@@ -287,6 +287,12 @@ enum _ETHERNET_USAGE
#define STR_MEDIUM "Medium"
#define STR_BRIGHTEST "Brightest"
+#define STR_PAGE_NONE "PageNone"
+#define STR_REMOTE_NO_ID "PlugInPage"
+#define STR_REFUND_AMOUNT "RefundAmount"
+#define STR_PREPAYMENT "Prepayment"
+#define STR_PAYMENT_FAIL "PaymentFail"
_Connnection_Disable = 0,
@@ -512,6 +518,19 @@ typedef union
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned int RemoteStartNoId:1; // 0: no effect, 1: trigger remote start without connector id
+ unsigned int RefundAmount:1; // 0: no effect, 1: trigger refund amount
+ unsigned int PrepaymentInfo:1; // 0: no effect, 1: trigger prepayment info
+ unsigned int PaymentFail:1; // 0: no effect, 1: trigger payment fail
+ unsigned int res:25;
+ }bits;
typedef struct
int TxCnt;
@@ -530,6 +549,26 @@ typedef struct
DevideCommInfo PsuComm;
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue;
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned int UpdateReq:1; // 0: no effect, 1: update request
+ unsigned int UpdateConfirm:1; // 0: no effect, 1: update confirm
+ unsigned int UpdateDone:1; // 0: no effect, 1: update done
+ unsigned int res:29;
+ }bits;
+typedef struct
+ int Pri232Fd;
+ int Rs422Fd;
+ int PsuCanFd;
+ int EvCanFd;
typedef struct
unsigned char MaxDispenser;
@@ -541,6 +580,7 @@ typedef struct
unsigned short ChargerRatingPower; // unit: 0.1kw, charger rating power, parsing from model name
CommInfoData CommInfo;
SystemControl SysCtrl;
+ UpdateControl UpdateCtrl;
TestControl TestCtrl;
DebugControl DebugCtrl;
PrimaryControl PrimaryCtrl;
@@ -548,9 +588,12 @@ typedef struct
FanControl FanCtrl;
LedFanControl LedCtrl;
PsuControl PsuCtrl;
+ OcppControl OcppCtrl;
+ FdControl FdCtrl;
ForceCharging FCharging[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
unsigned char GunAvailable[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
unsigned char PsuInitQuantity[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
+ char ResevedIdTag[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY][32];
// ************************************************************************************************* //
typedef struct
@@ -834,13 +877,178 @@ typedef struct
unsigned char SCabinetID;
unsigned char SOutputRelay[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY]; // parallel cabinet output relay state
unsigned char SParallelRelay[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY]; // parallel cabinet parallel relay state
- unsigned char SAcContactor; // slave cabinet ac contactor state
+ unsigned char SAcContactor; // slave cabinet ac contactor state
unsigned char NeedUpgrade; // 1: Need Upgrade, 2: No Update
unsigned char UpgradeState; // 0: Not in Update, 1: Updating, 2: Updated
unsigned char res;
char FwFileName[128];
+// ************************************************************************************************* //
+#define LCM_REQ_REMOTE_START_NO_ID 0x00000001
+#define LCM_REQ_REFUND_AMOUNT 0x00000002
+#define LCM_REQ_PREPAYMENT 0x00000004
+#define LCM_REQ_PAYMENT_FAIL 0x00000008
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue;
+ struct
+ {
+ // cabinet -> connector
+ unsigned int RemoteStartNoID:1; // 0: no request, 1: lcm page change to RemoteStartNoID
+ unsigned int RefundAmount:1; // 0: no request, 1: lcm page change to RefundAmount
+ unsigned int PrepaymentInfo:1; // 0: no request, 1: lcm page change to PrepaymentInfo
+ unsigned int PaymentFail:1; // 0: no request, 1: lcm page change to PaymentFail
+ unsigned int res:28;
+ }bits;
+#define MISC_DISP_DEFAULT_PRICE 0x00000002
+#define MISC_DISP_CURRENCY 0x00000004
+#define MISC_DISP_BACKEND_STATUS 0x00000008
+#define MISC_DISP_ETHERNET_STATUS 0x00000010
+#define MISC_DISP_WIFI_STATUS 0x00000020
+#define MISC_DISP_BILLING_STATUS 0x00000080
+#define MISC_DISP_STOP_BUTTON_STATUS 0x00000100
+#define MISC_DISP_AUTH_MODE_CONFIG 0x00000200
+#define MISC_DISP_EVCCID_CONFIG 0x00000400
+#define MISC_DISP_LED_INTENSITY 0x00000800
+#define MISC_DISP_HARDWARE_REBOOT 0x00001000
+#define MISC_DISP_SOFTWARE_RESET 0x00002000
+#define MISC_DISP_CHANGE_LCM_INFO 0x00004000
+#define MISC_DISP_STATION_INFO 0x00008000
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue;
+ struct
+ {
+ // cabinet -> dispenser
+ unsigned int ConnectionTimeout:1; // msic: 0x0001, 0: no request, 1: connection timeout request
+ unsigned int DefaultPrice:1; // msic: 0x0003, 0: no request, 1: default price request
+ unsigned int Currency:1; // msic: 0x0004, 0: no request, 1: currency request
+ unsigned int BackendStatus:1; // msic: 0x0006, 0: no request, 1: backend status request
+ unsigned int EthernetStatus:1; // msic: 0x0007, 0: no request, 1: ethernet status request
+ unsigned int WiFiStatus:1; // msic: 0x0008, 0: no request, 1: wifi status request
+ unsigned int TelcomModemStatus:1; // msic: 0x0009, 0: no request, 1: telcom modem status request
+ unsigned int BillingStatus:1; // msic: 0x000A, 0: no request, 1: billing status request
+ unsigned int StopButtonStatus:1; // msic: 0x000B, 0: no request, 1: stop button status request
+ unsigned int AuthModeConfig:1; // msic: 0x000C, 0: no request, 1: auth mode config request
+ unsigned int EVCCIDConfig:1; // msic: 0x000D, 0: no request, 1: EVCCID config request
+ unsigned int LEDIntensity:1; // msic: 0x000E, 0: no request, 1: led intensity request
+ unsigned int HardwareReboot:1; // msic: 0x0101, 0: no request, 1: hardware reboot request
+ unsigned int SoftwareReset:1; // msic: 0x0102, 0: no request, 1: software reset request
+ unsigned int ChangeLcmInfo:1; // msic: 0x0107, 0: no request, 1: change lcm info request
+ unsigned int ChargerStationInfo:1; // msic: 0x0109, 0: no request, 1: charger station info request
+ unsigned int res:16;
+ }bits;
+#define MISC_CONN_AVAILABILITY 0x00000001
+#define MISC_CONN_ACCOUNT_BALANCE 0x00000002
+#define MISC_CONN_REMOTE_START 0x00000004
+#define MISC_CONN_REMOTE_STOP 0x00000008
+#define MISC_CONN_UNLOCK 0x00000010
+#define MISC_CONN_RESERVATION 0x00000020
+#define MISC_CONN_QRCODE_INFO 0x00000040
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue;
+ struct
+ {
+ // cabinet -> connector
+ unsigned int Availability:1; // msic: 0x0002, 0: no request, 1: availability request
+ unsigned int AccountBalance:1; // msic: 0x0005, 0: no request, 1: account balance request
+ unsigned int RemoteStart:1; // msic: 0x0103, 0: no request, 1: remote start request
+ unsigned int RemoteStop:1; // msic: 0x0104, 0: no request, 1: remote stop request
+ unsigned int Unlock:1; // msic: 0x0105, 0: no request, 1: unlock request
+ unsigned int Reservation:1; // msic: 0x0106, 0: no request, 1: reservation request
+ unsigned int QRCodeRequest:1; // msic: 0x0108, 0: no request, 1: QR Code request
+ unsigned int res:25;
+ }bits;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned int ConnectionTimeout; // unit: 1s
+ unsigned int DefaultPrice; // unit: 0.01 (dollar/kWh)
+ unsigned int Currency; // currency index
+ unsigned int BackendStatus; // 0: disable, 1: connected, 2: disconnected
+ unsigned int EthernetStatus; // 0: disable, 1: connected, 2: disconnected
+ unsigned int WiFiStatus; // 0: disable, 1: connected, 2: disconnected
+ unsigned int TelcomModemStatus; // 0: disable, 1: connected, 2: disconnected
+ unsigned int BillingStatus; // 0: disable, 1: enable
+ unsigned int StopChargingButton; // 0: disable, 1: enable
+ unsigned int HardwareReboot; // 1: HardwareReboot, Other value: no effect
+ unsigned int SoftwareRestart; // 1: SoftwareRestart, Other value: no effect
+ unsigned int AuthModeConfig; // 0: enable, 1: disable
+ unsigned int EVCCIDConfig; // 0: disable, 1: enable
+ unsigned int LEDIntensity; // LED intensity, 0: Darkest 1: Medium 2: Brightest
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue;
+ struct
+ {
+ // cabinet -> dispenser
+ unsigned int RefundRequest:1; // cmd: 0x0001, 0: no request, 1: refund request
+ unsigned int RefundCancel:1; // cmd: 0x0002, 0: no request, 1: refund cancel
+ unsigned int InvoiceRequest:1; // cmd: 0x0003, 0: no request, 1: currency request
+ unsigned int res:29;
+ }bits;
+typedef union
+ unsigned int CtrlValue[32];
+ struct
+ {
+ // cabinet -> dispenser
+ unsigned int Refund; // 1: request, other: no effect
+ unsigned int RefundCancel; // 1: cancel, other: no effect
+ unsigned int InvoiceIndex; // invoice index, start from 1 ~
+ unsigned int Res[29];
+ }bits;
+typedef struct
+ ConnectorActionFlag Flag;
+ ConnectorActionValue ActionValue;
+#define STR_WEATHER_NONE "None"
+#define STR_WEATHER_SUNNY "Sunny"
+#define STR_WEATHER_CLOUDY "Cloudy"
+#define STR_WEATHER_RAIN "Rain"
+#define STR_WEATHER_THUNDERSTORM "ThunderStorm"
+#define STR_WEATHER_SNOW "Snow"
+#define STR_WEATHER_MIST "Mist"
+ _WEATHER_None = 0,
+ _WEATHER_Sunny = 1,
+ _WEATHER_Cloudy = 2,
+ _WEATHER_Rain = 3,
+ _WEATHER_ThunderStorm = 4,
+ _WEATHER_Snow = 5,
+ _WEATHER_Mist = 6,
+typedef struct
+ char StationName[64];
+ char StationID[16];
+ char ConnectorID[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY][16];
+ char QRCode[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY][128];
+ int WeatherID;
+ float Temperature;
// ************************************************************************************************* //
typedef struct
@@ -852,6 +1060,12 @@ typedef struct
SocketConnInfoData CabinetConnInfo[MAX_SLAVE_CABINET_QUANTITY];
ParallelCabinetInfoData ParallelCabinet;
SlaveCabinetControl SCabinetControl;
+ ConnectorPageControl ConnectorPageReq[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
+ DispenserMiscControl DispenserMiscReq[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
+ ConnectorMiscControl ConnectorMiscReq[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
+ MiscCommandValue CabinetMiscValue;
+ ConnectorActionRequest ConnectorActReq[MAX_GROUP_QUANTITY];
+ StationInfoData StationInfo;
#endif /* CONFIG_H_ */