@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ static uint8_t gunType[4] = {0};
// Local List Version
-static int localversion=0;
+static int locallistVersion=0;
static char idTagAuthorization[32] = {0};
@@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ static int callback(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){
static int versioncallback(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){
//int i;
//printf("%s:\n", (const char*)data);
- localversion = argv[5] ? atoi(argv[5]) : 0;
- //printf("localversion=%d\n", localversion);
+ locallistVersion = (argv[5] ? atoi(argv[5]) : 0);
+ DEBUG_INFO("Callback query locallistVersion : %d\n", locallistVersion);
return 0;
@@ -9159,7 +9159,7 @@ void* GetDiagnosticsProcess(void* data)
sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/SystemLog/*%04d*%02d*", cmdBuf, targetYear, targetMonth);
- sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/OCPP/*%04d*%02d*", cmdBuf, targetYear, targetMonth);
+ sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/OCPP/*%04d*%02d*SystemLog", cmdBuf, targetYear, targetMonth);
@@ -9174,6 +9174,7 @@ void* GetDiagnosticsProcess(void* data)
((targetYear <= (tmNow->tm_year+1900)) && (targetMonth <= (tmNow->tm_mon+1))));
sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/CCS*.zip", cmdBuf);
+ sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/OCPP/*.db", cmdBuf);
// Pack charging & event log
@@ -9185,7 +9186,7 @@ void* GetDiagnosticsProcess(void* data)
sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/EventLog/*%04d*%02d*", cmdBuf, targetYear, targetMonth);
+ sprintf(cmdBuf, "%s /Storage/OCPP/*%04d*%02d*OcppMessageLog", cmdBuf, targetYear, targetMonth);
targetYear += 1;
@@ -9371,7 +9372,7 @@ int handleGetLocalListVersionRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
if(strcmp((const char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->ConfigurationTable.LocalAuthListManagementProfile[LocalAuthListEnabled].ItemData, "FALSE") == 0)
DEBUG_INFO("LocalAuthListEnabled is FALSE \n");
- localversion = -1;
+ locallistVersion = -1;
@@ -9380,7 +9381,7 @@ int handleGetLocalListVersionRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
//from db.OCPP_getListVerion
- ShmOCPP16DataPH->GetLocalListVersion.ResponseListVersion = localversion;
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->GetLocalListVersion.ResponseListVersion = locallistVersion;
//ShmOCPP16DataPH->MsMsg.bits.GetLocalListVersionReq = 1;
//ShmOCPP16DataPH->MsMsg.bits.GetLocalListVersionConf = 1;
@@ -10565,28 +10566,11 @@ int handleSendLocalListRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
int result = FAIL;
- int listVersionInt;
- //char *updateTypestr, *idTagstr, *expiryDatestr, *parentIdTagstr, *statusstr;
- char listsearch[]="listVersion";
- char updateTypesearch[]="updateType";
- char localAuthorizationListsearch[]="localAuthorizationList";
- char sstr[60500]={ 0 },sstrtemp[60500]={ 0 };//sstr[200]={ 0 };
- char CardList[500][160]={0};
- char updateTypestr[15]={0};
- char idTagstr[20]={0};
- char parentIdTag[20]={0};
- char expiryDate[30]={0};
- char idTagstatus[16]={0};
- int c = 0;
- int i = 0;
- char *delim1 = "}";
- char * pch;
- char *loc;
- //char *ptr;
char comfirmstr[20];
- //int n_localAuthorizations = 0;
int checkState_Faulted = FALSE;
+ json_object *SendLocalList;
if(strcmp((const char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->ConfigurationTable.LocalAuthListManagementProfile[LocalAuthListEnabled].ItemData, "FALSE") == 0) //For OCTT Test case
@@ -10602,7 +10586,6 @@ int handleSendLocalListRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
checkState_Faulted = TRUE; //OCPP Status: Faulted
for (int index = 0; index < CCS_QUANTITY; index++)
@@ -10611,7 +10594,6 @@ int handleSendLocalListRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
checkState_Faulted = TRUE; //OCPP Status
for (int index = 0; index < GB_QUANTITY; index++)
@@ -10622,6 +10604,15 @@ int handleSendLocalListRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
+ //check Charge Point state
+ for (int index = 0; index < GENERAL_GUN_QUANTITY; index++)
+ {
+ if (ShmSysConfigAndInfo->SysInfo.ConnectorInfo[index].GeneralChargingData.SystemStatus == SYS_MODE_FAULT) //S_FAULT ---> Faulted
+ {
+ checkState_Faulted = TRUE; //OCPP Status: Faulted
+ }
+ }
//check Charge Point state
for (int index = 0; index < AC_QUANTITY; index++)
@@ -10637,240 +10628,133 @@ int handleSendLocalListRequest(char *uuid, char *payload)
goto end;
- //Filter payload space
- strcpy(sstrtemp, stringtrimspace(payload));
- //listVersion
- c = 0;
- loc = strstr(sstrtemp, listsearch);
- while ((loc[strlen("listVersion")+2+c] != ',')&&(loc[strlen("listVersion")+2+c] != '}'))
- {
- sstr[c] = loc[strlen("listVersion")+2+c];
- c++;
- }
- sstr[c] = '\0';
- listVersionInt = atoi(sstr);
- ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion = listVersionInt;
- //updateType
- loc = strstr(sstrtemp, updateTypesearch);
- c = 0;
- while (loc[3+strlen(updateTypesearch)+c] != '\"')
- {
- sstr[c] = loc[3+strlen(updateTypesearch)+c];
- c++;
- }
- sstr[c] = '\0';
- strcpy(updateTypestr, sstr);
- sprintf((char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, "%s", updateTypestr);
- //localAuthorizationList
- memset(sstr ,0, ARRAY_SIZE(sstr) );
- loc = strstr(sstrtemp, localAuthorizationListsearch);
- if(loc != NULL) // localAuthorizationList is not NULL
+ // Parsing payload
+ SendLocalList = json_tokener_parse(payload);
+ if(!is_error(SendLocalList))
- //Check UpdateType
- if(strcmp(updateTypestr, UpdateTypeStr[Full]) == 0)
- {
- //Local list full update
- printf("Local list full update.\n");
- OCPP_getListVerion();
- if(listVersionInt < localversion )//if(listVersionInt <= localversion ) for OCTT Case ---remove temporally
- {
- strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Failed]);
- goto end;
- }
- OCPP_cleanLocalList();
+ // Required data
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion = json_object_get_int(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "listVersion"));
+ sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, "%s", json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "updateType")));
- }
- else if(strcmp(updateTypestr, UpdateTypeStr[Differential]) == 0)
+ // Optional data
+ if(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList") != NULL)
- //Local list different update
- printf("Local list different update.\n");
- OCPP_getListVerion();
- if(listVersionInt < localversion )//if(listVersionInt <= localversion ) for OCTT Case ---remove temporally
+ //Check UpdateType
+ if(strcmp((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, UpdateTypeStr[Full]) == 0)
- strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_VersionMismatch]);
- goto end;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_NotSupported]);
- goto end;
- }
- c = 0;
- while (loc[3+strlen(localAuthorizationListsearch)+c] != ']')
- {
- sstr[c] = loc[3+strlen(localAuthorizationListsearch)+c];
- //printf("i=%d sstr=%c\n",c, sstr[c]);
- c++;
- }
- sstr[c] = '\0';
- //DEBUG_INFO("sstr=%s\n", sstr);
- //parsing strings to words
- i = 0;
- pch = strtok(sstr,delim1);
- while (pch != NULL)
- {
- strcpy(CardList[i], pch);
- //DEBUG_INFO("CardList[i]=%s\n", CardList[i]);
- pch = strtok (NULL, delim1);
- i = i + 1;
- }
- //DEBUG_INFO("listVersionInt=%s\n", sstr);
- //local Authorizations List Numbers
- //n_localAuthorizations = i;
- ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion = listVersionInt;
- memset(ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList, 0 , sizeof(struct StructLocalAuthorizationList)* 500);
+ //Local list full update
+ DEBUG_INFO("Local list full update.\n");
- c= 0;
- while(c < i) // i is CardList Number
- {
- //Search "IdToken"
- memset(sstr ,0, ARRAY_SIZE(sstr) );
- loc = strstr(CardList[c], "idTag");
- int j = 0;
- while (loc[3+strlen("idTag")+j] != '\"')
- {
- sstr[j] = loc[3+strlen("idTag")+j];
- //printf("i=%d sstr=%c\n",c, sstr[j]);
- j++;
- }
- sstr[j] = '\0';
- strcpy(idTagstr, sstr);
- //DEBUG_INFO("idTagstr=%s\n", idTagstr);
+ OCPP_getListVerion();
- //Search "expiryDate"
- memset(sstr ,0, ARRAY_SIZE(sstr) );
- loc = strstr(CardList[c], "expiryDate");
- j = 0;
- if(loc != NULL)
- {
- while (loc[3+strlen("expiryDate")+j] != '\"')
+ if(ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion < locallistVersion)
- sstr[j] = loc[3+strlen("expiryDate")+j];
- //printf("i=%d sstr=%c\n",c, sstr[j]);
- j++;
+ strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Failed]);
+ goto end;
- sstr[j] = '\0';
- strcpy(expiryDate, sstr);
+ OCPP_cleanLocalList();
- else
+ else if(strcmp((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, UpdateTypeStr[Differential]) == 0)
- strcpy(expiryDate, "");
- }
+ //Local list different update
+ DEBUG_INFO("Local list different update.\n");
- //DEBUG_INFO("expiryDate=%s\n", expiryDate);
+ OCPP_getListVerion();
- //Search "parentIdTag"
- memset(sstr ,0, ARRAY_SIZE(sstr) );
- loc = strstr(CardList[c], "parentIdTag");
- j = 0;
- if(loc != NULL)
- {
- while (loc[3+strlen("parentIdTag")+j] != '\"')
+ if(ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion < locallistVersion)
- sstr[j] = loc[3+strlen("parentIdTag")+j];
- //printf("i=%d sstr=%c\n",c, sstr[j]);
- j++;
+ strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_VersionMismatch]);
+ goto end;
- sstr[j] = '\0';
- strcpy(parentIdTag, sstr);
- strcpy(parentIdTag, "");
+ strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_NotSupported]);
+ goto end;
- //DEBUG_INFO("parentIdTag=%s\n", parentIdTag);
- //Search "status"
- memset(sstr ,0, ARRAY_SIZE(sstr) );
- loc = strstr(CardList[c], "status");
- j = 0;
- while (loc[3+strlen("status")+j] != '\"')
+ memset(ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList, 0 , sizeof(struct StructLocalAuthorizationList)* 500);
+ for(int idx=0;idx<json_object_array_length(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"));idx++)
- sstr[j] = loc[3+strlen("status")+j];
- //printf("i=%d sstr=%c\n",c, sstr[j]);
- j++;
- }
- sstr[j] = '\0';
- strcpy(idTagstatus, sstr);
+ sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTag, "%s", json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTag")));
- //DEBUG_INFO("idTagstatus=%s\n", idTagstatus);
+ if(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTagInfo") != NULL)
+ {
+ sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.Status, "%s", json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTagInfo"), "status")));
- OCPP_getIdTagFromLocalList(idTagstr);
- //OCPP_getIdTagFromLocalList("test"); For Test
- //DEBUG_INFO("idTagAuthorization=%s\n",idTagAuthorization);
- //DEBUG_INFO("updateTypestr=%s\n",updateTypestr);
+ if(json_object_object_get(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTagInfo"), "expiryDate") != NULL)
+ sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ExpiryDate, "%s", json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTagInfo"), "expiryDate")));
- if(strcmp(updateTypestr, UpdateTypeStr[Full]) == 0)
- {
- //Local list full update
- DEBUG_INFO("Local list full update %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s.\n", c, listVersionInt, idTagstr, parentIdTag, expiryDate, idTagstatus);
- // update list
- OCPP_addLocalList(listVersionInt, idTagstr, parentIdTag, expiryDate, idTagstatus);
- //DEBUG_INFO("Local list full update. 1\n");
- //OCPP_get_TableAuthlocalAllData();
- //DEBUG_INFO("Local list full update. 2\n");
+ if(json_object_object_get(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTagInfo"), "parentIdTag") != NULL)
+ sprintf((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ParentIdTag, "%s", json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(json_object_object_get(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(SendLocalList, "localAuthorizationList"), idx), "idTagInfo"), "parentIdTag")));
+ }
+ // Add to db
+ if(strcmp((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, UpdateTypeStr[Full]) == 0)
+ {
+ //Local list full update
+ DEBUG_INFO("Local list full update item: %d, listVer: %d, %s, %s, %s, %s.\n",
+ idx,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTag,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ParentIdTag,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ExpiryDate,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.Status);
+ // update list
+ OCPP_addLocalList(ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTag,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ParentIdTag,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ExpiryDate,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.Status);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, UpdateTypeStr[Differential]) == 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INFO("Local list diff update item: %d,listVer: %d, %s, %s, %s, %s.\n",
+ idx,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTag,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ParentIdTag,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ExpiryDate,
+ ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.Status);
+ OCPP_addLocalList(ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.ListVersion,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTag,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ParentIdTag,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.ExpiryDate,
+ (char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[idx].IdTagInfo.Status);
+ }
- else if(strcmp(updateTypestr, UpdateTypeStr[Differential]) == 0)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Check UpdateType
+ if(strcmp((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, UpdateTypeStr[Full]) == 0)
- DEBUG_INFO("Local list diff update %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s.\n", c, listVersionInt, idTagstr, parentIdTag, expiryDate, idTagstatus);
- OCPP_addLocalList(listVersionInt, idTagstr, parentIdTag, expiryDate, idTagstatus); // update or add
+ //Local list full update
+ DEBUG_INFO("If no (empty) localAuthorizationList is given and the updateType is Full, all identifications are removed from the list. \n");
+ OCPP_cleanLocalList();
+ strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Accepted]);
+ goto end;
- strcpy((char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[c].IdTag, idTagstr);
- strcpy((char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[c].IdTagInfo.ExpiryDate, expiryDate);
- strcpy((char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[c].IdTagInfo.ParentIdTag, parentIdTag);
- strcpy((char *)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.LocalAuthorizationList[c].IdTagInfo.Status, idTagstatus);
+ if(strcmp((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->SendLocalList.UpdateType, UpdateTypeStr[Differential]) == 0)
+ {
+ //Local list different update
+ DEBUG_INFO("Requesting a Differential update without (empty) localAuthorizationList will have no effect on the list\n");
+ strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Accepted]);
+ goto end;
- c++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Check UpdateType
- if(strcmp(updateTypestr, UpdateTypeStr[Full]) == 0)
- {
- //Local list full update
- DEBUG_INFO("If no (empty) localAuthorizationList is given and the updateType is Full, all identifications are removed from the list. \n");
- OCPP_cleanLocalList();
- strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Accepted]);
- goto end;
+ }
- if(strcmp(updateTypestr, UpdateTypeStr[Differential]) == 0)
- {
- //Local list different update
- DEBUG_INFO("Requesting a Differential update without (empty) localAuthorizationList will have no effect on the list\n");
- strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Accepted]);
- goto end;
- }
+ result = PASS;
strcpy(comfirmstr, UpdateStatusStr[UpdateStatus_Accepted]);
+ json_object_put(SendLocalList);
sendSendLocalListConfirmation(uuid, comfirmstr);
- //ShmOCPP16DataPH->MsMsg.bits.SendLocalListConf = 1;
return result;
@@ -17988,7 +17872,7 @@ void InitialSystemValue(void)
server_cycle_Status = atoi((char*)ShmOCPP16DataPH->ConfigurationTable.CoreProfile[MinimumStatusDuration].ItemData);
SystemInitial = 0;
- localversion=0;
+ locallistVersion=0;
BootNotificationInterval = 0;
authorizeRetryTimes = 0;
GunStatusInterval = 10;