@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ Storage 0x0A200000-0x7FFFFFFF 1886 MB
#define PSU_QUANTITY 0
+#elif defined NoodoeAX
+ #define MAX_PSU_QUANTITY 62
+ #define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
+ #define CCS_QUANTITY 1
+ #define GB_QUANTITY 0
+ #define AC_QUANTITY 1
+ #define PSU_QUANTITY 0
#elif defined AX80
#define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 1
@@ -117,7 +126,7 @@ Storage 0x0A200000-0x7FFFFFFF 1886 MB
#define PSU_QUANTITY 2
-#elif defined DD360 || defined DD360Audi || defined DD360ComBox
+#elif defined DD360 || defined DD360Audi || defined DD360ComBox || defined DD360UCar || defined DD360Tcci
#define CHAdeMO_QUANTITY 2
#define CCS_QUANTITY 2
@@ -312,6 +321,8 @@ enum CoreProfile {
+ OcppServer,
+ MaintainServer,
@@ -450,7 +461,10 @@ typedef union
unsigned int AlarmStop:1; // 0: no effect, 1: alarm stop
unsigned int BackendStop:1; // 0: no effect, 1: backend stop
unsigned int ManualStop:1; // 0: no effect, 1: manual stop
- unsigned int res:28;
+ unsigned int HardResetStop:1; // 0: no effect, 1: hard reset stop
+ unsigned int SoftResetStop:1; // 0: no effect, 1: soft reset stop
+ unsigned int InvalidIdStop:1; // 0: no effect, 1: invalid stop when StopTransactionOnInvalidId is true
+ unsigned int res:25;
@@ -551,9 +565,11 @@ struct SysConfigData
WiringInfoData WiringInfo;
- unsigned char OcppReceiptrURL[512]; // Charging receipt display URL
- unsigned char isAuthrizeByEVCCID; // is Authorize by EVCCID (CCS)
- unsigned char MaintainServerURL[512]; //ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
+ unsigned char OcppReceiptrURL[512]; // Charging receipt display URL
+ unsigned char isAuthrizeByEVCCID; // is Authorize by EVCCID (CCS)
+ unsigned char MaintainServerURL[512]; // ws: non-secure OCPP 1.6-J, wss: secure OCPP 1.6-J"
+ unsigned char MaintainServerSecurityProfile; // Maintain server security profile 0~3
+ unsigned char MaintainServerSecurityPassword[41]; // Maintain server AuthorizationKey for security profile
struct ChargingInfoData
@@ -580,6 +596,7 @@ struct ChargingInfoData
float PresentChargingCurrent; // unit: 1A
float PresentChargingPower; //0~6553.5 kW
float PresentChargedEnergy; //0~6553.5 kWh
+ float presentChargedEnergyPeriod[24]; // Session present charged energy at each period
int PresentChargedDuration; // second
int RemainChargingDuration; // second
float EvBatteryMaxVoltage; // 0~6553.5 volt
@@ -654,8 +671,22 @@ struct ChargingInfoData
unsigned char PantographFlag; // 0: normal gun type, 1: pantograph gun type
unsigned char Replug_flag;
unsigned char isEVCCIDVerify;
+ unsigned char CCSGunType;
+ struct timeval PreChargeTimer;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned char AuthId[32];
+ // 0: Authorize idle, 1: Authorize wait, 2: Authorizing
+ unsigned char AuthStatus; // 3: Authorize done, 4: Authorize end
+ unsigned char AuthTarget; // Authorize Target Connector ID: 1 ~ 4, AutoSelection: 0xFF
+ unsigned char AuthType; // 0: _AuthType_None, 1: _AuthType_RFID, 2: _AuthType_RemoteStart
+ unsigned char AuthResult; // 0: _AuthResult_None, 1: _AuthResult_Valid, 2: _AuthResult_Invalid
+ unsigned char AuthRequest; // 0: no request, 1: authorize request
+ unsigned char res;
typedef union
unsigned int SettingValue;
@@ -666,7 +697,6 @@ typedef union
unsigned int DispenserConfigSync:1; // 0: not synced, 1: synced
unsigned int MiscNeedAnnouncement:1; // 0: no need, 1: need send misc command
unsigned int NeedDispenserVerInfo:1; // 0: no need, 1: need dispenser to report it's version info
- unsigned int EnableAutoGunSelection:1; // 0: disable, 1: enable auto gun selection
unsigned int AuthorizeRequest:1; // 0: idle, 1: requesting ( dispenser -> cabinet)
unsigned int ConnectorTimeoutConfigRequest:1; // 0: no request, 1: connector timeout setting ( ocpp -> cabinet -> dispenser)
unsigned int DefaultPriceConfigRequest:1; // 0: no request, 1: default price setting ( ocpp -> cabinet -> dispenser)
@@ -686,6 +716,7 @@ typedef union
unsigned int StopButtonStatusRequest:1; // 0: no request, 1: stop charging button status has changed ( cabinet -> dispenser)
unsigned int AuthModeConfigRequest:1; // 0: no request, 1: AuthMode Config has changed ( cabinet -> dispenser)
unsigned int EVCCIDConfigRequest:1; // 0: no request, 1: EVCCID Config has changed ( cabinet -> dispenser)
+ unsigned int LEDIntensityRequest:1; // 0: no request, 1: LED Intensity has changed ( cabinet -> dispenser)
unsigned int res:7;
@@ -723,11 +754,7 @@ struct DispenserModule
unsigned char Connector2FwRev[32]; //Connector2 module firmware version
struct LED LedInfo; // LED configuration info
- // 0: Authorize idle, 1: Authorize wait, 2: Authorizing
- unsigned char AuthStatus; // 3: Authorize done, 4: Authorize end
- unsigned char AuthTarget; // Authorize Target Connector ID: 1 ~ 4, AutoSelection: 0xFF
- unsigned char AuthType; // 0: _AuthType_None, 1: _AuthType_RFID, 2: _AuthType_RemoteStart
- unsigned char AuthResult; // 0: _AuthResult_None, 1: _AuthResult_Valid, 2: _AuthResult_Invalid
+ AuthorizingInfoData AuthInfo;
DispenserSettingFlag Setting;
char FwFileName[128];
unsigned char ConnectionChannel;
@@ -808,7 +835,8 @@ typedef union
unsigned int FaultStatusRequest:1;
unsigned int Disconnection:1;
unsigned int GfdDetection:1; // 0: stop, 1: start
- unsigned int res:9;
+ unsigned int GetStartChargingSoc:1; // 0: no effect, 1: get start soc
+ unsigned int res:8;
@@ -820,8 +848,7 @@ struct ConnectorInfoData
unsigned char ParentDispensetIndex; // Parent Dispenser Index: 0 ~ 3
ConnectorParameter Parameter;
- unsigned char AuthorizingType;
- unsigned char AuthorizingResult; // 0: _AuthResult_None, 1: _AuthResult_Valid, 2: _AuthResult_Invalid
+ AuthorizingInfoData AuthInfo;
struct ChargingInfoData GeneralChargingData;
struct WARNING_CODE_INFO WarningInfo;
@@ -840,8 +867,11 @@ struct ConnectorInfoData
unsigned short MaxTotalChargingCurrent; // max total output current, unit: 0.1A
unsigned short MaxTotalChargingPower; // max total output power, unit: 0.1kw
- unsigned short MaxOutputEnergy; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
- unsigned short MaxOutputDuration; //0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
+ unsigned short MaxOutputEnergy; // 0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 kWh
+ unsigned short MaxOutputDuration; // 0: no limit, 1 ~ 65535 minutes
+ float CapabilityVoltage; // unit 0.1V
+ float CapabilityCurrent; // unit 0.1A
+ float CapabilityPower; // unit 0.1kW
unsigned int UserPrice; // connector user's user price, unit: 0.01 (dollar / kWh)
unsigned int TotalCost; // connector user's total cost, unit: 0.01 dollar
@@ -853,14 +883,11 @@ typedef union
unsigned int SettingValue;
- unsigned int StartAuthorize:1; // 0: idle, 1: authorizing
- unsigned int AuthorizingCompleted:1; // 0: not yet, 1: authorizing completed
unsigned int DispenserDisconnection:1; // 0: no connection, 1: dispenser connected
- unsigned int BackendAuthorized:1; // 0: local authorized, 1: backend authorized
unsigned int FlashConfigChanged:1; // 0: no effect, 1: flash config has changed
unsigned int EnableWriteFlash:1; // 0: no effect, 1: enable to write flash after timeout
unsigned int CleanWiringInfo:1; // 0: no effect, 1: clean wiring info
- unsigned int res:25;
+ unsigned int res:28;
@@ -943,7 +970,7 @@ struct SysInfoData
unsigned char InternetConn; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
unsigned char OcppConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
- unsigned char MaintainServerConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
+ unsigned char MaintainServerConnStatus; //0: disconnected, 1: connected
char OrderCharging;
float MaxChargingProfilePower; // unit: 1W
@@ -986,7 +1013,7 @@ struct SysInfoData
CabinetMiscCommand CabinetMicsStatus;
struct LocalSharingInfo localSharingInfo; // Local power sharing info structure
DC_Meter_Info DcMeterInfo[4];
- unsigned char OTPTemp; // OTP Temperature
+ unsigned char OTPTemp; // OTP Temperature
unsigned char OTPTempR; // OTP Recovery Temperature
@@ -1112,8 +1139,8 @@ char FaultStatusCode[40][6]=
"011036", //Rotary switch fault
"011037", //CCS liquid chiller water level fault
"011038", //Chiller temperature sensor broken
- "011039", //Reserved
- "011040" //Reserved
+ "011039", //Parallel relay welding
+ "011040" //Parallel output relay driving fault
@@ -1168,7 +1195,8 @@ struct FaultCodeData
unsigned char RotarySwitchFault:1; //bit 3
unsigned char CcsLiquidChillerWaterLevelFault:1; //bit 4
unsigned char ChillerTempSensorBroken:1; //bit 5
- unsigned char :2; //bit 6 ~ 7 reserved
+ unsigned char ParallelRelayWelding:1; //bit 6
+ unsigned char ParallelRelayDriving:1; //bit 7
@@ -1303,8 +1331,8 @@ char AlarmStatusCode[160][6]=
"012324", // Connector 1 detects abnormal voltage on the output line
"012325", // Connector 2 detects abnormal voltage on the output line
"012326", // System task is lost
- "012327", // reserved
- "012328", // reserved
+ "012327", // DC input ovp
+ "012328", // DC input uvp
"012329", // reserved
"012330", // reserved
"012331", // reserved
@@ -1489,9 +1517,10 @@ struct AlarmCodeData
unsigned char AbnormalVoltageOnOutputLine_1:1; //bit 4
unsigned char AbnormalVoltageOnOutputLine_2:1; //bit 5
unsigned char SystemTaskLost:1; //bit 6
- unsigned char Reserved:1; //bit 7
+ unsigned char DcInputOVP:1; //bit 7
- unsigned char :8; //reserved bit 0 ~ bit 7
+ unsigned char DcInputUVP:1; //bit 0
+ unsigned char :7; //reserved bit 1 ~ bit 7
unsigned char :8; //reserved bit 0 ~ bit 7
@@ -4264,7 +4293,7 @@ struct StructDataTransfer
unsigned char MessageId[52];
unsigned char Data[512];
unsigned char ResponseStatus[18]; //Accepted, Rejected,UnknownMessageId,UnknownVendorId
- unsigned char ResponseData[256];
+ unsigned char ResponseData[512];
struct StructDiagnosticsStatusNotification
@@ -4383,7 +4412,7 @@ struct OCPP16ConfigurationItem
unsigned char ItemName[64];
unsigned char ItemAccessibility;//0:RO, 1:RW
- unsigned char ItemData[500];
+ unsigned char ItemData[501];//value should be limited in 500 bytes
struct OCPP16ConfigurationTable
@@ -4563,9 +4592,9 @@ struct StructSignedFirmwareStatusNotification
struct StructSessionTarget
- unsigned char targetSoc; // Unit: %, 0 is unlimit
- unsigned short targetEnergy; // Unit: KWH 0 is unlimit
- unsigned short targetDuration; // Unit: Minutes 0 is unlimit
+ unsigned char targetSoc; // Unit: %, 0 is unlimit
+ unsigned short targetEnergy; // Unit: KWH 0 is unlimit
+ unsigned short targetDuration; // Unit: Minutes 0 is unlimit
struct OCPP16Data
@@ -4756,7 +4785,7 @@ struct OCPP16Data
struct StructSecurityEventNotification SecurityEventNotification;
struct StructSignCertificate SignCertificate;
struct StructSignedFirmwareStatusNotification SignedFirmwareStatusNotification;
- struct StructSessionTarget SessionTarget[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];
+ struct StructSessionTarget SessionTarget[CONNECTOR_QUANTITY];