Sfoglia il codice sorgente

[Improve][AW-CCS / GPL][main / ppp]

2022.04.26 / Folus Wen

1. main.c fix wrong variable name.
2. ppp script add two command for US Verizon issue.

1. As follow commit history

Image version: B0.62.XX.XXXX.XX
Image checksum: XXXXXXXX

Hardware PWB P/N : XXXXXXX
Hardware Version : XXXXXXX
FolusWen 2 anni fa

+ 1 - 8

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Lib_JSONC = "-L../../../GPL/json-c-json-c-0.13.1-20180305/release/lib" -ljson-c
 all: CopyFile apps
-apps: CCS_Task Module_InternalComm_Task Module_FactoryConfig_Task Module_AlarmDetect_Task Module_CSU_Task Module_Speaker_Task Module_CCS_Task Module_LcmControl_Task Module_ConfigTools_Task Module_Debug_Task Module_PowerSharing_Task
+apps: CCS_Task Module_InternalComm_Task Module_FactoryConfig_Task Module_AlarmDetect_Task Module_CSU_Task Module_Speaker_Task Module_CCS_Task Module_LcmControl_Task Module_ConfigTools_Task Module_Debug_Task
 	cd CCS;make CCSType=$(Project) all
@@ -109,13 +109,6 @@ Module_LcmControl_Task:
 	rm -f *.o	
 	mv -f Module_LcmControl ../Images/root
-	@echo "===== Module_PowerSharing_Task ==================================="
-	rm -f Module_PowerSharing
-	$(CC) -D $(Project) "-I../../../Modularization/ocppfiles/" "-I./" "-I../../" -O0  -Wall -fmessage-length=0 Module_PowerSharing.c -o Module_PowerSharing
-	rm -f *.o
-	mv -f Module_PowerSharing ../Images/root
 	rm -rfv ../Images/root
 	mkdir -p ../Images/root

+ 2 - 2

@@ -517,14 +517,14 @@ int main(void)
 				memset(cmd, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(cmd));
 				printf("\n ***** localloadbalance ***************************");
-				printf("\n  Current local loading balance: %d", ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging);
+				printf("\n  Current local loading balance: %d", ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing);
 				printf("\n  0: Disable.");
 				printf("\n  1: Enable.");
 				printf("\n **************************************************");
 				printf("\n  Please input local load balance mode: ");
 				scanf("%s", &cmd[0]);
-				ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging = ((0<=atoi(cmd))&&(atoi(cmd)<=1)?atoi(cmd):0);
+				ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing = ((0<=atoi(cmd))&&(atoi(cmd)<=1)?atoi(cmd):0);
 					DEBUG_INFO("Local loading balance: Enable\n");

+ 0 - 879

@@ -1,879 +0,0 @@
- * Module_PowerSharing.c
- *
- *  Created on: 2020/12/07
- *      Author: foluswen
- */
-#include "Module_PowerSharing.h"
-struct SysConfigAndInfo		*ShmSysConfigAndInfo;
-struct StatusCodeData 		*ShmStatusCodeData;
-struct OCPP16Data			*ShmOCPP16Data;
-struct Charger				*ShmCharger;
-struct POWER_SHARING		*ShmPowerSharing;
-// Common routine
-int StoreLogMsg(const char *fmt, ...)
-	char Buf[4096+256];
-	char buffer[4096];
-	time_t CurrentTime;
-	struct tm *tm;
-	struct timeval tv;
-	va_list args;
-	va_start(args, fmt);
-	int rc = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, args);
-	va_end(args);
-	memset(Buf,0,sizeof(Buf));
-	CurrentTime = time((time_t*)NULL);
-	tm=localtime(&CurrentTime);
-	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); // get microseconds, 10^-6
-	sprintf(Buf,"echo -n \"[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld]%s\" >> /Storage/SystemLog/[%04d.%02d]Module_PowerSharingLog",
-				tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,tv.tv_usec,
-				buffer,
-				tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1);
-#ifdef SystemLogMessage
-	system(Buf);
-#ifdef ConsloePrintLog
-	printf("[%04d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%06ld]%s", tm->tm_year+1900,tm->tm_mon+1,tm->tm_mday,tm->tm_hour,tm->tm_min,tm->tm_sec,tv.tv_usec, buffer);
-	return rc;
-int DiffTimeb(struct timeb ST, struct timeb ET)
-	//return milli-second
-	unsigned int StartTime,StopTime;
-	StartTime=(unsigned int)ST.time;
-	StopTime=(unsigned int)ET.time;
-	return (StopTime-StartTime)*1000+ET.millitm-ST.millitm;
-void dM(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, uint8_t isRX)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	uint8_t output[8192];
-	if(isRX)
-	{
-		DEBUG_INFO("- RX --------------------------------------------\n");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DEBUG_INFO("- TX --------------------------------------------\n");
-	}
-	memset(output, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(output));
-	for(uint16_t idx=0;idx<16;idx++)
-		sprintf((char*)output, "%s %02X", output, idx);
-	DEBUG_INFO("%s\n", output);
-	DEBUG_INFO("-------------------------------------------------\n");
-	for(uint16_t idx = 0;idx<len;idx++)
-	{
-		if((idx%16)>0)
-		{
-			sprintf((char*)output, "%s %02X", output, data[idx]);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if(idx != 0)
-				DEBUG_INFO("%s\n", output);
-			memset(output, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(output));
-			sprintf((char*)output, "%s %02X", output, data[idx]);
-		}
-	}
-	DEBUG_INFO("%s\n", output);
-	DEBUG_INFO("-------------------------------------------------\n");
-int isValidCheckSum(struct Message *message)
-	uint8_t chksum = 0x00;
-	for(int idx=0;idx<((message->buffer[1]+3)>ARRAY_SIZE(message->buffer)?ARRAY_SIZE(message->buffer):(message->buffer[1]+3));idx++)
-	{
-		chksum ^= message->buffer[idx];
-	}
-	return ((chksum == message->buffer[((message->buffer[1]+3)>ARRAY_SIZE(message->buffer)?ARRAY_SIZE(message->buffer):(message->buffer[1]+3))]) ? PASS : FAIL);
-uint8_t chksumCal(struct Message *message)
-	uint8_t chksum=0;
-	for(int idx=0;idx<((message->buffer[1]+3)>ARRAY_SIZE(message->buffer)?ARRAY_SIZE(message->buffer):(message->buffer[1]+3));idx++)
-	{
-		chksum ^= message->buffer[idx];
-	}
-	return chksum & 0xff;
-// Init all share memory
-int InitShareMemory()
-	int result = PASS;
-	int MeterSMId;
-	//Initial ShmSysConfigAndInfo
-	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmSysConfigAndInfoKey, sizeof(struct SysConfigAndInfo),  0777)) < 0)
-    {
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-    else if ((ShmSysConfigAndInfo = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-    {
-    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmSysConfigAndInfo NG\n");
-    	result = FAIL;
-   	 }
-    else
-    {}
-   	//Initial ShmStatusCodeData
-   	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmStatusCodeKey, sizeof(struct StatusCodeData),  0777)) < 0)
-    {
-   		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
-   		result = FAIL;
-	}
-    else if ((ShmStatusCodeData = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-    {
-    	DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmStatusCodeData NG\n");
-    	result = FAIL;
-   	}
-    else
-    {}
-   	//Initial ShmOCPP16Data
-	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmOcppModuleKey, sizeof(struct OCPP16Data),  0777)) < 0)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmOCPP16Data NG");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	else if ((ShmOCPP16Data = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmOCPP16Data NG");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	else
-	{}
-	//Initial ShmCharger
-	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmChargerKey, sizeof(struct Charger), 0777)) < 0)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmCharger NG\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	else if ((ShmCharger = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmCharger NG\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	//Create ShmPowerSharing
-	if ((MeterSMId = shmget(ShmPowerShargingKey, sizeof(struct POWER_SHARING), IPC_CREAT | 0777)) < 0)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmget ShmPowerShargingKey NG\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	else if ((ShmPowerSharing = shmat(MeterSMId, NULL, 0)) == (void *) -1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("shmat ShmPowerShargingKey NG\n");
-		result = FAIL;
-	}
-	memset(ShmPowerSharing,0,sizeof(struct POWER_SHARING));
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-		ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd = (idx+1);
-    return result;
-// TCP socket server routine
-int conn_getDupFd(void)
-	int result = 0;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(!ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected)
-		{
-			result = ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_register(int socketFd)
-	int result = FAIL;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(!ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected)
-		{
-			DEBUG_INFO("Dupfd-%d register to conn-%d.\n", socketFd, idx);
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected = TRUE;
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd = socketFd;
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastHeartBeatTime = time((time_t*)NULL);
-			result = PASS;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_reject(int socketFd)
-	int result = FAIL;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			DEBUG_INFO("Dupfd-%d register from conn_info-%d.\n", socketFd, idx);
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected = FALSE;
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected = FALSE;
-			result = PASS;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_getConectedQuantity(void)
-	int result = 0;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected)
-		{
-			result += 1;
-		}
-	}
-	DEBUG_INFO("Connection quantity: %d\n", result);
-	ShmPowerSharing->connectedQty = result;
-	return result;
-int conn_updateHeartBeatTime(int socketFd)
-	int result = FAIL;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			//DEBUG_INFO("Dupfd-%d register from conn_info-%d update heart beat time.\n", socketFd, idx);
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastHeartBeatTime = time((time_t*)NULL);
-			result = PASS;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_getStatusStarttime(int socketFd)
-	int result = 0;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			result = ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastGetStatusTime;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_getStatusStarttimeUpdate(int socketFd)
-	int result = FAIL;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastGetStatusTime = time((time_t*)NULL);;
-			result = PASS;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_setCapacityStarttime(int socketFd)
-	int result = 0;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			result = ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastSetCapacityTime;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_setCapacityStarttimeUpdate(int socketFd)
-	int result = FAIL;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastSetCapacityTime = time((time_t*)NULL);;
-			result = PASS;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_update_status(int socketFd, uint8_t pilotState, uint8_t availableCurrent, uint8_t presentCurrent, uint16_t acPhase)
-	int result = FAIL;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			if(!ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected &&
-			   (2<=pilotState) &&
-			   (pilotState<=7))
-			{
-				ShmPowerSharing->hasNewConn = YES;
-			}
-			if((ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected != (2<=pilotState)&&(pilotState<=7)?YES:NO) ||
-			   (ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].presentOutputCurrent != presentCurrent) ||
-			   (ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].acPhase != acPhase))
-			{
-				DEBUG_INFO("Conn-%d pilot state: %d\n", idx, pilotState);
-				DEBUG_INFO("Conn-%d available current: %d\n", idx, availableCurrent);
-				DEBUG_INFO("Conn-%d preset output current: %d\n", idx, presentCurrent);
-				DEBUG_INFO("Conn-%d ac power phase: %d\n", idx, acPhase);
-				DEBUG_INFO("==================================\n");
-			}
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected = (2<=pilotState)&&(pilotState<=7)?YES:NO;
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].presentOutputCurrent = presentCurrent;
-			ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].acPhase = acPhase;
-			result = PASS;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int conn_getOnHandCurrent(void)
-	int result = 0;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected)
-		{
-			result += ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent;
-		}
-	}
-	result = ShmCharger->gun_info[0].primaryMcuState.rating_current - result;
-	DEBUG_INFO("Total available current: %d\n", result);
-	return result;
-void create_cmd_getStatus(struct Message *out)
-	memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer));
-	out->size = 4;
-	out->buffer[0] = 0x55;
-	out->buffer[1] = 0x00;
-	out->buffer[2] = SHARING_CMD_GET_STATUS;
-	out->buffer[3] = chksumCal(out);
-	dM(out->buffer, out->size, FALSE);
-void create_cmd_SetAvailableCurrent(struct Message *out, int socketFd)
-	memset(out->buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(out->buffer));
-	out->size = 5;
-	out->buffer[0] = 0x55;
-	out->buffer[1] = 0x01;
-	out->buffer[2] = SHARING_CMD_SET_CAPACITY;
-	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-	{
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd == socketFd)
-		{
-			out->buffer[3] = ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent;
-		}
-	}
-	out->buffer[4] = chksumCal(out);
-	dM(out->buffer, out->size, FALSE);
-int tcpSocketServerStart(void)
-	int 				sockFd = 0;
-	int 				clientSockFd = 0;
-	int					dupFd = 0;
-	struct Message		input;
-	struct Message		output;
-	struct sockaddr_in 	serverInfo, clientInfo;
-	socklen_t 			addrlen = sizeof(clientInfo);
-	sockFd = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0);
-	if(sockFd == -1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("TCP service socket create fail.\n");
-		sleep(5);
-		return FAIL;
-	}
-	bzero(&serverInfo,sizeof(serverInfo));
-	serverInfo.sin_family = PF_INET;
-	serverInfo.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
-	serverInfo.sin_port = htons(LISTEN_PORT_TCP);
-	if(bind(sockFd, (struct sockaddr *)&serverInfo, sizeof(serverInfo)) < 0)
-		DEBUG_ERROR("TCP server socket bind fail.\n");
-	if(listen(sockFd, CONNECTION_LIMIT) < 0)
-		DEBUG_ERROR("TCP server socket listen fail.\n");
-	else
-		DEBUG_INFO("Power sharing TCP server initial listen on port %d.\n", LISTEN_PORT_TCP);
-	// Main loop
-	for(;;)
-	{
-		clientSockFd = accept(sockFd, (struct sockaddr*) &clientInfo, &addrlen);
-		fcntl(clientSockFd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
-		DEBUG_INFO("Client connect in.\n");
-		DEBUG_INFO("clientSockFd : %d\n", clientSockFd);
-		if(clientSockFd > 0)
-		{
-			if(conn_getConectedQuantity() < CONNECTION_LIMIT)
-			{
-				// Fork a child process to handle the new conn
-				if(fork()==0)
-				{
-					uint8_t idxStep = 0;
-					uint8_t socketEnable = YES;
-					struct timeval	tv;
-					tv.tv_sec = 0;
-					tv.tv_usec = 500000;
-					setsockopt(clientSockFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);
-					// Assign socket handle as available handle in conn info pool
-					dupFd = dup2(clientSockFd, conn_getDupFd());
-					conn_register(dupFd);
-					while(socketEnable)
-					{
-						if((input.size = recv(dupFd, input.buffer, sizeof(input.buffer), 0)) > 0)
-						{
-							dM(input.buffer, input.size, YES);
-							if(isValidCheckSum(&input))
-							{
-								conn_updateHeartBeatTime(dupFd);
-								memset(output.buffer, 0x00, ARRAY_SIZE(output.buffer));
-								switch(input.buffer[2])
-								{
-									case SHARING_CMD_GET_STATUS:
-										conn_update_status(dupFd, input.buffer[3], input.buffer[4], input.buffer[5], input.buffer[6]);
-										break;
-										if(!input.buffer[3])
-											DEBUG_INFO("Set connection-%d available current fail \n");
-										break;
-									default:
-										DEBUG_WARN("Receive unknown command.\n");
-										break;
-								}
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								DEBUG_WARN("Receive command check sum error.\n");
-							}
-						}
-						else if(input.size == 0)
-						{
-							DEBUG_INFO("Client disSocketConnected.\n");
-							conn_reject(dupFd);
-							socketEnable = NO;
-							close(dupFd);
-							close(clientSockFd);
-							fflush(stdout);
-						}
-						else if(input.size == -1)
-						{
-							// Server slave handler
-							switch(idxStep)
-							{
-								case 0:
-									if((difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), conn_getStatusStarttime(dupFd)) >= 3) || (difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), conn_getStatusStarttime(dupFd)) < 0))
-									{
-										create_cmd_getStatus(&output);
-										conn_getStatusStarttimeUpdate(dupFd);
-										send(clientSockFd, output.buffer, output.size, 0);
-									}
-									idxStep++;
-									break;
-								default:
-									if((difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), conn_setCapacityStarttime(dupFd)) >= 1) || (difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), conn_setCapacityStarttime(dupFd)) < 0))
-									{
-										create_cmd_SetAvailableCurrent(&output, dupFd);
-										conn_setCapacityStarttimeUpdate(dupFd);
-										send(clientSockFd, output.buffer, output.size, 0);
-									}
-									idxStep = 0;
-									break;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					conn_getConectedQuantity();
-					exit(0);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// if parent, close the socket and go back to listening new requests
-					close(clientSockFd);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				DEBUG_WARN("Connection is over limit.\n");
-				output.size = 4;
-				output.buffer[0] = 0x55;
-				output.buffer[1] = 0x00;
-				output.buffer[2] = SHARING_CMD_CONNECTION_FULL;
-				output.buffer[3] = chksumCal(&output);
-				send(clientSockFd, output.buffer, output.size, 0);
-				close(clientSockFd);
-			}
-		}
-		sleep(1);
-	}
-	return FAIL;
-// Client routine
-int tcpSocketClientStart(void)
-	int 				sockfd;
-	struct sockaddr_in 	info;
-	struct hostent 		*ghbn;
-	struct timeval 		tv;
-	uint8_t 			socketEnable;
-	uint8_t				cntSocketErr;
-	struct Message		input;
-	struct Message		output;
-	bzero(&info,sizeof(info));
-	ghbn = gethostbyname((char*)"");
-	info.sin_family = PF_INET;
-	info.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)ghbn->h_addr_list[0]));
-	info.sin_port = htons(LISTEN_PORT_TCP);
-	ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.isConnectedSharingServer = OFF;
-	DEBUG_INFO("Connect to %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)ghbn->h_addr_list[0]), LISTEN_PORT_TCP);
-	sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-	if (sockfd == -1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("Fail to create a socket.");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&info,sizeof(info)) ==-1)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("Connection error.\n");
-		ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.isConnectedSharingServer = OFF;
-		socketEnable = OFF;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DEBUG_INFO("Connect success.\n");
-		tv.tv_sec = 0;
-		tv.tv_usec = 500000;
-		setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&tv, sizeof tv);
-		socketEnable = ON;
-		cntSocketErr = 0;
-		ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.isConnectedSharingServer = ON;
-	}
-	while(socketEnable)
-	{
-		memset(input.buffer, 0, ARRAY_SIZE(input.buffer));
-		if((input.size = recv(sockfd, input.buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(input.buffer), 0)) > 0)
-		{
-			//DEBUG_INFO("Receive size: %d.\n", input.size);
-			dM(input.buffer, input.size, YES);
-			if(isValidCheckSum(&input))
-			{
-				switch(input.buffer[2])
-				{
-						output.size = 8;
-						output.buffer[0] = 0x55;
-						output.buffer[1] = 0x04;
-						output.buffer[2] = input.buffer[2];
-						output.buffer[3] = ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[0].PilotState;
-						output.buffer[4] = ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.AvailableShargingCurrent;
-						output.buffer[5] = ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[0].PresentChargingCurrent;
-						output.buffer[6] = ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.AcPhaseCount;
-						output.buffer[7] = chksumCal(&output);
-						break;
-						output.size = 5;
-						output.buffer[0] = 0x55;
-						output.buffer[1] = 0x01;
-						output.buffer[2] = input.buffer[2];
-						output.buffer[3] = 0x01;
-						output.buffer[4] = chksumCal(&output);
-						if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.AvailableShargingCurrent != input.buffer[3])
-						{
-							ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.AvailableShargingCurrent = input.buffer[3];
-							DEBUG_INFO("Get available current from server: %d\n", ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.AvailableShargingCurrent);
-						}
-						break;
-					default:
-						DEBUG_WARN("Receive unknown command.\n");
-						output.size = 4;
-						output.buffer[0] = 0x55;
-						output.buffer[1] = 0x00;
-						output.buffer[2] = SHARING_CMD_UNKNOWN;
-						output.buffer[3] = chksumCal(&output);
-						break;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				DEBUG_WARN("Receive command check sum error.\n");
-				output.size = 4;
-				output.buffer[0] = 0x55;
-				output.buffer[1] = 0x00;
-				output.buffer[2] = SHARING_CMD_CHKSUM_ERROR;
-				output.buffer[3] = chksumCal(&output);
-			}
-			dM(output.buffer, output.size, NO);
-			send(sockfd, output.buffer, output.size, 0);
-		}
-		else if(input.size == 0)
-		{
-			DEBUG_INFO("DisSocketConnected.\n");
-			fflush(stdout);
-			socketEnable = OFF;
-			ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.isConnectedSharingServer = OFF;
-		}
-		else if(input.size == -1)
-		{
-			if(cntSocketErr > 5)
-			{
-				socketEnable = OFF;
-				DEBUG_ERROR("Socket error occur\n");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				cntSocketErr++;
-			}
-		}
-		usleep(1000000);
-	}
-	close(sockfd);
-	return FAIL;
-// Local loading balance check
-int balance_check_loop(void)
-	for(;;)
-	{
-		// Check conn heart beat
-		for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-		{
-			if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected &&
-			   ((difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastHeartBeatTime) > TIMEOUT_SPEC_HEARTBEAT) || (difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastHeartBeatTime) < 0)))
-			{
-				DEBUG_INFO("SocketFd-%d heart beat is over %d seconds.\n", ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd, TIMEOUT_SPEC_HEARTBEAT);
-				ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected = FALSE;
-				ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected = FALSE;
-			}
-		}
-		// Check available power
-		if(ShmPowerSharing->hasNewConn)
-		{
-			DEBUG_INFO("Detect gun connected re-allocate available current to each connection.\n");
-			for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-			{
-				if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected &&
-				   ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected)
-				{
-					ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent = 6;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			ShmPowerSharing->hasNewConn = NO;
-		}
-		for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<CONNECTION_LIMIT;idx++)
-		{
-			if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isSocketConnected &&
-			   ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].isGunConnected)
-			{
-				if((difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastCheckCapacityTime) > TIMEOUT_SPEC_CHECK_CAPACITY) || (difftime(time((time_t*)NULL), ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastCheckCapacityTime) < 0))
-				{
-					if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent >= (ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].presentOutputCurrent+2))
-					{
-						if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent >= 8)
-							ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent -= 2;
-					}
-					else if(((ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].presentOutputCurrent-1) < ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent) &&
-							(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent < (ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].presentOutputCurrent+1)) &&
-							(conn_getOnHandCurrent() >= 2))
-					{
-						ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent += 2;
-					}
-					else
-					{}
-					ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].lastCheckCapacityTime = time((time_t*)NULL);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if(ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent != 0)
-				{
-					DEBUG_INFO("Dupfd-%d on conn_info-%d update sharing current(A): 0\n", ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].socketFd, idx);
-				}
-				ShmPowerSharing->Connection_Info[idx].availableSharingCurrent = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		sleep(1);
-	}
-	return FAIL;
-// Main process
-int main(void)
-	signal(SIGCHLD,SIG_IGN);
-	// Initial share memory
-	if(InitShareMemory() == FAIL)
-	{
-		DEBUG_ERROR("InitShareMemory NG\n");
-		if(ShmStatusCodeData!=NULL)
-		{
-			ShmStatusCodeData->AlarmCode.AlarmEvents.bits.FailToCreateShareMemory=ON;
-		}
-		sleep(5);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	// Enable server if rotary switch not slave mode
-	if((ShmCharger->gun_info[0].primaryMcuState.rotatory_switch != SWITCH_F_SLAVE) &&
-	   (AC_QUANTITY==1?TRUE:(ShmCharger->gun_info[1].primaryMcuState.rotatory_switch != SWITCH_F_SLAVE)))
-	{
-		// TCP socket server start
-		if(fork() == 0)
-		{
-			if(tcpSocketServerStart() == FAIL)
-			{
-				DEBUG_ERROR("TCP socket server down.\n");
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-		// Connection check loop
-		if(fork() == 0)
-		{
-			if(balance_check_loop() == FAIL)
-			{
-				DEBUG_ERROR("Local loading balance check loop fail.\n");
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	sleep(10);
-	for(;;)
-	{
-		// Slave logic
-		tcpSocketClientStart();
-		usleep(100000);
-	}
-	return FAIL;

+ 0 - 126

@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * Module_PowerSharing.h
- *
- *  Created on: 2020/12/07
- *      Author: foluswen
- */
-#include 	<sys/time.h>
-#include 	<sys/timeb.h>
-#include    <sys/types.h>
-#include    <sys/stat.h>
-#include 	<sys/types.h>
-#include 	<sys/ioctl.h>
-#include 	<sys/socket.h>
-#include 	<sys/ipc.h>
-#include 	<sys/shm.h>
-#include 	<sys/shm.h>
-#include 	<sys/mman.h>
-#include 	<linux/wireless.h>
-#include 	<arpa/inet.h>
-#include 	<netinet/in.h>
-#include 	<unistd.h>
-#include 	<stdarg.h>
-#include    <stdio.h>
-#include    <stdlib.h>
-#include    <unistd.h>
-#include    <fcntl.h>
-#include    <termios.h>
-#include    <errno.h>
-#include 	<errno.h>
-#include 	<string.h>
-#include	<time.h>
-#include	<ctype.h>
-#include 	<ifaddrs.h>
-#include 	<sys/types.h>
-#include 	<sys/socket.h>
-#include 	<netinet/in.h>
-#include 	<netdb.h>
-#include 	<error.h>
-#include 	<signal.h>
-#include	"define.h"
-#include 	"main.h"
-//#define DEBUG
-#define is_error(ptr) 				((unsigned long)ptr > (unsigned long)-4000L)
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)				(sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]))
-#define PASS						1
-#define FAIL			   			-1
-#define ON							1
-#define OFF							0
-#define YES							1
-#define NO							0
-#define true			    		1
-#define false						0
-#define LISTEN_PORT_TCP				118
-#define ShmPowerShargingKey			LISTEN_PORT_TCP+8000
-	SWITCH_1_12A,
-	SWITCH_2_16A,
-	SWITCH_3_20A,
-	SWITCH_4_24A,
-	SWITCH_5_28A,
-	SWITCH_6_32A,
-	SWITCH_7_36A,
-	SWITCH_8_40A,
-	SWITCH_9_48A,
-struct Message
-	int			size;
-	uint8_t		buffer[2048];
-	int 		socketFd;					// Socket file description
-	uint16_t	availableSharingCurrent;	// Each connection available sharing current, resolution: 1A
-	uint16_t	presentOutputCurrent;		// Each connection preset output current, resolution: 1A
-	uint8_t		acPhase;					// Each connection ac power phase
-	uint16_t	SOC;						// Each connection preset SOC, resolution: 0.1%
-	uint16_t	remindTime;					// Each connection remind charging time, resolution: 1min
-	time_t		lastHeartBeatTime;			// Each connection latest get heart beat start time
-	time_t		lastGetStatusTime;			// Each connection latest get status start time
-	time_t		lastSetCapacityTime;		// Each connection latest set capacity start time
-	time_t		lastCheckCapacityTime;		// Each connection latest check capacity start time
-	uint8_t		isSocketConnected:1;		// Each connection socket connected flag
-	uint8_t		isGunConnected:1;			// Each connection gun connected flag
-	uint8_t					connectedQty;
-	uint16_t				onHandCurrent;
-	uint8_t					hasNewConn:1;

+ 7 - 7

@@ -3014,7 +3014,7 @@ void get_firmware_version(unsigned char gun_index)
 	strcpy((char*)ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CsuPrimFwRev, ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].ver.Version_FW);
 	// Get CSU root file system version
-	sprintf((char*)ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CsuRootFsFwRev, "B0.61.00.0000.00");
+	sprintf((char*)ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.CsuRootFsFwRev, "B0.62.00.0000.00");
 	// Get AC connector type from model name
 	for(uint8_t idx=0;idx<3;idx++)
@@ -4055,7 +4055,7 @@ void checkTask()
 		system("/root/Module_EventLogging &");
-	if((strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.OcppServerURL,"") != 0) && !ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging)
+	if((strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.OcppServerURL,"") != 0) && !ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing)
 		if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.OcppRunningVer == OCPP_RUNNING_VERSION_16)
@@ -4093,7 +4093,7 @@ void checkTask()
-	if((strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.MaintainServerURL,"") != 0) && !ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging)
+	if((strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.MaintainServerURL,"") != 0) && !ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing)
 		if(system("pidof -s OcppBackendPH > /dev/null") != 0)
@@ -4133,7 +4133,7 @@ void checkTask()
 	if((system("pidof -s Module_PowerSharing > /dev/null") != 0) &&
-		ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging)
+		ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing)
 		DEBUG_INFO("Module_PowerSharing not running, restart it.\n");
 		system ("/root/Module_PowerSharing &");
@@ -5532,12 +5532,12 @@ int main(void)
 						ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].isSleepOn = NO;
 						// If Web Server OPCC URL is empty kill Module_OcppBackend
-						if((strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.OcppServerURL,"") == 0) || ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging)
+						if((strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.OcppServerURL,"") == 0) || ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing)
 							if(strcmp((char *)&ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.OcppServerURL,"") == 0)
 								DEBUG_INFO("URL is empty kill Module_OcppBackend...\n");
-							if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging)
+							if(ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing)
 								DEBUG_INFO("Local power sharing enable kill Module_OcppBackend...\n");
 							system ("pkill OcppBackend");
@@ -6312,7 +6312,7 @@ int main(void)
 						checkChargingProfileLimit(gun_index, ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.AcChargingData[gun_index].SystemStatus);
 						// Charging session target current check if OCPP disconnect and power sharing server connected
-						if(!ocpp_get_connection_status() && ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharging)
+						if(!ocpp_get_connection_status() && ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysConfig.isEnableLocalPowerSharing)
 								ShmCharger->gun_info[gun_index].targetCurrent = ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.localSharingInfo.AvailableShargingCurrent;

+ 1 - 1

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ else
 	rm /etc/ppp/resolv.conf &>/dev/null	
 	killall pppd &>/dev/null
 	sleep 2
-	/root/ppp/pppd $1 115200 mtu 1450 mru 1450 noipdefault persist nodeflate nodetach usepeerdns connect /root/ppp/ppp-on-dialer &
+	/root/ppp/pppd $1 115200 mtu 1450 mru 1450 debug noipdefault persist nodeflate nodetach usepeerdns connect /root/ppp/ppp-on-dialer &
 	sleep 30

+ 5 - 1

@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ exec /root/ppp/chat -v						\
 	""              "ATZ" 				\
 	OK              "ATE1" 				\
 	OK              "AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"$APN\" " \
-        TIMEOUT         22                              \
+        OK              "AT+CFUN=1"                     \
+        OK              "AT+CGDATA=\"ppp\",1,1"         \
+	TIMEOUT         22                              \
 	OK             	\\d\\d\\d			\
 	""		ATD$TELEPHONE      	 	\
 	TIMEOUT         22 		                \
@@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ exec /root/ppp/chat -v						\
 	""              "ATZ" 				\
 	OK              "ATE1" 				\
 	OK              "AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"$APN\" " \
+	OK              "AT+CFUN=1"                     \
+        OK              "AT+CGDATA=\"ppp\",1,1"         \
         TIMEOUT         22                              \
 	OK             	\\d\\d\\d			\
 	""		ATD$TELEPHONE      	 	\