@@ -345,6 +345,7 @@ enum CoreProfile {
+ CpoName,
@@ -697,6 +698,7 @@ struct ChargingInfoData
unsigned char EvConnAlarmCode[7];
float ChargingProfileCurrent; // unit: 0.1A
float ChargingProfilePower; // unit: 1W
+ float LocalPowerLimitCurrent; // unit: 1A
float PresentChargingVoltageL2; //0~6553.5 volt
float PresentChargingVoltageL3; //0~6553.5 volt
float PresentChargingCurrentL2; //0~6553.5 amp
@@ -1422,7 +1424,7 @@ char AlarmStatusCode[160][6]=
"012345", // AC: Pilot negative error
"012346", // Psu Communication error with CSU
"012347", // AC: Local power sharing communication error (Slave disconnect from Master)
- "012348", // reserved
+ "012348", // Chiller Alarm failure
"012349", // reserved
"012350", // reserved
"012351", // reserved
@@ -1603,7 +1605,8 @@ struct AlarmCodeData
unsigned char PilotNegativeError:1; //bit 1
unsigned char PsuComminicationErrWithCSU:1; //bit 2
unsigned char LocalPowerSharingCommunicationError:1; //bit 3
- unsigned char :4; //reserved bit 4 ~ bit 7
+ unsigned char ChillerAlarmFail:1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char :3; //reserved bit 4 ~ bit 7
unsigned char PaymentCommTimeout:1; //Payment system communication timeout
unsigned char :7; //reserved bit 1 ~ bit 7
@@ -2425,7 +2428,7 @@ struct DynamicReleaseCtrl
unsigned char ReleaseLoopStep; // 0 : None, 1 : Limit Pwr, 2 : Pwr OFF, 3. RCB OFF, 4. Finish
float CheckOutPwrIsStable;// 0.1kw
unsigned char TargetRelay; // 255 : None
- unsigned char AutoRelease;
+ unsigned char AutoRelease;
float LimitCurCap; // Inform 0.1A
float LimitPwrCap; // Inform 0.1kw
@@ -4127,7 +4130,8 @@ struct PrimaryMcuData
unsigned char Key1:1; //bit 2, H: ON, L:OFF
unsigned char Key2:1; //bit 3, H: ON, L:OFF
unsigned char Key3:1; //bit 4, H: ON, L:OFF
- unsigned char :3; //bit 5~7, Reserved
+ unsigned char Ac_Drop; //bit 4, H: Trigger, L:Normal
+ unsigned char :2; //bit 5~7, Reserved
@@ -4429,9 +4433,9 @@ struct StructDataTransfer
unsigned char VendorId[256];
unsigned char MessageId[52];
- unsigned char Data[512];
+ unsigned char Data[10240];
unsigned char ResponseStatus[18]; //Accepted, Rejected,UnknownMessageId,UnknownVendorId
- unsigned char ResponseData[512];
+ unsigned char ResponseData[10240];
struct StructDiagnosticsStatusNotification
@@ -4740,261 +4744,6 @@ struct StructSessionTarget
unsigned short targetDuration; // Unit: Minutes 0 is unlimit
-// YES custom protocol
-struct StructChargerInfo
- unsigned char station_name[64];
-struct StructWeatherInfo
- int weatherId;
- float temperature;
-struct StructCreditDeductResult
- int txId;
- unsigned char creditNo[64];
- unsigned char vemData[80];
- unsigned char ROC[20];
- unsigned char RRN[20];
- unsigned char storeId[20];
- unsigned char approvalNo[20];
- double amount;
- unsigned char deductResult:1;
- unsigned char isDonateInvoice:1;
-struct StructReaderStatus
- int readerStatus;
- unsigned char creditNo[64];
- unsigned char ReportReaderStatusReq:1;
-struct StructTcciCustomData
- struct StructChargerInfo ChargerInfo;
- struct StructWeatherInfo WeatherInfo;
- struct StructCreditDeductResult DeductInfo;
- struct StructReaderStatus ReaderStatus[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- unsigned char TriggerReaderReq[3];
- unsigned char SerialNo[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY][37];
- unsigned char VEMData[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY][65];
- unsigned char ReportCreditDeductReq:1;
- unsigned char ChargerInfoReq:1;
- unsigned char ChargerInfoConf:1;
- unsigned char WeatherInfoReq:1;
- unsigned char WeatherInfoConf:1;
- unsigned char :3; // bit 5-7 , reserved
-struct OCMFData
- unsigned char SendOcmfDataReq:1; // bit 0 , Flag to ask OCPP sending OCMF message to backend.
- unsigned char :7; // bit 1-7 , reserved
- unsigned char DataString[2048]; // Data got from meter.
- unsigned char PublicKey[256]; // PublicKey with header got from meter.
-struct OCPP16Data
- unsigned char OcppServerURL[512]; //http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
- unsigned char ChargeBoxId[128];
- unsigned char OcppConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
- unsigned int Timeout_Secs;
- unsigned short Ping_Pong_Interval;
- long int procDogTime; // Process watch dog refresh timer
- union
- {
- //Operations Initiated by Charge Point
- unsigned char CpMsgValue[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct
- {
- //CpMsgValue[0]
- unsigned char DataTransferReq:1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char DataTransferConf:1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char StartTransactionReq:1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char StartTransactionConf:1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char StopTransactionReq:1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char StopTransactionConf:1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char :2; //bit 6,7 , reserved
- }CpMsg;
- union
- {
- //Operations Initiated by Sequence Point
- unsigned char SpMsgValue[2];
- struct
- {
- //SpMsgValue[0]
- unsigned char BootNotificationReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char BootNotificationConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char AuthorizeReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char AuthorizeConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char DiagnosticsStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char DiagnosticsStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char FirmwareStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 6,
- unsigned char FirmwareStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 7,
- //SpMsgValue[1]
- unsigned char LogStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char LogStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char SecurityEventNotificationReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char SecurityEventNotificationConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char SignCertificateReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char SignCertificateConf :1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char SignedFirmwareStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 6,
- unsigned char SignedFirmwareStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 7,
- } bits;
- } SpMsg;
- union
- {
- //Operations Initiated by Central System
- unsigned char CsMsgValue[3 * (CONNECTOR_QUANTITY)];
- struct
- {
- //CsMsgValue[0]
- unsigned char CancelReservationReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char CancelReservationConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char ChangeAvailabilityReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char ChangeAvailabilityConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char ReserveNowReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char ReserveNowConf :1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char SetChargingProfileReq :1; //bit 6,
- unsigned char SetChargingProfileConf :1; //bit 7,
- //CsMsgValue[1]
- unsigned char TriggerMessageReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char TriggerMessageConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char UnlockConnectorReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char UnlockConnectorConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char RemoteStartTransactionReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char RemoteStartTransactionConf :1;//bit 5,
- unsigned char RemoteStopTransactionReq :1; //bit 6,
- unsigned char RemoteStopTransactionConf :1; //bit 7,
- //CsMsgValue[2]
- unsigned char ClearChargingProfileReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char ClearChargingProfileConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char DataTransferReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char DataTransferConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char GetCompositeScheduleReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char GetCompositeScheduleConf :1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char :2; //bit 6,7
- }CsMsg;
- union
- {
- //Operations Initiated by Main System
- unsigned char MsMsgValue[4];
- struct
- {
- //CsMsgValue[0]
- unsigned char ChangeConfigurationReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char ChangeConfigurationConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char ClearCacheReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char ClearCacheConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char GetConfigurationReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char GetConfigurationConf :1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char UpdateFirmwareReq :1; //bit 6,
- unsigned char UpdateFirmwareConf :1; //bit 7,
- //CsMsgValue[1]
- unsigned char GetDiagnosticsReq :1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char GetDiagnosticsConf :1; //bit 1,
- unsigned char GetLocalListVersionReq :1; //bit 2,
- unsigned char GetLocalListVersionConf :1; //bit 3,
- unsigned char ResetReq :1; //bit 4,
- unsigned char ResetConf :1; //bit 5,
- unsigned char SendLocalListReq :1; //bit 6,
- unsigned char SendLocalListConf :1; //bit 7,
- //CsMsgValue[2]
- unsigned char CertificateSignedReq :1; //bit 0
- unsigned char CertificateSignedConf :1; //bit 1
- unsigned char DeleteCertificateReq :1; //bit 2
- unsigned char DeleteCertificateConf :1; //bit 3
- unsigned char ExtendedTriggerMessageReq :1; //bit 4
- unsigned char ExtendedTriggerMessageConf :1; //bit 5
- unsigned char GetInstalledCertificateIdsReq :1; //bit 6
- unsigned char GetInstalledCertificateIdsConf :1; //bit 7
- //CsMsgValue[3]
- unsigned char GetLogReq :1; //bit 0
- unsigned char GetLogConf :1; //bit 1
- unsigned char InstallCertificateReq :1; //bit 2
- unsigned char InstallCertificateConf :1; //bit 3
- unsigned char SignedUpdateFirmwareReq :1; //bit 4
- unsigned char SignedUpdateFirmwareConf :1; //bit 5
- unsigned char isRemoteStartWaitReq :1; //bit 6
- unsigned char :1; //bit 7
- } bits;
- } MsMsg;
- union
- {
- //Operations triggered by CSU
- unsigned char CSUMsgValue[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct
- {
- //CSUMsgValue[0]
- unsigned char ChargingProfileReq:1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char ChargingProfileConf:1; //bit 0,
- unsigned char :6; //bit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 , reserved
- }CSUMsg;
- struct StructBootNotification BootNotification;
- struct StructHeartbeat Heartbeat;
- struct StructAuthorize Authorize;
- struct StructStartTransaction StartTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructStopTransaction StopTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructStatusNotification StatusNotification[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructCancelReservation CancelReservation[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructChangeAvailability ChangeAvailability[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructChangeConfiguration ChangeConfiguration;
- struct StructClearCache ClearCache;
- struct StructClearChargingProfile ClearChargingProfile[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructDataTransfer DataTransfer[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructDiagnosticsStatusNotification DiagnosticsStatusNotification;
- struct StructFirmwareStatusNotification FirmwareStatusNotification;
- struct StructGetCompositeSchedule GetCompositeSchedule[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructGetConfiguration GetConfiguration;
- struct StructGetDiagnostics GetDiagnostics;
- struct StructGetLocalListVersion GetLocalListVersion;
- struct StructMeterValues MeterValues[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructRemoteStartTransaction RemoteStartTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructRemoteStopTransaction RemoteStopTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructReserveNow ReserveNow[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructReset Reset;
- struct StructSendLocalList SendLocalList;
- struct StructSetChargingProfile SetChargingProfile[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructTriggerMessage TriggerMessage[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructUnlockConnector UnlockConnector[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructUpdateFirmware UpdateFirmware;
- struct OCPP16ConfigurationTable ConfigurationTable;
- struct StructChargingProfile SmartChargingProfile[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructChargingProfile MaxChargingProfile;
- struct StructCost Cost;
- struct StructCertificateSigned CertificateSigned;
- struct StructDeleteCertificate DeleteCertificate;
- struct StructExtendedTrigger ExtendedTriggerMessage;
- struct StructGetInstalledCertificateIds GetInstalledCertificateIds;
- struct StructGetLog GetLog;
- struct StructInstallCertificate InstallCertificate;
- struct StructSignedUpdateFirmware SignedUpdateFirmware;
- struct StructLogStatusNotification LogStatusNotification;
- struct StructSecurityEventNotification SecurityEventNotification;
- struct StructSignCertificate SignCertificate;
- struct StructSignedFirmwareStatusNotification SignedFirmwareStatusNotification;
- struct StructSessionTarget SessionTarget[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
- struct StructTcciCustomData TcciCustomData;
/************************* OCPP 2.0 Share memory **************************************/
@@ -6113,6 +5862,283 @@ struct NetworkConnectionProfile_20
struct NetworkConnectionProfileType connectionData;
+// YES custom protocol
+struct StructChargerInfo
+ unsigned char station_name[64];
+struct StructWeatherInfo
+ int weatherId;
+ float temperature;
+struct StructCreditDeductResult
+ int txId;
+ unsigned char creditNo[64];
+ unsigned char vemData[80];
+ unsigned char ROC[20];
+ unsigned char RRN[20];
+ unsigned char storeId[20];
+ unsigned char approvalNo[20];
+ double amount;
+ unsigned char deductResult:1;
+ unsigned char isDonateInvoice:1;
+struct StructReaderStatus
+ int readerStatus;
+ unsigned char creditNo[64];
+ unsigned char ReportReaderStatusReq:1;
+struct StructTcciCustomData
+ struct StructChargerInfo ChargerInfo;
+ struct StructWeatherInfo WeatherInfo;
+ struct StructCreditDeductResult DeductInfo;
+ struct StructReaderStatus ReaderStatus[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ unsigned char TriggerReaderReq[3];
+ unsigned char SerialNo[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY][37];
+ unsigned char VEMData[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY][65];
+ unsigned char ReportCreditDeductReq:1;
+ unsigned char ChargerInfoReq:1;
+ unsigned char ChargerInfoConf:1;
+ unsigned char WeatherInfoReq:1;
+ unsigned char WeatherInfoConf:1;
+ unsigned char :3; // bit 5-7 , reserved
+struct OCMFData
+ unsigned char SendOcmfDataReq:1; // bit 0 , Flag to ask OCPP sending OCMF message to backend.
+ unsigned char :7; // bit 1-7 , reserved
+ unsigned char DataString[2048]; // Data got from meter.
+ unsigned char PublicKey[256]; // PublicKey with header got from meter.
+struct OCPP16_V2g_Extend
+ struct Authorize_20 Authorize;
+ struct CertificateSigned_20 CertificateSigned;
+ struct DeleteCertificate_20 DeleteCertificate;
+ struct Get15118EVCertificate_20 Get15118EVCertificate;
+ struct GetCertificateStatus_20 GetCertificateStatus;
+ struct GetInstalledCertificateIds_20 GetInstalledCertificateIds;
+ struct InstallCertificate_20 InstallCertificate;
+ struct SignCertificate_20 SignCertificate;
+ unsigned char AuthorizeReq:1;
+ unsigned char AuthorizeConf:1;
+ unsigned char Get15118EVCertificateReq:1;
+ unsigned char Get15118EVCertificateConf:1;
+ unsigned char GetCertificateStatusReq:1;
+ unsigned char GetCertificateStatusConf:1;
+ unsigned char SignCertificateReq:1;
+ unsigned char SignCertificateConf:1;
+struct OCPP16Data
+ unsigned char OcppServerURL[512]; //http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
+ unsigned char ChargeBoxId[128];
+ unsigned char OcppConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
+ unsigned int Timeout_Secs;
+ unsigned short Ping_Pong_Interval;
+ long int procDogTime; // Process watch dog refresh timer
+ union
+ {
+ //Operations Initiated by Charge Point
+ unsigned char CpMsgValue[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct
+ {
+ //CpMsgValue[0]
+ unsigned char DataTransferReq:1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char DataTransferConf:1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char StartTransactionReq:1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char StartTransactionConf:1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char StopTransactionReq:1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char StopTransactionConf:1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char :2; //bit 6,7 , reserved
+ }CpMsg;
+ union
+ {
+ //Operations Initiated by Sequence Point
+ unsigned char SpMsgValue[2];
+ struct
+ {
+ //SpMsgValue[0]
+ unsigned char BootNotificationReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char BootNotificationConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char AuthorizeReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char AuthorizeConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char DiagnosticsStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char DiagnosticsStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char FirmwareStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 6,
+ unsigned char FirmwareStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 7,
+ //SpMsgValue[1]
+ unsigned char LogStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char LogStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char SecurityEventNotificationReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char SecurityEventNotificationConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char SignCertificateReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char SignCertificateConf :1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char SignedFirmwareStatusNotificationReq :1; //bit 6,
+ unsigned char SignedFirmwareStatusNotificationConf :1; //bit 7,
+ } bits;
+ } SpMsg;
+ union
+ {
+ //Operations Initiated by Central System
+ unsigned char CsMsgValue[3 * (CONNECTOR_QUANTITY)];
+ struct
+ {
+ //CsMsgValue[0]
+ unsigned char CancelReservationReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char CancelReservationConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char ChangeAvailabilityReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char ChangeAvailabilityConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char ReserveNowReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char ReserveNowConf :1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char SetChargingProfileReq :1; //bit 6,
+ unsigned char SetChargingProfileConf :1; //bit 7,
+ //CsMsgValue[1]
+ unsigned char TriggerMessageReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char TriggerMessageConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char UnlockConnectorReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char UnlockConnectorConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char RemoteStartTransactionReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char RemoteStartTransactionConf :1;//bit 5,
+ unsigned char RemoteStopTransactionReq :1; //bit 6,
+ unsigned char RemoteStopTransactionConf :1; //bit 7,
+ //CsMsgValue[2]
+ unsigned char ClearChargingProfileReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char ClearChargingProfileConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char DataTransferReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char DataTransferConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char GetCompositeScheduleReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char GetCompositeScheduleConf :1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char :2; //bit 6,7
+ }CsMsg;
+ union
+ {
+ //Operations Initiated by Main System
+ unsigned char MsMsgValue[4];
+ struct
+ {
+ //CsMsgValue[0]
+ unsigned char ChangeConfigurationReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char ChangeConfigurationConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char ClearCacheReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char ClearCacheConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char GetConfigurationReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char GetConfigurationConf :1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char UpdateFirmwareReq :1; //bit 6,
+ unsigned char UpdateFirmwareConf :1; //bit 7,
+ //CsMsgValue[1]
+ unsigned char GetDiagnosticsReq :1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char GetDiagnosticsConf :1; //bit 1,
+ unsigned char GetLocalListVersionReq :1; //bit 2,
+ unsigned char GetLocalListVersionConf :1; //bit 3,
+ unsigned char ResetReq :1; //bit 4,
+ unsigned char ResetConf :1; //bit 5,
+ unsigned char SendLocalListReq :1; //bit 6,
+ unsigned char SendLocalListConf :1; //bit 7,
+ //CsMsgValue[2]
+ unsigned char CertificateSignedReq :1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char CertificateSignedConf :1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char DeleteCertificateReq :1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char DeleteCertificateConf :1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char ExtendedTriggerMessageReq :1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char ExtendedTriggerMessageConf :1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char GetInstalledCertificateIdsReq :1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char GetInstalledCertificateIdsConf :1; //bit 7
+ //CsMsgValue[3]
+ unsigned char GetLogReq :1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char GetLogConf :1; //bit 1
+ unsigned char InstallCertificateReq :1; //bit 2
+ unsigned char InstallCertificateConf :1; //bit 3
+ unsigned char SignedUpdateFirmwareReq :1; //bit 4
+ unsigned char SignedUpdateFirmwareConf :1; //bit 5
+ unsigned char isRemoteStartWaitReq :1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char :1; //bit 7
+ } bits;
+ } MsMsg;
+ union
+ {
+ //Operations triggered by CSU
+ unsigned char CSUMsgValue[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct
+ {
+ //CSUMsgValue[0]
+ unsigned char ChargingProfileReq:1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char ChargingProfileConf:1; //bit 0,
+ unsigned char :6; //bit 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 , reserved
+ }CSUMsg;
+ struct StructBootNotification BootNotification;
+ struct StructHeartbeat Heartbeat;
+ struct StructAuthorize Authorize;
+ struct StructStartTransaction StartTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructStopTransaction StopTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructStatusNotification StatusNotification[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructCancelReservation CancelReservation[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructChangeAvailability ChangeAvailability[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructChangeConfiguration ChangeConfiguration;
+ struct StructClearCache ClearCache;
+ struct StructClearChargingProfile ClearChargingProfile[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructDataTransfer DataTransfer[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructDiagnosticsStatusNotification DiagnosticsStatusNotification;
+ struct StructFirmwareStatusNotification FirmwareStatusNotification;
+ struct StructGetCompositeSchedule GetCompositeSchedule[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructGetConfiguration GetConfiguration;
+ struct StructGetDiagnostics GetDiagnostics;
+ struct StructGetLocalListVersion GetLocalListVersion;
+ struct StructMeterValues MeterValues[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructRemoteStartTransaction RemoteStartTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructRemoteStopTransaction RemoteStopTransaction[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructReserveNow ReserveNow[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructReset Reset;
+ struct StructSendLocalList SendLocalList;
+ struct StructSetChargingProfile SetChargingProfile[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructTriggerMessage TriggerMessage[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructUnlockConnector UnlockConnector[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructUpdateFirmware UpdateFirmware;
+ struct OCPP16ConfigurationTable ConfigurationTable;
+ struct StructChargingProfile SmartChargingProfile[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructChargingProfile MaxChargingProfile;
+ struct StructCost Cost;
+ struct StructCertificateSigned CertificateSigned;
+ struct StructDeleteCertificate DeleteCertificate;
+ struct StructExtendedTrigger ExtendedTriggerMessage;
+ struct StructGetInstalledCertificateIds GetInstalledCertificateIds;
+ struct StructGetLog GetLog;
+ struct StructInstallCertificate InstallCertificate;
+ struct StructSignedUpdateFirmware SignedUpdateFirmware;
+ struct StructLogStatusNotification LogStatusNotification;
+ struct StructSecurityEventNotification SecurityEventNotification;
+ struct StructSignCertificate SignCertificate;
+ struct StructSignedFirmwareStatusNotification SignedFirmwareStatusNotification;
+ struct StructSessionTarget SessionTarget[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructTcciCustomData TcciCustomData;
+ struct OCPP16_V2g_Extend v2g_extend;
struct OCPP20Data
unsigned char OcppServerURL[512]; //http: non-secure OCPP 1.5-S, https: secure OCPP 1.5-S, ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
@@ -6120,7 +6146,7 @@ struct OCPP20Data
unsigned char OcppConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
unsigned int Timeout_Secs;
unsigned short Ping_Pong_Interval;
- long int procDogTime; // Process watch dog refresh timer
+ long int procDogTime; // Process watch dog refresh timer
struct ReportDataType ControllerComponentVariable[CtrlrVariable_CNT];
struct NetworkConnectionProfile_20 NetworkConnectionProfile[10];