2022.07.13 / Folus Wen Actions: 1. SeccComm.c End_Process() change restart process to killall process. 2. Add plctool, plcboot, plcinit to /bin. Files: 1. As follow commit history Image version: D0.00.XX.XXXX.XX Image checksum: XXXXXXXX Hardware PWB P/N : XXXXXXX Hardware Version : XXXXXXX
@@ -17612,7 +17612,11 @@ int End_Process()
Qca7kPowerReset(); //reset QCA7000 /* +++ 20200808, vern, should disconnected PLC connection after session stop ---*/
- system("cd /root;./reset_soft.sh");
+#ifdef AWCCS
+ system("killall SeccComm");
+ system("cd /root;./reset_soft.sh");
//wait for CSU configrm
+#ifdef AX80