Jelajahi Sumber


2021.12.13 / Folus Wen

1. define_ccs.h synchronize SysConfig from define.h

1. As follow commit history

Image version: D0.00.XX.XXXX.XX
Image checksum: XXXXXXXX

Hardware PWB P/N : XXXXXXX
Hardware Version : XXXXXXX
FolusWen 3 tahun lalu

+ 6 - 3

@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ struct SysConfigData
 	unsigned char   		OfflinePolicy;				//0: local list, 1: Phihong RFID tag, 2: free charging, 3: no charging
 	unsigned short	   		OfflineMaxChargeEnergy;		//0: same as MaxChargingEnergy, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
 	unsigned short	   		OfflineMaxChargeDuration;	//0: same as MaxChargeDuration, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
-	unsigned char 			OcppServerURL[512];			//http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
+	unsigned char 			OcppServerURL[512];			//ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
 	unsigned char 			ChargeBoxId[128];
 	unsigned char			chargePointVendor[20];		//the Vendor of the ChargePoint
     unsigned char           OcppSecurityProfile;        //OCPP security profile 0~3
@@ -364,8 +364,11 @@ struct SysConfigData
     WiringInfoData          WiringInfo;
-    unsigned char           OcppReceiptrURL[512];       // Charging receipt display URL
-    unsigned char           isAuthrizeByEVCCID;         // is Authorize by EVCCID (CCS)
+    unsigned char           OcppReceiptrURL[512];               // Charging receipt display URL
+    unsigned char           isAuthrizeByEVCCID;                 // is Authorize by EVCCID (CCS)
+    unsigned char           MaintainServerURL[512];             // ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
+    unsigned char           MaintainServerSecurityProfile;      // Maintain server security profile 0~3
+    unsigned char           MaintainServerSecurityPassword[41]; // Maintain server AuthorizationKey for security profile
 #define SLAC_EVSE_MAC_LENGTH    6

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@ int main(void)
 					sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "012345");
 					sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].Info , "PilotNegativeError");
-				else if(ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].systemAlarmCode.SystemAlarmCode & ALARM_QCA_FLASH_FAIL)
+				else if(ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.CCSboardStestFail)
 					sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].ErrorCode , "OtherError");
 					sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16Data->StatusNotification[gun_index].VendorErrorCode , "012284");