@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ Primary dtb 0x00300000-0x0037FFFF 512 KB
Secondary dtb 0x00380000-0x003FFFFF 512 KB
Primary kernel 0x00400000-0x00DFFFFF 10 MB
Secondary Kernel 0x00E00000-0x017FFFFF 10 MB
-Primary root file system 0x01800000-0x029FFFFF 24 MB
-Secondary root file system 0x03000000-0x047FFFFF 24 MB
-Primary user configuration 0x04800000-0x004DFFFF 6 MB
-Secondary user configuration 0x04E00000-0x0053FFFF 6 MB
-Factory default configuration 0x05400000-0x0059FFFF 6 MB
-Storage 0x05A00000-0x7FFFFFFF 1958 MB
+Primary root file system 0x03000000-0x05FFFFFF 48 MB
+Secondary root file system 0x06000000-0x08FFFFFF 48 MB
+Primary user configuration 0x09000000-0x095FFFFF 6 MB
+Secondary user configuration 0x09600000-0x09BFFFFF 6 MB
+Factory default configuration 0x09C00000-0x0A1FFFFF 6 MB
+Storage 0x0A200000-0x7FFFFFFF 1886 MB
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Storage 0x05A00000-0x7FFFFFFF 1958 MB
#define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
#define CCS_QUANTITY 1
#define GB_QUANTITY 0
+#define AC_QUANTITY 1
#define PSU_QUANTITY 1
@@ -67,42 +68,51 @@ Storage 0x05A00000-0x7FFFFFFF 1958 MB
struct EthConfigData
- unsigned char EthDhcpClient; //0: enable,1: disable
- unsigned char EthMacAddress[18]; //default: Null
- unsigned char EthIpAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
- unsigned char EthSubmaskAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
- unsigned char EthGatewayAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
+ unsigned char EthDhcpClient; //0: enable,1: disable
+ unsigned char EthMacAddress[18]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char EthIpAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
+ unsigned char EthSubmaskAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
+ unsigned char EthGatewayAddress[16]; //Eth0 default: ,Eth1 default:
struct WifiConfigData
- unsigned char WifiMode; //0: disable, 1: Infrastructure client, 2: Infrastructure server, 3: Ad-Hoc
+ unsigned char WifiMode; //0: disable, 1: Infrastructure client, 2: Infrastructure server, 3: Ad-Hoc
unsigned char WifiSsid[256]; //default: Null
- unsigned char WifiPassword[256]; //default: Null
- int WifiRssi; //dbm
- unsigned char WifiDhcpServer; //0: enable, 1: disable
- unsigned char WifiDhcpClient; //0: enable, 1: disable
- unsigned char WifiMacAddress[18]; //default: Null
- unsigned char WifiIpAddress[16]; //default:
- unsigned char WifiSubmaskAddress[16]; //default:
- unsigned char WifiGatewayAddress[16]; //default:
- unsigned char WifiNetworkConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
+ unsigned char WifiPassword[256]; //default: Null
+ int WifiRssi; //dbm
+ unsigned char WifiDhcpServer; //0: enable, 1: disable
+ unsigned char WifiDhcpClient; //0: enable, 1: disable
+ unsigned char WifiMacAddress[18]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char WifiIpAddress[16]; //default:
+ unsigned char WifiSubmaskAddress[16]; //default:
+ unsigned char WifiGatewayAddress[16]; //default:
+ unsigned char WifiNetworkConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
struct TeleConfigData
unsigned char TelcomModelName[64]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomSoftwareVer[64]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomApn[256]; //default: Null
- int TelcomRssi; //dbm
- unsigned char TelcomChapPapId[256]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomChapPapPwd[256]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomModemImei[16]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomSimImsi[16]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomSimStatus;//0: no SIM card is found, 1: valid SIM card, 2: invalid SIM card
- unsigned char TelcomModemMode;//0: No services, 1: CDMA, 2: GSM/GPRS, 3: WCDMA, 4: GSM/WCDMA, 5: TD_SCDMA mode, 6: Unknow
- unsigned char TelcomIpAddress[16]; //default: Null
- unsigned char TelcomNetworkConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
+ unsigned char TelcomSoftwareVer[64]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomApn[256]; //default: Null
+ int TelcomRssi; //dbm
+ unsigned char TelcomChapPapId[256]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomChapPapPwd[256]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomModemImei[16]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomSimImsi[16]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomSimIccid[20]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomSimStatus; //0: no SIM card is found, 1: valid SIM card, 2: invalid SIM card
+ unsigned char TelcomModemMode; //0: No services, 1: CDMA, 2: GSM/GPRS, 3: WCDMA, 4: GSM/WCDMA, 5: TD_SCDMA mode, 6: Unknow
+ unsigned char TelcomIpAddress[16]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char TelcomNetworkConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
+struct BtConfigData
+ unsigned char LoginCentralID[64]; //default: Null
+ unsigned char isLogin; //0: Central device non-login 1: Central device login
+ unsigned char isRequestStart; //0: no action 1: request start charging
+ unsigned char isRequestStop; //0: no action 1: request stop charging
struct SysConfigData
@@ -112,33 +122,35 @@ struct SysConfigData
unsigned char SerialNumber[64]; //charger system serial number
unsigned char SystemId[128]; //charger system ID
unsigned char SystemDateTime[32]; //charger system date and time
+ unsigned char AcPhaseCount; //AC EVSE power phase quantity, 1: One phase 3: Three phase
unsigned char AuthorisationMode; //0: Phihong RFID tag, 1: OCPP backend, 2: Phihong backend, 3: free mode
- unsigned char DefaultLanguage; //
- unsigned char RfidCardNumEndian; //0: little endian, 1: big endian
+ unsigned char DefaultLanguage; //
+ unsigned char RfidCardNumEndian; //0: little endian, 1: big endian
unsigned short AcPlugInTimes; //0~65535
unsigned short GbPlugInTimes; //0~65535
unsigned short Ccs1PlugInTime; //0~65535
unsigned short Ccs2PlugInTimes; //0~65535
unsigned short ChademoPlugInTimes; //0~65535
- unsigned short MaxChargingEnergy; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
- unsigned short MaxChargingPower; //0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_POWER kW"
- unsigned short MaxChargingCurrent; //0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_CURRENT amp"
- unsigned short MaxChargingDuration; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
- unsigned char PhaseLossPolicy; //0: charging, 1: stop charging
- unsigned char LocalWhiteCard[10][32]; //Max. card quantity is 10
- unsigned char UserId[32]; //the user use this ID to trigger charging event, it can be RFID card number, OCPP IdTag, etc.
+ unsigned short MaxChargingEnergy; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
+ unsigned short MaxChargingPower; //0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_POWER kW"
+ unsigned short MaxChargingCurrent; //0: rating value, 1 ~ RATING_CURRENT amp"
+ unsigned short MaxChargingDuration; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
+ unsigned char PhaseLossPolicy; //0: charging, 1: stop charging
+ unsigned char LocalWhiteCard[10][32]; //Max. card quantity is 10
+ unsigned char UserId[32]; //the user use this ID to trigger charging event, it can be RFID card number, OCPP IdTag, etc.
unsigned char FtpServer[32]; //the ftp server for Phihong server to do data transimission
- struct EthConfigData Eth0Interface;
- struct EthConfigData Eth1Interface;
- struct WifiConfigData AthInterface;
+ struct EthConfigData Eth0Interface;
+ struct EthConfigData Eth1Interface;
+ struct WifiConfigData AthInterface;
struct TeleConfigData TelecomInterface;
+ struct BtConfigData Bluetooth;
unsigned int BackendConnTimeout; //default : 300s
- unsigned char OfflinePolicy; //0: local list, 1: Phihong RFID tag, 2: free charging, 3: no charging
- unsigned short OfflineMaxChargeEnergy; //0: same as MaxChargingEnergy, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
- unsigned short OfflineMaxChargeDuration; //0: same as MaxChargeDuration, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
+ unsigned char OfflinePolicy; //0: local list, 1: Phihong RFID tag, 2: free charging, 3: no charging
+ unsigned short OfflineMaxChargeEnergy; //0: same as MaxChargingEnergy, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
+ unsigned short OfflineMaxChargeDuration; //0: same as MaxChargeDuration, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
unsigned char OcppServerURL[512]; //http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
unsigned char ChargeBoxId[128];
unsigned int Checksum; //4 bytes checksum
@@ -146,79 +158,86 @@ struct SysConfigData
struct ChargingInfoData
- unsigned char Index;
- unsigned char Type; // 0 : Chademo, 1 : CCS, 2: GB
- unsigned char type_index;
- unsigned char SystemStatus; //0: Booting, 1: idle, 2: authorizing, 3: preparing, 4: charging, 5: terminating, 6: alarm, 7: fault
- unsigned char PreSystemStatus;
- unsigned char CardNumber[32];
- float MaximumChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
- float AvailableChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
- float AvailableChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
- float PresentChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
- float PresentChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
- float PresentChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
- float PresentChargedEnergy; //0~6553.5 kWh
- int PresentChargedDuration; // second
- int RemainChargingDuration; // second
- float EvBatteryMaxVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
- float EvBatterytargetVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
- float EvBatterytargetCurrent; //102.3 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
- int EvBatterySoc; // 0~100%
- unsigned char ConnectorPlugIn; //0: unplug, 1: Plug-in
- unsigned char GunLocked; //0: unlocked 1: locked
- float PilotVoltage;
- unsigned char PilotState;//1:state A, 2:State B1, 3:State B2, 4:State C, 5:State D, 6:State E, 7:State F, 8: Pilot error
- unsigned char PilotDuty; // 0~100%
+ unsigned char Index;
+ unsigned char Type; // 0 : Chademo, 1 : CCS, 2: GB
+ unsigned char type_index;
+ unsigned char SystemStatus; //0: Booting, 1: idle, 2: authorizing, 3: preparing, 4: charging, 5: terminating, 6: alarm, 7: fault
+ unsigned char PreviousSystemStatus; // 0: Booting, 1: idle, 2: authorizing, 3: preparing, 4: charging, 5: terminating, 6: alarm, 7: fault
+ unsigned char CardNumber[32];
+ float MaximumChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
+ float AvailableChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
+ float AvailableChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
+ float PresentChargingVoltage; //0~6553.5 volt
+ float PresentChargingCurrent; //0~6553.5 amp
+ float PresentChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
+ float PresentChargedEnergy; //0~6553.5 kWh
+ float AcChargingVoltage[3]; // 0~6553.5 volt for AC EVSE
+ float AcChargingCurrent[3]; // 0~6553.5 amp for EVSE
+ int PresentChargedDuration; // second
+ int RemainChargingDuration; // second
+ float EvBatteryMaxVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
+ float EvBatterytargetVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
+ float EvBatterytargetCurrent; //102.3 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
+ int EvBatterySoc; // 0~100%
+ unsigned char ConnectorPlugIn; //0: unplug, 1: Plug-in
+ unsigned char GunLocked; //0: unlocked 1: locked
+ float PilotVoltage;
+ unsigned char PilotState; //1:state A, 2:State B1, 3:State B2, 4:State C, 5:State D, 6:State E, 7:State F, 8: Pilot error
+ unsigned char PilotDuty; // 0~100%
+ unsigned char StartUserId[32]; // This ID is trigger start charging event user by RFID、back-end、BLE.
+ unsigned char StartDateTime[32]; // Charging cycle start date time
+ unsigned char StoptDateTime[32]; // Charging cycle stop date time
+ unsigned char StartMethod; // 0:Manual, 1:RFID, 2:Back-end, 3:BLE
// Connector Temp
- unsigned char ConnectorTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194
+ unsigned char ConnectorTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194
// Charging Status
- unsigned char ChargingStatus; // for gfd result => 0x00 : None, 0x01 : Can Start Charging, 0x02 : Stop Charging
- float OutputEnergy; // output energy by per charging
- unsigned char RelayK1K2Status; // 0x00 : open, 0x01 : close
- int TimeoutPid;
- unsigned char MaxChargeEnable;
+ unsigned char ChargingStatus; // for gfd result => 0x00 : None, 0x01 : Can Start Charging, 0x02 : Stop Charging
+ float OutputEnergy; // output energy by per charging
+ unsigned char RelayK1K2Status; // 0x00 : open, 0x01 : close
+ int TimeoutPid;
+ unsigned char MaxChargeEnable;
struct SysInfoData
- unsigned char BootingStatus; // 0 : booting, 1 : Initializing Complete.
- unsigned char FactoryConfiguration; //0: normal, 1: trigger, charger will return the configuration to factory default if trigger
- float InputVoltageR; //0~655.35 volt
- float InputVoltageS; //0~655.35 volt
- float InputVoltageT; //0~655.35 volt
- unsigned int SystemFanRotaSpeed; //0 ~ 65535 RPM
- unsigned int PsuFanRotaSpeed; //0 ~ 65535 RPM
- unsigned char AuxPower5V; //0 ~ 255 volt
- unsigned char AuxPower12V; //0 ~ 255 volt
- unsigned char AuxPower24V; //0 ~ 255 volt
- unsigned char AuxPower48V; //0 ~ 255 volt
- unsigned char CsuHwRev[32]; //CSU board hardware version
- unsigned char CsuBootLoadFwRev[32]; //CSU board bootloader firmware version
- unsigned char CsuKernelFwRev[32];//CSU board OS kernel firmware version
- unsigned char CsuRootFsFwRev[32];//CSU board root file system firmware version
- unsigned char CsuPrimFwRev[32]; //CSU board root file system firmware version
- unsigned char LcmHwRev[32]; //LCM module hardware version
- unsigned char LcmFwRev[32]; //LCM module firmware version
- unsigned char PsuHwRev[32]; //PSU hardware version
- unsigned char PsuPrimFwRev[32]; //PSU primary firmware version
- unsigned char PsuSecFwRev[32]; //PSU secondary firmware version
- unsigned char AuxPwrHwRev[32]; //Aux. power module hardware version
- unsigned char AuxPwrFwRev[32]; //Aux. power module firmware version
- unsigned char FanModuleHwRev[32]; //Fan module hardware version
- unsigned char FanModuleFwRev[32]; //Fan module firmware version
- unsigned char RelayModuleHwRev[32]; //Relay control module hardware version
- unsigned char RelayModuleFwRev[32]; //Relay control module firmware version
- unsigned char TelcomModemFwRev[32]; //the 3G/4G modem firmware version
- int SystemAmbientTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
- int SystemCriticalTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
- int CcsConnectorTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
- int PsuAmbientTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
+ unsigned char BootingStatus; // 0 : booting, 1 : Initializing Complete.
+ unsigned char FactoryConfiguration; //0: normal, 1: trigger, charger will return the configuration to factory default if trigger
+ float InputVoltageR; //0~655.35 volt
+ float InputVoltageS; //0~655.35 volt
+ float InputVoltageT; //0~655.35 volt
+ unsigned int SystemFanRotaSpeed; //0 ~ 65535 RPM
+ unsigned int PsuFanRotaSpeed; //0 ~ 65535 RPM
+ unsigned char AuxPower5V; //0 ~ 255 volt
+ unsigned char AuxPower12V; //0 ~ 255 volt
+ unsigned char AuxPower24V; //0 ~ 255 volt
+ unsigned char AuxPower48V; //0 ~ 255 volt
+ unsigned char CsuHwRev[32]; //CSU board hardware version
+ unsigned char CsuBootLoadFwRev[32]; //CSU board bootloader firmware version
+ unsigned char CsuKernelFwRev[32]; //CSU board OS kernel firmware version
+ unsigned char CsuRootFsFwRev[32]; //CSU board root file system firmware version
+ unsigned char CsuPrimFwRev[32]; //CSU board root file system firmware version
+ unsigned char LcmHwRev[32]; //LCM module hardware version
+ unsigned char LcmFwRev[32]; //LCM module firmware version
+ unsigned char PsuHwRev[32]; //PSU hardware version
+ unsigned char PsuPrimFwRev[32]; //PSU primary firmware version
+ unsigned char PsuSecFwRev[32]; //PSU secondary firmware version
+ unsigned char AuxPwrHwRev[32]; //Aux. power module hardware version
+ unsigned char AuxPwrFwRev[32]; //Aux. power module firmware version
+ unsigned char FanModuleHwRev[32]; //Fan module hardware version
+ unsigned char FanModuleFwRev[32]; //Fan module firmware version
+ unsigned char RelayModuleHwRev[32]; //Relay control module hardware version
+ unsigned char RelayModuleFwRev[32]; //Relay control module firmware version
+ unsigned char TelcomModemFwRev[32]; //the 3G/4G modem firmware version
+ int SystemAmbientTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
+ int SystemCriticalTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
+ int CcsConnectorTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
+ int PsuAmbientTemp; // -40 ~ 215 degree C
struct ChargingInfoData ChademoChargingData[CHAdeMO_QUANTITY];
struct ChargingInfoData CcsChargingData[CCS_QUANTITY];
struct ChargingInfoData GbChargingData[GB_QUANTITY];
+ struct ChargingInfoData AcChargingData[AC_QUANTITY];
unsigned char CurGunSelected;
unsigned char InternetConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
@@ -313,40 +332,40 @@ struct FaultCodeData
- unsigned char ChademoOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char ChademoOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 0
unsigned char CcsOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char GbOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char RcdSelfTestFail:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char GbOutputFuseBlew:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char RcdSelfTestFail:1; //bit 3
unsigned char AcInputContactor1Welding:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char AcInputContactor1DrivingFault:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char AcInputContactor1DrivingFault:1; //bit 5
unsigned char AcInputContactor2Welding:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char AcInputContactor2DrivingFault:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char AcInputContactor2DrivingFault:1; //bit 7
unsigned char AcOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char AcOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char AcOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 1
unsigned char ChademoOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char ChademoOutputRelayDrivingFault :1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ChademoOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 3
unsigned char CcsOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 4
unsigned char CcsOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 5
unsigned char GbOutputRelayWelding:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char GbOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char GbOutputRelayDrivingFault:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char AcConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char AcConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 0
unsigned char ChademoConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 1
unsigned char CcsConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char GbConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char GbConnectorTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 3
unsigned char WiFiModuleBroken:1; //bit 4
unsigned char Telecom4GModuleBroken:1; //bit 5
unsigned char AuxPowerModuleBroken:1; //bit 6
unsigned char RelayControlModuleBroken :1; //bit 7
- //FaultVal[3]
+ //FaultVal[3]
unsigned char ChademoConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char GbConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char AcConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char GbConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char AcConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 2
unsigned char ChademoModuleBroken:1; //bit 3
unsigned char CcsModuleBroken:1; //bit 4
unsigned char GbModuleBroken:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char PsuModuleBroken:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char PsuModuleBroken:1; //bit 6
unsigned char :1; //bit 7 reserved
@@ -430,7 +449,7 @@ struct AlarmCodeData
unsigned char SystemL1InputOVP:1; //bit 0
unsigned char SystemL2InputOVP:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char SystemL3InputOVP:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char SystemL3InputOVP:1; //bit 2
unsigned char SystemL1InputUVP:1; //bit 3
unsigned char SystemL2InputUVP:1; //bit 4
unsigned char SystemL3InputUVP:1; //bit 5
@@ -447,49 +466,49 @@ struct AlarmCodeData
unsigned char SystemAcOutputOVP:1; //bit 7
unsigned char SystemAcOutputOCP:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char SystemChademoOutputOVP:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char SystemChademoOutputOCP:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char SystemChademoOutputOVP:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char SystemChademoOutputOCP:1; //bit 2
unsigned char SystemCcsOutputOVP:1; //bit 3
unsigned char SystemCcsOutputOCP:1; //bit 4
unsigned char SystemGbOutputOVP:1; //bit 5
unsigned char SystemGbOutputOCP:1; //bit 6
unsigned char SystemAmbientOTP :1; //bit 7
- //AlarmVal[3]
+ //AlarmVal[3]
unsigned char SystemCriticalPointOTP:1; //bit 0
unsigned char PsuAmbientOTP:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char PsuCriticalPointOTP:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char PsuCriticalPointOTP:1; //bit 2
unsigned char AuxPowerModuleOTP:1; //bit 3
unsigned char RelayBoardOTP:1; //bit 4
unsigned char ChademoConnectorOTP:1; //bit 5
unsigned char CcsConnectorOTP:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char GbConnectorOTP:1; //bit 7
- //AlarmVal[4]
+ unsigned char GbConnectorOTP:1; //bit 7
+ //AlarmVal[4]
unsigned char AcConnectorOTP:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char RcdTrip:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char RcdTrip:1; //bit 1
unsigned char ChademoGfdTrip:1; //bit 2
unsigned char CcsGfdTrip:1; //bit 3
unsigned char GbGfdTrip:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char SpdTrip:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char MainPowerBreakerTrip:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char AuxPowerBreakerTrip:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char SpdTrip:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char MainPowerBreakerTrip:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char AuxPowerBreakerTrip:1; //bit 7
unsigned char PsuCommunicationFail:1; //bit 0
unsigned char WiFiModuleCommFail:1; //bit 1
unsigned char Telecom4GModuleCommFail:1; //bit 2
unsigned char RfidModuleCommFail:1; //bit 3
- unsigned char BluetoothModuleCommFail:1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char BluetoothModuleCommFail:1; //bit 4
unsigned char LcmModuleCommFail:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char AuxPowerModuleCommFail:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char AuxPowerModuleCommFail:1; //bit 6
unsigned char RelayBoardCommFail:1; //bit 7
unsigned char CcsModuleCommFail:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char ChademoModuleCommFail:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char ChademoModuleCommFail:1; //bit 1
unsigned char GbModuleCommFail:1; //bit 2
unsigned char EmergencyStopTrip:1; //bit 3
unsigned char DoorOpen:1; //bit 4
unsigned char SystemFanDecay:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char FailToCreateShareMemory:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char CsuInitFailed:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char FailToCreateShareMemory:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char CsuInitFailed:1; //bit 7
unsigned char AcGroundfaultFail:1; //bit 0
unsigned char McuSelftestFail:1; //bit 1
@@ -595,88 +614,88 @@ struct InfoCodeData
- unsigned char NormalStopChargingByUser:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char NormalStopChargingByUser:1; //bit 0
unsigned char ChargingTimesUp:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char ReplaceSystemAirFilter:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char ReachChademoMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 3
- unsigned char ReachCcsMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ReachGbMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char ReplaceSystemAirFilter:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char ReachChademoMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ReachCcsMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char ReachGbMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 5
unsigned char ReachAcMaxPluggingTimes:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char CsuFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char CsuFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char ChademoModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char ChademoModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 0
unsigned char CcsModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char GbModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char GbModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 2
unsigned char AuxPowerModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 3
unsigned char RelayBoardFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 4
unsigned char LcmModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 5
unsigned char BluetoothModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 6
unsigned char WiFiModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char Telocom4GModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char PsuFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char Telocom4GModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char PsuFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 1
unsigned char RfidModuleFimrwareUpdateFail:1; //bit 2
unsigned char ConfiguredByUsbFlashDrive:1; //bit 3
unsigned char ConfiguredByBackend:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ConfiguredByWebpage:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char ConfiguredByWebpage:1; //bit 5
unsigned char InternetDisconnectViaEthernet:1; //bit 6
unsigned char InternetDisconnectViaWiFi :1; //bit 7
- //InfoVal[3]
+ //InfoVal[3]
unsigned char InternetDisconnectVia4Gi:1; //bit 0
unsigned char ApDisconnectViaWiFi:1; //bit 1
unsigned char ApnDisconnectVia4Gi:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char :5; //bit 3~7 reserved
+ unsigned char :5; //bit 3~7 reserved
- unsigned char ChademoEvCommFail:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char CcsEvCommFail:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char GbEvCommFail:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char PilotFault:1; //bit 3
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryMalfun:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ChademoNoPermission:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char ChademoEvCommFail:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char CcsEvCommFail:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char GbEvCommFail:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char PilotFault:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryMalfun:1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char ChademoNoPermission:1; //bit 5
unsigned char ChademoBatteryIncompatibility:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryOVP:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryOVP:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryUVP:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryOTP:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryCurrentDiff:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryVoltageDiff:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryUVP:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryOTP:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryCurrentDiff:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryVoltageDiff:1; //bit 3
unsigned char ChademoShiftPosition:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ChademoBatteryOtherFault:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char ChademoChargingSystemError:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char ChademoEvNormalStop:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char ChademoBatteryOtherFault:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char ChademoChargingSystemError:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char ChademoEvNormalStop:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char ChademoTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 0
- unsigned char ChademoConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char ChademoD1OnNoReceive:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char ChademoBmsKtoJTimeout:1; //bit 3
- unsigned char ChademoBmsChargeAllowTimeout:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ChademoWaitGfdTimeout:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char ChademoBmsEvRelayTimeout:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char ChademoBmsReqCurrentTimeout:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char ChademoTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char ChademoConnectorLockFail:1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char ChademoD1OnNoReceive:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsKtoJTimeout:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsChargeAllowTimeout:1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char ChademoWaitGfdTimeout:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsEvRelayTimeout:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsReqCurrentTimeout:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char ChademoBmsKtoJOffTimeout :1; //bit 0
- unsigned char ChademoBmsEvRelayOffTimeout :1; //bit 1
- unsigned char ChademoAdcMoreThan10V :1; //bit 2
- unsigned char ChademoAdcMoreThan20V :1; //bit 3
- unsigned char ChademoBmsChargeBeforeStop :1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ChademoChargerGetNormalStop :1; //bit 5
- unsigned char ChademoChargerGetEmergencyStop :1; //bit 6
- unsigned char ChademoIsolationResultFail :1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsKtoJOffTimeout :1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsEvRelayOffTimeout :1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char ChademoAdcMoreThan10V :1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char ChademoAdcMoreThan20V :1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ChademoBmsChargeBeforeStop :1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char ChademoChargerGetNormalStop :1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char ChademoChargerGetEmergencyStop :1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char ChademoIsolationResultFail :1; //bit 7
- unsigned char ChademoMissLinkWithMotherBoard :1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char ChademoMissLinkWithMotherBoard :1; //bit 0
unsigned char ChademoOutputVolMoreThanLimit :1; //bit 1
- unsigned char ChademoReqCurrentMoreThanLimit :1; //bit 2
- unsigned char ChademoReCapBmsEqrCurrentExceed :1; //bit 3
- unsigned char ChademoChargeRemainCountDown :1; //bit 4
- unsigned char :3; //bit 5 ~ 7 reserved
+ unsigned char ChademoReqCurrentMoreThanLimit :1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char ChademoReCapBmsEqrCurrentExceed :1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ChademoChargeRemainCountDown :1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char :3; //bit 5 ~ 7 reserved
- unsigned char BackendDisconnectedViaEthernet:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char BackendDisconnectedViaEthernet:1; //bit 0
unsigned char BackendDisconnectViaWiFi:1; //bit 1
- unsigned char BackendDisconnectVia4G:1; //bit 2
- unsigned char BackendRemoteStart:1; //bit 3
- unsigned char BackendRemoteStop:1; //bit 4
- unsigned char BackendRemoteReset:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char :2; //bit 6~7 reserved
+ unsigned char BackendDisconnectVia4G:1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char BackendRemoteStart:1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char BackendRemoteStop:1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char BackendRemoteReset:1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char :2; //bit 6~7 reserved
@@ -702,45 +721,45 @@ struct PsuModuleData
unsigned char FwVersion[12];
unsigned char SerialNumber[32];
unsigned char StateMachine; //0: Identification, 1:Operation, 2: Alarm, 3: Failure, s4:Upgrade
- unsigned char OutputPowerSwitch; //0: D.D normal OFF, 1: D.D emergency OFF, 2: D.D ON
- unsigned short FanSpeed_1; //RPM
- unsigned short FanSpeed_2; //RPM
- unsigned short FanSpeed_3; //RPM
- unsigned short FanSpeed_4; //RPM
- unsigned short InputVoltage_Type; //0x00 = Line to Line Vol, 0x01 = Line to Neutral Vol
- unsigned short InputVoltageL1; //abcd=abc.d volt
- unsigned short InputVoltageL2; //abcd=abc.d volt
- unsigned short InputVoltageL3; //abcd=abc.d volt
- unsigned short InputCurrentL1; //abcd=abc.d amp
- unsigned short InputCurrentL2; //abcd=abc.d amp
- unsigned short InputCurrentL3; //abcd=abc.d amp
- unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
- unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
- unsigned short AvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
- unsigned int AvailablePower; //Watt
+ unsigned char OutputPowerSwitch; //0: D.D normal OFF, 1: D.D emergency OFF, 2: D.D ON
+ unsigned short FanSpeed_1; //RPM
+ unsigned short FanSpeed_2; //RPM
+ unsigned short FanSpeed_3; //RPM
+ unsigned short FanSpeed_4; //RPM
+ unsigned short InputVoltage_Type; //0x00 = Line to Line Vol, 0x01 = Line to Neutral Vol
+ unsigned short InputVoltageL1; //abcd=abc.d volt
+ unsigned short InputVoltageL2; //abcd=abc.d volt
+ unsigned short InputVoltageL3; //abcd=abc.d volt
+ unsigned short InputCurrentL1; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned short InputCurrentL2; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned short InputCurrentL3; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
+ unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned short AvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned int AvailablePower; //Watt
unsigned char CriticalTemp1; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
unsigned char CriticalTemp2; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
unsigned char CriticalTemp3; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
- unsigned char ExletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
+ unsigned char ExletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
unsigned char InletTemp_1; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
unsigned char InletTemp_2; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
- unsigned char InletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
- unsigned char OutletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
- unsigned int AlarmCode; //
- unsigned int FaultCode; //
+ unsigned char InletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
+ unsigned char OutletTemp; //0x00: -60¢XC ~ 0xFE: 194¢XC, resolution: 1¢XC, offset: -60¢XC, 0xFF: invalid
+ unsigned int AlarmCode; //
+ unsigned int FaultCode; //
/*Following are the information for each PSU Group*/
struct PsuGroupData
unsigned char GroupPresentPsuQuantity;
- unsigned char GroupOutputPowerSwitch; //0: D.D normal OFF, 1: D.D emergency OFF, 2: D.D ON
- unsigned short GroupTargetOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
- unsigned short GroupTargetOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
- unsigned short GroupAvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned char GroupOutputPowerSwitch; //0: D.D normal OFF, 1: D.D emergency OFF, 2: D.D ON
+ unsigned short GroupTargetOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
+ unsigned short GroupTargetOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
+ unsigned short GroupAvailableCurrent; //abcd=abc.d amp
unsigned int GroupAvailablePower; //Watt
- unsigned short GroupPresentOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
- unsigned short GroupPresentOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d Amps
+ unsigned short GroupPresentOutputVoltage; //abcd=abc.d volt
+ unsigned short GroupPresentOutputCurrent; //abcd=abc.d Amps
struct PsuModuleData PsuModule[MAX_PSU_QUANTITY];
@@ -759,96 +778,96 @@ struct PsuData
struct CHAdeMOEvData
unsigned char SupportDynamicControl; //110.0
- // bit0=1:supported
+ // bit0=1:supported
unsigned char SupportHighCurrent; //110.0
- // bit1=1:supported
+ // bit1=1:supported
unsigned char MiniChargeCurrent; //100.0 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
- // 0x00: request for current equivalent to 1.5kW
- // 0x01: no request
- // 0x02: request of 1A and following are the same rule
+ // 0x00: request for current equivalent to 1.5kW
+ // 0x01: no request
+ // 0x02: request of 1A and following are the same rule
unsigned short MaxiBatteryVoltage; //100.5,100.4 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
unsigned short MaxiChargingTime; //101.2,101.1 10(sec.)~255(min.) (Unit:sec)
- // Set 0xFF to 101.1 (Unit: 10sec) in case 101.2 (Unit: 1min) is used
+ // Set 0xFF to 101.1 (Unit: 10sec) in case 101.2 (Unit: 1min) is used
unsigned char EstimatChargingTime; //101.3 0~254(min.) (Unit:sec)
- // Display Only
- unsigned short TotalBatteryCapacity; //101.6,101.5 0.1~6553.5(kWh) (unit:0.1 kWh)
+ // Display Only
+ unsigned short TotalBatteryCapacity; //101.6,101.5 0.1~6553.5(kWh) (unit:0.1 kWh)
unsigned char ProtocolVersion; //102.0 0~255
- // 0x02: CHAdeMO specification ver.1.2
- unsigned short TargetBatteryVoltage; //102.2,102.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
+ // 0x02: CHAdeMO specification ver.1.2
+ unsigned short TargetBatteryVoltage; //102.2,102.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
unsigned short ChargingCurrentRequest; //102.3 0~200(A) (unit:1A)
- //110.2,110.1 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
- unsigned char BatteryAlarm; //102.4 >0:alarm
- // bit0=1:Battery overvoltage
- // bit1=1:Battery undervoltage
- // bit2=1:Battery current deviation error
- // bit3=1:High battery temperature
- // bit4=1:Battery voltage deviation error
+ //110.2,110.1 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
+ unsigned char BatteryAlarm; //102.4 >0:alarm
+ // bit0=1:Battery overvoltage
+ // bit1=1:Battery undervoltage
+ // bit2=1:Battery current deviation error
+ // bit3=1:High battery temperature
+ // bit4=1:Battery voltage deviation error
unsigned char EvDetection; //102.5
- // bit0=0:Vehicle charging disabled, (stop charging)
- // bit0=1:Vehicle charging enabled,
- // bit1=0:¡§Parking¡¨ position
- // bit1=1:other position (stop charging)
- // bit2=0:Charging system normal
- // bit2=1:Charging system error (stop charging)
- // bit3=0:EV contactor close or during welding detection
- // bit3=1:EV contactor open or termination of welding detection (stop charging)
- // bit4=0:No stop request before charging
- // bit4=1:Normal stop request before charging (stop charging)
- unsigned char SOC; //102.6 0~100(%) (unit:%)
- // Display Only
+ // bit0=0:Vehicle charging disabled, (stop charging)
+ // bit0=1:Vehicle charging enabled,
+ // bit1=0:¡§Parking¡¨ position
+ // bit1=1:other position (stop charging)
+ // bit2=0:Charging system normal
+ // bit2=1:Charging system error (stop charging)
+ // bit3=0:EV contactor close or during welding detection
+ // bit3=1:EV contactor open or termination of welding detection (stop charging)
+ // bit4=0:No stop request before charging
+ // bit4=1:Normal stop request before charging (stop charging)
+ unsigned char SOC; //102.6 0~100(%) (unit:%)
+ // Display Only
unsigned char Communicating; // it is true if receive EV CAN message within every 1500ms
struct CHAdeMOEvseData
unsigned char SelfTest_Comp;
- unsigned char version[16]; //Chademo firmware version
+ unsigned char version[16]; //Chademo firmware version
unsigned char SupportDynamicControl; //118.0
- // bit0=1:supported
+ // bit0=1:supported
unsigned char SupportHighCurrent; //118.0
- // bit1=1:supported
+ // bit1=1:supported
unsigned short AvailableOutputVoltage; //108.2,108.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
unsigned short AvailableOutputCurrent; //108.3 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
- //118.2,118.1 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
- unsigned short ThresholdVoltage; //108.5,108.4 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
+ //118.2,118.1 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
+ unsigned short ThresholdVoltage; //108.5,108.4 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
unsigned char ConnectorTemperatureP; //108.6 -40~215(degC) (unit:degC) //value 0=-40 [NISSAN customized]
unsigned char ConnectorTemperatureN; //108.7 -40~215(degC) (unit:degC) //value 0=-40 [NISSAN customized]
- unsigned char ProtocolVersion; //109.0 0~255
- // 0x00: CHAdeMO specification 0.9 and earlier
- // 0x01: CHAdeMO specification 0.9 and 0.9.1
- // 0x02: CHAdeMO specification 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1 and 1.2
- unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; //109.2,109.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
- unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; //109.3 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
- //118.4,118.3 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
+ unsigned char ProtocolVersion; //109.0 0~255
+ // 0x00: CHAdeMO specification 0.9 and earlier
+ // 0x01: CHAdeMO specification 0.9 and 0.9.1
+ // 0x02: CHAdeMO specification 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1 and 1.2
+ unsigned short PresentOutputVoltage; //109.2,109.1 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
+ unsigned short PresentOutputCurrent; //109.3 0~255(A) (unit:1A)
+ //118.4,118.3 0~1023(A) (unit:1A)
unsigned char EvseDetection; //109.5
- // bit0=0:not charging state now
- // bit0=1:charging state now
- // bit1=0:EVSE normal
- // bit1=1:EVSE error
- // bit2=0:Not Energizing state
- // bit2=1:Energizing state
- // bit3=0:No Battery incompatibility
- // bit3=1:Battery incompatibility
- // bit4=0:No Charging system error
- // bit4=1:Charging system error
- // bit5=0:No Charging stop control
- // bit5=1:Charging stop control
+ // bit0=0:not charging state now
+ // bit0=1:charging state now
+ // bit1=0:EVSE normal
+ // bit1=1:EVSE error
+ // bit2=0:Not Energizing state
+ // bit2=1:Energizing state
+ // bit3=0:No Battery incompatibility
+ // bit3=1:Battery incompatibility
+ // bit4=0:No Charging system error
+ // bit4=1:Charging system error
+ // bit5=0:No Charging stop control
+ // bit5=1:Charging stop control
unsigned short RemainChargingTime; //109.7,109.6 10(sec.)~255(min.) (Unit:sec)
- // Set 0xFF to 109.6 (Unit: 10sec) in case 109.7 (Unit: 1min) is used
+ // Set 0xFF to 109.6 (Unit: 10sec) in case 109.7 (Unit: 1min) is used
unsigned char HighPowerCondition; //118.5
- // bit0=0:Present charging current H¡¦118.3,H¡¦118.4¡¨ is less than or equal to rated current of a charging cable
- // bit0=1:Present charging current H¡¦118.3,H¡¦118.4¡¨ is exceeds to rated current of a charging cable
- // bit1=1:charging cable Cooling function Operating Installed
- // bit2=1:charging cable Current limiting function
- // bit3=1:charging connector Cooling function Operating
- // bit4=1:charging connector Current limiting function Installed
- // bit5=1:charging connector Over-temperature protection Installed
- // bit6=1:Functional safety Applied
+ // bit0=0:Present charging current H¡¦118.3,H¡¦118.4¡¨ is less than or equal to rated current of a charging cable
+ // bit0=1:Present charging current H¡¦118.3,H¡¦118.4¡¨ is exceeds to rated current of a charging cable
+ // bit1=1:charging cable Cooling function Operating Installed
+ // bit2=1:charging cable Current limiting function
+ // bit3=1:charging connector Cooling function Operating
+ // bit4=1:charging connector Current limiting function Installed
+ // bit5=1:charging connector Over-temperature protection Installed
+ // bit6=1:Functional safety Applied
unsigned int MaxiGroupPower; // XXXXXXXX (Unit:Watt)depend on which group to be used
- unsigned int MaxiGroupCurrent; // XXXXXXXX (unit:1A)depend on which group to be used
+ unsigned int MaxiGroupCurrent; // XXXXXXXX (unit:1A)depend on which group to be used
unsigned short ApplyOutputVoltage; // 0~600(V) (unit:1V)
unsigned short ElapseChargingTime; // (Unit:sec)
- unsigned short ElapseEnergy; // (Unit:10xkWh)
+ unsigned short ElapseEnergy; // (Unit:10xkWh)
unsigned char EvboardStatus; // 0 : init
@@ -1078,12 +1097,12 @@ struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121
struct DC_EVChargeParameterType_DIN70121
struct DC_EVStatusType_DIN70121 DC_EVStatus;
- struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumCurrentLimit;
- struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
- struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumVoltageLimit;
- struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVEnergyCapacity; //Optional
- struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVEnergyRequest; //Optional
- unsigned char FullSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
+ struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumCurrentLimit;
+ struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumPowerLimit; //Optional
+ struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVMaximumVoltageLimit;
+ struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVEnergyCapacity; //Optional
+ struct PhysicalValueType_DIN70121 EVEnergyRequest; //Optional
+ unsigned char FullSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
unsigned char BulkSOC;/*0-100 percentage*/ //Optional
struct DC_EVStatusType_ISO15118_2014