *amount is set to amount actually read */
+	int (*LWS_FOP_WRITE)(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_filepos_t *amount,
+			     uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len);
+	/**< Write to file, on exit *amount is set to amount actually written */
+	struct lws_fops_index fi[3];
+	/**< vfs path signatures implying use of this fops */
+	const struct lws_plat_file_ops *next;
+	/**< NULL or next fops in list */
+	/* Add new things just above here ---^
+	 * This is part of the ABI, don't needlessly break compatibility */
+ * lws_get_fops() - get current file ops
+ *
+ * \param context: context
+ */
+lws_get_fops(struct lws_context *context);
+lws_set_fops(struct lws_context *context, const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops);
+ * lws_vfs_tell() - get current file position
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: fop_fd we are asking about
+ */
+lws_vfs_tell(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd);
+ * lws_vfs_get_length() - get current file total length in bytes
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: fop_fd we are asking about
+ */
+lws_vfs_get_length(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd);
+ * lws_vfs_get_mod_time() - get time file last modified
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: fop_fd we are asking about
+ */
+lws_vfs_get_mod_time(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd);
+ * lws_vfs_file_seek_set() - seek relative to start of file
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: fop_fd we are seeking in
+ * \param offset: offset from start of file
+ */
+lws_vfs_file_seek_set(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_fileofs_t offset);
+ * lws_vfs_file_seek_end() - seek relative to end of file
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: fop_fd we are seeking in
+ * \param offset: offset from start of file
+ */
+lws_vfs_file_seek_end(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_fileofs_t offset);
+extern struct lws_plat_file_ops fops_zip;
+ * lws_plat_file_open() - open vfs filepath
+ *
+ * \param fops: file ops struct that applies to this descriptor
+ * \param vfs_path: filename to open
+ * \param flags: pointer to open flags
+ *
+ * The vfs_path is scanned for known fops signatures, and the open directed
+ * to any matching fops open.
+ *
+ * User code should use this api to perform vfs opens.
+ *
+ * returns semi-opaque handle
+ */
+lws_vfs_file_open(const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops, const char *vfs_path,
+		  lws_fop_flags_t *flags);
+ * lws_plat_file_close() - close file
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: file handle to close
+ */
+static LWS_INLINE int
+lws_vfs_file_close(lws_fop_fd_t *fop_fd)
+	return (*fop_fd)->fops->LWS_FOP_CLOSE(fop_fd);
+ * lws_plat_file_seek_cur() - close file
+ *
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: file handle
+ * \param offset: position to seek to
+ */
+static LWS_INLINE lws_fileofs_t
+lws_vfs_file_seek_cur(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_fileofs_t offset)
+	return fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_SEEK_CUR(fop_fd, offset);
+ * lws_plat_file_read() - read from file
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: file handle
+ * \param amount: how much to read (rewritten by call)
+ * \param buf: buffer to write to
+ * \param len: max length
+ */
+lws_vfs_file_read(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_filepos_t *amount,
+		   uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len)
+	return fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(fop_fd, amount, buf, len);
+ * lws_plat_file_write() - write from file
+ *
+ * \param fop_fd: file handle
+ * \param amount: how much to write (rewritten by call)
+ * \param buf: buffer to read from
+ * \param len: max length
+ */
+lws_vfs_file_write(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_filepos_t *amount,
+		    uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len)
+	return fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_WRITE(fop_fd, amount, buf, len);
+/* these are the platform file operations implementations... they can
+ * be called directly and used in fops arrays
+ */
+_lws_plat_file_open(const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops, const char *filename,
+		    const char *vpath, lws_fop_flags_t *flags);
+_lws_plat_file_close(lws_fop_fd_t *fop_fd);
+_lws_plat_file_seek_cur(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_fileofs_t offset);
+_lws_plat_file_read(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_filepos_t *amount,
+		    uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len);
+_lws_plat_file_write(lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd, lws_filepos_t *amount,
+		     uint8_t *buf, lws_filepos_t len);
+/** \defgroup smtp
+ * \ingroup lwsapi
+ * ##SMTP related functions
+ *
+ * These apis let you communicate with a local SMTP server to send email from
+ * lws.  It handles all the SMTP sequencing and protocol actions.
+ *
+ * Your system should have postfix, sendmail or another MTA listening on port
+ * 25 and able to send email using the "mail" commandline app.  Usually distro
+ * MTAs are configured for this by default.
+ *
+ * It runs via its own libuv events if initialized (which requires giving it
+ * a libuv loop to attach to).
+ *
+ * It operates using three callbacks, on_next() queries if there is a new email
+ * to send, on_get_body() asks for the body of the email, and on_sent() is
+ * called after the email is successfully sent.
+ *
+ * To use it
+ *
+ *  - create an lws_email struct
+ *
+ *  - initialize data, loop, the email_* strings, max_content_size and
+ *    the callbacks
+ *
+ *  - call lws_email_init()
+ *
+ *  When you have at least one email to send, call lws_email_check() to
+ *  schedule starting to send it.
+ */
+/** enum lwsgs_smtp_states - where we are in SMTP protocol sequence */
+enum lwsgs_smtp_states {
+	LGSSMTP_IDLE, /**< awaiting new email */
+	LGSSMTP_CONNECTING, /**< opening tcp connection to MTA */
+	LGSSMTP_CONNECTED, /**< tcp connection to MTA is connected */
+	LGSSMTP_SENT_HELO, /**< sent the HELO */
+	LGSSMTP_SENT_FROM, /**< sent FROM */
+	LGSSMTP_SENT_TO, /**< sent TO */
+	LGSSMTP_SENT_DATA, /**< sent DATA request */
+	LGSSMTP_SENT_BODY, /**< sent the email body */
+	LGSSMTP_SENT_QUIT, /**< sent the session quit */
+/** struct lws_email - abstract context for performing SMTP operations */
+struct lws_email {
+	void *data;
+	/**< opaque pointer set by user code and available to the callbacks */
+	uv_loop_t *loop;
+	/**< the libuv loop we will work on */
+	char email_smtp_ip[32]; /**< Fill before init, eg, "" */
+	char email_helo[32];	/**< Fill before init, eg, "myserver.com" */
+	char email_from[100];	/**< Fill before init or on_next */
+	char email_to[100];	/**< Fill before init or on_next */
+	unsigned int max_content_size;
+	/**< largest possible email body size */
+	/* Fill all the callbacks before init */
+	int (*on_next)(struct lws_email *email);
+	/**< (Fill in before calling lws_email_init)
+	 * called when idle, 0 = another email to send, nonzero is idle.
+	 * If you return 0, all of the email_* char arrays must be set
+	 * to something useful. */
+	int (*on_sent)(struct lws_email *email);
+	/**< (Fill in before calling lws_email_init)
+	 * called when transfer of the email to the SMTP server was
+	 * successful, your callback would remove the current email
+	 * from its queue */
+	int (*on_get_body)(struct lws_email *email, char *buf, int len);
+	/**< (Fill in before calling lws_email_init)
+	 * called when the body part of the queued email is about to be
+	 * sent to the SMTP server. */
+	/* private things */
+	uv_timer_t timeout_email; /**< private */
+	enum lwsgs_smtp_states estate; /**< private */
+	uv_connect_t email_connect_req; /**< private */
+	uv_tcp_t email_client; /**< private */
+	time_t email_connect_started; /**< private */
+	char email_buf[256]; /**< private */
+	char *content; /**< private */
+ * lws_email_init() - Initialize a struct lws_email
+ *
+ * \param email: struct lws_email to init
+ * \param loop: libuv loop to use
+ * \param max_content: max email content size
+ *
+ * Prepares a struct lws_email for use ending SMTP
+ */
+lws_email_init(struct lws_email *email, uv_loop_t *loop, int max_content);
+ * lws_email_check() - Request check for new email
+ *
+ * \param email: struct lws_email context to check
+ *
+ * Schedules a check for new emails in 1s... call this when you have queued an
+ * email for send.
+ */
+lws_email_check(struct lws_email *email);
+ * lws_email_destroy() - stop using the struct lws_email
+ *
+ * \param email: the struct lws_email context
+ *
+ * Stop sending email using email and free allocations
+ */
+lws_email_destroy(struct lws_email *email);
+#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 136 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* lws_config.h  Generated from lws_config.h.in  */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	#ifndef _DEBUG
+		#define _DEBUG
+	#endif
+#define LWS_INSTALL_DATADIR "/opt/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-"
+/* Define to 1 to use wolfSSL/CyaSSL as a replacement for OpenSSL.
+ * LWS_OPENSSL_SUPPORT needs to be set also for this to work. */
+/* #undef USE_WOLFSSL */
+/* Also define to 1 (in addition to USE_WOLFSSL) when using the
+  (older) CyaSSL library */
+/* #undef USE_OLD_CYASSL */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_BORINGSSL */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_MBEDTLS */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_POLARSSL */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_ESP8266 */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_ESP32 */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_PLUGINS */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_NO_LOGS */
+/* The Libwebsocket version */
+#define LWS_LIBRARY_VERSION "2.2.2"
+/* LWS_LIBRARY_VERSION_NUMBER looks like 1005001 for e.g. version 1.5.1 */
+/* The current git commit hash that we're building from */
+#define LWS_BUILD_HASH "root@am335x_ide-D0."
+/* Build with OpenSSL support */
+/* The client should load and trust CA root certs it finds in the OS */
+/* Sets the path where the client certs should be installed. */
+#define LWS_OPENSSL_CLIENT_CERTS "../share"
+/* Turn off websocket extensions */
+/* #undef LWS_NO_EXTENSIONS */
+/* Enable libev io loop */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_LIBEV */
+/* Enable libuv io loop */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_LIBUV */
+/* Build with support for ipv6 */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_IPV6 */
+/* Build with support for UNIX domain socket */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_UNIX_SOCK */
+/* Build with support for HTTP2 */
+/* #undef LWS_USE_HTTP2 */
+/* Turn on latency measuring code */
+/* #undef LWS_LATENCY */
+/* Don't build the daemonizeation api */
+/* Build without server support */
+/* #undef LWS_NO_SERVER */
+/* Build without client support */
+/* #undef LWS_NO_CLIENT */
+/* If we should compile with MinGW support */
+/* #undef LWS_MINGW_SUPPORT */
+/* Use the BSD getifaddrs that comes with libwebsocket, for uclibc support */
+/* use SHA1() not internal libwebsockets_SHA1 */
+/* SSL server using ECDH certificate */
+#define LWS_HAVE_SSL_CTX_set1_param
+#define LWS_HAVE_X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host
+/* #undef LWS_HAVE_UV_VERSION_H */
+/* CGI apis */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_CGI */
+/* whether the Openssl is recent enough, and / or built with, ecdh */
+/* HTTP Proxy support */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_HTTP_PROXY */
+/* HTTP Ranges support */
+/* Http access log support */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_ACCESS_LOG */
+/* Maximum supported service threads */
+#define LWS_MAX_SMP 32
+/* Lightweight JSON Parser */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_LEJP */
+/* SMTP */
+/* #undef LWS_WITH_SMTP */
+/* OPTEE */
+/* #undef LWS_PLAT_OPTEE */
+/* ZIP FOPS */
+/* OpenSSL various APIs */



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