Pārlūkot izejas kodu


2021.04.22 / Folus Wen

1. Add Module_Payment task.

1. As follow commit history

Image version: D0.00.XX.XXXX.XX
Image checksum: XXXXXXXX

Hardware PWB P/N : XXXXXXX
Hardware Version : XXXXXXX
FolusWen 3 gadi atpakaļ

+ 11 - 3

@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:$(SDK_PATH_TARGET)/usr/bin:$PATH
 Lib_SQLite3 = "-L../../../Modularization/ocppfiles" -lsqlite3
 all: clean Module_RFIDLib Module_Wifi WebServiceLib Ocpp16 \
-		Phihong_PsuCommObj Module_4g Module_UpgradeLib Infypwr_PsuCommObj \
-			Module_EventLogging Module_ProduceUtils Module_PhBackend \
-				Ocpp20 Module_InitUpgrade Module_RatedCurrentLib
+     Phihong_PsuCommObj Module_4g Module_UpgradeLib Infypwr_PsuCommObj \
+     Module_EventLogging Module_ProduceUtils Module_PhBackend \
+     Ocpp20 Module_InitUpgrade Module_RatedCurrentLib Module_Payment
@@ -118,3 +119,10 @@ Module_InitUpgrade:
 	$(CC) -o Module_InitUpgrade Module_InitUpgrade.o
 	rm -f Module_InitUpgrade.o
 	mv -f Module_InitUpgrade ../rootfs/root
+	rm -f Module_Payment
+	$(CC) -D $(Project) -I ../Projects -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o Module_Payment.o Module_Payment.c
+	$(CC) -o Module_Payment Module_Payment.o
+	rm -f Module_Payment.o
+	mv -f Module_Payment ../rootfs/root

+ 618 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+ * Module_Payment.c
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2021/03/24
+ *      Author: Henry Yeh
+ */
+#include	"Module_Payment.h"
+unsigned char CMD_C8[30] 				= {0xc8,0x01,											// Activate the reader
+										   0x9f,0x02,0x06,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,		// Amount, Authorized, sample: 100.00 dollar
+										   0x5f,0x2a,0x02,0x08,0x40,							// Transaction Currency Code follow ISO-4217, sample: 0840(USD)
+	                         	   	   	   0x9c,0x01,0x00,										// Transaction Type, sample: 00
+										   0x9a,0x03,0x21,0x03,0x24,							// Transaction Date, sample: 2021/03/24
+										   0x9f,0x21,0x03,0x13,0x36,0x10 };						// Transaction Time, sample: 13:36:10
+unsigned char CMD_CARD_DETECT[11]		= {0x09, 0, 0x07, 'M','F','1','4','1','2','1', 0x32};	// Enable payment, MIFARE, 15693 card; Detect Payment Card First;  Enable ApplePay VAS
+unsigned char CMD_USI2[7]     			= {0x09, 0, 0x03, 'P', 'C', '0', 0x29};					// Configure protocol to USI2
+unsigned char CMD_SET_BAUD[7] 			= {0x09, 0, 0x03, 'B', 'R', '7', 0x2d};					// Configure module baud rate to 115200
+unsigned char CMD_RESTORE_DEFAULT[7]	= {0x09, 0, 0x03, 'D', 'F', 0, 0x08 };					// Restore module configuration to default setting
+int system_command(int uart, unsigned char* cmd, int cmd_len, unsigned char* rx);
+int USI2_Parse(unsigned char* rx, unsigned char* rx_data);
+struct C9_RESULT
+	unsigned char result_data[512];
+	unsigned char status;
+	unsigned char pos_entry;
+	unsigned char u_id[20];
+	unsigned char tkData[4][128];
+} C9_Result;
+// Common routine
+int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
+	char Buf[65536+256];
+	char buffer[65536];
+	//char Buf[4096+256];
+	//char buffer[4096];
+	time_t CurrentTime;
+	struct tm *tm;
+	struct timeval tv;
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	int rc = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	memset(Buf,0,sizeof(Buf));
+	CurrentTime = time(NULL);
+	tm=localtime(&CurrentTime);
+	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); // get microseconds, 10^-6
+	sprintf(Buf,"echo -n \"[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld]%s\" >>  /Storage/System/[%04d.%02d]PaymentLog",
+			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,tv.tv_usec,
+			buffer,
+			tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1);
+	system((const char*)Buf);
+#ifdef ConsloePrintLog
+	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld]%s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,tv.tv_usec, buffer);
+	return rc;
+ * Execute shell command
+ * @param cmd: shell command string
+ * @return shell command execution result
+ */
+int runShellCmd(const char*cmd)
+	int result = FAIL;
+	char buf[256];
+	FILE *fp;
+	fp = popen(cmd, "r");
+	if(fp != NULL)
+	{
+		while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL)
+		{
+			DEBUG_INFO("%s\n", buf);
+		}
+		result = PASS;
+	}
+	pclose(fp);
+	return result;
+ * Calculate time differential
+ * @param ST: start time
+ * @param ET: end time
+ * @return time differential in million seconds
+ */
+int DiffTimeb(struct timeb ST, struct timeb ET)
+	//return milli-second
+	unsigned int StartTime,StopTime;
+	StartTime=(unsigned int)ST.time;
+	StopTime=(unsigned int)ET.time;
+	return (StopTime-StartTime)*1000+ET.millitm-ST.millitm;
+ * Show communication raw data to debug info
+ * @param data: raw data
+ * @param len: data length
+ * @param isRX: is receive data
+ */
+void show_raw(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, uint8_t isRX)
+	uint8_t output[8192];
+	memset(output, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(output));
+	sprintf((char*)output, "%s", (isRX?"RX: ":"TX: "));
+	for(uint16_t idx = 0;idx<len;idx++)
+	{
+		sprintf((char*)output, "%s%02x ", output, data[idx]);
+	}
+	DEBUG_INFO("%s\n", output);
+ * Show data to debug info
+ * @param dat: data content
+ * @param len: data length
+ */
+void show_data(unsigned char *dat, unsigned int len)
+	uint8_t output[8192];
+	memset(output, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(output));
+	sprintf((char*)output, "Data: ");
+	for(uint16_t idx = 0;idx<len;idx++)
+	{
+		if(dat[idx] > 31 && dat[idx] < 128 )
+			sprintf((char*)output, "%s%c", output, dat[idx]);
+		else
+			sprintf((char*)output, "%s<%x>", output, dat[idx]);
+	}
+	DEBUG_INFO("%s\n", output);
+ * Get sentinel quantity in data array
+ * @param data: message array address
+ * @param dataLen: array seek size
+ * @return how many sentinel flag found
+ */
+int getSentinelQuantity(unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen)
+	int result = 0;
+	for(uint16_t idx=0;idx<dataLen;idx++)
+	{
+		if(data[idx] == '?')
+			result++;
+	}
+	return result;
+ * Get sentinel position in array
+ * @param data: message array address
+ * @param dataLen: array seek size
+ * @param idxSentinel: which sentinel idx want to find, since 0 start
+ * @return sentinel position in array
+ */
+int getSentinelPosition(unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen, unsigned char idxSentinel)
+	int result = -1;
+	int foundCnt = -1;
+	for(uint16_t idx=0;idx<dataLen;idx++)
+	{
+		if(data[idx] == '?')
+			foundCnt++;
+		if(foundCnt == idxSentinel)
+		{
+			result = idx;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return result;
+// Init share memory
+ * Share memory initialization
+ * @return function result
+ */
+int InitShareMemory()
+	int result = PASS;
+	int MeterSMId;
+	//init ShmSysConfigAndInfo
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey, sizeof(struct SysConfigAndInfo),  0777)) < 0)
+    {
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+    else if ((ShmSysConfigAndInfo = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+    {
+    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
+    	result = FAIL;
+   	 }
+    else
+    {}
+	//init ShmStatusCodeData
+	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmStatusCodeKey, sizeof(struct StatusCodeData),  0777)) < 0)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else if ((ShmStatusCodeData = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
+		result = FAIL;
+	}
+	else
+	{}
+   	return result;
+// Init com port
+ * TTY port initialization
+ * @return port initial result
+ */
+int InitComPort()
+	int fd;
+	struct termios tios;
+	fd = open("/dev/ttyS3", O_RDWR);
+	if(fd<=0)
+	{
+		return FAIL;
+	}
+	ioctl (fd, TCGETS, &tios);
+	tios.c_cflag = B9600| CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
+	tios.c_lflag = 0;
+	tios.c_iflag = 0;
+	tios.c_oflag = 0;
+	tios.c_cc[VMIN]=0;
+	tios.c_cc[VTIME]=(unsigned char)5;		// timeout 0.5 seconds
+	tios.c_lflag=0;
+	tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
+	ioctl (fd, TCSETS, &tios);
+	return fd;
+ * Send command to UIC680fg module.
+ * @param uart: port handle
+ * @param cmd: command buffer
+ * @param cmd_len: command length
+ * @param rx: receive buffer
+ * @return receive data length
+ */
+int system_command(int uart, unsigned char* cmd, int cmd_len, unsigned char* rx)
+	int rx_len = 0;
+	tcflush(uart,TCIOFLUSH);
+	show_raw(cmd, cmd_len, NO);
+	if(write(uart, cmd, cmd_len) > 0)
+	{
+		/*
+		 *	TODO: Improve sleep time.
+		 */
+		usleep(1000000);
+		rx_len = read(uart, rx, 512);
+		show_raw(rx, rx_len, YES);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		  DEBUG_ERROR("system command write fail.\n");
+	}
+	return rx_len;
+ * Parsing raw data to USI data
+ * @param rx: raw data
+ * @param rx_data: parsing result data
+ * @return parsing result data length
+ */
+int USI2_Parse(unsigned char* rx, unsigned char* rx_data)
+	int result = -1;
+	unsigned int data_len =0;
+	unsigned int chksum = 0;
+	if(rx[0] == SOH)	// SOH = 0x01
+	{
+		data_len = (unsigned int)rx[2] <<8;
+		data_len |= rx[3];
+		for(int idx=0;idx<(data_len+4);idx++)
+        {
+        	chksum ^= rx[idx];
+        }
+        if((chksum&0xff) == rx[(data_len+4)])
+        {
+			memcpy(rx_data, &rx[4], data_len);
+			result = data_len;
+		}
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+		DEBUG_WARN("USI2 message header is not <01>.\n");
+	}
+	return result;
+// Main loop
+int main(void)
+	int UartFd;
+	uint16_t failCount = 0;
+	unsigned char rx_Array[512]={0}, rx_Data[512]={0};
+	char C8_Polling = true;
+	char Wait_C9 = false;
+	int rx_len = 0;
+	int data_len = 0;
+	//===============================================
+	// Initialization
+	//===============================================
+	if(InitShareMemory() == FAIL)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("InitShareMemory NG\n");
+		if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL)
+		{
+			ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.FailToCreateShareMemory=1;
+		}
+		sleep(5);
+		return FAIL;
+	}
+	UartFd=InitComPort();
+	if(UartFd<0)
+	{
+		DEBUG_ERROR("InitComPort NG\n");
+		if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL)
+		{
+			ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.CsuInitFailed=1;
+		}
+		sleep(5);
+		return FAIL;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		DEBUG_INFO("ttyS3 port open success.\n");
+	}
+	//===============================================
+	// Payment module configuration set to default.
+	//===============================================
+	do
+	{
+		rx_len = system_command(UartFd, CMD_RESTORE_DEFAULT, ARRAY_SIZE(CMD_RESTORE_DEFAULT), rx_Array);
+		if((rx_Array[0] == ACK) && (rx_len ==1))
+		{
+			DEBUG_INFO("Set to the default success.\n");
+			failCount = 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			DEBUG_WARN("Set to the default fail (<%02x>).\n", rx_Array[0]);
+			failCount++;
+		}
+		if(failCount > RETRY_LIMIT)
+		{
+			DEBUG_ERROR("Set to the default fail over retry limit.\n");
+			return FAIL;
+		}
+	}while((rx_Array[0] != ACK) || (rx_len !=1));
+	//===============================================
+	// set payment card detect type.
+	//===============================================
+	do
+	{
+		rx_len = system_command(UartFd, CMD_CARD_DETECT, ARRAY_SIZE(CMD_CARD_DETECT), rx_Array);
+		if((rx_Array[0] == ACK) && (rx_len ==1))
+		{
+			DEBUG_INFO("Set payment card type success.\n");
+			failCount = 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			DEBUG_WARN("Set payment card type fail (<%02x>).\n", rx_Array[0]);
+			failCount++;
+		}
+		if(failCount > RETRY_LIMIT)
+		{
+			DEBUG_ERROR("Set payment card type fail over retry limit.\n");
+			return FAIL;
+		}
+	}while((rx_Array[0] != ACK) || (rx_len !=1));
+	//===============================================
+	// set to protocol_2 
+	//===============================================
+	do
+	{
+		rx_len =system_command(UartFd, CMD_USI2, ARRAY_SIZE(CMD_USI2), rx_Array);
+		if((rx_Array[0] == ACK) && (rx_len ==1))
+		{
+			DEBUG_INFO("Set protocol to USI2 success.\n");
+			failCount = 0;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			DEBUG_WARN("Set protocol to USI2 fail (<%02x>).\n", rx_Array[0]);
+			failCount++;
+		}
+		if(failCount > RETRY_LIMIT)
+		{
+			DEBUG_ERROR("Set protocol to USI2 fail over retry limit.\n");
+			return FAIL;
+		}
+	}while((rx_Array[0] != ACK) || (rx_len !=1));
+	//===============================================
+	// Main loop
+	//===============================================
+	for(;;)
+	{
+		if(C8_Polling == true)
+		{
+			Wait_C9 = false;
+			/*
+			 * TODO:
+			 * 	1. C8 parameter configure
+			 */
+			rx_len =system_command(UartFd, CMD_C8, sizeof(CMD_C8), rx_Array);
+			if((rx_Array[0] == ACK) && (rx_len ==1))
+			{
+				DEBUG_INFO("Polling C8 command get response.\n");
+				Wait_C9 = true;
+				failCount = 0;
+			}
+			if(Wait_C9 == true)
+			{
+				//=============================================
+				// wait card to attach the reader and wait C9
+				//=============================================
+				tcflush(UartFd,TCIOFLUSH);
+				memset(rx_Array, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(rx_Array));
+				rx_len = 0;
+				do
+				{
+					sleep(1);
+					rx_len = read(UartFd, rx_Array, ARRAY_SIZE(rx_Array)); // read response if data count match 512 or timeout.
+					failCount++;
+				} while ((rx_len == 0) && (failCount < RETRY_LIMIT));
+				//=============================================
+				// Parse rx_Array to rx_Data
+				//=============================================
+				if((rx_len > 3)  && (failCount < RETRY_LIMIT))
+				{
+					// print this raw data before parse it.
+					show_data(rx_Array, rx_len);
+					rx_len = USI2_Parse( rx_Array, rx_Data);
+					if(rx_len > 0)
+					{
+						// debug the input data message	
+						show_data(rx_Data, rx_len);					
+						// Copy RAW data to structure 
+						memcpy(&C9_Result.result_data, rx_Data, rx_len);
+						C9_Result.status = C9_Result.result_data[1];
+						C9_Result.pos_entry = C9_Result.result_data[2];
+						switch(C9_Result.pos_entry)
+						{
+							case VISA_qVSDC:
+							case VISA_MSD:
+							case MASTER_MChip:
+							case Master_MagStripe:
+							case AMEX_EMV:
+							case AMEX_MSD:
+								for (int i=5; i<(5 + 16); i++)
+								{
+									C9_Result.u_id[i] = C9_Result.result_data[i];
+								}
+								DEBUG_INFO("Payment card\n");
+								for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<getSentinelQuantity(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len);idx++)
+								{
+									memcpy(C9_Result.tkData[idx],
+										   &C9_Result.result_data[((idx==0)?3:getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx-1)+2)],
+										   (idx==0?getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx)+1-3+1:getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx)+1-getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx-1)+2+1));
+									DEBUG_INFO("TK[%d]: \n", idx);
+									show_data(C9_Result.tkData[idx], ARRAY_SIZE(C9_Result.tkData[idx]));
+								}
+								break;
+							case Mifare:
+								data_len = C9_Result.result_data[6];
+								memcpy(C9_Result.u_id, &C9_Result.result_data[7], data_len);
+								switch(C9_Result.result_data[3])
+								{
+									case MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Ultralight, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3], C9_Result.u_id[4], C9_Result.u_id[5], C9_Result.u_id[6]);
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_CLASSIC_1K:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Classic 1K, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3]);
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_CLASSIC_4K:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Classic 4K, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3]);
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_DESFIRE:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE DESFire, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3], C9_Result.u_id[4], C9_Result.u_id[5], C9_Result.u_id[6]);
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_PLUS_2K:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Plus 2k, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3], C9_Result.u_id[4], C9_Result.u_id[5], C9_Result.u_id[6]);
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_MINI:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Mini, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3]);
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_RESERVE:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Reserve, UID: \n");
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_JEWEL:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE Jewel, UID: \n");
+										break;
+									case MIFARE_JCOP31:
+										DEBUG_INFO("MIFARE JCOP31, UID: \n");
+										break;
+								}
+								break;
+							case ISO_15693:
+								data_len =(C9_Result.result_data[5]<<8) | C9_Result.result_data[6];
+								memcpy(C9_Result.u_id, &C9_Result.result_data[4+data_len-8], 8);
+								DEBUG_INFO("ISO_15693, UID: %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n", C9_Result.u_id[0], C9_Result.u_id[1], C9_Result.u_id[2], C9_Result.u_id[3], C9_Result.u_id[4], C9_Result.u_id[5], C9_Result.u_id[6], C9_Result.u_id[7]);
+								break;
+							case Apple_Pay:
+								DEBUG_INFO("Apple_Pay VAS only.\n");
+								for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<getSentinelQuantity(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len);idx++)
+								{
+									memcpy(C9_Result.tkData[idx],
+										   &C9_Result.result_data[((idx==0)?3:getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx-1)+2)],
+										   (idx==0?getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx)+1-3+1:getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx)+1-getSentinelPosition(C9_Result.result_data, rx_len, idx-1)+2+1));
+									DEBUG_INFO("TK[%d]: \n", idx);
+									show_data(C9_Result.tkData[idx], ARRAY_SIZE(C9_Result.tkData[idx]));
+								}
+								break;
+							case No_Data:
+								DEBUG_INFO("--> No any data.\n");
+								break;
+							default:
+								DEBUG_INFO("--> Unknown pos entry.\n");
+								break;
+						}
+						failCount = 0;
+					}
+					else 
+					{
+						DEBUG_INFO("C9 Parsing result fail.\n");
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					DEBUG_WARN("C9 Response timeout: %d \n", failCount);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		usleep(500000);
+	}
+	return FAIL;

+ 187 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ * Module_Payment.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2021/03/24
+ *      Author: Henry
+ */
+#include 	<sys/time.h>
+#include 	<sys/timeb.h>
+#include  	<sys/types.h>
+#include  	<sys/stat.h>
+#include 	<sys/types.h>
+#include 	<sys/ioctl.h>
+#include 	<sys/socket.h>
+#include 	<sys/ipc.h>
+#include 	<sys/shm.h>
+#include 	<sys/shm.h>
+#include 	<sys/mman.h>
+#include 	<linux/wireless.h>
+#include 	<arpa/inet.h>
+#include 	<netinet/in.h>
+#include 	<unistd.h>
+#include 	<stdarg.h>
+#include  	<stdio.h>
+#include  	<stdlib.h>
+#include  	<unistd.h>
+#include  	<fcntl.h>
+#include  	<termios.h>
+#include 	<errno.h>
+#include 	<errno.h>
+#include 	<string.h>
+#include	<time.h>
+#include	<ctype.h>
+#include 	<ifaddrs.h>
+#include 	<math.h>
+#include	<limits.h>
+#include	<stdint.h>
+#include	"define.h"
+#define DEBUG_INFO(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Info] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define DEBUG_WARN(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Warn] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define DEBUG_ERROR(format, args...) StoreLogMsg("[%s:%d][%s][Error] "format, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ##args)
+#define is_error(ptr) 				((unsigned long)ptr > (unsigned long)-4000L)
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)				(sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]))
+#define PASS						1
+#define FAIL			   			-1
+#define ON							1
+#define OFF							0
+#define YES							1
+#define NO							0
+#define ACK							'^'
+#define NoExecute					'*'
+#define BadParameter				'!'
+#define SOH							0x01	// Protocol_2
+#define STX							0x02	// Protocol_1
+#define ETX							0x03	// Protocol_1	
+#define HT							0x09	// configure command
+#define RETRY_LIMIT					10
+struct SysConfigAndInfo			*ShmSysConfigAndInfo;
+struct StatusCodeData 			*ShmStatusCodeData;
+enum Boolean
+	false=0,
+	true
+	VISA_qVSDC = 1,
+	Master_MagStripe,
+	Android_Pay = 0x0A,
+	Apple_Pay = 0x0C,
+	UnionPay = 0x0D,
+	Mifare = 0x10,
+	ISO_15693 = 0x20,
+	No_Data	= 0x80,
+enum C9_RES_CODE
+	C9_RES_TRY_AGAIN=0x12,
+	C9_RES_SEE_PHONE=0x20,
+	CURRENCY_AED=0x0784,
+	CURRENCY_ARS=0x0032,
+	CURRENCY_AUD=0x0036,
+	CURRENCY_BGN=0x0975,
+	CURRENCY_BHD=0x0048,
+	CURRENCY_BND=0x0096,
+	CURRENCY_BRL=0x0986,
+	CURRENCY_BWP=0x0072,
+	CURRENCY_CAD=0x0124,
+	CURRENCY_CHF=0x0756,
+	CURRENCY_CLP=0x0152,
+	CURRENCY_CNY=0x0156,
+	CURRENCY_COP=0x0170,
+	CURRENCY_CZK=0x0203,
+	CURRENCY_DKK=0x0208,
+	CURRENCY_EUR=0x0978,
+	CURRENCY_GBP=0x0826,
+	CURRENCY_HKD=0x0344,
+	CURRENCY_HRK=0x0191,
+	CURRENCY_HUF=0x0348,
+	CURRENCY_IDR=0x0360,
+	CURRENCY_ILS=0x0376,
+	CURRENCY_INR=0x0356,
+	CURRENCY_IRR=0x0364,
+	CURRENCY_ISK=0x0352,
+	CURRENCY_JPY=0x0392,
+	CURRENCY_KRW=0x0410,
+	CURRENCY_KWD=0x0414,
+	CURRENCY_KZT=0x0398,
+	CURRENCY_LKR=0x0144,
+	CURRENCY_LYD=0x0434,
+	CURRENCY_MUR=0x0480,
+	CURRENCY_MXN=0x0484,
+	CURRENCY_MYR=0x0458,
+	CURRENCY_NOK=0x0578,
+	CURRENCY_NPR=0x0524,
+	CURRENCY_NZD=0x0554,
+	CURRENCY_OMR=0x0512,
+	CURRENCY_PHP=0x0608,
+	CURRENCY_PKR=0x0586,
+	CURRENCY_PLN=0x0985,
+	CURRENCY_QAR=0x0634,
+	CURRENCY_RON=0x0946,
+	CURRENCY_RUB=0x0643,
+	CURRENCY_SAR=0x0682,
+	CURRENCY_SEK=0x0752,
+	CURRENCY_SGD=0x0702,
+	CURRENCY_THB=0x0764,
+	CURRENCY_TRY=0x0949,
+	CURRENCY_TTD=0x0780,
+	CURRENCY_TWD=0x0901,
+	CURRENCY_USD=0x0840,
+	CURRENCY_VEF=0x0937,
+	CURRENCY_ZAR=0x0710,
+#endif /* MODULE_PAYMENT_H_ */